02x08 - Hanky Panky Woman

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x08 - Hanky Panky Woman

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

Whoa! Whoa! God, I'm so sorry.

You should try that again sometime.

Why aren't we hearing the heartbeat yet?

I'm so sorry, Peggy. You've lost the baby.

Your career's taking off. That is a good thing.

And you're doing it with Rayna. That's good, too.

(Jeff) I'm gonna be sending you out on the road.

Now by you joining this tour, you are gonna get a firsthand look at what it takes to make it.

We are a team. We're gonna make this album multiplatinum.

I'm not doing a comeback album.

(Olivia) I know you're sleeping with my husband, but what I don't understand is why you're not sleeping with me.

What the hell are you doing?

Did you think I was gonna be angry?

I don't know what Charlie told you, but...

He told me that I should get to know you better so that maybe all of us together could have some fun.

What, have... a threesome?

Not necessarily.

Sometimes he likes to watch.

I think that you...

Should go. I think you should go.

I'm surprised.

He said you were adventurous, but I guess he was wrong.

I've had a lot of adventure in my life, okay?

I just don't like to share.

Well, Charlie is my husband.

So if there's anyone who's sharing, it's me.



This is...

This is crazy, huh?



What are you doing here?

Oh, um, Edgehill Records put me on the bus.

I got a gig writing with Luke.

I guess they wanted me on the road with him. So...

That's a really big deal.


It's not as big as opening for the guy, though.


(Man) Okay, everybody. Get comfy.

We got an all-nighter drive to Tampa ahead of us.

And you should get some rest.

Big day tomorrow. (Scarlett chuckles)

Radio station in the morning, rehearsal, meet-and-greet, then the gig, got it?



Well, I suppose I...

(Strained voice) Better hole up in my bunk.

(Man) Get used to each other, folks.

We're on this bus for the next few weeks.

Well, uh, good night.


Nashville overwhelmingly approves of its new "first lady." Well, how about that?

Yeah, how about that.

Oh, they just love their mayor.

You have a doctor's appointment coming up this week, right?

What a good daddy. You remembered.

Why do you ask?

I'd like to come with you this time.

Oh, honey, you don't need to do that.

It's just a quick checkup.

I know, but it's time I met your doctor anyway.

So what day is it?

It's, uh, Thursday at 1:00.

I could shift some things around.

Not a problem.

Besides... it's important for the three of us.



I'm so glad you think so.

I'll call you later.

All right.



(Tandy) Are you packing for a world tour?

'Cause I thought you were just going to support Scarlett.

Well, I'm also going to spend the weekend with Luke Wheeler.


It all just feels like everything's happening so fast.

I mean, all that business with Deacon and Maddie was just last night.

Maddie's gonna be fine.

I'm gonna be taking care of the girls, Scarlett's gonna be knockin' it out of the park, and... you're gonna be knockin' boots with Luke Wheeler...

Sexiest man in country music. (Rayna chuckles)

And I have gotten no details about this at all.

So... I'm just wondering, is he better than Liam?

I can't compare 'em.

No, but I think you could.

No... (Chuckles) I don't...

No, I do.

No, Liam was just so...

Easy and fun and simple and, you know? - Mm-hmm.


Luke feels like... Somebody that I could...

I don't know...

Be serious with?

I-it's too early to know anything, really. - Hmm.

Oh! Too early for this?

Very nice. (Whispers indistinctly)

Put that back.

It's all lingerie in here.

No it is not all lingerie. (Chuckles)

Yeah, it is.

Is my jet ready?

Yeah, it's on the tarmac.

But I don't understand the rush.

And what about the Wentworths?

We gotta meet with them in a half an hour to talk about the music festival.

Tell them that I had to leave town early.

God. Well, I'm getting that, but I'm asking you why?

It's none of their damn business, that's why.

Did you get a hold of Avery?

Yeah, he's gonna be at the house whenever you're ready.

Good. I need to spend time on my music and not on people with expensive hobbies.

Sweetie, look, the Wentworths...

They're kind of like royalty.

These are not the kind of people you want to say "no" to.

In case you haven't noticed, there's no one I can't say "screw you" to.

Deacon? What... what are you doing here?

(Chuckles) What am I doing here?

I'm here to see my little niece play in a stadium, that's what I'm doin'.

And to bring you this.

Oh! Oh. (Chuckles)

Yeah, I know you can't sleep without it.

Yeah, my bed is hard as a rock.

Oh, well, that's life on a tour bus, isn't it? (Chuckles)

It's nice to see a friendly face.

You okay?

Scarlett? Hey, I-I gotta get you in rehearsal.

Oh. This is my Uncle Deacon, uh, Claybourne.

Hey, man!


Shep... tour manager.

Hey, Shep, how are you doin'?

Make sure you get a front row seat, okay, buddy?

I appreciate it.

Gotta get a move on. All right.

Oh. Thanks.

Go get 'em.

Tandy, will you just tell the driver I'll be out in two seconds? I'm just gonna leave a quick note for the girls.

(Tandy) Rayna?


These gentlemen need to see you.


You're not my driver.

Excuse me.

Miss Jaymes?

You know, if this is about our father, we have a family attorney who usually deals with these matters.

This doesn't have anything to do with daddy.

Court order.

You're in illegal possession of Edgehill Records' property.


You need to surrender the masters of your album or face prosecution.

I don't care if I have to go to the state supreme court, I'm not surrendering those masters.

Sweetheart, your lawyers are gonna fight this thing, but right now I don't think you have a choice.

(Bucky) Jeff is on a plane... The bastard.

I spent all week going back and forth with his lawyers over this.

So he issues a court order, and then just takes off for some island somewhere. (Sighs)

Actually, no. He's... He's going to Tampa.

He's going to the Luke Wheeler concerts.

Of course he is.

Excuse me, folks.

I'm not in a position to wait much longer.

What happens if I just don't comply?

You'll be in contempt of court for unlawful possession of Edgehill's property.

He could arrest you right now.

This is ridiculous!



(Bucky) We're gonna get our team to file every injunction they can to reverse this.

I promise you that, Ray.

You can tell whoever signs for this over at Edgehill not to get too attached to it.

Thank you.

Y'all have a good day.

You, too.

This way, gentlemen.

Will you please book me another flight to Tampa since all this idiocy made me miss mine?

(Door opens) What are you gonna do?

I don't know. (Door closes)

I'm gonna get my record back.

(Both) ♪ Dreams ♪
♪ Dreams ♪

♪ Sometimes it seems ♪
♪ I'm haunted by my dreams ♪
♪ Pray ♪
♪ Oh, I pray ♪
♪ 'Cause I know these dreams ♪
♪ Can carry me away ♪

(Cell phone chimes)


(Guitar stops playing) Everything cool?


Let's go from the second verse.

(Cell phone chimes)


You know, if you need to get back to somebody...

No... (Pad thuds, pen clatters)

I don't.

I do not.

Okay, what's, uh, what's wrong?

'Cause that... Is not normal behavior.


I just don't want people to keep interrupting.

Look, I'm not your hired hand anymore. I mean, I'm...

I'm your friend.

And I'm thinking maybe you came home because you needed one?




Sounded good down here.

Really? Oh, yeah.

Well, I can really only hear drums and bass through these things.

Then you need to talk to your monitor guy about that.

I tried. He said there wasn't time.

He had to open the doors.


The stadium's just really big and boomy.

Oh, yeah, but it's gonna warm up when they get all them bodies in there.

(Sighs) 41,807 of 'em. (Chuckles)

That's a lot of bodies.

And they're all gonna love you.

None of 'em more than me.

I'm proud of you.

(Pats back)

I could drop down to "a," if you don't like it.

No, no. Hey, Gunnar, to be honest with you...

(Chuckles) I'm not feelin' that one in any key.

All right. Well, I-I got a bunch of other ideas.

That first one you played, though, uh, could be a song there, if you put a little more...

You know, "Wheeler" into it. (Chuckles)

Meaning what exactly?

Well, you know, make it, uh...

Make it fit me...

Fit my brand. You know, um...

30 million records sold, 22 number ones.

(Chuckles nervously)

That's why you're here, son, to help me write that 23rd.


Excuse me, Mr. Wheeler, Rayna Jaymes is here.

Oh, fantastic.

Come back with a great hook for us, okay? (Pats back)

All right.


Hi. Oh. (Chuckles)

Hey! Hey!

Who's that?

A new songwriter... Gunnar Scott.

Oh, Scarlett used to talk about him.

I wonder... (Moans)




(Exhales) That's a nice hello.

Well, what can I say?

I know it's only been a day, but...

I missed you.



Mm. Well, I almost didn't make it.

Jeff Fordham decided to issue a court order this morning and seized my masters. (Purse thuds)

Well, I'm guessing I shouldn't have invited him to the show.

You've got your business relationship with him. (Jacket thuds)

Mine is strained at best.



As my daddy used to say... - Mm-hmm.

"Attract more flies... With honey."


Are you sayin' I'm supposed to be nice to that man?

I don't know. He also used to say, "fight fire with fire."

You're being so helpful.

I know.


Hey. I'm just coming by to wish you good luck tonight.

Thank you. I-I didn't realize you would be here.

Oh, no, I come out to all the big shows.

Doesn't get much bigger than a...

Luke Wheeler concert, now does it?

No, it's the biggest crowd I've ever played for.

Mm-hmm. Well, a stadium crowd can be tough.

You only get one chance to make a good first impression.

Well, uh, since Rayna signed me, it's her impression I care most about.

Well, considering that Rayna failed to buy out Highway 65 and your contract... Technically, you answer to me.

Personally, I feel that artists deserve to know where they stand.

But we can talk about all this stuff later.

Now get out there and you have some fun, all right?

(Rayna) Jeff Fordham.

Rayna Jaymes.

What a treat. Did you come out to see Scarlett's show?

I came out early just to catch it.

Well, she's gonna k*ll it.

You ready to head on out? - Mm-hmm.

All right. We will see you later.

Surprised to see you here.

Thought you'd be tied up at home.

Bet you did.

(Cheers and applause)

(Amplified voice) Who's psyched to see Luke Wheeler tonight?!

All right, let's go show the world how amazing you are.

Now before I bring out the wheel...

I got a very special opening act for you guys.

Oh, honey, you are shaking like a leaf!

You okay?

Yeah, I'm just nervous, is all. Um, I'm okay.

All right, well, I'd be surprised if you weren't.

Ladies and gentlemen, just... (Inhales deeply)

Put your hands together...

Take a deep breath.

For Highway 65 recording artist...

Miss Scarlett o'Connor!

Whoo! Make me proud!


(Amplified voice) Hey, Tampa!

I'm Scarlett.

(Cheering continues)

(Playing "Crazy Tonight")

I wish you hadn't brought in the lawyers.

You should have just kept that between us.

Oh, we're past that point.

You guaranteed me a buyout...

And unfortunately, you failed to deliver.

♪ I've got a message for you, baby ♪

(Man) Whoa!

(Man) Oh, hey!

I don't like your artist out there.

(Scarlett) Okay, I can't hear any vocals in my monitors.

(Audience booing) I need you to bring down the bass.

(Man) Get it together!

(Woman) Go home!

♪ Baby, catch me ♪
♪ If you can Get off the stage!


Don't do that.

I'm lost. Where are we?

(Booing continues) My ears aren't workin'. Help me out here.

(Man in audience) You suck!

You suck!

(Audience booing)

Could you... do you have a mic I could take?

(Booing continues)

No, you need to turn around.

If you don't get back on the stage now, you never will again. Come on. Let's go. - I-I can't. I can't.


(Amplified voice) Hey, Tampa!


I'm so happy to see you.


I love a rowdy crowd. I really do.

And I love y'all so much, but I don't like booin' too much.

I think that's kinda rude.

I've always thought of you as family.

I always will. So you gotta trust me on something.

This young girl you have right in front of you is one of the most talented artists I have seen come out in a very long time.

And it's not just me who believes so.

Luke Wheeler thinks so, too.


(Cheering) Let's put our hands together and give her a nice, warm welcome. Miss Scarlett o'Connor, and she is gonna play for you, Tampa.


(Playing "Crazy Tonight")

You can do this. You can.

All right, you go get 'em.

♪ I've got a message for you, baby ♪
♪ 'Cause you ain't done nothing for me lately ♪
♪ If you wanna be my man ♪
♪ Come on, baby ♪
♪ Catch me if you can ♪

(Strumming guitar) It was supposed to be...

A one time thing and no strings attached.

And then he started pursuing me and confiding in me and...

Being there for me.



And actually got me to believe that he might have cared.

And then he sends his wife over to proposition me.


Oh, yeah.

Apparently they're into threesomes, and I was the flavor of the month.

Yeah, I had a similar experience being someone's toy. You did?

Yeah. Well, I mean, not a threesome, but... (Inhales deeply) I had what you might call a...

Sugar mama, I guess.

A manager seduced me with the whole idea of fame and fortune.

You can see how that panned out.

And she conned me into thinking how special I was to her, but I was definitely just one of many.

Nah, the difference is she signed you for a reason.

She saw you as a big star.

I seriously doubt that she saw you as a throwaway.

Yeah, well...

Let me tell you somethin'...

You're no throwaway.


And you don't have to keep letting the Wentworths of the world treat you like garbage.

You gotta stop giving these people all your power.

Hey, h-hold up, Scarlett, Scarlett...

No, Gunnar, please, not now.

Look, I just... I just wanted to say, I thought you did...

Stop it! Leave me alone!

A great job.

Gunnar, Luke's lookin' for you.

Uh, yeah, I'll just be a-a second.



(Deacon) Hey...


I thought you might want this.

They hated me.

Baby, they don't even know you, all right, 'cause they never even gave you a chance.

They threw things at me.

Listen to me...

If Rayna hadn't have gone out there...

This is a Luke Wheeler audience.


If you're not singing about beer or trucks, then they don't want to hear about it.

All right? It's not you. It's them.

But I let her down.

You did not let her down, but...

I let you down.

You flew... all the way out here just to see that.

No, you... you didn't let anybody down, all right.

I'm here for you and that's what I'm doing right now.

Rayna is right. You are a great singer. You're a great performer.

(Crying) I know what you're trying to do. Please, stop.

Just... I know you're trying to help me.

I love you so much, but if you could just...

(Sniffles) Leave me alone a minute.

Please. Please.

All right. (Sobbing)

(Door opens and closes)

♪ Still try to keep you here ♪
♪ Well, is that just your pride? ♪
♪ Every day without you, baby ♪
♪ Is like a roller coaster ride ♪

The verse is good, but the chorus isn't strong enough. (Stops playing guitar)

All right, uh, I'll keep workin' on it.

Do that, 'cause when you don't come up with something 40,000 people can sing back at you, they gonna sing something else...

A song called, "boo! Get off the stage."

(Taps guitar) Well, Scarlett didn't deserve that.

Man, she's talented. So... (Clears throat)

So was her Uncle Deacon.

Not everybody makes it, son...

As hit performers or songwriters.

Let's go!

(Knock on door)

Go away!

(Door opens) Oh, please, could you...

(Door closes) Oh.

Hey, girl.

I'm sorry.

You don't have to apologize to me.

I messed up so bad out there.

Oh, honey, sh**t.

The only time that you'll ever mess up is if you don't get up, dust yourself off, and go right back on.

You only get one chance to impress a stadium crowd.

(Blows raspberry)

Who told you that line of crap?

(Zips dress) sh**t, if that was true, I wouldn't have a career, man.

I got booed so many times, I had people yell, "show me your boobs" so much, you would have thought it was a hit damn song.

But here's the deal... You gotta be tougher.

Listen, I wasn't kidding when I said you're a great artist.

You are.

But with that comes a responsibility.

You got a voice you gotta put out there.

You have a gift that you gotta give, you know?

You can't let anybody stop you from doing that.

Did you try to buy out 65 from Edgehill?

I'm... yeah, I'm trying.

But that shouldn't be any concern of yours.

Jeff Fordham told me that it means I don't answer to you anymore. I answer to him.

No, that's not true.

What I'm trying to do is get us out from under his thumb.

You and I are partners.

I don't like that man.

I don't like him either.

He's a bully.

And the thing about bullies is they secretly want to be stopped.

So we can't let him stop us.

(Song ends, cheers and applause)

Wheels up, Tampa, Florida!

Y'all better buckle in, 'cause we're about to tear this sucker down to studs!

Here we go!

(Cheering continues)

Hey, Jeff. You got a minute?

Yeah, yeah, I was just off to enjoy Luke's show...

It's bound to go smoother than Scarlett's.

Yeah, don't you ever tell my artist that she answers to you.

Hey, I only told her the truth.

She's under our contract, and so are you, though you've been in breach since day one.

You poached one of my artists, you sabotage another one, you seize my masters. What is your endgame here?


Of course.

Every day that I don't release a Rayna Jaymes record, I lose more and more of it.

You don't have a Rayna Jaymes record.

The record is not ready, and it is not yours to release.

Well, I'm not willing to wait while you tinker with it to perfection.

We have a window of time to capitalize on your heat since your accident, and that time is now.

With my marketing campaign, I'm confident we will sell millions, okay?

What are you even talking about?!

I'm gonna show you some of the key art.

I came up with the concept myself.

You love it, right?

Over my dead body am I gonna let them put out an album with a marketing campaign that is based around my dead body.

(Bucky) Yeah, well,
we're fighting it tooth and nail, ray.

But from what I understand, Jeff is under a lot of pressure to deliver a big quarter.

You know what? He just wants to look good in front of his corporation.

I swear, I should have just let them arrest me.

Okay, well, as your manager, I beg to differ.

Let me call you right back, okay, Buck?



Sounds, uh, serious there.

(Exhales deeply) Label nightmare.

Oh, yeah, that new guy?

Yeah, I wanted to...

Listen, I wanted to ta...

Oh, go ahead.

(Chuckles) No, you go.


I just wanted to say that you were great last night.

And it was really special to be there with you and Maddie.

It was great having her there.

It was great... Having you there.

I mean, I'm glad you called. Thank you.


Look, I just...

I wanted to talk about Scarlett, all right?

I just... I don't think she's ready for all this.

I appreciate all you've done for her, and you saved her up there.

But this is just gonna keep happening.

These Wheeler fans... They're gonna eat her alive every single night, and... (Mouths word)

I just don't think she should be on the tour.

I couldn't disagree with you more.

You know, she's... Listen, she had one misstep, but after I pulled her off...

She froze, Ray.

She froze dead up there.

Well, she... it's her first stadium show.

Her monitors were screwed up.

I know.

You know, she got a little bit of stage fright, but she's gonna get over all that.

Look, I don't know.

I just think being treated like that, it can be damaging to a person, let alone a young artist.

Remember what Watty used to say?

He used to always say, "steel is forged in the fire."

She wants this.

She's gonna toughen up.

Not everybody's as tough as you are.

Charlie, Olivia.

Juliette... What are you doing here? (Glass clatters)

Oh, I have a private jet, too.

So I just stopped by to respond to your lovely wife's invitation personally.

What are you talking about?

You really need to be more selective, Charlie, and consider the mental health of your mistresses.

And, you know, I used to think that blue bloods like you were better than me. But you know what?

You're all just a bunch of sick, narcissistic perverts.

Says the mobile home queen.

You know what?

I'd rather spend the rest of my life in a double-wide than spend another minute around a billionaire bitch like you.

But I guess my trailer park education did let me down a little bit.

'Cause I wasn't smart enough to realize just how empty you really are.

Juliette, wait.

Let her go.


♪ ain't no doubt about it, baby ♪
♪ you push me away ♪
♪ every time I start to play ♪

(Stops strumming guitar)

(Under breath) Start to play...

(Sighs) That sucks. Damn it.

Try, um...

♪ Every time I turn my back, you're begging me to stay ♪
♪ every time I turn my back, you're begging me to stay ♪

(Stops strumming)


(Inhales deeply) Yeah, that's great.

Well, hopefully it makes up for being so rude to you backstage.

I'm sorry.

Well, I'm sorry about what happened on stage.

You didn't deserve that.

Don't think I'd have the guts to get back up there, though.

Have to.

It's a long tour, and, um... Can't let bullies win.

I think Luke's really gonna love that.

See ya later.

Uh, will... Will you hold up just a second?

Do you mind playing through it just once...

Just so I can get it down?

Do you promise not to boo?

(Sucks air) Yeah.

All right. (Strumming guitar)

♪ Ain't no doubt about it, baby ♪
♪ You push me away ♪
♪ Every time I turn my back ♪
♪ You're begging me to stay ♪
♪ Then you leave me hanging on ♪
♪ I don't know where you're at ♪
♪ If I knew you were really gone ♪
♪ Well, I could handle that ♪

(Both, harmonizing) ♪ It's so complicated ♪
♪ It's driving me insane ♪
♪ It's just a ball and chain ♪

(Gunnar, in distance)

♪ Just a ball and chain ♪
♪ Ball and chain You know...

I like where this is going, but, uh...

I can't help but feel like your mind is somewhere else.

No, no, I'm sorry.

Well, it's all right.

Oh, gosh. It's been a rough day.

With the label? With me or... show? Scarlett?

Not with you. You're wonderful.

No, I just... I can't believe...

I can't believe I'm in this battle with Jeff.

Well, you want me to talk to him?

I got a fair amount of sway there these days, you know?

That's very sweet of you.

I'm... I'm pretty used to speaking for myself.

Yes, you are...

Which I find pretty damn sexy.

Well, doesn't seem to be working.

I've been nice to him. I've stood up to him. I've...

Well, hell, what's he want?


Quarterly sales.


He wants to release my album is what he wants.

And I... you... I'm... I can't let him do it.

Well, can you blame the guy for wanting to put out the record of his biggest artist?


(Scarlett and Gunnar)

♪ It's so complicated ♪
♪ It's driving me insane ♪
♪ It's just a ball and chain You hear that?

♪ Ball and chain ♪
♪ Just a ball and chain Where's it coming from?

Right there.

♪ I've tried all the things I could do ♪
♪ Get me off the hook I'll be damned.

Kid wrote me a hit.

♪ But still I keep on falling for ♪
♪ Every single trick in the book, yeah ♪

A hit duet.

♪ All those little games we played ♪
♪ Used to be fun hi, honey.

(Teddy) Hey, how you doin'?

(Sighs) I'm... I'm not doing so good.

Really? What's going on?

I don't know. I've been cramping.

Huh. Well, did you call your doctor?

Yeah, they closed early today, but I left a message with their service.

Do you think you need to go to the E.R.?

No, I... maybe it's just food poisoning or something.

Well, look, I-I can cancel the rest of my day and I'll come home right away.

You don't have to do that. I...

(Sighs) I'm sure it'll pass.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'll be fine.

Okay. All right, look, if things get worse you call me, all right?

I will, thanks.

All right, bye.




Congrats on our first co-write, bud.


(Chuckles) I'm just messing with you, man.

Rayna's got a soft spot for young artists.

You are getting sole writing credit on this one.

Seriously? Thank you.

Thank her.

She's the one who lit a fire under this thing.

Ms. Jaymes, thank you so much.

Oh, listen. I'm so excited about it, I think we should play it in front of 40,000 people tonight.

Really? You want... you want me to play with you?

(Laughs) No, son. We got it covered. (Chuckles)

Your job's done. Okay.

Let's learn this thing, fellas.

(Laughs) The looks on their faces.

That alone was worth the flight.

I can only imagine. (Chuckles)

But more than that, I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

I mean, seriously.

And I have your...

Musical therapy session to thank for that.

Well, I didn't think it'd take you all the way to Dallas, but, hey, whatever works.

Whatever works! (Clink)

Man, who would've thunk?

Bumping into you back in the day at the Opry.

You said you didn't remember that.

It took me a while, but I think I finally put it together.

It was when Watty white was being honored.


That's right.

And we collided.

Yeah. (Laughs)

That's funny, you're just now rememberin'.

Well, I guess it just came bubbling to the surface when it was supposed to.

(Cell phone vibrates and rings)

(Ring) It's Scarlett.

She's on the road. Just a second. (Ring, beep)


Well, just get out there and do what you do.

You're gonna be amazing. They're gonna love you.

Okay, I gotta go. I gotta walk on.

I can't take you with me.

(Chuckles) All right, bye.

(Clicks tongue)



You got your monitors all working?

Yeah, they fixed them in sound check.

Okay, good.

So I'm gonna walk out with you tonight.

We'll give a little introduction.

You can go from there, okay?

Is it okay if I do it myself?

(Man, amplified voice) Ladies and gentlemen!

I got it.

Girl, I know you do.

Please put your hands together for Ms. Scarlett o'Connor!


(Amplified voice) Hey, Tampa, how you doin'?

I'm Scarlett.

Now I only got 25 minutes with you.

So we gotta make it count.

Do you wanna hear some country music?

(Cheering) Oh, come on!

I said do you wanna hear some good country music?

(Cheering loudly) That's better!

All right, let's go.

(Playing "Crazy Tonight")

♪ I've got a message for you, baby ♪
♪ 'Cause you ain't done nothing for me lately ♪
♪ If you wanna be my man ♪
♪ Come on, baby, catch me if you can ♪
♪ I'm gonna go crazy if I don't get crazy tonight ♪
♪ I'm talking whiskey slammin', dirty dancin' ♪
♪ Romancin' come daylight You were right.


I said you were right.

Oh, I heard you.


She's really killin' it.


I guess sometimes you just gotta fight your way through it, huh?

It's always been my motto.

♪ That's what I had in mind ♪
♪ Do you wanna ♪
♪ 'Cause I'm gonna ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ No matter what you were thinking, that I wouldn't ♪
♪ Baby, I just might ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ I'm gonna go crazy if I don't get crazy tonight ♪

(Song ends)


Thank you, Tampa!


(Peggy crying)

Honey, are you all right?

I think I lost the baby.


(Sighs) I'm so sorry.


It's gonna be okay.

(Exhales deeply)

Oh, thank you so much. Thank you.

Hey, nice job out there.


Hey! (Laughs)

Yeah, they're right. You were great.

You were amazing. So proud.

They didn't boo.

(Laughs) No, they did not boo.

You keep bringing it like that, they won't boo again.

(Sighs) Okay.

You'll be as big as this guy.

Scarlett, great set.

Thank you.

I know my crowd can be a little tough.

Oh, I think I got 'em. (Chuckles)

Thank you so much for having me on this tour.

It is so much fun.

It is my pleasure.

I think it's safe to say I am now your biggest fan...

Next to Rayna and your Uncle Deacon there.

Excuse me, guys.

Mr. Wheeler. Scarlett, uh, uh, can we grab you down here for a minute?

Sure. You have fun. Thanks again.

All right, sweetie.

Chip off the ol' Claybourne block, that one.

Yeah, I don't know. Her talent's all her own.


Years ago, I figured it was gonna be you and me sharin' bills together.



Damn shame about your hand. (Band playing)

Damn shame about a lot of things. (Laughs)

Amen to that.

Go fool 'em again.

(Laughing) I always do. Got a big surprise for 'em.

(Amplified voice) Hey, Tampa! Wheels up, y'all!



All right.


Hey, Jeff.

Are you gonna catch the show?

(Luke) We usually save the best for last.

But I am so thrilled about this that I can hardly wait myself.

Come on out here, lady.


(Luke) Ms. Rayna Jaymes, y'all!

Hey, Tampa! How are y'all doin'?

Now, Rayna, I know these folks wanna hear you sing just about as much as they do me.

Well, you think we should do one for 'em?

What do you say, Tampa? Y'all wanna hear one?


Well, how 'bout we play this new one?

Never been played before.

It's called "Ball and Chain." Should we do that?


♪ I'd get along without you, baby ♪
♪ If I only could ♪
♪ There ain't a thing about you, baby ♪
♪ That does me any good ♪
♪ But still you try to keep me here, well ♪
♪ Is that just your pride?

♪ Every day with you is like a ♪
♪ A roller coaster ride ♪

(both) ♪ It's so complicated ♪
♪ It's drivin' me insane ♪
♪ It's just a ball and chain ♪
♪ It's just a ball and chain ♪

This is your song, huh?

(Luke) Listen here...

It is.

I guess you delivered.

Guess I did.

♪ Push me away So about that showcase you promised me.

I'm a man of my word.

♪ Beggin' me to stay ♪
♪ Then you leave me hanging on ♪
♪ I don't know where you're at ♪
♪ If I knew you were really gone, well ♪
♪ I could handle that ♪
♪ It's so complicated ♪
♪ It's driving me insane ♪
♪ It's just a ball and chain ♪
♪ Just a ball and chain ♪
♪ Just a ball and chain You miss that?

What, this?

I never really did that.

♪ To get me off the hook I blew every shot at being a solo artist I ever got.

Well, you ain't dead yet.

I ain't dead and I ain't done.

♪ They used to be fun ♪
♪ Baby, we were flying higher ♪
♪ Close to the sun ♪
♪ But you're tearin' me apart now ♪

I'm a little tired. I'm gonna go back to the hotel, give Megan a call.


♪ There's a shadow hanging over us ♪
♪ And what was right is wrong ♪
♪ It's so complicated ♪
♪ It's driving me insane ♪
♪ It's just a ball and chain ♪
♪ Just a ball and chain ♪
♪ Just a ball and chain ♪

(Cork pops) Hey!

A toast to Rayna Jaymes.


I hope this is just the start of the two of us making great music together.

Cheers! (Laughs)

(Man) Nice!


Thank you, darlin'.

Mmm. (Kisses)

My pleasure, baby.


(Cassadee Pope) ♪

Yet here I am packing up

That was pretty amazing.

Yeah, well, you know, that's what happens when people actually collaborate with each other.


What the two of you guys did together could be the biggest song of the year.

Well, you know, I was thinking, if you release that as a digital single, it's gonna send your quarterly sales straight to the top.

And it'll get rid of your need to release my new music.

(Chuckles) So... How do we do this?

Well, we could start with you returning my masters and getting rid of that God-awful cover art.

(Chuckles) I don't know.

I thought you looked pretty hot in it.

Do we have a deal?

Nothing would give me greatest pleasure, than to have a successful partnership with you, Rayna.


I can't believe my song just got played by the two biggest stars in country music.

That's pretty great.


Thank you, by the way, for making this song happen.

I just threw you a line.

You did the rest all by yourself.

Yeah, but look what you did out there tonight.

You were awesome on that stage.

You know, this tour is just the beginning.

You're gonna be out on the road for years and years.

(Case thumps)

Guess that's the plan.


(Lock clicks)

Hi, mama. I pulled it off tonight.

I'm not sure I'm cut out for this, but I think I kinda I have to be.

I'm just in my hotel room.

And I just wanted to tell you that...

I love you...

(Voice breaks) And I miss you.

Um... but I'll talk to you soon.

Okay, bye-bye.



Truthfully, I've just really never been a fan of lingerie.

Well, I prefer this to that.


(Whispers) I like being naked with you.

Should help you relax. At least that's what it said on the package. There you go.

(Whispers) Thank you.

So I'm thinking I'm gonna...

I'm gonna take the day off tomorrow and... and work from home.

Oh, you don't need to do that.

Doctor said to stay put until the bleeding subsides.

I'm really sorry. (Sighs)


(Voice breaking) I know you just married me 'cause I was pregnant.

Hey, don't even go there, okay?


Come here. Come here.


(Sniffles, exhales deeply)

It's okay.

Listen, I know that's what brought us back together.

But... you're my wife now.



It's you and me. Just the two of us.

Hey, hi.

Hi, hey! Just listen...


I am not...

Hear me out.

I don't wanna hear your lies.

Look, I might be all the things you said, but I'm not a liar.

I'm not interested in you or your wife or your freaky lifestyle.

And I'm not interested in being the empty person you accused me of being.

The empty person I've become.

Look, I'm not here to apologize or proposition or anything.

I'm just here to tell you that...


I think I'm falling in love with you.
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