08x16 - Philadelphia

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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08x16 - Philadelphia

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Whatever you say will be confidential.

But you can still use it against me.

I'm not against you.

I'm making a recommendation. That's all.

Tell me about Olivia Benson.

What do you want to know?

What's she like as a police officer?

She's experienced, professional, good with the victims.

People trust her, they let her get close.

Does she become emotionally involved?

She does her job, and when it's done, she goes home.

Hey, lady, let me talk to you for a second. Come here.

No, no!

Just back off! I'm a cop.

New York Police! Drop it!

We are the poilice!

You drop it! Drop it!

Who's the freaking hell are you?

Manhattan SVU!

Faulk and Joyce, Riverpark PD!

All right. That's detective Benson, I'm detective Stabler.

Let's everyone just calm down, okay?

Just calm down.

What's NYPD doing in Jersey?

We're working on a case.

What case?

I'm not at liberty to say.


Then you're not at liberty to retrun to Manhattan.

You gonna get in the car, or do we have to arrest you?

What are you doing here?

Trying to stop you from doing something really stupid.

You find your brother, but that's not enough, you gotta stalk him?

This is none of your business.

Yeah, it is.

We're partners.

Not on this. This is personal.

Are you gonna tell us why you're here, or are we going to headquarters?


Law & Order: SVU
8x16. Philadelphia

Original air date: 2007/02/27

Do you know why you're here, Olivia?

Yes. Doesn't mean that I agree with it.

Tell me about detective Stabler.

He's the best.

Smart, brave, dedicated.

Do you trust him?

He's straight with me, I'm straight with him.

I could tell him anything.

I already told you we're following a lead from a CI.

Without informing us?

Sorry about that.

Must be a real big case.

It's ongoing.

You're SVUs, so it's gotta be a r*pe.

Is that why you're set up on Simon Marsden?

Our house, you talk.

You first.

Maybe we can work together.

I'm captain Millfield.

You and your partner can go.

I spoke to your boss, he assured me you won't step on our patch again.

What case were you working?

Samantha Hawkins.

That's almost 4 years old.

Still open.

That your story?


I should rip both of you for taking g*ns and police vehicles across state lines without permission.

And you are damn lucky captain Millfield didn't lodge a formal complaint.

You do not go near Jersey again without my say-so.

Are we clear?


Yes, sir.

And cancel your weekend plans.

While you were AWOL, a third man was r*ped.

Another van in Central park?


Gay groups are shouting "hate crime," blaming us for not protecting the community.

Munch and Fin are at the scene.

The victim is in st. Mark's.

His name is Ronnie Cavelle.



This van pulled up next to me.

Guy asked how to get to the Bronx.

So I walked over, and suddenly the side door slid open, and another guy pulled me inside.

And they started hitting and kicking me.

Just two men?


Were they wearing hoods?


Can you describe them?

Two average-looking white guys.

Did they r*pe you, Ronnie?

I want to be clear about this, I'm not gay.

Well, it wouldn't matter if you were.

r*pe is r*pe.

Look, I'm getting married in 2 weeks.

I love my fiancee very much.

She can't find out.

She won't. You're protected by the r*pe shield law.

No one can release your name.

But we've gotta hear what happened so we can catch these guys.

Did they r*pe you?

Ronnie was r*ped, and he saw his attackers' faces.

But he won't look at mug sh*ts, and he won't testify 'cause he's too scared his fiancee will find out.

So now we've got 3 victims who won't talk. Any luck?

Same story. guy gets r*ped, then the crime scene gets driven away.

Every victim's described different vans, so unless our perps are used car dealers, they're stealing one for each attack.

No witnesses saw Ronnie get snatched, So the perps must've followed him to make sure he was alone.

We could re-trace Ronnie's route, might get lucky with the traffic light cams.

You and Olivia, take Ronnie for a walk in the park.

See what it gives us.


Hey, did you hear the captain?

Um, yeah. Can you take Ronnie on your own?

I got you, Liv.




You got it?

Simon Marsden's juvie record.

From a friend of a friend in the Bergen county prosecutor's office.

2 counts of joyriding.

The last arrest was 17 years ago.

Why is his DNA on the system now?

From a m*rder investigation in Jersey city 6 years ago.

Simon volunteered his sample with 40 other young men who live in the neigborhood.

DNA dragnet.

He was questioned, cleared.

But thanks to some bureaucratic snafu, his sample stayed in the system.

"shoplifting." What did he steal?

The file says women's clothes, lingerie.

A kid stealing women's underwear, that's not a good sign.

What else do you know about him?

He lives with his girlfriend and her 6-year-old son from a previous relationship.

And he works as a pharmacist in all-night drug store.

Olivia, what are you looking for?

It's personal.

Something to do with your father?

I ran my DNA through a kinship analysis.

Simon Marsden and I have the same father.

He's my brother.

Where's olivia?

She had some, uh, urgent personal business, but we got 2 possibles from the park's traffic cams.

Dark van, side doors, but we didn't get plates.

What's your next move?

Run surveillance on the park, watch for cruising vans, any other suspicious behavior.

Each victim was grabbed on the inner park drive, highlighted here, south of 72nd street.

Which means the perps were trolling Central park to find victims.

We cover the drives, we might get lucky.

And you might not.

With this much heat on the case, they might lay low.

r*pes took place on Friday and Saturday nights.

Tonight's Saturday.

I can't authorize any more manpower.

Won't need to.

4 of us are enough.

If Olivia's done with her personal business.

Hi, is Simon home?

He's at work.

Who, who are you?

My name's Olivia.

I'm an old friend of his.

Is it okay if I wait?

He won't be back till tomorrow.

I heard he's in trouble with the police.

He never did anything.

The police don't just go around making things up.

Look, I'd like to talk to you about it.

Maybe I can help.

Who, who are you?

Simon never mentioned an Olivia.

Well, maybe he has something to hide.


I have to go. If you want to see Simon, come back tomorrow morning.

We should talk.

Call me.

Has detective Benson been under stress?

Stress is part of the job, you know that.

I mean recent stress.

Nothing she can't handle.

I thought I told you to stay away.

Are you arresting me, or are you buying me a drink?

Ah, it depends.

Going back to Marsden's house when you knew we were sitting on him?

Not smart.

Well, he works nights, I assumed you'd be following him at the pharmacy.

Oh, so you snuck behind my back to talk to his girlfriend.

Listen, if you know something, tell me.

Marsden's a bad guy.

I don't have enough to lock him up.

What do you like him for?

3 women have been stalked in the last 6 months.

Has the stalker made contact?

No, but they think he's been in their homes.

Things have been moved, clothing rearranged.

None of these women have been assaulted.

No, but it's just a matter of time.

But what makes you think that it's Marsden?

All 3 women go to the pharmacy where he works.

He's the only link.

He's the only male that works there?

He's the only one who works nights.

All the stalking incidents were during the day.

You said that he rearranged clothes, what clothes?

What you'd expect from a perv?

Panty drawer.

Did you bring him in?

We got nothing out of him.

To be honest, without a new lead, I'm stuck.

Look, the case that I'm working is sensitive.

I mean, if anything breaks, I'll let you know.

Come on. You are sex crimes.

He's a stalker, you gotta know he's a r*pist.

It's my partner.

We're working tonight.

You can give me something.

I'll call you as soon as I can.


We set up?


You get anything?

I know, it's none of my business.

Liv, what is it?

Tell me.

My long-lost brother is Simon Marsden.

He might be a r*pist.

Like father, like son.

Maybe there's a mistake.

He's stalking women, Elliot.

That's why the cops are looking at him.

Just a matter of time before he hits.

Did you see Marsden?

I talked to his girlfriend.

She's scared.

She stonewalled me.

Well, look, maybe you should go talk to him.

And say what?

"Hi, I'm Olivia.

Your dad r*ped my mom?"

And, "oh, I found you 'cause I illegally ran my DNA?"

I wish I never went looking.

You had to find out, Liv.

Last night, watching him in that window playing with that little boy...

I wanted to be part of a family so much.

I've been alone my whole life.

I'm sorry, I'm whining.

You're not.

Family is everything.

I got something.


White Ford transit passed me twice and Munch once.

License plate number ATV768.

I ran the plate.

The van was reported stolen this morning in Brooklyn.

Okay, where is it now?

Heading south on the drive.

The van can leave the park at 72nd street, or continue south towards us.

John, stop the van.

Fin, cover Central park west.

Liv will take west drive, I'll take east. Let's go.

I'm on my way.

Copy that.



Uh-huh. What is it?


I lost the van, not on the drive.

Fin, you got anything?

One sec.

I'm still 20 blocks away.

Yeah, sure, we can meet.

There's a bar.

I'm almost at 72nd on east drive.

Liv, where are you?

I'm heading Uptown on west drive.

Listen, it's called Joe's lounge.

What about tomorrow night?

I see a van on 72nd, but it's doubling back.

I'm blocked.

Liv, go east on 72nd.

Ah, I'm on my way.

Turn east, you'll see it.

Tomorrow night, can you be there around 9 o'clock?

A white Ford transit.

Great, I'll see you then.

Liv, do you copy?


Copy, El.

Are you and Stabler good partners?

We've worked together a long time.

I can anticipate what he's thinking, what he's gonna do.

Yeah, we have a great rapport.

What the hell happened?

I never saw the van.

'cause you went the wrong way.

I told you to turn east on 72nd.

I didn't hear you say 72nd.

Then why did you say, "copy, El"?

We had them.

All cars in the 2-1 precinct, 10-34, male dumped from a van, Central park at 102nd.

EMS transporting victim to Mercy hospital.



I was out for a walk when a van pulled up beside me.

And the driver asked for directions.

When I went over, a side door opened and a second man pulled me inside.

And then what?

They punch and kick me.

They called me names.

And then the younger one went up to start driving while the older one r*ped me.

Then I heard your sirens.

I was hoping you were coming to save me.

Obviously not.

Did you see their faces?

Yes, they were white, short, dark hair, medium height and weight.

And one had a razor wire tattoo on his right arm.

Mr. Qinawi, we'd like you to look at some photos of possible suspects.


We need an ID to arrest them.

My family and I fly home tomorrow.

I will not come back.

Mr. Qinawi, these animals att*cked other men, innocent men like you.

Now, with your help, we can stop them.

I will never tell anyone what they did to me.

No even my wife.

We're drowning here, doc.

You got any ideas?

Given the stigma of male r*pe, I'd say there are more victims who haven't come forward.

I was hoping for something a bit more useful like how we can catch these creeps.

At first I thought it was a hate crime, young heterosexual men attacking gays.

But the only openly gay man was the first victim, Anton Jaborski.

Maybe these bozos don't have good gaydar.

Come on, let's stay with it.

Both attackers beat the victims but only one of them committed the r*pes.

Gotta be personal.

So he's full of self-hatred, and he turns it on other men.

Yes, but not 'cause he's gay.

I think it's something else.


You're saying our r*pist was r*ped?

Where do men get r*ped?


He deals with the shame by inflicting it on others.

Identification with the oppressor.

I suffered, so I'm gonna make others suffer.

Check Qinawi's description against recent parolees, see if we get a hit off one who reported being sexually assaulted in prison.

Most cons don't admit being r*ped.

They don't want to be r*ped again.

Even so, it's what I want you to do.

You two, check out the stolen van, see if it throws up any leads.

Olivia. Elliot.

What happened last night?

I think the perps realized they were being followed and changed direction.

You had 4 cars.

Somebody should have stayed on their tail.

Captain, I...

I gave Olivia unclear directions.

Is that true?

It was my fault.

I misheard Elliot.

That's all.


I see a van on 72nd, but it's doubling back.

I'm blocked.

Liv, go east on 72nd.

On my way.

Turn east and you'll see it.

White Ford transit. Liv, do you copy?

Copy, El.

Can you clean up that last bit?

No problem.

I'll see you then. Bye.

Copy, El.

Who's she talking to?

I'm sorry, Lucy couldn't make it.

But I just had to come and see this old friend of mine.

Oh, I'm sorry.

This is so embarrassing.

You, I, I thought you were somebody else.

I'm very sorry to waste your time.

Oh, Olivia, you're not wasting my time.

Or, you know, should I call you detective?

What are you talking about?

Well, after I got your note, I did some research on the net.

And it seems that you are quite the crime fighter, huh?

What? What's wrong?


This was a mistake.

Don't lie.

I know you're with them.

With who?

Those idiot cops who keep accusing me of stuff that I haven't done, who hang around my work and my house, making my life miserable.

Yeah, why would they do that?

You're the cop, why don't you tell me?

What do you want from my girlfriend?

Don't hurt her.

I have never hurt a woman in my life.

Just tell me what this is about.

Why me?

Have we met?

No, I thought you were somebody else.

You saw him, didn't you?


Speak to him?

It was a mistake.

He's trouble.

Munch called.

They found the van.

Torched and abandoned.

No night watchman, no security cameras.

The perps just dumped and ran.

Any footprints?

A couple hundred.

Hey, get anything?

Soda can.

That's toast. Why bother?

Well, with any luck, we'll get a clear thumbprint.

Intense heat etched the print into the aluminum.

Feel, you can't rub it off.

And if he's an ex-con?

The prints will be in the system.
The police! Search warrant!

Get on the ground!

What the hell?

Get on the ground!

Bobby Trapido?

This is your wake-up call, pal.

Here's another one.

Let go of me!

And what's your name?

Eat me, bitch!

Get down!

It's got a nice ring to it.

Don't you hurt my brother!

A family of rapists here.

No, I already told you no.

I'm not identifying anybody and I'm not testifying.

Then more men will suffer like you.

I'm just about holding my life together here.

So don't try and guilt me into anything.

We know the moment victims talk about what happened is the moment they start to heal.


I got tested for HIV yesterday.

I'm negative, except I gotta wait another month to get tested again, just to make sure.

It could take weeks to turn positive!

Look, Ronnie, the probability...

Screw probability!

The absolute certainty is, I'm getting married in two weeks, and I'm not gonna know.

You can't have that hanging over you.

You've gotta tell your fiancee.

You don't think she'll support you?

You don't think she'd want to see the men who hurt you punished?

Is she still gonna support me when the defense claims it wasn't r*pe?

The defense can't dispute the photos of the bruises all over your body.

I didn't tell you.

When they were doing it...

I got aroused.

Ronnie, that means nothing.

The body responds automatically.

It doesn't matter who's touching it.

Is your fiancee?

The jury sees you with this beautiful woman, they're not gonna think you're gay.

Look, all you've gotta do is, pick out your attackers and tell the jury what happened.

And you'll be putting away some real bad guys.

We did everything we could, Ronnie wouldn't bite.

Okay, we've got 4 victims, 2 perps, and no case. And that is piss-poor.

If the victim won't talk...

It's your job to make them talk.

A job you used to be able to do.

What does that mean?

You could've had these creeps red-handed, you blew it.

Captain, there was only 4 of us.

All Central park, mistakes can happen.

Yeah, if your heads are so far up your asses, you can't tell east from west.

You got a problem with us?

Just say it.

I listened to the radio tapes.

It was amateur night out there.

Well, maybe you need a new squad.

Maybe I need detectives who care about the job.

Now you're questioning our commitment?

Where the hell have you been?

If it's a bad time...

Where have you been?

Been talking to my ex-partner.

He's a CO up at Attica.

You were just sh**ting the breeze or did you get something useful?

Bobby T belonged to a prison g*ng.

So what? Every con is in a g*ng.

You're not hearing me, captain.

He belonged to a prison g*ng.

They owned him.

You and Munch get those cons on tape.

We'll talk in the morning.

How far does your loyalty to your partner go?

I don't understand the question.

I'll put it another way.

Say you had to choose between saving a member of the public...

I already faced that situation.


I saved my partner, a boy died.

What would detective Benson do?

I don't know.

You'll have to ask her.

Detective Benson?

How do you know where I live?

I followed you from the precinct.

You're good at following women, aren you?

I want to talk.

I got nothing to say to you.

I know why you look familiar.

Where the hell did you get this?

In my father's stuff.

Where is your father?

He died 10 years ago.

Then why did he have this?

I don't know, and neither did my mom.

That's why I kept it.

It didn't make any sense.

Do you have a picture of him?

This man r*ped my mom.

My dad?

I'm his daughter.


No. No way.

No, he was a normal guy.

He loved my mom, he loved me.

And rapists often lead double lives.

You can't prove a word of that.

I prove it.

You're my brother.

You knew about me when you came looking for me.

How did you know?

It was chance.

Here you go.

And you're not connected to the cops that are watching me?


Do you know why they're on you?

Yeah, that's crap.

I told you, I could never hurt a woman.

When you were a kid, you stole some stuff.

Some lingerie.

For my girlfriend.

It was a stupid bet.

And my dad kicked my ass for doing it.

You've really been looking at me, huh?

Some people think that sexual v*olence is genetic.

Oh, so 'cause my dad may have r*ped your mom, now I'm a r*pist too?

Well, I'm not.

I'm happy with Lucy.

I want to marry her.

You gotta believe me.

I always wanted a sister.

And not a brother, a sister.

So how does it feel?

Whoa, no, no. Not so fast.

You gotta pass the test.



All right, you're 10 years old.

Strawberry or chocolate ice cream?


Captain Crunch or Cocoa Puffs?

Oh, Captain Crunch.


Dukes of Hazzard or Little house in the prairie?


Quarters or anchorman?

Come on.

3 out of 3.

It's in the blood.

So tell me about him.

Your dad.

Ah, he always had his problems, but he was... he was always good to me.

That's why I can't believe...

But here you are.

My sister.

You said you found me by chance?


It was just something my mom said.

Where is your mom?

She's dead.

So you're on your own now?

Pretty much.



Thought you'd want to know, our stalker finally popped his cherry.

r*ped one on his targets, Donna Leonte.


Tonight, of course.

What time?

She hasn't said.

She's so traumatized, she doesn't even know what day it is.

Well, she better remember, 'cause up until 3 hours ago, your prime suspect was in my apartment.

Doing what exactly?

3 hours, still plenty of time to get back to Jersey and r*pe someone.

Don't worry, they can't see you.

Just take your time, Donna.

I, I think number 5.

Are you sure?

Number 5.

He r*ped me.

Thank you.

Not much doubt there.

She could have recognized him from the all-night pharmacy.

I just hope your forensics are good.

You're defending this guy?

I just want to make sure that your case is airtight.

Oh, thank you.

You can go.

Your captain will hear all about this.

Look, could I talk to Marsden?


'cause I'm pissed that he tried to use me as an alibi.

You can listen in.

Why would I want to do that?

Give her 5 minutes.

They're trying to frame me.

I never even met this woman I'm supposed to have r*ped.

Wrong. She goes to the pharmacy where you work.

So do hundreds of women.

I didn't r*pe her.

I asked Lucy to send you a package of photos and stuff.


So you'd get to know me better.

Being cute with Captain Crunch isn't gonna make a difference.

Why don't you try facing who you really are?

What's your connection to Marsden?

He's my brother.

How did you find him?


Nothing to do with those cold case DNA samples that Dr. Warner ran for you?

I can't say.

What does your partner know about this?



Well, if he knows nothing, why was he with you in New Jersey 4 nights ago?

Your partner just told me her good news.

Now she's got a babybrother.

How did she find him?

I think that's for Liv to say.

I've put my head on the block dozens of times for you two, and you're gonna hit me with this thin blue line crap?

You've already compromised one case, maybe others.

Why should I keep you together?

Why should I keep you at all?

Hey, captain.

You remember our man-on-man r*pist, Bobby Trapido?

We got 2 of his Attica boyfriends on tape.

Just go home.

Yeah, we're in a g*ng.

It's religious in nature.

The devil's disciples.

Was Bobby Trapido a member?

Bobby, he was g*ng property.

What does that mean?

We owned him, we'd use him.

You mean sexually?

When we were bored, we rented him out.

A lot more of that, and another six cons singing the same tune.

Can you use this?

You bet.

I'll need Huang.

Did Bobby resist?

Sure she did at first.

Then we held her down, and the little princess enjoyed it even more.

Freaking f*g!

Easy, easy, princess!

Why are you listening to these pieces of crap?

I've never had sex with men!

We got 6 other pieces of crap that say you did!

It's a bunch of lies.

It's not, Mr. Trapido, but it is a disgrace.

You were r*ped in prison, but no one did a thing.

That's why we're here.

I'm a psychiatrist with the FBI.

We want to use your case to build support for president Bush's prison r*pe prevention act.

You what?

We're giving these tapes to Dateline, so the American people can learn all about the trauma that you suffered in prison.

You can't do that.

Everybody in the country is gonna know about you, Bobby.

And it will do you a lot of good to speak publicly about your sexual humiliation.

Please, don't do this to me.

There's only one alternative, Bobby.

You go to court, and you tell the judge everything you did.

I'll testify that the crimes that you committed outside were caused by the crimes that you suffered inside.

And I'll recommend any prison time be served in a a psychiatric facility where you'll be safe, and you'll get treatment.

This is your chance to make it right for all the victims.

For yourself.

Did you r*pe this man?


I'm sorry.

That's good work.

Not very ethical, but we got a result.

I'd like your advice on something, doc.

Benson and Stabler.

If you had to choose between saving your partner and saving a member of public, which would you do?



I'm done.

I thought you could use some company.

El, whichever way this goes, it doesn't have to take you down too.

Well, why don't we see what happens?

What's this stuff?

Simon Marsden sent it over to me, so I could get to know him better.

Get to know him better?

Think he's guilty?

My head says, yeah, he's guilty, and my heart says... how could he be?

He's my brother.

But there's thing about this case that I don't like.

Like, a good lawyer could get that lineup thrown out in a heartbeat.

And captain Millfield has focused on Marsden since the beginning, at the exclusion of all others.

What was that name, the captain's?

Millfield. Julia Millfield, why?

Carrie Millfield.


They sure look alike.

Captain Millfield's sister went to school with your brother?

Did Marsden say anything?

I don't think he ever met her.

I mean, how many our perps meet Cragen?

And the one time that I suggested that we talk to him together, she refused.

Of course I knew Carrie.

I went to school with her.

And Julia?

Yeah, I knew her, but I had no idea she was involved or even that she was a cop.

Any reason that she might have a grudge against you?

We checked her employment file.

6 years ago, she was working a homicide investigation in Jersey city.

Yeah, I remember.

I gave DNA samples.

I was questioned by the cops.

But I never saw Julia.

Well, maybe she saw you, or saw your name.

Somehow, your DNA is still in the system.

That's how I found you.

All right, why don't we start telling the truth here?

Does Julia have a grudge against you?

Simple question, does Julia have a grudge against you?

It's because of her sister Carrie.

What does that mean?

We liked each other and she was my date at the school dance.

And afterwards... you know, we were in the car, we were kissing and stuff. And... start getting pretty hot and then suddenly she pulled away.

I thought she was just playing around, so I pulled her back and kept going.

But I tore her dress and she started to cry.

And, you know, I said, "I'm really sorry."

And I drove her home and she seemed okay.

And then the next day, her dad came around and told me I assaulted her, and that if he ever saw me near her again, he was gonna call the police.

But nothing happened.


I work sex crimes, remember?

I deal with r*pe victims, rapists.

I'm not a r*pist.

Well, I don't know what to tell you, 'cause it all adds up.

The stalking incidents, Donna Leonte, and now Carrie Millfield, where it all started?

I didn't do any of it.

I never hurt Carrie.

You ripped her dress.

It was an accident.

That's not what she told her dad.

She lied!

Just like all the other girls?


Why don't you just admit it?

You're a r*pist like your father.

No, I am not like my father.

I swear to you, Olivia.

I swear.

You know me.

How can I know you?

You knew I was out there, and you came looking for me.

That's how you found me.

You know, I could never lie to my big sister.

I could never lie to you.


Ooh, I haven't seen Marsden in over 16 years.

I had no idea it was the same man.

He's got the same name.

And he's the guy who allegedly assaulted your sister.

It's hard to believe you didn't make connection.

It doesn't matter what you believe, detective Benson.

It does matter what a good lawyer can make a jury believe.

I mean, even a bad one can spin a pretty convincing story of police persecution out of this mess.

Let's see how he spins this.

DNA results from hairs found on Donna Leonte's panties.

Perfect match to Simon Marsden.

And just so you know, after the night nothing happened with Simon Marsden, my sister flunked out, became an alcoholic, and has been in and out of psych hospitals ever since.

Still think he's innocent?

Thanks for calling.

Riverpark PD went to pick up Marsden.

He jumped bail.

Does the girlfriend know anything?

No. Do you?

What are you saying, Elliot?

You're family, aren't you?

I would never interfere with an investigation.


And screw you for saying that.

Hey, look, I'm sorry, but I had to ask.

Thanks for waiting.

I discussed your situation with George Huang, and at his recommendation, I want you to undergo an independent psychological assessment.


So I can decide if it's appropriate for you to continue working together.

And if we refuse?

You make my decision easy.

In my opinion, detectives Benson and Stabler have a degree of mutual reliance and emotional dependence that compromises their effectiveness as police officers.

In other words?

They're too close.

You recommend I split them up?

If you want to lose your two best detectives.
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