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01x03 - A Damn Shame

Posted: 06/20/12 15:12
by bunniefuu
[Fire crackling]

[Horse neighs]

[Horses neighing]

[Speaking native language]

Walt, the old man says, "This way of life is not easy."

It is a way of life for the strong heart.

[Horse neighs]

"This sacred lodge is our original home from our mother earth."

"Coming in, you will leave behind all that is bad."

[Horse neighing]

[Speaking native language]

"Stay true to your warrior spirit."

"Know when to fight and when to... "

[telephone ringing]

[Walt sighs]

This is why I don't have a cellphone.

Ruben, do not bring that phone in here.

It's for the sheriff.

[Police radio chatter]

[Door beeping]

I was starting to worry about you, Sheriff.

She the only horse that made it out?

Looks that way.

For sure there are two dead horses inside.

This one here's likely to be the third, given the severity of the burns.

Whatever it takes.


Don't you listen to Branch.

[Police radio chatter]

What a shit storm.

[Sighs] That Bill Hoback?

What's he doing here?

He's the Stewarts' neighbor.

He lives five miles that way.

But he saw the lights, heard the sirens, and came over to see if he could help.

Where's Ray?

The husband? Nobody seems to know.

It's his truck over there.

Yeah, I've been calling his cell all night.

No answer.

Excuse me. Sheriff Longmire?

I think there's a body inside.

I mean, it's hard to tell with the smoke and the ash, and that roof could come down any second.

You can't go in. It's just not safe.

It's better to wait until morning.

If there's a body in there, then we're going inside.

No. We are not.

I am.

Sheriff, least wear my hat.

No, thanks. I got one.


[Police radio chatter]

Hey, Bill.

Can you take T.J. inside for a few minutes?

[Clears throat]

T.J., why don't you, uh, help me find something to eat for all these firefighters here?

It's okay.

Let's see what you got inside.

Ray is gonna be devastated.

He loves those horses. They're his life.

Have you been able to reach Ray?

I left him messages on his cell.


Where did you get that?

In the barn. I'm afraid...

That's his watch!

Oh, God.

[Voice breaking] Oh, God. No.

[Crying] Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God, what happened?!

The sun is gonna come up, and when it does, I promise to find out.

No. [Crying] Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.



She needs to be put down.

Hold up. T.J., let's talk!

Son, put down the g*n!

He's okay. He's okay.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy.

No, it's selfish to keep her alive when she's like this.

Move out of the way. [g*n cocks]

No! [g*nsh*t]

[Vic sniffs]


Room service.

You know, I've seen some messed up shit on the job, but this is my first horse fire.

Sure as hell hope it's my last.

Winston Churchill once said, "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man."

This guy raise racehorses?


Cutting horses.

All those trophies... these horses must have been worth a lot.

Body's over there under those stairs.


Now I see why Ray didn't answer his cellphone.



All the rounds went off.

But only one spent primer, so one round was fired, and the others exploded from the heat.

I'm guessing he took one to the head.

Give me a hand here.

Going up?


[Both grunt]

Padlock on the inside.

[Chain rattles]

Looks like Ray didn't want anyone to get inside to help him.

Looks that way.

Alice: What have you found? What happened?

It's still early, Mrs. Stewart.

But I called a friend of mine from the insurance company to come out, take a look around, and help us sort this out, so...

Now, there will likely be an autopsy.

I'll push to have that happen today.

Thank you.

So, was Ray under any particular pressure lately?

He was... he was preparing for a big competition in Houston.

He loved those horses.



Well, last week he... he asked a doctor to prescribe him some antidepressants.

I for... I forget the name, but I think they're upstairs in the medicine cabinet.

Uh, deputy Moretti, would you... ?

So, Alice...

You know I have to ask you about it.

Sorry. About what?

You came to me two years ago.

That was a misunderstanding.

He hit you.

I know you didn't want to press charges, but you told me he hit you.

So I have to ask... was it happening again?

That was a one-time thing.

I swear, Sheriff. Ray loved me.

Now, you asked me to keep it a secret.

And I have. But I need to know...

Did anybody else know about that incident?

Say, T.J.?

What is it, sweetheart?

I was going through dad's desk and I found this note underneath the keyboard.

My name was on the envelope, and yours was, too.

[Clears throat]

I'm so sorry.

Oh. Is this Ray's signature?



It's getting hard to see this as anything other than a su1c1de.

Not much of a su1c1de note.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done.

I love you."

Man of few words.

I know the type.


I understand a man wanting to k*ll himself.

Got to go to a pretty dark place to take his horses with him.

[Dog barking in distance]



You mind giving me a hand with her dressings?


Shoes should have been changed a month ago.

Oh, you know a little bit about horses?

I grew up with horses.

My dad was a farrier.

I followed him around, managed to pick up a thing or two.

Check out her teeth.

Teeth haven't been floated.

Ray Stewart, by all accounts, was a pretty serious horseman.

Won quite a few trophies.

Sometimes if the horses stop winning, the owners stop taking care of them.

So, Doc, she gonna make it?

She's had some pretty bad luck.

Burns over 50% of her body, and who knows what sort of damage to the lungs.

Well, I always prefer the long sh*ts.

So whatever it costs, whatever it takes.

You send the bill to me.


Sheriff, before you say anything, I know I was supposed to be there last night, and the thing is I was... where my campsite was, I didn't have any cell reception.

Uh, it won't happen again.

Ferg, I wasn't gonna say anything.

Branch: Hey, Walt, I saw one of your campaign signs on the drive in.

I like them. Kind of old-school.

I prefer the word "subtle."


You, uh, check that su1c1de note yet?

I went ahead and got a copy of Ray Stewart's signature from the DMV, but I couldn't find any more substantial handwriting samples to compare the su1c1de note to.

Bank's got mortgage applications.

County office should have a copy of the deed to his ranch, so...

[Chuckles] Like this?

[Paper rustles]

The ranch is in Alice Stewart's name, and there is no mortgage application. They paid cash.

Vic: For the truck and horse trailer, too.

Utility bills are in Alice's name.

You know, maybe she was the one with all the dough.

But for whatever reason, Ray's signature isn't on any of the documents.

I was thinking we should get in touch with that FBI handwriting analyst down in Denver.

Nah, not worth the hassle of involving the FBI just yet.

Once they get a foot in the door...

Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition, Walt.

Walt: Looks like Ray's handwriting.

His wife and son says it was, so until I have reason to suspect otherwise...

[dog barks in distance]

Knock, knock!

Look, I'm just an insurance salesman, but I don't see what it could be other than su1c1de.

The door was chained on the inside.

Did his life insurance have a su1c1de clause?


Because he didn't have any life insurance.

And the Stewarts' house and barn structures weren't insured, either.

The only policies they had was a life-insurance policy on Alice, naming T.J. the sole beneficiary, and policy all of the horses.

Big policies on the horses.

A couple million, all told.

Those were top-breed quarter horses, and Ray had mostly mares.

They're easier to handle than the stallions.


Plus, when they're done competing, they make million-dollar babies.

It's a damn shame, Walt, really.

Hey, can I get a copy of your evidence inventory for my claims report?


So, who was the beneficiary of the horse insurance?


Bill: I'm getting you in there. Gonna...

I'm getting a full body shot there.

Hey, just...


Don't tell... don't tell Ray that, but I'm getting...

Whoa. Whoa, be careful.

Look at the camera.

No, be careful. You're scaring him.


Whoo! T.J.'s a born cowboy. You kidding me?

Bill: Good riding, T.J.

Alice: Hey, Bill, give me the camera.

No. No.


I want to get you in this movie somewhere.

No, I don't want to be in this...

Ray: What was that?


Yeah, yeah, look at you. Very handsome.

Come here. Let's get the three amigos.

Whoo, look!

On three, let's say "cowboy."

One, two, three...

All: Cowboy!


Another beautiful day in Wyoming.

He won this one just, uh, in Vegas at a competition...


Last year.


I don't know if you're doing it for your benefit or mine, but right now I just need you to stop lying.

Excuse me?

I realized I never saw Ray or any of his horses compete locally, so I called Vegas and Amarillo.

Ray didn't win any trophies.

There wasn't even a record of him entering the competitions.

It's a lie.

No, no. That can't be.

And your mare, the one that survived the fire?

She'd been neglected for months.

No, he loved those horses.

Well, he sure took out a lot of insurance on 'em.

Or rather, you did.

What are you doing, Sheriff?

I'm trying to get you to tell me the truth.

There's something you're not telling me about Ray.

N... no, there isn't. I swear.

Fine. If that's the case, you're gonna be charged with murdering Ray.

[Scoffs] What? Why would I...

Because your husband beat you.

Or because you have large insurance policies on his horses, and you wanted that money...

I told you...

For you and T.J.

This is ridiculous. He committed su1c1de.

He left a note.

That could be forged.

H... he chained himself in. You said so yourself.

There's an upstairs window.

All you needed was a ladder to escape.

Alice, what are you not telling me?

This was the only photo that Ray kept from before.

Those are his parents.

He lived in Boston. His name was... Oscar Arnesto.

Why'd he change his name?

He worked for the Depanzo crime family for years.

But he had a falling out with them about 11 years ago, and he fled with some of their money.

I met him in Texas.

And I just... I just fell in love with him.

After we were married, he told me his secret.

Why not make a deal with the feds, get some kind of Witness Protection?

[Scoffs] Ray didn't trust the FBI.

We just wanted a normal life.

We bought this ranch and the horses four years ago to blend in.

So all this is a cover.

Paid cash, everything in your name so Ray couldn't leave a paper trail.


I guess we were just kidding ourselves.

You can't hide from the Depanzo family forever.

You think they k*lled Ray?

I don't know what to believe.

Either they did, or they drove Ray to k*ll himself.

I don't know.

Alice, now, you need protection.

You should come back to the station with me.

We'll get T.J. from practice.

Ray said don't trust the police, no matter what.

No, he said the mob owns the cops.

You think I'm with the mob?

I don't know that you're not.

You can't stop them.

Look, I've told you everything that I know.

Now, please, just go!

So, you won't come with me?

No, I can't.


I don't have any choice.

Alice Stewart... you're under arrest.

Any word from Doc Bloomfield on the autopsy?

No, but this just in.

"Sheriff Longmire arrested Alice Stewart and is holding her for questioning in the events related to the barn fire that k*lled her husband, Ray Stewart."

You told a reporter before you told us, Walt.


Well, then how the hell did he find out?

I guess he's a pretty good reporter.

When were you gonna tell us you arrested her?

Right after I gave her her breakfast.

Walt. We're understaffed enough as it is.

If you're gonna freeze me out of every investigation we got just cause I'm running against you...

I'm not freezing you out.

I let you call your handwriting expert.

Walt, this makes all of us look bad.

Look, once I got upstairs to the office, I had every intention of filling you in and asking for help.

But if you can't wait five minutes...

We can't.


Branch, I need you to check the guest registries of all the local hotels and guest ranches.

Walt, come on, man.

I thought you'd be a little more excited to be the one looking into a possible organized-crime connection to this case.

The paper didn't say anything about organized crime.

Must be the first time the press didn't get the whole story.

We're looking for anybody from the east coast, especially Boston.

Can you get the door?

Hey, Walt, I got to tell you, I really don't like finding out stuff like this in the paper.

Do what I do. Don't read the paper.

You've been busy.

I see you arrested a distraught widow without anything even approaching probable cause and left her traumatized son all alone.

I didn't leave him alone.

I had a neighbor come get him.

Oh, right... Bill Hoback, the man who's been on the phone all morning with my boss.

Hoback called a lawyer for Alice?

Dad. [Sighs]

Do you really think that a knee-jerk, wrongful arrest is the best way to kick off your campaign?

Doesn't matter, I guess, because if you keep Alice Stewart here, you'll probably be sued, it'll be in the papers, and you'll lose the election.

I think her life might be in danger.

So you're keeping her in jail for her own protection?

That's... that's very noble.

It's also kind of illegal.

Dad. [Clears throat]

Unless you can come up with some real evidence against her, you have to let her go.


Wow. Look at that face.

You really hate it when I'm right, don't you?

[Chuckles] [Laughs]

[Door opens]

I tell you, Walt, this is not the kind of sheriffing Absaroka County needs.

Don't look at me.

Look after them, Bill.

They'll be fine. They'll be at my place.

Hey, T.J.

If you want to see your horse, just let me know.

I can bring you by.

So I can see her in pain?

T.J., please.

Don't give up on her. She hasn't.

Let's just go.

That is one caring and attentive neighbor.


Why don't you follow them, see they get to Hoback's safely?

Make sure they don't run off together.

I'll see you at Doc Bloomfield's after.

Hey, Ruby.


You didn't tell me Cady was waiting in my office.

You didn't ask.

[Telephone rings]

I followed them back to Hoback's place, Walt.

No problems.

Then I called Doc Bloomfield's office.

He hasn't even finished the autopsy yet.

He's been delivering twins all day.

Do you believe that crap?

Some people got their priorities all messed up.

I also checked with a friend of mine who works organized crime back east.

He confirmed that there was an Oscar Arnesto who disappeared 11 years ago.

Your buddy think Ray and Oscar are the same person?

He e-mailed a picture to my cellphone.

It looks like Ray.

I could send it to your cellph...

Oh, wait, no, I can't. You don't have a cell...

[radio turns off]

I'm Agent Daxner.



Uh, you must be the, uh, handwriting analyst.

Federal marshal.

I was hoping to have a talk with your sheriff about this Ray Stewart situation.

Well, the sheriff won't be back for a while.

I'm Ferg... [Sighs] Deputy Ferguson.

Someone told me to meet him here.

Maybe that was Ruby? Uh, she's out.

But you're welcome to wait.

You wouldn't mind if I had a word with Mrs. Stewart, would you?

You are still holding her here?

I'm sorry.

She... she was released a couple hours ago.

You sent her home?

She... she's at a neighbor's house... uh, Bill Hoback.

I can't believe you released her.


You should have called us.


I would really appreciate it if you could just tell me where I can find the sheriff.

He's at the hospital for the autopsy... just about 15 minutes away.

It's near the golf course.

I'll just meet him there, then.

Ferg left word.

A federal marshal's heading over to ask you a few questions.

I better work fast.

We're gonna lose all control over this case.

What is this, doctor's notes?

You can't read a damn thing.


Ugh, I hate burned bodies.

It's so hard to make out what's what.

I've never seen burns like this.

Heat must have been like a smelt furnace.


I... I worked a su1c1de back east.

Same sort of g*n... a .45 to the side of the head, just like this.

Except there was no exit wound.

This guy's got an exit wound, that's for sure.

Maybe somebody else shot him with a different g*n, dropped the .45 at the scene.


He was shot with a .45.



I think I know what the accelerant was that burned him this badly, helped that fire along.




"A coward dies many deaths.

The valiant taste of death but once."

[Coffin creaks]

Pardon my French, but what the f...


The reason a .45-caliber round doesn't leave an exit wound in the head is because the brain is gelatinous.

It slows down the b*llet.

But if the brain tissue wasn't there or shrunk down as happens to a body been dead for a few years, big old exit wound.

And why the hell didn't you just tell me this back at the hospital?

Wasn't 100% sure back at the hospital.

[Both grunt]

So our burn victim is not Ray Stewart?

Nope. It's Will Jackson.

And how did you know to dig here?

I remembered seeing this old family cemetery yesterday.

Will's been dead five years.

Figured Ray would go for the freshest body.

Then we're not dealing with a m*rder or a su1c1de.

Nope. We've got a missing person.

Walt: Looks like they're still here.

That's Hoback's truck.

You think Alice knows her husband is really alive?

Maybe she was in on this.

Nothing surprises me anymore.


I stand corrected.


Bill: Sheriff, you better go away!

Hey, Bill!

I think you accidentally let the safety off that g*n of yours!

Seriously, Walt!

Just get out of here, drive away!

I can't do that, Bill. You fired a w*apon at me.

Why don't you just toss that g*n out the door?



I thought you followed them home.

You said everything was normal.

Everything was. I saw the three of them go in.

I hung out for like half an hour.

Nobody came out, nobody went in.

I guess we got to assume that Alice and T.J. are in there with Bill.

And maybe Ray, too.

You know, if we were back east, we'd close the roads, evacuate a three-block radius, and call in a S.W.A.T. team.

Well, we don't have S.W.A.T.

But we do have the Ferg.

[Vehicle approaches]

Get down!


Sheriff, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

For what, Ferg?

The federal marshal who was supposed to meet with you guys...

Well, Vic said he never showed up at the autopsy.

So I called the number on his business card.

And no answer.

And when I called the main marshal office, they said... they said they'd never even heard of him.

The marshal was a fraud?

What exactly did this guy say to you, Ferg?

He was looking for Alice Stewart.


I'm thinking he found her. You get Branch over here.

We're gonna need some backup.

Branch: Ray's alive?

[g*nshots] Is he the one sh**ting at us?

I don't know.

Could be a hit man posing as a federal marshal.

And Ferg told him where to go.


Hey, Walt, why don't I call the res, get more backup?

That'll only make a tough situation worse.

More g*ns make it tough to negotiate.

Is that what this is? A negotiation?

Let's find out.

Hey, Billy!


You got somebody in there who calls himself Agent Daxner?

You make sure Agent Daxner knows my number-one priority here is nobody gets hurt.

Get it off!

Get it off!

Get it off! Get it off!

[Panting, groaning]

Walt: What happened to you?

That guy, Daxner, he said he was looking for Alice.

He said he was a marshal, so I opened the door, and he just went crazy.

Are Alice and T.J. okay?

Oh, they're scared.

They're just... this guy's crazy.

What does he want?

He said something about wanting the money that Ray stole from him.

But he... he kept calling Ray "Oscar."

So, what is going on?

So Daxner doesn't know that Ray's actually still alive?



But you do, obviously.

Does Alice know?


How long have you known Ray faked his death?

Since the night of the fire.

When I came home that night, he was here.

He, uh... he said he set the fire to protect his family.

But he wouldn't tell me more than that.

Jesus, Walt, you got to understand.

Ray's... he's been a good friend.

He saved my business a couple years ago, and, you know, I owed him.

Where is he now?

I don't know.

I haven't seen him since that night.

Just talked to him on the phone.

Ray's cellphone was destroyed in the fire.

I gave him mine.

And that's it.

That's... that's the truth, Walt. I swear to you.

Branch: He's lying.

Phone company told me exactly how far Hoback's cellphone is from the nearest cell tower.

The cell tower is here, which means that phone is on this line.

That's right here.


Hoback's phone is inside his house.

So either Hoback never gave Ray the cell, or...

Ray's not in the house, Walt.

I swear to you. I told you the truth.

This weather sucks.


Branch, give me a minute.

Do something to draw attention to yourself.

You're good at that.




Ray, you and I need to talk.

Or should I call you Oscar?

Just... just let me explain, Walt. Okay, just let me explain.

Nobody's trying to stop you.

All right.

They were coming for me.

They were.

Two weeks ago I was in town, and I saw Lendetta.

Who's Lendetta?

Lendetta's one of Depanzo's guys.

He's probably in town trying to work something out with the new casino.

I saw him in the street, and I... I know he saw me, Walt.

I... I know he did.

[Banging] [Indistinct shouting]

Who's the guy upstairs?

Probably one of their hit men.

Why not just take your mob money and get out of Absaroka County?

That money's gone, Walt.

I needed that insurance money just to survive.

I had no choice. Can't you see that?

I'll tell you what I see. I see a horse m*rder*r.

I see a grave robber.

I see a man whose wife and son are upstairs with a g*n to their heads while he's downstairs, warm and safe.

[Breathes heavily]

I came back here for them, Walt.

I came back to take them with me!

But he was here first.

[Indistinct talking in distance]

I know what you're thinking.

But I ain't no coward.

Now, you just give me a chance, and I can fix this.


Alice: You still have a choice.

Daxner: Shut up!

[Handcuffs click]

What are you doing?

You've been hiding out your whole life, Ray.

You just need to hide out a little longer.



That wasn't exactly what I had in mind as a distraction, Branch.

It worked, didn't it?

It did.

All right.

I can get Daxner to leave with me.

Once I do, you guys go inside, get Alice and T.J., make sure they're okay.

You'll find Ray in the cellar.

Okay. [Sniffs]

Daxner! Hey!

Sorry I been gone so long, but I think you'll appreciate what I was up to.

I was finding your money.

Ray's money.

That's what you want, right? I can take you to it.

Alice and the boy don't know where it is.

They're no use to you.

But I know.

If you just come with me...

Ray: Hey! This is Oscar Arnesto!

You don't care about that money! You want me!

So come down here and get me, you son of a bitch!

I ain't afraid of you!


[g*nf*re continues]

[Grunting, groaning]


[Daxner coughs]

[Panting] Oh, no.


Why didn't you stay quiet?

[Weakly] I told you I wasn't a coward.

I know I was a favor.

I only got hired 'cause you were helping out my dad.

I'm just... I'm not cut out for this.

Ferg, I hired you for two reasons.

Yes, one was a favor to your father.

And the other?

I'm still waiting to find out.

[Telephone rings]

Pick up your badge, Deputy.




Vet's on the phone.

You don't have to do this anymore.

You already proved how tough you are.

It's okay to go.

It's okay.


"Know when to fight and when to seek peace. For as long as the moon shall rise, as long as the rivers shall flow, as long as the sun will shine, let us all know peace."

[Horse snorts]

[Music continues]