01x09 - Be Careful of Stones That You Throw

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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01x09 - Be Careful of Stones That You Throw

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

An arena tour.

You co-headlining with Juliette.

I'm not saying "no."

It's over, Gunnar.

If that's not an affair, then what is it, then?

Peggy Kenter overdosed on sleeping pills. She what?

You had an affair with her, right? No.

We want you to hit the road with us when we head back out.

Seriously? Full member.

How long you gonna keep up this whole "no sex until marriage" thing?

You, this family... don't hold your breath, sweetie.

Will you marry me?

♪ lf you think you're gonna hear how much I miss ya?♪
♪ lf you're needin' to feel better 'bout yourself ♪
♪ lf you're wantin' to hear me say I'll forgive you ♪
♪ 'Cause Tequila turned you into someone else ♪
♪ lf you're lookin' for one more chance ♪
♪ A little "stand by your man"♪


That's the one.

All right. All right, good.

Good, good, good. Is she still not here yet?


What? Which is why I think this whole tour's a very bad idea.

Look, Rayna, I'm really sorry. She should be here any second.

This is really not like her.

Oh, Glenn, you're hilarious.

Can you believe we just did that?

It was definitely worth the wait.

I meant getting married.

Oh. Yeah, it was nice. Still is.

We should probably tell people.

Like our managers?

I was talking about more like our parents.

We could do that... or we can do this.

What? What? What?

Oh, no. I forgot.

I have to endure Rayna James.

I have to go to the recording studio.

Can that wait? We just got married.

As much as I would love to put Rayna off now, the live version of the "Wrong Song" just hit the charts, and the studio version's gonna be a much bigger hit.

You're so sexy when you talk business. Mmm.

What about...

♪ When you wake up wanting me ♪
♪ And you can't go back to sleep...♪

Doesn't sound right.

Why would it, after... four hours?


Hey, it's just my opinion.

Hell, if you don't like it... what are you doing?

We're not getting anything done here, so...

I'm gonna go home. Now Jeanne said we needed three more songs, and we can't stop. We don't have anything.

It's kinda hard to write a song without any good lyrics.

Would you mind telling me why you're punishing me?

All right, that's fine.

Oh, so now you're gone?

Yeah, I'm leaving. What do you want me to do?

I've gotta go meet Avery in the mornin'.

So you two back together now, huh? No.

Actually, he's giving me the keys and moving out so I can have the place.

All right. Hey, when are we gonna write again?

When would you like to write again?

You need a couple of days, or you just wanna do it yourself?

Excuse you.

Man, you throw this kind of party every night?

Ain't nothing wrong with mixing a little business with pleasure.

Works for me.

Speaking of business, you spoke to the boys back home?

Not yet.

I thought we agreed on the terms.

I can't exactly fire them over the phone.

I mean, I grew up playing with these guys.

You call that bar band boy back home and you tell him you're moving up to the big times.

All right, well, I'm... I'm headed back tomorrow, so I'll tell 'em.

You know, I'm supposed to play one last gig with 'em.

You know, I owe 'em that much.

From now on, you don't owe nobody nothin'...

But me.

All right, I'm out.

It's one thing for rock stars to flake on recording sessions, but it's another for spoiled pop tarts.

Just call me when she gets here, all right? Okay.

So what's happening with the tour, y'all?

Are we lining up the dates?

Considering we're turning on this tour faster than anybody in this business ever has, it's great.

We gonna start a secondary market's town that are dying for a Rayna james/ Juliette Barnes concert.

So we'll still sell out while sound and lighting are working out the kinks, then we'll hit the majors.

So wheels up would be when? Uh, Sunday.

That gives us three days of full tech rehearsal in the arena. I know that's fast, but...

No, that's good.

Deac, Deac, during your lead on "need me" tonight, rock with me, man. Put on a show.

I thought I was.

Well, more. Perform, you know? Bring it.

You want me to jump around and make faces?

No, man, all I'm saying is this ain't Rayna James, man.

This is rock 'n' roll. All right.

Guys, guys, this is Carmen Gonzalez from "Tremelo" magazine.

She's writing a cover story on...

You know, the new version of the band.

Why don't reporters kiss me like that?

You look good. So do you.

Obviously doing good.

I'm looking forward to that in depth interview.

Oh, you don't want me. Talk to these guys.

These are the real names.

That's right we're the real names.

Are you ready for round three of...

Guess what? So are you now.

Let me hear you make some noise for the revel kings!

Hey, y'all.

Where you been?

Getting married.

When the hell did you do that?

I told you, just now.

Y'all should communicate better.

You... are you out of your mind? Did you at least get a prenup?

Glenn, do I look like an idiot?

Can we just get this song over with, please?

I've got a hot husband at home and a honeymoon to plan.

Hey, fellas.

Can I talk to the beautiful bride alone for a second?


Guess congratulations are in order.

Nice ring.

Well, thank you.

But you're not here to talk about my ring.

No, I wanna start the tour on Sunday.

Are you kiddin'?

Mnh-mnh. Wait.

Why do you even wanna go out on tour with me?

You hate me.

I only hate sunburns and hangovers.

This is just business.

Everything okay at home?


Marriage is complicated.

I heard your husband's campaign's gotten pretty ugly.

Oh, follow politics, do you?

Just the scandals.

Right. And you would know something about that.

Yeah, seems to me you need me right now every bit as much as I might need you.

You in?

Honey, I'm home!

I told 'em.

I can see that.

So should I call you "mom" and "dad"?

Have you talked this through with your coaches? because you clearly didn't see the need to discuss it with us.

I'm sorry, but we just got married, not y'all.

Forgive me, miss, but we don't even know you... at all.

Son, you need to stop and you need to think this through.

It's done, and it was our choice.

He's right, and we have to respect their decision, Brock.

But you have got to respect this family.

Before word of this crazy elopement gets out, I want this marriage done right.

It's legal. Done right in the eyes of God.

No son of mine's getting married at some courthouse and calling it done.

We have an actual ceremony.

Uh, we... we can do that. Right, honey?

Of course.

This month, then. Given the circumstances, it'll be just family and close friends.

I'm on the church board, so I can arrange to have it happen quickly.

Um, I can't do that, actually.

I have to go on tour on Sunday. What?

With Rayna James. It just happened.

Well, then we'll make it on Saturday.

Does that work with your busy schedule?


I've always wanted a big church wedding.

I don't understand. I thought you were working on an album.

Well, that was the plan, but "wrong song" is just, you know, chartin' out of the blue, and everybody thinks we should run with that and, you know, you and I still need money.

Yeah. So... so Sunday.

Yeah. For how long?

Um, you know, U.S. leg, all told, in and out, probably about five months.

So you're just gonna pack up for five months and leave the family.

I'm not, uh...

I'm... I'm, uh...

I'm gonna take the girls with me this time.

Rayna, that's crazy.

I mean, come on. The girls are in school.

The election's around the corner.

You're not taking them away.

Well, I feel like I need to take 'em away from a toxic environment, from a family that I don't trust, and I'm sorry to say, Teddy, but that includes you.

Okay, look, well, I'm sorry, but you can't make a decision like that alone.

You stole money. You lied to me about it.

There is a woman in the hospital who tried to commit su1c1de over it.

So, yeah, I do think I can make that decision.

Let me tell you something.

You are not taking the girls away from me, not without a fight. You hear me?

Is this too flashy?

I don't think I've ever heard you ask that question before.

Well, we've got a game in Cleveland, then one in green bay, then I'm back here.

All right, so Cleveland's a maybe.

Oh! Juliette has to be in Dallas the next day.

Great. Two nights with my wife in two months.

Just the honeymoon I was hoping for. I'm sorry.

Can you guys give us a minute, please?

What's wrong?

No, I just wish you would've discussed all this with me beforehand.

You don't discuss every detail of your football career with me.

This is my job. Yeah, you're right.

I just, you know, I think we should talk about it.

That's what normal married people do.

Talk about arena tours and football careers?

Come on, babe. You know what I mean.

You know what I think we should talk about?

No. That's not really talking.

Mmm. Seriously.

What are we gonna do when you're on tour?

We're gonna just hook up when we can, and... sex in between, and we'll be fine.

In the meantime, you can get out so that...

I can try on some wedding dresses.

Mm. Okay.

I'll see you in a bit.

New polls show Coleman only got a slight bump from the release of those photos.

Hey. Take a seat.

I went to see Peggy.

Hey. Yeah? How is she?

She's gonna be fine. Her husband was with her.

It's within reach, Teddy.

Yeah, but for what?

I mean, she almost died.

And now my old friend Coleman's become an enemy.

It's politics, and when you win, you're gonna repair those relationships...

Rayna's leaving.


She's going on tour, and she's, uh...

She said that she wants to take the girls with her.



Well, she can't do that. Not now.

It's too close to the election.

I know.

But to tell you the truth, Tandy, I'm not even sure I should try and stop her.

Hey, darlin'. Yeah?

Why don't you sit up here?

Seats are all taken, Cy.

Not this one.


Now you're gonna get much better stories out of him than me.

I mean, they're not true, but they're good.

You know, I don't care about his stories.

I care about yours.

You're in a whole bunch of 'em, right?

I mean, the parts I remember, at least.

Yeah, well, I'm just glad that you're alive to tell 'em, especially after what happened to Vince.


Can I ask you something? You're gonna.

Why don't you ever just settle down and get fat and happy?

This part of the interview?

No. This is me being nosey.

Oh, okay. Well...

I don't know, you know?

Maybe I just never found the right one.

At the right time.


Even if I had, you know, me and happy... we don't get along too good.

Yeah, I kind of remember that.

Remember that? A little bit.

Oh, you're really gonna do it?

Mm, so...

What's it like joining one of the biggest rock 'n' roll bands in the world?


♪ You got the wrong song ♪
♪ Coming ♪
♪ This one's about touring isn't gonna save your career, you know.

It's gonna k*ll it.

You think?

Well, you know...

I've been doing this a long time.

I know when it's time to get back out on the road.

But you beat down my door to do an album.

I know. I really wanna do it.

So why are you doing this?

My marriage. My family.

It's a mess.

No, I-I, uh, I wanna do our album, but I've got to get out of Nashville.

If I don't, I just don't know what's...

Yeah. There he is.

Talk to me. Don't. Seriously. Don't.

You deserve this, brother.

I can't believe you actually came home with a deal.

When we moving to Atlanta?

We're not.

Dominic wants to sign me as a solo artist.

What'd he say when you told him to screw off?

I didn't.

Dude, we made a vow that none of us would ever screw each other like this.

We were kids when we said that.

Now what'd you guys expect me to do?

I can't say no to this. It's the real deal.

And we're not? That's not what I'm saying.

Look, there's nothing I can say to make this better.

I just wanna end right.

I wanna play the last show with you guys and go out with a bang.

You know what? I'm all about the music.

You know that.

I know that you're all about Avery Barkley, because you sure as hell aren't about your friends.

Good luck in Atlanta... douche.

Come on. I hate that guy.

If you've got something more important going on, I'm happy to wait.

No. No, just dealing with tour details.

It's nothin' as more important as my weddin'.

She just inquired where the wedding party should sit.

Sean's cousin Bradley will be his best man.

They're very close.

Uh, who is in your bridal party?

I thought I would ask your Dana to be one of my junior bridesmaids, and then my friend Emily is gonna be the maid of honor.

Well, I thought she was your assistant.

Yes. But we're very close.

And my manager Glenn is gonna walk me down the aisle.

Not your mother?

Ah. She unfortunately can't make it, it being last minute and all.

I'm sure those rehab facilities are quite strict with patients leaving.

Was she excited when you told her?

I haven't gotten the chance to tell her yet.

Really? Don't you want her to meet the man that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with?

Of course I do.

Yeah, I guess you were wrong about me never being a part of your family.

Oh, honey, eloping with my son is not the same thing.

I expect a lot from Sean's wife.

You know what they say.

You don't marry the man.

You marry the family.

What are y'all doing here? Rayna.

You going on tour right now is bad enough, but taking your children is beyond the pale.

Oh, my God.

You talked to Teddy.

He was upset. We're all upset.

You can't yank those girls out of school.

What kind of parent does that?

You talking to me about parenting?

Okay, look, I-I made my mistakes, but I would never, never have left your mother alone in a situation... don't you bring my mother into this.

Don't be foolish enough to consider divorce.

Custody battles always seem to shine a light on the issues of paternity, and it would be a shame if Maddie were to learn the truth about her real father.

Get out of my house.

I'm trying to save your family.

Get out of my house.

Both of you.

Right now.

I guess it was a good thing I never got around to changing the locks.

I packed your stuff up.

I see that. I noticed you, uh, moved the couch to where you always wanted it.

I actually think it looks better there.

So you gonna get a roommate?

No, I'd rather be alone at this point.

Look, Scarlett...

If I could take back what I did... doesn't matter. Well, if we hadn't broken up, you never would've gotten the deal.

And I definitely wouldn't be doing all the music that I'm doing and... probably just would've ended up.

Mrs. Avery Barkley.

Still has a nice ring to it.

Well, I'm sure your future wife will really enjoy it.

Well, I guess I should get goin'.

Can I get a hug, at least?

I swear...

I look at you...

And I'm still ruined.

So, Deac, last night on "need me"...

Oh. Yeah. I'll try to step it up there for you.

Oh, you did. Thing is, I felt a little stepped on.


Yeah. You dragged that lead out a little too long.

I'm sorry. I was just trying to find that happy medium.

That's why I brought it up, so you will.

Okay, we're ready.

You know what? I'm good. Thank you. Okay.

Whoa, look at you.

Can't stand all this primpin'.

Makes me agitated.

Yeah? Is it that, or is it this big Rayna tour?


She's going out with Juliette Barnes.

Are you kidding me?

Co-headlining arenas.


Who's she got playing guitar for her?

Who, Rayna? Yeah.

Does it matter?

No. Just curious.

Deacon, right up here in the middle. I'm good right here.

♪ Boys and buses got a lot in common ♪
♪ They both pick up speed when you ♪
♪ Try to stop 'em ♪
♪ You could waste your breath ♪
♪ You could scream and cuss 'em ♪
♪ But there's no use chasing after ♪
♪ Boys and buses, yeah, there's ♪
♪ No use chasing after ♪
♪ Boys and buses ♪

Oh, baby, don't stop for me.

All right, cut it.

Mwah. That was awesome.

Everyone, this is my wonderful, handsome Sean.

Sean, this is everybody.

Nice to meet y'all. Hi!

How you doin'? Guys, take five.

All right.

So I have great news.

Ah, you found another city where our schedules overlap?

Uh... no. I talked to your mom's drug counselor, and there's a family day tomorrow, so we're scheduled to visit around 11:00.

Wait. You... called my mom's rehab?

Yeah. I thought you wanted me to meet her.

Isn't that what you told my mom this morning when you were at the wedding planner?

Ah, that was... so sweet of you to do, babe.

Yeah. Um...

I just... my mom and I have a very complicated relationship.

I just feel like maybe I should go alone first.

You sure you don't want me to drive you? Yeah.

I can get there on my own. Okay.

The song is awesome.

Thank ya.

That was... never our issue.

Uh... I gotta get goin'.

Dominic wants me back in the studio today.

Hey, you wanna come with me?

To Atlanta?


I don't think so. Um...

But J.T. And the boys must be over the moon... big record deal and all.



I'm going it alone.

Not because I wanted to.

But Dominic...

Wait. You...

You fired J.T.?

I had to let 'em go. There's a difference.

Only to you.

I-I cannot believe I let myself forget how selfish you are.

There's something else I forgot about you.

You hurt people... people who do not deserve to be hurt.

You leave your keys, and you ge.



Brought you some coffee.


You look really good, mama.

Oh. Working really hard.

It's so good to see you.

It reminds me what I'm working so hard for.

Did you read my letter?

Uh... it's actually not what I'm here to talk about.

I have some good news.

I'm getting married.

His name's Sean. Sean Butler.

He's a football player.

He's an amazing guy, and, uh, we're having a big church wedding this Saturday, just like we always used to talk about.

Why are you not excited for me?

It's not right.

You don't even know Sean.

This isn't about Sean, honey. It's about you.

Baby, you got a hole so deep inside of you, and I know that because I've got the same hole inside of me, and you think that saying some vows to somebody you hardly know is gonna fill that up?

I am nothing like you.

Baby, no amount of marrying is gonna quiet your demons.

Just because they preach that you in rehab doesn't mean you have to preach it at me, okay?

I'm getting married, and I'm gonna have a real family.

You don't care about me.

You just can't stand to see me happy.

And are you?

Hey. Hey.

How are you?

I've been better. How are you?

Yeah. Oh, yeah. How you doing?

I'm all right. Yeah.

You left your strap at the house.

Oh. He probably didn't have the guts to bring it by himself after I went off on him.

Yeah, I'm sorry he's such a jerk.

Me, too. We should start a club, call it "Avery's exes."

Great name for a band.

It's kinda catchy. Mm-hmm.

'Cause I don't think we'll be going by "the Avery Barkley band" anymore, that's for sure.

Yeah, well, I'm glad you guys are going on. Hell, yeah.

Unlike Mr. rock star, we actually like playing for beer and pizza.

We just gotta cancel the show tonight, start the singer search, and, uh... what if you found somebody really last minute?

I know this blonde singer girl. She knows all your songs.

You don't wanna do that, do you?

Yeah. I don't want you to cancel the show.

Oh, man. Let's do it. Absolutely.

♪ "Keep on going till you're gone ♪
♪ Even when you think it's wrong... "♪


Looks like you could use a beer.

We should talk.

You're right.

I'm sorry about... not... about that.

I wanna get promoted, and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make that happen, including patching things up with you and Scarlett.

We're fine.

Everybody's talking about what's going on with you.

Even Jeanne asked me about it.

I was writing my own songs for three years, churning out stuff I liked. I can get that back.

Not to question your musical genius, but... you and Scarlett...

Ironic as it may be coming from me, you're better together than you are apart.

Well, it's still looking pretty tied to me.

Well, look at y'all, thick as thieves.

Settle down, Rayna. I'm not gonna settle down, daddy, 'cause unlike everybody else around here, I don't do exactly what you tell me to do.

Hey, wait a minute. What is this all about?

Oh, he didn't tell you? He didn't tell you he and Tandy made a little visit over to the house for a little intervention?

I simply told her she had obligations to you and the family, that's all.

That's all? "Oh, wouldn't it be a shame" if Maddie were to find out who her real father is?"

Son, listen to me. That is not... you listen to me.

Now Maddie is my daughter, no matter who her biological father is.

You mean, you knew that... of course I knew.

If the time ever comes when we need to tell her the truth, that's for us to decide, not you.

And let me tell you something.

You ever thr*aten to destroy that bond again, I will come for you. You understand me?


Neither of you understand my intentions.

Oh, I absolutely understand your intentions.

Deac, you k*lled it tonight, man.

Yes, you sure did. I do believe you found the happy medium.

Now straight up, tell us, how you doing with all this?

It's good. Just getting used to the volume of it all.

Yeah, it's about to get a lot louder, brother...

South America, Australia, Asia.

Hey. Hey, long road, baby.

We just wanna make sure you're into riding with us.

Who else is gonna play with you ugly bastards, huh?

Just because you pulled the hot reporter does not mean you are prettier than me. Ooh!

He's right.

You okay?

Oh, yeah, just... head hurts a little bit?

I'm gonna go back to the hotel.

You want some company?

You gonna bring that thing with you?

I'm willing to hand it over for something in return.

That seems like a good deal.

♪ I said, "I love you till you don't know you're born"♪
♪ I said, "I love you till the far side of dawn"♪
♪ But in the mornin'♪
♪ lf you must leave ♪
♪ Don't leave with your apologies ♪
♪ And if you come back ♪
♪ lf I liked you at all ♪
♪ Remember I liked you to fall on your knees ♪
♪ Liar, liar, you're my last desire ♪
♪ Thought your kind of love was just a Thorn of the rose ♪
♪ I've tried hard to be faithful ♪
♪ Not hard enough I suppose ♪
♪ I tried hard to drown with a hum and a drum ♪
♪ ln a pretty drug slum mire, tried bearing your sighs ♪
♪ And your sneers and your frown ♪
♪ Tried wearing your jewels and your heels and your crown ♪
♪ But it was nothing but a twist of barbwire ♪
♪ lt was nothing but a twist of barbwire ♪
♪ lt was nothing but a twist of barbwire ♪

Thank you!

Where'd that come from? You were awesome up there.

Thank you.

You wanna make it a permanent thing?

Serious? Mm-hmm.

Our crowd loved you.

We know you can write great lyrics, and, hell, you already got a publishing deal, right?

Yeah, I do.

So let's get some new songs up and do this every night.

Don't answer. Just think about it, all right?

All right?


How'd it go with your mom?


She couldn't be happier.

She gonna be able to come to the wedding?

It'd be great to have the whole family there together.

Let's go somewhere.

We don't have to go as far as South beach, but... New York?

Are you serious? Babe, I can't go up to New York.

I gotta watch game tape tonight.

I gotta meet the trainer at dawn.

Come here.

Now this is the way to watch game tape... snuggling with my wife.

I love you.

Me, too.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

I told you I was gonna dirty you up, boy.

Hey, you think maybe the bass is a little too dirty?

No. I think your ears ain't used to that platinum sound, ya heard? Real talk.

I let you down yet?

No, man. Look, it sounds great, and I... it's just, I'm used to something a little different, that's all.

You were right. It's way better than an interview.

You know that we're gonna have to do one eventually, right?

Do we?


I know you hate talking about yourself.

That's one of your more endearing qualities.

Oh. I have an endearing quality.

That's good to know.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Why does everybody keep asking me that?

'Cause there's an edge to your put-on charm.

I know you too well.

Maybe you should know me well enough to let it go.

I tried that once 14 years ago, and... I still regret it.

Vince's car accident...

When I left you guys, you kept drinking, didn't you?

What are you doin'?


You're being a reporter.

No, I'm being... I'm being a friend.

I'm worried about you.


I appreciate it.



Let me show you how much.

Girls asleep yet?


Good night. Night.


You know what you did yesterday, standing up to daddy about Maddie... oh, please, don't tell me you're surprised.


I was grateful.

And, you know, it got me thinking about, um...

Just all this, what we're doing.

And I think we just need to be honest with each other.

'Cause I don't think this is about what's been going on the last few weeks. I think it's what's been going on the last few years.

I, you know, I love you.

I've always loved you.

I just don't know that, um, I just don't know that I'm happy.

I don't know that you're happy, either, if we're really being honest.

But our girls love their parents, and they don't know what's going on with us, and they don't know what's going on in this marriage, and it... it needs to stay that way.

As far as I'm concerned, all they need to know is that mommy's going out on tour again, daddy's running for mayor.

They'll come out on the road with me whenever their school schedule permits.

Call each other on the phone. We'll video chat.

I'll come home whenever I can, just like we've done hundreds of times before.

All right.

I think that's a good decision.

And the tour...

I... I think it's the perfect cover.

Both publicly and privately.



I never imagined that we'd ever end up like this.

And I love you, too, and I wanna try and make this work.

Just needs more height up here.

You... you look lovely.

Thanks, Glenn.

Ah. Photographers are already five deep around the church.

It's gonna be a zoo over there.

You want me to ride with you just to make sure everything goes smoothly?

And ruin my grand entrance? Come on.

You know me.

I can take care of myself.

What's that?

Messenger just delivered it.

"This was my grandmother's.

"I'm sure she'd want you to wear it when you join our family. Love, Sean."


Let's see.

Here. You wanna hold this?

It's perfect.

Heard you played with J.T.

And the rest of Avery's band last night.


How'd that go?

They asked me to join the band.

Not surprised.

But... singing somebody else's songs just made me think how much fun I have singing ours.

And I did finish the lyrics to that one if...

You wanna read 'em?


Rather hear 'em.

♪ When you wake up wantin' me ♪
♪ And you can't go back to sleep ♪
♪ Change your mind ♪
♪ When you're weak and all alone ♪
♪ And you're reaching for the phone ♪
♪ Change your mind ♪
♪ Keep on going till you're gone ♪
♪ Even when you think it's wrong ♪
♪ When you look back in regret ♪
♪ The moment that you left ♪
♪ Change your mind ♪
♪ Baby, don't come ♪
♪ Back this time ♪
♪ Don't wanna have to say good-bye ♪
♪ All over again ♪
♪ So if you think there's still a chance ♪
♪ To make it right ♪
♪ And I'm the only one you want tonight ♪
♪ Change your mind ♪
♪ Change your mind ♪
♪ ln the early morning haze ♪
♪ When my ks is all you crave ♪
♪ Let it go ♪
♪ 'Cause I don't wanna do that dance ♪
♪ The push and pull, the second chance ♪
♪ I already know ♪
♪ Yeah, I know ♪
♪ You'll just promise me forever ♪
♪ And then you'll take it back just like that ♪
♪ Say you can't live without me, then you'll ♪
♪ Change your mind ♪
♪ So, baby, don't come ♪
♪ Back this time ♪
♪ Don't wanna have to ♪
♪ Say good-bye ♪
♪ All over again ♪
♪ So if you think there's still a chance to make it right ♪

We're here.

♪ Change your mind ♪
♪ Change your mind ♪
♪ Change your mind ♪
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