08x14 - Dependent

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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08x14 - Dependent

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

When then his parents call mommy to get you?

They did, but the phone just kept on ringing and ringing.

She must be asleep.

Why aren't you moving back with us?

Soon I hope, Tommy.

Even though we're not together right now, mommy and I love you very, very much.

You know that, don't you?

Can you stay over tonight?

I'll make you a deal.

You go straight to bed, and I'll tuck you in, and read you your favorite story.

What do you say?




Wake up! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!

The father, Sidney Truex, is still unconscious at Mercy.

Sidney Truex, the mob attorney?

That's right.

What happened?

Blunt force trauma to the head.

Security company said they found him on the floor when they responded to the panic button.

House alarm didn't go off?

Wasn't activated.

Either Mr. Truex turned it off, or his wife forgot to set it.

Dispatch said she was r*ped?

r*ped, sodomized, and bludgeoned.

She slowly bled to death.

Any DNA?

Not with the way he assaulted her.

He used this candlestick to penetrate her.

Guy's got anger issues.


Partial bloody print.

CSU says it's from a tennis shoe.

Does anyone else live here?

A daughter, Charlotte. 16.

But she's not home.

At I o'clock in the morning.

The son, Tommy, says she was spending the weekend at a friend's house.

Okay, Tommy see the attacker?

He's pretty traumatized.

Patrol held off interviewing him till you got here.

Where is he now?

Hi, Tommy.

My name is Olivia.

I'm a police officer.

I'm here to help you.

Can you tell me what happened tonight?


I know you're scared.

But I need you to be a really big boy and tell me what you saw tonight, okay?

Monster hurt my daddy.

Law & Order: SVU
8x14. Dependent

Original air date: 2007/02/13

What, no top hat?

Councilman Baker's daughter got married tonight.

Chief of detectives paged me out of the after-party for answers on the Truex homicide.

You can tell him it was personal.

I don't think Maura Truex was a random target.

Dissatisfied client of her husband sending a message?

Or the perp was after Sidney and didn't know that he and the wife were separated.

And we're sure somebody didn't have a grudge against Mrs.Truex?

Maura was a sales rep for Tauscher-leto pharmaceuticals.

It's not exactly a high-risk line of work.

Hard to run a background on the family this early on a Saturday.

Daughter should be able to fill in the blanks.

Nope. Charlotte's still MIA.

Family phone book was in the kitchen.

We're calling around looking for the friend she's staying with.

I'll call the CO at the 1-5.

Have him post an officer outside Truex's hospital room.

Got something from the address book.

Family friend says Charlotte usually spends her weekend with her best friend Jennifer Brown.

I don't wanna call with this kinda news.

Why don't we break it to Charlotte in person, huh?



Hi, we'd like to speak with Charlotte Truex.

Sorry, Charlotte left before I woke up.

It must've been pretty early, Jennifer.

Where'd she go?

Home, I guess.

Jen, who is it?


We're looking for Charlotte Truex.

We understand she was spending the weekend here.

Did you lie to these detectives, Jennifer?


She hasn't been here.

That girl is no longer allowed in my home.

And why is that?

Charlotte used to be a nice girl until she started lying and skipping school.

I'm sure she's on dr*gs.

Mom, that's so unfair.

Stop making excuses for her.

Charlotte's not your friend.

She's just using you to cover for her.

Thank you for your help.

You're welcome.


Charlotte's not a bad person.

It's her mom.

What about her mom?

Charlotte's been going with this guy Ryan Bedford.

Her mom hates him, won't let her be with him, and that's why Charlotte has to lie.

Where does this Ryan Bedford live?

The Packard on First avenue.

Can we come in?

Sure, man. Is everything okay?

We're looking for Charlotte.

Why? What's wrong?

She here?

Am I under arrest?

Should you be?


Look, I know her parents don't like me, but she's 16 and I'm 19.

That's not a crime.

Where are your parents?

St. Barts.

So you and Charlotte have the whole place to yourselves?

Tell Mrs. Tru Char's fine and I'm gonna talk her into going home.

Actually, we'll talk to her ourselves.

Char, wake up.

The police are here.

Oh, great.

Let me guess. My parents sent you here to freak me out.

Charlotte, there's been an accident.

Yeah, right. This is just one of her stupid tricks.

She's really getting desperate.

Charlotte, please get dressed and come with us.

No, I'm not going anywhere.

Your parents were assaulted last night.

That's why we're here.

Get dressed.

Are you kidding me?

Your father's in the hospital, your mother's dead.

Um, look. I'll go with you.

You shouldn't be alone.

No, stay.

I gotta be with my brother.


Tommy, it's okay. I'm here.

No! Get away!

Get away from me!

What's wrong with Tommy?

He saw your father being att*cked.

He's traumatized.

Will he be all right?

It will take time.

Charlotte, um... are there any relatives that you and Tommy could stay with?

My aunt Amy lives in Riverdale.

Tommy really likes her.

I'll set that up as soon as I go check on him.

How's my dad?

He's still in surgery.

We won't know anything for a few hours.

We're trying to figure out what happened last night.

Anybody been threatening your family?

Are you kidding me?

Half the city hates my dad because of the cases he tries.

He even had to hire a private investigator, because of all the stuff that kept happening.

What kinda stuff?

Um, curses spray-painted on our car, garbage spread out in out garden.

Bag of crap set on fire on the stoop.

Swastikas on the front doorstep.

And a few days later, cat disappears.

Lizzie shows up in pieces.

You name it, they did it.

Sidney moved out to protect the family.

You have any suspects for the harassment?

One good one.

Luccio Ricci.

Real sick bastard.

He one of Truex's clients?

No, his father was.

Sidney lost a big racketeering case, feds came in, took everything the Riccis owned.

Luccio blamed Sidney.

Claimed he'd get revenge.

Here. Take a look at this.

Hate mail.

"I'll burn your house down where you sleep."

"I'll make you watch while I screw your wife and little daughter."

"I'll snatch your son."

You can prove that this was Ricci?

The letters are all unsigned.

But I come took them to a handwriting analyst.

They match a sample I took from Ricci's trash.

That's enough to make an arrest.

You take it to the police?

I wanted to.

Sidney wouldn't let me.

Felt bad the old man got convicted.

Didn't wanna jam up the son.

Where does he spend his time?

San Marco hall.

Little ltaly.

That's Ricci, hard at work.

I'm out.

How can I help you?

We need to talk, Luccio.

About what?

Sidney Truex.

That scumbag lawyer?

Charged us a fortune for losing my dad's case.

You still managed to send him some nice thank-yous.

I never hurt a hair on that lawyer's head.

You just threatened him and his family.

I was just playing.

You did 18 months for playing.

Jury calls it aggravated as*ault.

I was framed.

Oh, must run in the family.

So what's the problem, Luccio?

You just going crazy thinking of this... stupid, incompetent lawyer and his family in that fancy house of theirs, free to go wherever they want, do whatever they want?

I never did nothing to Truex or his family. Ask him.

We will.

Sidney just woke up.



Tommy wasn't hurt.

Oh, thank God.

We heard about the vandalism at your house.

The threats, hate mail.

You're talking about, um...

Luccio Ricci.

He's been threatening us ever since...

I lost his father's case.

When I moved out, he, um... he stopped harassing my family.

Why, you think he k*lled my wife?

Do you?

I don't remember.

Docs say I may have some temporary memory loss.

Why don't you try to take us through what you do remember when you and Tommy came home last night?

Let's see. I, um...

I remember walking Tommy upstairs to his bedroom.

And I felt this horrible pain in my head.

I, I, I fell down and I, um, must've blacked out for a second or something.

When I opened my eyes...

I saw...

What is it? What'd you see?

I saw... my daughter running down the hallway.

It was Charlotte.

She k*lled her mother.

I wasn't home Friday night.

Your father said he saw you there.

My father says a lot of things that aren't true.

He's a lawyer.

Lies for a living.

Sounds like you two don't get along.

No, we get along fine.

'cause he's never home.

He works all the time.

I find out what he's doing by watching the news.

What about your mom?

Her idea of parenting was to lock me up, so she wouldn't have to deal with me.

That didn't work well.

I got around her stupid rules.

By using your friends to cover for you, so you could go out with Ryan?

I had to.

She hated him for no reason.

She wouldn't let us be together.

But you were with him Friday night.

What'd you guys do?

We stopped by a friend's house for a while, I got pretty wasted, then we left.

Then where'd you go?

We crashed until you guys woke us up.

Okay, that party, we're gonna need the names of everyone who was there.

I'm not dragging my friends into this.

Well, do you want us to question every kid in your school?


Then make a list.



I don't know why Charlotte would say that.

I didn't go to a party Friday night.

I was babysitting until late.

I stayed in.

Watched a ball game with my bud.

We were kicking it at my place all night.

I have a huge term paper due next week.

I was home all night writing.

I went to a movie with Jane Williams.

Didn't get home till after midnight.

Really? Jane said she was babysitting that night.

What I meant was I was watching a movie with her while she was babysitting.

So what was the name of the family?

I wanna check out your story.

All right, um... we had a party.

I knew we'd get caught.

Nice going, Suze.

Yeah, thanks for ratting us out.

Charlotte said she was drunk Friday night.

We may have imbibed a little.

Who cares?

We just wanna know what Charlotte did that night.

Baby blues.

You know, valium?

You moron. They meant where she was, not what she took.

So Charlotte was on dr*gs.

I guess.

You guess?

Okay, where'd she get the dr*gs?

The valium was my mom's.

So how'd Charlotte get ahold of it?

It was a pharm party.

As in pharmaceuticals.

Yeah, we all bring pills from home, dump them into this big bowl, people take what they want.

Like Halloween candy.

What'd you take?

Adderall. It keeps you up.

I really am working on a huge term paper.

And you?

Propranolol and vicodin, to take the edge off.


Codeine and percocet.

What'd Ryan take?

He was skittling.

Charlotte too.

What's skittling?

Over-the-counter cold tablets, look like candy.

You take a bunch and you're flying.

Ryan also took some heavy a*tillery.


There were only a few in the bowl that night.

Ryan said our supply was for lightweights.

So he split.

Well, what'd Charlotte do?

She left a little later.

Said she had to go home.

You sure she said she was going home?

Well, who knows what she meant?

She was so messed up she could hardly walk.

You know, you guys are lucky you didn't k*ll yourselves taking all that crap?

It's medicine from a doctor.

It's not like we're doing crack or heroin.

These kids just don't get it.

It's no wonder.

All they see on the TV and the internet is pop a pill and you'll feel better instantly.

Yeah, but Charlotte was on valium and cold medicine.

It's not gonna make her exactly violent.

Maybe she took something else.

I wonder if she went home to raid the medicine cabinet for the party.

Mom was a drug rep.

Plenty of access.

CSU didn't turn up anything stronger than aspirin and over-the-counter stuff.

Right, but CSU would've only checked the crime scene.

Maybe the mom has a sample case in the home.

They searched all the bedrooms and the main floor.

It doesn't look like they went down to the basement.

Looks like a b*mb went off down here.

A pill b*mb.

The kids at the party said the candy dish ran out.

Charlotte came home to get refills.

Uppers, downers, antipsychotics.

Charlotte could've taken a lot more pills than her friends knew about.

Well, it's too late to run a tox screen to see which ones she took.

Would any combination of those make you violent?

No question.

And the more pills she popped, the more violent she'd get.

We might be able to find out what she was on.


There's urine in the toilet back here.

Maybe Charlotte stopped to pee before she m*rder*d her mom.

There's no DNA in the urine, but I ran a tox screen.

The sample came back positive for benzos, opiates, and dextromethorphan, cold pills.

Matches what Charlotte had at the pharm party.

She didn't take anything else?

Whatever meds she found in the basement wouldn't have metabolized in her urine that quickly.

But I can tell you she was drunk.

How drunk?

Blood alcohol was .25.

She was wasted.

Well, wasted enough to attack her mother?

Yeah, and not remember a thing about it.

We know you went back to your house after the party. We have proof.

No, you're wrong.

I would never have gotten home.

Why not?

'cause I was high!

If my mom caught me that way, she would've k*lled me.

That's why I went to Ryan's.

But you made a pit stop first to raid your mom's office so you and Ryan could continue partying after the candy bowl was dry.

Then your mom catches you and you beat her to death.

I did not k*ll my mother.

You sure?

Yeah, I think I'd remember that.

Do you remember what you were wearing that night?

I don't know. Um, jeans, an old T-shirt, my green sweater.

And where are those clothes now?

Ryan's. I leave a lot of stuff there.

What kinda shoes were you wearing?

Um, boots, maybe my old sneakers.

Char's tennis shoe.

I'm tired.

I wanna go home.

Not yet.


About 20 years?

Do you recognize this?

It's my sneaker.

That's your mother's blood.

I was there?

That's why Tommy was afraid of you.

I did it.

I k*lled my mom.
Calm her down.

Pull her arm up.

I wanna die.

Get a bus!

SVU to central.

We need a bus at the one-six.

Attempted su1c1de.

She's bleeding out.

It's okay.

I wanna die!

Mr. Truex?

What'd you do to my daughter, hmm?

She gonna be okay?

She's sleeping.

The doctor says she's gonna be fine.

Oh, fine.

Sure, sure.

She's lucky you didn't k*ll her.

We didn't slit her wrist.

No, but you interrogated her without a lawyer present!

You told her she did it!

You made her suicidal with your accusations and innuendo!

No, the dr*gs that she was on made her depressed and her own guilt made her suicidal.

She's innocent, detective.

Well, you know that's not true since you're the one who saw her at the house.

I had a head injury.

I don't know who I saw.

And stay away from Charlotte.

As soon as she's discharged, I'm taking her home.

She's going to Rikers.

Over my dead body!


You can't represent your own daughter, Sidney.

There's no way I'm letting Charlotte go to jail.

I think you're letting your feelings get in the way of your judgment.

She's my daughter.

I love her.

And I know what's best for her.

Then don't gamble with her life.

I'm not.

And I won't lose.

You see, my daughter's a drug addict.

She's depressed.

She needs help, not prison.

So Charlotte's the victim?

I see.

That's how the jury will see her.

And then I'm gonna show the jury pictures of the crime scene.

With blood everywhere.

And how do you think they're gonna vote after they hear Charlotte sodomized her own mother with a candlestick?

They'll see a young girl with serious emotional problems.

That's why I'm pleading on not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect.

Let our psychiatrist interview her.

And if he agrees with you, I'll consider a deal.

Tell me about your relationship with your mother.

We didn't have one.

She never had time for me.

Did you get along?

No, we were always fighting.

About what?


Curfew, clothes, smoking, parties, boys. Everything.

How bad were these fights?

Not so bad when I was younger 'cause I was scared of her then.

I got older, I started fighting back.

Did these fights ever get violent?

One time she threw a pile of dirty clothes at me.

Said I couldn't go out until I did my laundry.

What happened?

She blocked me.

I pushed her out of my way, and she fell down the stairs.

Was she hurt?

She said that she threw her back out.

She popped a few vicodin, and she was fine.

Would you say that was the only time that it ever got physical?

Last month, she slapped me for taking money out of her wallet.

I hit her back, and that stopped her.

She never laid a hand on me again.

Charlotte and her mother had a combative relationship that turned physically violent well before the m*rder.

Charlotte's frustration and anger combined with the dr*gs were a lethal combination. so is she culpable for the k*lling?


Well, the dr*gs may have lowered her inhibition, but the latent rage was all ready present.

So Sidney doesn't have a case.

Well, his best shot is to argue that she's a drug addict who wasn't responsible for her actions.

She could look pretty sympathetic to a jury.

She's young and attractive.

Her parents ignored her and her boyfriend got her hooked on dr*gs.

But she learned how to use v*olence to solve her problems.

She hit her mother, she got what she wanted.

m*rder is the logical extension of that learned behavior.

With a documented history of v*olence between Charlotte and her mother, I can't accept an insanity plea.

Novak. Sex crimes.

This changes everything.

That was Warner.

She did some more tests on the urine CSU found in the brownstone.

Hormone levels indicate it's from a man.

Someone else was with Charlotte the night of the m*rder.

It must've been her boyfriend Ryan.

Tommy said he saw a monster hit his dad.

Let see if he can pick him out.




That's him.

That's the monster who hurt my daddy.

Hey, Ryan!

We need to talk to you.

Ryan, stop!

Go around back!

Cut him off!

Let me go! Let go of me!

Come here!


Move, move, move!

Ryan Bedford...

Hey, Ryan.


Hey, hey!


SVU portable to central.

I need a bus at 84th and First.

19-year-old male suspect down, stopped breathing.

Breathe, damn it!


He's dead.

He's dead.

What happened?

Just tried to cuff Ryan, he stopped breathing.

Just like that?

Yeah, just like that.

Do you know how he died?

Not yet.

Did Elliot use a choke hold on Ryan?


I did not see him do that.

When I got here, Ryan was on the ground on his stomach, and Elliot had his knee on his back.

Why was he on the ground?

I punched him in the face, he fell...

I held him down to cuff him... flipped him over, he wasn't breathing.

Did you see Elliot hit Ryan's head?

No, but I saw Ryan throw punches at Elliot.

I was blocking the blows until I had to punch him down.

Here comes the rat squad.

Keep your temper in check and answer his questions.

Detective Stabler.

Wanna come with me?

Do you understand you must answer all questions asked?


Failure to do so will result in your immediate suspension.

I know the drill.

You know you can have your union delegate or attorney present.

I don't need them.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Then why is a 19-year-old boy dead?

I don't know.

Witnesses say they saw you beat Ryan Bedford.

He att*cked me.

I restrained him.

I didn't use unnecessary force.

Well, you did something to him 'cause he's laying on a slab after your little two-step.

Ryan threw five or six haymakers at me.

I punched him once to stop the attack.

I got on top of him to cuff him.

That's it.

Then the eyewitnesses are all lying?

Eyewitnesses, you know, are unreliable.

Ten people saw you beat Ryan.

I think you chased him.

I think your adrenaline was pumping.

He started throwing punches at you, and you lost control.

You're wrong.

You really should control your temper, detective.

What I did, I did in self-defense.

I chased a perp, he att*cked me, I knocked him down.

I cuffed him.

Save it, detective.

I can't risk having a cop with your anger issues out on the street.

As of right now, you're on suspension.

I'm not a k*ller.

We'll let the medical examiner be the judge of that.

The spleen is normal in color.

It has no deformities or disease.

But has a three-centimeter laceration on the upper portion, located directly below the rib and weighs 160 grams.


I can't talk to you about this.

Do you know what happened?

This is Ryan's spleen.

He bled to death internally 'cause it was ruptured.


Only way to rupture a spleen is by blunt force trauma.

Elliot did not beat him.

I'm sorry.

The facts say otherwise.

Melinda, you know Elliot.

You know that he's innocent.

I know what this dead body tells me.

I looked at Ryan's brain, heart, and lungs.

Everything was normal.

I wanna exonerate Elliot as badly as you do, but the only explanation for Ryan's death is the ruptured spleen.

So how are you gonna rule?

The cause of death is internal bleeding.

The manner of death is homicide.

Elliot Stabler could never m*rder anyone.

And if you can't prove that, then I will.



Your son put Ryan here the night of the m*rder.

Forensics confirmed that she wasn't alone.

Now, only Charlotte can tell us what really happened.

She doesn't remember.

That's why I wanna give her a sodium amytal interview.

Let me get this straight.

My daughter is a recovering drug addict.

You want me to let you pump her full of barbiturates, just so you can save your partner's ass?

It's your daughter's ass too.

She's still charged with m*rder.

Now, if Ryan is the k*ller, this will exonerate her.

Why are you suddenly so concerned about my daughter?

'Cause I don't want anyone going to jail for a crime they didn't commit.

You mean you don't want your partner going to prison.

IAB sees Ryan as a defenseless kid who was brutally m*rder*d by an out-of-control cop.

And when the grand jury gets the case, they're gonna see him as an innocent victim.

Unless my daughter points the finger at Ryan and swings the jury's sympathies over to detective Stabler.

You should've been a lawyer.

I have no hard evidence of Ryan's guilt.

The only chance that my partner has is if I prove that Ryan k*lled your wife.

Tell me about Friday night.

I went to the party with Ryan.

What's happening there?

I tell him I'm pissed at my mother.

She says I have to break up with him tonight.

What's Ryan on?

He's X-ing.

He wants more dr*gs, but they're aren't any, so he leaves.

What do you do?

I go after him.

He has my keys.

But he gets into the cab.

I don't have any money, so I walk.

Where do you walk?


When I get there, the door is open.

I go inside.

Ryan's coming up from the basement with the pill boxes.

And he runs upstairs.

What do you do?

I follow him.

He's screaming at my mother, "Give me the good stuff, or I'll k*ll you."

My mom sees me, says she's calling the police.

Ryan drags her into her bedroom.

I go into my room.

I'm so tired.

I lie down.

Then I hear my mom.

Doing what?


I run into her bedroom.

Ryan's on top of her.

He's hitting her.

There's so much blood.

Then the screaming stops.

What's happening now?

Ryan has something shiny.

He does horrible things to her.

The door slams.

My father and Tommy are coming upstairs.

Then I hear a crash, and my father's on the ground.

Tommy looks so scared.

I just want to help him, but he runs away.

I hear the alarm.

And then?

I leave... go back to Ryan's.

So I, I really did see her.

She saw Ryan k*ll your wife.

She'll probably sleep for a while.

I'll monitor her and make sure there's no adverse reaction.

If Ryan k*lled Maura, why did Charlotte confess?

She was high that night.

She has no conscious memory of the m*rder.

She felt guilty, and she confessed.

Charlotte really is innocent.

I was gonna do everything in my power... to get her off.

But deep down...

I thought she'd m*rder*d her mother.

Amytal interviews aren't admissible in court, but it's enough to convince me.

So I'll drop the m*rder charges against Charlotte.

And what about Elliot?

Will it help him?

IAB's not gonna ruin his career 'cause some m*rder*r died in his custody.

Casey, turn on channel ten.


This changes everything.

IAB's gonna have to go after Elliot now.


Turn it down?

Yeah, I'm watching it right now.

I'll be there.

How long have you worked with detective Stabler?

Eight years.

During your relationship, you've seen detective Stabler in dangerous and stressful situations.


How would you characterize his behavior?

Always professional.

So you support his actions and you defend his decisions?


Even when he shot an unarmed suspect during a chase?

The suspect waved an unloaded w*apon.

That was su1c1de by cop.

Well, how about when he tricked Dr. Huang into administering haldol to a suspect?

It was the only way to find a kidnapped child.

Detective Stabler once held a man underwater and nearly drowned him, didn't he?

He was trying to save a little girl from a pedophile.

And so that justifies attempted m*rder?

We work special victims.

Molested kids, r*pe victims, the elderly.

We do what we have to do to nail the perp.

Like impersonating a pedophile, kidnapping a girl, then almost k*lling the suspect?

He's saved countless girls by getting a violent predator off the streets.

Well, who was he saving when he almost beat his ex-partner to death in a bathroom?

He saved that cop's son from committing su1c1de.

And Elliot went into counseling after that.

Detective Stabler has a long history of violent behavior.

You sure you want to keep defending his actions?

My partner is not a k*ller.

IAB's interviewing Munch and Fin now.

I go in this afternoon.

What are you gonna tell them?

You won't have to say anything.

Look, the press has already convicted me.

IAB has suspended me.

Grand jury will indict.

That's the worst-case scenario.

Well... it's reality.

Elliot, we can fight this.

I'm not giving up on you.

It's over.

I just heard.

I'm so sorry, Elliot.

Well, Melinda... you were doing your job.

And, um...

I wouldn't ask for anything different.

Don't t*rture yourself.

I have to testify for the grand jury tomorrow morning.

I keep watching that tape, looking for where it all went wrong.

I never meant to hurt Ryan.

I mean, hell, I tried to save him.

What do you mean?

I gave him CPR when he stopped breathing.

No one told me that.

That wasn't in the EMS report.

Well, I stopped by the time they got there.

Well, that changes everything.

The chest compressions could have ruptured his spleen.

Well, look, I had to do something.

He stopped breathing.

Which means he was dead before you ruptured his spleen.

Okay, so what k*lled him?

I don't know.

I didn't miss anything on autopsy.

I'm sure of it.

You have a copy of the case file?

Yeah, yeah.

Any juvie records?

Yeah, right here.

What dr*gs was Ryan on the night of the m*rder?

Here. Cold tablets, oxycodone, and ecstasy.

He wasn't on those when he died.

What else was in the candy bowl?

Valium, ritalin, propranolol, vicodin.

Wait a minute.

Propranolol's a beta blocker taken by people with heart problems.

I need to see Ryan's medical records.

What did you find in Ryan Bedford's medical records?

Ryan had been diagnosed with a cardiac condition called long QT syndrome.

Would you tell the grand jury what that is?

An abnormal disturbance in the heartbeat, which could lead to cardiac arrest if left untreated.

Why wasn't this in your report, doctor?

'cause you can't see an arrhythmia on autopsy.

That's why I missed it.

Dr. Warner, does this change your opinion of how Ryan Bedford died?


Ryan had a prescription for... he wasn't taking his meds, which put him at risk for sudden death.

The combination of his heart condition and the stress of running from Elliot caused an arrhythmia that k*lled him.

How'd you figure it out?

Ryan brought propranolol to the pharm party.

That's not your typical recreational pharmaceutical.

So what's the deal?

I put it to a vote.

No true bill.

You're cleared, detective.

Thank you.

Welcome back.

Elliot, what is it?

We need to talk.

I saw the news.

I knew you didn't k*ll that boy.

It's been a rough couple days.

And I've had time to think about what's important to me.

I love my job.

And I love my family.

I nearly lost both of them.

I wanna come home.
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