02x22 - On the Other Hand

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x22 - On the Other Hand

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

We agreed I would tell him.

The reality of it is I'm gonna be working with her.

You think if your boyfriend found out about your mistakes, he'd forget?

You're leaving?

There's nothing left for me here.

I thought we agreed... no cameras in the bedroom or bathroom.

Very funny.

We both know why this is a terrible idea for you.

Mr. Boone, I'm Rayna Jaymes.

I'm a huge fan.

You want shelf space, am I right?

I would love to make a deal.

I love you. I'm all-in.

Did you ever think about marrying my mom?

Tandy: Last week's number 1 came on the charts at 68,000, but it's a competitive field.

Number 2 or lower is not an option.

If we get to 100,000, I'll feel like we did our jobs.

Edgehill's spraying money out of a fire hose to make sure Will Lexington's record comes in at number 1.

Welcome to the joys of launching a new artist.

[Sighs] "GMA" performance is gonna give you a little bump.

Remember when we would just do a million right out of the gate?

Crazy times, huh? Thanks, Internet.

Yeah. [Chuckles]

Deacon: That's a good one.

So, uh Kris Kristofferson or Johnny Cash?

Maddie: Hmm. Cash.


All right, Merle Haggard or Waylon Jennings?

Oh. Uh, Waylon never took me on the road, so I'm gonna say Merle.

Okay. [Laughs]

Are y'all playing the outlaw game?


We are.

Um, Loretta Lynn or Dolly Parton?

Loretta Lynn.

Loretta Lynn.

Yes. [Laughter]

All right, I got to go. I'll see you.

No, I have a present for both of you.

Just one second.



Oh, yeah, speaking of presents, I took my L-00, getting it re-fretted.

I'm gonna give it to her.

That's a nice present.

Yeah, well, it's fun to be able to spoil her.

Plus, she's getting really good.

Much better than some people I know.

I never had to be good. I always had you.

Ooh. [laughs]

That didn't quite come out right.

I know what you meant.

Oh. Thank you. [Chuckles]

Thanks, sweetie.

Oh, I love it.

You know, mom, you could sign us all to Highway 65, and we could all go sing together.

Nice try. [Laughs]

Honey, we will have that conversation after you're done with school.

Don't look at me. She's right.

By the time you're our age, childhood's gonna seem like five minutes.

[Inhales deeply] Enjoy them.

This is ridiculously stupid.

Whoa. Who fluffed her neck feathers?

She just found out her world tour got canceled.

Oh. Wow. Tough break. [Chuckles]

Yeah, it's tragic.

Uh, Deacon, I'm sorry I can't play the benefit for your recovery center.

I'm gonna be in New York with this one for that GMA thing, but I'm gonna send over some signed guitars for the silent auction.

Well, I appreciate that. Thank you.


All right, so, y'all have a good time in New York.

I'm gonna buy your record.

Thank you. - We'll see ya. Bye-bye.

[Door opens, closes] Wow.

Now, that is a good-looking family.

We talked about that.

That would never have happened if you and I weren't great.

Yeah, we're great. Come here. - Mm-hmm.

[Guitar plays]

Hey. Don't spoil your surprise.

My surprise?

Yeah. I wanted to get you something nice, and I figured a song might be better than flowers.

Ah. Did you?

Well, flowers are kind of expensive.

And they die. You got to throw them out.

It's just a big mess.


I love you so much. Do you know that?

I'm not sure.

Tell me again.

I love you.

[Cellphone buzzing] [Chuckles]

Jeff Fordham is stalking me. He keeps calling.

He would love to talk to me about my future.

You haven't called him back?

Hell no.

I'm not gonna get into bed with Jeff Fordham.


Layla: Your album launch is gonna be fine.

Why are you acting like this?

Just please tell me what's going on.

Do you believe in karma?

Karma? Why are you asking?

Rayna was the first person to believe in me.

Even offered me a contract, and I said yes.

Then I went back on my word to sign with Jeff.

I mean, maybe us going up against each other is, like, some kind of poetic justice, like... like the universe is on her side.

[Knock on door]

Gina: Hey, you guys up?

Look, just screw karma, okay?

I believe in you. You'll chart.

And as much as you hate it, this show will help.

[Door opens]



Man: Morning, Will.

Deacon: You sure about all this?

Going back to school after all these years?

Yeah. Ole Miss is really the last place I felt like I was home.

And poetry's always kept my feet on the ground.

I got to say my goodbyes, move on.

Get back to doing what makes me happy.

I guess.

What's this?

Oh. Maddie gave it to me.



I didn't say nothing.

Well, you didn't say it pretty damn loud.

Well, it's just hard not to wonder how things might have turned out, you know?

I need more coffee.

Oh, Gunnar, this is beautiful.

[Laughs] Right? Want to know the best thing?

No reality-show cameras anywhere.

What a great room.


You know, we could put two big leather chairs by the fireplace.

Yeah, or one huge couch and a great big flat-screen.

I hope you at least have a bed by the time I get back from the first leg of the tour.

Well, if you're not here to share it with me, what's the rush, huh?

Anyway, you're gonna have a great time out there.

Just... just stay off the pills and the booze, all right?

Have you talked to Scarlett?

No. Why?

She's leaving, too. She's going back to Mississippi.



Maybe it's... For the best, you know?

Stop calling my boyfriend.

It's pathetic, okay?

And I... Came clean.

I told him everything, and he understood and forgave me.

We both know you're lying.

I'm not lying.

You know what gave you away?

"He understood."

See, guys like Avery, they don't understand.

You know how to make the calls stop?

Extract yourself from Rayna and come back to Edgehill.

I'm under contract, okay? I don't know what you expect me to do.

You seem to be pretty good at getting yourself fired.

Longest delivery call ever.

When's the food getting here?

Very close. They got lost.

[Indistinct talking in distance]

Hey, can we do this? I prefer sooner over later.

Almost ready. Wait for my cue.


I'm not gonna lie... it's a lot of pressure going up against a-a legend like Rayna Jaymes.

Yeah, but whatever happens, win or lose, we're in this together.

Speaking of the album launch, we have a surprise for you.

Your label head, Jeff Fordham, is here.

Hello, everybody.

Hey, Jeff! What... what are you doing here?

Well, I've got some pretty exciting news, and I wanted to come down here myself to tell you in person.

Pack a suitcase, Will.

You've got a few big days ahead of you...

In New York City!



[Both laugh]

Um, uh, New York? Why?

Because I just guaranteed you a number-one album drop.

Oh, my gosh! [Chuckles]

For real?!

[Both laugh]

Are we... are we done?

We're good. Thank you.

All right.

Thank you, Jeff!

[Knock on door]

Bucky: Anybody home?

Rayna: Hey.

Luke: Hey.

What are you doing here?

Good news, I can do over the phone.

Bad news, I do in person.


You've been bumped from GMA.


Jeff Fordham muscled his way in, and he took your spot... for Will Lexington.

How the hell does that happen?

They love you over there.

They're gonna try and reschedule as soon as possible, but, yeah, you know, I'm... I'm sure Jeff promised them the moon.

Oh, you mean "the moon."

I don't know for sure that that's what happened, but...

Yeah, I-I'm actually pretty sure that's what happened.

Wait, wait. I knew nothing about this.

I'm sure you didn't, but, man, he's getting real personal.

I mean, it's my launch week. Yeah.

He's gonna go bump me off a national show with an unknown artist?

Come on, now.

He wants a w*r? He'll get a w*r.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

[Laughing] Bye!

It pays to have an ex-husband in high places.

Teddy got us LP Field for the launch.

That's a download for every ticket sold, y'all!

Hey, if you sell out, that's 70,000 downloads, which is way more than the bump Will would get from one appearance. That is brilliant!

Oh, go, good. We've got to rehearse.

Can you get the band together?

Yeah, I'll call them.

I also have a call in to the stage company... live-stream setup, too.

Yeah, we're gonna have to get the word out there.

Get the team facebooking and tweeting.


Let's get ahold of radio... whatever we have to do to set up a stadium show in five minutes flat.

Screw Jeff Fordham.

Great job.

Thanks, y'all. [Knock on door]

Oh, I think that's Juliette.

She wanted to have a meeting for some reason.

Tandy: Bye.


Hey. What's going on?

I think I made a terrible mistake signing with you, and I would like out.

Juliette, we have a contract.

I'm aware of that, and I would like it nullified...

Or voided or whatever it is that we have to do.

We can shake hands and part friends...

Or whatever it is we are.

Okay, would you mind sharing with me what happened, considering the fact that I just came through for you at fort Campbell?

See, you come through for me at some dinky, little show that's totally off the grid, and you think that that's a big deal.

I mean, let's get real, Rayna.

You are not big enough to service an artist like me.

Juliette, you are dangerously close to seeing exactly what I am big enough to do to you.

I am about to put on a huge show at LP Field, which you will be a part of, and if my album doesn't hit the charts like a hammer, there will be no Highway 65 for you or for me, all right?

So get out of my face, you're not fired, and I don't want to hear about this again!

You don't get this now, but you are seriously ruining my life!

Hey, have you guys seen Juliette?

She's supposed to be here. She's performing later.

Uh, no, I haven't seen her. Why?

I mean, it's pretty crowded. She's probably somewhere.

I mean, that's true. She could be anywhere.

Everything okay?

All right.

Well, thanks again for doing this for me.


Rayna: Hey, can I catch up with you in a second?

Yeah, I'll get us some seats.

Thanks, babe.


[Chuckling] Hey.

How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

Good. I'm glad to see you.

You too. I was gonna call you.

Um, I'm leaving town soon. I'm gonna go back to school.

I just wanted to thank you for everything.

I didn't mean to put you through all that.

You know, you're gonna be amazing at whatever you decide to do.

Jeff: Hello, ladies.




Pretty slick move with LP Field.

Guess you're not above using your personal connections to get what you want.

You mean, the way you used your "personal connections" to snake my GMA appearance?

And, you know, Will's just a newbie.

It's not like one appearance like that's gonna make a dent for him.


However, sadly for you, even if you pack the place, it won't be enough to top the 200,000 downloads that I've guaranteed my newbie.

And meanwhile, until Juliette leaves you to come back to a real label, you can keep yourself busy doing damage control for your one remaining artist.

And you'll have your hands full.

I know I did.

Hey, did y'all pick a movie?

No, not yet.

Where's Maddie?

She's in her room.

She said, "I don't want to watch any stupid movies with you," so I said, "fine.

I don't want to watch any stupid movies with you, either."

And then...

Okay. Okay, okay, I get it.

Don't worry about your sister. You pick whatever you want.

Hey, dad, since Maddie's taking guitar lessons, can I maybe take lessons, too?

I mean, ukulele, mandolin.

Ooh. Or drums. Luke plays drums. They're cool.

I appreciate y'all coming out tonight to support the Heart Fellowship Recovery Center.

Sobriety is not a onetime fight.

It goes on... one day at a time, as we say... for your entire life.

If you're gonna do a fight that long, you better have yourself a support system.

For me, that happens to be my family.

Got my niece Scarlett, who keeps me honest.

I also got my daughter, Maddie, who's helped me... well, to see the world through brand-new eyes.

And both of them have shown me what it means to love somebody more than I love myself, which has given my life meaning.

That's what this center's about. That's what this night is about.

It's about not being defined by your past.

It's about finding a way to move forward.

Good speech.

We thank y'all for your help.

Yeah, it is.

I'm excited to introduce some great musicians, some good friends of mine...

Gunnar Scott, Avery barkley, and Zoey Dalton.

Give it up.

[Cheers and applause]

Avery: Thank you, Deacon.

Hey, everybody.

We're, uh, really honored to be a part of this tonight.

Here's a new one.

Uh... Wherever she is, Juliette, this is for you.

["One light shining" plays]

♪ Let it rain, let it pour ♪
♪ I'll always get this ship to shore, baby ♪
♪ It's crazy ♪
♪ The things that I would do for you ♪
♪ The hell that I would walk... ♪

[Slurred] I'm fine!

Don't. I want to hear the song.

♪ ...here to save you ♪
♪ From now on, you're never gonna be alone ♪
♪ If you get lost, I'll be there to bring you home ♪
♪ In the middle of a dark night ♪
♪ I'll be your one light shining ♪
♪ Your one light shining, girl ♪

What are you doing?

What are you doing?!

I'm not doing anything!

You show up drunk to a recovery event, Juliette?

I'm not drunk! The traffic was bad. That's why I'm late.

Where's my dressing room?

You're not going anywhere.

Don't touch me!

He wrote this song for me!


He wrote it for me!

I don't know what's bothering you, but you're not gonna work it out here, all right?

The last dn thing yoneed is one more scene in public.

♪ In the middle of a dark night ♪
♪ I'll be your one light shining ♪
♪ Your one light shining, girl ♪

It's been a crazy couple of days, but I think it all went great.

That clip of George stephanopoulos trying on my hat, that got the most hits all day, and, uh, all those girls screaming at the cumulus concert...

I hate to get my hopes up, but it's exciting.

And this is me.

Can't wait to see how it all plays out.

Y'all have a good night.

Man: Good night, Will.

Woman: That's a wrap. Sleep tight.


[Knock on door]

Oh, God.



You show up at Deacon's thing wasted?

Why are you trying to get me to fire you?!

Why are you careening down this path of self-destruction?!

I don't get you!

I slept with Jeff Fordham.

[Stomach gurgles] What?!

Oh, God. I'm gonna be sick.



That's it.


[Toilet flushes]

[Sighs] I don't know why I did it.

I get jealous, and I lash out.

I hate him. And he's gross and he's mean.

Yes, he is. He is all of those things.

If I don't leave you and sign with him, he's gonna tell Avery.

And he's not just gonna tell him. He's gonna enjoy it.

He's made that very clear.

And once Avery finds out, oh, that's it.

He's never gonna forgive me... Ever.

Not that I deserve to be forgiven, but...

Well, now, come on, now.

Everybody deserves to be forgiven.

Not Jeff. Jeff doesn't. But everybody else does.

And I think you're right.

If you don't tell Avery and he finds out from somebody else, especially Jeff... it's gonna be a lot worse for you.

You're gonna drop me, aren't you?

No such luck, sweetheart.

That would not be good for me. And it would be worse for you.

And I'm not letting Jeff get his grimy paws back on you.

Listen, you're gonna get yourself together.

We're gonna go perform at LP Field.

We're gonna k*ll it, which is gonna k*ll Jeff.

And won't that be fun? Yes, it will. - Uh-huh.

But you got to do the right thing and tell Avery, whatever the consequences bring.

That's what it is to be a big girl.

[Stomach gurgles]

Oh, no. [Retching]

Wait a minute. No.

[Crying] Hold my hair!

You got it. You got it.

Well, I think that it helps that will and I have the same dream.

Did you see him this morning on GMA?

He's... he's so talented and funny.

You should call and tell him that.

Okay. [Chuckles]

[Cellphone buzzing]




Hmm. Voicemail.

Saw you on GMA this morning, man. You were great.

Thanks, man.

Just calling to confirm our session.

It's, uh, day after tomorrow, right?

Yeah. Can't wait.

Been thinking about your training.

I'm excited to be working with you.

Me too.

So, just call me when you can.

I love you.

Everything okay?

Oh. Sure. Yeah.

It's... It's just tough sometimes.


Y'all ever see Juliette tonight?



Okay, what... what the hell's going on here?

You two have been acting weird around me for days.

Is it Juliette?

Something happen?

Tell me.

[Door closes]

Tell me it isn't true.


Tell me I heard wrong.

[Voice breaking] You didn't hear wrong.

It's... It's true.

I don't know why.

I hate myself for it.

It was a mistake. It was a mistake. It meant nothing.

It meant nothing?


That almost makes it worse.

Does it ever mean anything to you?

Yes! Yes, it does with you.

How the hell am I supposed to believe that?

Because it's true, and you know it. I love you.

Hey, don't... Don't say that.

You have no clue what love is.

To you, love is... is 50,000 fans worshipping you every night.

All hail queen Juliette!

You have no idea what it means to actually love another person, because when you do, you wod rather die than hurt them.

I'm [Sniffles] I'm sorry. I love you.

I love you, and you love me.

You love me.



You have no idea how much I love you.

I do.

But that's something I'm gonna have to get over.


[Door opens]

I'm sorry!

Gift cards.


Sam Boone's Superstore gift cards.

200,000 of them all come with Will's smiling face and a download of his album.

[Bucky sighs] Oh, my God.

Okay, I went to business school with Sam Boone's son.

Well, I know Sam Boone.

I swear, why can't anything ever be easy?

It is easy. All you do is you make the phone call.

Oh, how's that phone call gonna go?

Okay, what am I missing here?

Sam Boone... the one I basically told to go to hell when he was gonna pull all of Juliette Barnes' records off the shelves in my great effort to combat corporate censorship.

There is a place for principles and ethics and all of that, but it's not in business.

Oh, hello, daddy.

Point taken.

Are you going to make the phone call or not?


You drink coffee now?

Why? Do you think I shouldn't?



What is going on?

You know you can talk to me about anything. What is it?

Is it boy trouble?

I'm not talking to my dad about boys.

It's not even that.

Mom and Deacon are just being lame.

I want mom to sign me to her label, and they don't think it's a good idea because I'm too young.

I understand. It's frustrating.

But it's not always such a bad thing to wait.

Please don't start.

Hey, I get where you're coming from.

No, you don't... you're not musical at all, so there's no way that you can understand how much it hurts when you just shut down my dreams.


Crazy how things turn out.

I mean, who would have thought I'd be going off on a big tour and you'd be moving back to Mississippi?

All worked out for the best.

I just wish I hadn't wasted so much time being angry at y'all.

I should have just been happy for you from the start.

Gunnar's a great guy.

Think you might... Swing by on your way out of town, say goodbye?

Uh, I don't think he's particularly interested in talking to me.

I ven't heard from him in a while.

Oh. Well, he gave me this to give to you.

It's on a thumb drive. You need to hear it.

What I need is one last round at the loveless café.

You up for it?

Sure. I'll even spring for the check.

Lord, I'll even let you.


God knows that I try, and he has to meet me halfway, you know?

I mean, that's what marriage is.

I don't know.

Sometimes I think maybe he's tired of me already.

Will, how does that make you feel?

How do you think it makes me feel?

I feel terrible seeing the hurt in her eyes and knowing I'm the one that caused it.

But it...

I do love her, even if I'm not always great at showing it.

It's just the pressure, you know?

I mean...[Sighs] This is my shot.

Everything is riding on this album.


Deacon: You know, you didn't have to do this.

I could have dropped it off for you.

No, you know, I was over at soundcheck.

It's right on the way.

How's that album launch going?



Something on your mind, Ray?

No, I...

Well, you know, I mean, it's just... it's a huge week, and I have bet the house on this album, literally, and that idiot at Edgehill is trying to complely screw me over.

And I have the opportunity to, you know, screw him over and actually win the week, but then it would make me feel like I was just basically...

Selling out.

Like what?

Like, it involves plastic, and... it doesn't even matter.

Look, I know we're a long way from where we started... that business we grew up in... yeah, that's gone.

You got everything riding on this, I say that you do what you have to to make it fly, and you kick his ass.

You won't find any judgment here.

Thank you.


I sure as hell wish it was the way it used to be.

[Clears throat]

[Sighing] All right.



Thank you.

I was never good with guitars.

[Door closes]

Launch day! Check out this prototype.

You're gonna see this gorgeous, smiling face all over Boone's Superstores starting today.

[Cellphone buzzing] Oh.

Jeff Fordham.

Hey, Jeff.

Wait... what?

How is that even possible?

Went with another artist?

What do you mean, you don't know?

Wha... I thought this was a done deal.

Aww. They're from Luke.

I know. Aren't they gorgeous?

Wow! Look at those!

You can put those right over here.

Sam Boone. Ha!


[Both laugh]

Thank you.



I hurt him.

Really bad.

And I don't think he's coming back, so...

I'm here. [Chuckles]

You don't have to go on tonight if you don't want to.

No. No. We're gonna go up there and do exactly what you said we're gonna k*ll it.

And I'm gonna have your back, like you had mine.

[Knock on door]

Here he is. Is now a good time?

Now is a perfect time.


Hey, Jeff.

Didn't expect tickets to this show.

You see Will crush it on GMA?

Oh, I missed that.



Hey, Jeff.

Thanks for the worst minute and a half of my life.

And you don't have to trouble yourself with telling Avery.

You were right... he didn't understand.

In fact, I don't think I understand, either.

I-I definitely don't understand.

Oh, she's staying at Highway 65.

Shs not going back to Edgehill.


Is that why you invited me?

To let me know that you're holding on to damaged goods?

Good one.

Hey, you didn't happen to, uh, tell Luke about any of this, did you?

Oh, your adventures in blackmail?

No, I thought I would hold on to that card for later.

And I have a card for you to hold on to.

About 250,000 of those are going out this week... in place of the Will Lexington ones.

Hey, Jeff.

The door's over here.


Enjoy the show.

Hey, hey, look. Look. [Laughs]

Isn't this amazing?


Deacon: Hey, guys.


Pretty amazing, huh?

It is!

So amazing.

[Knock on door]

Luke: Knock, knock.



You are a vision.

You're not so bad yourself.

I know... lips. I won't mess you up.

Oh. [Laughs, smooches]

I hope you can mess me up later.


Oh, I got nothing but surprises in store for you later.

Ooh. Good.

Oh, girl, I am so proud of you.

You are the most amazing, most beautiful...

[knock on door] Sorry, guys.

Time to suit up, Ray.

Thank you.

Luke: I will finish this later.

You still want to close with "Ball and Chain"?

You bet.

All right.

I'm gonna go put on my rig and, uh, powder my nose.

[Laughing] Okay.



Thank you...

For my children...

And for that wonderful man.

Thank you for making me strong...

And for so many blessings.

Thank you for letting me live.

[Cheers and applause]

[Audience chanting "Rayna!"]

[Knock on door]

Gunnar! Gunnar! I... d-dude, what are... what are you doing here?

[Sighs] [Voice breaking] I'm sorry. I'm gonna go.

No, no. Hey, hey, wait. Come back.

I'll just... Put this away.


Come in.

You look like hell.

[Breathing heavily]

The Boone deal went south.


Without it, my album's gonna t*nk.

What's the point, huh, of me not...

I gave up everything... for what?

For what? Nothing! I got nothing!

That is crap, all right?

You got your talent. No one's gonna take that away from you.

[Scoffs] Yeah. Well, what if I lose my record deal?


Jeff Fordham's a bastard. You know that.

[Chuckling] Yeah.

He doesn't deserve you, all right?

And if that happens, there are other labels out there that do.

I just wanted it to mean something, you know?

Thought I could make it all worth it.

So you think being on the country charts is gonna make everything okay?

Look at me.

You're living a lie.

And I'm the only person you can be yourself with.

That's not enough, all right? That's not enough!

Juliette: ♪ can't tell you why he does what he does ♪
♪ But one thing I know ♪
♪ Is he ain't gonna change ♪
♪ He ain't gonna change ♪
♪ I love that boy, but he ain't gonna change ♪

[Knock on door] Scarlett: Avery.

[Chuckling] Avery, open the door.

[Knock on door] [Huffs]


[Knock on door] Coming!

[Knock on door]


I just wanted to stop by.

I-I'm leaving town tomorrow, remember?


Are you drunk?

Well, if I'm not, I wasted a lot of beer.


I don't want to talk about it, okay?

What's going on?

Come on. You're a mess. Just tell me.

I'm not going anywhere till you tell me.

I broke up with Juliette.

You guys were so good together. What did you do that for?

Yeah, I thought so, too.

What happened?

It doesn't matter.

Well, it seems to.

You're sitting here drinking in your underwear by yourself.

No, it doesn't... it doesn't matter!

She's not a good person, Scarlett!

I thought she was, and she wasn't!

That's it! It doesn't go any deeper than that!

She is a good person!

I'm sure she's done some things in her past she's not too proud of, but I've known you long enough.

You would go back and do things different if you could.

You know what? It doesn't matter.

It does!

'Cause I'm over it!

Well, it really looks like it.

Did you say you're leaving town?


♪ It's so complicated ♪
♪ It's drivin' me insane ♪
♪ It's just a ball and chain ♪


♪ I've tried all the things I could ♪
♪ To get me off the hook ♪ [Audience cheers]

♪ But still, I keep on fallin' for ♪
♪ Every single trick in the book, yeah ♪
♪ All those little games you play, babe ♪
♪ Used to be fun ♪

[Audience cheers]

♪ Baby, we were flyin' higher ♪
♪ Close to the sun ♪
♪ But you're tearin' me apart now ♪
♪ All the good is gone ♪
♪ There's a shadow hangin' over us ♪
♪ What was right is wrong ♪
♪ It's so complicated ♪
♪ It's drivin' me insane ♪
♪ It's just a ball and chain ♪
♪ Just a ball and cha-a-a-in ♪
♪ Just a ball and chain ♪

[Cheers and applause]


[Whistles] Yeah!

Hold on one sec. Hold on.

How about Ms. Rayna Jaymes?

She's something else, isn't she?

Thank y'all!

Well, she's something real special to me.

I tell you, sharing this stage with her makes me feel like the luckiest man in the world.

And I don't mind telling you, since we're all just friends here...

[Laughs] I truly, truly love her.

[Cheers and applause]

What are you doing?

I love you.

I love you, too, Luke. [Laughs]

And I was hop... and I was hoping... that you would do me the great honor...

[Cheering intensifies]

Of allowing me to become your ball and chain.

[Laughs] [Cheers and applause]

Babe, I got a trick knee. I can't stay down here forever.

Is that a yes?

If it's a no, I'll wrap my head around that, too.

I know it's crazy.

[Cheers and applause]

Come here.


Come here.

["Ball and chain" plays] [Laughs] Yeah.


Jess: A 7-carat ring?

If you two don't give People Magazine an exclusive on that wedding, I will never forgive you.

Well, Jess, as soon as she sets the date, we will let you know.

All right.

[Laughs] We'll see you.


See you, Jess.


I'm gonna make you so happy, babe, or I'm gonna die trying.

Wish I didn't have to go pick up the kids at the airport.

Me too.

But Colt had to deejay a party.

I don't want to propose and run, but we'll see you in the morning, yeah?

Yeah, we got our whole lives. I'll make pancakes.

That was fabulous!

Man: Hey, just wanted to say congratulations.


♪ Now it's all wrong ♪
♪ That's just a-how it goes when you're gone ♪

You came back.

I'm not back.

[Sighs] See, my problem is... That I believe you.

I believe you when you say you love me.

[Voice breaking] I do.

I love you so much.

Then why?


I don't know.

I thought you were gonna leave me for somebody better.

I've been so alone since I was a little kid.

I couldn't understand why nobody loved me.

There were a lot of men around me... my mom's friends, these older guys.

And they would tell me that I was beautiful.

Gosh, to me, that meant that they loved me.

It took me years to realize that...

I wasn't what they loved.

I think when I feel like somebody's gonna hurt me, I just make sure... That I hurt myself first.

Or worse... burn the house down while I'm still in it.

And Jeff...

Jeff saw me for what I really am...

Trailer trash covered in rhinestones.

I don't deserve you.

And at the end of the day, I will make damn sure that I get what I deserve.

Nothing and nobody.

I know I need help.

Ohh, but, please... please don't make me be alone again.

Gunnar: Thanks for coming to rehearse, guys.

I'll give you a shout on Friday, let you know if that show comes through, all right?

Man: All right, brother.

Gonna be great.

Take care.




I thought you were leaving town.


Scene of the crime, huh?

Zoey told me you'd be here.

She gave me this.

It means a lot.

It's the only thing I want to listen to right now.

Didn't feel right leaving without saying goodbye.

I'm so sorry...

For so many things.

You never even wanted any of this, and I pulled you up on that stage, and I pushed you to write, perform, and now... is that why you stayed away?

You think this is your fault?

Gunnar, you never made me do anything.

You just believed in me.

You even loved me for a little while.

I loved you, too.

Can I play that for you?

["It's not yours to throw away" plays] Yeah.

♪ That same road that brought you here ♪
♪ Sure as hell take you home ♪
♪ The life you left behind will have you back ♪
♪ You're tired of payin' dues and worn-out shoes ♪
♪ And Broadway blues ♪
♪ And any fool will tell you the damn ol' deck is stacked ♪
♪ What if you're just a vessel?

♪ a vessel, a vessel ♪
♪ And God gave you something special? ♪
♪ special ♪
♪ It ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ away ♪
♪ It ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ Every time you open up your mouth ♪
♪ Diamonds come rollin' out ♪
♪ It ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ No ♪
♪ And all of the players ♪
♪ The movers, the shakers ♪
♪ The story-maker suits have gone home ♪
♪ You drew the last slot ♪
♪ You thought it was your shot ♪

Where have you been? I was worried.

♪ But now it's just one more chance blown ♪

Come on.

What is it? W-what is wrong?

♪ And God gave you something special? ♪

I'm gay.

♪ It ain't yours to throw away ♪


♪ It ain't yours to throw away ♪

I'm sorry, Layla. I'm sorry.

♪ In a town as cold as January, life comes true ♪
♪ Dreams get buried every day ♪
♪ Destiny won't be denied ♪
♪ It ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ No, it ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ 'Cause every time you open up your mouth ♪
♪ Diamonds come rollin' out ♪
♪ It ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ It ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ Throw away ♪

[Song ends]

I really don't think you should go.

[Knock on door]




Come on, now.

What... I just wanted to come over and say congratulations and what a great guy he is and that I hope you'll both be very happy.

Thank you.

But I can't.

[Sighs] Why not?

'Cause it's a lie.

I was angry when I thought you were lying to me, so I'm not gonna lie to you.

I got to say something.

No, you don't.

This thing of ours...

I know what I've done.

I broke your heart a thousand different ways, and, God, I am sorry for that.

But something changed.


I know how to love you now.

That man you always wanted me to be... I am that man.

And I can be a husband now, and I can be a father.

And I can give you everything that we were always meant to have.

And maybe I'm too late, and maybe I should just move on, but I can't.

I've tried like hell, but all that ever happens...

I just get better at lying to myself.

I don't want to do that anymore.


You and me, Ray.

That's how it's supposed to be.

You know that.


It's Maddie and Daphne and you...

And me.

Don't answer me now.

This is yours.

I never should have taken it back.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]
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