02x13 - It's All Wrong, But It's All Right

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x13 - It's All Wrong, But It's All Right

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

If anybody knows your dad's dirty little secrets, it's you.

I know who ordered the hit.

It was Lamar Wyatt.

Welcome to Belcourt Records, Deacon.

You got so much talent, but it takes more than that.

You got to want this.

There is no God.

I did not say that!

Hey. What's going on?

The show got canceled.

You're gonna publicly beg for forgiveness.

I'm not gonna lie.

You are a lie.

I made my decision.

I'm gonna need you to write a song with me.

What are you doing with a guitar strapped to you?

You're clearly a drummer.


Well, you can't serenade the ladies with the drums.

Oh, I don't know about that.



[Door closes]



Thanks for coming.

Hey. Luke Wheeler. How you doing?

Hey. I'm Liam.

Congrats on "Ball and Chain."

It's good.

Oh, thank you.

Apparently, I'm not the only guy that this woman can make beautiful music with.

Uh-huh. I guess not.

Well, I love what you did on Rayna's album, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you're gonna do with Scarlett.

Trust me... you're gonna love her.

I mean, she is a sweetheart and the best voice to come out of Nashville since this one right here.



I, uh, I... I finished the mix of "This Time."

You did?

Oh, this is the one you wrote with Deacon.

You're right. This is our single.

You know this means our album's officially done.


[Laughing] Oh, my...

Now all I have to do is launch it against every major label in town.

Am I late? Hi. Sorry.

No, you're good. Right on time. Hey, hon.


Scarlett O'Connor, meet Liam McGuinnis.


Don't let him scare you.

First time I ever met him, he slammed a door in my face.

Hey, we better get going. We don't want to be late.

Okay. Y'all have fun.

And you be nice.

You want to make noise in this marketplace?

Yes, I do.

Then put out an album of duets with all your famous friends.

Come on, man.

You want me to call up everybody I know and ask them for that kind of favor?

Do you know how much people ask them?

Hey, hey. You're not a beggar in the streets.

You're a legend in this town.

Singing with you would be an honor, not a favor.

Hell, word gets out that you're asking, you'll turn folks away.

You know, even if that is true, I just...


I can't do it, Joey.

It'll get your name out there. Might even get you on the radio.

Now, do you want to break out or not?

[Door opens]

What the hell? You slept here last night?

I thought you were off on the press-tour thing.

Oh, yeah.

All anybody wanted to talk about was Juliette's scandal.

And, uh, since the next three venues canceled on us, ah, they figured just send us home till they sort it all out.

Well, that sucks.


You think they'll cancel the rest of the tour.

[Groans] I don't know.

Thought things would've settled down by now.

Just shows you how judgmental everyone can be.

Well, I wouldn't worry about it, okay?

You are the future of Edgehill, remember?

[Chuckles] They're not gonna keep their best-looking cowboy on the sidelines for long.

[Door opens]

[Sighing] Yeah.

Good morning.

Oh. There she is.

Hey. Gunnar, you remember Layla?

Uh, yeah, I... I do. Hey.

Congratulations on "Ball and Chain."

I've been going on and on to will about what an amazing songwriter you are.

Uh, I hope you don't mind...

I told her she could stay with us till we sort things out on the tour.

Isn't he just the best boyfriend?

Yeah, he is.

Hey, you know, I've been wanting to get into songwriting, and since you and I are gonna be spending so much time together, maybe you and I could try writing sometime.

Well, I mean, I'm... I been kind of busy lately.

A lot of people calling and...

Well, of course.

I mean, I'll totally work around your schedule.

Come on, man... you got to have a little bit of time... for my girl.

Yeah, sure.

Awesome! Great! Well, thank you. Thank you.

You know, whenever you want, you, uh, you just let me know.

All right. [Chuckles]

"Crazy Tonight" got the biggest response on the tour, so I thought that might be the single, but I did this song called "Looking for a place to shine" at the Opry the first time I played there, and, um, that was pretty special, so I don't know which way to go on it.

Where are you from?

Uh... Natchez, Mississippi.

How'd you end up here? In Nashville?

Yeah, that's... that's where we are, right?

[Chuckling] Yeah. Sorry.

Uh, I... moved here, uh, with my... a friend.

Ah. You followed a boy.


Thought you wanted to talk about music.

Yeah, I do. Tell me about the boy.

I don't really... want to talk about... him.


Bring the charts tomorrow.

We'll lay something down.

Which song?


Surprise me.

All right, keep 'em closed. Keep 'em closed.

Just a little ways more.

Where are you taking me?

Well, I have been thinking about that whole marketing thing... how you've been looking for something big to, you know, let 'em know Rayna Jaymes is back.

What on earth?

Well, see for yourself.

[Laughing] What?!

I'm part-owner of the team.

I got the other partners to agree to race her in Atlanta this weekend.


Yeah... look, look.

You did not!

Millions of people watching on TV, tons of press coverage, and I am giving a private concert to the sponsors after the race.

You should join me on the stage and announce the drop date.

You are too much!

[Applause] [Both laugh]

Oh. Anything for you.

Thanks, y'all. That is amazing.

That Sam Boone over there?

Yeah, Boone's superstores is one of the sponsors of the race.

That's almost as exciting to me as that car is.

Well, get over there and talk to him.

All right, I'm going to.

All right. [Laughs]


Mr. Boone, I'm Rayna Jaymes.

You don't have to tell me who you are, Ms. Jaymes.

I'm a huge fan.

Thank you. The feeling is mutual.

I tell you what... I started a small business recently.

The first thing I did was read your book.

That so?

I was so inspired.

There you were... you took a tiny storefront in Oklahoma, turned it into an empire.

I have a lot I could learn from you.

I doubt that, but I'd be happy to share any expertise I have.

I would seriously love that.

In fact... would you like to be my guest tomorrow night at the Opry?

I could show you around. We could chat.

Only if you agree to be my guest at the race on Sunday.

You have yourself a deal.

I'm so looking forward to it.

Great to meet you. Gonna go back to my car now.

What, all this horsepower, and I'm getting upstaged by a 70-year-old man wearing suspenders?

Boone's is basically the only place you can still buy CDs these days.

Let's not forget...

I don't have a big corporation behind me anymore.

Got to figure out how I'm gonna get my own damn album on the shelves.

Mm. You are so sexy when you start talking distribution.

I just want you all to know how truly sorry I am for my recent behavior.

Honestly, since my mother's death, I've been a little lost, made some pretty big mistakes, and you all have every right to be upset with me.

But I promise you right here and now I'm gonna do everything in my power to get my life back on track.

Forgive me.

And then you want to launch into "Dreams."

They can take the cue off "Forgive Me."

Uh, you should, uh, give them a nod or something.

Otherwise, it seems too pre-rehearsed.


["Dreams" plays]

At last... the filly is broken.

Hey. Thanks for coming in, Dash. I really appreciate it.

I... I... I know you must be busy with Lamar's trial.

Go ahead... take a seat.

I'm, uh, glad you called.

I just wanted to say how sorry I am about Peggy.

Thank you.

That... that's actually why I... I wanted to meet with you.

You see, I... I'm convinced that Lamar Wyatt was responsible for the sh**ting.

You have any proof?

No, but it makes perfect sense.

I mean, he thought that I was your star witness, but you and I both know I'm not.

Tandy is.

You know I can't discuss the details of my case.

You always were a lousy poker player, dash.

Look, it had to be somebody close to Lamar, somebody high up in the business who knew the intimate details.

The... whoever the witness is, you should be grateful that they had the guts to stand up to Lamar...

especially since your theory has zero proof.

I really am sorry about Peggy, but you can take solace in the fact that Lamar is going to jail for something.

Well, I hear you've been spending some time with Luke Wheeler, huh?

So, what do you think? Do you like him?

Yeah, he's so nice.

He has, like, a thousand horses, and he said we can go maybe, like, riding sometime.


Come home already.

I miss you.

Oh, sweetie, I miss you, too.

I... I will. I promise I'll be home soon.

Here's mom.

Thank you.


Trying to figure out what I'm gonna wear tonight.

Who are you dressing for?

Juliette or for Luke?

I mean, it is Juliette's induction, but...

[Sighs] it's the big night.

Luke and I are making our first appearance in front of the press together.

How you feeling?

I feel good.

You know... it's a little daunting, [Cellphone beeps]

But I'm ready to make this commitment, so...

Oh, hey, you know what?

It's time for my mud bath.

I'm just having the best time here up in Napa.

Ohh! You're k*lling me with that!

All right, well, have fun, [Siren wailing in distance] and we miss you and we love you.

I love you.


[Cellphone beeps]


[Siren continues]

Gunnar: Have you ever written before?

No, but I know how important it is if you want to be taken seriously in this town, so I'm all yours.

Uh, do you have something on your mind you want to write about?


No, not... not particularly.

You know, I figured that we'd come up with something together.

Okay. Uh, usually, one person gets the ball rolling.

So I... I thought since it's your song...

Right. Yeah.

Well, um, most of my fans are young.

So, you know, maybe something, like, upbeat.


What... no, no.

Uh, let's start with what you want to say.

So, what's on your mind?

I want to write something fun.

Yeah, but, you see, it still has to come from someplace.

Take Taylor Swift... she has a bunch of fun songs, but they're usually about personal experiences.

Yes, well, not everyone's love life is as, you know, dramatic as hers, so...

I have one boyfriend, and he's awesome.

Yeah, but "I have one boyfriend, he's awesome"... that's... that's not a great song.

Wow. You don't have to be such a jerk.

[Scoffs] Oh. I'm I'm... I'm not.

Being a songwriter, you don't just do it for fun.

You do it 'cause you have something you want to say.

[Chuckles] I... I... I think this was a mistake.

[Chuckles] Wait... seriously?

I'm just gonna go.



[Crowd shouting angrily]

Man: You don't belong here!

Where did you take Rayna on your first date?

Well, you know, it's funny... I think this is our first date.

[Laughs] How'd you all meet?

We just kinda kept bumping into each other, and... and then we did the song and then...

So, how's it going so far?

You think I'll get a second date?


Rayna, your father's trial starts on Monday.

How are you feeling?

Well, I think we're here tonight to celebrate the Opry and welcome Juliette into the family, so we'll keep it to that tonight.

Do you have any comment about the trial?

[Reporters shouting questions]

[Knock on door]

Hello, hello.



I was hoping I'd see you here.

Are you kidding me?

No Megan tonight?

No, she's got this big, important case that's taking over our lives.

But, uh, I wouldn't miss this for the world.


Thank you... for everything.

You've always been in my corner, and I appreciate it.

You got a lot of people in your corner.

Is there even an audience out there?

Come on, now. You know how many people love you.

That's actually partially why I'm here... to ask you... [Inhales deeply] would you sing a duet with me on my new album?

You're recording an album?

It is ridiculous. I understand that.

But I got signed with Belcourt Records.

What are you talking about? That's amazing.


Thank you for not laughing your ass off.

Does that mean you'll do it?

Uh... folks tend to burn the things that I sing on.

So I'm gonna do you a favor and say no.

You know I don't care about that crap.

And that's why I love you.

[Knock on door]

Hold on.


Juliette: Thank you!

Deacon! Hey!


[Door closes]

It's okay. Juliette knows you're my dad.

Then it's not awkward, at all. [Chuckles]

Daphne: Mom, can we please go find Brad?

Well, I'm waiting here to meet Mr. Boone, so I can't go right this second.

Well, Luke will come with me.

Won't you, Luke?

I suppose I could help track him down.

Yes! Come on. [Chuckling] Thank you.

Mr. Boone!


Welcome. Welcome to my second home.

Thank you, Ms. Jaymes.

Oh, please call me "Rayna."

Come back here. I got some friends I want you to meet.

I bet this is gonna be you one day...


Being inducted into the Grand Ole Opry.

You really think so?

You kidding? I've heard you sing.

Not to mention you're the daughter of Rayna Jaymes and Deacon Claybourne, which pretty much makes you country royalty.


You know, it's not fair what people are saying about you.

They're just bullies, and bullies should not win.

[Knock on door, door opens]

Hi. You about ready?

Yeah. I'm just gonna get changed.

All right, well, I should let you get ready.

I'll see you out there.

I wouldn't miss it.

You know, you don't have to do this.

Yes, I do.

♪ I'm gonna go crazy if I don't get crazy tonight ♪
♪ I'm talkin' whiskey slammin', dirty dancin' ♪
♪ romancin' come daylight ♪
♪ no matter what you were thinkin' that I wouldn't ♪
♪ honey, I just might ♪

Stop! Guys! Stop!

Are you serious? You want me to produce this?

I'm sorry, guys. Get out.

Not you. You stay.

"Whiskey slammin', dirty dancin'"?

What the hell's this song about?

'Cause I highly doubt that you're the whiskey-slammin', dirty-dancin' type of girl.

I'm not. I just...

Is it a song about who you wish you were


Or who you want to be?

It's just a song that makes people happy.

That's your answer?

Well, thank you. Um, we're done.

What do you want from me?

Well, I want to know you.

How am I supposed to produce an album that introduces you to the world if I have no idea who you are?

It's okay. I'll, uh... I'll figure it out.

What are you doing?! No, no, no!

That's private! You can't have that!

Give it back! You can't read that!

It's mine! You son of a...

Tell me about "Black Roses."

I can't believe Rayna would want me working with someone like you!

Oh, you mean someone who's actually willing to tell you the truth?

Someone who doesn't go all mushy every time you bat your eyelashes?

I'm a real bastard, I know it.

You know, I did a little bit of research on you.

Guess what everyone said.

"She's so nice."

What's wrong with that?


Except inside every nice person I ever met, there's always this angry, damaged soul that's fighting tooth and nail to keep that side hidden.

Not me.

Your journal says otherwise.

Tell me about "Black Roses."

Why should I? You already know everything about me.

Just give it back! Because I think you're insanely talented.

And I think you're way more interesting than you let on.

Why would you keep the most intriguing parts of yourself hidden?

Are you scared?

I... I don't know what you want me to tell you.

I just want the truth.

Do you want to be a singer or do you want to be an artist?

"I can see your eyes staring into mine across the b*ttlefield."

Who... whose eyes? Who hurt you?

Was that the boy?

My mother.

[Juliette sighs]


Like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

You should be.

I mean, it's all downhill from here for you.

This is the highest honor you're ever gonna receive in your entire career.

Wow. You know what?

No offense, but you kind of suck at pep talks.

Look, all I'm saying is they're giving you a trophy tonight, but what you're really getting is a place where you can come sing your songs anytime you want.

There's always gonna be an audience here that's ready to listen and love you.

I'm not so sure about that last part...

least not for me.

Okay, look, I've been misquoted, misunderstood, lied about more times than I care to remember.

I'm still here.

So are you.

8 million sold?

That's impressive.

Well, you know, it is such an honor to be up on this wall with all these great performers.

Sometimes I still have to pinch myself.
Hey, mom, they're about to do Juliette's induction, so can I go in the wings with Maddie?

Mr. Boone, would you like to go watch the show from the best seats in the house?


You know, I'm not much of a Juliette Barnes fan, but y'all go ahead.

Well, I don't want to leave you back here all by yourself.

Um, why don't you go off with Luke and find Maddie, and I'll catch up with you, okay?

Okay. Thanks, mom.

Uh, you want to see the Johnny and June exhibit?

Now you're talking.

Those people were country stars.

[Cheers and applause]

I'm so thrilled to get to do this on behalf of the entire Opry family.

We'd like to welcome Juliette Barnes.


You are the newest member of the Grand Ole Opry.

[Cheers and applause]

Good luck.

Thanks, Brad.

I'd like to thank Steve Buchanan and Pete Fisher and everybody at the Grand Ole Opry.

I am truly, truly honored.

I also wanted to thank my manager, Glenn Goodman, for sticking by me all these years.

Glenn, you're the closest thing I've got to family, and I'm very grateful.

Just read the script already.

And lastly, I'd like to thank all of you out there who have come to my defense recently.

'Course, that's a short list.

No. No, no, no.

People don't seem to approve much of me lately... so much so that my label asked me to come out here and apologize for pretty much everything I've ever done.

Even wrote me a nice little speech.

It's right there on the teleprompter.

What the hell is she doing?

Whatever she wants.

But I'll be damned if I stand here in the mother church of country music and pretend to be something that I'm not.

So to all of you out there [guitar riff plays] who want me to beg for forgiveness, who want to burn my records and cancel my concerts, who want to put my career in the ground, this one's for you.

["Don't put dirt on my grave" plays]

♪ I thought things couldn't get much worse ♪
♪ but guess what, they did ♪
♪ you hit my heart upside with a wrecking ball ♪
♪ oh, but that's what I get ♪
♪ but I'm not going nowhere ♪
♪ I can live on my prayers ♪
♪ 'cause I'm done playing nice, I'm done running for life ♪
♪ 'cause you think that you got me scared ♪
♪ this time, it's goodbye, trouble ♪
♪ I feel the light at the end of this tunnel ♪
♪ I get stronger with every step ♪

Did you know about this?

No, I didn't.

If I had, I'd have made sure she called you out by name and told you to shove that teleprompter right up your ass.

♪ So don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ gonna take more ♪
♪ gonna take more, gonna take more ♪
♪ to pull me under ♪
♪ gonna take more, gonna take more ♪
♪ gonna take more than that to pull me under ♪
♪ this time, it's goodbye, trouble ♪
♪ I feel the light at the end of this tunnel ♪
♪ I get stronger with every step ♪
♪ come hell, come high water ♪
♪ you push on me, I'm gonna push back harder ♪
♪ I got a whole lot more than a little bit left ♪
♪ oh, so don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ just yet ♪
♪ oh, don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ no ♪
♪ don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪

[Scattered cheers and applause]

[People murmuring]

[Knock on door]

Well, that wasn't very smart.

But it sure was brave.

Good for you.

From day one, I have always had your best interests at heart, but you fought me.

I used to tell myself, "hey, she's an artist."

It's part of her process."

But now I know the truth.

You're just plain stupid.

We're dropping you.

As of this moment, you are no longer an Edgehill artist.

Just for the record, "just plain stupid" is losing two of your top-grossing artists in less than six months on the job, not to mention pinning all your hopes and dreams on a karaoke singer who came in second place at a talent show.

I may have just burnt the house down, but I made damn sure you were in it when I lit the match.

I'll see you on the unemployment line.

Deacon: Hey, Scarlett, I'm making breakfast.

You want some?

Making eggs.

Hey, Scarlett?

[Knocks on door ] Hey, Scar...

[cellphone rings]


Hey. You all right?

Yeah, I'm still in the studio. [Chuckles]

What... have you been working all night?


With Liam?

What... you never got excited and worked on something all night before?

Well, yeah, but...

Look, you just call me if you need anything, all right?

Okay. Thanks. Bye.

[Piano playing slow melody]

What about this part here?

"I lay low, lay low, and watch the bridges burn."

She just became too unpredictable.

She'd be up one minute, down the next, and when I was really little, I thought that it was my fault...

I was what was making her so sad... so I would try to be real quiet... lay low.


And that way, I couldn't possibly do anything that would set her off, but... then sooner or later, she... got all by herself, and... she'd get taken away to this, uh...

I used to call it the horse farm.

Horse farm?

Yeah, it sounds better than "psychiatric ward."

They had animals that were... well, therapy animals... and the horses calmed her down.

[Exhales sharply]

What's this?

"I'm not under your spell."


That's me trying to convince myself, I think.

She's my mother. You don't... you don't leave your mother behind.

I'll always be under her spell.

You think you can get a piano player in here?


Yeah, I think now's probably best to put it down.

[Tires screech]

[Crowd cheering]

You know, for a mid-packer, your 53 car is getting a lot of attention.

Well, if you can't be the fastest, you may as well be the prettiest.


Let me get you a refill, Sam.

Thank you, sir.

All right.

Thank you.

Man: The yellow flag is out, and we are under caution.

[Groans] Shall we sit?

Yeah. [Laughs]

Rayna, I got to say... you are a real class act.

Aww. Thank you.

You know...

Some of these young country stars could take a lesson from you.

Can you imagine Loretta Lynn or Barbara Mandrell making the kind of speech we heard last night?

Well, no, but listen... as we were discussing, I would really love to talk to you about my new label.

Becoming independent has not been without its challenges, and I do have this new album coming out.

Rayna, I think I know what you're after, so let's stop dancing around.

You want shelf space, am I right?

You are right. I would love to make a deal.

Rule number 3... don't mix business with pleasure.

But let me introduce you to Dan Gillis.

He's the V.P. that handles that department.

From what I hear, they almost always have more product than shelf space.

That's why they normally make their deals at least a year in advance.

Talk to Dan.

Maybe y'all can work something out for next year.



What happened with Layla?

I have no idea. Why don't you ask her?

I did. She said you humiliated her.

That is not true.

I just tried to... to peel back some layers.

And guess what... there are no layers.

Don't you think that's a little harsh?

What are you doing?

What do you mean, what am I doing?

What are you doing with her?


Uh, look, I know you're not the biggest fan of Layla's, but you're gonna have to get used to it.

She's my girlfriend.

Dude, you are not attracted to her.

[Scoffs] Forget it.


No, I won't forget it, because this is the same crap that put you on those train tracks.

It's complicated.

Yeah, it is complicated.

So go uncomplicate it before somebody gets hurt.

[Door closes]

Even if Lamar could have arranged the hit from prison, what's his motive?

Is our conversation privileged?


I was under investigation for defrauding a credit union.

I paid the money back, but it didn't matter to the feds.

So I exchanged immunity for information about Lamar.

Wait... you're the secret star witness for the prosecution?

No. No, no.

My information wasn't valuable enough to convict him, but I am convinced that he thinks it was me.

So the hit was a case of mistaken identity?

Lamar is the one who put the feds on my trail from the beginning.

I mean, he knows that I talked to them.

And... and... and the fact that I'm not in jail practically screams that I cut a deal with them.

Are you talking to anyone?

A grief counselor or a therapist?

Don't even go there.

Listen to me.

Revenge won't bring Peggy back.

You have to deal with your feelings.

I know... it's easier said than done, but that's why most people need to seek help.

Because of Lamar Wyatt, my wife is dead.

The only thing that is gonna help me is justice.

[Cheers and applause] Got a big treat for ya.

I know y'all been watching her gorgeous face circling the track all day, but now it's time for y'all to meet her in the flesh.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines for Ms. Rayna Jaymes!

[Cheers and applause]

I hope this changes your mind about rule number 3.


Hey, everybody.

Thank you to Luke Wheeler for letting me hijack his stage here for a quick minute.

I've got some exciting news.

My album is going to drop on May 1st.

[Cheers and applause]

Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it, too, and 'cause y'all have been so sweet to me here today in Hot-lanta, I thought I would sing the single from my new album for you for the very first time.

["This Time" plays]

[Harmonica plays]

♪ Well, you know how it goes when you meet somebody ♪
♪ that you like somebody, wanna hold somebody ♪
♪ but you just can't stand to think about somebody ♪
♪ as another somebody becoming someone else ♪

Yeah. Hey, Brent.

Look, we need to move a major release to May 1st.

Lock in every inch of shelf space... end caps, register displays. if it isn't Edgehill, it doesn't get in the stores.

♪ See how it feels to take a slow ride ♪
♪ this time ♪

[harmonica solo]



We're ready for you.

I didn't mean to fall asleep. Sorry.

That's okay, but we only have the studio for another 40 minutes, so if you want to lay something down...

Yeah, I do. Do you have the piano player?

Yeah. He's here.


Is... is there coffee?


Are you sure you're up for this?

Yeah. If we don't do it now, we'll lose the moment.



You want to take one of these?

I take them for jet lag.

What is it?

It's nothing.

It's just like drinking a few cups of coffee.

You can keep that if you want.


Just take half of one if you're nervous about it.


Hey. 38 minutes and counting. Come on.

All right.

[Door bursts open] Man: FBI!


Don't move.

No, no, no!

Don't move.

No, no, no! No!

I can't go! I can't...

Clear the bathroom.

Tandy Hampton, we have a material-witness warrant for your arrest.

You can't just skip town and hide.

I had to!

My father will have me k*lled if he finds out I'm testifying.


[Door opens] Will: Hey.

I spent the whole day trying to write a song that would prove Gunnar wrong.

But, uh, turns out he was right.

[Voice breaking] I'm a blank. I've got nothing to say.

Everybody's got something to say.

[Sniffles] No, not me.

I realized today that I spent my whole life trying to be the kind of person that my parents would want me to be.

I did pageants because that's what they wanted, and I... I did music because that's what they wanted.

[Crying] I applied to Harvard because that's what they wanted.

Now I've gotten so good at it, all the... that all I can think to say is what I know they'd want to hear.

Well, believe it or not, I know exactly how you feel.

I mean, not the part about the pageants... or Harvard.


But, uh, I do know what it's like to want to be the person your parents expect you to be... and the hurt in their eyes when you fall short.

At least you had the guts to break free.

You know, live the life that you wanted.



[Sighing] Ohh.

Come on. You'll find your way.

Sooner or later...

we all do.


So, how is it that I came out to support Edgehill's number-one artist and stumbled onto a Rayna Jaymes promotional concert?

Well, all I did was invite my girlfriend onstage for a little fun.


The fact that her face is on your team car is a... strange coincidence?

You know, I heard the label lost Juliette Barnes last night.

Seems like Edgehill's having a hard time keeping its artists happy.

Hope that streak doesn't continue, Jeff.

There you go.

"To Maddie. See you in victory Lane. Austin Dillon."

Thank you.

That is very sweet.

It's not every day you get an autograph from a series champ.

Well, it's not every day I get to race against Rayna Jaymes.

We even traded a little paint out there today.

I know! Listen, I told them they should let me drive.

They didn't listen to me.

Well, you're welcome on my team anytime.

Y'all have a good night.

Thank you.

Um, anybody seen Luke?

I'll go find him.

'Course she will.

Rayna. Excuse me.


I've been thinking... maybe we can do some business after all.

Really? What changed?

Well, as I told you, the deals for the existing shelf space are all taken, but I thought to myself, "why don't we just create some new shelf space?"

You're gonna build me a shelf.

No, I'm not.

But I'm gonna find you some space on the shelves that we've already got.

As of this moment, Boone's superstores is out of the Juliette Barnes business.

Oh, you're gonna... stop carrying her records?

Rule number 6, darling. Protect your brand.

We've been getting pressure about Juliette Barnes being a bad influence.

And frankly, after the Opry, I can't disagree.

Call my office first thing in the morning.

We'll work out the details.

Thank you, Mr. Boone.

Glenn: You can't tell me that she won't outperform 75% of your existing artists.

Yeah, well, okay, at this point, that's probably negotiable, but let's first agree that we're going to work together.

This is... what are you doing?

[Cellphone beeps] Glenn, have some pride.

They don't want me.

So, what's the bottom line?

And don't manage me.

I just want to know the truth.

No label will touch you.

You're too high-risk, too expensive.

Six more venues are trying to cancel on us.

I got legal working on it.

Hopefully, we can salvage some of those dates.

But basically, we're in free fall.

You know what?

I think... it's time for you to take a nice, long vacation.

On me.

You okay?

I'm actually kind of relieved.

Just tired of fighting, you know?

It... it's not fun being Juliette Barnes anymore.

Always having to live up to something, or worse, live down something.

You know, honestly, starting over sounds pretty damn good to me right about now.

Avery: You playing tonight?

No, just waiting for Erica.

Want to see if I can get my old spot back.

Got some new material I need to work on.

New material?


So I guess that means you, uh, took the record deal.

I guess that means you and Scarlett did some chatting before you broke up.

Yeah. I took the deal.

You don't seem very excited.

Oh, it's a lousy deal.

I get $20,000, and they want me to bring in a whole bunch of superstars to sing on it.

I don't know why I took it in the first place.

Like I'm gonna be something after all these years.

You know, I've wondered... why didn't you take your shot back in the day, when you had some heat?

I don't know.

I was... playing guitar for Rayna, writing hit songs.

I guess I just didn't feel like I needed to be famous.

Do you need it now?

[Door opens] [Sighs]

I'm not testifying.

I've got a material-witness order that says that you are.

If you don't testify, you will lose all immunity, and that means jail time.

We've got enough evidence to convict you both.

You don't.

Mr. Brinks, you have built your case based on documents provided by Ms. Hampton.

But she obtained this information illegally.

What are you talking about?

If you check the flash drive that she gave you, you'll find that the data transfer from Wyatt lndustries computers occurred on October 16th.


So, Ms. Hampton was no longer employed by Wyatt industries at the time, which means that the information was stolen and is, therefore, completely inadmissible.

We have documents from Wyatt Industries human resources saying that you were terminated on the 17th.

Well, it may have taken them about a week to process that paperwork, but I assure you...

I resigned October 10th, verbally, to my father.

Motion to suppress the flash drive and all other evidence obtained as a result of those files.

I'm sorry, but I'd rather see my father go free than to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder.

Jeff: Congratulations.

Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you.

Jeff, I am not in the mood.

I just had a nice little conversation with Mr. Boone.

Juliette's body isn't even cold yet, and you're dancing on her grave.


Now you're thinking like a label head.

Yeah. I am.

♪ I can see your eyes staring into mine ♪
♪ but it's a b*ttlefield, and you're on the other side ♪
♪ you can throw your words sharper than a knife ♪
♪ and leave me cold in another house on fire ♪
♪ I lay low ♪
♪ lay low ♪
♪ and watch the bridges burn ♪
♪ now you only bring me black roses ♪
♪ and they crumble into dust when they're held ♪
♪ now you only bring me black roses ♪
♪ but I'm not under your spell ♪
♪ I'm not under your spell ♪
♪ I'm not under your spe-e-e-e-e-e-ll ♪
♪ oooooooooooooooh ♪

[piano playing]




Look, uh...

I guess I'm not used to... to failing.

But you were right about me.

I... I don't know what it is that I want to say.


Or if I even have anything to say yet, so...

You're young.

You probably just haven't thought about it enough.

Yeah. [Chuckles]

So, uh, so what do I do?


How do I start?

You could start writing stuff down... thoughts, feelings, questions.

Like a journal?


You know, one of the best songwriters I know... she started with a journal.

You reckon your label will go for it?

Who cares?

They're not paying me enough to sell out.


"Deacon Claybourne live at The Bluebird."

[Chuckles] It sounds good.

That's really cool that you're pressing it on vinyl.

Well, it was never my intention to be cool.

I just like the way vinyl sounds.


I guess I'm so far behind the curve that I'm ahead of it.


You sure Liam's a good match for you?

Yeah, he's amazing.

I know he's good.

He just seems like he's, uh, working you a little hard.

I've been letting people push me around from the get-go here, and this is the first time I feel like I'm in charge.

And this album is going to be about who I actually am.

Tell you one thing... it's nice to see you excited about your music again.

Been a while.

For both of us.



Turning down distribution with the largest brick-and-mortar in the country?

You are one ballsy lady.

According to Sam Boone, I didn't really have a choice.

Rule number 6... protect your brand.

[Chuckling] What are you talking about?

You know, at the end of the day, I want Highway 65 to be a refuge for artists... a place where you can go and have the freedom to create.

If I do business the way Sam Boone does business, I'm just going against everything I believe in.

I mean, Juliette Barnes can be a pain in the ass.


But I will be damned if I'm gonna take part in some corporate jackass trying to squelch her voice.

Well. I'm starting to think I signed with the wrong label.

Oh, do not even get me on the subject.

[Both laugh]

Luke. What are you doing here?

Hey. How are you?

Well, I brought over some breakfast, and I thought maybe I would help with the Monday-morning carpool.

What do you say?

No way!

Take a look.



Mom, you are not taking me to school in that.

[Cellphone ringing]


Turn on your TV... Channel 9.

Reporter: Opening arguments were expected today in the case against Lamar Wyatt.

Instead, in a stunning turn of events, all charges have been dropped.

You were right.

He is untouchable.

We're waiting on an official statement from the U.S. Attorney's office, but sources say Lamar Wyatt will be released within 24 hours.




You ready for some more magic?

Yeah, let's go. [Sniffles]

[Knock on door]


I cooked you dinner.

Come on in.

[Door closes]

You know, you really had me convinced that I'd be okay if everything disappeared.

But now that it has, I realized that there is one thing that I need, one thing I have to have.

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