02x05 - Don't Open That Door

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x05 - Don't Open That Door

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

I shouldn't have performed your song without your permission.

You wanna get the hell outta here?

That's the best offer I've had all night.

I can't sing.

Her throat is still sore from the intubation.

I gotta cancel the tour.


Thanks for coming by.

I'm gonna need an opening act, and...

(Gasps) Are you serious?

You're a bad, bad man.

See, now you get me.

Your boyfriend's got a little crush on my guitar.

Oh, he's not my boyfriend.

He's just on the payroll.

Kickbacks, payoffs, illegal contributions.

He needs to be punished.

Deacon, there's coffee in the kitchen if you want some.

I'm not Deacon, but thank you.

Scarlett, right?

(Deacon) I'm sorry.

Oh. Hey.

I thought you were gonna be at your friend Zoey's last night, isn't that what you were gonna do?

No. (Chuckles)

You got something to say?

No, I'm gonna go do some media training, 'cause I need to.

Glad you moved on.

Nice to see you again.

And you. (Door opens, dog barking in distance)

(Door closes)

I'm sorry. I didn't know that she was gonna be here.

I swear. Um, you okay?

I mean, I'm not having second thoughts, if that's what you're worried about.

Well, good, 'cause I'm not either.

Okay, good.

I should probably get moving, too.

Busy day at the office.

Oh, oh, yeah. Everyone's got a busy day.

You got stuff to do. She's got stuff to do.

Me? I'm probably gonna read the instruction booklet to my new deep fryer.

(Chuckles) Mm.

You know, check that out for a little while.

(Chuckles) Nice.

(Rayna) It just feels different.

Try again.

Just give me... (Plays chords)

♪ No, no, no ♪

(Plays chord)

♪ No, no, no ♪ it's still catching. It still feels tight.

It can happen with scar tissue.

I feel like... I feel like I'm never gonna heal.

Hopefully, you will.

How soon, you think?

It's hard to tell.

Healing is halted by anxiety.

It's why you're feeling tense and tight.

Feel the resonance in your mask.

Give me... mm-mm, one.

Mm-mm, one.

Mm-mm, two.

Mm-mm, two.

Keep going to nine.

Mm-mm, three.

Mm-mm, four.

(Camera shutters clicking)

(Amplified voice) I am so excited to get out on the road with my new "Inside The Dream" tour and introduce my new album to all my fans.

And I think they are really gonna love this show.

They really are.

I think it's the most exciting one yet.

Juliette, uh, first of all, congratulations to you on winning the, uh, CMA Female vocalist of the year.

How do you follow something like that?

I'm just trying to live in the moment, you know?

I'm trying to appreciate what I have now.

Although there are a couple gems that I wouldn't mind adding to my crown.

Is one of those gems someone special to share your success with?

I don't need one someone special.

I've got millions of someone specials, and I hope they come out and enjoy my tour.

So did Rayna Jaymes cancel the final leg of the "Red Lips, White Lies" tour because the accident damaged her voice?

Now you know better than to go spreading rumors, especially false ones.

She is staying home to spend time with her girls.

And I'm fully supportive of that, and not just because I get to headline on my own again.


The publicity stills from the photo sh**t are gorgeous.

You are gonna knock them dead at Luke Wheeler's benefit concert tomorrow night.

And we're gonna make sure you sound as fabulous as you look.

Well, I'm not even performing, am I?

No, but we're having all of our up-and-coming artists walk the press line.

Let's start with an easy question.

When did you first know you wanted to be a singer?

Uh... I didn't.

Um, I-it's kind of funny. I-I didn't know that I wanted to be a singer. I just really liked singing.

So I wrote poems, and...

O-okay, let's stop for a second.

First thing we need to work on is your presentation.

In certain situations, the stammering comes across as folksy, but when the camera's on you, it'll read as scattered.

Try to be more poised and confident.

I can do that.


Now we also need to work on your story.

What about it?

You can't say that you never wanted this.

People will resent your success.

Well, I didn't... not want it. I just...

(Chuckles) Never expected it to happen, that's all.

It's, uh... I don't want to lie to people.

And you won't have to.

We're gonna use facts from your life to craft a compelling story.


For the encore, I'll make my entrance through the 3-d video screen.

Good. You're here.

Um, Edgehill's publicity department is doing a behind-the-scenes video about me... (Chuckles)

Getting ready for my first big tour.

You mean your little spot on my big tour?

Yes. We were just hoping to get some interviews with you about why you invited me...

I'll tell you what.

Now is not a good time, but why don't you have the producers contact Glenn, and he will set something up?

Okay, great. (Chuckles)

(Chuckles) Thanks. Bye.

You got some time later this week.

Please tell me it's not too late to get rid of her.

No, it's way too late. Yeah.

Fine. You know what? If I can't get rid of her, I'm just gonna have to figure out a way to limit her time on stage...

My stage.

How was Scarlett's media training?

Uh, she's, uh, overthinking it.

Do I need to step in and help out a little bit?

No, it'll be fine. Okay. (Sighs)

Good news, bad news... What do you want first?

I always want the good news. What's the good news?

Steve Buchanan and Pete Fisher...


Yes, they love you.

They want to know if you'd be willing to invite Juliette to be a member of the Opry.

They want you to do it tomorrow night at Luke Wheeler's "Youthful Noise" concert.

And dress code is "denim and diamonds," if that matters to you.

What's the bad news?

Jeff Fordham called. (Sigh)


You didn't sing at the stockholder showcase.

You dropped out of the tour.

So he is convinced that you are never going to sing again.

Well, he's wrong and he's a jackass.

Well, be that as it may, he's demanding the masters for the new album.

Well, the new album isn't finished.

Liam's in Europe. He can't do that.

Well, unless you have the money to walk away from the label and take the album with you, he can.

Edgehill owns it.

And these are his words...

"Before all the goodwill from the fans after the accident is gone, he wants to release Rayna Jaymes' final album, just in case."

Rayna Jaymes' fi...

I really think it's time that Jeff Fordham met the Wyatt side of Rayna Jaymes.

Now that makes the joint look classy. (Chuckles)

(Chuckles) Hey, it's our way of saying we're happy to have you here, man.

Well, I am happy to be here.

The old label was content to just put out my albums and send me on tour.

Multi-platinum albums, sold-out stadium tours.

True, but it's nice to be with someone who understands that's just the tip of the iceberg.

You and me are gonna do big things together.

Now I'll see you tomorrow at the benefit?

Wouldn't miss it.

Just a matter of time before you're an even bigger star than he is.

I'm not the one about to open up on an arena tour. (Chuckles)

Juliette Barnes really invite you over to her house to ask you personally?


But, um... if you were to ask me a few weeks ago which Edgehill artist I thought would be the first to invite over, I...

I would have guessed Will Lexington.

(Scarlett) Hi, guys.

There she is... prettiest singer in all of Tennessee.

(Chuckles) Thank you.

Come here! (Shrieks)


(Laughs) Oh, I just got my brain rearranged upstairs.


Oh, that was so weird.

Scarlett, don't worry about the red carpet stuff, you're gonna be fine.


You ready to get started?

Yeah, just... Give me one second.

Jeff? Jeff, wait up!

Hmm. That's funny.

I didn't realize that you and Will were so close.

Oh. We're friends. That's all.

Hey, man. I'm sorry about that mix-up with my buddy's song.

The thing about rookie mistakes, Will, is the more you make...

The longer you stay a rookie.

Don't worry about him.

I'll smooth it over.

I don't need your help.

We are here to formalize the terms of your deal in exchange for the information that you turned over on your father.

We expect full immunity.

In order for that to happen, Ms. Hampton, you cannot speak to anyone, including your sister, about this investigation or your father's involvement in your mother's death.

Absolutely not.

I can't keep that from her.

You're going to have to.

We can't run the risk of your father getting wind of this investigation and fleeing.

You wouldn't have an investigation without me.

True, but if you refuse to abide by this gag order, you will be charged as a co-conspirator in a case that exposes many powerful people to prosecution.

Now believe me when I say that silence is the best protection for you and your family.

Take the deal.

To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?

I'm thinking I need to leave Edgehill, and I want to take Highway 65 with me and be my own boss.

Well, that's my girl.


It's gonna have to happen fast.

Not gonna be cheap.

I need to take everything with me, especially the masters of the album I've been working on.


All of it.

You know, I have to say, I never thought I'd see the day when you'd be asking for help.

(Inhales deeply) Yeah, well...

It's not my favorite thing to do.

But with everything that's happened, I sure realize the value of family more than ever, and...

A family business may not be such a bad idea.

So how much you gonna need?

I'm thinking $20 million.

But now... now, that would not be a gift.

That would be with you as an investor.

I'll have the paperwork drawn up.

Thank you, daddy.

(Both, harmonizing) ♪ You twirl your hair with your fingers ♪
♪ Girl, I know what that means ♪
♪ I see you there in the corner ♪
♪ You should be dancing with me ♪
♪ And before the night's over ♪
♪ We're both going to give in ♪
♪ So come a little bit closer ♪
♪ Where you and I can begin ♪
♪ So let's ♪
♪ Move fast ♪
♪ Groove slow ♪
♪ Doesn't matter where ♪
♪ Baby, let's go ♪
♪ Move fast ♪
♪ Groove slow ♪
♪ Don't you wanna be my girl?

(Stops playing)

S-something wrong?

Just, I think this would sound amazing with a female voice in the mix.

I don't know. It sounds kinda cool right now. (Chuckles)

Just think of someone that has real range...

You know, complements us.

We should ask Zoey.

I've heard her sing in church at Natchez with Scarlett.

I think her voice would just be incredible.

Yeah, it might be kinda awkward, though. (Chuckles)

You know, Scarlett's told her stuff about me, and... (Scoffs) She probably knows a lot of stuff about you, too. So...

That's just how chicks are, man.

It'll be fine.

All right.

I can't believe after all the times you said no to this, you're finally thinking about it.

Yeah, well, that's what I'm doin'.

All right, so I, uh, buy in, I give you a bunch of money, you put my name over the door. And then what?

Well... uh, you'd be as involved as you want in the day-to-day. We got about 500 in stock, but I'm always checking auctions and estate sales for vintage inventory. I mean... (Chuckles)

Your eye would be good for that.

Uh, can I help you?

Yeah. I'm looking for something with a big bluesy sound.

I'd like to keep it around $1,500, if possible.

A lot of guys like that rosewood, but, uh, (Sigh)

I like the mahogany.

It's a little more clear, you know?

(Plays chords)

See, that's got a good cut.

That's that double-o, but, uh, it's got a big sound to it.

You wanna move your budget a little bit, try the Martin triple-o's.

Worth it.



Hey. You're that guitar player...

Deacon Claybourne.

Used to be.

What can I do for you, Juliette?

Why do you automatically assume that I need you to do something for me?

Maybe I'm here to offer to do something for you.

After all, I'm taking your little contest runner-up out on the road with me.

Well, I could argue that she's helping you more than the other way around, but... sure.

Tell me what you can do for me.

Well, Jeff, I've been thinking that between me and mini-me, there's a little too much estrogen on my tour.

So I'd like to round out the show with a big-hat male act to help get my audience a little hot and bothered.

(Chuckles) That's actually a good idea.

We're already looking at artists from other labels that we can work in.

But if you could see it in your heart to give me a little extra money to market my album, I could see it in my heart to push an Edgehill artist at the top of my list.

So there is something in it for you.

My shows are selling out.

This person's gonna get a lot of exposure.

Now it's up to you whether or not they're from this label.

You might wanna stop poking that bear.

He went after Luke Wheeler 'cause he can't control his top two artists here, and he wants to get somebody bigger.

The only thing that I just heard was I'm one of the top two artists.

Just relax. It's all gonna be fine.

It's coming together. The tour's doing great.

Well, the band's still not set. You need a bandleader.

You gotta get somebody out there you're comfortable with.

Well, make a list.

All right.

Hey, how about that Avery kid? You want him in the band?


I do not need him.

I want to thank you for... For seeing me today, Teddy.

What do you want, Lamar?


I think it's time that you and I bury the hatchet.

I mean, my granddaughters are your daughters, and they deserve to have a family that isn't warring with itself.

Is that right?

I think so.

Now... now my public affairs man tells me that you're putting together a-a citywide music and art festival.

So I'm here today to offer Wyatt lndustries as a corporate sponsor for it.

You are looking for a backdoor into reestablishing Wyatt industries' relationship with the city.

What's the matter, Lamar?

Your bottom line take a hit when you lost your Metro business?


Teddy, I have contracts with every major city across the country, except for my own hometown.

Because you canceled them.

Which you were only able to do because I financed a campaign that put you in this office.

When I was sworn in, I promised to clean up the city.

And everyone knows that any business with Wyatt lndustries is dirty business.

You're gonna regret this, Teddy.


I don't think I will.


All right, hot shot.

You ready to prove those rookie mistakes are behind you?

Yes, sir.


'Cause I asked Luke Wheeler to give you a slot in tonight's show.

Yeah, it's an unofficial audition to be an opener on Juliette Barnes' tour.

Thanks. Thank you.

Yeah, don't thank me. Thank Brent.

He convinced me you deserve this chance.

Break a leg, Will.

I won't let you down.

So I'm inviting Juliette into the Opry tonight.

That makes sense.

You two have spent a lot of time together...

Some of it tolerable.

Well, she just wants to be you when she grows up.


I think it's the right thing to do.

Yeah. Might score me some brownie points with Maddie.

Who seems to be doing a lot better.

I think so.



I am buying myself out of Edgehill.

For real?


How did you come up with the capital?

(Sigh) Um... daddy.



I mean, I know that you two have been...

Getting along a whole lot better, but...

Listen, I'm not being naive about this.

He's been really trying.

I'm trying to establish some kind of trust.

If I had any more time, this is not the way I would go.


(Under breath) "I studied poetry at Ole Miss to help with lyrics."

"I got a job at the Bluebird so I could watch songwriters hone their craft."

Any of that stuff true?

(Chuckles) In a way.

I just don't wanna say the wrong thing tonight.


It's always scary at first.

You don't seem scared.

I started singing in pageants when I was 6. (Chuckles)

Wow. There's always a question and answer category.

You always want to be a singer?

Yes, pretty much. Um... (Chuckles)

It's why I deferred Harvard to compete on the show.


Do you resent me for stumbling into a record deal without wanting one?

I've heard you sing.

You write beautiful songs.

That is really nice of you.

(Chuckles) Thanks.

The girl who won "American Hitmaker"...

She tried out on a dare.

Fans didn't care she hadn't been singing her whole life.

They thought she was talented, so they voted for her, plain and simple.

Let me see those.


(Woman) ♪ And it's something that I never will forget ♪

Don't worry too much about what the publicist said.

Just be yourself.

(Gunnar) Well, he should be here any minute.

So... you and Avery working together.


Kinda surprised myself with that one. (Chuckles)


But, you know, we'll see how it goes.

So does Scarlett know you're here?

Not that, uh... (Chuckles)

You need to ask her permission or anything.

It's just, um, I... I...

You know what? Forget I asked.

She doesn't.

Look, I know that things are weird between you two.

And I figured that you'd be awkward enough to deal with.

I didn't see any reason to drag her into it.

Mm. So... so this is awkward?

(Chuckles) Right.

Look, I don't know what she told you, but...

Hey, I'm Switzerland, okay?

It takes two people to end a relationship.

You and I are cool. (Knock on door)

(Avery) Hello, hello!



It's, uh, not bad.

I like what you've done with the place.

So you guys ready to get started?

Yeah, you bet.

(Door creaks)


Looky here.

Hey. I hope you don't mind me stopping by.

Are you kidding me?

How are you doin'?

I'm good.

Looks great in here.

Looks like Scarlett's been taking good care of you.

Yeah. You here to check up on me?

Uh... maybe. (Chuckles)


I'm doin' pretty good.

Going to meetings, you know, and a lot of physical therapy.

Oh, that doctor you sent me to...

She's great.


Well, on that note, is there any chance you would consider coming back out on the road with me?

I said the doctor's great.

The hand? Not so much.

Which reminds me, I'm glad you came over.

There's something I've been meaning to give back to you.

Whoa, the Martin?


A guitar like this deserves to be played.

All right? And I'm just not in a position to do that right now. We'll just say it's a loan, till things change, if they change.

What if I come up with a position where you don't have to play?

Just come out on the road with me for a few days.

I'm still retooling things.

I appreciate it, I do.

You can be the music director.

I can't.

Steppin' away.

From what?

All of it.

It just hurts too much being around music if I can't play it.

Yeah. It's a shame. Damn accident ruined two great careers.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What... what did you say?

You haven't heard the rumors about Rayna's voice?

What about Rayna's voice?

Juliette, what?

They're saying... That she can't sing.

I don't know that for sure.

I just know that she's passing every opportunity she's had.


♪ Tears so strong ♪
♪ What went wrong?

♪ What's done is done ♪
♪ I'm feelin' every one as they're fallin'
♪ I'll never see her again ♪
♪ Ah, ah ♪
♪ Or breathe her fire ♪
♪ Ah, ah ♪
♪ Only she could dry ♪
♪ Ah, ah ♪
♪ These tears of mine ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Well done.
Will, right?


Juliette. Nice to meet you. You k*lled it, even in rehearsal.


I'm impressed.

I aim to entertain.

Great job up there, kid.

You remind me of me when I was startin' out. (Laughs)

Thank you.

I don't think we got a chance to meet. I'm Juliette.

Thank you so much for including me tonight.

Well, it's a benefit, and you are a big name.


Thank you, both, so much for helping out tonight.

(Indistinct conversations)


You just got christened the next Luke Wheeler.

(Chuckles) I guess it means you're gonna have to come out on tour with me.


I'm gonna go get ready.

Good work, man.

I told you I wouldn't let you down.

I know. I know. You did.

(Blows air)



I guess I did need your help.

Thank you.

Uh, happy to do it.

I believe in you.

(Gunnar and Avery) ♪ So let's ♪
♪ Move fast ♪
♪ Groove slow ♪
♪ Doesn't matter where ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Baby, let's go ♪

(all) ♪ Move fast ♪
♪ Groove slow ♪
♪ Don't you wanna be my girl?

(Gunnar and Avery) ♪ You twirl your hair with your finger ♪
♪ Girl, I know what that means ♪
♪ I see you there in the corner ♪
♪ You should be dancing with me ♪
♪ And before the night's over ♪
♪ We're both gonna give in ♪
♪ So come a little bit closer ♪
♪ Where you and I can begin ♪
♪ So let's ♪

(all) ♪ Move fast ♪
♪ Groove slow ♪
♪ Doesn't matter where ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Baby, let's go ♪

(All) ♪ Move fast ♪
♪ Groove slow ♪
♪ Don't you wanna be my girl?

(Song ends)

(Chuckles) Whoo!



(Chuckles) That was fun, you guys.

(Reporters shouting questions, camera shutters clicking)

(Man) Layla, can you tell us how you're getting ready for your first arena tour?

Eight glasses of water a day and plenty of sleep.

Right here.

(Shouting continues)

Jamie, this is, uh, Scarlett o'Connor.

She is the first artist on Rayna Jaymes' Highway 65 label.

That must be really exciting for you.

Um, did you grow up singing her songs?

I was too shy to sing. I only ever sang in church, but I did get to meet her one time when I was really small 'cause of my uncle.

Who's your Uncle?

Deacon Claybourne.


So do you know why he was drinking the night of their accident?


I... don't... That seems...

(Camera shutters continue clicking)


That's kind of a personal matter, isn't it?

Um, the first time I ever sang was at the Bluebird cafe.

(Chuckles) Practically had to drag me up on stage at an open mic night to get noise out of me.

But I... I did it. Um...

Jamie... Jamie, I-I'm, uh, I'm... I'm so sorry.

We should keep it moving.

Come on. (Lowered voice) What the hell was that? Huh?

When you go off-book, you lose control of the conversation.

When you look like a fool, I look like a fool.

I will just watch the show.

I won't talk to anybody anymore.

No. No, honey, that's worse. You'll come off as aloof.

There's more than just press here.

There are programmers, promoters, a lot of people who want to get to know you.

And if you just ignore all of them, your career is over before it starts.

You either stay on script, or you can go home.

The choice is yours.

I really just want to be myself.

Get her out of here.

(Reporters continue shouting questions at once)

All right, Buck, I'll see you there.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)


I'm sorry. I let myself in.

Are... the girls here? I can leave.

No, they're not here.

What's going on?

Why didn't you tell me?

Tell you what?

That you can't sing.

Who'd you hear that from?

Well, is it true?

I'm working with a vocal therapist.

It's taking some time. Yeah, but can you sing?

Well, we're working on it.

(Whispers) Working...

(Normal voice) Can you sing, Rayna?

I said we're working on it.

Can you sing?

I don't know. I don't know!

Can you sing?!

I don't know.

I'm not quite sure what's gonna come out of my mouth when I open it.

Everything's different now.


How's your hand?

I'm done.

Not gonna be anybody's guitarist anytime soon.

You don't need to be anybody's guitar player.

You might need to take a minute, figure out who you are without a guitar in your hand.

(Voice breaks) But don't you ever say you're done with music.

You either, okay?

♪ Yeah, hey, hey ♪

(Cheers and applause)

(Luke, amplified voice) All right, thank you, Will Lexington, for coming out tonight to help us raise money for the W.O. Smith music school.

Give him a hand, everybody.

(Cheers and applause continue)

(Chuckles) Great job, Will. All right.

(Luke) When I was 14, I was a troublemaker.

Not a troublemaker like my kids...

(Juliette) Incredible. You're even better in front of a big crowd.

You didn't look nervous at all.

(Luke speaking indistinctly)

I guess I worked my nerves out in rehearsal.

I'll get 'em back when I'm on the tour bus, though.

That's okay.

I haven't had the chance to tell you how excited I am that you're coming on tour with us.

Oh, you two are already friends, huh?


Good, that'll make it easier when I tell you to cut 15 minutes from your set to make room for Will.

(Luke) ... Help change kids' lives by teaching them music.

Is it just me, or did she seem to enjoy that a little bit too much?

Kinda like you with Scarlett on the press line?

What are you talking about?

Well, you play innocent all you want.

I know you did something to mess with her.

(Playing slow melody on piano)

(Keys jingling)

That's gotta be one of the stupidest experiences of my life.

You'd think having a music contract would be about music, but no, it's about the color lip gloss you wear and how many lies you can tell in front of...

Tough night at the ball, Cinderella?

What are you doin' to my piano?


Messing around.

Play it.


(Zoey) But you're one hell of a songwriter.

I mean, that song... It's something special.

Well, thank you.

When did you write it?

Um... (Sniffs)

I, uh... I don't really remember.

You don't remember because you drank that part of your brain away...

(Chuckles) Or you don't remember because you suddenly got weird?

I... I-I didn't get weird. (Chuckles) I...

(Sighs) Okay. I think I'm gonna go.

What... (Sighs)

(Bottle thuds)

All right, after the stockholder showcase.

You mean you wrote it that night?

(Chuckles) I wrote it for you.

(Half Moon Run) ♪ My peace of mind ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ If you breathe in ♪
♪ Then I breathe in ♪
♪ And slowly let go ♪
♪ If you need it ♪

(Juliette, amplified voice) Thank you. (Chuckles)

Give it up for Juliette Barnes, everybody!

Come on! (Cheering)

Great job, Juliette. Great job.

Thank you. Thank you.

Now hold on. Before you run off, there's somebody here who needs to talk to you.

Right there. (Chuckles)

(Cheering continues)

(Rayna, voice amplified) Thank you!

Hey, Luke, thanks for letting me crash your party here. How you doin', Juliette?

I'm... good. I'm good.

Oh, well, you're more than just good.

Don't y'all think?


Well, you know, I've been real fortunate this year, 'cause I've been able to spend a lot of time with Juliette. We wrote a song together.

We've been out on tour together.

And, uh, you're startin' to feel like family to me.

And you know what?

There's another big ol' family out there that would just love to embrace you with open arms, if you'll have us, of course.

Juliette Barnes, would you like to be the newest member of the Grand Ole Opry?


(Cheers and applause)

(Laughs) Congratulations.

Wow! Um...

Thank you. (Chuckles)

You know, somebody said to me yesterday that I was on a roll, and...

Gosh, maybe I am, but this...

To be invited to join such hallowed company is just...

(Voice breaks) It's the highest honor.

Thank you.


(Cheers and applause)


(Mouths words)

(Cheering continues)

Now... now hang on a sec there, Rayna.

Uh, first off, uh, I think we should all let Rayna know how happy we are about, uh, her pulling through after that accident, and that she's here and healthy.

Come on. Let her hear ya.

(Chuckles) Congratulations.

Oh, thank you.

(Cheers and applause)

We look forward to seeing you at the Opry a lot.

Are you kiddin' me? When I'm not on tour, you are gonna have to yank me off that stage with a giant hook.


(Luke) Now, Rayna, I know you're not on the bill tonight, but we have all missed your voice. (Cheering)

And, uh, if you would just sing a little somethin' for us right now, I'm sure the folks at home would be more than generous with their donations. (Chuckles)


Y'all are so sweet.

Well, I don't have anything rehearsed, so unfortunately, I don't think we're gonna be able to do it tonight, but...

No, that's okay. Do... Do one of the old ones.

I'm sure the band knows them all by heart.

Come on. What do you say? You wanna hear it?

(Loud cheering) All right. Come on, now.

Come on, guys. Let's play "Best Songs."

Come on! Come on, Rayna.

(Cheering continues)

♪ I stood in the street ♪
♪ In the pouring rain ♪
♪ Didn't give a damn about anything ♪
♪ I said, "take me" ♪
♪ "Oh, Lord, just take me" ♪

(sings faintly)

♪ I went back in my house ♪
♪ Picked up this guitar ♪
♪ And somehow my fingers found their way to my heart ♪
♪ Saved me ♪
♪ Oh, Lord, it saved me ♪
♪ I'm not proud of my mistakes ♪


♪ But thanks to you ♪
♪ I've got so much to say ♪
♪ 'Cause the best songs come from broken hearts ♪
♪ From busted dreams and beat-up guitars ♪
♪ It's times like these when I'm down on my knees ♪
♪ It's true ♪


♪ Yeah, you've got to dig deep ♪
♪ Within the well of your soul ♪
♪ To find the will to sing the words ♪
♪ That only you know ♪
♪ About going through hell ♪
♪ And living to tell the truth ♪

(Rayna on TV)

♪ Oh, but the best songs come... ♪

Maybe we should go somewhere else.

Hold on.

♪ From broken hearts ♪

Well, would you look at that.

(Chuckles) I didn't even know she was performing tonight.

♪ I fell for a dream ♪

Two scotches, neat, please.

♪ By the time I woke up ♪

To my daughter.

I couldn't be prouder to be a part of the next chapter of her career.

To Rayna.

♪ But I came to life without you ♪

Lamar Wyatt?


You're under arrest for racketeering, conspiracy, bribery, and extortion.

What's the meaning of this?

You have the right to remain silent.

(Handcuffs clicking)

Anything you say can be used against you in court.

You have the right to talk to an attorney for advice before you answer any questions.

♪ And living to tell the truth ♪
♪ 'Cause the best songs come from ♪
♪ The best songs come from ♪
♪ The best songs come from ♪
♪ Broken ♪
♪ Hearts ♪


♪ Yeah, broken hearts ♪

(Song ends)

(Cheering continues)

(Jeff whistles)

You're trending.

Beg your pardon?

Layla posted a picture of the two of you on Twitter... On the red carpet, saying, quote, "OMG check out this hottie I get to hang with on tour. 'LaylaAndWill'."

Hey, you know, this is a great opportunity for you to really engage with the fans.

And since they're already invested in "LaylaAndWill", let's give it to 'em.

You want me to... To date Layla?

Well, whether or not you guys are in an actual relationship, that's between the two of you.

(Clears throat)

But why pass up the chance to deflect some of her shine onto you?

I'll start tweeting about it myself right now.

Good, good. Good job.

(Footsteps depart)

(Laughs) Aah! (Chuckles)

Big night for you.

Did you know?


Did you?

Did you also know that Rayna could sing?

I mean, I'm happy for her, but her timing just k*lled my moment.

Mm. Well, I don't think she did it on purpose.

I know.

Well, it's good to meet y'all.

Take care. Thank you.

Rayna, hey!

(Chuckles) Hey! There he is.

I just have to thank you for what you did tonight.

Oh, my gosh.

I had such a good time.

Oh, good.

What a great event.


Your kids like music?

It's their second favorite hobby after getting my goat.



Yeah, why don't they tell you about the terrible tweens?

(Chuckles) Yeah, well, what I meant was...

Truth be told, I wasn't thrilled when tonight was h*jacked to invite some little flash in the pan to join the Opry, but since it led to you singing, I'm kinda over it.

I'll see you soon.

All right.

(Both whisper indistinctly)

Jeff, you got a minute?

We'll talk about it later.

(Normal voice) Hey, nice performance tonight.

Thank you.

So you can stop spreading rumors about my voice.

And while you're at it, stop threatening my album. (Man shouts indistinctly)

Look, I want you and Liam back in the studio.

Okay? A.S.A.P. We gotta finish that album, and launch it as your comeback before the heat from this is gone.

Is that what you want?

I'm not doing a comeback album.



All due respect, um, I will handle the marketing.

Okay, and you... You handle the singing.

We are a team.

We're gonna make this album multiplatinum.

We're not a team.

And I'm gonna do whatever the hell I want with my album and with my artists.

I heard what you did with Scarlett tonight.

Oh, okay.

No, I-I did you a favor. She was embarrassing you.

And by the way, that album is not yours.

That album is Edgehill's.

And Highway 65... That is just a-a vanity project. It's a little opportunity for you to put your stamp of approval on artists that you believe in, so that I can use your name to help them get exposure.

I'm just done. I'm done.

I'm done with you, Jeff.

And I'm done with Edgehill.

You'll get my buyout paperwork next week.


Hey, um, you can't go out that way.

The press is swarming out there.

Oh. Well, I can handle that.

You know, I think it's been a pretty good night.

It's not for you. Your...

Your father's been arrested on federal charges.

I'm gonna go check out the service entrance.

I'll be right back.

(Footsteps depart)

(Playing slow melody)

♪ Hold on ♪
♪ Until the feeling is so strong ♪
♪ Until the ground that you walk on ♪
♪ Is where you stand ♪
♪ This dream ♪
♪ It heals and it haunts me ♪
♪ It's tempted and taught me ♪
♪ Who I am ♪


♪ This town ain't yours ♪
♪ And this town ain't mine ♪
♪ We all come here ♪
♪ With the light in our eyes ♪

(Scarlett and Deacon)

♪ Some will burn out ♪
♪ Some will burn bright ♪
♪ Some learn to fly ♪
♪ Some will run for their lives ♪
♪ In this town ♪
♪ In this town ♪

♪ Strangers ♪

... cell phone video of Lamar Wyatt's arrest earlier this evening.

The U.S. attorney is charging Wyatt with 22 counts of racketeering, conspiracy, bribery, and extortion.

Authorities consider him a flight risk, and his considerable assets have been frozen until trial.

(Turns off TV)

♪ Oh, I've seen ♪
♪ The devil inside me ♪
♪ But I won't let him guide me ♪
♪ Or take my wings ♪


♪ Ooh ♪
♪ In this town ♪

(Song ends)


This is what I should be doing...

Write songs, play 'em in your living room.

I don't need a contract.

Oh, yeah, that's a nice idea.

But it's a lie, and you know it.

I was on stage with you when you sang at the Opry.

I saw your face.

You loved it.

Didn't know that kind of magic existed.

And nothing compares with it.

Well, nothing healthy...

(Chuckles) At least.

You know, all the other stuff ain't worth it.

Yeah, you tell yourself that, but I'll tell you this, if you leave, you'll miss it...

That audience...

That connection.

(Inhales deeply)

(Whispers) I miss it.

(Rayland Baxter)

♪ So I'm staring at the gates ♪
♪ Of all my dreams

I get it now.

Get what?

Why you were that pissed off at me at the Wentworths' anniversary party.

It really sucks when you think someone's got your back, and they don't.

(Object thuds) Is that an apology?

I got invited to join the Opry tonight.

And you know what the first thing that came to my mind was?

"I can't wait to tell Avery."

And then I realized it was my fault that we're not talkin'.

So, yes. I'm sorry.

Thank you.

You ready to come back out on the road...

Play some guitar? I could use a friend. (Chuckles)

I can't. (Sighs)

Look, I apologized once. I'm not gonna do it twice.

(Chuckles) I know.

It's just not the job for me.

What, and hauling beer and ice is?

Well, at least I get to work on my own stuff during the day. (Sighs deeply)

You're k*lling me. Okay.

(Inhales deeply)

(Keys jangle)

Well, if you're gonna stay here, then, uh...

Use my studio.

State-of-the-art, anytime you want.

Wow. Thank you.

You're welcome. (Chuckles)

(Gate buzzes, doors closing)

(Inhales and exhales deeply)

(Door clanks shut)


Just save your breath, I know...

It was Teddy.

(Buzzer in distance)

I put the feds on to his embezzlement back when he was threatening to sue for full custody of the girls, remember?

(Whispers) Yeah.

I was just trying to protect your sister, that's all.

Now that he's become the mayor...

He has access to all sorts of the inside information about Wyatt lndustries' contracts with the city.

Do you think he cut a deal to try to save himself?

Oh, I'm certain of it, just as certain as I am...

Teddy's gonna pay for this.
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