02x04 - You're No Angel Yourself

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x04 - You're No Angel Yourself

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

I can't sing.

My vocal cords just aren't the same since the accident.

I'm your court-appointed attorney.

She was the one behind the wheel.

From nothing to Nashville in just 12 weeks.

(Amplified voice) I hope you enjoy this song by the best songwriter in Nashville.

(Jeff) The Wentworth family, huh?

Private one-night-only concert.

(Voice breaking) I think that you might be my father.

You lied to Deacon and to me!

I'm not interested in helping make any sort of case against my father.

There's evidence to support his involvement with your mother's death.

(Deacon) ♪ At the end of the day ♪
♪ Lord, I pray ♪
♪ I have a life that's good ♪

Yes, she would have loved you girls. Hey, hon.


Can you come join us?

(Music continues playing in earbuds) I'm kinda listening to something.

I can see that. What could be so fantastic that it would keep you from being with us?

Well... One of Deacon's songs.

I'm listening to "A Life That's Good".

Did he write that about you?

Yes, he did.

Why don't you come join us? We'll talk about it another time.

Come on, honey.

We're here for my mom's birthday.

I didn't even know grandma.

I know. I think it's nice for y'all to have a relationship with her.

She's an important part of our family.

(Birds chirping)

Hey, I've got an idea.

Why don't y'all be my dates this year for the symphony gala?

You can listen to beautiful music, be the princesses at the ball.


You don't have to come, but I think you might like it. What do you think?

Big whoop.

(Daphne) Well, I wanna go.

(Rayna) Oh, we're goin', all right.

(Lucius) ♪ Hey, Doreen, we know what you've seen ♪

I'm definitely paying you too much.

(Engine turns off, music stops)

Not mine.


Guy who dropped it off said it was "a thank you gift from Charlie Wentworth".

(Chuckles) As if the million-dollar paycheck wasn't thanks enough.

I guess he liked my performance.

Nothing like a fan with money.

(Car door closes) I'm more interested in the fans who are actually buying my music.

You hear from Rayna's people about when we're starting the tour back up?

Well, I've been trying to push them to see if she's up for it, but so far...

Well, I don't know why she wouldn't be.

She seems to be up enough to plug her new label all over town.

The fact that she didn't sing at the stockholders showcase suggests to me that, you know, there could...

What? Her throat is still sore from the intubation?

That is what lip synching is for. She'll heal.

Look, Bucky said she's not ready to decide yet.

I don't know.

But I'm afraid that if we push 'em too hard on this, that they...

We cannot afford to push another date.

She might not have a new album out, but I do.

Happy Birthday, mom.

It's been quite a year.

Maddie's having such a hard time right now, and... (Sighs)

Gosh, I feel for her.

She's pretty much the same age I was when I lost you and...

I get it. I just... I don't know how to talk to her about it.

I think part of it is I'm not...

(Voice breaking) Quite sure who I am right now or something.

'Cause I think I've lost my voice.

I don't know who I am without it.


I miss you, mom.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure, no problem.

You okay in there, honey?

Yeah, just...

Still dealing with that first trimester queasiness.

Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

(Peggy sighs)

(Clatters) Of course, I'd be happy to meet with...

(Box rustles)

That'll be great. I look forward to hearing from you.

Bye. (Cell phone beeps)

Who are you talking to?

I was talking to the head of the congressional exploratory committee.

Rob Jenson's looking to retire next year, and I... I figured I may throw my hat in the ring.

Would they support you for that?

I know my start in the mayor's office was a bit bumpy, but my poll numbers are up.

I got the city back on track fiscally.

You come from a long line of senators.

Yeah, that, too.

Even though my father trashed the Conrad name when he was in office...

And now...

I feel like I may be in a position to get it back.

(Sighs) This was my mother's.

It's beautiful.

Are you doing this to avoid a scandal, or are you... doing this so that we can be together as a family?

Would it be wrong if I said both?


Look, let's just keep this between us, just until I can tell the girls, okay?


(Whispers) I love you.

(Camera shutter clicking)

(Man) That's it, give me that lady-k*ller smile.

There we go. Good. Nice.

All right, and... perfect.

Go change.

(Moon Taxi's "The New Black" playing)

How are we doing?

I think we're getting all the looks we need.


By the way, that song you did at the showcase is getting a ton of attention right now.


Jeff thinks it's a hit waiting to happen.

He wants you to get into a studio and record it with a producer right away.

That's great. That's great.

Like I said, though, that's, uh, the song my buddy wrote.

So I just gotta get his okay, you know?

Is that a problem?

No, it shouldn't be.

Then do it.

Uh, how about if I run my hand through my hair like this? (Camera shutter clicking)

Good, Layla. You're a natural.

All right. Now I want you to look down and then look right back up at me. That's it.

Reminds me of a young Juliette Barnes.

(Chuckles) Why, thank you.

Excellent. There we go.

(Camera shutter continues clicking)

How about, um, this?

Wonderful. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

All right.

Scarlett, how are ya?

All right, now... Energy up. Here we go.

(Camera shutter clicking) Give me some sexy.

You know what?

We need to perk the twins up. Okay?

(Whispers indistinctly)


(Stammers) Just show 'em off...

All right. Here we go.

(Camera shutter clicking)

Keep it loose. Keep it sexy.

All right, now give me some pout.


You're hot, you're sensuous, you're... you're "come hither." All right?

And, uh... Now turn to your left.

There we go. Your... Your other left. Oh. (Chuckles)

Sorry. All right, face me.

(Camera shutter clicking continues)

♪ It's the new black ♪

(Sighs) You know, can you just try to have fun with this?

(Sighs) All right.




Come in. Nice to see you in something other than your orange jumpsuit.

(Chuckles) Oh, yeah.

What can I do for you?

I wanted to apologize. I was pretty rude to you, and I want to say thank you for all you did, despite my, uh...

Need for punishment?


Working on that. (Chuckles)

Oh, and, um... (Paper rustles)

I sent you this check, but it got sent back.

I just wanted to make sure you got it.

Yeah, I don't accept payment for my, uh, court-appointed cases.

All right, well...

I want you to give it to someone else, maybe someone who doesn't have the means to...

(Chuckles) No. Ser-seriously, don't worry about it.

I'm not worried. It's just, I mean, you know, you're this big, fancy lawyer, and you could have just written me off and had me plead guilty, but you didn't.

You spent a lot of time, and I want to make sure you get paid for what you...

I'm fine.



Buy me dinner.


Tomorrow night.

And... and then we can call it even.

Oh, that makes us even?

Well, it has to be a nice place.

I mean, I'm a big, fancy lawyer.





I appreciate you taking this on.

It couldn't have been easy investigating a man as... influential as my father. (Chuckles)

Well, it took some digging, but...

Original police report.

In the moments prior to the crash, a witness claimed to have seen your mother's car being followed by a Cadillac.

Yes, my father had one, but he was in Louisville that night.

Sort of.

He checked into a hotel there four hours after she was k*lled.

Now that's roughly a 3-hour drive from here.

Well, that's not exactly proof.

To place him at the scene of the accident, no.

But an interview given by one of your housekeepers...

Uh, a Mrs. Munson...

Actually placed him in Nashville that night.


Told police she heard your parents fighting that same night.

Heard your mother say she was leaving him.

Mrs. Munson later recanted.

She died shortly thereafter.

And so did the investigation.

Did the police ever question my father?

Lamar Wyatt was never the sort of man to be questioned.


I guess I was hoping that the U.S. attorney was bluffing.

I'm sorry.


(Doorbell rings)

Hey. Oh, sorry. Is it too late?


I really need to talk to you.

Well, you could have saved yourself the trip and returned my calls.

Well, it wasn't really something I wanted to talk to you about over the phone.

(Sighs) Fine.

You can close the first concert.

God knows everybody's coming to see you perform anyway.

No, Juliette, I gotta cancel the tour.


With everything that's happened, I just... I've got to stay at home for a little while.

Uh, the insurance will cover it. We'll be...

The insurance company is not gonna help me chart.

I'm sorry. It's just the situation that I'm in. I...

Rayna, I do not have a near-death experience to help me boost my record sales.

I need this.

Well, I need to be at home with my family.

I mean, you're a smart girl. You'll figure it out.

You have got to be kidding me!

This is... this sucks!

♪ I am a poor ♪
♪ Wayfarin' stranger ♪
♪ While traveling through ♪
♪ This world of woe ♪
♪ Yet there's no sickness ♪
♪ Toil or danger ♪
♪ In that bright world ♪
♪ To which I go ♪


That was so beautiful.

(Chuckles) Thank you.

Is it for Sunday?


It's lovely. It reminds me of being back in your daddy's church. (Chuckles)

Trying not to giggle so he wouldn't give us the stink eye from the pulpit.

(Chuckles) I don't miss that.


Oh, I do miss singing with you, though...

And home.

I didn't realize how easy it was, and now it seems like work.

You sing for a living now. It is work.

You're lucky to have it.

Oh, it sounds awful. I'm so grateful for it.

I am. Just...

Some of the things they're making me do are really weird.

The photo sh**t? How'd it go?

I don't mind having my picture made or anything, but when they're pulling you around and poking you, and...


I just feel like I let Rayna down.

They're saying, "have fun," and I can't.

If you're not having fun, then you're doing something wrong.

We need to fix that.

I was hoping you'd say that.

(Mikal Cronin's "Peace of Mind" playing)


You've been making yourself pretty scarce at the house.

(Chuckles) Could I just talk to you for a minute?

Don't know why you asked. Seems you pretty much do whatever the hell you want.

(Chuckles) All right. I deserve that.

But listen, man...

Look, if you hadn't noticed, I'm workin' right now, Will.

I get it. I shouldn't have performed your song without your permission. I'm sorry.

But the folks at Edgehill love it.

That's nice.

No, man, they really love it.

They want me to cut it.

Make it my first single.

(Chuckles) Think about it, man...

A single on the radio. This could be huge.

Yeah, it could be for you.

Oh, for you, too, man.

I mean, if this is a huge hit...

That's a big "if".

And you're the guy who wrote it...

That's money.

And there's more of it down the line when other artists...

Artists, right.

Performers... whatever you want to call 'em...

They're gonna be knockin' down your door for more music.

♪ There for you ♪

(chuckles) Come on, man. You're a songwriter.

Aren't you supposed to make money off your songs?

Fine. Fine. I'll think about it.

All right?

All right.

Now get outta here and let me do my job.

(Equipment thuds and clatters)

Hey, what are you doing here?

I'm the new barback.

Great. (Chuckles)

(Bottles clink)

Now it sucks to be at home, and it sucks to be at work, too.

(Bottles clink)

(Strings playing classical music)

(Rayna gasps)

Wow, this is beautiful, isn't it, girls?

This dress is incredibly itchy.

I should have just picked a different one.

(Rayna) Well, honey, you look beautiful and very grown up.

(Indistinct conversations, camera shutter clicks)

Are there only old people here?



Excuse me a bit.


There they are! (Strained voice) Oh!

Hello, beautiful. (Grunts)


Hi, honey.


Daddy, you've outdone yourself. Looks amazing.

Well, thank you, darling. Thank you so much.

I'm starting to think you love the symphony more than mom did.

Don't be silly. You know we both loved it.

Now I gotta work the room for a little while.

There's our table.

All right.

I'll be right back, all right?

What do you think so far? Oh, you wanna try caviar?

That looks so gross.

Uh, that's a no, thank you.

Look, candy!



I think it's gonna be a long night.

She'll be grateful to you one day in about ten years.

Oh, you think?

Oh, thank you.

Did you know he was coming?

I mean, I know that the mayor's usually on the host committee, but still...

It bothers me less that he's here than somebody else.

(Juliette) This was my tour to begin with.

Rayna only came on board because Marshall forced us to.

Marshall was just trying to fix the public relations nightmare that your career had become.

Okay, well, that is old news, and she can park it at home.

This... Is what we're doing...

A revised set list of all the songs from my new album.

Look, I mean, we can rebook and repackage the tour, but you're gonna need to open up to your tween stuff.

And you're gonna promote it like that, too.

So I'll put a couple of old hits in the middle, and I'll do one for the encore.

And I want this entire set changed.

It needs to be more artistic, less of the fluff.

But your old fan base...

You know, the one that's evaporating...

They want sparkle and flash.

Good. I just won a CMA.

I know, but this plan... It only works for theaters and smaller secondary markets, not arenas.

Okay, I only play arenas. You know that.

Honey... (Sighs)

You got no chance of selling out arenas if you don't start to cater to the young fans that got you there in the first place.

Fine. If that's the only way, then...

How soon can we get the old material up and runnin'?

(Amplified voice) I just want to thank all y'all for coming and making this event a tremendous success.

I started coming to the symphony because my wife loved music of all kinds.

We listened to more sonatas here than I could count.

For all those wonderful memories, I am grateful, so it's in her honor that I pledge my family's continued support of this magnificent institution.

To Virginia Wyatt.

I love you, darling, and I miss you.


(Light jazz music playing)


How's your hand?

It's fine.

They gave me some pills for the pain, but they clearly don't help with my meat-cutting skills.

Or your guitar playing, I imagine.

(Fork clinks)

(Mouth full) I only got myself to blame for that.

Are you sure you were provided with adequate medical care while you were in custody?

What are you talkin' about?

If your bail amount was any indication, you were being targeted unfairly.

I'm guessing the mayor is not a fan.

(Chuckles) Yeah, well, it doesn't matter now.

It's all ancient history.

And yet you still can't cut a steak?

I don't know. I think you might have grounds for a civil suit against the city.

I'm not the litigious type.

So I don't see that happening.

Innocent, but wants to stay in jail.

Suffers a possible career-ending injury, but won't sue. I don't...

I-I can't say I've ever come across anyone like you...

Yeah, well, right back at you.

Okay, 'cause for the life of me I can't understand why this successful, beautiful, high-end attorney would defend somebody the likes of me.

Seriously, why?

Long story.

Well, uh, the steak's not going anywhere fast.

So, uh... let's hear it.

(Strings playing)

Oh, Rayna.

Hey. Picture.

(Camera shutter clicks)

Let's get a family picture in front of your mother's portrait, okay?


Tandy, Daphne... Come on. Come here.


Can you come join us? We're gonna take a picture.

No, thanks.

Would you, please?


Because we've got the whole family together.

Not really.

(Man) Okay, a little closer together.

One big happy family.

Smile. (Camera shutter clicks)

I'm gonna go find dad.

Hey, sweetheart? Maddie?


Can you just try to stick with this a little bit longer?

I know you're not having a good time.

But we are gonna say our good-byes...



This party is not fun.

And I do not feel like a princess.

Nothing's ever the way you say it's gonna be.

Hey, beautiful.

Hey, dad.


You okay?

I am now that you're here.

We're having a teenage moment.

Hi. (Chuckles)


Maddie, you look adorable.


Surprised to see you here this year, Peggy.

Well, the real surprise is how well you've recovered.

Your mother is a true survivor.

That's not yours.

Why are you wearing my grandmother's ring?


You're marrying her?! I thought you didn't even like her anymore.

Just lower your voice, sweetheart.

Don't call me that.

Maddie, settle down.

Don't tell her to settle down. This is very upsetting.

Just let me explain.

I don't care.

I hate this. I hate both of you!

Honey, look, I know you're upset, but just... you don't need to talk to us that way.

Fine! I won't talk to you at all then.

Maddie, it's not... come on.

This is a family event.

Did you not think that maybe your children might be here?

Rayna, it was a mistake.

And I didn't know the girls were coming tonight.

Well, you knew Peggy was coming.

By herself. She's on some committee.

Oh, so she's part of a committee, so you're not here together, but you're engaged.

You've just traumatized your daughter.

(Lowered voice) Peggy is pregnant, okay?

And I'm just trying to do right by her.


We dated all through law school, but we had only been married two years when, uh, he was k*lled.

I'm sorry. I don't even...

Yeah. I can't wrap my head around that kind of loss.

The kid who shot him was 17.

Tried as an adult and sentenced to life.

(Exhales deeply) I visit him periodically.

You visit him?


Uh, I don't know anybody that can sit across...

I know trust me, I...

Hated him at first.

I mean, I-I wanted him dead.

But, you know, after years of that, I just... Had to accept that...

John wasn't coming back.

(Voice breaking) The hate, um, didn't change anything.


To... stop hating him, I had to know him, to forgive him. (Exhales)

(Whispers) Wow.

Yeah anyway, eventually, it led to my taking these court-appointed cases when I can.

Okay, so you're, like, the world's best person ever.

Trust me, I have my shortcomings.

Yeah, well, I'll show you mine, if you show me yours.

Oh, wait, you've seen most of mine.
(Piano playing light jazz)

Shall we get the check?

Does that mean the night has to be over?

Do you remember sneaking out 'cause that Ricky Donet kid had a little boat he wanted to show us?

And he tried to kiss you, and you completely freaked out and ran down the street.

(Laughs) And then after high school, I slept with him.

You slept with Sticky Ricky?

You know, we hooked up a couple of times.

And then there was Tim Lewis, but that was just one night, and then...

No, no, wait. Hang on.

You didn't tell me any of this stuff.

Why'd you keep it a secret?

Yeah, I think I just thought that you had this image of me, you know, the preacher's daughter, the good girl.

But I stopped being her a long time ago, because, honestly, it got to be really boring. (chuckles)

You know, I can only hang out and watch movies so much.

I thought you'd like it.

It's like old times, I know.

But they weren't as much fun as you remember. (Laughs)

(Laughs) Let's go.

Where we goin'?

We're going out.

To make some new old times.

(Lamar) Thank you for coming tonight.

(Pats back)

(Piano playing classical music)

Nice speech, daddy.


Mwah. I had a lot of practice with it.

I know.

It's hard to believe she's been gone for 30 years.

Yeah. Seems like yesterday.

Yeah. To me, too.

In fact, I can remember exactly where I was when I found out she died.

Rayna and I were in summer camp, and we were playing cards in our cabin, and the counselor came in, and...

And I tried to call you, but you were away on business. You were...

Where were you? You were in... Louisville?

Yeah, that's right.

I know I've never asked you this before.

Do you remember mom's last words to you?

It's probably something like "pass the salt".

We had... we had breakfast together that day.

Let's just... Let's just remember your mother's life tonight, shall we? Not her death.


Hey, Phil.

Thank you for coming. Thank you for...

(Indistinct conversations)

All right, let's get this over with.

Let's start from where we left off.

(Juliette) ♪ ...Make us late ♪
♪ And blame it all on you ♪

♪ I'm a queen of my own planet ♪
♪ And you wouldn't understand it ♪
♪ 'Cause I'm a girl, oh, yeah ♪
♪ I can get a free drink ♪
♪ From flippin' my hair ♪
♪ Or stay home ♪
♪ With a bottle of wine and you ♪
♪ I'm a girl, I got skills ♪
♪ I can dance all night in 5-inch heels ♪
♪ And make you feel like the luckiest boy in the world ♪
♪ 'Cause I'm a girl ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

Stop, stop, stop.

(Music stops) Stop, stop.

(Sighs) Everything okay?

No. No, it is not okay.

I thought that I could go back to this, but I can't, not to this.

Everything about this feels wrong.

Guys, guys, take five, please.

(Man) Okay.

What is it? What are you saying?

I'm saying that I don't want to do these overproduced numbers.

I've moved past this.

You're 24 years old.

Yes, I am 24 years old. I am not a tween.

I have never been tween, not the way that I was raised.

I can't keep putting myself out there like this.

This is my chance to move forward, and that's what I'm gonna do.

Well, then you'd better get used to cut-downs.

I'm not playing to half an arena, and I'm not getting used to anything.

Figure something else out.

(Indistinct conversations, classical music playing)


I have to tell you something.

I have to tell you something, too. Have you seen the girls?


(Sighs) sh**t. All right. Let's go find them, get the hell out of here.

I'm right with you.

Hey, sweet girl.

(Crying) Maddie's gone.

She ran away.


All right, thank you.

She hasn't reached out to any of her friends.

Is she home?

Tandy's at the house with Daphne.

There's no sign of Maddie there either.

She's a 13-year-old girl in an evening dress.

How is it that no one's seen her yet?

We've searched the entire building and the surrounding blocks.

You are the damned mayor.

You make sure that every available unit is on this.

Don't you think I've already done that?

What about her cell phone?

Is there a way we can track that?

Rayna, it keeps going to voice-mail.

If her phone's powered down, it makes it more difficult to pinpoint.

It'll take some time.

Just find her.

(Man) Yes, sir.

(Rayna) Thank you.

You know, all of this is because of you and her.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Yeah, you could stay out of this.

This is a family concern.

Which she is a part of.

I'll tell you what she is a part of.

She's part of breaking that little girl's heart.

You know what, y'all? I don't really care whose fault it is at this point.

My little girl's gone. I'm gonna go find her.

No, that sounds great.

No, thank you.

Oh, my God. (Cell phone beeps)

Give me some good news.

Edgehill just signed an even bigger name than Rayna Jaymes... Luke Wheeler.

And he's about to launch a tour.

Hell... yes!

Get him on the phone. I will totally co-headline with him.

(Laughs) Luke's the biggest act in country music right now.

He doesn't co-headline.

You want me to open?

It's a plum gig. You can do a shorter set.

You can still present the new you. It's perfect.


Then we're back to cut-downs, or... or just canceling this tour altogether until your new show's ready.

No, no, and no!


(Cell phone rings and vibrates)

(Sighs) Hello?


Take a deep breath. I'll be there soon, all right?

♪ What if you wanted somebody to love you right ♪
♪ What if I was willing? ♪
♪ What if I was willing? ♪
♪ What if an old boy broke his back ♪
♪ To get a pocket full of cash ♪
♪ Just to blow it on anything you asked, oh... ♪

I thought everyone had cleared out.

Hey, is that the, uh, song that Will guy wants to record?


Pretty damn good, man.


Be even better if you added some steel to it, you know, maybe some piano.

Sorry. Never mind.

You don't need any recording tips from me, especially if you're... Giving it away.

Hey, you think it... could be a hit?

I think your friend was right.

It's probably gonna be big for somebody.

Just a matter of who.

I have been known to have a short fuse.

(Scoffs) These are your shortcomings...

Um... uh, I've been known to throw a chair or two.

Okay. (Sighs) I'm a workaholic.

I'm an alcoholic.

I just hate it when people go on and on about their own accomplishments.

(Chuckles) Well, good, 'cause I don't have any.


Come on. What else you got? Let's go.

I don't... no. That's it.

That's it?

Yeah, you win.

You're a bad, bad man.

See, now you get me. (Chuckles)

(Wild Feathers) ♪ Left my woman at home ♪
♪ All my money ♪
♪ Is gone ♪

Well, you're good at some things.


(Rapping on door)

What is it, like, midnight?

♪ Left my woman ♪



Is Maddie here?

No, no, I'm... I've been calling you.

I'm sorry. I had my phone off.

(Under breath) sh**t.

Oh, hey. I'm so sorry.


No, no. Why... why would Maddie be here?

She's been playing your album nonstop and...

Look, maybe I should go.

No, you're fine, actually. I need to go. Y'all are...

Can I just have one... Just one minute? Okay, I'm s...

What's going on? What happened?

We were at that gala for the symphony, and she's run off.

Teddy's getting remarried, and she's very upset.

All right, look, I'm gonna get my keys.

I'm gonna help y'all come look for her and...

No, actually, would you mind staying here?

'Cause I think she really might come here.

You sure? I...


If... if she shows up or you hear from her, you let me know, okay?

All right, you let me know if you...

Thank you. (Door closes)

Hey. (Brakes squeal)

(Crying) I just kept walking and walking, and I didn't know where I was.

(Closes car door) It's okay.


I got you.

I got you.

Here is to being all grown up.



Ha! Is it just me, or is that guy taking photos of us?

No, he's taking pictures of you.


I don't know. Maybe he recognizes you.

Hang on a second.

(Cold Satellite's "Elsewhere" playing)

Excuse me. Would you mind not doing that?

Sorry. Um, you're... Famous, though, right?


Yeah. Yeah.

I saw you perform at the Opry.

You're amazing.

I'm sorry. I just wanted to take a picture...

Thanks. Just, uh... You could ask next time.

Right. Of course. Excuse me. Um...

Could... I ask you for your autograph?

Sure. Um... (Chuckles nervously)


(Indistinct conversations, laughter)

Here you go.

Thank you.

(Under breath) What the hell?


This... is to your very first autograph.

And not my last shot. Yay. (Clink)

(Amplified voice) Okay, folks, let's start out tonight...

(Microphone feedback whines) By welcoming to the stage...

Zoey and Scarlett, singing "Come See About Me." (Chuckles)

Please tell me you didn't.

Well, somebody was harping on about how we're not in Natchez anymore, so get your ass up here.

(Cheers, applause, and whistles)

("Come See About Me" intro playing)


♪ I've been crying ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm lonely ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Smiles have all turned ♪

♪ To tears ♪

♪ But tears won't wash away ♪
♪ The fear ♪
♪ That you're never, ever gonna return ♪
♪ To ease the fire that within me burns ♪
♪ It keeps me crying, baby, for you ♪
♪ Keeps me ♪
♪ Sighin', baby, for you ♪
♪ So won't you hurry? ♪
♪ Come on, boy ♪
♪ See about me ♪

♪ Come see about me ♪

♪ See about you, baby ♪

♪ Come see about me ♪ if you wanna change out of that dress...

Thank you. I always loved that song.

My friends are obsessed with Layla grant's cover, but I still like yours better.


You know, your mama must be worried sick.

I can't deal with her right now.

Can't deal with anyone in my family, actually.

I just wish I was older sometimes.

Could just be on my own, writing songs all day and playing the Bluebird at night.

Nothing would matter but the music.

That sounds like somebody else I know.

Deacon? Yeah.

I don't even know how to talk to my mom about him.

I feel like I wanna know more, but only the truth, you know?

But she doesn't really care about my feelings.

You know, your mama... cares a lot about your feelings.

I'm sure she'll talk to you about it.

She quit the tour yesterday 'cause she wants to be there for you.

She told me herself that you girls mean more to her than anything in this world...

More than money, more than fans.

More than me being really, really pissed off at her.

And right now I'll bet she's just going crazy not knowing where you are, if you're okay.

You're gonna call her, aren't you?


How long have you known? (Pouring coffee)

That Maddie Conrad's your daughter.


Hearing Rayna, watching you, the accident you two were in...

It doesn't take much to connect the dots.

All this upheaval in your life... Is it because you found out?

Everything I thought was true suddenly... (Sighs) Wasn't.

You know?

I didn't know which end was up, so...

I did what I do and started drinkin'.

I mean, I don't know, but...

I don't know.

I just keep waiting for things to get back to normal.

I spent a long time after John died waiting for that.

Yeah? (Mug clatters)

I had to accept that I'm never gonna feel like the old version of myself again.

Kind of like a switch was flipped or something.

I don't know the first thing about being a father.

You'll figure it out.

I picked her up at a gas station.

She walked a couple miles from Symphony Hall.

Fell asleep about five minutes ago.

She just walked?


She's all right.


I've been beside myself.

I guess you really do need to be home with your family.


Well, I'm really sorry to drag you into all this.

No, I told her that she could call me if she ever needed to talk.

I think the person that she really wants to talk to is you, though...

About her father...


Don't worry. My lips are sealed.


(Mug clatters)

This has all been real hard on her.

None of this has been... What I would have wanted or...

What I would have planned.

I guess at some point it's not about what you want anymore.

You just gotta do what you gotta do.

I am sorry about the tour.

Me, too.

But as you said...

I'll figure something out.

I always do.

(Whispering) Hey, sweet girl.



Deacon wrote "A Life That's Good" on a napkin at the Bluebird Cafe.

(Chuckles) I was singing at an open mic night, and he came in and he said he was inspired to write it just by looking at me.

Think I fell in love with him in all of ten minutes.

That's a great song.

It's a great song.

Honey, I-I...

I really do want us to be able to talk about all this stuff.

And I know it's hard.

It's a big change for both of us.

But I'm your mama, and I'm here for you.

And I really hope that you'll...

Run toward me, not run away from me.

Let's not push each other away over this.

We're all we've got.

I love you.

I love you.


(Daphne in distance) Mom! I lost another tooth!

It's bleeding!

I'm comin'!

Goodness gracious.

(Cell phone vibrating)

(Clears throat)







It's Maddie.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Uh...

I was just calling your mom, see, you know, how you were doing.

I mean, she texted me last night, but I just...

Sounds like you're okay?

I mean, I'm grounded, but other than that, I'm okay, I guess.

Well, good.

Good. That's real good. You know, uh, she was worried sick about you. You know that?

You know, a lot of people were worried.

I know.

You do me a favor?


Don't run off like that again.


Okay. Look, um..

Be safe.


Okay, bye.

(Cell phone beeps)


When you're a little girl, you think your parents can do no wrong.

And then you grow up.

And you see the flaws.

You start to question.

But only so much, because you wanna believe that deep down there's a good person there.


Payoffs, illegal contributions, it's all here.

So what made you change your mind?

He stole someone from our lives.

He needs to be punished in whatever way he can be.


(Dog barking in distance, motorcycle rumbling) Hey.

Hey, I got an idea how to amp up the way I sing your first verse. (Door closes)

I just wanna do your song justice.

(Sets case down) Yeah, me, too.

Which is why my answer's no.

I can't let you cut it, but you can have any other song of mine you want.

Edgehill doesn't want another song.

They want this one. This is the hit.

Which is why I gotta keep it for myself.

And do what?

Play it.

Record it, release it myself if I have to.

Look, I'm a songwriter, but I'm a performer, too.

I may never get half far as you have, but I'll be damned if I don't try.

You're making a big mistake, Gunnar, for both of us.

Jeff's gonna have my nuts in a vise all because you're too... shortsighted to see the truth of things.

Truth of things? The truth is, you should have asked before you promised something you couldn't deliver.

No, no! You're jealous!


You're jealous of what I got.

That's why you're holding on to this damn song, and that's the damn truth. (Opens door)

(Door slams)

(Doorbell rings) I gotta tell ya,

I'm a little surprised you're doing this.

Well, you made my options perfectly clear, and since they all suck, I may as well pick the one that makes the most business sense.

(Door opens)


Thanks for stopping by.

Oh, yeah, are you kidding?

I mean, when Juliette Barnes invites me to her house...

Which is amazing, by the way.

Wow. It's exactly how I pictured it.

Oh, and I-I love your car out front. It's...

Thank you. I'm going to cut to the chase.

Uh, Rayna is dropping out of the "red lips, white lies" tour, so that means I'm gonna need an opening act, and...

(Gasps) Are you serious? Oh, my God. Wow.

Um... Calm down. There's no cameras rolling here, but, uh, I need someone to appeal to my old fan base so I can move on with my new material, and since you are quite literally singing my old songs... (Giggles)

I thought it would be a perfect fit.

Wow. Um...

I want you to know how much this means to me.

Cool. So thanks for coming by.

That's it? Or...

That is it. (Chuckles)


(Door closes)

You know, she reminds me of you when we first started working together.

(Whispers) Watch your mouth.


And would you send that car back to Charlie Wentworth and let him know that Juliette Barnes can pay for her own cars?

(Strumming guitar)

Why'd you run away?

You're too young to understand.

Why would you leave me?

(Sighs) Look, dad's getting remarried.

Probably starting a whole new family that I won't even be a part of.

You're still my sister.


I'm still your sister.

I learned a new song.

Probably sound better if we sang it together.

Is that the one you've been singin'?

Yes. It's Deacon's, actually.

(Playing "A Life That's Good")

♪ Sittin' here tonight ♪
♪ By the firelight ♪
♪ It reminds me I already have ♪
♪ More than I should ♪

(Both, harmonizing) ♪ I don't need things ♪
♪ No one to know my name ♪
♪ At the end of the day ♪
♪ Lord, I pray ♪
♪ I have a life that's good ♪
♪ Two arms around me ♪
♪ Heaven to ground me ♪
♪ And a family that always calls me home ♪
♪ Four wheels to get there ♪
♪ Enough love to share ♪
♪ And a sweet, sweet, sweet song ♪

(Sings along weakly)

♪ At the end of the day ♪
♪ Lord, I pray ♪

(Maddie and Daphne)

♪ I have a life that's good ♪
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