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03x09 - Counting Coup

Posted: 07/29/14 15:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on Longmire...

I have to pretend to be weaker than I am.

We're both done pretending.

Where's Ridges?!

If he knew anything, he would have told you by now.

I'm taking you in... on kidnapping charges.

He was right.

Who was right? Branch?

This is about Branch?

There's no way he should be carrying a badge and a g*n, right now.

David Ridges, he was here!

He's a time b*mb just waiting to go off.

He was standing right behind me!


We've been trying Branch's cellphone since yesterday.

He's not answering.

So... where is he?

[Scoffs] What makes you think I would know?

Well, you two were pretty close.

I mean, you do kidnap people together.

I had no idea what Branch was doing that night w-when I met him for a drink.

You went along with it, though.

I wasn't gonna leave that Indian guy alone with Branch.

Look, I-I seriously thought that Branch was gonna... look, I told Vic what happened the very next day.

I'll swear before a judge right now that what I said was true, but if I do, you two... you need to give me some kind of protection or something.

Are you afraid of Branch?


You know, he... He came by a few nights back.

He offered me a check for more money than I've ever seen, and all I had to do was change my story... tell Vic that what I said about the kidnapping wasn't true... but I said no.

How did he respond?

He said, "you better pray that Vic doesn't tell anyone for both your sakes'."

And after that, he took off.

I have no idea where he is right now.

You really think Branch will come after you?

[Scoffs] You... you don't get it.

When a guy like Branch falls, there ain't no helping him.

And when things don't go his way...

There's no telling what he might do.

[Cellphone ringing]


Ridges: The crazy dogs led me to you.


You've been chasing ghosts.

The only way you can catch a ghost is to stop running.

Stop and look all around you.

Ridges, get your hands up!

You can't sh**t me.

I've counted coup on you three times.

I've already taken all of your power.

Stay where you are.

First time, I touched you with a feather.

And I took your courage.

The second time, I went inside your dreams and I took your peace.


The third time, I took a picture of you.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Your soul is now mine.

One more step, and I sh**t.

You can't even pull the trigger.

The next time I see you, I will take your life.




[Door opens]

Ruby: May I help you?

Yes, I'm here to see the Sheriff.


Walt! Excuse me, for yelling.

Mr. Poteet, come in.

Straight through.

You get ahold of Branch?

Not yet. Who is that guy?

Sam Poteet.

Why is he here?

'Cause I asked him to be. Keep trying Branch.

Poteet: I hope we can make this quick.

I'm starting a new job at Lanton Plumbing, and I don't want to be late.

We just need to ask you some questions about your recent abduction.

You've already identified one of the men.

Is this the other one?

He works for you.

Can you think of a reason that he might want to kidnap you?


Well, Branch was recently att*cked by a white warrior named David Ridges.

He may have thought that you were also involved.

Why would he think that?

You tell me.

After all, you're the one who sits behind the moon.

This is starting to seem like you're more concerned with protecting your deputy than helping me.

Nope. No, my deputy broke the law.

No, this department is behind you if you want to press charges.

No, I trust that the universe will see to my justice.

I'm sorry, but there's no smoking in here.

Burning sage... purifies the spirit, gives us strength for the battles ahead.

You're gonna need that to face this man who works for you.

He's been all hollowed out and filled with... bad medicine.

Best of luck, Sheriff.

Is there any way we can make him press charges?


What kind of charges?

Maybe we should try calling Branch from an outside phone line.

We could have Cady call, but considering what she's been through and what happened...

Whoa, is Cady okay?

What? Yeah, yeah, she's fine.

Ferg, uh, call the Highway Patrol.

Put out an APB on Branch. He's in Cady's vehicle.


Not until one of you tells me what's going on.

Ferg, now's not really the time.

When is the time?

I know you haven't noticed, but ever since Branch started going crazy, I really stepped it up around here.

And that's not easy with you two shutting doors in my face, treating me like I'm not even a part of this department.

I do everything you ask, and I do a good job, but if you want me to keep doing it, you can't just throw me in the corner at this little kid's desk and ignore me.


Now sit at your big, new desk and call the Highway Patrol.


Cady: I really thought I'd find one person in Denver who'd at least seen Darius and Miller Beck in the same room.


Then I would have had something to build our defense on.

Henry: I suppose Malachi and Darius are more careful than we realized.

So now what?

Now we go back to the m*rder book.

Let me see that.


Seems a little light.

The prosecution assured me this is everything they're planning on bringing against us in the trial.

Yeah, but what are they not bringing?

The prosecution tends to leave out any information that can disprove their case.

We need to search through every page of this, see if there are any holes in their argument.

I will bring coffee.

[Cellphone rings]


Cady Longmire.

What? When?

Keep the judge there. I'm coming right down.

We have to go to the courthouse.

They're trying to advance our trial date.

To when?

To two weeks from today, and we are nowhere near ready.

I've never heard of a trial date being advanced that much.

Hey. Hey.

It's gonna be okay.

We're gonna get a continuance.

I know you will.


Just... please don't say it.

I understand I, uh... I overreacted.

I'm angry with myself.

All the signs were there that, uh... Branch wasn't okay.

He wasn't ready to come back.

I should've forced him to take some time off, but, uh... instead, I gave him just enough rope to hang himself.

All you did was treat Branch the way you would want to be treated.

Problem is, he's not you.

What's that?

Well, it's something to take your mind off Branch.

It's from Vic's husband.

From Sean?



Why would he send these to me?

Why do you think? [Chuckles]

He wants you to deliver divorce papers to his wife.

Branch: Walt! Walt!

Where's Walt?!

Walt! Walt!

I found Ridges. He's alive.

He's alive. He called my phone.

Just... just slow down. Where you been?

He... he was on Pike's Bridge.

I-I tried to bring him in, but he jumped in the river.

I followed him on the road as long as I could, but then the river, you know, it turns away from the road into the woods.

Walt: Just stop, Branch.

Came back here for amm*nit*on and backup.

I figure Ferg and me could lock down... one side of the river bank.

Vic could cover the other.

First, we need to talk about what you did to Sam Poteet.

You just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?

Don't you dare put this on me.

I'm not the one who decided to go bat-shit crazy.


Hey, get off her!

Get off her!

Get off her!

[Both grunting]

Get the key, Ferg!



What are you doing?

Ridges. He's alive.

I'm gonna head over to see Nighthorse.

When he hears that, uh, Ridges has been spotted, he, uh... he might be ready to talk.

You really believe what Branch was saying?

Take a look at him, Walt. The guy is messed up.

Maybe so.

But just because Branch isn't right in the head doesn't mean he's not right.

So, what are we supposed to do with him?

I don't know.

Walt just went to go see Nighthorse.

You don't have to whisper.

Some of us are trying to work.

I understand why you had to tell Walt.

I want you to know there are no hard feelings.

[Laughs] Speak for yourself.

Look, Vic, Ridges is still out there.

His car's on the bridge.

If you would just go out there, please.

Look, I don't know what your deal is, but I know that I am not driving all the way out to Pike's Bridge just to find out that the car has disappeared like every other piece of evidence about Ridges!

[Keys jingling]

The car's still there.

I took his keys out of the ignition.

Now, you can stand there and just say that I'm crazy, but later, you'll have to explain to Walt how you could have caught the guy who shot me, but you just... let him go.

I can go check it out.

No, I'll go.

Anything to get me out of here.

Let me out and I'll come with you.

We can track him down together.

Not a chance.

[Door slams]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Echoing] Nighthorse!

We need to talk.

You'll have to come up here, then.

Nighthorse: Very busy day today.

We're about to finish phase three of our construction.

Walt: I'll make this quick, then.

It's time you admitted you lied to me about David Ridges.

Seriously, again with this?

It's getting boring, Walt.

I got hard evidence that Ridges is alive.

One of my deputies saw him, even talked to him.


This wouldn't be the same deputy who recently kidnapped a good Cheyenne man and force-fed him peyote?

Where did you hear that?

Word gets around.

So it looks like all you really have to prove that David is alive is the word of an obviously unstable criminal, really.

I wouldn't call that hard evidence, Walt.

Now, this game you're playing with discrediting Branch... having him drugged with peyote, sending Ridges in to mess with his head... this ain't gonna work much longer.

I know you lied to me about Ridges.

He is alive.

And it's only a matter of time before I prove it.

Barlow: Longmire!

[Door opens]


Uh, he's not here right now.

He'll be back soon.

Dad, I thought you were bringing a lawyer.

I don't have time to waste.

Open that cell. Release my son.

I can't do that... not until Walt gives the okay.


Does your dad still own that roofing business?

Because I swear to you, if you don't open that cell, your father will never get another construction job in this state again.

You can't do that.

Try me.

Your Honor, the state's request to advance our trial date is completely out of line. This is nothing but the Prosecution's attempt to derail our case.

You don't need to get emotional, Miss Longmire.

The state has a valid reason for requesting that the date be moved.

Which is?

Witness availability.

Our key witness, Detective Fales, leaves the state in a month's time.

We need to hold the trial before then in order to get his testimony.

Your Honor, the D.A.'s office could easily record Fales' testimony.

Well, you might find it hard to cross-examine a video, Counselor.

Well, the state's request for an earlier trial date is granted.

Well, in that case, we'd like to formally file for a continuance.

There's no reason this case even needs to go to trial.

We'd be more than happy to make a deal.

Under what terms?

Your client pleads guilty, we take the death penalty off the table.

We can offer a life sentence with a possibility of parole after 25 years.


Miss Longmire will have to consult with her client.

There is nothing to discuss.

That deal is not an option.

It is an option. Your only one, actually.

This trial's happening in two weeks.

What, exactly, were you planning on presenting in court?

What we talked about... that Malachi hired Darius Burns to k*ll Miller Beck.

No, you have no proof that Darius even has a connection with Beck.

I hate to say it, Cady, but you've got nothing.

Other than the fact that I am innocent.


[Door closes]
Where's Branch?

I got him a burrito.

His dad came and picked him up.

How did Barlow even know he was here?

Well, everyone we arrest is allowed to make a phone call, and technically, we never arrested Branch.

And Vic didn't file a complaint, and you said that Sam Poteet guy wasn't pressing charges, so we had nothing to hold him on.

He assaulted an officer.

So did you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I know you were just defending Vic.


But, um...


Barlow threatened my dad, Walt.

Where was Vic during all this?

She left before it all happened.

She went to check out that car that Ridges' abandoned on Pike's Bridge.

We have an unstable, violent cop and the person who told on him, both out there right now.

Does Vic know Branch is out?


Walt, what's wrong?

Barlow managed to get Branch released while I was out.

I thought, uh... I thought Branch may come after you, so...

You get rid of one stalker, here comes another one.

I wouldn't let that happen.

But, uh, still, with Branch out, be better if someone stayed home with you, so...

Vic: You mean, like, my husband?

Well, I didn't know if he was traveling, so...

No, he's around.


Okay, good.

Vic: Yeah.

So, how did it go with Nighthorse?

Well, he's sticking with his story.

Well, a ghost didn't drive this car, so...

Walt: Huh.

Even though I know he's lying, we still can't prove that Ridges is alive and working with Nighthorse.

[Cellphone beeps]


The history on this phone says that Ridges did call Branch.

But he also called someone else.

Call the judge on your phone.

Tell him we need an arrest warrant.

[Cellphone beeps]


Barlow: You know, I got a dry-aged t-bone for dinner tonight, but looks like we might ought to put in on that eye of yours.

I'm fine.


Hey, Dad?


I need to borrow the car.


I got a job to finish.

No, you don't.

You don't believe me, either.

Son, don't take this the wrong way, but frankly, I don't care.

The way I see it, there are two possibilities.

Either you're imagining all this, in which case your judgment can't be trusted, or this David Ridges is still alive and trying to k*ll you.

In either case, I can't allow my only son to put himself back in harm's way again.

Now, come on in.

After you've had a shower and some sleep, we'll work this out together.

Come on.

What's my pronghorn doing here?

I seem to recall paying you good money for it.

Yes. And then you threw it away.

Oh, so you've been dumpster diving.

Is that, uh, really what it's come to, Hank?

I think you know exactly what position I am in.

After all, you put me in it.

Your man Darius forced Deena to steal my money.

You threatened...

Wah, wah, wah, wah.

That's the trouble with most indians. They're always whining, trying to blame someone else for their own misfortune.

"This man stole my money. This man took my land. This man moved up my trial date."


You know, if I pitied myself the way you are now, I'd still be in a 6x3 cell, whining about who put me there.

Instead, I've decided to make my own luck.

I suggest you do the same.

Oh, by the way, my offer to buy the bar still stands.

[Chuckles] All cash.


[Indistinct conversations]

[whispers] Jacob.

Uh, Jenine, call Malachi Strand.

Tell him we have an un-invented guest that needs to be removed.


So sorry, but this is a private party.

Feel free to grab a couple of beers for the road.

Jacob Nighthorse, you're under arrest for conspiracy, aiding and abetting, and accessory to the attempted m*rder of Branch Connally.

Jenine, call my lawyer.

You are both gonna regret this.

I doubt that.

You have no evidence David is alive.

Nothing, except the fact that you two spoke 17 times in the past 2 weeks.

Ridges is awful talkative for a dead man.


I imagine it gives you great pleasure to see me in here.

Walt: Your lawyer's on her way.

Till then, you have the right to remain silent, and I suggest you use it.

You might be interested in a few things I could say.


I would have been a few weeks ago, but I'm a little tired of your denials.

I might be willing to revise my statements, if you were to give me something.


I realize there are laws against fraud and making false statements.

You agree not to prosecute me for those, I'll tell you what you want to know.

Fact is, I was just trying to help a friend get out of trouble.

I had no intention of helping him commit any crimes.

Well, if that's true, I'd consider making a deal.

What do you want to know?

Well, you can start by telling me about David's fake su1c1de.


David called me one night, said he needed help.

I didn't know he was involved in your daughter's accident at that point.

He just said that he had made some decisions that he couldn't outrun, that he had a plan to disappear, but required assistance.

I know what that's like, to be moving through the world alone, no tribe, so I agreed to help.

I'm going to take with me everything that is bad, and return with the true strength and honor of the crazy dogs.

After that, we just waited.

All that was left was to explain what happened to the body.

[Bird screeches]

David stole some blood that he'd donated at the res clinic and poured it over the deer.

After it was done, he promised me that he would leave Wyoming.

But David didn't go.

Those legends he talked about, the... the... the crazy dogs and the time travel...

I thought all of that was him just trying to sell his story.

But after he k*lled Hector, I realized that David actually believes in it... all of it.

He's convinced that he's a time-traveling spirit, sent to count coup against his enemies.

"Count coup"?

Indian warriors believe that the greatest glory in battle doesn't come from k*lling your enemy, but from getting close enough to touch a living enemy and getting away to tell the tale.

Last time I talked to David, he told me he was gonna touch Branch three times before he k*lled him.

I mounted an argument against it, but David no longer listens.

You didn't think Ridges was capable of all this?

I admit that my desire to help the man may have blinded me to his growing madness, but then I'm sure you know what that's like.

So... do we have a deal?



I may not like you, but you've always been a man of honor.

Surely you're not going to go back on your word.

David called you 17 times in the last 2 weeks.

Next time he does, you find out where he is.

If you give me his location, I'll make your deal.

You hungry?

I can fix you a sandwich.

[Bottle opens]

No, thanks.



Seems weird, you trying to take care of me.

I mean, you never even held my hand as a kid when we crossed the street.

No. No, I didn't.

I always walked ahead of you.

Laid out a path for you to follow.

I wasn't gonna coddle you.

And I trusted that you were smart enough to see the dangers around you and make your own choices.

Yeah, well...

You were always there to tell me when I made the wrong ones.

Whether you realize it or not, I have always looked out for you.

I just hope, one day, you can tell me what it is that's tearing you up inside.

'Night, son.

[Lock clicks, keys jingle]

Ferg, take Nighthorse's cooperation agreement to the D.A.'s office.

Have them file it immediately.

On it.

So, Nighthorse gets off the hook for everything?


He gets out of a couple hours of community service for making false statements, but we get a m*rder*r.

What now?

We wait.

All right.

Call me at home the second you hear anything.

Uh, uh, uh...

Before you go, um, I need to talk to you about something.

All right.

Uh... One of the less-desirable parts of this job is that we have to serve legal papers when the county is short of process servers.

Do you want me to serve someone a subpoena on the way home?




I'm required to give you this on behalf of the court.

[Breathes deeply]

So, uh... the other day, when you said you... you might be leaving the department.

Well, I didn't say what I, uh... what I wanted to say, uh, 'cause I didn't think it was my... my place to, uh... to get in the middle of things.

Um, and you have the right to make any decision you want, um...

But the point is, Vic...

I want you to stay.

You got a pen?


[Vehicle approaches]

What's so important that you need to get me out of bed?


I've been thinking over your offer to buy this place, and I will sell it to you under one condition.

Tell me where Darius was when Walt's wife was m*rder*d.


Or I can just burn this place to the ground.

Now, now, hold on, Henry. This is crazy.

You don't want to lose your bar.

You need this place.


You are the one who needs this place to launder your dirty money.


Tell me where Darius was and I will sign the deed over to you right now.

No deal?

Oh, well.

[Alarm beeping]




Oh, shit.

[Police radio chatter]

Henry, you all right?

He did not do it.


Darius Burns... he did not k*ll Miller Beck.

How do you know that?

Malachi Strand told me.

You can't be sure anything Malachi says is true.

This time, I can.

If he had not told the truth, the bar would be in ashes right now.

Did you start this fire?

I thought if I could get Malachi to tell me where Darius was when Miller Beck was k*lled, then Cady could link them together and we might have had a shot in court.

But my gamble did not pay off.

Turns out, Darius was in Connecticut, doing a job for Malachi when Miller Beck was m*rder*d.

Well, Malachi might have told you that, but we still need to confirm it.

Cady already did.

When I go to prison, Malachi will own this place.

I should have just let it burn.


The fireman are hungry.

I promised I would make sandwiches.

Sheriff, it's for you.

[Cellphone beeps]


Hey. I just spoke with David Ridges.

[Bell rings]

Hey... hey, bud. What are you doing here?

Branch: Just tying up some loose ends.

I got some time on my hands.

[Voice breaking] Okay.

I warned you what would happen if Walt found out about Sam Poteet.

Look, I... I'm sorry. I had to tell Walt.

I-I-I can't take that back. Think about this, Branch.

If I turn up m*rder*d, you're the first person that Walt's gonna suspect.

I don't care what Walt thinks anymore.

Please don't k*ll me, Branch.

It's not much fun when the barrel's pointed at you, is it?

Don't worry, Travis.

I'm not gonna waste a shell on you.

But you're gonna have to do something to make this all up to me.


Give me the keys to your car.



[Police radio chatter]

[Bell dings]

Ferg: Sheriff, you there?

What is it, Ferg?

Looks like Branch took off from his dad's house.

Travis Murphy just called and said Branch held him up with a shotgun at the gas station and took his car.

Travis says he has no idea where Branch went.

Where's Vic?

She locked herself inside of your office.

Well, keep her there.

Where are you right now?

I'm heading out to Horse Creek.

There's a medicine woman who's got a trailer there.

According to Nighthorse, Ridges' got pretty banged up when he jumped in the river.

He went there to get patched up.

You want some backup?

Yeah, but under the circumstances, you should stay there, watch out for Vic.

Lock all the doors in case Branch shows up.


[insects chirping]

[Engine shuts off]

[Engine sputters]


[Woman humming]


No! No!


[Humming continues]

Stand up, Ridges.

Turn towards me slowly.

What do you want?

I'm looking for David Ridges.

I was told he was hiding out here.


If he is, he's doing a heck of a job.

I haven't seen him.

Who told you he was here?

[Engine revs]


[Exhales sharply]

[g*n cocks]


[Horse whinnies]




