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03x04 - In the Pines

Posted: 06/24/14 19:38
by bunniefuu


Call the cops! [Panting]

Excuse me.

Finally! We got to get going.

Vic: What the hell happened here?

[Sighs] This kid's name is Marshall Jeffords.

He's part of a Bighorn Horizons Group.

A what?

Wilderness leadership, uh, courses for young people.

You mean one of those "ropes and trust falls" kind of deals?

[Chuckles] It's more than that.

It changed my life.

Anyway, Marshall found their group leader, Adam Kaufman, dead.

He's at their campsite, about two miles in.

You call Bighorn Horizons?


The only good signal is over by the trail map.

They're en route.

That's Branch's truck. Did he go on ahead?

I didn't see him.

Marshall, this is the sheriff.

Marshall, I'm Sheriff Longmire.

You think you could show us the way?

You mean I gotta go back up there?

Been here two weeks.

Last night was solo night.

We all had to be out here completely alone.

Not supposed to come back to camp till 24 hours is up.

It's intense, right?

So, what made you come back early?

Marshall: I didn't.

Time was up by my count.

Others should be back by now.

They told me I was gettin' away from seeing dudes get whacked.

This how you found him?

Marshall: Nah. W-when I found him, he... he didn't have that pen sticking out of his neck.

You did an emergency tracheotomy?

Man, they showed us how to do that back at the office before we even got up here.

I figured he... he passed out, hit his head on a rock or something.

I even did mouth to mouth and, uh, t-t-t-that Heimlich maneuver.

I mean, we 100 miles from nowhere. I had to try somethin'.

Walt: There's nothing you could have done, Marshall.

He was already dead.

Suffocated... after he got hit on the head.

Susan: Adam?

Ma'am. Ma'am.



Still trying to figure out what happened here.

We need your help.

I understand your company put these trips together.

Uh, yes.


Now, we can't seem to locate the last six students.

I need to talk to them.

Marshall says they're soloing.

Any idea where?


They're supposed to stay within whistling distance.


Yeah, they should, uh, they should whistle back.

[Person whistles]

Well, that's one.

You know this area well?

I used to lead these trips.


Work with Deputies Moretti and Ferguson.

See if you can find the others.

I'll take Marshall back to the station.

Marshall, you ready to go?

Hell yeah.

Ruby, this is Marshall.

He could probably use something to eat.

What I really need is a nap.

I ain't slept in a week.

Well, there's a cot right around there, to your right.


Have you heard from Branch?

No. I assumed he was with you.

[Sighs] If he calls in, I need to talk to him right away.

Should I be worried?

Is there a problem?

I'm not laying there. That's a jail, man.

Not if I leave the door open.

[Knock on door]


Come in. [Clears throat]

Sean, uh, Vic's not here at the moment.

Um… you really shouldn’t use that door.

It’s… it’s private.

I know, but this is private.

How so?

I understand if I want to get a restraining order against someone, I need to talk to you.

Who do you need a restraining order for?

You know, I'm not sure yet.

That was in my mailbox this morning.

Not gonna say anything?

Oh, that's right. You're not much of a talker.

It's a couple of weeks back.

We were in Arizona, on a case.

I assume Vic told you about that.

She told me about it.

I just wanted to see how you'd react when you saw the picture.

Little tactic I learned from my wife.

Huh. What'd Vic say about the photo?

Did she know what this means?

I-I-I haven't talked to her about it yet.

Just lead to an argument.

She'd probably think I had someone following her.

Did you?


Who do you think took the photo?

Ed Gorski.

I gather you know about Gorski, so you can understand, Sheriff, why I'd be a little sensitive about Vic's relationships with her superior officers.


You don't have anything to worry about from me.

Okay. Great.

So I guess the restraining order's just for Gorski then.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]


Oh, my God.

Vic: Two of the Bighorn Horizons students came back in to camp.

Ferg and the Taylors are out looking for the other two.


Something wrong?

Huh? Uh, no. No. No.

Just, uh… just worried about those missing kids.

[Foliage rustling]

[Man and woman moaning]

[Clears throat]

[Coughs loudly]

Man: Yeah!

Sheriff's department!

What the... oh, my God!


Oh, no.


This kind of thing never happened on my trip.


How well did you know Adam?

Noel: He thought he was the Great Santini.

He was always like, "out here, you will find your edges, and those edges will carve out who you really are."

Some of us could handle that. Some of us couldn't.

Like who?


Who's Wolverine?

He's not on my list of students.

Right. His real name is Trey Campbell, but e-everyone called him Wolverine.


He was always talking about comic books and... and horror movies and playing with his knife.

And he's always fantasizing about death... who might be att*cked by a bear first, what it would feel like to have your entrails ripped out.

How'd Wolverine get on with your group leader?

Marshall: That boy was not equipped for Bighorn Horizons, and Adam... he didn't have much patience for him.

Two days ago, Wolverine just refused to go on.

He sat down on the ground in protest, and Adam was like, "fine."

And he just left him there.

And he hasn't been seen since?

You guys think this Wolverine guy is capable of k*lling Adam?

[Telephone rings]

Sheriff's office. This is Ruby.

Walt, it’s Ferg.

Okay. I thought I saw him.

Deputy Ferguson left word.

He said he found another campsite, but he wasn't down at the trail head.

Susan: He went back out.


[Person whistles]

See, he marked the way to the campsite for you.

We'll call as soon as we're in range.

So, this is gonna sound weird, but… you seem quiet… er today.

Sean came by.

Sean came by today. Why?

'Cause someone sent him a photograph of you and me checking into a motel together on the way back from Arizona.

Did he freak out at you?

He's worried about you, and so am I.

Gorski's still following you.

There was a "32" on the back of the picture.

That mean anything to you?


Vic, you said Gorski had dropped the charges and left town.

I thought he did. Maybe I was wrong.

What exactly did he say to you?

You know… right now, I think we got bigger problems.

Look at this.

Ferg: Help! Help! Over here!

Over here!

I found the girl!

Is she alive?! I don't know!

This way.

She's down here.

She's right there.


Hey, I don't see any harness up here, but I think there may be one at the main campsite.

Just see if you can find me that carabiner.

Aren't you worried about rope burns?


I don't see one anywhere.




Need some slack, Ferg!

Is she dead?

She's breathing!

How are we gonna get her up from down there?

One of you two, throw down your cuffs.

Grab hold of the rope!

I got it.


[Both straining]


Doc says the girl has a punctured lung and a pretty bad concussion.

They're not gonna know anything more for a while, so you should go home.

Are you sure? I can stay.

Ferg will let me know when she wakes up.

I... I feel like you and Sean could use a couple hours together, so...

Right. There is that.

Okay. Let me know if you need me.

I won't need you.

Oh, I'm, uh, not gonna be finished with Adam Kaufman's autopsy for another 24 hours at least.

Actually, I'm here 'cause I, uh, I just brought in one of the students from the Bighorn Horizons trip.

She's in pretty bad shape.

It's the same assailant as Kaufman?

Ask me again after she wakes up.

She might be able to I.D. someone for us.

Oh, by the way, I should also have the results from the DNA test by the end of the day.

What DNA test?

Well, Deputy Connally brought in some hair samples and a bag of ash, wanting to know if they matched.

I assumed it was sheriff's business.



Ruby: Oh. Well.

[Door closes]

Sheriff's been wondering where you are.

Well, he can stop wondering. I'm here.

[Telephone rings]

What's with the slumber party?

Long story.

Sheriff's office. This is Ruby.

Yeah, hi, there, Ruby.

This is Dave from Securecounty Monitoring.

Uh, we're showing some unusual activity from a parolee in your county.

Has he gone outside of his parole perimeter?

Yeah, he has.

And who's the parolee?

A guy named... Standing Bear.

Henry Standing Bear?

Yeah, Henry.

So, can you send someone out to check on him, or should we send a car over?

If there's a problem with Henry, I can go check on him.

We can send a deputy over right away.

It was the middle of the night.

I was almost asleep, and then I heard footsteps.

I thought maybe it was a bear, but then I heard a voice.

He just kept whispering my name, over and over.

Did you recognize who it was?

Well, he kept putting on a creepy movie-villain voice, so I was pretty sure it was Wolverine.

I thought he was going to r*pe me...

So I just got up and ran.

I forgot how close I was to the edge, and I fell off.

Why did you think he was going to r*pe you?

He was always staring at me, making inappropriate sexual remarks.

One time, I caught him going through my bag.

He said I was stealing his underwear, but I think he was stealing mine.

[Clears throat]

Did your leader know about your issues with Wolverine?

Oh, Adam insists that we work out our problems amongst ourselves.

Are you a little afraid of Adam?

I know everybody else kind of is, but I think Adam's really a big softie.

Will you tell Adam that I didn't quit, I didn't give up?

Branch: Need a ride?

No. Just out for a stroll.

Not supposed to be taking strolls, Henry.

People put up money to post your bail.

Wouldn't be good to jeopardize that.

Do not worry.

When the red light goes off, I step back.

But do you realize every time that red light goes off, alarms ring and the monitoring company calls our office thinking you're skipping bail?

Get in.

For 300 years, we have been confined to smaller and smaller pieces of land, and now I am confined to a reservation with a radius of one mile.

Well, at least you can walk a mile without getting dizzy and needing to sit down.


I forgot...

I am not the only one to have had a bad month.

How are you?

Good as can be expected after getting shot by a time-traveling warrior.

Are you making fun of me?

I'm dead serious.

So, Henry...

Where do people get peyotl around here?

Are you planning to go back in time to interrogate your attacker?

Branch, peyotl does not help with pain.

[Sighs] I'm not asking for me.

It's for a case.


Well, most peyotl dealers are licensed.

You cannot arrest them.

I'm interested in the customers.

Most of whom are spiritual men.

I have no interest in creating trouble for them.

[Sighing] Henry, you owe me.

I owe you?

For what?

For putting up 100k for your bail.


[Indistinct conversations]

Officer Moretti responding to a possible domestic disturbance.

Dispatcher: Roger. Requesting backup?

Did I say that? No.

Philadelphia P.D. Hello?


Open your mouth.


[Laughing] No!

Is that Jaeger?

You're shaking.

Because I could have shot you.

You know I'm gonna have to file an official complaint, right?


[Both laugh]

[Panting] Detective Gorski, I would like to file an official complaint… against this zipper.

Wow. You're really serious.

[Both laugh]


Ferg: Decaf?

Ruby: Good morning, Walt.

Walt: Ruby.

Charlie Taylor came in about 20 minutes ago with, uh, Mrs. McGill.

It's Wolverine's mother.

I put her in your office.


So, that gentleman said that there had been a fatal accident, that, uh, that... that Trey's group leader was dead and that Trey is still missing?

Yes, ma'am.

So, what are you doing to find him?

And how cold does it get out there at night?

Oh, God.

I only sent him here because he never leaves the house, and I just wanted him to have some sort of fresh-air experience with other kids, but he is not equipped for this at all.

Mrs. McGill, there's no reason to believe we won't find your son.

All those kids out there were missing.

Gradually, they're all showing up.

The other campers tell me that, uh, Trey is quite an artist.

Mrs. McGill: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

He has an avid imagination.

You know kids today. They make things up when they don't have problems of their own.

And I can assure you, my son has everything that he wants.

Does he have a lot of friends?

I mean, he... he prefers just keeping to himself.

I-I'm the same way.

What's his relationship like with his father?

Oh, we divorced a long time ago.

He... he moved away.

Any pets?

Yeah. We had a cat.

Trey, uh, ever shown any signs of a bad temper?

Get in fights, or… ?

You know what is amazing is all that sugar that he has eaten, he has never had one cavity.

And I don't know if it's genetics or just really good hygiene, but, um, but I always made sure that he flossed.

I just think that that is... [Cellphone vibrates] that's so important.

You know, I'm sorry. I should just... Get this real quick.



Mm-hmm. I will.

You know, I should just let you keep up with your search, and I'll, uh, wait at the hotel for an update.

Ma'am, who was that?


Who called you?

Uh, my ex-husband.

You said he was out of the picture.

He's worried about his son.

Your ex-husband lives right here in Wyoming?


That was a 307 area code.

May I see your phone, please?

Stop it!

Mrs. McGill! Stop it!

No! No!

Stop! Stop.

Was that your son?

Was that Trey?

Where is he? Where is he?

Geez, you guys, who died?

Shut the hell up, Wolverine.

Just having a little fun. [Scoffs]

At least I'm not the one who went to jail for stabbing some banger.

Walt: Hey! Hey!

Marshall: What?!

Take it easy, Marshall.

Now, you talk to Deputy Moretti about that juvenile record.

Ferg, take Trey into my office.

I'll be right there.


You look like hell.

Uh... I wasn't really on top of my game yesterday morning.

Sorry I didn't call in, but I...

But you were too busy running the same DNA tests on David Ridges I ran three weeks ago.

I talked to Dr. Weston, and guess what?

The DNA's a match, same as it was three weeks ago, so there.

You have your confirmation. David Ridges is dead.

Are you ready to move on?

Actually, no...

'Cause neither of those samples was David Ridges' DNA.

Whose was it?

They're mine.

I conducted a test.

I put my own hair and blood on some animal remains and set it on fire.


Positive DNA match to myself.

So, you're proposing that David faked his own su1c1de with Nighthorse's help, dripped some blood on an animal carcass, and cremated it?

And now I have proof that your DNA can show up in ashes and you can still be alive.

Let me reopen the David Ridges case.

We'll reopen the case after I finish up with those kids and after you take some actual days off.

You're overworked.

[Chuckles] So are you.

Take "yes" for an answer, Branch.


How would you say your Bighorn Horizons leadership experience has gone?

This is about Jane, isn't it?

I heard you guys yelling in the woods.

So, is Jane alive or dead?

'Cause if she's dead, it's not my fault.

How is it not your fault?

I was just playing around.

Look, all I did was sneak up on her tent and whisper her name.

The freaking out and the running off a cliff was her idea.

I don't know what she thought I was gonna do.

Why didn't you go for help?

Uh, actually, I did try. I yelled.

But Adam, the great leader, had spread everybody so far apart, nobody could hear me.

And he abandoned me the day before, so I had no idea where I was or where anybody else was.

Then I realized everyone would blame me, so I stopped.

And hid.

Indeed, until I could find someone with a cellphone.

Then I called my mom.

Where is she, by the way?

She's supposed to pick me up.


She was tired from the trip, so...

So, is Jane alive or dead?

She’s alive… But Adam’s dead.



How'd he die, anyway?

Stabbed with his own leatherman?

Did a bear claw him open and eat his stomach full of power bars?

Was he hit on the head with a rock?

Come on, man. Tell me.

Why don't I just show you?

That's private.

I have your drawing depicting the way your leader was m*rder*d.

I also have a bunch of campers who all believe you could have done it.

Yeah, well, sure.

Those guys all think I'm a sociopath.

I don't know. Maybe I am.

But not all sociopaths are K*llers.

Lots are C.E.O.'s or politicians.

At least I'm not a hypocrite like Adam.

How was Adam a hypocrite?

He... he wasn't trying to test our limits.

He was trying to break us… 'cause it made him feel like he was better than us, but he wasn't.

And he didn't practice what he preached.

He would lecture us about only packing in what we absolutely needed to survive.

Know what I found in his pack?

Weed and condoms.

Jane said she caught you going through her pack, as well.

Oh, I went through everybody's stuff.

It's a great way to get to know a person.

But you're missing the point.

Mr. Perfect didn't have a first-aid kit.

He had prophylactics and cannabis.

So, was he planning on surviving in the wild or having a drug-induced sex orgy with 18-year-olds?

I understand Adam was pretty hard on you.

Yeah, of course he was.

'Cause I was the only one who saw through his bullshit.

But I didn't k*ll him.

So, uh, any leads on who shot you?


Well, you were the last one to pull a g*n on me.

Oh, come on. I already explained it to Vic.

You read the report.

Relax. I'm kidding.

I get why you were mad.


And, to put your mind at ease...

… I do have some other leads.

Well, that's good.

Hey, it's good to see you.

This is cool, you know?

We should... we should do this again... just hang out.


How about right now?

I believe you have already paid.

So, Wolverine was telling the truth about Marshall Jeffords.

He spent time in juvie for stabbing another kid, and he's also the one who found the body, so...

So you think Marshall k*lled Adam and covered it up by calling it in?

Sometimes, the most obvious solution is the right one.

But why did he attempt an emergency tracheotomy?



Look, Walt, as much as I don't trust this Wolverine freak, he was telling the truth about Marshall, and the list of what everyone had in their packs in his journals was totally accurate.

Except for the condoms and pot that he said was in Adam's pack.

We have to remember that Wolverine is a sociopath.

Among other qualities, sociopaths are pretty good liars.

That kid's playing games with us.

Sounds familiar.

Gorski took that picture.

Why are you suddenly so sure?

Because of what he wrote on the back.

I'm still listening.

It's an apartment number, okay?

That's it. That's how I know.

What, you want all the details?

You brought it up.


32 is the number of the apartment where we used to meet.

I was young, and it was like this fun, secret game that we were playing, and the more dangerous it got, the more he liked it, the more I didn't, and it got to be too much, so I ended it. But...


… for Gorski, it’s like it never stopped.

I did end it, Walt. I got married.

But Gorski's still playing.


What does Sean have to say about all this?

I haven't been home.

You think avoiding him will make things easier?

I am not avoiding him.

It's not unusual for me to miss a night at home.

I have pulled many 24-hour shifts in the past years.

In fact, I called him, and he is on his way here to pick me up.


[Clears throat]


Where are you going?

I don't want to be around when your husband gets here.


The last thing he needs is to find you here with me.

[Vic sighs]


Adam Kaufman.

Maybe the k*ller was the one who found him.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Knock on door]

Yeah? Come on in.

Hi, Sheriff.

Who is it, babe?

It's the sheriff.


Hey, Sheriff. How are you?


Well, can I get you something?

No, sir.


Well, uh, what's the latest?

I have some, uh, questions about your program.

All right. Uh, whatever you need.

How well do you screen your students?

We have a rigorous application process.

Yeah, kids don't usually go on these trips unless they're pretty driven.

Huh. What about criminal background checks?

Did you know that Marshall Jeffords has a juvenile record?

Uh… we didn’t know that.

Do you think Adam Kaufman is an ideal leader for a kid like that?

I'm hearing from the students that Adam pushed them all way too hard.

If anyone could handle someone like Marshall, it would be Adam.

He's one of the best Outdoor-Ed teachers I've ever known.

I've led with him.

I've seen him work wonders with kids.

Well, you seem to think pretty highly of Adam.

So why were his students spread so far apart on their solo outings that their screams for help couldn't be heard?

Why did he pack condoms on a trip where you're only supposed to pack what you're planning to use?

Was he having sex with these students?

I told you Adam was becoming a liability.

Excuse me, sir.



Adam lost control out there, and someone snapped.

Now, those kids were the only ones that knew about the location of his campsite.

Except for you.

I bet you know where all his spots are.

Did you know what he was up to out there with those kids?

Did you go check on him and catch him in the act, or… ?

Adam would never take advantage of his students.

Did you go out there, Susan?

[Clears throat]

You know, I went and talked to H.R. about that transfer that they offered me last year.

The job in Australia?


I don't think Gorski would be able to follow us there if we relocated.


But... I don't think that you would want to come.


Sean, I know that you think that there's something going on between Walt and I, but there's...

I... I...


I don't think that there's anything going on between you and Walt.


But I know there's nothing going on between us.

You're happier in this picture than you ever are with me.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

I'm sorry for storming out like that, Sheriff.

[Chuckling] It's been a hard couple of days, you know?

I get it.

Adam found the edges in people, carved out who they are.

He got to people.

That's what all his students said.

Adam got to you.

Well, you know, it's not just about the bad publicity.

Uh, I mean, this could open us up to lawsuits, and, uh, I... I just...

I just really don't want to lose the business.

Or your wife.

I think you should go.

Adam wasn't just out there to lead students.

He was out there to meet someone in secret.

The pot and the other evidence I couldn't find...

It was for a rendez-vous… with Susan.


You love your wife. I can see that.

That's why you followed her that night, and...


… that's why you removed every trace of the affair…

After you k*lled Adam.

"Leave no trace."

That's the golden rule of the outdoorsman.

She doesn't know, does she?

She loves me.

At least, I think she does.

Adam was a... sickness.

She... she couldn't shake it.


Even after we got married... move out here, and I'm thinking we're gonna have all this... just us, together.

And then I saw them...

And I knew that wasn't gonna happen.

Well, she's told me what she's done.

Now, do you want me to tell her what you've done, or... shall I stay here and let you?

[Door opens]

[Door closes]


You know, when I said I wanted to hang out, I thought there'd be... more drinking or... or something.

Yeah, I wasn't totally straight with you.

Remember how I said I had some other leads on who shot me?


So... a-are we on a stakeout?

We are.

And I'm not really supposed to be on the Rez without official permission, so... I needed your car.

You could have just asked.

So, uh… who we staking out?

The guy who lives there is a peyotl dealer.

He... is he the sh**t?

[Engine stops]

[Door closes]

Wait here.


What the hell are you doing?!

[Both grunting]


[Engine turns over]

[Engine revs]

Hey, what's going on in here?


This is a walk down memory lane.

Did you know that a lot of politicians and C.E.O.'s are sociopaths?

I got another word for 'em.

But why are you thinking about C.E.O.'s and politicians and sociopaths?

Because they're smart.

They're organized. They're planners.

They don't mind playing games with people's lives.

All the guys in this box hate me enough to have my wife k*lled, but some of them aren't smart enough to plan it all out.


But some of them are.

You know, Walter, when you find out which one of 'em did it to you, I want you to do me a little favor.

What's that?

I want you to hurt him.