09x08 - Fight

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x08 - Fight

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

You got us lost.

And we haven't found one thing on the list.

So what?

It's just a stupid Scavenger Hunt.

It's supposed to teach us how to use the GPS in case of an emergency.

I wanna get my tracking merit badge.

"I wanna get my tracking merit badge."

You're never gonna make it in seventh grade, Randall.

I think we go this way.

Holy cow, Marcus.

What? You see a snake?


It's a lady.

She needs help.

I can get my first aid merit badge.

It's too late, dork face.

She's dead.

Julie Donovan, 17.

Two boys found her.

Cause of death?

Probably blunt force trauma to the head.


You don't sound so sure.

She's covered in bruises and ligature marks.

Hard to tell what k*lled her, beating or strangulation.

Any fluids?

I found semen inside of her, so we should have the perp's DNA.

And this baseball cap was next to her body.

That's a "C," victim could be from Cincy or Chicago.

Her learner's permit says she's from Long lsland.

Side straps kinda big, this could be the perp's hat.

Hey, lookee here.

What you got?

Busted cell phone.

k*ller beat the crap out of her, and kept whaling on this.

That kind of rage, he knew her.

And left her to die in the dirt.

It's pathetic.

It's worse than that.

What's that?

Her lips.

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Law & Order: SVU
9x08. Fight

Original air date: 2007/11/20

I'm telling you, you're wrong.

It's not Julie.

There must be some mistake.

Because, uh, she's all I got.

Her mother left her when she was two.


She's with her friends now.

And, uh, she didn't call me.

She forgets to call me.

Anybody you know who doesn't like your daughter?

No, everybody likes her.

She's uh... it's a problem.

What's that a problem?

Well, when she turned 13, she started getting into hip-hop and, um...

And what?

Black guys.

No offense.

I didn't like it.

But I didn't want to fight with her about it.

Because I don't want her to run off like her mother.

How did you handle this?

I told her that as long as she kept her grades up, I didn't care who she hung out with.

Are you ready, Mr. Donovan?


We got a hit on the DNA.

You know?

You know who did this?

Mr. Donovan, you need to go home and let...

I wanna know who m*rder*d my daughter.

I'm sorry, but we can't do anything...

Tell me who k*lled my daughter!

You know who did it, you tell me who then.

Please, it's my baby.

DNA in the victim belongs to Mike Kona.

Collared for two burglaries and a r*pe charge that was later dropped.

Guy's a world champion fighter.

What is he, boxer?

Uh, technically, he's a mixed martial artist.

Mean them cats try to k*ll each other in a cage?

You know, where I come from, we don't call that fighting.

You know, these guys are the greatest athletes in the world.

You sound like a fan.

I'm more than that.

Get out of here, that's not you.

Bet your ass, it is.

"Naptime wins in AC"

What, they call you Naptime because your boring stories put everybody to sleep?

Cause of my right hook.

When it hits your head, it's lights out.

This was my last amateur fight.

You know, I was gonna quit the force and go pro?

What happened?

Tore my ACL.

Now the only Naptime you get is when you fall asleep at your desk.

I still train.

There's only one MMA gym in Manhattan.

Sometimes Kona works out there.

You think he could be there right now?

He has a title fight on pay-per-view tonight.

I bet he's already at the garden.


He's out, he's out.

That's it.

I love you, baby!

Hi, baby.

Hi, baby.

Make room for the champ.

I don't care if you are cops.

Get out of my way.

Move down, boy.

What the hell are you doing, bud?

Mike Kona, you need to come with us.

What for?

He didn't do nothing.

Stay out of this, Traci.

Hey, look, bud, I just won a championship fight.

Why don't you cut me a break, huh?

Sure, the same kind of break you cut Julie Donovan?

Let's go.

I never seen that girl before.


It's funny, cause we found your semen inside of her.

Only one way for that to happen.

You know, your rap sheet says you're charged with r*pe last year.

You a good guy r*pist?

That charge was dropped.

It's really not what you think.

It never is.

Look, bro, man to man.

I want to believe you, but the facts are just making it real hard.

Look, the rap sheet says you r*ped Traci Bell.

Guess you couldn't fight off the urge to r*pe again, huh?

I didn't r*pe Julie.

And I certainly didn't r*pe Traci.

She's my fiancee.

Well, they said it was r*pe.

Who's they?

The cops.

We were both really drunk and making a loud racket underneath the sheets at this motel.

I guess someone heard my screams and thought I was in trouble.

It was all a misunderstanding.

Yeah, right, like it was a misunderstanding last night when he r*ped another girl and then k*lled her.

Kona wouldn't have done that.

Then how's he get his DNA inside her?

Listen, I'm not going to help you build a case against him.

Look, if you're afraid of him and think he'll hurt you...

Honey, didn't you just hear me?

I'm a screamer.

I got this boy wrapped around my finger.

Well, if you're not afraid of him, then why'd you drop the r*pe charge?

Because he bought me this big fat diamond ring.

Now I get it.

You guess he's your ticket out of this dump.

Are you calling me a gold digger?

No, I'm calling cold.

Your fiance r*ped and m*rder*d a young girl, and you don't give a damn.

Probably one of those groupie sluts he was banging.

And you don't care if he messes around?

Not as long as I'm number one.

You ever see Kona with this girl?

No, but I haven't checked the tape lately.

What tape?

I bought one of these nanny cams at the spy shop.

It's a picture frame with a video camera in it.

If we ever got married, I wanted proof he was cheating.

For what?

For the divorce.

Open the back of the frame, and there's a pullout USB flash drive.

You look so hot, Kona.


Smile, baby.

No pictures.

Come on, just one.

I said no pictures.

No pictures!

Oh, we got a sneak preview of the rest.

You know, we don't want to embarrass you, but if Julie sold that picture, your new nickname would be Tiny.

And I thought the camera was supposed to make everything look bigger.

She didn't respect you, man.

She was gonna show the whole world your privates.

So you take her to the park.

She starts screaming and won't shut up.

Then you grab her by the face and rip off her lips.

That would shut her up.

I just gave her a little slap.


You guys are crazy.

You never saw me hurt Julie.

We had sex, that's it.

You say sex, we say r*pe.

She wanted it.

You saw the tape.

The little nympho was all over me.

That's for a jury to decide.

This is Mr. Sullivan.

He represents prestige fighting alliance, Kona's league.

Yeah, well, you got an uphill battle on this one.

I don't think so, big guy.

Copies of the membership card swipes from the gym Mr. Kona was at last night.

Someone else could've swiped his card.

Video on these tapes was taken from the gym's surveillance cameras.

Showing exactly when Mr. Kona arrived and left.

We still got him for battery.

The girl is dead.

The only way to make that charge stick is by playing that tape in an open court.

It's a hell of a thing for a grieving father to see.

Cut him loose.

I'll have your badges for putting Kona through this.

He's lucky we didn't bust him for the battery.

I see you on the street, pretty boy, you're dead.

Well, bring it on.

Come on, Mike, don't waste your time.

Kona would've beat your ass.

I would held my own for a couple of rounds.

I'd like to see that, but don't expect me to cry at your funeral.

What the...

Hey, hey, drop that g*n!

Drop it.

Somebody call a bus!

Terry, what the hell did you do?

It was for Julie.

How was Terry Donovan's arraignment?

No bail, Judge sent him to Riker's.

Poor guy.

Maybe the jury will go easy on him.

Guy's a m*rder*r.

If he does 20 years, he'll be lucky.

DNA came back on the baseball hat found at the crime scene.

Matches a Jadon Odami.

He's a sealed juvenile record, that's all we know about him.

Uh, Captain?

I pulled some video footage from the smashed sim card on Julie Donovan's phone.

Somebody's buying me lunch for this one.

Well, there's Jadon Odami dancing with our victim.

Looks like they about to get it on.

Maybe Jadon was her boyfriend.

I guess he didn't like sharing. check how Julie goes between, uh, Jadon and the other guy.

When was this shot?

Time date-stamped was from the night of the m*rder.

Okay, so she does Kona, then she goes to this party and hooks up with the k*ller.

Only question is where?

Banner says Kappa Delta Alpha.


Kappa Delta Alpha's one of the oldest fraternities on campus.

Looks like you guys study real hard.

We had a little party a couple nights ago.

Was he there?


Jadon rushed the frat last semester.

What's up with that flag?

Uh, KDA was founded by a direct descendant of Jefferson Davis We're very proud of our heritage.

You know you lost the w*r.

Why would a young black kid want to pledge this fraternity?

A certain special interest group made wavers.

You mean Al Sharpton picketed your ass.

Yeah, he forced us to let the brothers in.

Free room and board.

The brothers?

You got a lot of balls saying that to my face.

No, they're real brothers.

Jadon and Ezra Odami.

I'll take you to their room.

Did you see Jadon or Ezra with this girl at the party?

They were practically having sex with her on the dance floor.

I told them to leave her alone.


Cause she was white?

Because she looked underage.

Was I right?

She filed charges?

She couldn't.

She was found m*rder*d.

Hey, man.

What's going on?

Dudes, that girl you hooked up with at the party.

She got k*lled.


I will not tolerate this type of chaos.

Chasing students around campus housing.

Would you rather have a m*rder*r on campus?

m*rder*r? Who?

His name is Jadon Odami.

Uh, Jadon.

Yes, he and his brother Ezra exemplify Hudson's commitment to diversity.

That's rich white guy speak for I'm gonna let a couple of poor ghetto kids get a taste of the high life.

Can we see their files?

Usually you'd need a warrant.

But we'll forego the formality since I'm expelling them.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Come on, Detective.

You said you were looking for a m*rder*r.

I have a duty to protect my students from thugs.

I haven't seen that many thugs with straight "A"s.

Jadon and Ezra graduated high school at the top of their class.

Yeah, well, that's not saying much.

Check out the address of their school.

Look familiar?

Prison school.


20 years at this school, Jadon and Ezra were my best students.

They're good kids.

Your warden says Ezra has three robbery collars.

You call that a good kid?

Those robberies were survival crimes.

They only stole for food and a place to sleep.

Doesn't help the victim, does it?

Those boys would never hurt anybody.

Much less k*ll them.

If you're so sure they're innocent, why don't you tell us where they are, so we can help them get off the hook?

Look, I don't know where they are, but once you read their files, you won't be so quick to judge them.

The teacher was right, the system failed Jadon and Ezra the day they were born.

The system didn't make them commit m*rder.

Well, look at the hand they were dealt.

Addicted mother, different absent fathers, both in prison.

Life with mom was a revolving door.

Foster care when she was high, back home when she cleaned up.

They got beat on by a bunch of their foster parents.

These brothers were ticking time bombs.

They were just kids.

You know, they didn't have a chance.

What are you, a social worker now?

They lived in 19 different foster homes.

Someone's gotta help them.

Well, wait until you have your own family.

Hey, what's that supposed to mean?

It means that when you have a daughter Julie Donovan's age, your heart'll stop bleeding for the mopes who k*lled her.

You're saying that I don't give a crap about the victims?

We keep it civil around here, or you're gone.

All right, go cool off.

We need to find Jadon and Ezra.

Let's start with their biological mother, Janelle Odami.

She lives at the Marcy projects.

You boys look in need.

I'm gonna let the Mexican here feed the cat his Horchata for twenty.

And the brother, since we tight, I'm gonna let you hit it for ten.




Hey, I ain't finished.

Pack it in, unless you wanna stay at my place.

You just cost me twenty bucks.

Your name Janelle Odami?

Your name nasty ass pig?

Lose the attitude.

We're here about your sons, Jadon and Ezar.

My babies.

The teacher said they were geniuses.

They must have got it from their fathers' side.

Hey, uncle Tom, what's it like in the house?

Least I ain't selling it.

Damn, white, black, I'm getting it from all sides today.

Hey, man, her pimp called me a Mexican.

Is that good or bad?


Pipe down, lady.

Run, baby.

No, mama.
What are you doing here?

Giving myself up.

I k*lled that girl.

So why'd you k*ll Julie Donovan?

I don't want to talk about it.

What, you got the stones to walk in here and confess to a m*rder, and you don't wanna talk about it?

Look, I already copped to it.

What, you need me to fill out your paperwork too?

I'm done with him.

Jadon, where's your brother?

Ezra's got nothing to do with this.

You're looking at life.

You talk, maybe we can do something for you.



Thought you might wanna say good-bye to your mother before we take her down to central booking.

What they lock you up for, ma?

You know how it is, son.

Crackers got nothing better to do than mess with my broke ass.

How you been?

Doing all right.

How about you?

This heroin's got your mom by the soul, baby.

Took me to places that Jesus won't go.

Come here, baby.

I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired.

All she's put him through, and he still loves her.

When you don't have anything, you take what you can get.

Visiting time is over.

You know, you could help me out here.

If I tell you what happened...

You let her go?

You talk, she walks out of here tonight.

I'm hurting so bad, Jadon.

I don't wanna kick in prison.

I need to get well.


That's my baby.

Always looking after his mama.



Docket ending 2500, People V. Jadon Odami.

One the charge of m*rder in the second degree, how do you plead?

Not guilty, Your Honor.

That's not what I told you to say.

You were coerced during interrogation.

Your Honor, there was no coercion.

The defendant freely confessed.

Really... what, his mother just happened to pop in during the middle of his interview?

Your Honor, I k*lled Julie Donovan.

I plead guilty.

Listen to your attorney, son.

You fired.

Okay, he's not my lawyer now.

If you plead guilty, you'll have to sign a waiver of appeal.

Which means you can't change your mind.

That's cool.

Your Honor, the people have no objections.

In order for me to hear your confession, you'll have to give the court the details of your crime.

Me and my brother were at a party at the frat house.

This white girl was dancing with me all night..

After we had sex, I was walking her home and tried to rob her.

She started fighting me off, so I beat on her.

She wouldn't stop yelling.

So I grabbed her face and squeezed it.

Something snapped and everything went red.

Is the allocution sufficient, Ms. Novak?

It is, Your Honor.

Very well.

Your plea of guilty is accepted.

Sentencing in two weeks.

Next case.

You're here early.

Someone's gotta close up the Julie Donovan m*rder.

Where you been?

We locked up Jadon Odami last night.

He plead guilty at arraignment.

But the other k*ller's still on the street.

Jadon said he was solo.

Got a friend at family court.

Snuck a peek at Jadon's juvie record.

Every one of his crimes, he had a partner.

Guess who?


Give that man a gold star.

Look, you got both your little angels on video dirty dancing with Julie.

Maybe she wasn't in the mood fro a threesome, things got rough, she got dead.

And we got played.

Count on that.

I'm gonna grab breakfast.

Good luck finding Ezra.

Want to head down to Rikers and talk with Jadon?

What's the point?

He's doing a life sentence for his brother.

He's not gonna give him up.

Guess I gotta find Ezra myself then.

Now, why would two brothers from Brooklyn wear hats with the letter "C" on it?

Maybe it's a g*ng thing.

You know, if you're right, then Ezra's hanging out with his homies.

That's his only safety net.

Well, what g*ng?

They're representing with a "C."

If they were crips, they wouldn't wear anything red.

I got a guy at g*ng crimes.

He'll hook us up.

They're the new kids on the block.

The "C" hats...

Real popular with the corner Hustlers.

Tell us about them.

Very small, very well organized.

Almost impossible to infiltrate.

Blood in, blood out.

And they mean it.

Yeah, we got a couple of members we wanna run by you.

Jadon and Ezra Odami.

I read about Jadon in the paper.

That your case?

Yeah, Ezra's in the wind, and we think he's hanging out with his fellow g*ng members.

Corner Hustlers center out of the Marcy apartments.

That's where their moms lives.

You'll have a good luck getting anyone in the projects to talk.

These guys run the place.

Hey, I thought the Latin kings ran the place.

It's a w*r between the two.

I bet the kings wouldn't mind ratting out the competition.


We're sitting ducks.

We're like honey to bees, man.

Here come the bees.

Yo, this is Latin king country, son.

What are corner Hustlers still doing in Marcy...


I ain't got nothing, man!

I'm just playing, man.

I'm just playing, man.

I ain't got nothing, man.

Yo, what's...

What is this?

It's for my art classes, man.

What, you a g*ng-banging Picasso?

Man, I gotta express myself.

You gonna be expressing yourself from Rikers, you don't tell us where he is.

Man, he used to hang out here, man.

But I think he got out before the beef.

What beef?

Yo, I could get shot for talking with you all.

You're lucky we didn't sh**t you for reaching up under your shirt... speak.

Cat names Jimmy Mac started a crew in Rikers lsland about five months ago.

Called the Corner Hustlers.

Yeah, red hat with the "C."

It's their thing.

What's Jimmy Mac's rep?

That dude's crazy.

He makes his crew r*pe girls before they can roll.

We don't need that kind of heat in Marcy.

So the kings put a price on his head.

Jimmy Mac.

AKA James McDonnell.

Guy's a real scumbag.

His greatest hits include pimping, as*ault, and robbery.

He's a repeat offender.

He catches one more felony, he's going away for life.

McDonnell's the leader of the Corner Hustlers.

He could've ordered an initiation m*rder.

Jadon and Ezra k*lled Julie to get into the g*ng.

Just found McDonnell, he was at Rikers.

What for?

Jumping the turnstile at the station right by the park where we found Julie's body.

He posted bail an hour ago.

He should be getting to the queens borough plaza any minute.

Let's go.

Corrections dump juvies off here like it's a school bus stop.

Hell of a place to start over.

Heads up.

Here comes the bus.

Yeah, we see it.

There's Jimmy Mac.

We got him.

There's nobody around him.

Pick him up.

Ezra, stop!

Ezra, you're going away for a long time.


Hey, stop your truck!


I can't get out.

Hey, you.

Hey, hey, stop the truck.

Hey, stop the truck.

Yo, yo, help.

Stop the truck.

I don't wanna die like this.


Yo, help.


Hey, stop the truck.

Let me out.

Hey, somebody's in there.

Where's my brother?

We ask the questions, punk.

Just tell me Jadon's all right.

I said no questions.

Don't you understand no means no?

Maybe not, him and his brother did r*pe and m*rder Julie Donovan.

I had nothing to do with that.

You just a wannbe cop-k*ller, huh?

You got things all wrong.

Hey, I don't care how good your grades were.

Or how tough your life was.

You threw it all away when you fired on us.

I wasn't sh**ting at you.

Oh, really?

Then who were you trying to k*ll?


I swear, I wasn't trying to hurt anyone else.

Just him.


Doesn't matter.

Get your head up, we're not done with you.

Boy's the leader of your g*ng, why would you wanna whack him?

Jadon and me only joined Corner Hustlers in Rikers for protection from other gangs.

J-Mac's from the same project, so we figured he'd look out for us.

Yeah, a little cat like you must've needed protection.

What, McDonnell take care of you?

Yeah. Till me and Jadon got into lsland Academy and started doing well.

We got scholarships to college, and McDonnell told us to sell dr*gs on campus.

So you're a drug dealer too.

We never did it.

Jadon told him to get lost.

McDonnell went crazy, and said the only way we're leaving the g*ng was in a body bag.

Blood in and blood out.

You were gonna k*ll McDonnell to get out of the g*ng.

I was gonna k*ll him cause he set my brother up for that girl's m*rder.

Then why was Julie's blood on your brother's baseball cap?

I don't know.

May...maybe she wore his hat home from the party.

You gotta believe me.

J-Mac k*lled Julie.

If J-Mac's the k*ller, I suppose we gotta led Jadon go.


For a smart kid, you're really stupid.

Ezra, Jadon confessed.

That's great work, guys.

Thanks Cap.

Get your fives typed and over to Novak so she can start prepping for trial.

I don't think those boys had anything to do with Julie Donovan's m*rder.

I swear I didn't see him smoking crack.

I think the real k*ller died in that garbage truck today.

One brother confessed and the other one tried to sh**t you.

What more do you want?

Jadon and Ezra had too much to lose by k*lling that girl.

Then why would McDonnell wanna frame them?

Because he's a psychopath.

He was pissed that the Odami boys were leaving the g*ng and making something of themselves.

Pin a m*rder on them?

They're right back in the gutter.

I'm sure that's what the defense is gonna argue, but we work for the prosecution.

And if they're innocent?

That's for the jury to decide.

That's not good enough for me.

Let it go, Chester.

This case is closed.

I know you're an insomniac, but you ought to go home.

Why are you here this late?

Paperwork for trial.

You gotta watch yourself.

If you get too obsessed with these cases, you'll lose more than sleep.

Like what?


What, are you trying to bust my chops again?

I'm dead serious.

This job nearly cost me mine.

Well, I don't have to worry about that.

No family?

Or too many families.

Depending on the day.

You a foster kid?

You need any help?

You wanna risk the Captain getting pissed at you?

Wouldn't be the first time.

All right.

In my gut, these boys are innocent.

But I don't know how to prove it.

All right. Well...

Fresh pair of eyes never hurt.

Stop it.

What was that burst of light?

Go back.

It's a camera flash.

She look pregnant to you?


What's she doing at a frat party?

Taking pictures of Julie?

I never seen her before.

Take a good look at her.

I got no idea who she is.

I'm trying to help you.

Come on, look at it.

Who is this, Jadon?

Hey, watch yourself.

I'm looking at life, so I'm not worried.

About taking yours.

You might now know this, but I'm on your side.

Look, dude.

My moms, the state, the schools...

They all failed me and my brother.

I got about this much left of me, and I'm gonna use it to do this time, so just leave me alone.

I came up through the foster system.

As soon as I was old enough, I took the police exam.

I don't think I'd pass the background check.

When I was in the Academy, my cousin and I went out drinking.

And we got in a fight.

One guy was hurt bad.

My cousin told me to take off.

He knew if I got arrested, I'd get kicked off the job.

What's this bedtime story gotta do with me?

He took the collar for me, so I could have a shot.

You did the same thing for your brother.

And if I did, why would I give him up to you?

Because Ezra didn't do it.

It was McDonnell, Jadon.

He set you up.

I wanna see Ezra.

Who beat you up?

Doesn't matter.

I can handle it.

No, you can't!

Look, why is he here?

I said I did it, get him out of here.

I know you didn't... dude, why you saying you did?

Shut up.

How could you think I did it?

Because... I... I came back to the room two hours later, and you weren't there.

When the cops got my DNA off the hat Julie took, I figured it was a lucky break.

Better me than you.

So I confessed.


Every time I passed that flag in the living room, and listen to those rich kids bitch about their perfect lives, I wanted to start knocking dudes out.

Maybe it's better I'm locked up before I do something I regret.

You don't belong in prison.

Who is this?

Look, I wasn't lying, I don't know her.

You confessed to m*rder.

You're getting sentenced tomorrow.

She may be able to finger McDonnell.

If we don't find her tonight, you're going down for life.

I think I've seen her around Marcy.

What's her name?

No idea.

We gotta find somebody in the projects who can ID her.

I think I know someone who'll talk to us.



Janelle, open up.

It's 2:00pm Tuesday afternoon.

I didn't mean to interrupt your beauty sleep.

I been working nights.

We know.

Cleaning offices.

By the Grace of God and Narcotics anonymous, I got nine days clean and sober.

Well, that's good.

Do you know her?

I don't know nothing, I ain't seen nothing.

So I can't tell you nothing.

What kind of piece of trash mother lets her kids get taken away over and over again, then when she finally gets a chance to help them, she turns her back?

Don't you dare talk to me like you know what I've been through.

Every time children's services snatched my boys, it took all I had not to k*ll myself the second the door shut behind them.

If you really care about your boys, you'll tell us who this girl is.

Jadon's in for m*rder.

Ezra's being charged for attempted m*rder of a cop.

Tell us who this girl is, right now, or your boys will never see daylight again.

You stole the first half of their lives, give them back the rest.

When I get 90 days clean and sober, I'm gonna surprise Jadon and Ezra and take them to Red Lobster.

Her name is Latrice Munez.

She lives in the building right behind this one.

Unit 412.

Yeah, I'm Jimmy Mac's bottom bitch.

McDonnell was pimping you out as his number one girl with what you're carrying?

You're damn right.

sh**t, I still got it.

Tell us about Julie.

She thought being a ho was mad fun.

Like being one of them rap video hos, or something like that.

How'd you meet up with a white girl from Long island?

At the fights.

She got off watching dudes pounding each other.

So I helped J-Mac turn her out.

Why did you take a picture of her at the frat party?

McDonnell wanted photos of her having sex with Jadon and Ezra.

For proof he wasn't getting Georgia'd.

Look at you throwing around g*ng, Papi.

Acting like you know your thing.

Little girl, I was through with it before you knew what to do with it.

Enlighten me.

A pimp has sex with a new girl before she actually turns a trick, it's called getting Georgia'd.

It's like the pimp got played.

McDonnell wanted to make sure that Julie did what he said.

So he made me take the pictures.

I picked up Julie at her place.

This was when we was leaving for the party.

She was really feeling Ezra too.

She was all up on him that night.

She was supposed to do both brothers, and then say that they r*ped her.

J-Mac was gonna blackmail them for their tuition checks.

Why'd he beat her?

After she had sex with Ezra, we bounced.

Julie told J-Mac that she wasn't gonna say that they r*ped her.

He just started beating on her like some type of animal, or something, you know?

I never seen him like that before.

So I just took the pictures.



So he'd never come at me like that.


Get Jadon down to court, and I'll have him withdraw his plea.

What about Ezra?

I'll drop the attempted m*rder charge because he wasn't sh**ting at you.

But there's nothing I can do about the g*n possession.

About the g*n...

It got lost in transport from the scene.

Without the evidence, I'll have to drop the g*n charge too.

Just make sure they're both in court at the same time.

Stuff happens.


Thanks again.

Hey, no problem.

I talked to the dean, you guys are back in school.

So that's the big surprise?


I have another one.

Hey, Fin. Where the hell are you?

We've been waiting.

I'll tell them.

Hey, come on, man.

You gonna tell us what the surprise is, or what?

I'm taking you guys to Red Lobster.

Come on.
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