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03x06 - Reports of My Death

Posted: 07/08/14 06:32
by bunniefuu
It is my fault Hector is dead.

I am the one who asked him to help with Miller Beck.

Hector's dead because David Ridges k*lled him.

So Nighthorse lied?

David is alive?

I think Nighthorse sent his former employee to k*ll the only man who could prove you're innocent.

Branch and I tried to talk to him, but we didn't get very far.

Turns out he's hired Malachi Strand as his new head of security.


Malachi did not mention that when he came in yesterday and offered to buy my bar.


This whole thing's starting to feel like a conspiracy.

I just need to find a way to get at Malachi and Nighthorse.

Figure out what they have planned.

I know of one guy who is working for Malachi.

When Malachi was in prison, the man was... staking out my bar, saving Malachi's seat.

This man tell you his name?

He comes back, you call me.

We'll track him down.


You mean you will track him down.

[engine shuts off]

Rough night?

I got you coffee and a danish if you can stomach it.

Come on, buddy. Wake up.

Wake up.

He's okay.

He's all right. A few too many.




What's going on, Sheriff?


I just need your help to get this drunk guy back to the station without making a scene.

Let's pick him up.


Uh, he's not drunk.

Of course he's drunk.

Get him back across the street. Okay.

One, two, three.


We can't walk him.

This guy's dead.


Just keep it together, Ferg.


Come on.

Come on, Ferg.

Excuse us, ladies.

I got all the weight.

Pick him up.

Lift him up, Ferg.

Morning. Morning. [chuckles]



Sheriff, why are we doing this?


Because this dead man is worth $100 million.

[exhales sharply]

Uh, t-this bum? Are you serious?

According to his I.D., this is Welles Vanblarcom.

As in Vanblarcom mining?

Didn't his mom die like eight years ago and leave him a bunch of cash in her will?


He's been missing for 30 years.

Most people figured he was dead, so...

Which... he is.

My God, I read all about this.

It was all over the news, even in Philly.

Which is why none of you can say a word about this.

This is national news.

We need to notify the Vanblarcoms and make an I.D.

Before the press gets any wind of it.

Are we gonna bring the family into the station?

No, if they show up here or at the hospital, people will start asking questions.


We take the body to them.

So... we're carrying him back down the stairs?

[glass clinking]

Table for one, or will Malachi be joining you?

Malachi wants his heads.

I'm afraid that will take some time.

They're attached with hex bolts.

I need a special wrench to take them down.

Come back at 5:00.

I'll be here at 2:00.

Have them ready to go.

[footsteps depart]

So, it looks like Welles Vanblarcom didn't have much family.

Just a brother, a sister, and a nephew.

Their combined net worth was $500 million.

How does one family even get that much money?


Grandfather was a miner who struck it rich.

Family's practically Wyoming royalty.

That would explain the castle.

[P.A. dings]

Man: Can I help you?

Sheriff Longmire.

I'm here to see Penny and Graham Vanblarcom.

[gate buzzes]

Hello, Penny.

Hello, Walt.




This is Deputy Moretti.

Penny: Hello.

I'm sorry about all this.

Are you sure it's him?

Well, we found an I.D. and his social security card.

Both match your brother's.

We need you to identify him before it's official.

I don't know how much help we'll be.

We were both so young when Welles ran away.

Oh, my God.

I-I suppose it's him.

He looks an awful lot like the sketch.


What sketch?

Eight years ago, when our mother died and left Welles' inheritance, we had this sketch made.

Graham: It's a projection of what Welles would've looked like 30 years after this picture was taken.

Penny: We gave copies of the sketch to different P.I.'s all across the country.

Even offered a huge cash reward, but, uh, they never showed up with anything.

It's funny how he was missing all these years only to be found dead a few miles from his childhood home.

Maybe he was trying to come home finally.

Wish he would've come back a lot sooner.

Would've meant a lot to our mother.

She never stopped hoping that he'd come back.

She even set a place for him for dinner every night.

[bird squawks]




What is with all the birds?!

Penny: Mom loved them.

She even left money in her will to maintain them.

She left all sorts of provisions for us to keep this place like a shrine.

But the birds, they were her pets.

[telephone ringing]

I know she would want Welles' body buried in the family plot.

Would you mind taking his body to the... to the mortuary?

Unfortunately, uh...

Graham: Who is this?

… when a body’s found on public land, we're required to do an autopsy.

I promise to keep the matter private.

Thank you.

How did you get this number?

It's a reporter asking about our brother's death.

How'd they find out?

I tweeted it.

Standing Bear! It's 2:00.

I'm a little busy.

The bar sink is broken. The heads are on the table.

You sure this is everything?

I don't want to have to come back.

A sentiment we both share.

[inhales sharply]



I never thought of you as the garden party type, but you seemed real comfortable with the monopoly twins back there, especially Penny.

My dad looked after their stables.

I'd go in sometimes.

Penny would come down to sketch the horses while we worked.

Sketch the horses?

[chuckling] Sounds like she had a crush on you.


What were you like at 12?

Chatty, I bet, right?


Sheriff, how long ago did the Vanblarcom heir die?

Had he been in Wyoming this whole time, Sheriff?

Sheriff, are you getting any sort of reward from the family?

No comment.

Ferg: Nothing. I got nothing. If you hit conference call...

We tried calling Vic to warn you.

Oh, the phones got overloaded.

Calls from the reporters, and now the whole system has shut down.

Ferg, keep an eye on the door.

Branch: So, the missing Vanblarcom heir finally showed up?

Where you been?


Got that transcript from Malachi's parole hearing.

Also talked with my friend who works with the county assayer.

He's got maps of all the caves near where we found Hector.

I figured we'd pick him up, head over to the caves, start looking for Ridges.

[sighs] I got my hands full here.

You go.

As soon as things die down, I'll join you.

Hey, you know, I can go with Branch till you can catch up.

I'm fine on my own.

Walt: Take her.

[door opens]




Henry: It is a beautiful day at the Red Pony and continual soirée.

No one is able to come to the phone, so please leave a message.


Not much of a soirée, Henry. I'm outside.

The door is locked, and we had a meeting, so call me, please.

[camera shutter clicking]

[camera shutter clicking]



[glass shatters]




Ruby: Hmm?

Ferg and I are heading to Durant Memorial.

The autopsy shows that Welles died of a drug overdose.

Seems like you've got quite the crowd out there, Longfinger.

You came by early to talk.

We're ready to talk.

We found these cameras this afternoon that were hidden outside my office and at the construction site.

We thought you might like them back.

What makes you think they belong to me?

Well, seems you've taken a keen interest in, uh, Mr. Nighthorse's activities.

See, I have a habit of getting a warrant before I plant any surveillance equipment, so...

There's only one store in town that sells these cameras.

Last week, a man came in and bought a whole bunch.

Name on the receipt was, uh...

Branch Connally.

I'm gonna need to talk to your deputy.

He's busy.


[door opens]

You might want to reevaluate some of your employees, Walt.

You're only as good as the people you hire.


[door closes]


Get Branch on your cellphone.


[door opens]

Ruby: Hey. Please.

I told you all to wait in the foyer.

You haven't told me anything.

Who are you?

Welles Vanblarcom, and reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.

Walt: I'll admit you look somewhat like this police sketch, but if I'm gonna believe you're Welles, I'll need to see some proof.

My word's not good enough for you?

Not when the man we found had two forms of I.D. saying he was Welles Vanblarcom, no.

I gave those to him.

I got sick of people trying to find me.

I don't even go by Welles anymore.

Everyone just calls me John.


Were you and the dead man close?

I just met him at a bar one night in Cleveland.

He looked a little like me.

I thought, "if I give him my I.D., I could disappear for good."

How do I know you're not just some imposter trying to lay claim to the Vanblarcom inheritance?

Because I don't want anything from them.

Money messes people up.

I just came here because I want that man's real family to know he's dead.

Can you give me his name?

No. But you're a cop.

I'm sure you have ways of figuring it out.

I do.

But before I start looking into it, I need to be sure that you are who you say.

Now, the fastest way to prove you're Welles is to do a DNA test.

Not a chance.

I've spent decades trying to keep myself hidden.

I take a DNA test, and I got the press all over me.


Let's go see your brother and sister, then.

They might be able to identify you.

They're strangers to me, and I prefer to keep it that way.

I know my rights. You can't hold me here.

Maybe not.

But I can tell those reporters that you're the real Welles Vanblarcom, and you'll never have another moment's privacy.

Or we could just take a ride and talk to your family.

Hypothetical question.

Um, say a client that you represent was released on bail and he's not exactly where he's supposed to be.

Henry bolted, didn't he?


You need to find him before the monitoring company realizes he's gone.

Otherwise, all that bail money is out the window, okay, and he's in jail every day up until the trial.

That... that can't happen because he barely made it out alive last time.

Maybe I should call my dad.

No, no, no. Bad idea.

Listen, you're protected by attorney-client privilege, okay, but anyone else you tell is required by law to reveal it, or they could face jail time.

[sighs] And you really shouldn't even be telling me this unless you're trying to bring me officially onboard the case.

[chuckles] Can't afford you.

So tell me, where would I find Henry if he were missing?

Hypothetically. [chuckles]

[birds chirping, squawking]

Look up.

Hello. I'm Penelope.

I guess I'm your brother.


Given our family's wealth, you can understand why we might be skeptical.

Perhaps you could answer a few questions, like... where were you born?

In a hospital, I imagine.

Cut that out.

What was our mom's full name?


What was my nickname?

Welles was the only one who called me by it.

How dare you?

You're not our brother.

Fine, I'm not your brother.

But I'm telling you the guy in the morgue isn't, either.

[camera shutter clicks] Hey.

[cellphone chimes] You're not tweeting that.

Hey, man.


Hey, where are you going?

Far from here.

Look, all I wanted was to do right by that poor man.

So if you'll just excuse me...


Whether you're Welles or not, I got a dead man in the morgue, and so far, you're the only person who knows who he is.

You're staying till this thing is settled.

Where? In your jail cell? Are you arresting me?


No, there's, uh, too many reporters at the station.

I know a place.

It's not a hotel.

There's a couch you could sleep on.

Just nothing fancy.

[bird cries]

Okay, that's the last one.


Looks like we're live.

It's fancy.

I didn't know the department had money for gear like this.

They don't. I bought them.


Cameras will switch on if anybody comes through here.


Better find a campsite.

I'm sorry. A campsite?

We're gonna sleep out here?

Who said anything about sleep?

You got to sleep sometime.

What are you doing out here, Vic?

I said I was fine on my own.

Go back. Take my truck if you want.

I don't feel very comfortable leaving you out here when there's a m*rder*r on the loose.

Especially one that is so hell-bent on k*lling you.


There's some extra gear in there.

Did the tox screen show what kind of drug he overdosed on?

It was an opiate of some kind, but it was too pure to be heroin, so...

[cellphone beeping]

… we’re running some further tests.

Excuse me.


Walt: So, someone else is claiming to be you.

I'm not sure if I believe him, but says you died of a drug overdose.


I don't see any track marks on your arms.

How is it you can disappear for decades... and show up a few miles from home right in front of my station?

Where were you before?

Bryant: Thought you'd be working the Vanblarcom case.

Hobnobbing with millionaires, not hanging out with the homeless.

I'm doing both.

Has the high school donated any clothes recently?

Yeah, every summer, we get all their unsold sweatshirts and jerseys and socks.

[chuckles] You name it.

Thought these looked familiar.

I wore the same colors when I played football for the team.


You remember giving these socks to this man?

Yeah, I remember him.

He came in... a few days ago with his friend.

Which friend?

You mind if I sit, Sergeant?

I want to ask you some questions about the man you came into the shelter with.

Oh, you mean Welles?

You two are friends?

Sort of.

Met him in Cleveland a while back.

He's a nice guy, but when you're on the street, it's really easy for a guy like him to get hurt, you know?

So started looking out for him.

You're a long way from Cleveland.


What brought you two out here?

Welles just found out he came into some money.

Said he'd cut me in on it if I made the trip with him.

I said okay, but I don't know how much I believe him.

Guy's kind of schizo.

He ever tell you anything about his family?


I asked him about them once, but... he got real dark, started screaming some gibberish about his mom.

Got the feeling something bad happened between them.

Well, considering his drug habit, family might've found him hard to handle.

Uh, Welles never did dr*gs.

Hell, that was part of his problem.

Wouldn't even take the crazy meds the, uh, the shrinks gave him.

Is Welles in some kind of trouble?

You're the second person to ask me about him.

Who's the first?

Some private investigator came around two days ago, asking if I'd seen Welles.

Was a... a big guy.

Have a birthmark on the side of his face?


Anyway, I told him, uh, told him I... I hadn't seen Welles in a few days.

Woke up two mornings ago and... was just gone.


Welles is... dead, isn't he?

Drug overdose.

Then somebody k*lled him.

Looks that way.

What, you come here to gloat? [chuckles]

I searched for Welles Vanblarcom for years.

He turns up dead on your doorstep.

When did you first start looking for Welles?

Eight years back.

Family hired me along with a bunch of other agencies around the country.

We didn't have much to go on, though.

Just this sketch showing what he would've looked like 30 years later.

I was given a different sketch by the family.

Well, it's not uncommon to have a few composites drawn up.

The family probably gave different sketches to different investigators.

I looked for Welles for about a year and a half.

Tracked him all the way to Cleveland, but then the trail went cold.

The family was only paying me for travel and food, so I wasn't make enough money and, you know, had to call it quits.


So, why were you looking for him two days ago at the homeless shelter?

[chuckles] Well, you know how it is, Walt.

It's hard to give up on the cases you don't solve.

I pursued Welles for so long, and then the other day, I see a guy looks just like my sketch.

I really thought I'd seen him.

Apparently, I did.

Mind if I keep this?


And hey, congrats.

I'm just glad to see a local boy get that big bonus from the family.

Well, Sheriff's Department doesn't get rewards for doing its job.
[cellphone rings]


[cellphone beeps]

Cady, I am sorry I did not pick up earlier.

Dead battery. I just charged it and saw you called.

37 times. Where are you?

There was something urgent I needed to take care of.

No, you can't just take off, Henry.

When something comes up, you ask me for help.

You ask my dad.

Cady, I am tired of everybody else doing things for me.

I need to take matters into my own hands.

A good man is dead now because of me.

I'm sorry.

I can't imagine how hard that must be, but... there are a lot of people here that care about what happens to you.

None of us wants to see you back in prison.

I am sorry. I will come back now.

See you soon.

[cellphone beeps]

[cellphone beeps]


[keys jingle]

[engine turns over]

You've reached the Longmire residence.

Sorry we're not here to take your call. Please leave a message.

Pick up, Ferg.

We'll be happy to call you back.

Pick up.

[telephone beeps]

Sorry, Sheriff. I didn't know it was you.

The caller I.D. said "Vanblarcom."

I confiscated a phone from Carter Vanblarcom.

How's my house guest?

[scoffs] Snoring.

You find out anything new about our victim?

Well, I'm not sure if he's a dead heir or a dead imposter.

Either way, it looks like he was m*rder*d.

Really? By who?

I'm having trouble finding anyone that knew him.

He had one buddy at the homeless shelter, and there's a private investigator who thinks he saw him.

Other than that, the only person who seems to have met the victim is sleeping in my house.

What if this John guy really is Welles Vanblarcom?

I mean, maybe the dead guy tried to blackmail him...

You know, thr*aten to expose him if he didn't pay up.

John could've k*lled our victim and then made up this story about swapping identities to cover his tracks.

You're getting the idea.

You're babysitting a m*rder suspect.

Keep your eyes open.

On it.

[telephone beeps]




Good morning. Uh, good evening.

[breathing heavily]

You're here late.


You know the phones are back up.

I wanted to be sure I've got all these messages written down before I went home.

Where are all the reporters?

Well, some of them are probably drinking.


Some are sleeping, and some are posting their articles.

Ruby, if you'd been given this sketch, would you have known to follow our victim?

Probably not.

They don't look all that similar.

What about this one?

That looks just like him.


Now that the phones are working again, would you mind calling the phone company?

Have them pull the records on Fred Tavish.

That's that private investigator?


Uh, and in the morning, call Durant Financial.

I want to take a look at his bank records.

Okay, Walt.

Hello, Deena.

Oh, my God. I-I can't believe this.

Come in.

[door closes]

Hi, baby.

I tried calling you. When I didn't hear back, I thought maybe you were angry or something.

Deena, just... just stop for a second.

I do not know if you heard, but I spent a little time in jail.


Henry, what did you...

Being there... gave me a lot of time to think about what is really important to me.

So, Deena...

I have a question for you.


Oh, my God.

Deena... where the hell is my $40,000?

You're just cruel.

And stealing from me was not?!

Betraying me again?!


Get out! Now!


You were the only other person who had the combination to my safe.


Are you sleeping with that guy who just left?


Darius? Oh, please.

What? You want to hurt me?

Do you want to hit me?

Go ahead!


I would not hit you.

But if you do not tell me why you did this to me, I will not be the only one of us going to prison.

You're hurting me.


Son of a...

Deena: Oh!

I am hurting you?


Forget about the fact that I cannot afford a lawyer or that I cannot pay my own bail!

How do you think I feel knowing that the woman I love stole from me?!

That wasn't part of the deal!

What deal?

I got... I got into money trouble.

The kind of trouble that you leave town for.

And I...

I met Darius at a 9-ball tournament at Backseat Billiards, and he offered to... help get me right.

In exchange for a favor?

Not that kind of favor.

He just asked me to get in contact with you and just keep tabs on the business at the Red Pony, and that's it.

And he asked you to steal from me?

Baby, he didn't ask.


[voice breaking] I didn't mean to hurt you, Henry.


He didn't give me any choice.

There is always a choice, Deena.

In this case, we both just made the wrong one.

Where's my deputy?

Inside. Hiding all the knives.


What did you tell him?

That you're a m*rder suspect.

This is a nice life you got.

If I had had this, I wouldn't have needed to leave.

You still don't believe me?

You haven't done much to convince me, so...

I don't really care whether you believe me or not, Wally.

That's what your dad used to call you.

Wally. Right?

I remember.

He used to bring you around when he was working at the stables.

You're lucky.

Your dad worked.

He worked hard.

You work.

You appreciate the value of things in your marrow.

I needed to get away from my life if I was ever gonna know that feeling.

You never felt the urge to come back?

Not even when your mother was sick?

I tried calling once.

But by that point... her cancer was pretty advanced.


And she was so doped up on pain K*llers, she didn't even know who I was.


I decided to stay off the grid.

But you were never really off the grid, were you?

You took some money with you.

Well, I'm not stupid.


You recognize this man?

Large amount of money was deposited in his account around the same time he stopped looking for you.

He didn't get that money from your brother and your sister.

Did you give it to him?

He found me in Cleveland.

I paid him to leave me alone and keep quiet.

He definitely knows what you look like?

I'd say so.


I made breakfast.


No, thanks. I'll pass.

Again, if you want to head back...

No, it's fine.

I'll wait till Walt can get here.

You think I can't be out here on my own?


I said it's okay.

What do you think I'm gonna do?


I don't know, Branch.

Kidnap a guy and force him to take peyote ?

Travis tell you that?

So, you're not gonna deny it?


Maybe now you understand why I am not so excited to leave you out here alone.

You think I'm losing it.

But you have no idea what it's like to know the truth and not have anyone believe you.


The only way to prove that Ridges was alive and that he shot me was to break a couple of laws.

Travis and I didn't hurt that guy.

We just used the peyote he already had on him.

And let's not forget I was right about Ridges.


Oh, come on!

We both work for a man who doesn't stop until he has answers.

Don't you compare yourself to Walt!


I forgot you two have a special relationship.


I'd understand if you felt you had to tell Walt.

But this isn't about me trying to save my job.

This is about me trying to find the man who shot me, who scalped and m*rder*d Hector, and, for all we know, may be coming back for me.

So you do what you got to do.

But I'll tell you now... my conscience is clear.

I got to pee.

[P.A. dings]

Can I help you.

Walt Longmire to see Penny and Graham.

One moment.


[gate buzzes]

That's good.

I'll compare these samples to the body at the morgue.

But the man I brought in earlier is, uh, refusing to submit to the test.

Can't you make him?

I can't force a man to inherit money he doesn't want.

[door closes]

A Mr. Tavish is here to see you.

Fred? What are you doing here?

I got your text.

"Fred, it's Penny. Come right over."

Actually, uh... that was me.

These things are pretty handy.


So, when was the last time you saw Fred?

Six, seven years ago, I guess.


Well, you respond pretty fast to people you're so out of touch with.

Well, they were good clients.


So, you didn't think you'd been called here to receive a bonus?

Even though you already got one years ago when you actually found Welles and he paid you not to say anything.

You found Welles?

See, here's what I don't understand, Fred.

You knew what their brother looked like, so why were you hunting down this guy?

Now, look, I...

He doesn't even look anything like the sketch you were given eight years ago.

Unless you were working off this sketch.

How would I have gotten that?

From Penny and Graham.

Well, they just told you I haven't talked to them in seven years.

According to your phone records, you've had four calls from this house in the past week.

Your drawing skills have really gotten better, Penny.

I didn't know it was your work at first.

I thought it looked like a police sketch.

But the perspective was wrong.

Almost looked like a... like an image from a security camera.

Like the one at your front gate.

[P.A. dings]

The victim came to this house, didn't he?

His image was caught on the camera.

You drew it and gave it to Fred Tavish.

Penny: Yes, all... all right.

I gave Fred the sketch, but that man was harassing us, and I hired Fred to find him and make him stop.

Why didn't you call me?

Is that what people do?

Well, people that don't have something to hide.

[chuckles] I don't have anything to...

Why would I have something to hide?

Fred never found the man.

You were the one who found him dead.

And you identified him as your brother, even though you knew he was an imposter.

Ever since our mother passed, we've been the victims of con artists.

I just... if I said he was my brother, it would put an end to it.

I just wanted it all over with.

How badly did you want it to be over?

Enough to hire Fred to find a man and k*ll him?

You told us it was an overdose.

So, how does an accidental overdose of a homeless addict become m*rder?

It's m*rder when the victim doesn't take dr*gs.

When the dr*gs in the system are the same given to cancer patients in pain and the drug is an opiate, it can be confused with heroin in a tox screen.

My wife used it during her cancer treatment.

I assume your mother used it during hers.

And seeing as how this, uh, this place is preserved like a shrine, I'll bet I can find it in her medicine cabinets when I search the house.


You give those dr*gs to Fred to k*ll that man?

I didn't k*ll anybody!

Fred, just sit down.

Fred, sit down.

Penny called me.

She said some bum came to their door, claiming he was Welles.

She kicked him to the curb, but then she realized that she could use that guy to get her hands on Welles' money.

So she decided to offer the homeless man a million bucks to sign paperwork saying that he was Welles and forfeiting his inheritance.

Only problem was he wouldn't go for it.

The guy was convinced he really was Welles, and he wanted all the money.

I thought that was that, and then she came back in and jammed the guy with a needle.

Penny told me I could still get paid if I would dump the body where it could be found.

That way, she could I.D. him later and get Welles' money.

So, $50 million wasn't enough for you, Penny?

You think it was about the money?

It was never about the money.

Our brother just took off.

Your brother just wanted to be left alone.

No, he abandoned us.

He turned his back on our family, on everything.

He knew how cruel our mother was, and he left me to take care of her.

I nursed her.

I gave her, her medications.

I took care of her damn birds.

I gave up my life for that woman [voice breaking] and he got all her affection.


He got double the money we did.

Just wasn't fair.

It's not fair to take your revenge on an innocent man, either.


[handcuffs click]

Thank you. I appreciate your understanding.

No problem. Take care of yourself.

You're lucky I was here to stall him for half an hour.

I am also lucky that I could fit through the window in my office.

It is more narrow than I recall.

Where were you?

You said that you were gonna be right back.

I need to talk to your father.

I have good news.

I broke up with Deena.

Deena came here?

I also managed to get a picture of Malachi's guy.

Henry, this picture wasn't taken at the Red Pony.

No, it was not.


I'm your lawyer, so you don't get to have private conversations anymore.

What's going on?

His name is Darius. He works for Malachi.

I found out he blackmailed my ex-girlfriend into stealing my money.

He approached her a couple of months ago at Backseat Billiards.

Backseat Billiards?

That's in Denver.


Malachi Strand has people working for him in Denver.

Is this the guy that had mom k*lled?