01x06 - You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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01x06 - You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave)

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

Shoplifting is a Class A misdemeanor.

We need to get ahead of this thing, or else the fallout could be huge.

Your tour for now... it's off.

We have kept this secret a long time.

She was willing to defraud a credit union with you. Why?

She wanted our relationship to be more than I did...

But that was on her end.

We just cut the first track of my next record.

I loved it.

There's seven in there. I know. I counted 'em all night.

Where's Rayna? I like it better when she sings.

Looks like I'm not the only one who can get myself into trouble.

It's our job at the zoo.

To teach people about animals and how we can protect them.

I do not see how this is supposed to help my public image.

There are studies that show.

That people literally care more about animals.

Than they do about starlets on reality TV shows or the poor.

Well, this better be the last dumb P.R. thing I have to do.

You haven't let me do anything fun in three weeks.

And whose fault is that?

If any of these adorable baby animals take a crap on me, I'm gonna be very upset.

We're looking forward to a great day.

Right now please join me in welcoming our special guest, Sean Butler.

Thank you.

You know, my grandmother took me to the zoo every Saturday...

Well, every Saturday until pop Warner football started.

Listen, I want you guys all to have a great time, and thank you so much for coming.

What'd the goody two-shoes pro quarterback do to get here?

What'd he get in trouble for?

He isn't in trouble. This is his fund-raiser.

Smile and be nice to him.

Hi. Hi. Sean Butler.

Juliette. Nice to meet you. Thank you for coming by.

And supporting the event this year.

Oh, my pleasure.

Would you like to hold him? Mm-hmm.

Hold it right there.

All right, lay it on me, Marshall. What do you think?

It's different, but there's potential.

Come on, Marshall. You know... You know that's a great song.

We're in business together. We got one more album to make, and I'm gonna write it.

And I think we'll go from there.

Well, who's producing it... Randy?

I don't think so. You know, I love Randy so much, but I kind of feel like been there, done that.

I need some different energy on this.


Bucky knows our approved producers.

Just choose someone you wanna work with.

Okay. Sounds fair.

Nice to see you, Marshall.

Boy, you just gotta let 'em think it's their idea.


Election's just over a month away, and you're still 7 points back in the polls.

You've done very well, but you need to do better.

What are you thinking?

The clean campaign pledge event tomorrow...

You, Coleman.

The press will be there.

You guys make a big show of signing the pledge.

At you won't go dirty.

That event's been on the books for weeks.

But what if a supporter in law enforcement.

Could delay Coleman on his way to the pledge signing?

Which will give you time to say to the media that.

He's just not taking the pledge seriously.

It's a small thing.

It's harmless, but it is effective.

I told you, when I agreed to run, that I don't wanna do anything to harm Coleman personally.

We also talked about how you wanna be the next mayor of Nashville.

You said you'd do whatever it took.

Campaigns are about creating opportunities.

A traffic stop.

That's it?

That's it.

Is this the thing you were looking for?

Oh, yeah, perfect.

It was hiding under the couch.

You're a lifesaver.

Hey, listen, Scarlett, I know I haven't been in the best of moods lately, and I'm sorry. You know, work's been crappy, and I will pay you back my half of the rent.

I didn't mind covering it.

What I'm trying to say is thank you.

And what I'm trying to say is you're welcome.

He's comin'.

Who's comin'?

Reid Olson. Are you serious?

Yeah, man.


Who's Reid Olson?

Oh. He's a...

Regional promoter, helps book local opening acts.

For big tours that are coming through town.

J.T.'s cousin's friend knows him.

He's hooking us up.

Oh, baby, that is huge.

Things are gonna turn around for me tonight, Scarlett.

I can feel it. Mm-hmm.

What do you think about Liam McGuinnis?

What do I think about him?

I think he's a nonstarter and he's a crazy rock star.

Well, he also just recently relocated.

To good ol' music city U.S.A.

Rayna, come on. You gotta be kidding me.

This guy would not know Kenny Chesney from Kenny Rogers.

He's won five grammys.

Well, he's won zero C.M.As he's... he's rock.

He's not country.

Well, he's also one.

Of the top ten downloaded artists on iTunes, and all his albums have gone triple platinum, and he has a dog named "June" after June Carter cash.

Oh, my God. How many times have you read that article?

A lot of times.

Get me a meeting, please.

The photo has been retweeted a quarter of a million times.

Since this morning.

You're trending with all the pro football hashtags, and we've got 20,000 new follower requests.

That's a great photo.

I have a large rodent on my head.

That by definition is not a great photo.

This is exactly what we needed.

Sean Butler is the best thing to happen to you in ages.

Why? He's boring, and he sucks at football.

He's a rookie. So?

Doesn't help the boring.

I want you to go out with him.


Just go to dinner with him. I'll set it up.



Seems like a small sacrifice to save your career.

You're seriously telling me that going on a date.

With a boring, stick-in-the-mud quarterback.

Is somehow gonna help relaunch my tour?

It'll do a hell of a lot more.

Than boosting that bottle of nail polish did.


♪ Babe ♪
♪ I'm a puppet on a string ♪
♪ You could make me do anything ♪
♪ Right now ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ I'm a fly in your web ♪
♪ I'm tangled up in every word ♪
♪ You just said ♪
♪ Oh, girl, when you walk like that ♪
♪ Talk like that ♪
♪ Look like that ♪
♪ I'm chained to your will ♪
♪ So, honey, come in for the k*ll ♪
♪ Now come on closer, babe ♪
♪ I'm going crazy, save me ♪
♪ Don't just leave me like this ♪
♪ Just one kiss ♪
♪ Well, that's all I ask of you ♪
♪ 'Cause I played by all your rules ♪
♪ Now just do something to me ♪
♪ Babe ♪
♪ Girl, when you walk like that ♪
♪ Talk like that ♪
♪ Look like that ♪
♪ Girl, when you walk like that ♪
♪ Talk like that ♪
♪ Look like that ♪
♪ I'm chained to your will ♪
♪ So, honey, come in for the k*ll ♪
♪ Come on closer, babe, I'm going crazy ♪
♪ Baby, don't just leave me like this ♪
♪ Just one kiss ♪
♪ Just one kiss ♪
♪ Just one kiss ♪
♪ Just one ♪

Baby, that was amazing.

Thank you. Listen, come on. Okay? Come here.

Excuse me.

Uh, Reid Olson, right?


Avery barkley.

Nice job up there.

Your friends were not lying about you guys.

Well, he said you were looking for someone to be.

The first local opener for the Lumineers.

When they come into town in a few weeks.

Think you guys are ready for that?

No question.


Well, it's good to meet you. Great to hear you play.

All right.

Did he like you or not?

I don't know. Mm.

He did, but Reid's a coward.

He never knows if he likes anything.

Until at least ten people in town tell him he does.

Marilyn rhodes.


Barkley, I know.


This is my girlfriend Scarlett O'Conner.

Nice to meet you.

Okay, well, I'm a manager, and I would love to represent you and your band.

I think you're gonna be huge, and I wanna help you get where you belong.

Well, that's really kind of you to say, Ms. rhodes.

Can I, uh, buy you a drink?

No. But why don't you give me a call so we can talk?

Reid and I go back a long way, and I think you'd be a great opener for the Lumineers.

Good night.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Is this really his studio?

I'm surprised we didn't get carjacked driving over here.

You sound disappointed.

Oh, good lord. Be careful.

We had an appointment, right?



I'm Rayna James.

Yeah, I know who you are.

Well, great. I, uh... this is Bucky.

I think y'all just spoke a little while ago, and, uh, we're excited to talk to you.

About possibly producing my new album.

I'm doing all the writing on it.

Can't wait for you to hear some of the new stuff.

I really don't think I need to hear the new stuff.

I took this consultation as a courtesy, but I don't think we do the same thing with our music.

You're... moms and S.U.Vs.

That's a language I just don't speak.

Excuse me?

There won't be a charge.

Moms and S.U.Vs?

I saw your latest video for the song with the telescope.

It was really good.

You know that this is a setup, right?

It just our publicists playing at being good at their jobs.

It's not an actual date.

Yeah. I just figured we could enjoy anyway, you know?

Get to know each other a little?

Well, here's something I wouldn't mind knowin'.

You were an all-American football player in college, number one draft pick, and now you seem completely incapable.

Of completing a pass.

I mean, six turnovers in one game?


You said you wanted to get to know each other.

That's a sight I never thought I'd see.

Scarlett sent it over. She worries.

Spent a few hours in jail, not a month in my deathbed.

I'm fine, all right? I wasn't drinking, either.

Hey, do you know a-a Marilyn rhodes?

Marilyn coming after y'all?

She's tight with this booker, Reid handling that? Yeah. You know him, too?

Yeah. Small town.

Look, uh, I'll give him a call for you, all right?

I'll put in a good word.

You'd do that? Yeah, look, I don't want you.

Wasting your time or your money on a manager, all right?

I... really appreciate that.

You know, for some reason, I always thought that.

You didn't really like me very much.

Well, I don't know why you'd think that.

Hey. Me again.

It's always good to see you, Ms. Jaymes, but I'm not sure what more we've got to talk about.

Oh. Well, see, that's the thing.

That kinda glitches me a little bit, 'cause I feel like we never even got a chance to talk yesterday, 'cause you kinda shut the door in my face.

So talk.


Um, well, I feel like you kinda made.

A snap judgment about me and my music.

Uh, quite frankly and respectfully, of course, that was a load of crap.

You know, I think you might have heard a couple of my hits, maybe "already gone," maybe "american beauty."

You think you know who I am.

That is sort of like if I had judged you.

Without ever hearing that live show.

That you did two years ago in belfast, for example.

You heard that? I did hear that.

In fact, I heard it right there in that S.U.V., which, by the way, has an excellent sound system, driving my daughters to school.

They liked it, too.

So do me a favor. Listen to that.

Okay? Then make a decision.

Appreciate that.

Come on in.

Let's just talk for real.

All right.

Oh, officer. Is there a problem?

You failed to signal a turn back there.

License and registration.

I'm, uh, Coleman Carlisle.

Yeah, I've seen your ads. License, please.

Look, I really appreciate all your hard work, but, um, I have a really important engagement.

Happening downtown in just a few minutes, so I promise I'll be very careful, and we can treat this as a warning, and I'll just go.

Thanks very much.

Are you getting belligerent with me?

Are you serious?

I think you'd better step on out of the vehicle.

Step out of the vehicle, sir.

It's hard to imagine what could be more important.

Oh, who knows? Maybe the councilman's the lucky guy.

Who won the mega millions last night.

In all seriousness, I hope the councilman's okay, but this is too important to wait.

I'm signing this clean campaign pledge.

Because we need to stick to what matters, and that is the issues.

And I am firmly committed to being.

The man that you can trust during this election.

To conduct his campaign with honesty and integrity.

Are you as much of a goody two-shoes as you seem?

You really as much of a klepto as you seem?

Okay. So you're not a total pushover.

It's not that easy being a rookie.

I just choose to work hard at it.

But you never go out?

I'd like to keep my position as starting quarterback.

I got an idea. Let's get outta here.

And go where? Wherever we want.

We're young, we're hot, and I got a jet.

And I got practice in the morning.

Aw. And I promise I'll have you back by your curfew.

Let's go, choirboy.

Good to see you. Thanks for being here.

Appreciate the support. Take care.

Nice job, Mr. soon-to-be mayor, so, uh, what are you doing here?

I'm volunteering for your campaign.

Wow, that's, uh... that's unexpected.

Well, I have a light workload right now, and Robert's in Hong Kong starting a new business. Oh.

So I thought...

Why not come work for you?

Why not?

Well... take care.

Okay. You, too, Peggy.

Hey there. All right. Great job.

Thanks for being here.

Look, this is straight up harassment.

It's a traffic violation, but if your belligerence...

Officer Dunigan, I got something.

Sir, do you have a prescription for this oxycontin?

Look, I can explain. It's not a problem.

I'm placing you under arrest.

Pending a preliminary narcotics investigation.

Based on the contents of your vehicle, sir.

Turn around.

Now you gonna tell me where we're going?

South beach.

Oh, I was in Miami last week.

Yeah. Any good excuse for not calling audibles?


I give up. Oh, it'll be fun.

A friend of mine can get us into the balcony.

Which balcony?

The balcony.

You do not get out much, do you?

Have you ever been drunk? I don't drink.

Like during the season?

Not ever. Never saw the need.

You really are a choirboy.

Or not.

You play?

This is what you learn to do when you stay in.

A lot of Friday and Saturday nights.

You know my music?

I have a sister. Come on.

♪ I might stay up, drunk on wine ♪
♪ Hurtin' like hell, ugly cryin'♪
♪ Black mascara tears ♪
♪ I'm gonna lock my door, sleep with my phone ♪
♪ Miss you bad for a month or so ♪
♪ But let me tell you somethin', my dear ♪
♪ I'm gonna be just fine ♪
♪ But you're never gonna find another love like mine ♪
♪ Oh, no, no ♪

Careful there.


You might just be havin' a good time with me.

I love your sound.

I wanna... I'm looking for a sound that's gonna...

Snap people's heads around and...

Grab 'em by their ears and...

Hold them down till I let 'em go.

But you can't... just take your... your mandolins.

And banjos and pedal steel and throw it.

Through a bunch of distortion and call it "rock."

Nope, that's not what I'm asking for.

You... think I'm gonna put my career on the line, go up against my label.

Just so I can do somethin' half-ass. Nope.

Listen, you put out a bunch of hits, that fame starts comin'.

My experience is, I've just gotten further and further away.

From why I decided to do this in the first place, which was about sharing my truth with people.

So you came to me to find your voice again?

To find my voice now, yeah.

Sometimes you gotta blow up the box.

Let's have a drink.

You know, I cannot have a drink.

Why not? 'Cause I gotta go home. It's getting late.

I got two kids at home.

I got a husband.

Wait. You don't think you can make music on a schedule, right?

You can if you're me. All that stuff going on...

I have a constant buzz in my head all the time.

This person's gotta be here at this point.

This person's gotta be there at this point.

All the time. That's my life.

Your kids are home, right?

They're safe and sound and well taken care of?

They better be.

Well, let's drown out the buzz for a little while.

Blow up the box.


Buy you a drink?

Deacon Claybourne.

Been a long time.

Yeah, look, I heard you've been trying to sign Avery barkley.

You don't need to do that.

I already talked to Reid for him.

You suddenly taking an interest in who I work with?

Just this one. He's my niece's boyfriend.

I don't want her to be hurt by anything.

That... might happen.

So why are you talking to me?

He's an ambitious kid. Sometimes a drownin' man...

Well, he'll grab onto almost anything.

You should've signed with me when we were starting out.

Oh, yeah? You had so much promise.

I would have made you more.

Than just the guy standing behind Rayna James.

You might've.

I would've.

Yeah, well...

It wasn't worth the price of finding out.

I guess now we'll never know.

Good to see you, Marilyn.

Always a pleasure, Deacon.
What the hell happened? Narcotic possession?

You said that it was gonna be a traffic stop, Lamar.

That's all it was.

Who knew those officers were gonna find dr*gs.

On a man running for public office?

It's pure luck.

Yeah, yeah, you sure you're as.

Surprised as you're pretending to be?

I had nothing to do with the dr*gs, and I'm offended by the accusation.

Anything else you think you're entitled to know?

I talked to my cousin.

What, we didn't get it?

Nope. Oh, damn it! So much for Deon's help.

Who got the job?

Lindi Ortega?

Man, is there a gig in town they haven't gotten lately?

This really is a wild scene.

I told you it would be.

Club soda, please?


I've got practice.

I was never actually a choirboy, you know.

Dance with me.

That I can do.



You might actually be having fun with me.

♪ I won't ♪
♪ And just hang around ♪
♪ For someone else to find ♪
♪ You said you loved me till the end of time ♪
♪ So I'm staring at that clock on the wall ♪
♪ Every day I give that thing a wind ♪
♪ And pretend that I ain't waitin' on your call ♪

We should've had that Lumineers gig.

I'm gonna take a lap around, see who's here.

All right, man.

♪ Oh, why do I gotta do?♪
♪ All the silly things I do, just trying ♪

Scotch, rocks.

♪ To keep this love alive ♪


♪ Why does it gotta be ♪
♪ So damn hard for me ♪

I was told to stay away from you.

♪ Till the day you die ♪

Is that right? By whom?

Well, whoever it was, was wrong.


Sorry you guys didn't get the gig with the Lumineers.

I had to sell Reid on my band.

♪ I've gotta make that train roll on ♪

But that could be you.

We'd start by getting you a residency...

A great slot on a hot night.

Thank you.

We'll press your demo as an E.P., and I'll get it played.

Start with college radio and go from there.

With my contacts, a month tops...

You're on your way.

I'm busy all day tomorrow.

Why don't you come by the house around 8:00?

We can talk about your career, get to know each other better.

Thanks, but, uh... I-I can't.

♪ Why does it gotta be ♪

All right.

♪ Just don't say you'll love me till the day you die ♪

So close, man.

We were so close.

It's back to rehearsin', I guess.

You know what?

Screw that.

Screw what?


♪ All the silly things I do ♪
♪ Just trying to keep this love alive ♪
♪ Why does it gotta be ♪

Miss rhodes?

Tomorrow night.

See you at 8:00.


♪ Oh, the day you die ♪

What are we doing?

I always get picked up in the back.

Juliette Barnes! Wow!

Please just leave us alone.

Sean Butler, right? Having fun?

What, Juliette., you don't want to show me your pretty face?

Sean, just don't even look at him.

Keep your head down and keep going. Don't look at him. Just keep goin'.

Maybe talk a little bit about your drugged-out mom...

Hey! Or your shoplifting habit?

That's not necessary.

Sean, please. I think you should apologize.


Oh, crap. Let's go, right now. Come on.

Good morning.

Is it a good morning?

k*ll me now, please.

So what happened to "I'm sure I'll be home by 10:00"?

Um... well, you know, we were working, and then we kinda lost track of time.

What time did I get home?

Oh, well after 2:00.

Oh, God. I think it was that second whiskey shot.

That made the third and the fourth one seem.

Like such a good idea.

So, uh... ugh.

Besides all the whiskey, how'd it go with Liam?


It's all a little bit hazy.

Just relax. I already took the girls to school.

Oh, it's the fall festival today.

Oh, sh**t!

I gotta go, I'm gonna be late. It's the friggin' fall festival.

What do you mean, fall festival?

It's the fall... I gotta make cupcakes for the girls.

I promised I would make 'em.

Now I'm gonna have to pick 'em up...

On my way to school.

Oh. Oh, lord. You might have to take me to my car.

This is just agony.

Hey, there's Coleman. Can you unmute that?


Sources close to the investigation.

Report that narcotics were found.

In the councilman's possession.

I, uh, quit drinking 19 years ago.

My sobriety.

Saved me from losing the love of my life...

And I'm proud of it.

Part of my recovery.

Is to sponsor addicts.

The dr*gs that were found in my car were surrendered to me.

By a good man who asked me to save him from himself.

I am releasing the results of my blood test.

To further prove that I am drug-free.

And I hope that this will settle this matter.

And that we can get back to the real issues.

Facing our city.

Thank you very much. No questions.

Reporting live...

That's impossible.

Coleman was pulled over for a traffic violation, and they found oxycontin in his car.

He has been sober for 20 years.

Yeah, I know, but, um...

People fall off the wagon sometimes.

Not Coleman.

Where did that happen? I think belle Meade.


What is daddy doing now?

Rayna, there is no way.

Did you have a good night in Miami?

Aw, you're just lettin' yourself into my house now?

I saw the tweets about just how good a time you were having.

Then I was shown this.

You were the one who told me to go out with him.

You are not gonna put this on me.

This guy's threatening to go out to everyone with this shot.

So much for Sean's squeaky-clean image.

This is as*ault and public drunkenness.

He wasn't even drinking. Who cares?

He looks wasted.

The tweets are bad enough, but...

As you know, it's the pictures that'll k*ll a career.

Hey, ya. Hey.

Uh, Hailey and I were gonna go check out that bar.

In five points tonight, if... if you and Avery wanna join.

Oh, that sounds good, but Avery's gotta sit down with that manager lady tonight.

Oh. What?

Uh, nothin'.

It's just, you sure she's good for him?

Why? Do you know her?

No, just...

Deacon didn't seem too hot on the idea the other night.

Deacon was talking to you about it?

He was talking to her about it.

Her who?

Marilyn her.

Did Deacon tell Marilyn not to take Avery?

I mean, maybe I heard it wrong, 'cause...

'Cause I don't know why Deacon would do that. Mnh-mnh.



How you doing?

Yeah. I know.

I think that whiskey... mm-hmm.

Got rid of the buzz, but, um...

What happened last night?

Last night was magical.

What kind of magical?

♪ What I thought was meant to be ♪
♪ Ls a broken heart weighing down on me ♪
♪ The truth is a ball and chain ♪
♪ Holding my conscience to the flame ♪
♪ Covered up but still I know ♪
♪ The secret of a life you're guilty of ♪
♪ The smoking g*n is what I found ♪
♪ The dirt I have on you is the ground ♪
♪ Oh, I'm buried under ♪
♪ Yeah, I'm buried under ♪
♪ Oh, I'm buried under ♪

One of the guys recorded this when he saw what was happening.

This is...

It's electric.

This is the kind of magic you can't teach.

This is you, but you've been juggling too much.

You just gotta let go.

♪ Now the truth is.


♪ Holding my conscience to the flame ♪
♪ Covered up but still I know...♪

I'm comin'!

Did you tell Marilyn not to work with Avery?

Look, if you didn't wanna help, you could've just said something.

It's not like that, Scarlett, all right?

I know you don't like him very much, but you didn't have to... why does everyone keep saying that?

What am I supposed to do, hand him a balloon every time I see him?

I like him fine. It's got nothing to do with him.

Then why would you tell a manager not to sign him?


Marilyn only reps good-looking guys under 30.

She only signs them.

After a certain closeness has been established.

She can't sleep with everybody she signs.

She does.

Yeah, I've been doing this for a while now.

I think my music speaks for itself.

Then what are you doing here?

No, I-I can't.


I-I-I can't do this.

Ah, Cole, I'm sorry.

Appreciate that.

Look, I gave you the damn pills.

At least let me set the record straight.

I'll call "the tennessean."

I'll tell 'em that you're my sponsor.

No, let it go. Come on.

I don't want your name in the mix.

You know this program doesn't work unless it's anonymous.

Look, I should've thrown 'em out.

God knows I should've.

But this is not your fault, Deacon. Not by a long shot.

Go get 'em, man.

Hey, babe.

Did you sleep with that woman?



Did you know that's what she wanted from you?

Who told you that?

I mean, if I'd he known, I would've never gone over there in the first place.

I can't believe you would even think that I would consider putting myself in that kind of a situation.

You know, when you're telling the truth, I get two words out of you.

When you're lying, you can't shut up.

Hey. Scarlett! I didn't do anything.

You thought all about it! But I didn't!

That's what matters, right?

Oh, right, so I'm supposed to be okay.

With the fact that you went over there, planning to cheat on me to get yourself a job?

What are you doing?

Why... why are you punishing me for doing the right thing?!

Nothing about this was the right thing!

You asked me to, so I set this thing up, but I don't have any idea why we're wasting our time out here.

Would you just do the job I pay you to do? Please?

Steve, right?

You enjoy your flight from Miami?

Good. So here's the deal.

Instead of you selling those pictures to somebody else, You're gonna sell them to me. The S.D. card, too.

In addition, I'll make you my first call.

The next ten times I go out.

Seems like my picture's worth a little bit of money nowadays.

So... we have a deal?

We have a deal...

Even though you weren't in the pictures at all.

Well, then I guess you're gettin' the better end of this one.

Let's go.

Does the name Peggy Kenter sound familiar?

Who is she?

She's one of the belle meaders.

Husband is some business guy.

Is this as bad as it looks?

I know an affair when I see one.

Cheating husbands are my bread and butter.

Teddy Conrad... a cheater?

You finally learned to respect my privacy, Makena?

Hey. What are you doing here?

No one's ever spent $25,000 on some photographs for me before.

Well, nobody's ever fought a paparazzo.

To defend my honor before.

Yeah, I think I do better staying home on Friday nights.

But I was, uh, wondering if, uh, maybe you wanted to stay, um, home with me one night?

Are you asking me out?

I'm asking you in.


Yeah. Sure. That sounds great.

All right, then.

I'll call you later... About later hanging in?

Okay. You do that.

Who did this? Liam McGuinnis.

Well, that's too bad. We don't work with him.

Well, now might be a good time.

To think about making an exception.

The answer's no.

?I didn't have to see, you know, Marshall...

I feel like you don't wanna work with him.

Just 'cause he doesn't wanna play your game.

I mean, I'm not gonna change my mind about what I wanna do.

Just 'cause he told you to go screw yourself.

Five years ago at the V.M.As Why do you have to fight me on everything, Rayna?

I'm not fightin' you.

I'm fightin' for what I believe in.

He's my guy. This is my sound.

If you don't like that, there are other labels in this town.

Who would be more than happy to buy out my contract.

You wanna play dirty, Rayna?

No, I do not.

I wanna play my music.

This is where I'm going.

Get on board.

I sat up all night, trying to figure out what came next for Avery and I, and, um...

I realized the answer was nothing.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you the whole thing.

Right from the start.

I mean, maybe it all would've... Turned out different.


He'd always been ambitious.

Better to find out.

That's more important to him than I am now.

Rather than later.

Guess so.

You stay as long as you need to, you hear?

Your numbers are up across the board.

Calls to the office and donations have tripled.

That's great.

Now listen, "the tennessean" called, asking if you wanna make a statement about Coleman's run-in with the police.

Mr. Conrad?

No comment.

All right, then.

They met at Vandy, and they dated for years before he married Rayna.

Now she's volunteering on the campaign.

These pictures leak out...

It's gonna ruin his marriage.

Rayna'll never forgive me.

You don't owe Rayna or her family anything.

After the way they've treated you.

Teddy Conrad doesn't deserve to be mayor of this town.

So what now?

Just leak these pictures and...

What, let the chips fall?

No, it feels wrong.

Sometimes you have to do a little wrong.

To do a greater good.

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