07x07 - Ocean's Three and a Half

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Family Guy". Aired January 1999 - current.*
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"Family Guy" revolves around the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family striving to cope with everyday life in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island, as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another.
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07x07 - Ocean's Three and a Half

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, fellas. Y'all set for some paintball?

You bet. I tell you, I know something about paint.

I once met Jackson Pollock.

How do you know when you're done painting?

How do you know when you're done making love?

Oh, when you wash your penis in the sink and go to bed.

God, Joe, finally. Is your watch paralyzed too?

I don't think I can make it. Looking like Bonnie might go into labor any minute.

So I think I should stick close to home.

It's your fault for knocking her up. That's why I always use a condom.

Sorry. I'm sorry. I can't even say that with a straight face.

Sorry, fellas. Have a good time.

I am so sick of this. Joe is gonna keep bailing on us... until that baby comes out of Bonnie's butt.

Babies come out of the butt, right?


We're gonna do something about it.

We're gonna induce labor and make Bonnie have that baby.

The sooner that kid comes out, the sooner we get Joe back.

We're not complete without Joe.

Remember when he bailed for that trip to the spa and we had to find another guy?

God, Seamus, I've never seen you this naked.

It's good to let the old midsection breathe.

What, uh...?

How the hell are you alive?

Hey, Peter. How are you?

Never mind that, Bonnie. I'm here to induce birth. Follow me.

Now I'm gonna put the TV remote down by your feet.

I'm gonna turn on Two and a Half Men.

If your baby isn't brain-dead, it'll come out to change the channel.

And when he does, I'll grab his hand and yank him out of there.

Peter, I don't think...

Shh. It's starting.

Two and a Half Men was filmed in front of a live ostrich.

Boy, this stinks. It's Friday night, and I don't have a date.

Well, then let me get you a number from my little black book.

Ah, ha-ha.

That didn't work. So it's time for plan B.

Let's go down to The Clam... and drink beer and watch sports.


You in, Joe?

Yes, awesome.

That would be splendid.

This isn't working.

We'll pay you for the full day, but you can go home.

Damn right you're paying for the full day.

Guys, Bonnie's going into labor!

We gotta get her to the hospital! Quick, Peter, get the car!

No way. I don't want pregnant mess in my back seat.

Come on. You're the guy who soiled his pants... while test-driving that sports car.

I don't want it.

All right, Mrs. Swanson, you're doing fine.

Peter, don't you wanna watch? It's a beautiful miracle of nature.

I can't look. I didn't look when Lois gave birth, and I can't look now.

You can just tell me what it looks like.

You ever see a horse blink his eye?

Okay, Mrs. Swanson, you're almost there.

Push. Push.

Get out of there! Get the hell out of my wife, you little bastard!

Okay, here we go.

Hold on, the wheelchair is coming first.

And here's the baby.

Congratulations, Mrs. Swanson.

It's a beautiful baby girl.

Oh, Bonnie, I'm so happy for you.

Oh, my God. She's dying.


Oh, sorry. I was watching this Paula Poundstone comedy special.

Here's your baby.

She's beautiful. Isn't she, sweetheart?

She sure is, Joe.

It's hard to believe she's already 18.

Oh, Susie's so cute.

I can't wait to have a baby someday.

Oh, Meg, we've talked about this.

In order to make a baby... a man has to be aroused enough to ej*cul*te.

Sorry, Dad, I forgot.

That's all right, sweetie.

Now, you run along and play in the mud.

Attention, everyone.

This is a twist-tie. It comes with every loaf of bread.

When we're done selecting our piece of bread, we use the tie to preserve...

Oh, my God.

Who is that angel?

That's Susie Swanson.

You don't say.

You think you have a shot with her?

Are you kidding?

We'll go together better than Hannity and Colmes.

My problem with liberals, Alan, is that liberals hate America.

Sean, I don't know if that's true.

You just contradicted me. You hate America.

If I could just get a word in...

You hate America.

You like the t*rrorists.

Well, I guess you're right again.

Bonnie, we got a problem.

What's the matter?

I'll tell you while we're doing the diaper change.

Here's the reality of the situation.

I got our hospital bill this morning.

How bad is it?

It's $20,000.

Oh, my God. Where are we gonna get that kind of money?

I don't know. We gotta figure that out soon.

Well, I'm not worried, Joe. You'll think of something.

I gotta tell you. Not being able to pay my child's hospital bills... somehow makes me feel like less of a man.

Oh, honey, that's silly.

I'm gonna show you what a man you really are.

Now, let's go put your penis on.

We now return to Are You Smarter Than a Hispanic Maid?

Okay, Larry. Now, how does a Hispanic maid... address her employer if his name is John Sullivan?

Is it A, John or B, Mr. Sullivan?

I'm gonna go with Mr. Sullivan.

Oh, that was a trick question.

Consuelo, what would you say?

Uh, Mr. John?

That's correct. Now, bonus question: Is Mr. John home?

Uh, no. No, Mr. John, no home.

Joe? What the hell? Are you working here?

I have to, Quagmire.

The baby's hospital bill drained our savings... so I've had no choice but to take this job.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Excuse me, I couldn't help overhear you got yourself some money issues.

Uh, yeah, kind of.

Well, I might be able to help you out.

How much you need?

Look, I'm a police officer.

I can't afford to get mixed up with a loan shark.

Listen to this guy. He's flipping a nickel and chewing on a toothpick.

Well, I do really need the money.

And I don't have credit for a bank loan.

Do it. If you work here any longer... you're gonna feel smaller than my eye floaters.

There's one now. I can never look at it dead-on. It's trying to get away.

Hey, eye floater.


Hey, hey, where you going?

Away from your pupil.

Well, maybe I'll look over here.

I'll go over here.

You've got an answer for everything, don't you?

Oh, Brian, come here.

Mind listening to this song for Susie Swanson... and tell me what you think?


Susie You're a baby

That's all I have so far.

That was horrible.

You're as bad as Beethoven near the end.

They're gonna love that.

Well, I'm still gonna work on it.

What's it called?

"Susie. "

Wow, a song named after a girl.

There aren't a million of those already.

Name 20.

"Rosanna," "Roxanne," "Michelle," "Alison," "Sara," "Angie"... "Brandy," "Mandy," "Gloria," "Cecilia," "Maggie May"... "Jessica," "Nancy," "Barbara Ann," "Billie Jean," "Layla," "Lola"... "Polly," "Helena," "Jenny From The Block. "

Name six more.

"Sherry," "Laura," "Wendy"... "Maria," "Peggy Sue," "Minnie the Moocher. "

Name five more.

"Tracy," "Jean," "Jane"... "Mary Ann," "Eleanor Rigby. "

Go f*ck yourself.

What am I gonna do, guys?

I paid the hospital bill, but now I need $20,000 to pay the loan shark.

I'm right back where I started.

Well, sounds like we need another loan shark.

Don't worry, Joe. We're gonna pitch in and help you raise money.

Wow, Peter, I gotta say, this lemonade stand was a really good idea.

It's selling really well.

That's because it has my secret ingredient in it: Vodka.

You know what we should do?

You know what we should do?

We should just... We should just get on our bikes and just go.

Just go and start a business.

You know, I never to... I've never told anyone this.

But you're so good at cursing.

I don't know, Peter. We've been out here all day... and we haven't managed to interest a single woman in our parlor.

Wait a minute, here comes somebody. Excuse me, stressed-out lady.

May I interest you in a full release, relaxation massage?

Oh, yeah. Just what I need: To be rubbed down by big fatty, an old black guy, a cr*pple and a pervert.

Now we don't have any money... and our feelings are hurt.

That's pretty much it, Mr. Pewterschmidt.

Joe's getting desperate, and we haven't raised nearly enough.

Is there any way you could help us out?

Of course I could.

But it's funnier to me if I don't.

In about an hour, I'm gonna piss away 20 grand.

What, are you gonna bet on the Knicks? Ha-ha-ha.

It's... I'm sorry.

I mean, how often...? I mean...

Oh, man, nobody think that's funny?

Oh, my God, she's so hot.

Look at that, she can fit that whole bottle in her mouth.

All right, Stewie. You can write a song. How hard can it be?

You got your G chord right here It's like a cozy house where you live That's where you start your journey Here I am in my house, nice and cozy And then you poke your head Out the door with the C chord Everything looks okay out here Maybe I'll take a walk outside To the D chord Oh, walking around outside Look at all the stuff out here And then we go to an A-minor Getting a little cloudy out here Looking like we might Have some weather Then we go to E-minor Oh, definitely got some weather Things are a little more complicated Than they seemed at first And then we go back to my house

You sound like an unbelievable douche.

Then Brian comes in And I change up the tempo Brian comes in And it changes the song Looking at me Like he thinks I'm a douche bag But he's gonna learn pretty fast That he's wrong Hey, Brian Why are you bringing me down, man?

Why are you bringing me down? Don't bring me down

Music and lyrics by Stewie Griffin.

Hey, Swanson, the boss is getting impatient.

He wants his money.

He says after we're done with you, you're gonna be eating...

Swanson TV... TV di...

Wait, what did he say?


What did the boss say? He said something funny, I'm drawing a blank.

Oh, you know what it was?


You know what it was?

When we're done with him, he's gonna be a Swanson TV dinner.

That is pretty funny.

Look what they did to me. My legs are useless now.

And trust me, they'll be back.

Well, what are we gonna do?

You know what, boys? Desperate times call for desperate measures.

If that stingy old Carter won't give us the money we need... I say we take it from him.

Guys, we are gonna plan a robbery.

Hey, hey, that's the guy.

That's the guy whose chin looks like, uh, balls.

On a normal night in the Pewterschmidt mansion... there might be as much as $6 million in the vault.

But this Saturday is the Pewterschmidt's annual... " Bring All Your Cash And Put it In Our Safe" party.

Considering the guest list, there could be as much as 40 million.

But we only need 20,000.

Look, I'll be honest with you.

My father-in-law has treated me like crap... for 20 years, and it's time for a little payback.

Forty million dollars. That's 10 million each.

I could produce a movie with B-plus stars... in a not-so-expensive location.

Jeff Bridges and Laura Linney in Danger in Cincinnati.

We've got 24 hours before those t*rrorists... set off that b*mb that makes an invisible expl*si*n.

What are we gonna do?

Get back to headquarters.

Should we take the helicopter?

No, let's walk. It's a nice day.

Oh, there's my laptop. Do you mind? I wanna check my e-mail.

Go away. I'm editing this music video I'm making for Susie.

Oh, really. Music video?

Working on a little video there?

Little, uh...? Little music video?

Little compilation of visual images to go with a song?

Little four-minute movie that tells the story...?

That only works when I do it.

There, all done.

All right, Brian. Get ready to feel.

I'm not following the story arc here.

Shut up!

Don't worry, Brian. Those goose bumps will go away in about 20 minutes.

Stewie, that is the worst thing I have ever seen, ever.

And I've seen Peter when he's frozen in sex-face.

Peter, would you like more potatoes?

Bill, how are you?

Babs, come over here and say hi to Bill Gates.

Hello, Mr. Gates.

Hi, Mrs. Pewterschmidt.

Well, this is a quaint little party you guys are throwing.

Hey, Bill, would you help me program my Zune?

Oh, wait. I have an iPod, like the rest of the world.

Why, you...

All right, Joe, we're here.

All right. Peter, Quagmire... start the diversion. Cleveland, find that door.

Check. Check.

Hey, fellas, knock off all that high-society crap... and play some of this.

One, two, three, four.

Cleveland, you're clear to enter the vault.

Copy that.

Uh-oh. It's a combination lock.

Looks like I'm just gonna have to cut through it.

Good thing I brought Reese Witherspoon's chin.

This programming brought to you in part... by Kobe Brand condoms.

The protection you want for the sex she doesn't.

Brian, do you know where Peter is?

Yeah, he and the guys went to go rob your dad.

I believe you.

I'm in.

Holy crap, there's another door.

What do we do now?

Welcome to the vault.

Voice identification, please?


It's me, Carter. I want my money.

Voice print verified.

How the hell do you do that?

I can do you guys too.

Hey, everybody.

Oh, hey, Peter.

No, it's still me.


Welcome to the inner vault.

Penile identification required.

Let me handle this.

That's amazing. How did you match it?

Oh, I didn't match the shape. I just stuck it in there and broke it.

Final checkpoint.

Answer this question: What is the most unattractive male first name... in the English language?


Wow, look at this place.

There's more dough in here than a Swedish bakery.

Look at all my dough.

I'm covered in dough.

Father, you're covered in dough.

Oh, you spoiled the surprise.

I'm making you a cake out of dough.

All right. Pack up the dough and get out of there.

Joe, stop.

Lois, what are you doing here?

I'm here to talk some sense into you.

Do you wanna go through with this?

I have to, Lois, for my family.

I don't know where else to get $20,000.

But you know Daddy will find out.

He'll put his best people on the job.

And believe me, he'll catch you.

That's a risk I'm willing to take.

But think about your beautiful little girl.

You can't watch her grow up from jail.

You'll miss running after her as she learns to walk.

I mean, riding bikes with her as she...

I mean, dancing at her wedding.

Look, my point is, you know what you're doing is wrong.

And you know how to make it right.

Guys, put the money back and get out of there.

What? Are you out of your mind?

Tell him, Megatron.

Do as I command!

Okay, okay, jeez.

So how'd Susie like your video?

I don't care about her anymore.

I'm in love with Bryan Adams.

Peter, I want you to promise me you'll never do anything that stupid again.

Lois, after what you did for Joe, I'll promise you anything.

How did you get your dad to give him that 20 grand?

I told him it was for me.

I said I wanted to hire a divorce lawyer.

Yeah, right. You're joking about that, right?


You're joking, right?


Ah, ha-ha.
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