02x10 - Tomorrow Never Comes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x10 - Tomorrow Never Comes

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

So he's your boyfriend?

Why do you care?

(Man) Well, you two must not be from around here.

He's talking to you, Nancy.

(Grunts) Uhh!

I just found out I'm gonna be playing in that festival.

That's so awesome.

Pull Deacon Claybourne's name from the list of performers.

If we really are a thing, we have to tell Scarlett.

I can't believe I'm in this battle with Jeff.

You guaranteed me a buyout, and unfortunately, you failed to deliver.

Well, would you like to know why Charlie and Olivia Wentworth split up?

Two words... Juliette Barnes.

(Camera shutters clicking)

What you're doing for the city is just so great.

You can say that to Mayor Conrad.

It was all his idea.

Yeah, well, none of this would have come together without Juliette's hard work.

She's wonderful, isn't she?

And, thank you, Councilwoman Burke.

I appreciate it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

(Man) Thank you, guys. Thank you.

Hey, listen, I really do mean that.

Thank you for all of this.

If you hadn't agreed to come on board, we never would have connected with Charlie Wentworth, and this probably never would have happened.

It's my pleasure.

All right.

Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.


Okay. Bye.

(Teddy) Hey, thank y'all for coming.

We'll see you at the opening ceremony tomorrow.

(Door squeaks)

(Man) Absolutely.

(Door closes)

(Man) Down at the other end.


(Laughs) Hey!

Welcome home.

(Chuckles) Yeah.

What are you doing here?


Uh, just dropping off my guitars for our show tomorrow night.


Well, thank you for agreeing to play with me.

Yeah. What happened to Brian?

I thought he was playing the festival.

I gave him a few days off.

You know, he had a couple tours back-to-back, so...


You're not complaining, are ya?

Not at all.

You know, I, uh, tried to call you a couple times when I got your voice-mail.

Everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

(Man) Juliette Barnes!

We hear you're to blame for the Wentworth separation.

(Man) Move back!

(Camera shutters clicking)

Hey, come on, man.

Hey, right over here.

Hey, back up!

You and Charlie were together in Houston at the Wentworth 5th anniversary party.

Let her through.

How's it feel to be a home wrecker?

Go! Go!

Back up.

How about you, Mr. Mayor?

Any thoughts on the fact that the face of your festival is a tramp?

(Reporters shouting questions at once)

(Rayna) Look what just got here.

Well, look at that. We look good together.

It looks pretty good.

I think so, too.

We should duet more often.

(Chuckles) I hope you're ready for all these early mornings we got with this big radio tour we got coming up.

Yeah, I'm... I am up for anything as long as it means I get to hang out with you.

I like this, you know, workin' with my girlfriend thing.

Oh, girlfriend, huh?


Well, I don't know if my kids are ready for me to have a boyfriend.

Well, what about you?



Fair enough. I'll... no, hey, I'll be your dirty little secret.

I like it that way.


Oh, hey, listen, I was, uh, golfing with Jeff Fordham this morning.

Oh, God. Did you lose a bet?

Easy. Uh, and he said something about marketing strategy for your album launch.

What album launch?

(Chuckles) I got the distinct impression he's planning on releasing it right on the heels of this single.

I just, you know, wanted to give you a heads-up.

I don't know what kind of promises Jeff Fordham has made to you, but I hope you've collected on 'em, 'cause I'm about to go over to Edgehill and k*ll him.

(Dog barking in distance)

Look, I'm sorry.

I know you're mad, but we need to be able to talk about this.

What do you want me to do, beg?

I was gonna tell you about Gunnar in St. Louis, but you were upset about being on the road, and I didn't want to make that worse.

I don't want to hurt you. Neither does Gunnar.


I've barely talked to him.

I told him I need to work things out with you.

Would you just look at me?

(Door creaks)

(Door slams shut)

(Layla) Hey, what do you think about this one?

It looks good.

(Phone clicking)


I have an idea. What if, um... what if I just go like this?

It looks good.


I'm practically dancing around in my underwear here, and you're not even paying attention.

What's going on?

(Clicks) I don't care to talk much about clothes.


I'd rather talk without 'em.


And I got yours right here.

Thank you.

All right.


(Singsongy) Deacon!


(Normal voice) As I live and breathe.

I saw your name on the list the other day.

How are you doin', Tanya?

Excited to see you out there.

I'm excited to be playing.



(Papers rustling)

You know what? It must have gotten misplaced, but I'll just call the office.


(Cell phone beeps)

Hey, man.


How are you doin'?

I'm good.

Good. Where is Deacon Claybourne's packet?

(Clears throat) Name?

Uh, Gunnar Scott.

Okay, great.

Are you playing this thing, too?

That's what they tell me.



Yeah, uh, Jeff Fordham pulled some strings.

Thank you.

Oh. Friends in high places, huh?

Apparently. (Chuckles)


I'll tell him.

Paul says you're not on the list.

That doesn't make any sense.

You saw my name yourself, right?


Uh, last-minute changes somewhere really high up.

But I can call around for you.

No, that's all right. All right?

I... I think I know what happened.

Thank you.


Hey, I got a question.

So if the main stage is zone 1, they got me at zone 8. You... you know where that is?



(Train horn blows in distance)

On the plus side, if you need to use the bathroom...

That's not funny.

Yeah, well, at least you got a spot.

Great. Only cost me one of my favorite songs.



Jeff wanted it for will Lexington...

In return for a great place at the festival.

Yeah, "with a bunch of label execs in the audience who might want to sign you, Gunnar."

I doubt they will be down here at 11:00 A.M.

Yeah, I don't expect they will be.

Welcome to the club of the rejected.


Why? What did Jeff to do you?

Not Jeff. Somebody else just playing personal politics.

I'm just lookin' for a break, man.

Tell me about it.

How about you and me partner up?

What do you mean?

Inside of these fences, they can tell us where we play...

if we play.

But right outside...
they can't tell us a damn thing.

You would think after 42 unanswered calls, she'd get the message and just leave me alone.

Gunnar called, what, 14 times.

What is he, like, three-times less sorry or somethin'? Did... did you know anything about this?

Did she say anything on the trip to St. Louis?

I know she only came to see him. But...

Nobody said anything to me.

Why do you care so much?

It's because it's Gunnar?

You think he's the only reason I care?

Seems to me you broke up with him, he's moved on, and you're... a little pissed.


That's not what it is at all.

And I'm sorry. I've been home 12 hours, and all I've done is complain.


I might have to give you something else to complain about...

Juliette wants me to play the festival with her.

And... (inhales deeply) our sound check is during your show.

That's okay.

You heard me before. It's good.

Well, how about this... tomorrow night, after I play, late night date night?

(Chuckles) You are so cute. Yes.


Look, I know things have been kinda weird lately, but... I really missed you while you were gone.

I missed you, too.

"TMZ" picked it up, "Radar."

Ugh. "Perez Hilton."

Am I just never supposed to work with a married man?

I mean, I was with Mayor Conrad today.

Does that mean rumors are gonna start up about us, too?

Okay, so what do you want to do?

It's a rumor, okay? It's not like some sex tape is suddenly comin' to light here.

If I had to comment on every absurd story out there... this isn't just some absurd story, honey.

What are you trying to say, Glenn?

Huh? That these rumors have merit?

Okay, it's just a rumor. But look... they're still one of the world's most idolized couples, and you're you, and... look, even though country music might like a cheating song, the audience has never much liked the cheater...

I mean, even an alleged one.

We can't just sit here and ignore this and hope that it goes away.

How long will it take for you to find out who started this rumor?

I... (Scoffs) look, who knows?

All right, well, your new full-time job is to turn that "who knows" into an "I know."

You're right. This is never gonna stop unless the tabloids have somebody to rip to shreds.

So I'll talk to the press, but when I do, I'll give 'em another target to sh**t at.

Hey, Jeff.

I found you. Rayna.

Housekeeper let me in. She's a big fan.

What are you doing here?

I need to talk to you.

I hear that you're gonna screw me over and try to release that album.

You wanna meet me, you call my office, make an appointment.

I've been calling your office all day.

They've been giving me the runaround.

We talk about this now.

I'll make this easy. I ran the numbers, and that duet single is not gonna make my quarter.

Oh, so you're doing this 'cause your quarterly spreadsheet?

Oh, we all answer to someone, Rayna.

Now... right after I launch this new duet, I'm putting out an album anchored by the duet and featuring the best tracks of you and Liam.

You can't just drop tracks off the album.

That album is complete.

People don't care about albums.

I care about albums!

That's what I created. That's what I believe in.

You can't just hack that up because you want to try to exploit the fact that I was almost k*lled in a car accident!

You know what? You're unbelievable here.

What... what don't you get?

Okay, those masters do not belong to you.

Bottom line...

I need a Rayna Jaymes album to be released or a check for $20 million.

What? No sassy comeback this time?

The album that Jeff wants me to make has nothing to do with the album that I made and everything to do with the fact that I had a car accident.

But you're still under contract with him.

Thank you. Well, he said, "album or check."


If I bring him a check for $20 million, then I own Highway 65 and my album.

Well, you have yourself. You have Scarlett.

And I know I need more artists than that.


You know, I'm gonna go to Teddy's festival and try to find more acts, but I need money.

I mean, I have some cash flow after the tour with Juliette.

(Sets cup down)

But it's just... it's not gonna be enough.

Okay, I've been thinking about jumping back into the business world.

And I know that I don't have daddy's kind of money, but do you think $3 million could maybe buy me a corner office at Highway 65?

You sure you wanna do that?

Look, I don't know a thing about the music business, but I do know how to run a company.

You can take care of that. I can take care of the other.

I would love to be in business with you.

Well, I don't know if you're really gonna say that once I start yelling at you about balancing your books.

Well, we're not there yet, 'cause, hate to say it, we need a lot more than $3 million.

What do you think this house would be worth?


People go bankrupt by gambling everything they have on risky start-ups.

Now the first rule of business is you never risk everything you have.

(Door closes)

(Gunnar) Hello?


Uh, Scarlett isn't here, is she?

Uh, no, no. She already went down to the festival.

Why, you need her? I can get her for you.

Oh, no, it's all good.


(Sighs) So look, uh...

I was thinkin' we do this late tonight, okay?

We're down at the riverfront stage... it's right there.

We'll wait till that headliner is done.

There'll be a ton of people. We'll be good to go.


I just... I just have one question.


Um, is... is this even legal?

Not completely.


Look, you want that 11:00 A.M. slot at toilet town, you go ahead and take it.


But if you're willing to work around the letter of the law just a little bit...

All right. Okay.

Okay, but I... I don't get it.

All right.

Why... why do you want to involve me?

Well, uh, I don't think me, uh, hanging up flyers is gonna work as well as it used to.

You do that tweetering thing, right?


Well, I barely text, so I need you to do that.

Look, you said that Jeff was gonna bring you some label types, right?

I got some friends I can call... some A&R guys. I'll have 'em come on down.

Hell, I'll open for you.

Yeah, well, that's great, man.

All right, good.

I... I just... I just don't get it.

You can play for Rayna, for... for Juliette, for anybody.

Not with this hand.

Besides, you know what?

I think I'm done being on the side.

I want to be out front a little bit.


How could you possibly think it would be a good idea for you to come to this house?

Oh, I gotta go pick up, uh...

We're... we're just talking about...

No, no, no, I don't care what you were doing.

I care that you're doing it here.

Look, I'm sorry. All right? Zoey's sorry.

But you can't take this personally 'cause, actually, it's got nothing to do with you.

(Door closes)

My ex is sleeping with my best friend and I can't take this personally?

You think this is some let's-g*ng-up-on-Scarlett thing?

Well, it's not, okay? I like her.

I really like her.

Please, get out.

Great, thanks, John.

Now, look, I'm happy she's planning on laying low, but let's double security wherever Juliette Barnes is gonna be, so she can do just that, okay?


Hi. Dad, this is so awesome!

O.M.G., is that Layla Grant?

Dad, we have to go over there. Please?

Yes, it is. Of course, go. Go.

Oh, my gosh.

(Chuckles) Looks like you've done a good job.

What do you think the chances are the press focuses on that and not the P.R. challenges my headliner's facing?

I've been putting out fires all morning.

Yeah, you know what? I coulda warned you about that.

Thank you.


Ready to go, Mr. Mayor?

Yeah, I am.

(Chuckles) Hey, Rayna.

Hi. Girls, come on, let's go!

(Speaking inaudibly) Come on, let's go. All right, see ya.

Let's go. All right.


Come on, sweetie.

(Amplified voice) Hey, everybody!

Thanks for being here today.

Where's Juliette?

Uh, Juliette... she's very busy getting ready for the festival's opening night, but she is very excited about what we put together here.

I'm just thrilled to be up here with my family to welcome y'all to the first... and hopefully annual... music city music festival.

I'd like to start off by thanking all of our sponsors.

(Man) Rayna, I love you!

(Crowd shouting at once)

(Man) Hey, Will!

So legal was able to deal with those guys from Houston who were threatening to press charges.

Well, that's great. Thanks, man.

I saw pictures of 'em.

They were the guys harassing me and Craig.

Yeah, and how are things, uh... going with you and Craig?

It's not.

He wasn't my type.

How's it going with you and Layla?

Just great. My type across the board.

Let's take some pictures together.

Hey, y'all have met my boyfriend Will Lexington, right?

(Cheers and whistles)

I am the face of this festival, and I practically just snuck in through a basement window.

Well, you're the one who wanted no press before you have a name.

I understand the strategy.

It doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

(Clears throat) You avoiding the madness, too?

It seemed like a wise choice.

Glenn, can you give us a minute, please?

Tell me it wasn't you.


Tell me that this isn't part of some crazy plan to get me back.

No, you ended it. I'm respecting that.

Was it Olivia?

No, she'd be mortified to be anything less than perfect in the eyes of the press.

You gotta keep up appearances, right?

Right. But my family is giving me pressure.

They'd like nothing more than for this whole thing to just... disappear.

That's amazing.

I actually do have something in common with your people.


So if it wasn't you or I, and it wasn't Olivia...

I have a few ideas.

Hey, y'all.

(Will) Hey.

How are ya? Good to see you.

Can I talk to you?


Hey, I'm... I'm really sorry that you're having...

(Clears throat)

To deal with all this crazy press stuff.

Were you the one who lied to the tabloids and told them I was having an affair with Charlie Wentworth?

No. Why would you think that?

Would you just give it a rest?

This little innocent act is gettin' pretty damn old.

Well, I'm only 19, so... it's not really an act.

I just meant that it must be hard... when you've been doing it for so long... to, uh, not be paranoid 'cause you've made so many enemies.

(Deacon) Hey.


Uh, so I got your message. I just wanna say I don't wanna fight you.

Fight me?

You're not pissed about the Scarlett thing?

'Cause I can explain everything...

No, I heard enough this morning.

All right? So... unless you cheated on her...



Then we got a show to do.

We'll talk about that later... as in never.



I mean, of all the times, you decide not to weigh in?

Giving out free advice is kinda your thing.

Is that right?

(Chuckles nervously) Well...

Y... yeah, uh, yeah... it is.

You want some free advice? Don't crap where you eat.

That's your free advice.

Okay, well, can you just talk to her, please?

Did you miss the part where I said I wasn't gonna get involved?


'Cause it was an important...

Not... not for me.

For... for Zoey. I don't want Scarlett to give up on her.

Yeah, well, that's a nice sentiment, but...

I think I'm gonna just let y'all work this thing out.

Okay? 'Cause we got a show to do here.

Now this lot belongs to an old friend of mine.

He likes underdogs, so he shut it down so we can use it.

It's kinda missing a stage, though.

Yeah, well, I'll handle my end of things, you handle yours.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna go see Scarlett play.

I recommend you don't join me.


(Gasps) Oh, my!

Hi, darlin'. (Chuckles)




Nice to see you.

Good to see you.

I didn't wanna miss Scarlett, didn't wanna miss you.

I was a little afraid you wouldn't talk to me, seeing as I'm fully dressed and not near a swimming pool, but...

(Chuckles) Did Jeff Fordham tell you that?

Good lord, y'all are inseparable.

No, look, he's just worried you might be sabotaging yourself a little bit.

He's worried or you're worried?

Okay, I admit it. I'm worried.

This is something I have wanted to do for a very long time.

I am gonna buy myself out of this label, come hell or high water.

Why? Labels are great, Rayna.

They take care of all the business crap so we can play music and travel all around the world.

Hell, they make us a lot of money.

Well, yeah, but it's more than just money.

Is it?


I'm kiddin'.

You're taking this too seriously, darlin'.

No, I'm not taking it too se... listen, this is important to me.

This is what I love. This is my career.

Okay, what are you gonna do when you buy yourself out?

You gonna build your whole label up from scratch with one artist... Scarlett?

You know I think she's great, but you think she's ready to carry half a label on her shoulders?

I know that I need more artists.

And let's not forget, your best buddy Jeff Fordham poached will Lexington from me.

Now hang on a sec. Rayna, he's not my best buddy.

He is a businessman.

Well... that's not the way I like to do business.

Okay, look, you know what?

Your career, not mine.

Do you need anything from me?

I mean, I could, you know, help you invest, get you started.

Well, I think that might be a little complicated, but...

(Gasps) Hello.

Look at you. (Chuckles)

You look fierce, girl.

Thank you. I have a fantastic role model.

How are you?

I'm good. Go get 'em.

I will. Thank you.

I'll see you in a minute.

Knock 'em dead, hon.

I know.
(Man over P.A.) ... Scarlett O'Connor!

(Cheers and applause)

(Amplified voice) Hey, Nashville, it is so good to be back on this beautiful day.

Let's have some fun.

Okay, you're right.

("Crazy Tonight" playing)

She is pretty special.

Any word on who started this rumor?

These reporters aren't going to reveal their source.

They are not reporters, okay?

They are tabloid scum.

Whatever they are, nobody's talking, not even for the usual incentives.

It was that little twit Layla.

I'm telling you, in can feel it in my gut.

I cannot believe after bringing her on tour, that she'd end up being so two-faced.

Go find me a name, please.

All right.

That's a pretty big accusation you're making there.

(Sighs) You got any evidence to support it?

Not yet, but I will.

Try not to mess up this good thing you got going here.

Fans can turn on you. Then where would you be?

My fans have stood by me through more than a made-up sex scandal, but thank you for the pep talk.

And hey, next time you visit me a few hours before I take the stage to sell albums that benefit your company, you might wanna go with...

"Break a leg."

I'm just saying, handle this carefully, or the tabloids will eat you alive.

I'm well aware.

They've been snackin' on me my entire career.

(Cheers and applause)

So you didn't revoke the passes you gave me.

That must mean that deep down, you really wanted to see me...

(Deacon) Hey!


That was so great.

Thanks. It's really nice to be back in Nashville.

Yeah, I bet. Hey, Zoey.

Hey, Deacon.

Scarlett, can we just...

I'm gonna come and see your... your set later.


Look, I don't want to get in the middle of whatever soap opera y'all got going here, but...

Then don't.

All I know is you've been best friends for 20 years.

That's gotta mean something.

You got some fans here.

(Voice breaks) Okay. (Sniffles)

(Chuckles) Hi! How are you?

I'll catch up with you.

Can I have your autograph, Scarlett?

(Sniffles) Okay.

You having a good day?


(Amplified voice) How y'all doin'?

(Cheers and whistles)

Y'all ready for this?

(Playing "What if I Was Willing?")

♪ what if you were wearing a sundress ♪
♪ sitting out on your front steps ♪
♪ waiting on someone to run with? ♪
♪ oh, baby ♪
♪ what if? ♪
♪ what if you were needing some... ♪

Deacon is gonna play.

I thought he dropped out of the festival.

No, not that spot he was doing tomorrow.

He's playing here tonight.

Can we go?

Oh, honey, I don't think your dad would appreciate that.

This is his big weekend.

I know you don't want to hurt his feelings.

Okay, they made up after that fight they had.

My dad told me.

I really wanna go.

And I said, "no."

Look, I know this family... (Scoffs) is complicated. But...

What do you mean, "complicated"?

I think you know what I mean.

But, look, that doesn't matter if we all just look out for each other's feelings.

Okay, you are not my mother.

Stop trying to act like you are.

Hey! Y'all having a good time?

Hey! How could we not with these seats?

Dad, you're the best!

Thanks, honey.

How about you, kiddo?

What's going on with her?

Deacon is playing here tonight.

What? He's off the bill.

♪ you asked, oh, baby, what if? ♪

♪ what if you wanted to feel alive ♪
♪ make something of the time you're k*lling? ♪


♪ what if you wanted somebody to love you right? ♪
♪ what if I was willing? ♪
♪ what if you wanted to ride with the windows down ♪
♪ bare feet banging on the dash to Dylan? ♪
♪ what if you wanted somebody to love you right? ♪
♪ what if I was willing? ♪


I'm glad you texted.

I thought you would be the one person who always had my back.

I got yours.

Isn't that what we promised each other when I left town?

I know we handled telling you poorly.

But this isn't just a fling.

I really like him.

I do remember the promise we made.

We said we wouldn't let anything come between us... not time, not distance, not a boy.

Can you see that this is not just about a boy?

(Voice breaking) It's about you and I.

You told me you'd changed when you came to town.

Maybe I was really stupid to expect you to come here and... and be my best friend, even though you're the only part of my childhood that I want to remember. Don't say that.

We've always been friends. We're always gonna be friends.

Well, I would be a terrible friend if I didn't tell you that... being the good girl suited you a whole lot better.

You hurt less people.

Thank you.

Uh, Rayna. Rayna, you got a minute?

Oh, no, I don't.

Look, I just want to apologize for our encounter last night.

I might have come off a little harsher than I intended. Rayna, stop!

Stop it. Rayna, please.

Look... I was an ass, okay?


Look, I know we've had our difficulties, but just... would you listen?

I feel like you're just gonna try to smooth over something so that I will let you release the album you wanna release.

It's not gonna happen.

I feel like you deserve to know why I wanna make these changes to your album.

What's this?

It's market research.

Oh. I didn't just make the call to dump those tracks arbitrarily.


The ones I wanna lose aren't registering with your audience, and there's no hit single to launch it all.

The album is not gonna sell.

Numbers don't lie.

Well, see, there's a difference between you and me, Jeff.

You think music is all about the numbers.

You've probably been so busy with all your materials here, you haven't even listened to the album, have you?

So you'll forgive me if I don't give that much credence to your "research."

Read it.

I know you think I'm the bad guy, but I'm not.

Keep comin'. Y'all watch out back there.

(Siren whoops)

(Clunks) All right, right there! Right there!

That's good! That's good!

Mr. Mayor, officers, it's gonna be a great night, right?

We're shutting you down.

Hmm. Shutting what down?

You can't just put a show up here because you feel like it.

You don't have the permits for it.

Well, the funny thing is... is that, uh, the guy that owns this private property, he says I can... which is real fortunate, since somehow I just recently lost my spot at your little festival.

You want to arrest me, you go ahead.

I'll be more than happy to tell everybody what a hospitable mayor we got.

I'm gonna have officers stationed right here.

One thing goes sideways, one person gets hurt, one complaint, and I'm holding you personally responsible.

(Engine starts) Go.


(Clears throat) Mayor Conrad, I just want to apologize if these rumors are causing any trouble.

Of course, Mr. Wentworth.

I'm sure it's all just vicious lies.

No blood, no foul.

(Glenn chuckles)

Get out there and kick some ass.

Don't I always?

(Cheers and applause in distance)

(Cheering continues)

(Amplified voice) Y'all ready to have a good night?

("Trouble ls" playing)

(Man in audience shouts indistinctly)

♪ trouble is a Friday night when I'm feeling lonely ♪
♪ trouble is too much time on my hands with you in my head ♪
♪ trouble is one more fireball ♪
♪ when I'm already lit and it's last call ♪
♪ trouble is nothing good ever happens ♪

(stops singing)

♪ stumble out of that red door and hop into a cab ♪

This is a disaster.

♪ feeling a little bit crazy, feeling like I wanna be bad ♪

(Speaks indistinctly)

(Amplified voice) ♪ ain't going home ♪
♪ till I check a few more sins off my list ♪

(both) ♪ if you're looking for me ♪
♪ I'm gonna see, I'm gonna be ♪
♪ where trouble is ♪


♪ trouble is a guy with a guitar ♪
♪ in the next bar ♪
♪ trouble is I don't even have to know his name ♪

♪ trouble is a rebound night ♪
♪ when it's looking like there's gonna be a catfight ♪
♪ trouble is ain't no girl gonna stand in my way ♪

You asked, so I made the call.

And I had the bank lock you in to a low-interest rate, but it's still gonna be tight.

Is it gonna get me what I need?

Well, if you mortgage the house and liquidate all your stocks, that's gonna get you just north of 15.

That plus my buy-in and... everything you made on tour with Juliette last year, will get you to 20.


Jeff Fordham gave me all this marketing research, which I don't even wanna look at.

But, you know, it does make me realize, man, I'm leveraging everything for this.

I mean, it's a...


It's a risk, you know?

Yeah, it is.


Would you do it if you were in my position?


But then, I went to business school.

And you became a country music star.

I probably wouldn't have bet on you having the career that you've already had.

But here's the thing...

I'm not the one who's making the bet.

Mom, I'm, like, so dizzy right now.


(Laughter) Y'all did it!

You rode on the ferris wheel. You ready to go home?

No. Mom, I really want to go and see Deacon perform tonight.

But Peggy said, "no," because she's a...

Okay. Well, I thought Deacon was playing tomorrow, y'all.

No. I mean, there must have been a change of plans 'cause it's happening, like, soon.

(Sobbing) That was so unfair.

Tell me that you have a name.


All I asked you for was one thing, and you can't even do that?!


I wouldn't.

(Voice breaking) If you try to tell me that was nothing to get upset over, I will literally come over there and rip your face off.

(Breathing heavily)

Actually, I thought it was pretty terrible.

But... you kept going.

And at least we came out the other side.

Thank you.

I am so screwed.

My fans turned on me.

I can't avoid the press for much longer.

(Sighs) All I needed was a name... just somebody to put the blame on.

(Sighs deeply)

(Exhales sharply) He was gonna leave his wife for me.

And I ended it.

I thought it wouldn't be a big deal, 'cause nobody would have to know.

Did you love him?

It was never about that.

It wasn't about... anything. It was just dumb.

And I was wrong.

You think I'm a terrible person, don't you?


Not at all.


Listen, you might have to go out there and face the press, but that doesn't mean you have to play their game.

(Guitar clatters)

Hey. Hey. What happened?

Talk to me.

My best friend just broke up with me.

She's gonna come around, okay?

Not as long as we're together, she won't.

Look, I know how much your friendship with Scarlett means to you.

And I get it if... you need to take some time to work that out, but...

I don't know what I need right now.

I'm sorry, I can't do this.


(Cell phone alert chimes, vibrates)

I gotta go.

(Belt buckle clinks)


Mayor Conrad, Charles Wentworth, and I have been working tirelessly for months to make this weekend a great one for Nashville.

I think that's what y'all should talk about, not me.

And the only comment you're gonna get from me or my people is "no comment."

Just tell us if it's true.


I'm done handing out headlines.

My private life is just that... private and mine.

Thank you.

(Man) Juliette, come on. We just wanna...

(reporters all shouting at once)

I know that's not what we discussed, but there's no making lemonade out of "no comment," so...

(Sighs) This is gonna be hell.

We're gonna get through this together.

Hey, Jeff!


What a great festival, right?


Yeah, did you get to see will?

He was amazing.

Sadly, I missed it. I'm... dealing with a few things.

Right, yeah.

Such a shame, what's happening with Juliette.

Trouble seems to follow her around everywhere, doesn't it?

And what would you know about that?

Oh, just what I've read.

Between you and me, she kind of deserves what she's been getting.


Not that you had anything to do with that story becoming public.

Me? No. Why would you think that?

I would never...

Juliette Barnes might not be perfect, but I have years worth of albums and singles from her that are very important to Edgehill.

If I find out that you had anything to do with this story coming out, your contract will be in serious jeopardy.

There will be another runner-up on "American Hitmaker" next year.

(Cheers and applause)

(Amplified voice) My name is Deacon Claybourne.

Let's let 'em hear us over here, all right?

(Playing "Playin' Tricks")

♪ here I am feeling lonely ♪
♪ here I am feeling blue ♪
♪ thinkin' 'bout pickin' up the phone ♪
♪ and thinkin' 'bout callin' you ♪
♪ I oughta be a little more careful ♪
♪ after what went down last time ♪

He is so great.

(Chuckles) Yes, he is.

♪ you got my heart ♪
♪ playin' tricks ♪
♪ on my mind ♪
♪ hey, got my heart ♪
♪ playin' tricks ♪
♪ on my mind ♪


I'm not upset that Zoey and Gunnar are together.

I'm upset they did it behind my back.

Even with everything you and I went through, you never lied to me.

♪ so let this happen ♪

You're the only one who's honest with me.

I'm really glad I'm home with you.

♪ like I'm lookin' for a heart attack ♪

Should we get outta here?


♪ honey, I ain't blind ♪

Don't let him get under your skin.

Deacon may have put that together, but you did all this.

At least Lamar Wyatt did one good thing in his life... he got you elected.

I'm proud of you.

Let's look forward, not back.

You got something wonderful here.

I love you.

♪ on my mind ♪
♪ on my mind ♪

(song ends)

(Cheers and applause)

(Latch clatters)

Thought I'd gone back in time.

Thanks, I think.

Didn't expect to see you here.

You're not playing this one, are you?

Uh, no. (Chuckles)

Weren't you supposed to play tomorrow?

I'm where I'm supposed to be.

You made a real good front man.

Learned from the best.

I finally ran out of good reasons not to try it myself.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


(Cell phone rings)

It's Megan.

Oh, take it.

(Ring) I'll see ya.



Uh, it went good.

(Speaking indistinctly)

Hey, Jeff.

I got good news for ya.

You read the research.


I'm gonna have a check for you for $20 million first thing Monday morning.

I'm buying myself, my album, and Highway 65, out of Edgehill... full price.

And how far did you have to go to find someone to back you?

Not far.

I'm backing myself.

It's a mistake... betting on an album and a baby artist, neither of which has what it takes.

That's where you're wrong.

I've made millions before, and I'm gonna do it again.

(Engine starts, car door closes)



You did it, didn't you?

Yeah, I just did.

Wow. Bold move.

Yeah. Yeah.


Not a can of worms I'd wanna open, but... I guess this means you won't be promoting a single with me, will ya, seeing as it's Edgehill?

Probably won't.

A shame, I was... looking forward to being out there with ya.

Me, too.

(Gunnar playing "Can't Get it Right" in distance)

Look, I gotta say good-bye to some more folks.

So, uh...

I'll see you when I see you?

Yeah, I'll see you.

Okay. Good night.

♪ I don't really care ♪
♪ where I've been ♪


♪ I just wanna taste the moonlight ♪
♪ I just wanna drink it in ♪
♪ drifting into silence ♪
♪ I feel a tightening in my chest ♪
♪ I'm reaching out for something ♪
♪ that I already missed ♪
♪ oh, I want a love ♪
♪ that can get me through another restless night ♪
♪ stay, go, whatever I do ♪
♪ I just can't get it right ♪
♪ I just can't get it ♪
♪ right ♪

♪ yeah ♪

Great show.

Hey, man. Thanks for coming.

Gunnar's something else, huh?

Talented kid.


But that's not why I stuck around.

You and I should set a time to talk about your budding solo career.

We can do that.

♪ wrestling the angels ♪
♪ and the devils in my head ♪
♪ I left you without warning ♪
♪ no note beside the bed ♪
♪ I pray you can forgive me ♪
♪ I hope you can forget ♪
♪ oh, I want a love that can get me through ♪
♪ another restless night ♪
♪ stay, go, whatever I do ♪
♪ I just can't get it right ♪
♪ I just can't get it ♪
♪ right ♪


That video of you and the media went viral pretty quick, didn't it?

I thought you'd just deny it.

Sorry if that threw a wrench into you trying to get back with Olivia.

I just couldn't... stand up there and lie anymore.

No. I'm not upset.

I'm going ahead with the divorce, in spite of what my family think's best.

If I stay with Olivia, I'll be miserable.

And that's no way to live, is it?

No, it isn't.

Thank you.

Well, that's the last thing I would expect you to say to me.

Well, I wouldn't be making changes to my life if it wasn't for you opening up my eyes to possibility... making me see the world a little differently.

I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you.

But I hope you find someone someday who can.

Me, too.


(Man) Hey, Gunnar, you were great.

(Chuckles) Thank you.

Amazing show.

I appreciate it.

Thanks, guys. See you again.

Great show.

Thank you.

Scarlett's been my best friend forever.

But if she was really my friend, she would see how happy I am, and she'd be happy for me.

She made the wrong choice when she broke up with you.

I'm not gonna make the same mistake.

(Layla) Hello?




(Train whistle blowing)

(Whistle continues blowing)

(Sighs) The last few months have been really crazy, and I know that I've made a lot of mistakes.

But when Charlie told me that he loved me, I realized that... all I want is to be a person... who gets to say "I love you" and really mean it.






I'm so sorry.

I just came to thank Avery.

So... thank you.

(Avery) Juliette...

Hey, Rayna.


Where are the girls?

Oh, they went home with Tandy just a little while ago.

Hey, listen, um...

I know it was your week to have them.

So thank you for letting them spend the day with us.

We... we really had a good time with them.

We did.

Yeah, I thought it went really well.

(Clicks tongue) All right, well, good night.


Good night.

Um, hey, Teddy.


Can I talk to you for a quick second?


I'll be over here.

All right.


What's going on?

I just wanted to let you know...

'cause of the girls and... and all that... that, um, I'm... I'm buying myself outta Edgehill.


Yeah, so I'm gonna... put a mortgage on the house, sell some stocks.


That's, uh... kinda risky.


You've always been a risk taker, so... why not? Go for it, you know?



Y'all seem happy.

Yeah. Yeah, we are.

Guess everything works out the way it's supposed to.


Listen, drive safe.

Good night.

(Train whistle blowing in distance)

Evening, Mr. Mayor.




Are you okay?


Oh, my God.

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