01x18 - Take These Chains from My Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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01x18 - Take These Chains from My Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

I would like to toast Scarlett O'Connor, the first artist to sign to Rayna's label.


Travel day.

And you missed me.

(Voice breaking) Daddy, I just feel like we missed our life together, and I don't blame you for that.

Scarlett may have had enough fun for one night, but you have not.

I'm not interested in chasing skirts.

That's not what I had in mind.

The band's not thrilled about adding the new songs.

Too bad. You're the boss.

What's this?

Phone records.

Peggy Kenter, your girlfriend... she was the leak, Teddy.

All right, we're wheels up in an hour.

Sayonara, Cincinnati. Bienvenidos, Nashville.

You know that's two different languages, right?

So Emily said that I have to move out of the house.

Guess the owners are coming back.

Why are you still renting?

I don't know.

I just thought that when I bought something, I'd have somebody to share it with.

I know it's silly. It's stupid.

Not at all.

I get wanting to share a big moment with someone.

(Water trickling)

You wanna go house huntin'?

Is that a proposition?


(Turns shower off)

Then maybe yes.

I have some friends in real estate.

Put some feelers out. Check some places out.

Turn that shower back on.

I thought you said we were wheels up in an hour.

Well, it's my plane.

We're wheels up when I say we are.

(Scarlett) What are you reading?

My brother's journal.

Found it in his bag.

It's got a bunch of lyrics and, uh, stuff like that.

(Train whistle blows in distance)

Feels good to have it, though.

(Mouths words)

(Motorcycle approaches)

(Turns off engine)



Got my first gig!


Some bar down on Lower Broad.


11:30 tomorrow.

Ah. A.M.?




Where's your truck?

Oh, I traded it in for this.

Wanna take it for a spin?

Hell, yes, I do. (Chuckles)

(Keys jangle)

Don't forget your songs for Jeanne.

Yeah, I'll get around to that.

(Scarlett) Be careful.

Dude, this is awesome.


(Deacon) That's unbelievable.

She didn't say a word to us the whole flight.

Oh! You're just not used to it.

She treats the rest of us like that regularly.

Yeah. At least we had a chance to catch up, though, huh?

Yeah, we did. It was fun this week.

Yeah, it was. It was, yeah.

See you later. Have a good one.

(Bucky) So the show's not till the day after tomorrow... - Hey, darlin'.

And then, uh, and then we got a couple days off... - Hi.

(Deacon and Stacey laugh) Give everybody a chance to breathe.

I didn't know if you wanted me to book you up solid...

(Stacey) Hi. I missed you. Or keep your schedule clear.

Well, you know, I don't have the girls this week, and... sh**t. We got days off in Nashville.

Let's finally get together with Scarlett.

Right. Let's call Liam, see if he's available.

Even tonight, we could try to get that album knocked out.

Oh, man, I love it when you talk that way. Oh, I know you do.

(Jet engines whirring)

Hi, baby. Welcome home.

Hi, mama. What are you doing here?

Well, Emily said that you were coming home, so I certainly wanna be here to greet you.


Uh, how's your new place? I love it.

It's great, but if I could, um, talk to you for just a minute. I really...

Oh, we already discussed why that's not an option.

I mean, you're supposed to be working with your new sober companion.

Yeah, but I don't like her. I'd rather work with you.

You know, mama, this isn't respecting boundaries like we talked about.

Okay? You gotta go to your apartment.

Dante and I have an appointment.

Okay? Mm-hmm.

(Engine starts)

Between this spread and the stadium, we are so excited to be partnering with Subway on this deal.

I'll tell you, it feels like the perfect marriage.

Well, we are excited about moving forward with subway field.

You know, athletes who work with us have a legacy of winning world championships.

That's what I hear.

Hopefully, the same will happen for this team.

We'll keep you apprised of our progress.

Great. Nice to meet you. Thanks so much.

Well, that went well. Sure did.

It's just too bad that Lamar's company will still get some of the work from their Metro contracts.

There's no way around that. (Knock on door)

Excuse me, Mr. mayor. Do you have a minute?

Oh, look, I'll, uh, see you in the council meeting.

Thanks, Cole. Sure.

(People speaking indistinctly)

(Door closes)


Hey. Hey, hey. We, uh, we need to keep it discreet.

Oh, come on. I haven't seen you all week.

Well, I've been busy.

Well, can we at least have dinner?

A drink? (Intercom beeps)

(Woman) I have your lawyer on line two.

Look, I have the girls, so, um...

I'll try and call you later.


Teddy Conrad.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Yeah, I can meet you.

(Cork pops) Can I do something? I...

You should sit, sit. I can't believe...

I can't believe you didn't let me bring anything.

Please, all she did was dial a phone.

Hey, why cook if the world delivers, right?

I've seen him eat cold spaghetti straight from a can.

(Deacon) You don't have to tell her all my secrets. (Laughs)

Where's Gunnar? (Silverware clinking)

On his way.

Oh, well, he should hurry up before I eat his egg rolls. Oh, plates.

Everything all right between you two?

Oh... (Chuckles) I think me seeing Rayna on my own turned things upside down a little bit, but it'll be fine.

You ought to talk to Rayna about it.

There's something you want, you gotta ask for it.

(Doorbell rings) Well...

Okay, y'all just keep visiting. I will get that. All right.

Didn't that sound a little Southern when I said that?


(Lowered voice) Okay, can you keep her?

'Cause you're happy, and she's lovely. Yeah.

(Gunnar) Hi. You must be Stacey. (Stacey) Hi. I am.

She's a good girl.

Thank you for showing up last minute tonight.

(Music stops)

Sure. I'll take time with you whenever I can get it.

In that case, why don't you play the Nashville show with me? (Claps hands)

You miss being out onstage with me?

I will admit, it is very fun being onstage with you.

We have a great time. Good.


I'm happy to see you're doing so much better than the last time I saw you.


Wouldn't be hard to improve on that, since I was sobbing all over a bathroom floor.

(Chuckles) True.

Ugh. Yeah, nothing like having your father almost drop dead of a heart attack to kind of give you some perspective on things.


I just wanna live in the moment.

I feel freer than I ever have, really.

How free?

(Bucky) Hello?

Oh, hey.

Hey. Hey.

How's... how's everything going in there?

Good. Good.


Keep up the good work.



♪ Baby, if you needed me ♪
♪ I'd have known by now ♪
♪ I hope you're not heading home ♪


♪ To the other side of town ♪
♪ things are tough all over ♪

♪ and I'm hurtin' badly ♪
♪ I wish you were still here ♪
♪ and I say it sadly ♪
♪ if you wanna come back ♪
♪ 'cause you need a shoulder ♪
♪ things are tough all over ♪
♪ things are tough all over ♪

(Song ends)

(Cheering) Go, will!

Thank y'all. We're gonna take a quick break.

Don't forget to tip your band.

(Indistinct conversations)

How y'all doin'? Hey.

What's up? (Gunnar) Dude, that was awesome.

Thanks for comin'. Excuse me.

Can I have your autograph?

Well, why don't you give me your phone number instead?

(Cell phone beeps)

Thank you. Thank you.

Don't know how you do it, man.

I got a system. Oh, yeah?

She entered on the phone, uh, her actual name, which is Kelly.

I'm gonna change it to, uh, "Kelly, fake blonde, smallish boobs."

So I'll remember her.

That's impressive in a kind of messed up way, but I'm not talking about the girls, man.

I'm talking about the stage. You k*lled it.

I mean, I must have performed a million times, but never with that much... (Sighs) swagger.

(Chuckles) Just can't do it. Sure, you can.


(Huffs) Grab yourself a beer, man.

I'm gonna get you told.

Let's just be careful of this step.

I know where the damn step is.

Been walking over it my entire life. Okay.

All right, well, we've got you set up down here so that you don't have to deal with the stairs.

(Grumbles) And I don't want you to worry about anything at work, because I've got everything handled at the company.

You know last I checked, it was my company.

I am neither dead nor doddering.

Stop acting like I am.

Well, hello, darlin'. What is your name?

I just love that you're staying with me.

It feels like when we were little kids.

I know. We can drink wine and not get grounded.


So... I kissed Liam.

What? I know.

Ex... wait. Ex... hang on there now. (Laughs)

I'm gonna need some more details about this.

It just kinda happened. We made out.

Well, do you want it to just kinda happen again?

I don't know.

Oh, my gosh.

He is really hot.

So just have a little fling.

Right. What's the problem?

No, no problem.

It's fantastic. It's fun. It's also really scary.

I mean, I'm making all the choices for the first time.

We went to second base.

Does that make me slutty?

(Instruments tuning) Juliette?

(Clatter) Look what I found for you.

For us.

For us.


No pool, but...

And how many square feet?

Looks like 6,500. 6,500.

Yeah. That's big.


That's really big. (Chuckles)

Excuse me. Good size.

I was hoping maybe we could go through "undermine."

Why don't you guys just do it... run through it one more time by yourselves?

Look, these people have lives and families they haven't seen in a long time, so...

Okay, and is that my fault?

Of course not. I mean, everybody's happy to work.

It's just... doesn't seem like you want to today.

I work harder than anybody here.

Well, I don't know about...

Why don't you stop complaining and get back to leading the band?

You wanna try that?

Can I talk to you a second?

We're talkin'.

Look, you're not listening to me, and I'm sure as hell not gonna listen to him, so, uh...

So what? What?

Maybe I just need to be done here.

I'll finish off this leg of the tour, but... you should probably get yourself a new bandleader.

It's fine. You're replaceable.


All right, that's it, guys. We're done today.

Head on home. Good seeing everybody.

I'm sorry it took a whole week. It's...


I wanted to be thorough. It's all right.

Well, I appreciate you doing this.

Ah, you've been a client and a friend forever.

I don't mind putting the firm's resources at your disposal.

The phone records are real.

Nothing forged or questionable.

P.I. talked to the reporter.

Guy wouldn't give up his source.

But he did say it was someone "close to the mayor."

It's gotta be a mistake.

Peggy was the leak.

(Scarlett) I'm just so excited to finally be here.

I'm excited just to go through your music and... and, uh, figure out what we're gonna use for your first single.

And I think we should start talking about setting up a tour.

Wow. Okay. Yeah.

Um... there was one thing that I really wanted to talk to you about, and I don't...

I don't wanna seem out of line.

Gunnar didn't turn up to the audition because he had a death in the family the day before.

Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry.

What made me think about it was something that you said at Deacon's party... that there would be no Rayna Jaymes without Deacon Claybourne.

There would be no me without Gunnar.

Owning a room is all about your connection with the ladies.

Okay? They want a little bit less, uh, "guy who used to crush on me in algebra," a little bit more...

Hey, hey.

Bad boy who they wanted hook up with under the bleachers, you know? (Scoffs)

(Chuckles) Check it out. Come here.

We're onstage, and this is the house, okay?

You gotta section off the room into different sections, and you find the prettiest girl in each one. Boom.

Right there.

That girl has gotta think you are singing just to her.

She's gotta think you're gonna walk off the stage and run away with her after the show.

All right, well, how about next time I play an arena, I give it a try?

Screw arenas, man.

Open mic night tonight at Tootsies.

(Stool scrapes floor) Oh, no. I... (Sighs)

They are gonna love you.

Juliette, I need to talk to you for a minute.

What... what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here.

I need to talk to you, and I'm sure that he knows why.

I saw you kissing another woman.

What makes you think it's okay for you to come in here and make these crazy accusations?

I saw him making out with a woman on lower broad.

He... he was not on lower broad...

No, no, actually I was.

I met a friend, Esme, down there who I sponsored a few years back.

She's a realtor, okay? She helped me find that house I wanted to show you.

The thing that most concerns me is the fact that apparently you've been following me?


You're stalking him.


Yes, you are.

No, I just wanted to get him alone so that I could talk to him.

Wanted to get me alone. Are you so obsessed that you think it's a good idea to come in here and tell me this fake story?

That's not what this is about.

I came here to...

You get out.

And if you don't, I'll have you thrown out.

Hey, Sarah. Been a long time.

Got the sheet for open mic night?

Sorry, we're full up. Gotta get here earlier.

You know that.

(Amp buzzes)

♪ I found a girl, and I gave her a ring ♪
♪ she was everything I'm looking for ♪
♪ it's over now, and this is how ♪
♪ I lost the w*r ♪
♪ well, my head got heavy as a Christmas cake ♪
♪ and I made a break for the door ♪
♪ it sounds so dumb ♪
♪ you sharp your tongue ♪
♪ I lost the w*r ♪

(Will and Gunnar)

♪ But you're not the only one ♪
♪ with a g*n ♪
♪ for a mouth ♪
♪ no, you're not the only one ♪
♪ with a g*n ♪
♪ there's a redheaded angel in the wings ♪
♪ singing "Lay down your sword" ♪
♪ it's over now ♪
♪ and this is how ♪
♪ I lost the w*r ♪

♪ but you're not the only one ♪
♪ with a g*n ♪
♪ for a mouth ♪
♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

I got you something.

You did?

Yeah. Well, us. Reservations.

Ooh. What restaurant?

Well, they... they probably have food, but it's not a restaurant.

It's first class to St. Lucia.

You got us plane tickets to the Caribbean?

No, I got reservations.

But you say yes, I'll buy the tickets.

Sugar beach, black sand, blue ocean. It's hot.

I can't... When? I can't just... take off with you to St. Lucia.

Why not?

You're getting a divorce. It's official.

But I have kids, and my dad just got out of the hospital.


And we're on tour. (Chuckles)

You got a couple days off from the tour after this show.


And don't tell me you don't have someone you can trust with your kids.

I thought you said you wanted to live in the moment.

I do... would you just stop throwing my words back in my face?

(Chuckles) Okay.

I'm thinking about it. All right.

Just say "yes."



Hey. Mm?

Perfectly acceptable dinner.

(Chuckles) Yes, you spoil me.

A girl could get used to that.

(Cans clatter) Well, maybe you'd better, 'cause I told Juliette that I am done with the tour at the end of this leg.

What? Why?

You know what?

I have had enough crazy for two lifetimes.

I think it's time I lived in the real world for a little while.

Is that okay?

(Whispers) Thank you. Get back to work.

All the furniture's for sale, too.

So... do you love it?

I do.

What's wrong?

You're worried about your mother, aren't you?

That was just very bizarre behavior.

Yeah, it was. We just gotta keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't relapse if she hasn't already.

(Cell phone ringing) Uh, I gotta take this.

The lying worries me, though.

(Beeps) Hello?

Em, what do you think of this mirror?

I think she likes it. Yeah.

It's nice.

Uh, I'm not sure about the furniture.

(Lowered voice) It's heinous.

But that's not why I called you over here.

How many square feet was the, uh, master?

She... she had asked me...

I would like to talk to this Esme.

Can we get her passes to tomorrow night's show?

Yeah, of course.

That's good. That is good. Man! Whoo!

(Exhales) Oh, man.


Here's my number.

Call me.

(Both laughing)

What just happened?

I wish... I wish you could see your face right now.

Wow. (Laughs) Man.

Excuse me. Hey, I'm Jack Nelson.


You're the Jack Nelson who worked with Lindi Ortega.

Will Lexington. How you doin'?

Listen, that performance tonight was great.

Thank you. That song was amazing. Did you write it?

Uh, y-yeah, I did.

I'd love to lay it down as a demo.

Why don't you call me tomorrow?

I'll set it up.

(Chuckles) Yeah, all right.

You know who that was? (Laughs)

Oh, man. Oh, my God.

(Chuckles) Oh, man.


Damn. Hey, are you gonna use this?

What do you think? No.

All right. That's what I figured.

Yeah, you go knock yourself out. (Laughs)

That was an incredible song.

Thanks, man.

Listen, I'm... I'm sorry about what happened at the house.

I was... I was out of line with you and Scarlett.

We weren't together then, but we are now, so...

You hear she got a record deal with Edgehill?

No. I hadn't.

Well... good luck with that song.

(Door closes)

(Rayna) Daddy?

Yeah, I'm in here.

What happened here?

Oh, I was just... I'm just taking stock.

Gosh. What is all this?

Well, I didn't... (Sighs) always approve of your choices, but...

I still followed your career.

I didn't know that.

Watty told me about... all that stuff with mom.

You know I had no idea how difficult all that was for you.


I had a lot of time to think, laid up in that bed.

And now I... I see all this.

I wanna start all over with you.

Do you think we could do that?

I think that'd be nice.

Look at this.

Look at Tandy in that one.

(Peggy) I'm so happy you wanted to see me.

(Door closes)

You okay?

You know, I thought we were, uh, building something together.

We are.

Then why did you tell the tabloids about my divorce?

You gonna deny it? (Voice breaking) I didn't mean to.

A reporter tricked me into confirming the story.

I felt awful about it, and so I...

I didn't say anything about it.

Well, how do you think he got the story, then?

I don't know.

I don't know. He... (Sighs)

You gotta believe me.

It felt wrong to hide it from you, and then Lamar shows up and...

Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean, Lamar?

Isn't he the one who told you?


What did he do?


Lamar told me that if I... didn't talk you into picking his stadium site, that he would... he'd tell you what I'd done.

And you weren't gonna tell me about that either? (Sets glass down)

I didn't wanna hurt you.

Yeah, well, you did, and you hurt my children, too.


I love you.

And you love me.

Yeah, well, it's not enough.


Please leave.




(Door opens)


Hi. I missed you in bed last night.

Oh. Man, I got in so late.

I didn't want to wake you up.

So how'd the meeting with Rayna go?

Well, actually, I spoke to her, and... she wants to give you another shot.

And I...

(Sets down mug)

I didn't ask you to do that.

You didn't have to ask me to do that.

I love you, and I thought it would be something that you'd be excited about.

But, um...

I-I went and talked to Rayna, and she said yes, and I thought that was what we both wanted.

So do you wanna tell me what's going on?

Look, there was a time you'd have asked me to do that, and I'd have done it in a second just to be onstage with you.

You know who you are as an artist, you... your music, the way you are onstage... you just know.

Me? I'm just figuring that out. But... last night, I got up onstage at Tootsies, right?

And I get up and I play, and, hell, I loved it.

It just felt raw and... and real.

I've got some music I wanna be playing.

And that's... not something we can be doing together right now.

I just want you to be happy.

I am happy.

Of course I am.

(Whispers) Come here.


(Deacon) I think it looks good on you.

You do? (Chuckles) Yeah.


Hey, man. Good to see ya. Hey!

Yeah, wow. I thought you got fired.

Yeah, but we made up in Atlanta.

That's right. Yeah.

How... how about you?

You still enjoying bubblegum glitter time with, uh, Juliette?

Oh, every night's a joy. (Laughs)

This is my girlfriend Stacey.

Hi. Hi.

This is, uh, Liam...

Liam McGuinnis. Yeah, I know who he is.

What? I just said I don't listen to country music.

Oh, I'm, uh, I'm sure he doesn't deserve you.

(Chuckles) It's a pleasure.

Nice. Thank you.

Hi. Hey.

Hey. Oh, hi. It's nice to see you.

Hi. Hi.

Nice to see you, too. How are ya? Good.

Wanna go see the stage? Yeah.

Okay, great. Let's go. Bye.

(Rayna) Bye. To the stage. See y'all in a little bit.

Bye. Nice to meet you. Bye.

(Indistinct conversations)


So? What about St. Lucia?

Well, I get my girls back on Tuesday.

Okay. But I figure if we leave tomorrow, we could have a nice, long weekend in St. Lucia.

(Chuckles) No, no, no.

(Lowered voice) This is my place of work. (Whispers) Okay.

Gotta be professional.

Until tomorrow.


(Indistinct conversations)

Hey, Juliette?

Hi. I'm Esme.

So, um, d-do you have any questions about the house or financing or...

Uh, actually, I had some questions about your relationship with my boyfriend.

Well, he, um, he basically saved my life.


I was at the end of the line, and he...

He pulled me back.



Oh, wait. Are you...

(Laughs) Are you asking if he and I were involved?

No. No, no. God, no.

He... he just helped me out for a little while, while I was at Riverside. That's it.

We're just friends, really.

He's totally not my type.

Not... dorky enough for me. (Laughs)

Yeah. (Laughs)


What are you doing here?

Oh, hey.

I, um, I got an invitation from your girlfriend.

Well, if you had questions about the house, I can handle that.

I think I got the answers that I was looking for.

And you know what?

I will take the house.

Hell, furniture and all.

I'll have the check sent right over.

I'll... get ya the keys.

(Door opens)


(Man over P.A.) 15 minute warning.

15 minutes till places, please.

(Indistinct conversations)


What are you doing here?

Uh... workin'.

(Panting) Needed a job.

Got this one.

Heard about all your success.

I'm really happy for you.

Thank you. (Man) Barkley!

Get back to work!

(Exhales deeply)

(Avery) Enjoy the show.

(Knock on door)

(Coleman) What's going on here?

I canceled all of Lamar Wyatt's city contracts.


Yeah. Every last one of them.

He is not gonna get a single dime off of that stadium or any other Metro money.

Wait. Some of those contracts were set up as a favor to me.

I know. I am aware of that. They're servicing underprivileged areas.

They're... they're reduced rates.

And we can always negotiate those deals with whoever takes over.

You're being impulsive here.

Cole, we're gonna figure it out, okay?

Now if you'll excuse me.

You know, she can't just summon me and hold me here like I'm a prisoner.

She just wants you to meet someone.

Hey, mama.

That's the woman that I saw him kissing downtown.

That's the woman I was telling you about.

Mama, I know who she is, okay?

And I'm not concerned about her.

It's you I'm worried about. Me?

(Whispers) Yeah. Why are you concerned with me?

I think you should go now. Yeah.

I saw him kissing her downtown.

Jolene, have you been using?

I mean, what... no. Excuse me?

Lies and manipulation.

I feel like you're on the edge here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no.

I don't need an intervention here.

I'm not the one who's using anyone here.

I'm not...

Mom. Mom.

Get out of my stuff! This is how you act right before you're about to fall off the wagon.

Get out of my stuff! Or when you already have.

(Pills rattle)

Those are not mine. (Voice breaks) Really?

I don't know where they came from, but they are not mine. Really?

After all that we've been through?

After all we've been through? I haven't done anything, honey!

Those are not mine!

Are you kidding me? I-I-I think we gotta get her back to Riverside.

Why do you think I'm lying to you? Jolene, you have to go back to Riverside.

Stop lying. They're not mine!

This is... this... you have to do this, okay? For once in your life, stop lying!

(Jolene grunts)

(Gasps and cries)

Thank you, Nashville! (Cheering)

I would like to just give a big ol' shout out to my producer and my lead guitar player, Mr. Liam McGuinnis.


(Man) "Postcards from Mexico"!

That's an old one. Liam doesn't know many of the old ones.


I know the cool ones!

I guess he does.

(Woman) Nashville loves you!

Is this one of the songs you wrote together?


♪ One day ♪
♪ I saw him walking ♪
♪ on the street ♪
♪ we started talking ♪
♪ downtown ♪
♪ now I'm movin'

♪ in the ring ♪
♪ now I'm groovin'

♪ she smiles ♪
♪ nothing hurtin'

♪ so fine ♪
♪ the beads are workin'

♪ I knew ♪
♪ honey, honey ♪
♪ she'd be mine ♪
♪ easy money ♪

♪ so fine ♪
♪ I had a past ♪
♪ red wine ♪
♪ a dark past ♪
♪ hotel ♪
♪ I had a g*n ♪
♪ bad girl ♪
♪ a big g*n ♪
♪ room service ♪
♪ hair-trigger ♪
♪ I'm gettin' nervous ♪
♪ I pull it ♪
♪ all night ♪
♪ hammer down ♪
♪ silk sheets ♪
♪ lead b*ll*ts ♪

(cheers and applause)

I'm gonna get some water. I'll be back in a bit.


♪ Love comes ♪
♪ love comes ♪
♪ love goes ♪
♪ love goes ♪
♪ she's gone ♪
♪ I'm gone ♪
♪ to Mexico ♪
♪ to Mexico Daddy? It's late.

You're supposed to be recovering, not working.

I spoke with Albert.

Teddy's canceled all our Metro contracts, because you told him I had Peggy Kenter on the line.

Teddy's been a part of our family for 13 years.

I was showing him a little respect.

This is my company. It's not yours.

(Voice breaks) After everything that's happened, I can't believe that it was Rayna who was there for me.


She's the one who was holding my hand when I woke up from surgery.

And she's the one...

(Inhales deeply) who's not acting like I've lost my edge.

Good night. (Huffs)



What was that all about?


You never came back.

Not gonna watch her whole damn show. (Chuckles)

You know when, um... when you came to see me last week, were you actually here to see Rayna and her father in the hospital?

I mean, I read the paper. I know he had a heart attack.

I was there to see you.

I just stopped by to see her on my way home.

I'm sorry. I should've told you that.

Do you still have feelings for her?

(Whispers) Yeah.

I told you we got this long history, and I'm just...

I don't know if it's out of my blood.

I'm just... I'm trying, though. I'm trying.

Yeah, well, I don't really know what to do with that.

I mean, is it... are you just wishing that she were here instead of me?

(Speaks indistinctly) It's not that. I'm here.

I'm here. I'm with you. That's where I wanna be.

And I'm just trying to be honest about it. I'm just...

Oh, yeah. That's good. Now you're gonna be honest.

I'm just trying to make it work.

Isn't that enough for right now?

I don't know. I don't really know. (Clears throat)

(Whispers) Hey.

Hey. Hey. Hey.

Hey, come on.

Um... hey.

Can you... Hey, come on.

No, can you just, like... uh, can you just stop?

I just need a little...

(Exhales) time. Okay?


(Pats legs)

Just... great.



Everything okay?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

(Indistinct conversations)

No. No.

Come here.


(Indistinct conversations continue)

What's the matter?


(Inhales deeply)

I been trying forever to fight this thing between you and me, and, uh... just when I think I get there...

(Slaps side)

You ready?

We're going to St. Lucia together, so... you need to call Stacey and make it right.


See you.

(Light jazz playing)

So... what are we doing here?

Daddy's recovering from his heart att*cks, but there are some changes coming to the company.

Oh. So you, uh... came to tell me he's retiring, huh?

(Laughs) No, of course not.


But I think that we both know it's time for him to take a step or two back.

(Indistinct conversations)

And for you to take a... a step forward, huh?

I would like to propose a new alliance... one that's truly for the betterment of Nashville.

The two us. Like old times.

Now we both know that Teddy is the wrong person for this city.

Oh. Tandy...

And I think...

(Lowered voice) that if you were to take a look into his past... you would think so, too.

And it might just help you, if you ever need a little amm*nit*on.

And what in particular should I be looking at?

Maybe the Cumberland deal.

(Door opens)

Bo got your mom back to her place.

The counselor's gonna stay with her till tomorrow.

I really thought she was gonna make it through this time.

I'm so sorry.

I don't know.

Hmm. What's the matter?

This is hydromorphone.


This can't be hers.

How do you know?

Because she would stop breathing if she took it.

She's allergic.

I learned the hard way when I was 10.

Where's Dante?


Where is he?

(Pills clatter) Call him.

Sam? Have you seen Dante?

He picked up the walk-around money about a half an hour ago, said he was gonna pay the crew.

His phone is going straight to voice mail.

Call him again.

Are you miserable?


This is a-a great opportunity.

(Strained voice) I'm just... making the best of it.

It's kinda nice to see this version of you again.

Which version is that?

The boy I met at school.

I liked him.


I'm trying to get back to him.

What are you still doing here, anyway?

Wasn't quite ready to leave yet.

It's not every day I get to be backstage at an arena.

(Indistinct conversations continue)

You wanna be onstage?

Kinda cool, right?


(Hinges squeak)

Hey. Hey.

Are you by yourself?

What's going on, Ray?

I was at home, packing for St. Lucia, and it just didn't feel right.

And I know you're trying to move on with your life.

And I'm trying to move on with my life.


I love you.

That's just never not been true.

Are you trying to k*ll me? What are you doing?

Are you... two hours ago, you were getting on an airplane with Liam.

You told me to get back with Stacey. Yeah, I know.

Now you are standing right here on my porch... yeah.

And you're telling me this now?

I love you. That is the truth.

And you can do with that what you will.

But I needed to let you know, and so I did.


Apart from tonight's walking around money, there's another $475,000 missing from your corporate account.

I think we should call the police.


No, I don't want anybody to know about this.

Will you call my mom and just let her know that she doesn't have to go back to rehab?

I don't... think I can do it.

What about this place?

What do you want to do?

I'm buying it.

Y-you don't have to.

I'm sure you can get out of it.

No, it'll be a good reminder to never trust anybody.

What about that song you played at Tootsies?

I never heard those lyrics before.

Mm. (Sighs)

My brother wrote 'em.

Found 'em in his journal, man. (Chuckles)

He was the talent in the family.

And yet you told Jack Nelson that song was yours.


Yeah. I did. (Laughs)

I don't know, man.


You know, I guess I...

I... (Sighs) I wanted to do it as a... as a tribute? (Sniffles)

And I just didn't know how to explain that to Jack... (Sets down bottle) without gettin' dark.

Don't sweat it, man.

Scarlett pissed you decided to stay in with me instead of go out with her?



Probably. 'Cause we're being so productive.




Well, you know, man? (Sighs)

Things have been gettin' pretty weird.

(Sighs) And I don't...

I-I don't know how to fix it.

I keep thinking maybe...

(Sighs deeply) I just been kidding myself thinking it was gonna last forever.

Does that sound... stupid to you?



What the hell are you doing?

I just...

You need to... to get out, man.

Oh. I-I-I didn't mean it.

Please, just get out. I-I didn't...


Just go. Just get out.

I'm sorry. Just go.

(Exhales) I'm going.

(Woman) ♪ Well, I'm under your spell again ♪
♪ where the k*lling is fast ♪
♪ oh, trouble, she's a-comin'

♪ she's a-comin' at last ♪
♪ I got my eyes wide open ♪
♪ can you hear the dark sounds ♪

(Cell phone rings)


♪ Oh, trouble ♪

(ringing stops)

♪ She's a-comin'

♪ she's a-comin for me Thanks.

(Indistinct conversations)

You've reached Dante Rivas.

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