02x14 - Too Far Gone

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x14 - Too Far Gone

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

That light was so bright, it was like relief.

I hate being this.

Deacon Claybourne live at The Bluebird.

I didn't mean to fall asleep.

Liam: You want to take one of these?

It's just like drinking a few cups of coffee.

Lamar Wyatt thought that I was your star witness, but Tandy is.

I'd rather see my father go free than to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder.

In a stunning turn of events, Lamar Wyatt will be released.

I realized that there is one thing that I need... you.

[Cellphone ringing]

Avery: Ah, where is that thing?

Juliette: It's on your side.


[Ringing continues]

[Sighs] 10 missed calls from Emily and an urgent text from your publicist.

"Country-music titans express outrage over"... just s... screw them.


The world's made a sport out of hating me, and I'm...

I'm done with it.

I'm just gonna stay off the grid.

[Sighs] Right.

[Knock on door]

[Sighs] Don't get it.

Don't get it.

Juliette, it's my house.

I'm getting the door.

[Knocking on door]


I'm not here!


Mr. Barkley.


You got a minute?


Sure, hey, what's up?

Well, uh, I was gonna record my set tomorrow night for my "Live at The Bluebird" E.P.

Great idea.

Well, thank you. I just...

Erika tells me that Gunnar's, uh, quit, so he's not working on the board anymore, but you are.

Is that right?


Well, look, you know my sound. You know my music.

I was thinking... why don't you just engineer this whole thing for me?



I'd love to.



All right, all right, well, I got a shoestring budget, but I got a little bit of money I can throw at you.

I just...

I want this thing to sound like we're really at The Bluebird.


Yeah, I hear you, and, hey [Claps] you know what?

We could record the whole thing on analog, you know, record it live to two-track.

Yes, yes, yes, all that. That's great.

Great, so, uh, how about I meet up with you later for a dry run?



You been in touch with Juliette?

Uh, she's all right.


Yeah, just laying low, you know, keeping her head down.

She sure stirred up a hornet's nest with that Opry performance.

She's a hardheaded little damn thing, isn't she?

All right, man, I'll talk to you later.

Yeah, see you.

[Door closes]


♪ Well, you know how it goes when you meet somebody ♪
♪ that you like somebody, wanna hold somebody ♪
♪ but you just can't stand to think about somebody ♪
♪ as another somebody becoming someone else ♪
♪ when it all goes to hell ♪
♪ why can't we keep it on the sweet side? ♪
♪ See how it feels to take a slow ride ♪
♪ this time ♪

Cut! Got that piece... moving on.

Good job, y'all.

Rayna, we got about 20 minutes till our next setup.


Looking great.

Thanks, Robbie.



Rayna: Why didn't you tell me you were flying in?

I wanted to hop on a plane and see how the sh**ting was going.

It's going.


It's costing us a lot of money.

Well, it has to. It's like you said.

The first single off the label, it's got to make a big splash.

Yeah. Fingers crossed.


How are you? I missed you.

The girls really missed you.


How was the spa?

It was really nice.

How's Luke?

He's good. He's good.


Yeah, he's, uh, back out on tour for another week, which is probably a blessing.


Since daddy's getting released.


You know, I still don't understand what happened with all that.

But then I figure, maybe he's actually innocent.

Wouldn't that be a pleasant surprise?

Oh, my gosh, of course, the girls are planning a big, you know, welcome-home party for him this afternoon.

This afternoon? Oh, sweetie, I can't. I have meetings. I have so many.

No, no, no, don't you dare. Listen to me.

I don't know what went down between the two of you, but our father is coming home from prison.

I'm not doing that by myself.

We are gonna be a family, damn it.

Gunnar: Good morning.

[Country music playing]

Good morning!

Oh. Hey.

Hmm, what are you listening to?


Edgehill sent over like 30 songs they want me to listen to.

Anything good?

Not really. [Sighs]

Apparently, my album drops May 1st.

Against Rayna Jaymes' album.

Hey, but that's a compliment, right?

Label thinks you can take her on.

Well, not with these demos, I can't.

That's the problem with having a great song like "What if I was willin'?"

It makes all these others pale in comparison.

Well, you know... seeing as you're looking...


I wrote it after the whole Brent thing.

"I've always been broken underneath my smile.

If I'm being honest, I didn't stand a chance."

Yeah, look, you got to have more than just up-tempo stuff to round out the album, you know?

Have a ballad in there. I'm not broken.

And this isn't my brand.

Dude, this is me you're talking to.


Hey, you look nice. Where, uh, where you going?

Oh, I'm just headed out... errands.

[Chuckles] Okay, your hair looks nice and different and...

[Sighs] Thanks.

O... okay.

Am I crazy, or was that weird?


To both.

The band's just playing the hell out of the songs.

I'll tell you something about Avery Barkley, too.

Boy knows what he's doing. Just perfect.

You know, it's just such a great way to ease back into this craziness.

It's just a little E.P. at The Bluebird, you know?

Well, that's great.

Yeah, your enthusiasm... it's really contagious.

I just can't believe they let Lamar Wyatt walk.

Yeah, I can.

This case got you all wrapped up, doesn't it?

Legal system's got so many loopholes that the law can't keep up with it anymore.

I love when you talk dirty like that.

Oh, yeah?


You are gonna rock a recording at The Bluebird.



How's that for enthusiasm?

It's really good enthusiasm. I want some more of it.

Mm, sorry. Got to be at work.


And I'm sorry I don't know how late I'm gonna be tonight.

Yeah, well, that's all right for tonight, but you got to promise to be there tomorrow night.

Oh, I will be there... in the front row enthusiastically.

[Chuckles] Hi.

Hi, Scarlett. Bye, Scarlett.

Bye. Hello.


I figured you moved out and decided not to tell me.

No, I, uh, I laid down three more tracks with Liam.

It was like my best vocals ever.



Uh, what does Megan have front-row seats for?

Should I be jealous?


No, it's just my recording at The Bluebird.

I know you're busy with Liam, so...

No, no, he's... he's got to go someplace with some people.

Uh, I got Rayna's music video tomorrow, and then I'm coming to The Bluebird. [Chuckles]

Okay, busy girl, just make sure you get some rest.

I can't. I got songs pouring out of me.

I got to keep up with them.

Woman: Hi, everyone.

You'll be asked about your training and experience.

And be sure to list any touring and studio experience you have.

Sophia Roxanne?

[Indistinct singing in distance]


And, uh, Zoey Dalton.

Just need your head shot and demo.

Oh, um, I don't have those.

Have you ever worked as a backup singer before?

[Sighs] Mnh-mnh.

Well, honey, come back when you got your tools ready.


[Birds chirping]

I'm just saying you might want to prepare yourself.

Why? Does he look that bad?

Well, you know, he's lost weight.

He looks frail.

I mean, the man's been locked up, for God sakes, and he had a heart attack before that, so...

Well, he's not the man he used to be.

Daphne: He's here!

All right, well, now y'all don't smother him.

Maddie: Just... just don't bounce off the walls.

We can hug him, right?

Yeah, of course you can hug him.

[Door opens]


Together: Grandpa!

Hello, ladies.

Mm! [Grunts]

Mm! Pa-paw.

Hi, daddy.

Oh, I missed you.

[Birds chirping] Hey.

How you doing, Tandy?

Hi, daddy.

Haven't seen hide nor hair of you since your one and only visit.

I know. I'm sorry. I've just been so busy.

Well, why don't we get inside where it's nice and warm?

Oh, sh**t, you know, I have to run.

I got a million things to do, and you probably want to rest.

You're not gonna stay for a bite?

Well, you want your company up and running, and we'll have dinner this week or something.

Hey, hey.

You said you were gonna stay for this.

I'm sorry. I can't.

[country music playing]

Maddie: ♪ looks like it's gonna be a beautiful day ♪
♪ children outside laugh as they play ♪

Together: ♪ just listen to that little bluebird sing ♪
♪ you never know what the day's gonna bring ♪
♪ the sun is shining ♪
♪ the sun is shining down ♪
♪ there's a silver lining ♪
♪ behind every cloud, they say ♪
♪ looks like the blues have blown away ♪
♪ blown awa-y-y ♪

That is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen or heard.

Thank y'all.

And we made you cookies.


You did?

[Chuckles] We did.

Well, I will have one.

And, um, how about a big old glass of milk?

Okay. [Laughs]

They have been practicing like crazy.

I don't know why they'd have to. They got your talent.

Unlike your sister.

You know, she... she never once looked me in the eye today.

Well, listen, I think it's gonna take a little time for all of us to heal.

Wait. You're leaving?

Yeah, got to go wrangle the equipment for Deacon's show at The Bluebird.

I made toast.

Uh, that's not toast. That's, uh, lukewarm bread.

I had to microwave it. I couldn't find your toaster.

That's 'cause I don't have a toaster.


You sure I can't entice you into staying a little while longer?

I'll watch that weird Sci-Fi movie with you.

It's Fellini, not Sci-Fi.

And do you really want me to piss Deacon off?





See you soon.

[Door closes]

Will: You know, Layla, you don't have to buy groceries for the house.

I have to contribute something around here hello.

'Cause you won't let me pay any money.

Hey, we're in here.

Think fast.

Oh! Whoop!


How was errand running?

[Sighs] Fine.



It's kind of a full house, right?


Well, I can take care of that. I got to split.

Laying down some vocals on my boy Gunnar's track.

Meet me at the studio?

I'll see you there in a while.

Hey, I haven't gotten to tell you, uh, "American Hitmaker" called.

They're flying me to L.A. tomorrow to debut my next single on the top-10 show.

Oh, that's great.

Gunnar: Yeah, congratulations.

Yeah, that's awesome.

What, no kiss? [Chuckles]

I'm going to L.A.

Walk me out.

I got to split.

I'm gonna swing by music row before meeting up with Will.

You got anything exciting happening?

Just work.

Okay, well, have fun with that.

Mwah. See you later.

[Indistinct conversations]

Emily: Avery.

I have to find Juliette.

Everything is blowing up. She's completely M.I.A.

Do you have any idea where she is?

I haven't seen her.



Great, well, thanks for your help.

Well, I know putting Scarlett in is gonna cost us a little bit more, but I do think it's... oh.

Uh, hey, buck, can I call you right back?

Call you right back. Bye.


Is there anybody else here? I mean, are the girls home yet?

Uh, no. What's going on?

I thought there were security concerns.

Yeah, listen.

There's something you really need to know about your father before you get too close to him.

Lamar's responsible for Peggy's death.


You see, he targeted me because he thought I was cooperating with the prosecution.

He thought that I turned him in, that I was their star witness, so he ordered that man to sh**t me, and instead my wife died for nothing because...

Hold on...

It wasn't me.

I didn't know enough about Lamar's business to tip off the feds, much less talk to them about it, but she did.

Who? I don't know what you're t...

So I don't want...

I don't want our girls anywhere near either of them.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, hold on!

You understand?

I know you're grieving and... and you're trying to make sense of all this, but I...

I mean, this sounds crazy.

Ask your sister why she didn't testify on Lamar's behalf.

Ask her what your father is capable of because she knows better than anybody.

Will: ♪ baby, baby, baby-y-y ♪
♪ what if you wanted to feel alive? ♪
♪ Make something of the time you're killin' ♪
♪ what if you wanted somebody to love you right? ♪

It's not bad.

Yeah, I'm not sold on the bridge.

♪ What if I... ♪

Could we give it another pass?

Hold up. Let me check your mike.

Think you're too hot.


Thinks you're too hot.


Hey, guys.

How's the session going?


Jeff sent me over. He wants to know your thoughts on the demos.

Gotta start locking down tracks for the album.

Yeah, I'm not really feeling anything in that batch.

Come on, Will, some of those songs are great.

Yeah, well, I don't like 'em.

And I'm the one singing them, so keep looking.

Okay. We'll send over some more songs.


You know, you're kidding yourself if you think you got this thing under control.

I'm telling you, man, anybody in a 10-foot radius can tell there's something going on between you two.

[Dramatic music playing]

[Knock on door]

[Music stops]

[Knock on door]

Emily: [Sighs] I know you're here, Juliette.

How many calls do I not have to answer before you get the message?

How did you know I was here?

Avery's a terrible liar. Why are you ignoring me?

Because I'm quitting everything.

Before everyone quits you.

I guess you figured out that country radio is dumping you from their playlist.

Stop talking! I don't know. I don't want to know.

This is my life now.

What? It's a nice apartment.


If you need references, I'll call and talk to whoever you want.

[Scoffs] I am not looking for another job.

I work for you.

Let me take you home. No.

But you can help me with something.

Oh, I see why you had to leave daddy's in such a hurry.

You had to go get a haircut. [Sighs]

Among other things.

Looks nice.


I filed our letters of incorporation.

I got all our bank accounts set. You just need to sign these.

Teddy came by here a little while ago.

How's he doing?

Not good.

He had some real strange things to say about you.


He says you're responsible for daddy's prosecution.

Are you?

They'd already set their sights on him.

I just provided a little information.

So, suddenly it's so important to you to have our father arrested for fraud?


What, did they have something on you?

I wanted him punished.


He's responsible for mom's death.

It wasn't an accident. He ran her off the road that night.

He was in Louisville that night.

No, he wasn't.

How do you know?

I found out right before he was arrested.

You found out and you didn't tell me?

The U.S. attorney approached me, and I was forbidden from telling you.

Everybody in this family is a damn liar!

No, I'm sor... [Sighs]

♪ I know when to walk away when the fists fly ♪
♪ I never had a problem with goodbye ♪
♪ and I know right from wrong ♪
Hey, Jeff, come on in.


Thank you for coming down here.

Yeah. You said it was important.

I... I don't even know how to put this.

Hey, hey. Tell me what's going on.


I don't think, uh, me and Brent are connecting.

I mean, he doesn't see me for who I am or who I want to be.

Was he inappropriate in any way?

Well, it makes me uncomfortable.


And, I mean, on top of that, he's picking all the wrong demos for me.

There's got to be somebody else you can throw on my team.



Listen, will, you are a massive part of Edgehill's future.

I will look after you personally, and I'll take care of Brent, okay?

Thank you. I appreciate it.


Hey, now... now focus.

Focus on finding songs.

May 1st will be here before we know it.


I'm gonna move back to my house.

If that's what you want to do.

Listen, after the U.S. attorney told me that daddy may have something to do with mom's death, I hired a private investigator to look into it.

That's the report.


I'm not lying now.

Whole damn thing's surreal.

I mean, Lamar's at home probably drinking his third scotch by now, gloating as he always does.

I don't think this is over yet.

What do you mean? He's untouchable.


Federal agents contacted me, wanting details about Stoffel's case.

They think there's some validity to your theory that Lamar's involved.

It's more than a theory.

I know. That's why they're digging for evidence.

'Cause if they can't find evidence of corruption, how the hell are they gonna prove that he ordered a hit?

Peggy deserves better.

I know.

Don't lose hope.

[Sighs] [Door opens]


What the hell's going on here?

What, are you his lawyer now, too?!

No, I'm not.

Okay, look, Deacon, just calm down.

We're friends, okay?

You're friends?


Yes, let me explain.

I... I should go.

Yeah, you should go.

Thank you for the information.

Of course. I'll let you know what I find out.

[Door closes]

What you gonna let him know?

That is privileged information.

The kind that requires y'all to hold hands?

[Sighs] He is upset about his wife's death.

He's a part of this big case that I've been working on.

Wait. He's the big... he's the reason you've been staying out all these hours late at night?!

Yes, I have been helping him, yes.


'Cause I understand what he's going through.

Are you some kind of, like... tragedy junkie or something?

Is that what it is?

Excuse me?

No, no, that's it, right? That's why you're with me.

I'm this hot-headed alkie that you, uh, seduced to fulfill your savior complex.

What... what are you talking about?!

I'm talking about you latching on to people that got problems so you can feel better about yourself!

That's what I'm talking about!

You can leave now.

You're right. I can.

I will.

♪ People say and, honey, people do ♪
♪ and there's a difference between the two ♪
♪ we know what's right and we know what is wrong ♪
♪ but it all runs together before too long ♪

Juliette: I didn't cook it, but I ordered it.

What the hell have you done to my apartment?

I don't need you to buy me things.

It's a... couch and a bed.

Yeah, and a table and foofy pillows.

I mean, I liked my old couch.

Those pillows are unisex!

Okay, okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey, listen, listen, listen.

I totally understand the instinct to hide out, but you can't be afraid of those people.

I'm not afraid of them.


I just feel like...

All I have left is you.

You are the only one who can change the conversation, and you sure as hell can't do that cooped up in here.

There is no conversation.

So, look, the bottom line is we've just lost two of our top-grossing artists, and so the pressure is on to keep our artists happy and to launch the next generation.

Agreed. So, what do you need from me?

[Inhales deeply, clears throat]

We need to cut you loose.


The talent is not comfortable around you.

I've been nothing but professional.

You'll receive a good severance after you sign a nondisclosure.- Five years and... and leaving my life in L.A., and this is what I get?

It's not personal.

It's business. I have to protect my artists.

I'm sorry, man.

[Ringtone playing]

[Ringtone continues]


Crap, oh, crap, crap!

One of the other partners is taking over the Stoffel case.

I can't do it anymore.

It's because of Deacon, isn't it?

Because it's unprofessional.

Deacon is connected to Maddie and the Wyatt family.

I thought I could manage, but the demands of the case have become too much for me.

I just want you to know that [Sighs]

I feel like you're the only person I can really talk to about all of this.

You know?

Well, you'll find someone else.

You just have to be open to it.

Oh, hey, Brent. Come in.- Hey, man.

Hey, you riding to the airport with me?

No. Um, Jeff just fired me. - Wait. What?


He says I'm not a good fit.

Man, I'm sorry to hear that.

That... that's crazy. I'm gonna call him, okay?

Will, we have to call Jeff, right?

[Car horn honking] Gunnar: Uh, I think your car's here.

I'll be fine.

Knock 'em dead out in L.A.

Thank you for everything.

Okay, take care.

[Door closes]

Sorry to hear that, man. Really.


Well, I guess you got what you wanted.

I don't know what you mean.

I'm really good at my job.

I'm gonna be more than okay.

But you just lost your biggest ally at Edgehill.

I guess I'll have to look after myself from now on.

Good luck with that.


[Door closes]- So, you had him fired?

I didn't mean to.- [Scoffs]

I just didn't want him around me.

You said yourself people could tell there was a problem.

[Chuckles] So you think one guy is a problem?

What, remove that guy, and, hey, everything's cool!

Yeah, exactly.

Dude, you tried to kiss me!


Look, I know things have been strange lately, but it's over.

I know what I want, and I'm not gonna let anybody get in my way.

Yeah. I can see that.


Scarlett: Hey.

A... are you feeling all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. I just, uh...

I've been working really late nights on the album.

I'm good. - Good, 'cause they need you at rehearsal.


Uh, would you guys mind giving me just a minute?

Thank you.

I'm not... wait. I'm not holding Rayna up, am I?

No, it's just your part today.

She's at home with family.

[Speaking French]

Not a lot of room on this couch with all these pillows.


They're italiano. Like the movie.

That's French.



All right.

You have to go?- Yeah.

Deacon's show is at 8:00, and I got to set up.

Why don't you come with me?

No thank you.

[Sighs] Juliette, you're gonna go stir-crazy in here.

I got all your artsy-fartsy films that I don't understand to get through. I'll be...


All right, well...

I'm gonna miss you.

You know, just because you close your eyes...

Doesn't mean you're invisible.

[Door closes]

[Birds chirping]

Hello, Rayna.

Did you k*ll my mother?

Your mother and I were fighting about Watty.

She came down with her bags packed.

I figured she'd get about halfway down the driveway and turn around.


But she didn't.

She meant it this time.

I had to go after her. [Sighs]

Beg her just to come back to me.

I couldn't let her go, Rayna.

I loved her too much to lose her.

She must've seen me in her rear-view mirror because she sped up, and...

Of course, so did I.

She was going so fast. She lost control.

So you saw her crash.

But you didn't get help. You didn't do anything.

Oh, I tried.

[Breathing heavily]

I ran down to her car. She'd gone over this embankment.

But when I got there...

There was nothing I could do.

She was already...

She was already gone.

And then you just went off to Louisville and just lied about it.

I just panicked.

[Crying] I left her there...

Alone on the side of the r... road.

[Pencil scratching]

Hey, what's going on with you?


Look, I'm...

I'm sorry if I've been so busy lately.

No, it's not you. I'm just frustrated, I guess.

About what?

I mean, you, Scarlett, Avery, Will, you guys all have these awesome things that you're doing, you know, and I don't.

A year ago, I was sitting in Natchez, and I realized I had to get out of there because I didn't want to be that girl who never left.

But is sitting around in Nashville any better?

It's not like you're not doing anything.

Gunnar, I'm a waitress.

Well, and you're my girlfriend.


Look, y... you're thinking about this all wrong, okay?

You did it. You got out of Natchez.

And to the tune of working in one of country music's most revered venues.

You got a front-row seat.

I don't think I want a front-row seat anymore.

Look... there are [Sighs] hundreds of people who would k*ll to have your job, your life.

But when you think it's time for something new...

I'll be there, okay?

Hey, guys. Listen up a sec.

Listen, I'm striking the first song from the set.

I'm just gonna... not play the first one.

All right.


What's wrong with the opener?

Just not feeling that one.

What are you talking about? It's a k*ller love song.

Thank you.

Not playing it.


You're staking a lot on this E.P.

So you should either fix what's bothering you... or get over it before we start recording.

Scarlett: ♪ you don't need to meet my mama ♪
♪ you don't need a key to my house ♪
♪ we don't need to dream and plan and scheme ♪
♪ ain't nothing here to figure out ♪

Director: Her energy is off the charts.

♪ Wouldn't it be nice just to find somebody ♪


She looks great.

♪ that you like somebody ♪

She looks perfect.

♪ Want to hold somebody ♪
♪ and you didn't have to worry about losing somebody? ♪

[Indistinct conversations, country music playing]


Hey. Glad you're here.

Oh, you might want to not do that here.

God knows what they'll throw at me next.

No, I'm gonna do that when I want and where I want.

You were right about hiding out.

Turns out I hate being invisible more than I hate being wrong.




Scarlett: Hey.

You look great.

Oh, t... thank you. I feel great.

It's really nice to see you guys.

Um, enjoy the show. You look fantastic.

That was friendly.

And totally weird. [Scoffs]

Oh, wow, your hair!

Uh, it's so glamorous.

Thank you.

How are you?

I'm okay.


Can I please have a Tequila and pineapple and, um, one of those things of sweet potato fries?


Thank you.

[Country music continues]




I didn't think you were gonna come.

I didn't think you'd call.

That was a nice message.

I'm sorry. I just got caught off guard there.

No, you were right.

[Sighs] I do like to save people.

That's how we met.

But it's not why I love you.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to a very special night at the Bluebird Café.

[Cheers and applause]

I gave up the case, so I won't be talking to Teddy anymore.

You didn't have to do that.

I want more time for us.

We're making a live recording.

Make an album.

And I want to welcome our special guest tonight, our very own Deacon Claybourne.

[Cheers and applause]

Deacon: Thank you, Erika.

Thank you, everybody.

Most of y'all know my story.

Had some, uh, rough patches along the road.

Wasn't too long ago that in, uh, one of my darkest times, uh, an angel appeared.

I'd like to do this first one for her.

[Intro plays]

♪ Distance don't mean a thing ♪
♪ I come when you pull the strings ♪
♪ the strings of my heart ♪
♪ wherever you are ♪
♪ just pull, tug, tease ♪
♪ time isn't all it seems ♪
♪ no measure of you and me ♪
♪ hours turn into days ♪
♪ though I'm far away ♪
♪ just pull, tug, tease ♪
♪ I'll keep coming back ♪
♪ oh, it's true ♪
♪ I'll keep coming back ♪
♪ that's what I do ♪
♪ I retrace my tracks ♪
♪ to you ♪

There are a lot of things that I would've done differently, should've done.

But I acted out of love for your mother.

You have to believe that.

Yeah, I don't really know what I believe anymore.


I mean, you just... just lied about this... this whole time.

And Tandy...

Wait a minute. Is this... is this why she's so angry with me?

I mean, does she blame me now for your mother's death?

Well, you were involved.

I mean, maybe not intentionally, but you were.

Don't you think that I feel the guilt of that every day of my life?

Maybe this is a blessing that it's out in the open.

Maybe we can get past it now, the three of us, and find some peace.

That's all I want now.

That all you want now?

'Cause you know what I want? I want the truth.

Did you have anything to do with Peggy's m*rder?

Why would you even ask such a thing?

Did you think that Teddy was responsible for your prosecution?

Oh, I have no doubt about that.

Did you hire that man to sh**t at Teddy?

I didn't hire anyone to do anything.

I was in jail.

Oh, I know you were in jail.

Did you have somebody else do it for you?

Did you have Albert do it for you?

The sh**t obviously had his own reasons for hating Teddy.

Dad, dad, did you do it?!

He didn't need any prodding from me or anyone else!

You're not even denying this!

What is it that you want me to do?

I don't want you to deny it! I want you to tell me the truth!

Did you try to m*rder the father of my children?!

I don't want you near me.

I don't want you near my children ever again.

As far as I'm concerned, both of my parents are dead.

♪ Starin' at my shadow for way too long ♪
♪ if I never did nothing, then nothing could wrong ♪
♪ I've always been singing ♪
♪ I never had a song ♪
♪ is that who I am? ♪
♪ I see big, bright lights ♪
♪ burning in the atmosphere ♪
♪ callin' my name ♪
♪ callin' my name ♪
♪ sayin' I-I-I-I-I-I-I ♪
♪ I don't have to be the way I've been and ♪
♪ I-I-I-I-I-I-I ♪
♪ still got a lot of soul underneath my skin and ♪
♪ it's callin' my name ♪
♪ callin' my name ♪
♪ is that who I am? ♪

Don't... don't stop, man.

I mean, it's better than I ever imagined it. It's... perfect for you.

You're the only who's ever gonna hear me sing it.

[Indistinct conversations]

All right.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Thanks. It was really nice to meet you.

[Laughs] Oh, so good!


So, so good.


Think so?

Oh, look at me. I'm a mess.

You look good to me.

I'm gonna freshen up.

All right.

Well, looky here.


That was an amazing show.

To think I almost didn't come.

Yeah, well, I'm so glad you did.

Never want to stay too long at a pity party, you know?

A pity party's about the only invitation I can get these days.

Don't you let them get you.

You've been given a voice, girl.

You just keep saying what you believe, and you're gonna be fine.


Deacon, you k*lled it, man.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah!

We get it?

You know, it's like pure bottled Bluebird.

It's gonna sound great.


That's all I wanted.

So, is this a...

I like it.




You know, I think we need to get back in the studio.

We wrote a great song.

You're a hell of a producer.

We... we need to do more of that.

Oh, I think that's a fine idea.


Just one thing.


I want all my furniture back.

Hey. Thank you.

Hey, are you... okay?

Yeah, I'm... great.

I'm really happy. I'm I'm busy as hell. I'm, uh, I'm recording, and I'm writing, and I'm...

I'm doing press, and I've just taken a break from the tour for the moment to keep recording the album.

But I'll be back soon, and my whole life's just kind of... perfect.

Give my best to Gunnar. See ya.


Thanks for coming. Well, look who's back.

I don't have a demo.

I don't have any professional experience.

But this is a recording of my church solo.

I can sing.

I can really sing.

Where's aunt Tandy?

Her stuff's gone.

Yeah, um, she left.

Did you guys get in a fight?

Is she coming back?

Uh, come here.

I think your aunt Tandy and your grandfather and I are just gonna have to...

Take a little... a little time apart from each other.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I'm just trying to figure out why you're so hell-bent on destroying me, filling Rayna, the feds, anybody that'll listen to you full of lies.

You got something to say to me, say it.

The most powerful man in Nashville just assumed that he was surrounded by people who would endlessly do his bidding.

You never thought...

Never thought what, Teddy?!

Never thought that the one who betrayed you was right under your nose!

[Chuckles] Is this more lies, Teddy?

I couldn't have brought you down if I wanted to.

Only someone who stood by you and worked with you for 15 years and who knew where the bodies were buried could do that... your own flesh and blood.

Not Tandy.

Because of you, my wife is buried in the middle of Mount Olivet cemetery, and so help me God, I will make sure you pay for that one day.



Help me.




[Breathing heavily]

Help me.

[Labored breathing]


Teddy, please.


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