02x21 - All or Nothing with Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x21 - All or Nothing with Me

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

I don't want this.

Mom, you have got to hear this song Deacon and I just wrote.

Luke: Maddie Claybourne, that is.

Rayna: We have a daughter together.

I think I can get past this.

You need a minute, and I need a few.

This is a recording of my church solo.

Have you ever worked as a backup singer before?

Gina: Reality TV can be a nightmare, unless you guys are working with the right producers.

We both know why this is a terrible idea for you.

Sometimes I really hate this town.

[Slurred] Sometimes I really hate everything.



Rayna: I can't tell you how happy I am to be here with you today.

Let's face it... radio is still the best messenger out there to get the music out.

Big Jim: Doing pretty well on your own, ask me.

That live stream you did generated lots of call-ins.

Oh, good. Well, that was planned.

Piggybacking onto Luke Wheeler's tour didn't hurt.

[Chuckles] No, it did not.

He's out on that morale tour for the soldiers in Afghanistan, isn't he?

He is, yeah.

Frankly, I would have loved to have gone with him, but I felt like I needed to stay home and take care of the family, of course, but also, we've got this album launching on may 1st.

It's right around the corner.

Listen, Rayna, you know we all love your work, but I think... and I'm sure I speak for all the broadcast outfits you've got here today... our listeners aren't too keen on you since you aligned yourself with... Certain individuals.

I'm assuming you mean Juliette Barnes.

Listen, I-I signed her to the label 'cause I think she's a talented performer and because she loves country music.

Rob: That's hard to imagine, being that she told everyone in it to go to hell in that song of hers.

Oh, see, now, I don't see it that way.

I, uh... I think she was making a statement.

But if you listen to "don't put dirt on my grave just yet,"

I think you'll agree with me. It's a great song. It is.

There's been a serious accident in Afghanistan.

Details are sketchy, but I'm told Luke's hummer convoy was being escorted by private contractors when they hit an I.E.D.

Luke was injured. His manager just doesn't know how bad.

So we don't know how he is?

No, I've been trying to get information, but they're just not releasing anything yet.

And it hasn't even broken in the media.

Can we get in touch with him? I mean, where is he?

He was taken to a hospital in Germany.

They're flying him to New York. He'll be hospitalized there.

All right, then I want to go to New York.

I want to be there when he lands.

Okay. I'll get you on the first available flight.

You okay?

No, I am not.


Scarlett: Hey.

Just thought I'd bring you a little tea in the girliest cup I got.

[Chuckling] Thanks.

Didn't mean to interrupt your writing.

Oh, you're not. I'm not writing. I'm reading.

It's my old journal from when I first moved here.

Yeah, a lot's happened since then.

A lot un-happened, too. - Yeah.

It's funny... I thought I'd feel better being off the road, being free, but trouble is, now I don't know what to do with myself.

Well, you just pick up where you left off.

Will: So, just to be clear, none of this is gonna make me look like a jackass, right?

Oh, stop it. That's not possible.

He's the best.

Okay, you two, save it for the camera.

Uh, t-these things aren't on yet, right?

No, but before they are, I need you to sign a release form.

Gunnar Scott, right? The songwriter?

Oh, ye... I-I'm not actually involved in this. [Chuckles]

Lots of free publicity in it for you.

I'm not one for reality shows. [Cellphone ringing]

Don't find much reality [Chuckles] in them, you know?

[Ringing continues]

Could you maybe silence this next time?

I work nights.

And my phone is what woke you up?

[Cellphone beeps]

Hey, Jeanne.


That... that is quite the opportunity.


All right. All right, bye.

[Cellphone beeps]

That was my publisher.

Uh, Juliette Barnes wants to meet with me tonight to discuss co-writes for her new album.

Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing?

Come here. Come here.

Because I saw her and Jeff Fordham sneak out of the screening room at the BMI party last night.

So, they watched a movie?

Yeah, only it was NC-17, and they were both starring in it.


I mean, how am I supposed to talk to Avery about this, let alone try and write with her?

You haven't told him?

No! I mean, would you want to know?



I don't know.

Thank you for getting here so quick.

Of course. I'm happy to help.

All right, girls. So, how long are you gonna be there, again?

Just one night, sweetie.

I hope he's not hurt too badly.

Mom, you said he wasn't.

He's gonna be fine, y'all. He's gonna be all right.

You all set?


Listen, I think we need another backpack.


That one's mine.


All right. Let's do that quickly.

Okay, do you have everything you need?

I do. Um...


Would it be cool if I actually spent the night with Deacon tonight, maybe?


I-I-I don't think that's a good idea... not under the circumstances.

I mean, we've... we've talked about having a sleepover before.

Why not tonight?

Because you and your sister are staying with me.

All right, don't you think that I should be able to spend just a little bit more time than, you know, an hour a week with him?

I think it's a conversation we need to have, and now's not the time to have it.

Exactly. Your mother and I need to talk about that first.

And, besides, I was looking forward to spending some time with you.

Dad, you know I love you. I do.

I just... I just want to spend a little more time with him, you know?

That's all.

I've got a plane to catch, guys.



Thank you!

Ready, daddy.

Okay, let's go, honey.

You all right with that?

[Chuckles] As much as I can be.

I'll drop her off, okay?


[Avery sighs]



How long you been here?

Uh, I just let myself in.

I was here last night, too.

Stayed pretty late before I gave up on you coming home.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It was such a mob getting out of there.

It just took me forever.

Look, I know things have been...

Kind of off between us lately.

No, they haven't.

I just want to apologize for my role in it.

I-I was trying so hard to help Scarlett that I-I didn't really stop and think how it might look to you.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Scarlett is my ex-girlfriend.

I know.

You're the one I'm in love with.


Ohh, I have so many meetings. I'm so late.


Then being a little later won't make much difference, will it?

[Sighs] You know, I wish it wouldn't, but...

Are you still mad at me?

We're fine.


I'll see you later.



Hey, Rayna. You go right on in.

Rayna, what are you doing here?

Are you okay?

I-I'm fine.

They said you hit an I.E.D.

No, the first Humvee in the convoy did.

I was in the second.

When we swerved to avoid it, we rolled.

Two people died.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, two others are seriously injured.

I just got a couple bruised ribs and a few cuts and a pretty good bump on the noggin.

I was lucky.

You're not going back there.

Yeah, well, I am going back.

I just don't know when right now.

I got to be honest with you... it...

It shook me up pretty good... in ways I wouldn't expect.

Yeah, I bet.

But you know what?

Right now, I really just want me some sugar.

Come here.


I'm so glad you're okay.

I'm glad you're here.

Me too. [Chuckles]

Gina: Just forget you're being watched.

Forget the cameras are even here, and be yourselves, dirty drawers and all.

Whoa, whoa.

Thought we agreed... no cameras in the bedroom or bathroom.

Ha ha. Very funny. Keep it up.

And have fun with this, you two.

Great. Let's do this.

And remember, just do whatever you'd ordinarily do.


Okay, roll camera.

Are you ready to be your sweet self?

Will: Yep.

And to kick this thing off on the right foot, I've got a brand-new song for my brand-new wife, who came into my life at just the right moment and changed it for the better.

♪ I've been a mover and a shaker ♪
♪ a sinner and a taker ♪
♪ a big mistake maker all my life ♪
♪ I was a sucker for a good time ♪
♪ a crosser of a straight line ♪
♪ a shadow in the sunshine, and I was blind ♪
♪ then I was loved by you ♪
♪ I was lost as lost could be ♪

Told you. This couple's a gold mine.

♪ I was runnin' aimlessly ♪

This might be a... Girl thing, but ever since Scarlett's meltdown, Juliet's been kind of distant.

I mean, she says she's fine, but...

You sure it's about Scarlett?

Can't imagine what else it'd be.

I just... I hate feeling like she doesn't trust me, you know?

I think this might be, like, a question for Gunnar... like, a guy thing.


Scarlett: Hi.

You look great. Oh, thanks. [Chuckles]

How you feeling?

Good. Fine. Um...

Really, I'm fine. [Laughs]

Uh, just wanted to ask you if I could stay with you tonight.

Maddie's at Deacon's, and I don't want to impose.

Hell yeah.


We'll bust out the karaoke machine.

I don't know if I'm up for singing just yet.

Right. Then we'll just watch movies.

Or you could stay here and wait tables.

Your hands seem to want to.


Old habits die hard.

You did work here a while.

You think Erika would let me come in sometime, fill in just for fun?

You really want to put that apron back on?

No, I just want to get back to normal... whatever that is.

Juliette: Thank you. Appreciate it.

Terrific meeting. Thanks so much for coming by.

We'll be in touch.


Good songwriter.

Seems to really have a handle on how we're... Evolving.

How many more of these things do we have?

Listen, if you're not feeling this, we can cancel for the rest of today.

In the meantime, you write songs with Avery.

No. Don't worry about it. It's fine.

Let's just keep going.

You sure?

Yeah. Let's go.

Okay. All right, next up, we have...


Gunnar Scott.

Well, I know who you are.

Although, I don't think we've ever actually met.

No. It's... it's a pleasure. [Chuckles]

I was in a... I was in a band with her boyfriend.

Ah! Who's a... you know, he's a... he's a great guy.

He's... he's really a... he's a great person, you know... Avery.

Yes, he is.


I couldn't agree more. [Chuckles]

You know, he, uh, played me the song that you guys recorded in my studio, and it sounded great.

You got two more on the charts, is that right?

I do, yeah. Uh, one is mine.

The other is a... is a co-write, so...

I'm happy to work however you want.

That's great.

Juliette Barnes and Gunnar Scott.

Quite the combo.

I happened to be next door, checking out a new act.

Thought I'd stop by, say hello.

If you don't mind, we're in the middle of a meeting right now, so maybe we can... can you give us just two secs?

Do you mind? I'm sorry.

Oh, no, no, sure.

Glenn: Come on, Gunnar. Jeff.


Deacon: What in the world is this you are studying?

Like, nuclear quantum physics or something?

[Chuckles] It's algebra 2.

Oh. There's a sequel.

[Both chuckle]

I never studied that.

Well, you were very lucky.

I sure would have loved to have a mom and dad make me study and stuff like that.

Really? What was your childhood like?

Well, I didn't really have much of one.

It's okay, though.

That's probably why I act like a child nowadays.

Is that why you never got married?

Answer to that one is, uh...

More complicated than that math you're doing.

So you get back to that, and I'll get back to my lasagna.

Did you ever think about marrying my mom?

Do you... Smell smo... oh, no, no, no!


[Groans] Damn it!

Darn it.

[Both laugh]

Reporter: The convoy suffered two fatalities, but all non-military personnel were taken out of Afghanistan, including several entertainers who were there to perform for the troops.

Among those musicians...

[TV shuts off] Is Luke Wheeler, who hightailed it out of there before he could give those soldiers the show they were promised.

You didn't have any choice in that matter.


I know you're disappointed.

I am disappointed. Those people are heroes to me.

They put their lives on the line, and I sing songs for a living.

Now they're all gonna get stiffed, 'cause we were gonna simulcast to posts all over the world.


Hey, you know what?

Fort Campbell is right outside of Nashville...

30,000 troops there.

Why don't you just go do the show for those guys, and then we can simulcast it overseas?

Well, it'd be hard to do in a hurry, and I don't know if I have a whole show in me, either.

Well, I'd help.

And, listen, we put the word out, I'm sure there are a ton of people in this town who would love to do it.

Don't you have an album to launch?

I do.

But, you know, those guys are my fans, too.

Come here.


I can't stop thinking about you.


[Chuckles] Not like that.

Well, a little like that.

I mean, given our newfound intimacy.

I was drunk, okay?

Very, very drunk.


Well, regardless, I feel like now is a good time for us to be... Honest with each other.

You see, when I came after you to re-sign you to Edgehill, it was because Howie V. Was right.

You are poised to cross over in a major way.

The only thing I'm poised to do is release a country album with Highway 65.

That's it.


Rayna doesn't have the money or the resources to help you with your career or anything else.

So what exactly is she doing for you?

Well, for one thing, she's giving me freedom musically.

Hey. Hey, hey. I just got a call.

Rayna wants you to play day after tomorrow at Fort Campbell for some army personnel and their families with Luke and Kellie Pickler.

But I need an answer ASAP.

I'm in.

Okay. I'll make the arrangements.

What, you think some empty patriotic gesture is gonna help your career?

It's not about my career.

Listen to me.

I am not giving up on getting you back.

Well, you should, because that's never, ever gonna happen again.

I meant at Edgehill, darling.

But it's too bad about the other thing.

It was fun.

Good morning.

Oh, hey. Listen, I got some good news.

Your mama called. She said Luke is gonna be fine.

Oh, thank goodness.

Yeah, they're getting ready to discharge him right now.

So, are they coming home tonight, then?

Almost. They're gonna stop off at Fort Campbell.

They're gonna do a little show there for the troops and their families, but that's only about an hour away.


What do you got there?

Oh, I found this in the hall.

So, you know Merle Haggard?

[Laughs] Well, yeah.

I did a couple shows with Merle back in the day.

That's so cool.

What's cool is that you know it's cool.

That's what's cool.


Hey, let me get you some cereal, all right?

Okay, thank you.

I won't burn it.


If it's all right with my dad and if my mom isn't coming home until later, you think that I can spend another night here with you?

Kidding me? If it's okay with them, you stay as long as you want.




You know, sometimes I wish I grew up living with you, even if you and my mom weren't together.

Sweetie, I want you to listen to me a second.

Your mama... she deserved better than me back then.

So did you.

From what I remember, I wasn't around that much, anyway.

What about the day I was born?

Do you remember where you were then?

Yeah. Yeah.

Spring of '99, I... [Milk pours]

I was on the road.

Being the next great outlaw.


Yeah, something like that.

Man: All right. Have a good time.

[Indistinct conversations]

Rayna: How are y'all doing?

Luke: Hey, buddy, how you doing?

I think you're gonna be taller than daddy by the time he gets back.

What do you think? Yeah?

All right. Y'all have a good time.

Nice to meet you.

Hope to see y'all tomorrow.

Hi, sweetie.

Have fun.

Look, I know you want to help her get back on track for Highway 65, but aren't you the least bit concerned she's gonna step in it again?

Nah. She's gonna behave herself here.

She didn't behave herself at the Opry.

Listen, you cannot tell me these servicemen are not gonna be excited to see Juliette Barnes perform.

I got to be honest with you... I wish you hadn't included her.

I don't think Juliette deserves to be a part of it.

Juliette: Is that right?

Would you prefer I didn't perform?


If I had my druthers.

You don't want me on your stage, I won't be.


What... I don't...

Hey! How are you?

How are you?

Uh, good.

Ahh! And here we are!

[Laughing] Home, sweet home.


Gina: You know what?

Let's try that again.

It's feeling a little canned.

It's 'cause we've done it 10 times.

There's always room for improvement, right?

Look, bottom line... we need to believe what we're seeing, and the kiss is falling flat.

So if you two need to take a minute, step into the bedroom, do whatever it is you need to, come back out, try it again, it's fine by me.

Okay, sure. Yeah. Just give us a few minutes.

No, no, you know what? I'm sorry.

I-I can't do this anymore.

Not today.

What was that all about?

I mean, I know you're not the biggest Juliette Barnes fan, but come on, now.

Why are you so hot on Juliette being here?

Because she's a good performer.

And the military loves her.

They don't care about her past bad behavior.



Is that what this is really all about?

Is that what what's all about?

All this, organizing this concert... w-w-was it for me or was it for the army or is it to promote your label?

Okay. All right, now you're just being mean.

I'm sorry, Rayna. I meant... no, no, no.

You know, you're not the only one who wants to give back to the people who serve us.

I wanted to do this because I care about the military, I care about these families, but mostly 'cause I care about you.

And as far as Juliette goes, for the record, I think she would be a great addition to this lineup.

But... This is your show, babe, all right?

So you do with Juliette what you will.

Hey, Rayna?


I wanted to go over the final lineup with you.

You know what? Luke's gonna be handling that from now on, all right?

You can talk to him. Thanks.

So, are we leaving right now?

He can keep me from going up onstage, but I'm here to support the troops, and he can't stop me from doing that, can he?

Hey, y'all. Mind if I join you?

Wow. You're Juliette Barnes.

I am. And who are you?

Staff Sergeant Alex Gaines.

Nice to meet you.

So, what are you singing tomorrow?

Uh, I'm not... Performing, actually.

Well, then, why are you here? [Chuckles]

I mean, I'm happy you are, but...

Uh... You want to know why?

My dad was actually a black hawk pilot.

Lived at Fort Rucker till I was 3.

Where'd you get stationed after that?

We didn't.

He, uh... He was k*lled in a training accident when I was 4.

That's young.


But I have all these great memories of him.

I remember his flag tattoo and that he used to make all these little paper cranes.

And every time he'd tuck me into bed, he always reminded me of the army motto.

"This we'll defend."

"This we'll defend."

I always felt very safe when he was home.

I appreciate your service and your sacrifice.


It's funny... I've been called a lot of things in my life...

"Freakin' Deacon."

Too often, it's other things, like..."Damn drunk" or "loser" or "the defendant."


Anyway, lately, there's a new name that I've been called, and it's, uh, taken me some getting used to... "dad."

This morning, my daughter asked me where I was the night she was born. I told her I was on the road. Truth is, I was on the road to hell. See, I had been in recovery. I was staying right he at this sober house. I was doing pretty good, but when I found out that the woman I loved was having a baby with... Another man, well, I walked right out the front door, and I went to the nearest bar. I had one drink... 20 times.


So, where was I the night my beautiful, little baby girl was being born? I have no idea. Probably in some fleabag motel with some woman whose name I'll never know. [Sniffles] And I'm gonna have to live with that. But that doesn't mean I need to tell my daughter that. So, uh... I was on the road.
[Grunting] Whoa.

You're working it pretty hard. Hey.

Try slowing it down, all right?

Form's uneven.

[Breathing heavily] Thanks.

I'm just blowing off some steam, I guess.

Yeah, well, don't do it too hard.

You know, you did sign that liability waiver.


No worries. I'm not the litigious type.


You're gonna be the "just hurt yourself" type if you don't get the form down.

Name's Tony. I'm a personal trainer.

If you ever want to get it right, I can work you out.


Yeah, no, thanks. I'm good on that front.


In case you change your mind, here's my card.

Bo: I didn't know your dad was in the service.

Emily: Me either.

Things got bad after he died, so I don't like talking about it.

Luke: Hey, Juliette.

Ohhh. What the hell does he want?

Hey. Don't leave yet.

Why? You've made it very clear that I'm not welcome here.

Yeah, I think, uh, what I made clear was that, uh, I can be a stubborn cuss.

I'd like for you to perform for the troops tomorrow.

Ah. You doing this 'cause Rayna's making you?

No. No, no.

I'm, uh, doing it because I may have...

Jumped to some conclusions about you and about why you're here.

It's just, these folks mean a lot to me.

Yeah, me too.

Yeah, I can see that now.

So, listen, uh, how would you feel about sticking around and, uh, maybe us doing something for them together?

Thanks for the beers.


What's the occasion?


Well... Zoey said that you and Juliette were having a couple problems, and, uh, I thought, hey, maybe you could use a little dude advice.

[Chuckling] You know? Have some... some bro time.

Well, since you brought it up...

[Inhales deeply]

I don't know... it's like she's been putting this wall up between us lately and...

You know, I saw her at the BMI party the other night.


And she was, uh... well, she was...

She was...

She was what?

[knock on door] Zoey: Avery?

Hold that thought.

[Chuckling] Yeah.

It's open.

Hey, guys.


I tried to call. Am I interrupting?

Yeah, we just started to talk.

Well, guess what.

You are looking at the newest backup singer for Juliette Barnes.

Ohh! Small world!

I know, right?

Zoey, that's fantastic. Congratulations.

Thank you. Thank you.

Come here. [Chuckles]

Ohhh, so, anyway, sorry to break up your guy time, but I want to celebrate with my boyfriend...

Right now.

Right. Right.

Girls. [Chuckles, sighs]

Oh. Uh, real quick.

Um, what... what were you saying before about Juliette?

She looked, um...

She looked lost without you.

Got to go.

Good night.

[Door closes]

We agreed I would tell him.

I mean, now what? You got this gig, so...

Look, I'm sorry. I know I agreed.

It was super-easy in the abstract, but the reality of it is, I'm gonna be working with her.

So are you.

You know if Zoey's working tonight?


What about Avery?

Not that I know of.

Uh, I don't think we've officially met. I'm Scarlett.

How long you been here?

Just started a week ago. I'm Mark.

Lots of new faces. Something to get used to.

Excuse me.

Yeah, what can I get you?

I'm sorry. Are you Scarlett O'Connor?

Yeah, I am.

See? Told you.

You playing here tonight?

Uh, oh, no. But I can get you some drinks.

Couple of beers, whatever you have on tap.

Got it.

Hey, uh, sorry for what happened to you... that... Thing onstage.

Oh. Thanks.

Um... Can I get you guys something to eat?

So, I guess you're just back to being a waitress, then?


It's a shame. 'Cause you were really good.

Okay, we'll start with the chicken fingers and the sweet-potato fries.

You got it.




Long day.

Yeah. Sorry about that.

I got hung up talking to a few folks... last-minute planning.

[Groans] How you feeling?

Well [Chuckles] I've been worse.

You want some water or anything?

No. No, no. I'm good. [Groans]

Heard you had a little change of heart about Juliette.

Yeah, well, even I can admit to being an ass sometimes.


Well, I-I-I think I've decided I'm gonna do a song with the girls.


I don't know.

After talking to that Colonel...

Does seem like it'd be nice... all those families there and all that, you know?

Yeah, I think the folks on the base would love that.

Hey, so, what's going on?

I feel like there's this tension between us or something, and... I don't really know where it's coming from.

I mean, I feel like you're picking fights with me and saying I had an agenda about the show, and... Seems like you're pushing me away.

I don't know why.


Well, I'm sorry for being a jerk.


But when that I.E.D. went off, I thought, "this is it. It's over. I'm dying."

But I didn't see my life flash before my eyes... not like they say.

I-I, uh, saw my kids.

And I saw you, Rayna.

I love you.

And, uh, if I'm a little edgy about it, maybe it's 'cause, uh...

I'm not really sure you feel the same way about me.

You're not?

[Chuckling] No.

I love you.

I'm all-in, babe. - [Laughs]



Rayna: Thank you so much.

We are so thrilled and honored to be here with you today at Fort Campbell.

And Luke and I are just huge, huge fans of yours.

Huge fans.

Hey, isn't she great?

[Cheers and applause]

That's why she is the queen of country, this one.

This isn't about us today, and, you know, we don't have queens in this country, but we do have an amazing first lady.


And Michelle Obama would like to say a few words to us right now.

Oh. Look at the screen.

Thank you so much, Rayna and Luke.

Thank you for including me today.

And on behalf of myself and my husband, I want to extend our deepest gratitude to all the servicemen and -women watching at Fort Campbell and around the world and to your families, who share in your sacrifice.

You all are serving our country so bravely, and my husband and I strongly believe that when your active duty ends...

Is this how it's gonna be from now on?

Me and you and Maddie and him... her dad?

No. No.

Listen, I-I know it's confusing, but regardless of how things look right now, you two will always be the Conrad sisters, okay?

Now, I could go on forever about the extraordinary contributions of our men and women in uniform and how it's our solemn obligation to serve them as well as they've served us, but Rayna and Luke promised you all some music, so I'll let them get to it.

Thank you again for your service, and God bless.

[Cheers and applause]

I think the show's really gonna do things for us.


Hey, what's wrong?

What is it? You can tell me.


It's all those.

They're not on, silly.

Yeah, well, they still bug me.

Just act like they're not there.

How? They're every-damn-where I look!


Stop! Will!


Thanks for being here this afternoon.

There's something special about being in the 101st airborne division and being here at Fort Campbell.

And we're very fortunate to have these great entertainers here today.

So thank you, Luke.

Thank you.

Thank you, General McConville and thanks to all y'all.

Now, listen, before things went sideways for me in Afghanistan, I had a chance to see firsthand...

Turns out he's a pretty good dude.

Yeah, he is.

Well, hold on to him, because they are few and far between.

[Chuckles] True.

Someone who knows firsthand the pain and loss military families endure, but most of all, she shares your fighting spirit...

Miss Juliette Barnes!

[Cheers and applause]

["Don't put dirt on my grave just yet" plays]

♪ I thought things couldn't get much worse ♪
♪ but guess what, they did ♪
♪ he hit my heart upside with a wreckin' ball ♪
♪ oh, but that's what I get ♪
♪ I'm not going nowhere ♪
♪ I can live on my prayers ♪
♪ 'cause I'm done playin' nice, I'm done runnin' for life ♪
♪ 'cause you think that you got me scared ♪
♪ this time, it's goodbye, trouble ♪
♪ I feel the light at the end of this tunnel ♪
♪ I get stronger with every step ♪
♪ come hell, come high water ♪
♪ you push on me, I'm gonna push back harder ♪
♪ I got a whole lot more than a little bit left ♪
♪ oh, so don't put dirt... ♪

They're pretty great out there.

Yeah, they are.

Hey, thank you for letting Maddie stay with you these last few days.

It was fun.


She asks a lot of questions, though, doesn't she?


Kind of kicked up a lot of stuff with me.

I'd love to... Air it out, if that's all right.

♪ If you're lookin' to blame ♪

Oh... Let's do that at some point.

♪ I'll give you something to believe ♪

I think right now's the time.

♪ No, I'll never look back so you better think fast ♪

I told you I was never gonna forgive you for not telling me about her 14 years ago, and... I'm not.

'Cause that would mean you did something wrong.

♪ I feel the light at the end of this tunnel ♪

You didn't.

♪ I get stronger with every step ♪

You were just protecting our little girl.

♪ Yeah ♪

I finally get that.

All I ever did was give you hell for it, and I'm sorry.

♪ I got a whole lot more than a little bit left ♪

I'm grateful.

♪ Oh, so don't put dirt... ♪

Thank you.

♪ ...on my grave just yet ♪
♪ on my grave just yet ♪
♪ no, don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ hey, well, it's ♪
♪ gonna take more, gonna take more, gonna take more ♪
♪ to put me under ♪
♪ gonna take more, gonna take more ♪
♪ gonna take more than that ♪
♪ to put me under ♪
♪ this time, it's goodbye, trouble ♪
♪ I feel the light at the end of this tunnel ♪
♪ I get stronger with every ste-e-e-e-p ♪
♪ come hell, come high water ♪
♪ you push on me, I'm gonna push back harder ♪
♪ I got a whole lot more than a little bit left ♪
♪ oh, so don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ on my grave just yet ♪

Come on!

♪ No ♪
♪ don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ no ♪
♪ don't put dirt ♪
♪ on my grave just yet ♪

Juliette Barnes! [Cheers and applause]


Thank you, Juliette!

Luke: We have got a big surprise for y'all.



I know you didn't invite me, but I didn't want to miss it.

I'm glad I didn't. You were amazing.


I don't care if everybody hates me for the rest of my life, but I am so proud of what I just did.

Did you see how much the soldiers loved our song?

"Our song"... that's a good sign.

Look, Juliette, I don't know what more I can do than apologize.

I mean, I... I don't want to lose you, but it feels like you're slipping away.

It's not gonna happen.


Scarlett: Hey.

You left this at my house last night.

I didn't realize. Thanks.

You working another shift tonight?

Want to carpool, like old times?

Um... I asked Erika to give it to somebody else.

Why? Last night didn't go well?

No, no, it was great. I made $73 in tips.

I consider it a huge success. [Chuckles]

Well, I've got a little success of my own to share.

I booked a gig as a backup singer on Juliette Barnes' tour.

Oh, my God. That's amazing.

You sure you're cool with it?

Oh, my goodness. Oh, no, no, I'm so happy for you.


It's exactly what you wanted. It's where you belong.

Okay, well, if you're leaving town...

It makes it a whole lot easier for me to leave Nashville.

You're leaving?

There's nothing left for me here, really.

If I'm gonna start fresh, I got to start someplace else.

[Faucet handles squeak]


[Knock on door]

Layla: Will?

[Crying] Is everything all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just gonna be a minute.


Hey, it's Tony.

I can't take your call right now, but if you leave your name and number, I'll get back to you.


Hey, Tony, it's Will.

Uh, I met you at the gym yesterday.

I want to schedule a private session.

[Cheers and applause]

Please just help me give it up for the one, the only miss Kellie Pickler!

["Closer to nowhere" plays]

♪ We can go somewhere ♪
♪ where you gotta get all dressed up ♪
♪ or throw on some jeans ♪
♪ and go somewhere and get messed up ♪
♪ gotta be somethin' we can get into downtown ♪
♪ oh, one of them nights ♪
♪ where the neon lights never go down ♪

[cheers and applause]

♪ We can go someplace ♪
♪ where there ain't nobody around us ♪
♪ take a ride out there ♪

Have you seen Maddie? I sort of lost track of her.

Yeah, she's back here somewhere with her sister.

Said they had something to do with their mom.

♪ Tell me what you think... ♪

Can I ask you a question?

I was wondering if you could tell me about the night...

♪ As long as it's somewhere ♪

The night that Maddie was born.

Look, you raised a hell of a girl, Teddy.

And you were there for all of it. I just...

♪ We can park on a hill ♪
♪ and roll it on down to the riverside ♪

I want to know what I missed.

♪ Sit and watch the moon shine... ♪

Rayna labored most of the night at home.

By the time we got to the hospital, they rushed us right into the delivery room, and Maddie was born right before sunrise.

She came out crying. Man, she had a set of lungs on her.


Still does.

Anyway, um...

They swaddled her up, and I held her real tight till she calmed down.

And in... in that moment, I...

♪ ...where the stars look a little more crowded ♪


It was a love I'd never known before.

♪ Come on, now, tell me what you think about it ♪
♪ we can go anywhere ♪


What the hell are you doing here?

Oh, in case you'd forgotten, the man of the hour is my artist... something I'd very much like you to be.

I already told you... I'm not interested.

Yeah, you're onstage with a superstar from my label.

One that was thrilled to sing the song that you fired me for.

I-I told you that was a mistake, and I want to undo it.

Well, no matter how unsatisfying, brief, and dumb our mistakes are, we can't take them back.

We can just forget them.


You think if your... Boyfriend found out about your mistakes, he'd forget?

♪ We can go someplace ♪
♪ where there ain't nobody around us ♪
♪ a little closer to nowhere ♪

[cheers and applause]

Rayna: Thank you, Kellie!

Thank y'all so much!

You know, I'm especially moved when I look out there and I see so many families.

You know, my family's here today, and I'm so inspired by you, I thought maybe just this one time, I might invite my two daughters out onstage with me.

Would y'all like that? [Cheers and applause]

Please, then, help me welcome to the stage my daughters... Maddie and Daphne.

[Cheers and applause] Whoo!

The girls and I were talking about what we wanted to play for you, and, uh, we thought of a song that we would like to be our wish to you.

It's called "A Life That's Good."

[Cheers and applause]

Since Deacon's here and he wrote the song, do you think that he can come out and sing with us?

Please? Please? Please?


We are also very fortunate today to have the person who wrote this song here with us...

Deacon Claybourne.

And I'd like to see if maybe he'd like to come out to the stage and join us.

[Cheers and applause]

What do you say?

Come on, Deacon!

[Cheers and applause]

[Chuckles] Putting him on the spot a little bit.

You want to start us off?


["A Life That's Good" plays]

♪ Sittin' here tonight ♪
♪ by the firelight ♪
♪ it reminds me I already have ♪
♪ more than I should ♪
♪ I don't need fame ♪
♪ no one to know my name ♪
♪ at the end of the day ♪
♪ Lord, I pray ♪
♪ I have a life that's good ♪
♪ two arms around me ♪
♪ heaven to ground me ♪
♪ and a family that always calls me home ♪
♪ four wheels to get there ♪
♪ enough love to share ♪
♪ and a sweet, sweet, sweet song ♪
♪ sweet, sweet song ♪
♪ at the end of the day ♪
♪ Lord, I pray ♪
♪ I have a life that's good ♪
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