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01x06 - The Worst Kind of Hunter

Posted: 07/11/12 03:36
by bunniefuu
You're okay. It's ok.

Listen, I got all your contact information I don't want to come with you.

You don't have to come with me, just, again where did you last see it.

About 3 km down the canyon.

Okay. Okay. You're okay.

Okay. Okay.


[Branch cracks]

[Bird squawks]

[Wings flapping, bird squawking]



[Cellphone ringing]

[Sighs, clears throat]




[Clears throat]


Longmire: You up?

I am now.

[Clears throat]

[Engine shuts off]

Resident shot out his windows.

He's demanding to see the sheriff.

What are you doing out here?

I know the resident in question.

I know if I start responding every time this guy makes a scene, there will be no turning back.

You can't negotiate with t*rrorists.

Not that I'm complaining, but isn't Ferg supposed to be on call this morning?

He's already on a call. Busy morning.

Sorry to pull you away from home.

Part of the job.

So, who's the wacko?

Lucian Connally.

Connally? As in Branch?

His uncle.


Is he dangerous?

Over the years, he's k*lled 10 men, but he's never shot a woman.


Son of a bitch!

[Alarm beeping]

[g*n clicks] Hello, Walt.

I thought you said he wasn't gonna sh**t at me!

I didn't. I shot that chair.

I've been asking for two months to change my meds.

Ain't nobody listening to me.

When ain't nobody listening, you got to talk a little louder!

There ain't nothing much louder than a 12-gauge in an enclosed space.

Why aren't you marching this man out of the building in handcuffs?

Good question.

How about Lucian pays for the windows and the chair and promises not to do it again?

He just discharged a w*apon in a retirement home... twice!

Three times. Two in the window, one in the chair.

See, you weren't listening.

[Cellphone rings] Yeah, Ferg. What's up?

Hikers called it in, but I had no idea it was gonna be this bad.

[Bird squawking]

Oh, watch your step.

That... that vomit wasn't here when I first arrived.

God. Who would do this?

Not "who," "what."

Looks like a bear attack.

A wallet... it's empty.

Nothing in there but a state-issued I.D.

Weird, huh?

I already went through all the pockets.

Ed Crawley.

Born in '67.

Powder Junction address.


Crystal meth, a pipe, and a lighter.

You know, maybe this guy was partying too hard...

[Camera shutter clicks]

... and passed out in the wrong part of Jellystone.

Don't often see people partying this far away from everything.

Any sign of a vehicle?

Nothing but bear paw prints and scat.

These wounds could be injection marks.

You can't... sh**t meth.

I mean, can you?

Yeah, you can, but you don't usually sh**t it and smoke it.

This guy was looking to really party.


Anyone got a bag?

You're gross.

I'm thorough.

Vic: You know, I have arrested murderers and rapists.

But a bear?

m*rder is m*rder. We got to find the k*ller.

You're kidding, right?

The community tends to be dead serious about bringing bears to justice.

So, how do we get a warrant for a bear?

We start by talking to Pete Brooks.


Doctoral candidate from the university.

He's been doing a field study on the bear population east of the continental divide for...

I don't know... the last seven years, eight maybe.

I figure if anyone can tell us about hostile bear activity in the area, it's Pete.


Pete's not answering. He's up in the Bighorns.

Someone reported a grizzly up there.

There aren't any grizzlies in the Bighorns.

I know. But wouldn't it be amazing if there were?

Well, miss, I'm gonna need you to find Pete and get him back here.

We've got an aggressive bear in the area, and we need to find out if that bear needs relocation or k*lling.

Yeah, I don't know. He's pretty hard to reach up there.

Not with a satellite phone, it isn't. Keep trying.

In the meantime, I'm gonna contact Omar.

We can't let a bear like this run free.

She sure clouded up when you mentioned Omar.

What are they, a couple or something?

No, this organization hates hunters in general, and Omar in particular.

In their mind, Omar is the worst kind of hunter... a good one.

Uncle Lucian, just call my dad.

He's got at least three spare bedrooms in that house.

Branch, your daddy could open up a whorehouse and I'd still refuse the offer of a bed.


At least let my dad talk to the retirement home.

He can get them to drop the charges.

Facility. It ain't a home.

It's a facility.


Need anything, Lucian?

No, I'm fine, Ruby. Thank you.

Nobody forced you to move into a retirement facility.

You checked yourself in there.

You're damn right I did. I make my own choices.

I don't need my brother pulling strings for me.

So I'm gonna sit in this cell, drink this coffee, play this chess, take my punishment like a man.

Branch... don't harass the prisoner.

Hey, Branch. I met your uncle earlier.

He's got that trademark Connally charm.

You guys find out anything about the victim?

Yeah. He's a m*rder*r.

Crawley's an ex-con. He was serving 25 to life.

But they let him out two weeks ago... good behavior.

The parole board said he's been living with relatives...

Pam and Russell Grey.

Okay, you two look into Ed Crawley's prison records.

Find out what he was like on the inside.

Ask around and see if he had any friends or known associates from his past in town.

I'll check the trial transcripts.

Find out who he k*lled.

It was a long time ago, but some grudges never die.

Want me to talk to Crawley's relatives?

Nope, you got your hands full with your uncle.

I'll do it.

I got a stop to make first.


[Cheers and applause]

Nice of you to show up to your fundraiser.

Is that what this is?

Based on the turnout, I might vote for the other guy.

Helps if the candidate attends.

Henry, you know what this is?

[Indistinct shouting]

Hey! Hey! No, no, no, no!

That's bad meat.

It is flank steak.

That's what I was afraid of.

Why? What is so bad about flank steak?


Unless you tie it to a guy to turn him into bear bait.





You're a hard man to find.

You haven't been answering your phone.

Hey, Walt.

I've been back country, watching a bunch of rich guys from L.A. pretend to hunt.

And growing a beard.

Yeah, it's a big look in Hollywood.

A lot of the actors have it.

Well, you look the part. I'm gonna need you to go back out.

Bear att*cked a guy.

How bad is it?

Bad enough to k*ll him. I need you to find that bear.

Isn't this usually the territory of that bear-hugger, eco-maniac Pete Brooks?

Pete's not around. I need you.

Gentlemen, how is everything?


Just let me know if I can get you anything... coffee, a conscience.



Hunting this bear...

I'm just trying to locate the bear.

We hadn't even talked price yet.

Where'd the attack happen?

About seven miles northwest of town.

Right where the bear should be.

Why punish this bear?

It would be like punishing the wind for blowing.

And if the wind k*lled a man?

I got no other option, Henry.

Yes, you do.

[Coffee pot thuds]

Can you pay me?


Well, I'll make you a deal.

I'll help you track this bear, but you got to lend me one of your deputies.

Let me guess. It's not Ferg.


I want that feisty ltalian.

Careful what you wish for.

Well, what a surprise.

Pam! Guess who's here!

You got a minute to talk?

Sure. I'm assuming this is about Ed.

What'd he do?

He got mauled to death by a bear.

I can't believe it.

A bear?

Your brother gave this as his address.

Was he staying with you?


He really didn't have no other options.

He was only supposed to stay here a week.

Two weeks later, no job, no apartment.

You didn't want Ed staying here?

Guy's a criminal.

Best thing that ever happened to Pam and her folks was Ed going to prison.

So, uh, either of you have any idea what Ed was doing in the woods?

I don't know.

He, uh, wasn't too interested in hiking or the outdoors.

Last I saw of him, he was going on a job interview.

Said he got a lead from one of his prison buddies.

This prison buddy... Ed give you a name?

I didn't ask for one.

To be honest, I thought the whole job thing was bullshit.

I figured he was getting high or something.

Was Ed using dr*gs?


He was pretty scary when he was using.

I didn't see none of that when he was here.

Damn it!

I let him borrow my old Tacoma for that job interview.

Did you find it?

I'm sorry, no.

But if you give me a description of the vehicle, we'll do our best to find it for you.

Even dead he's a pain in my ass.

I'll get you a copy of my registration.

Sorry about Russell.

He's been... pretty upset lately.

They cut his hours way back.

Plus he... he didn't know the good Ed... from before.

[Voice breaking] He was such a sweet little kid.


I can't believe he's gone.

I understand.

Now, apart from the buddy from prison, did Ed hook up with any old friends that you know of?


All his old friends are dead or in jail.

What about enemies?

Enemies? Ed?

What about the parents of that girl he k*lled?


Hey, Walt.


Oh, Branch left this for you... records on Ed Crawley's m*rder trial.

He also had me call down to the state penitentiary to have the warden send over a list of all the men he's been locked up with.

Thank you, Ruby.


When you, uh, talk to Branch next, could you, uh, let him know I need a little background on Russell Grey, Crawley's brother-in-law?

Russell Grey.

Ferg, what are you doing?

Sheriff Connally wanted to help out with the investigation.

Mr. Connally is no longer the sheriff.

He's under arrest pending as*ault charges from the retirement home.

Our investigation is none of his business.

Hey, Walt, did you see the mark on that boy's ankles?

He was restrained.

I saw it, Lucian.

He was a druggie, too.

We did find some crystal meth and what could be injection marks on Crawley's legs.

But we won't know if he was using until we do the autopsy and get a tox screen back.

Who you looking at here?


Oh, come on, Walt.

Ferg, the victim was last seen in his brother-in-law's Tacoma.

Here's the registration. I want you to find that car.

[Door opens]

On it.

What about that no-good nephew of mine?

Why ain't that little turd here helping out?

I am helping.

I'm bringing our pain-in-the-ass prisoner his tacos.

Ruby, need you to find me an address...

Donna and lra Craig.

Who's Donna and lra Craig?

None of your business.

Hey, Walt.

You owe me $6.95 plus tip.

Victim was found down that path about a mile or so.

You make a habit of leering at married women so blatantly?

Well, first of all... Yes.

Secondly, I had no idea you were married.

You don't seem domesticated.

You really think you want to talk to me like that when I'm holding this?

I just don't know why you don't have the courtesy to wear a ring.

At least Waffles wears a collar.

Who's Waffles?

The k*ller bear.

Her name's Waffles.

They put a tracking collar on her a year ago so they could study her.

I've tracked her online. It's pretty handy.

But it sure takes the fun out of huntin'.

We're supposed to be trapping the bear, not hunting it.

Well, that's the idea.

But we got to be ready for the possibility that Waffles won't go along with our plan.

But don't worry, Vicki. Omar will protect you.

Why are you telling us this?

Are we supposed to feel bad?


No, it, uh, seemed like something you might like to know.

You have any children, Sheriff Longmire?

Yes, I do. I have a daughter.

Oh. Well, this is our daughter, Blair.


She should be 37 years old right now.

It's an artist's projection of what she would look like.

We have one painted every year on her birthday.

That's all we have left of our daughter, after Ed Crawley stabbed her 12 times.

You know, his lawyers said he wasn't in his right mind because of the dr*gs.

But a human being does not s*ab a 17-year-old girl 12 times, dr*gs or no dr*gs.

No, Ed Crawley was a monster.

Donna, honey, let it go.

And if it were up to me, he would have been swinging from a rope years ago.

What is the point of capital punishment if we can't use it?!

Ira: You've got to understand, Sheriff.

For the last 20 years, we've been working to keep Blair's k*ller in prison.

We write letters.

We show up at his parole hearings.

If you don't mind my asking, when was the last time you saw the victim?

"Victim"? Now he's the victim?

Ira: We were at his last parole hearing.

Did you have any contact with him then?

Yes, Sheriff.

We yelled. We cursed. We made our feelings known.

And still they released him.

It... it took a bear to do what the so-called justice system should have done.

The hearing was a sham.

The new warden didn't know anything about the case.

Now, if the old warden, Dan Blackburn, had been there, he would have convinced that board to keep that animal in prison.

What's gonna happen with the bear?


Could be relocated. Could be put down.

Ought to get a medal.

Ruby, this is unit 4, over.

Hello, Ferg.

Ruby, I canvassed the local taverns.

Uh, it's a negative on the victim's car.


Frequently that's where these ex-cons hang.

That's what they said at the seminar Walt sent me to.


Okay, then.

Ferg out.

All righty, Ferg.
[Birds chirping]

[Bear growls]

Keep behind me.

Now, don't panic if the bear charges us.

Now, if a b*llet won't stop him, this will slow him down.


All right?

[Dart g*n hisses]


Who's in there?!

Pete: Don't sh**t!

Oh, no.

Oh, no, no.

I'm so sorry. I didn't mean...

I was aiming for the bear.

Pete? You moron!

You just shot a sheriff's deputy!

I was aiming for the bear!

A bear?! What kind of bear?! A blonde bear?!

It was an accident!

Well, now the damn k*ller bear is gone!

Yeah, what were you thinking, you stupid mother...



Vicki. Vicki.

Detective Moretti get shot.

Well, only with a tranquilizer.

And it's only a small dart. She's gonna be fine.

Not about the size of the dart, Pete.

You shot my deputy.

She wasn't even wearing a hunting vest.

Walt, this nut shot at us on purpose because he thought we were out to k*ll that bear.

Well, weren't you?

Well, yeah, of course!

But it's an aggressive bear!

Waffles doesn't k*ll humans.

She's already got two strikes.

Those were just livestock kills.

She does not deserve to be euthanized for this!

Walt, look, I know this bear's behavior.

I've been monitoring her for months.

She's a good bear.

Pete, she k*lled a man.

But you have no proof of that.

Just let me... let me test her hair for isotopes.

If she consumed human flesh, it'll show up.

But I believe that it won't.

Walt, look, arrest him, or at least have his license revoked.

What license?

I don't know. His granola-son-of-a-bitch license!

Proving this was anything more than an accident is gonna be pretty difficult, Omar, particularly considering the vic wasn't wearing any bright orange safety clothing.

Was she, Omar?

Now, if you idiots will excuse me, I think I'll go in and see the patient.

You want me to come, too?


So, how'd you like your first hunting trip?

This was not in the brochure.

Would you like me to call your husband?


He's out of town again. [Sniffs]

I don't want him to know anyway.

Vic, he'd probably want to know.

He doesn't care.

We got in a fight. Again.

We fight all the time, Walt.

Ever since he dragged my ass here from Philadelphia.

Vic, this is really none of my business.

Yesterday at breakfast, he... he informed me...

informed me...

That he was thinking about taking another transfer.

Stupid gas company wants to promote him again.

They want him to move to Australia.

I can't be a cop in Australia.

Well [Chuckles] you've never exactly told me that you love it here in Wyoming, so...

Oh, I hate it.

But don't you think he should have asked?

I mean, what would you have done?

Well, I'm a different man than your husband, so...

You're different 'cause you're a man, Walt.

Sheriff? Sheriff. Come quick.

Woman: You are not getting back here without any I.D.!

Donna: You do not speak to me like that!

Just calm down!

No, you calm down!

Sheriff, these people are refusing to show me any I.D.!

You are rude and disrespectful.

Everyone, just take it easy. What's going on here?

Did you send these people down here to identify Ed Crawley's body?

Is that what they told you?

They say they're relatives.

Sheriff, I'm really sorry, but Donna wanted to see the body.

And I just thought maybe it might provide her some kind of closure.

For 20 years, we've had the image of Blair lying dead on a slab, and maybe if we can replace that with Crawley on a slab...

You think that seeing your daughter's m*rder*r will help the anger go away?

I can tell you from personal experience, it won't.

Only time can do that.


'Cause the first 20 years haven't made much of a dent.

It's really quite unpleasant.

Are you sure?

Please, Sheriff.

[Screaming] No, no, no!


Longmire: You think lra Craig could have k*lled Ed Crawley?

I thought Crawley was k*lled by a bear.

Yeah. That's the thing... he was.

But he was in restraints at the time, and I think the bear was baited.

You had a lot of contact with the Craigs when you were warden.

You think lra could have done something like that?

Ira? I don't know.

I thought you'd be leaning towards the missus. I was.

But when I showed them the body, Donna lost it.

Ira just seemed at peace, like he'd already had his closure, like he'd already seen Crawley dead.

I don't know. You got anybody else?

His brother-in-law didn't seem to like him much.

You ever run into him?

Nah, I can't remember Crawley's family ever visiting.

As for the Craigs, I can certainly sympathize with how they felt seeing the guy who k*lled their daughter walking free.

The Craigs said if you'd have been at the parole hearing, it would have made a difference.

Not really.

I wish I had been at the hearing instead of the new guy.

But that parole board was charged with saving money.

They were determined to release him.

Nothing I said would have mattered.

Crawley's prison record did look awfully clean.

Yes, it was, but a lot of guys thought that Crawley had stabbed and k*lled a guard.

Record said he was exonerated on that.

Yep, another inmate took credit for it.

Then again, he was a lifer. He had nothing to lose.

Crawley could have easily bought him out with a couple of cartons of smokes to take the fall.

I got to say, Dan.

It must be nice to leave that job behind.

That's true.

Although I would have liked to have gone out on my own terms, rather than being pushed into early retirement due to budget cuts.


I'm familiar with budget cuts.

They're trying to replace us with computers, Walt.

I know.

Nothing more valuable than memory.

Speaking of which, mind if I borrow yours?


I need you to look at this list... recently released prisoners.

If you could identify whether any of them were Crawley's cellmates or associates.

No problem.

Meantime, you got any of those campaign signs in the back of your truck?

Yeah, but you don't have to do that. That's...

Come on, Walt... even if I didn't like you, I'd hate to see another old pro being pushed out of a job by a young guy.


Ruby, I found it... that Tacoma the victim borrowed from his brother-in-law?

I followed it to a house on the West Side.

It's, uh, pretty shady-looking... newspapers in the windows...

Ferg, do not even think about going in there.

Do not.

Don't worry.

I'm not going in there without backup, Ruby.


You see any signs of a lab... beakers, test tubes, hoses... you get out... that stuff could blow.

Got it.

[g*n cocks]




I still can't get the smell out of the place out of my head.

It was like a wet diaper.

Well, they might be poor housekeepers, but at least they're thoughtful tweakers.

[Chuckling] Check this out.

"To a special uncle on his birthday"?

I think my uncle would prefer one of these magazines.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

How do you know Ed Crawley?

I don't.

You were seen driving his truck.

I told you I don't know that guy.

Where did you get the truck?

I told you, man. Santa gave it to me.

What does your Santa entity look like?

You don't see Santa.

And that's the thing.

He comes when you're sleeping, right?

So, while I was sleeping, someone left the truck outside the house... unlocked, keys in it and everything.

Do you know who owns that house you were crashing in?


What's Patches' real name?

I don't know.

He's just always got nicotine patches on.

Maybe... Dave or... Dan?

Can you give me a list of all the people who live or hang out at Patches' house?


Patches turns out to be a guy named Greg Pierson.

Leases the house from a woman named Amy Stonesifer.

[Toilet flushes] Lucian: I know Amy Stonesifer.

She lives at the home I just got kicked out of.

Nutty as a drunk monkey.

That's pretty smart for them drug cookers using a senile old woman as a landlord.

Lucian, do you mind? We got work to do.

Oh, that's right, Walt. Of course. I forgot.

You're trying to waste more time and money punishing somebody did society a favor by k*lling a scumbag.

Ain't you got somewhere you could be right now?

Well, the hippies are in my guest room there.

Branch, I got two very important jobs for you.

First, tweaker Joe gave me a bunch of names...

Of guys who hang out at the meth house.

Pervy Stu?

Check the list of names the warden gave us.

See if any of those recently released prisoners have nicknames that match these.

Maybe one of these meth heads is connected to Ed Crawley.

And the second?

You got to get the retirement home to drop the charges and take Lucian back.


Hey! Hey!


Aah! Sheriff!

Ferg, are you all right?

Branch, help Ferg.

Oh, God.

What's going on in there?


We get this a lot.

He has all the symptoms of a methamphetamine overdose.

Thank you.

All those greeting cards must have been laced with meth.

There were at least 100. That's a lot of product.

That's more than just casual use.

They were distributing out of that house.

But why distribute in that form? Why not just sell rocks?

What's the best way to get stuff in and out of prison?

[Laughs] Mail. That's a clever system.


Place meth into greeting cards.

The prisoners just chew it up and get high.

And if the meth house we raided was providing dr*gs to the prison...

Someone in that house must have a connection to the prison.

And a connection to Ed Crawley.

Hey, guys. Look.

Vic, you... you should be in bed.

No, seriously, you got to see this.

Branch: What do they have you on?

This is where the dart hit me.

This is from a syringe.

The dart. Syringe.

Ed Crawley's holes looked like this, not like this.

Ed Crawley wasn't sh**ting up dr*gs.

He was shot with a tranquilizer dart.

[Sighs] Restraints, flank steak, animal tranquilizers.

Someone planned this m*rder very carefully.

[Breathes heavily]

Do any of these released prisoners strike you as sophisticated enough to plan either a meth-smuggling operation or an elaborate m*rder?

This guy, Steven Kane, he acted as his own lawyer.

Did he win?


[Lucian laughs]

You're going at this all wrong. This m*rder was brutal.

Tie meat to a man, have a bear eat him... that's t*rture, and t*rture is vengeance.

Vengeance is your motive.

Crawley's brother-in-law doesn't have much of an alibi.

And he's a licensed hunter. So is lra Craig.

That dude's definitely a candidate for vengeance.


Can you read this?



A guard named Jerry Stonesifer signed some of these release forms.

Same last name as the woman who owns the meth house.

He was a guard at the prison. He would have known Crawley.

So maybe Crawley's buddy from prison wasn't another prisoner...

But a prison guard.

And then Crawley's car ends up at the aunt's house.

That's about four too many coincidences for me.

Let's bring him in.

I found him, Walt. He was resisting arrest.

He didn't seem too interested in talking!

[Grunts, groans]

So, Mr. Stonesifer...

You worked at the prison for eight years before you departed in February.

Mr. Stonesifer, do you know a man named Ed Crawley?


I'll take that as a maybe.

Did you call up and offer him a job a couple days ago?



You, uh, in possession of any kind of animal tranquilizer?


Have you been using your aunt's house as a base to smuggle methamphetamine into the state prison?


You should really thank Branch.

He persuaded Snowcap Vista to take you back.

Now, how did he do that?

Apparently he found several code violations he threatened to report unless they let you back in, so...

Proof of my nephew's shady ethics and the lengths my family will go to get rid of me.


Actually, I think Branch kind of likes you.

I don't trust Branch.

And more important, I don't trust his dad.

My brother's a son of a bitch.

All he wants is to see his boy wearing your badge.

Don't worry.

You better be.

If you've got any secrets, Walt, you best be ready to read them in the paper.

I think most of my important secrets are kept deep enough.

So, what'd you used to do when a suspect wouldn't talk to you?

Simple... I'd whup his ass till he did talk.


Well, we can't do that these days.

Oh, listen to your whining. It's just so sad.

I'd sh**t a buck out of season to have your problems.

What you gonna do about a suspect don't talk?

You're gonna do some sheriffing.

Got to dig around a few garbage cans, arrest some drunks, do some of that fancy "CSI" stuff, analyze some bear shit.

Are you here to arrest me?

I haven't decided yet.

I'm pretty sure you didn't sh**t Vic by accident.

If you were out there try to tranquilize a bear, you'd have used a bigger dosage.

But if you were out there trying to slow down Omar and my deputy, you'd have used a smaller dosage.

Make sure you didn't k*ll them.

Okay. Maybe I went a little too far.

But if I don't stand up for these bears, who will?

If I can just relocate Waffles, okay, away from human populations...

I notice you're not defending Waffles' innocence any more.

Yeah, well... yeah.

Which means you must have done your tests on Waffles and realize she did consume some human flesh.

I don't get it, Sheriff.

It just doesn't fit her profile.

Well... [Grunts]

I don't think it was her idea to k*ll that guy, Pete.


If you can just promise me that you won't sh**t any more people with that g*n of yours, I need help with a couple of things.


I need to know if Jerry Stonesifer or anybody else ever called or stopped by for information on aggressive bears in the area.

I can check our records. What's the other thing?

If you tested Waffles' fur for isotopes, that only means one thing.

You have that bear.

[Vehicle approaches]

[Truck door opens]

Hello, Dan.

What the hell you got there, Walt?

A bear.

Why'd you bring him up here?

I'm taking her north.

I thought I'd stop by on the way.

I wanted to talk to you about Jerry Stonesifer.

He's a good guy... troubled, but he's a good guy.


dr*gs. It happens.

The guards get locked in with the general population, bad things happen.

Nothing in Stonesifer's record about that.

Well, like I said, he's a good guy, and I didn't think it was fair of me to ruin his life, so I just encouraged him to resign.

Why are you asking about Jerry?

I think he helped you k*ll Ed Crawley.

[Sighs] Me?


Are you messing with me, Sheriff?


A bear k*lled Ed Crawley.

This bear. I know.

The bear was just a w*apon. You guys k*lled him.

Stonesifer called up Ed Crawley and told him about a job.

When he arrived, you shot him with tranquilizer darts, then you tied him up to a tree with meat on him so a bear would come maul him.

That's gonna be pretty hard to prove.

I never bought any animal tranquilizer.

Never even called Ed Crawley.

It's possible Stonesifer did all that stuff, but it was on your orders.

I'm guessing he owed you for not firing him when you discovered he was smuggling meth into the prison.

You let him resign on a partial pension.

You know, Sheriff, I ain't no lawyer, and clearly you aren't, either, because that's about the most... circumstantial, speculative accusation ever drummed up in the state of Wyoming.

You got nothing on me.

Think fast.

Aah! What the hell?!

[Bear growls] Now I got something on you... the scent of beef, of blood, which is a smell that Waffles here knows well.

So here's the deal... you tell me that you did...

What I know you did...

And I won't unlock this cage.

You're crazy.

There's a lot of that going around lately.

You went to the Absaroka Bbear lnstitute to check on collared bears, and you found one that already had two livestock kills.

So you had to be sure and tie Ed Crawley up close to this bear.

And knowing Waffles' taste for beef, you covered him in flank steak.

You're doing all this for Crawley?

That piece of garbage?

That animal k*lled one of my guards and slaughtered the Craigs' only daughter.

And now you are coming out here and threatening me?

[Bear growls]

You open that thing, you're in as much danger as I am.

Most bears can run more than 30 miles an hour.

But you know the old joke.

Maybe I can't outrun this bear, but I can outrun you.

So, you tell me that you did what I know you did.

Come on, Walt.

Okay, okay, okay!


Just do me two favors, Walt.

That you're gonna leave Jerry out of this.

He didn't know anything.

He thought we were just gonna haze Crawley a little bit.

What's the second favor?

I want Tommy Lee Jones to play me in the movie because people are gonna see me as a hero.

Because I am a hero.

I'm a 55-year-old guy who was pushed aside with a lousy little pension.

But I didn't go quietly.

I'm a guy who didn't sit there and do nothing while a m*rder*r walked free.

My friend got death.

The Craigs got a lifetime sentence of never seeing their daughter again because of Crawley.

And if that son of a bitch gets torn apart by a bear limb to limb, I will watch that movie.

And by God, I'll go back and see it again.

This ain't a movie.

We can't be torturing and murdering people no matter how right we think we are.

Somebody's got to be the sheriff, else we're all just animals.

What the world needs is more human beings.

Now, Waffles, technically, after three strikes, we're supposed to sh**t you.

But we humans have this thing called entrapment.

Now, it's hard to explain, but... you just promise that you'll stay as far away from town as you can.


Okay, then.

[Music continues]