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04x11 - 12.12.12

Posted: 12/16/12 00:16
by bunniefuu
Andre: Hey, it's your boy, Andre, in a brand new place.

Check out my new digs.

That's right, dog, casa de Andre, or as I like to call it, Cassandre.

What are we waiting down here for?

Let's go upstairs.

Now, this room has no name and serves no purpose.

These brushes used to clean the floor of a psychiatric hospital.

Now they're here on my table.


Welcome to my dining room, where the plates are on the wall, not on the table.


I'm on the ceiling, but I'm also on the floor.

Oh, looks like you caught me in my towel.

Oops. (chuckles)

I'm just kidding.

I'm in my regular clothes.

Now it's time to check out where the magic happens.

I call that the master bedroom.

This is my favorite room in the house, and I...

Whoa, Taco, what are you doing?

Taco: Oh, hey, Andre.

I love this place, man.

It's a great new mattress, too.

No, no, no, no, no, this is...

You have to go.

Oh, are you filming this?

Can you tell me how this looks?

No, no, no, no.

Pete: What's up, guys?


Kevin: The worst.

For what?

Where were you?

I was out.

Yeah, out with Gina Gibiatti.

Maybe, so, what's the big deal?

You were supposed to assassinate her.

You were supposed to be Jean Reno in The Professional, and now you're just like Gerard Butler in a Katherine Heigl movie.


What's up, guys?

Oh, boy.

Best friend club.

Yeah, crotch beer, don't mind if I do.


What's going on, guys?

Getting drunk for end of days?

End of days?

Guys, 12-12-12 is this week.

So according to you, the world's gonna end in like, a few days?

Yeah, I mean, there will be a world afterwards.


It will be a terrifying post-apocalyptic horror-scape.

Wait, so we're all dead?

Oh, yeah, tall guy, dead.


Ruxin, dead.

Taco, you're gonna be fine, until you die, sacrificing yourself so that bride-guy here and I can live on.

Oh, I make it?

You and I, we absolutely make it.

We're best friends, right?

It's you, it's me, it's my sister-wife, Sofia, and it's our baby, Baby Jeffrey.

What about me? Yeah.


You live, sort of.

I will keep you as a pet so that we can use your holes for sexual pleasure and as a sort of currency.

We will rent you out and all of your orifices to marauders.

But I still get to hang out with you guys?

Yeah, but as a kind of piece of furniture.

That's kind of fun, though.

I'm in the house.

We're also gonna sell your d*ck for gasoline.

Okay, you know what, I actually should get going.


Yeah, let's not waste all this time now, let's savor it.

Guys, we're best friends.

Guys, whatever you do, do not tell him I moved.

Jenny: Welcome to Jenny's Shiva Bowl diary.

This is the final game of the regular season.

The only thing standing between me and the playoffs is Kevin's shit pile of a team, which I plan on taking and pushing so far down his throat he chokes on it.

It's gonna come back up out his nose, maybe go back into his mouth, making him an honest to God shit-sipper.

Don't get me wrong.

I love my husband, but I intend to beat him lifeless.

I'm going to pin him down by his throat and start punching him in the head until he says, "Sacko, give me the Sacko!"


Oh, my God, Ellie, hey, babe.

Why do you want to beat up Daddy?

I don't want to beat up Daddy.

Are you gonna get a divorce?

What? No, we're not gonna get a divorce.

We live in a great house.

I was making a silly video.

Can I see it?



Don't give me the stink eye.

Who taught you that face?

You did.


Check it out, my new pad.

You know, I have decorators I can connect you with.

I don't need one because I already hired one.

Her dream for me is to create the ultimate hangout space.

Taco, pop a squat.

Why is there garbage all over the place?

It's not garbage, it's flotsam from the tsunami.

This washed up on the shores of Hawaii.


The seller assured me, no one died on this.

No, just swimming towards it.

See, it represents hope, and that's what all good furniture should do. Now guys... I'm sorry.

It's not a loveseat, Andre.


Hey, what's going on?

Hey, just parked in the alley.

I wanted to try something out.

Okay, do we like this here?

Okay, all right.

Or do we like this here?

I like it up there.

No, you know what, I think it's perfect just like it is.

Oh, well, it was worth a try.

Hi. Hi.

This is my decorator.


Trixie Von Stein, hi.

Trixie Von Stein.

Her name was Patricia, but she changed it and added "Von."

She gave herself a "Von."

Isn't that cool?

Ruxin: Wow, Trixie, one look at you, and I can say that you are the perfect person to design Andre's apartment.

Thank you.

I have so many more ideas, you know, for instance, over here going off the owl idea, I want to find a group of nests, but I want to put them on something delicate like, like glass cake stands.

Maybe over there, a bucket of old children's shoes.

It's like your own little Holocaust Museum.

Speaking of, I have these swatches for you to look at.


What do you think about one of those for the ottoman?

I like this animal print one.

You know what, I'm just gonna pick it.

You trust me, don't you?

Of course I trust you.

You have amazing taste.

Thank you, Andre.

Thank you, all right.

Thank you.

All right.

Okay, I'm out. Bye.


I'll see you later.


Um... what was that?

Who-who is that exactly?

Trixie. Isn't she great?

Were you guys just... Oh, uh, I don't mean to brag, but we're... dating.

Oh, no.

You're dating your decorator?

Actually, we're exclusive.

Of course you're exclusive.

Yeah, that just means you're not masturbating anymore.

I want you to be happy for me; I found somebody who shares all my same interests.

Okay, well, what do you guys like to do together?

Normally we just hang out and you know, check out some thrift stores, talk about design.

And then what happens if you buy something?

Then I pay her.

Andre, this is prostitution adjacent.

No, it's not adjacent to prostitution.


So how much does she charge you?


Does that include full-on penetration or is that just hand and mouth stuff?

No, she's my girlfriend.

So you just pay for a**l?

No, I don't pay for anything.

If you're into whores, I know some that are way cheaper and have much better taste in furniture.

Good morning, Christopher.

My little C.B. is getting so big.


Chalupa Batman.

No, no, no, no, no.

It's a very unique name, babe.

You can't call him Chalupa Batman; he is not a Tijuana street meat superhero.

(phone vibrates)

Oh, Matt Forte is injured again and he will be replaced by Michael Bush.

Hmm, interesting.


Michael Bush is a free agent right now.

Yes, he is.



No, you will not.


He's mine!

You don't even need him!

Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!

Mine, mine, whoa!


Oh, my God, babe, are you okay?

Oh, my head.

Yeah, it's really slippery over there.

You got to be careful.

Oh, my God, babe.

Oh, it hurts so bad.

Yeah, let me, um... I'm gonna get you some ice.

No, no, I need to get up and get Michael Bush.

He's not getable.

(whining): No... no...

See it's all black and blue and it's tender over here-- it really hurts, my head's ringing.

You may be the first person in history to get a fantasy football concussion.

Commissioner, we got to protect our players from these concussions.

I don't really see any correlation between an injury sustained during a fantasy football match up and long-term problems.

Is this really how we're gonna treat our players?

Tell me the story again.

You were both running for the computer.

You fell, she picked up the player...

I mean, this sounds a little...

I would say that there has been foul play here.

Are you insinuating I put a bounty on my own husband's head?

In the video post you said that you wanted to take him out.

It was a joke.

You're on the message boards all the time saying that you're gonna put your D up Kevin's B.

Do you?

No, because he is Pete's property.

I think it's time to start throwing around some suspensions willy-nilly.

With my concussion and my headaches, I do still have to set a lineup this week and I think I might deserve some points.

No way-- that is bullshit.


Hey, what's going on?

Good to see you.

I have found the perfect occasional chair for that corner over there.

Wait, I thought we already have an occasional chair in that corner.

We do, but it's really too threatening.

I don't think it's too threatening, I mean, maybe we should just keep it, right?

Baby, I want this chair-- you're gonna love it.

It's gonna be perfect.

It's gonna make the room.

Yeah, I guess, yeah.

Yes? Yes?

Yes, all right, let's do it.

You're gonna love it, you're gonna love it.

It's great.

It's $5,500.

Well, that's not that bad.

And don't forget the 25% commission.

So, don't forget to add an extra $1,100?



It's 25%.

All right, and that is for you.

Thank you.

All right, let's bring it up.

Want to see?

Who wants to sit in it first?

None of us.

I think it's obvious that there is a big problem here.

Yeah, this guy is getting fleeced-- we got to do something about this.

Is there the slightest possibility that she actually really likes him?

No, God, no.

No, impossible-- nobody can love Andre the way that we can love Andre, and we cannot stand Andre.

All right, you ready to do this shit with Andre?

Yeah, there's Pete.

Oh, hey, guys-- come on over.


Are those the Gibiatti?

Look who it is-- the Herdsman.

Guys, come on.

Oh, buttocks.

Herdsmen, yeah.

So, uh, we're hanging out with the Gibiattis now.

Yeah, it's fun, huh?

Is that tie from the Clay Aiken collection?

It's actually a Brooks Brothers tie.

I didn't know the Brooks Brothers were having sex with each other.

Guys, isn't this great?

This is just like high school.

It's fun.

30 K.

30 K for what?

Gina has this fun game where she just shouts out how much she would charge for random people to have sex with her.

That means she would charge you $30,000 to let your repugnant shmeckle in her perfect vag*na.

My sister's vag*na belongs in the Louvre.

Why, because a bunch of Frenchmen have been in it?

Yeah, and Belgians.

Yeah, everyone from Benelux, man-- she banged a dude from Luxembourg-- there's like ten people there.

This is just so much fun-- the g*ng's all back together.


Really. (grunts)

Ah, yeah, get in there, Gibiatti.


Gibiatti, last shot, take it.

No, Gibiatti, you do it.

Gibiatti, do it, do it Do it.

Do it, Gibiatti.

Eat me.

Eat me, you eat me.

Eat me!

Take it, take it, you slut.



Oh, get in there.

Look at me when she's kissing him.


We got to go-- our grandma fractured her ankle chasing a black paperboy away from our house.

All right. Ooh.

See, guys-- I told you it's not that bad.

Are you joking me?

They are confirmed psychopaths.

How is what they did to you different from what we do to Andre?

That's... That's coming from a place of love.

Hey, hey, hey.

What's going on, guys?

What's going on?

I got some bad news.

What-- wait, did you and Trixie break up?

No, that's going great, it's just my house has been a little cold, so I'm thinking of having a housewarming party!

All right, come on, you guys in?

I am in because I love the way your apartment looks.

You love it?


Well, I love your personal style.

Wait, what? No.

Yeah, we were talking about how we don't even think you need a decorator.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we love what you did, and not so much the Trixie stuff.

No, you guys hate my style.

No way, man.

No, we love it.

Then how come you guys never come with me when I ask you to go shopping?

Well, we'd love to go.

We'd love to, yeah.

You guys would love to go?

We're gonna do it.

It's a shopping date.

Yeah, you got to get in there.

Yeah, you look like a gangster from Brussels.

Well, don't worry, you're next.

Come on, come on.

Your turn, your turn.

It's perfect.

Yeah, I don't think this is quite the right style for me, Andre.

Come on, what do you mean?

You don't trust my taste?

No, I trust your... (laughing): Ooh!

It's great, right?

I love it.

Check out his belt buckle.

It's a belt buckle like a shiny football because I love football.

I love it when a belt buckle reflects what someone's hobbies are.

Wow, are you supposed to see the individual grapes?

Because we can see the whole vine.

This is awesome.

Heh-heh, yeah, Dre Tones in the house.

Oh, my God, guys, this is so much fun.

Oh, my God!

What happened to you?

We went shopping.

You look like the oldest boy band ever, and Ruxin, you look like their creepy gay manager.

Kev, what are you wearing?

It's my new clothes-- I love them.

All: We love them.

See? They love them.

I can't even process all of this right now because I have the biggest news.


The walkthrough of your old apartment, that is happening this afternoon.

I know the buyer.

Yeah, who cares?

Oh, it's only Deion Sanders.

What-- Deion Sanders?!

Deion mother-scratching Sanders.

I almost drafted him this year-- I love Deion Sanders.

He's like a black version of me.

This is awesome.

Mr. Sanders, you really saw past all the atrocious furniture to see the beautiful bones of this lot.

I like it, I really do.

It's all yours now.

I'm obviously a huge fan, and you're Prime Time, right?


People call me Dre Time.

No one calls you that.

People should call me that.

You can't give yourself a nickname-- you got to earn it.

Do you want to call me Dre Time?


Do you?


And, by the way, just because you're the buyer and I'm the seller, there's no law that says we can't be best friends.

Can we double check that, please?

Absolutely, and if it is not a law, we will put it in the contract.

Thank you, Mrs. MacArthur.

Oh, call me Jenny.

Can I call you J Time?

I like that.

Is that cool?

Yeah, J Time.

J Time, Prime Time, Dre Time.

No Time, how about that?

No Time?

I don't like No Time.

It has a ring to it, doesn't it?

It really does.

It suits you.

Hey, Andre, oh, my goodness.

What is this?

Deion Sanders?

I told you guys to wait in the car.

We just had to pee and here you are...

(laughing) This is good.

You can't be friends, right?

Because no one told the other person how they really look.

Are you guys a boy band?

When we all hang out, people like to call us the Dre Tones.

Nope, not the Dre Tones.

Yeah, I got one better, okay.

Old Kids on the Block.

That's a good one.

What about the Old Street Boys?

I got one more, one more.

Bell Biv the Old.

Well, these clothes are poison.

Where's the rest of your turtleneck?

It's an infinity scarf.

What did you do with the rest of the curtain when you cut it up?

Big fan, Deion.

Would you like to go take a look at the patio upstairs?

No, I love this view.

I love this view. Can I just put a chair right here?

Did you see that sweater?

Thanks, Andre.

What is going on with you guys?

See, I can only dress you monkeys, but I need you guys to bring the attitude in your faces.

Smiles up, and the clothes go up.

So get some swag, you bunch of b*tches.

Now, Prime Time, let me tell you a little bit about Dre Time.

What's going on here?

We just got ripped by Andre and Deion Sanders.

Have you seen what we're wearing?

I would make fun of us if I were him.

I can't take this anymore.

It's itching me to death.

You know what, enough of these bullshit games, enough of the clothes, we just got to sh**t straight with Andre, okay?

(laughs) Okay, that's cool.

Deion told me to take off the "Time"-- it's cool.

It's time for us to have a serious conversation.

Oh, hash tag real talk, I'm in.

We appreciate that you like Trixie, but that girl is using you.

She likes me.

Well, then prove it.

Fire her as your decorator and see if she sticks around as your girlfriend.

I'm not firing her because you guys think I should, okay?

Well, then maybe we'll just have to give Mr. Deion Sanders the full jizz-closure about what happened in his new apartment.

I wonder if Mr. Deion Sanders has a DVD player.

Put that away.

We're gonna tell Prime Time all about slime time.


Do what you got to do.

So everything look good?

Looks great.


So, No Time, is there anything else that I should know about this place?



Great, we have got a deal.

Thank you so much.

J Time.

J Time.

Dre Time.

No Time.

Yes? Yes?

Is that a Welker connection?

Oh, my God.

Do you have any players left?


Do you have a kicker?


What about your flex?

Are you kidding me?

Oh, you know what, I'm sorry.

I take that back.

There is one player that I didn't get a chance to use.

Do you know who that might be?

Michael Bush because he was stolen right out from underneath me.

No, no, no, no.

He was not stolen.

I was going to get him, and then you pushed me into a wall and then you threw me into a chair.

That was karma, Kevin.

You had that coming.

You were lucky your face is the only thing that smashed into that chair, okay?

What's that supposed to mean?

I've lost before, okay?

And when I lose, I lose graciously.

Well, I don't!


I don't, okay?

You've already won, Kevin.

Oh, yeah, I won, but it's sort of like Seattle over Green Bay.

Nobody believes me.

I wanted to win for real.

Everything comes with an asterisk in my life.

My name has an asterisk, all my wins, my son's d*ck.

(raspberry) What is that?

Half off, just like ShopRite.

I just wanted something that I could do on my own, and it means that I accomplished it, but now I can't, 'cause I'm out of the playoffs and you knocked me out, and everybody's gonna make fun of me, and now everybody's gonna...


Just wanted it for myself.

Oh, God!


Daddy, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, honey, I'm fine.

Just... Daddy needs a minute, okay?

Did Mommy beat you?


Yes, she beat me.

She beat me bad.

Daddy, do you need my help?

Nobody can help me.

It's my fault.

And Jermichael Finley's.

(sobbing): Oh, no.

I can help you.

It hurts so bad!

(line ringing)

911, what's your emergency?

(pounding on door)

Whoa, you guys are strippers.

Pete sent me strippers 'cause I won, I won, oh, yeah.

Ma'am, we're not strippers.

Okay, we get that a lot.

We actually got a domestic v*olence call.


No, I'm fine.

We're actually talking about your husband.

That doesn't... Hey, guys.

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine.

It's just, you know, it's not a happy household.

No, we're super happy.

We're fine.

Half of us are happy.

I mean, we're just a little emotional, I...

She just beat me so... Uh, no, no.

A little diffi...


I'm sorry, you're right.

It's my fault, and I made some bad decisions.

Yeah, you did, but he's fine.

Why don't you guys, uh, just come in.

You can set up and do your little dance, and I'll just... Kevin...

Don't grab him.

Do not grab him.

Matter of fact, come with me.

Oh, my God, Kevin, Kevin.

Whoa, whoa, where you guys... Why are you going with the strippers?

They're not strippers.


Oh, no, no, no, guys, guys.

No, no, she didn't beat me.

No, I'm a man.

Welcome, my married friends.

How are you?

So glad you made parole in time for the party.

Yeah, well, I don't so much mind doing time as long as I'm doing time in the playoffs.

I'm so happy for her.

Poor Deion Sanders.

This is not the way I wanted you to see us.

Oh, hello, Ruxin.

You remember Gina, of course.

Hi, Gina.

We were just showing Gina this fine apartment.

I haven't upper-decked anybody for years, but this place, I'm gonna bring the move out of retirement.

Whoa, whoa, what are you guys doing?

I thought we were all wearing Andre clothes.

No, that was just for one day. (chuckles)

Oh, man.

You look like an assh*le.

Yeah, well, you look... super hot.


Hi. How are you?

Look at you, party girl.

Hey, Trixie. How are you?

Hi, guys.

Well, the place is really something.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

But it does seem that the designing is now coming to an end, I guess, huh?

Oh, no, design is never done.

So this could go on for years, Andre.

What are you gonna do about that?

I can answer that with a toast.

Tonight's a very special night, not just because it's 12-12-12, but because we are celebrating a guest of honor.

Trixie, will you join me up here?

Oh, up here? Oh, gosh.

A round of applause for the decorator who changed my life.

Thank you.


Trixie, you have transformed this apartment, but today, it's your last day as my decorator.


Here's your final check.

Open it.

What, here, in front of everybody?

I want them all to see this.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, sh... Adam Levine once tweeted, "Chemistry cannot be purchased."

Even though you and I have purchased so many things from color-coordinated books to street art and ironic terrariums, there's one thing that I want to purchase that money can't buy, and that is your undying love.

Trixie Von Stein, will you make me Andre Von Nozick?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, yes.



Oh, my God.

Oh, my goodness.

We're engaged!

We're engaged!

That's gonna be a lot more expensive than her decorating.

Oh, it's beautiful.

Look at that.

This is balls crazy.

I guess crazier things have happened.

I mean, I never thought that Gina Gibiatti would be my girlfriend.

Excuse me?

Your girlfriend?

Take it easy.

We're at a party.

How crack piped out are you to think that I would actually be your girlfriend?

I don't know, we've been sleeping at each other's houses.

I thought maybe we were exclusive.

Uh, no.

You were a pity (bleep).

Oh, are you crying?


Oh, there they go.

That is so pathetic.

Oh, my God, okay.

Mm, I'm leaving.

Take that.


You two.


Left you guys a little engagement present in your downstairs bathroom.


Later, b*tches.

She just upper-decked your heart, bro.

Both: What a night.

Okay, good, looks great.

Yeah, you're just moaning.

Yeah, that's good.

He's getting ready to plunge the knife.

Okay, take one.

"12-12-12: The Mayan Cock-pocalypse."

Dude, that's not what it is.

It's "12-12-12: The Mayan A-cock-alypse."

No, I'm sorry, it's not.

We decided this.

The movie should be called "12-12-12: The Mayan A-cock-alypse."


"A Mayan A-cock-alypse."


Dude, what... What would you say if you saw it?

What do you think it is?

My agent said it's "The Cock-and-lips."

"The Cock-and-lips."

That's better is what it is.

Lock it up!

"12-12-12: The Mayan Cock-and-lips."

I love you.

So sad that this is it.

I know, this is it, but we're going out in a blaze of glory.

Start moaning.

You're wet for death. Action.

Oh, yeah?




Oh, yeah.

Boom. Boom.


The boom is in the shot.

It's not a boom right now.

It's my sound d*ck.

What is a sound d*ck?

Look at this. Boom.

Why aren't you filming this?

This is amazing.

Everybody here with a d*ck is now obsolete.

My d*ck can't hear anything.

Holy God, that's awesome.


Hey, hey, hey, what's going on in here?

Who the hell are you?

I'm Deion Sanders.

More importantly, who are you?

I'm Dirty Randy, and you, my friend, are a thousand times better looking than your headshot.

Get your coat off and get in here.

Get in here, man, come on.

Are y'all serious?

I think I'm coming out of retirement for this one.

Whoa, whoa, what?

Buddy, I don't know who you are, but you're about to get chlamydia.