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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 06/06/12 01:04
by bunniefuu
[Sheep bleating]


[Bleating continues]

[Man panting]

[Telephone ringing]

Woman: You've reached the Longmire residence. Sorry we're not here to take your call. Please leave a message. We'll be happy to call you back. [Beep]

Walt. Hey, it's Vic. Pick, up, pick up, pick up. All right. So, Billy and Bob Barnes called. Said to send someone out to Pronghorn Ridge, and it's my day off. I really don't want to go. Walt? [Sighs] Damn it.


Walt, it's Vic. Again. I am calling you on my day off as I am driving out to Pronghorn Ridge. I don't want to deal with these wing nuts on my own, so I expect you to get your ass out there and help me. Please.

[Teakettle whistles]

[Telephone ringing]

You've reached the Longmire residence.

Sorry we're not here to take your call.

Please leave a message.

We'll be happy to call you back.


Walt, it's Vic. We got a dead body.

[Receiver clicks]

[Steve Earle's "Transcendental Blues" plays]

♪ In the darkest hour ♪
♪ of the longest night ♪
♪ if it was in my power ♪
♪ I'd step into the light ♪
♪ candles on the altar ♪
♪ penny in your shoe ♪
♪ walk upon the water ♪

[Bird calls, truck door opens, closes]

Sorry I kept you waiting, Vic.

No, you're not.

So, where are the Barnes boys?

I was sick of the old one hitting on me, so I sent them back up to their truck.

The body [Sighs] is way up here, about 200 yards.

That's a sheep.

I said we had a dead body.

[Sniffles] I never said what species.

So, now that you're here, you got it under control.

I guess I'll go home, enjoy my day off.


And miss all the fun? Come on.

We camped out last night so we could get huntin' first thing this morning.

We checked it out and saw that somebody shot a sheep.

There are no footprints heading up that hill.

How'd you get close enough to see the sheep had been shot?

Well, my scope.

Your scope?

Now, normally, we would ignore a dead sheep, but I know how it looks... a couple of guys up here with a couple of drinks in 'em, taking target practice.

I swear that ain't what happened, Walt.

[Vic panting]

This sucks.

Look, I know I've only been here six months, but I'm not exactly a rookie.

You've made that clear.

Just about every day for six months.

I'm just saying, I was working homicide in Philadelphia for five years.

And a dead sheep is a waste of my talent...

And my time.

Last thing I want to do is waste your valuable time.

So, why don't you start knocking on a few doors and see if anybody saw anything?


I want a raise.

Seriously, though, Walt, what kind of messed-up person sh**t a sheep?

I mean, I know they're not as cute and fluffy as they're made out to be and all, but they're nice enough.


Vic: Walt?

What you doing?


I do that sometimes before I talk.

[Chuckles sarcastically]

You know what they call a flock of ravens?

Um, no.

An "unkindness"... an unkindness of ravens.

What the hell is wrong with "flock"?

"Unkindness" is just a little more apropos.


Oh, shit.

That a 12-gauge Mossberg?

Hunting accident?

Nah. Look at his clothes.

More après-ski than avid hunter.

Well, it looks like he went down before it started snowing.

I'll check with the weather service, see when that was.

Let's flip him.

Okay. Go. [Grunts]

[Strained] Careful, careful.

[Normal voice] Exit wound is obviously here.

Means he was shot in the back.

The sh**t could've been anywhere... high ground, low ground, behind a tree.

Victim never shot back.

Sometimes you are so full of shit.

What are you, Cheyenne?

Smell oil, the g*n's been cleaned.

Smell gunpowder, it's been fired.

I smell oil.

What's wrong?

When you been doing this as long as I have, you get so you know about every face in Absaroka County.

So, who is he?

That's the thing.

I don't know.

[Slow rock music plays]

[Man vocalizing]

You wait right here, Mr. Parkford.

Where you been, Walt?

People were asking after you at the pancake breakfast.

Just out tending to the police side of the job.

But nice to know you got the glad-handing covered.

I was just representin'. Can't serve the community if we don't talk to the community, Sheriff.

A man got shot and k*lled out there.

I think the community will understand.

I thought the Barneses were just pulling another drunken prank.

What happened?


Look who just got interested in police work.

Walt, if you got yourself a cellphone, you could've called me directly and told me what was up.

I don't need a cellphone, Branch.

I just need you to be part of the team.

Can't just dip in and out of the job when it suits you.

[Laughs] All right, then, let me help the team.

Who got shot?

A sheep and a man named Parkford.

And Vic's lead deputy on this one.

I got ya.

Maybe I should go out there and apologize to her.

[Laughs] One dead body's enough.

Morning, Sheriff.

Ruby, how we doing today?

Well, somebody trashed Craig Martin's pickup... sprayed all over it with spray paint, uh, mostly derogatory comments, uh, one specific warning to women not to breed with Craig.

Okay, I paraphrased that part.

Doc Bloomfield wants to reschedule your physical.

Vic called four times wondering when you're gonna send the Ferg out.

And Cady wanted to confirm lunch.

Call Craig Martin.

Tell him to apologize to his girlfriend.

"No" on the physical, and tell Cady we can try for lunch tomorrow.

Why don't you call her, Sheriff?

She's your daughter.

She likes you better.

[Laughs] And what about Vic?

Is the Ferg dressed for the elements today?

I got some capilene in my car.

Where am I going?

Pronghorn Ridge trailhead.

Vic's out there. She'll fill you in.

Branch: I'll go with you, Ferg.

No, Branch, you're staying here.

Victim had a 12-gauge Mossberg.

Book it into evidence.

These are the plates on the vehicles... tell me who owns 'em, what g*ns they do and don't have registered.

See if any of them know the Barnes boys, the victim, or if they heard any g*nshots.

This is Wyoming. Everybody hears g*nshots.

Ferg: Where are you going, Sheriff?

To drop the victim off at the hospital so Doc Bloomfield can get an autopsy going.

Then I'm going to Wheatland.

That's a five-hour drive.

That's where the victim's from.

This kind of news is best not delivered over the phone.

You're gonna notify next of kin?

Ferg, why are you still here?


Hey, Walt, that's a long-ass drive.

I could do that for you.

You could.

Then you wouldn't be doing what I asked you to do.

[Door closes]

He hasn't done a notification in a while.

He hasn't done much in a while.


Are you Susan Parkford?

Susan: Mm-hmm.

I'm Sheriff Longmire, Absaroka County.

That's practically Montana.

Yeah. Uh, could I come in?

Of course.

[Clears throat]

I just, um... I just have a couple questions, if you don't mind.



Do you know where your husband is?

Laramie... at the university.

There's a conference. He's a high school teacher.

Is he in some kind of trouble?

How long's he been in Laramie?

He left yesterday... early, before I got up.

Uh-huh. He a fisherman?


W... well, a little bit, but those are mine.

I tie flies and sell 'em to an outfitter in Jackson Hole.

A little extra spending money.

Do you know if he had any business up in Durant?

Durant? No.

Now, please, t... tell me what's going on.

Mr. Longmire, sir, you're... you're making me real nervous.

I'm afraid I have some very bad news.

Your husband, um...

What is it?

He, uh...

What is it? Please, God, t... tell me.

What's happened?

I'm sorry, Mrs. Parkford, he's, um...

He's gone.


[Gasps, cries]

Ruby: Walt, pick up. You there?

Vic needs to talk to you. She found something.



Son of a...

[truck horn honks]

[Tires screech]



Ugh! Aah!



[Hair dryer blowing]

[Cellphone ringing]

[Blowing stops]

It's Vic.

Walt: How's it going?


What, you finally broke down and bought a cellphone?

Borrowed one. Uh, radio's on the fritz.

Ruby said you called.

Yeah, I found a slug.

Never seen one like it before.

It was about 30 yards from the body, 20 from the sheep.

I'm looking for the casing.

I've got the Ferg taking some pictures.

I, uh, I hear you did the notification.

Yeah. Uh, Parkford's, uh, wife didn't even know that Grant was in Durant.

Thought he was in Laramie for the weekend.

Oh, so then this is all about sex.

Take it easy, Vic.

When the husband lies about where he's going for the weekend, it's always about sex.

So, Vic, did you know that Branch was running for sheriff?

Branch Connally. You're sh1tting me.

I had no idea.

What are you gonna do about it?

It's a free country.

I'll come by in the morning and pick up that slug, see if Omar can help us identify the m*rder w*apon.


You expecting an invasion, Omar?

Well, thought I'd get started since I was on Walt time.

What happened to your hand?

Hurt it.


Well, your message said that you found a big slug, so I pulled out all the most popular high-caliber r*fles.

This about that thing in the paper?

No comment.

Ah. The Longmire "yes."

And if you're here instead of your deputy, you think it's m*rder.

[Whistles] That is a lot of lead.

.45, .70 at least.

None of the r*fles I've been testing are made for this.

Any modern r*fles you know of that sh**t this caliber?

No. Gotta be something old.

Odds are, in this part of the country, it's a Sharps.

Called 'em horse K*llers.

Take a horse down from 500 yards.

Pretty valuable antique now.

Now, this g*n's got its drawbacks.

It's heavy, makes a hell of a lot of smoke, and with a drop block, it takes about five seconds to reload.

Appreciate the help, Omar.

You bet.

Hey, Walt.

The Sharps is a sn*per's w*apon.

And there are two types of people that like to k*ll from a distance... cowards and pros.

In my experience, both are dangerous.

I'll be all right.


[Hair dryer blowing]



Vic!! Vic!

[Blowing stops] You find a casing?!



Man: So, how can I help you today, Sheriff?

I'm looking for a Sharps r*fle.

Oh, an original? Don't have any right now.

But I'll tell you what I do have... this Henry "Yellow Boy" r*fle.


It's nice.

And this Colt Peacemaker.

Both used at Little Bighorn.

Bet you got custer's mustache back there, too.


No, I'm mainly interested in the Sharps, Dan.

Names of the buyers and sellers.

Sheriff business.

Well, I've only seen a few Sharps in the last couple months.

Charles Burnett... he sold me the real deal, but he bought it back a few weeks ago.

Apparently, Charles' grandfather was not too happy with him selling it without asking.

It's sad, though.

We get all kinds of people in here, you know...

Cheyennes, whites, crows, all kinds, just selling off family heirlooms to make ends meet.

Any other names come to mind?

Oh, I file all the g*ns I buy and sell with the A*F.

So, I'll check my office if you don't mind waiting.

I'm very good at waiting.

[Tires screech]

Hey, Walt, when we expanded the grid to look for the casing, we found something else... pants.

Just tell me on the way to the res.


Talk to Branch yet about the knife in your back?

Just hop in.

'Cause I want to be there when you do.

[Truck door opens]

What the hell happened to your truck?

[Truck door closes]

[Engine turns over]

And your hand... you hurt your hand.

You're right.

You should consider a career in law enforcement.

Vic: They were a good 75 yards from the victim.

The problem is they're Wranglers.

Pretty common pants, pretty common size.

Just that buckle. Let me see that.

What? You recognize it?


I can't think of why.


"Tommy Proud Eagle, Charles Burnett, Jefferson Stone."

All Cheyenne, all bought Sharps r*fles from Dan Estes in the last year.

That's the g*n that k*lled Parkford.

In a world where you can buy an AK-47 off the lnternet, why use an antique like this?

Might be old, but it still gets the job done.

Any of these guys connected to Grant Parkford?

Don't know.

That's why I want to talk to them.

And you think the tribal police are gonna help us do that?

I like to think if there's a m*rder involved, they'll put aside petty personal differences and help us find a k*ller.

They may not think that you throwing their police chief in prison is exactly petty.

He's the one who decided to run an extortion racket, not me.

What did I tell you?!

What the hell?!

Vic! Stop! That's enough.

He did say he'd knock me out the next time he saw me.

Didn't really keep your word, did you, Mathias?

What do you want?

I want to speak to some people of interest who live on the res.

You don't get it.

You have no authority here.

Those are the treaty rules.

And I know how important treaties are to you whites.

I know you're pissed at me, but this is serious.

There's been a m*rder.

I know the kind of r*fle used.

It's rare, but at least three folks that live on the res own one.

I was hoping just this once you let me and Vic on the res.

Give me the list, and we'll look into it for you... kind of like a joint task force.

But I got to tell you, kind of shorthanded around here.

We lost our police chief, Chief.

How the hell could you just stand there and take that?

That son of a bitch better not step off the res.

For the last time, just leave it alone.


I've tracked down all the vehicles parked at Pronghorn Ridge.

Aside from the victim's S.U.V. and the Barneses' truck, there were two other vehicles... one belonged to a pair of hikers, the other belongs to Scott Miller.

Well, aren't you the eager little beaver?

Scott Miller have a license?

I thought you might ask that.

Also, the weather service called back.

Told me the snow came on pretty sudden around 3:30, 4:00 A.M. yesterday, so Parkford was probably shot before then, when it was still clear skies and a full moon.

I talked to Jake Hicks from the Crazy "J" ranch.

He's pissed about the dead sheep, but he says he's never heard of the victim.

And speaking of the victim, after you left, I remembered something.

Parkford came into the station about a month ago.


Our victim came in here and you... you didn't tell me?

[Singsong voice] Uh-oh.

Look, I'm sorry I didn't remember the name immediately.

It's not like you showed me a picture of the guy.

But I did remember it, and I'm telling you now.

Maybe if we had a more up-to-date computer syst...

Why, Branch? Why did the victim come into my station?

Some friend of his, a woman named May Stillwater, was looking for her missing daughter.

Parkford was helping out.

He brought a photo of the missing girl.

Her name's Lilly.

[Sighs] And what did you do?

Everything I could.

Parkford wasn't a relative.

Couldn't file a missing-persons claim, and he said the girl was from the res.

By law, that makes it a tribal police problem, so I forwarded the info on to them.

I could've called the feds, but I know you don't like it when they get involved.

Why didn't you tell me any of this at the time?

Well, you haven't exactly been on top of your game for the last year.

Vic, the Ferg, and I have been trying to handle everything, but it's not easy.

Well, sorry I haven't been here to hold your hand.

It's called delegating.

That's part of the sheriff's job, Branch.

Speaking of which, is there anything else you forgot to tell me?

Anything you think I should know?




So, where you going now?

To do what you should have done... talk to this girl's mom and find out what the hell Grant Parkford was doing in this county.

I know your memory is slipping, but didn't the tribal police basically just tell you to stay the hell off the reservation?

Well, I never said it was gonna be easy.
[Mid-tempo rock music plays]

Hey, Henry.

I need a favor.

And I need a wingman.

Gina here does not want to leave her sister, and I was just saying how my best friend is single, employed, and almost as charming as me.

How 'bout it? Dinner in town, or should we just eat here at the Red Pony?

Will you ladies excuse us?

You got to get back on the horse, Walt.

I appreciate the advice, but that's not what I'm here for.

[Dogs barking]

[Speaks native language]

May: Standing Bear, I thought you were coming alone.

Henry: Hello, May.

Those dogs have a sixth sense.

They smell white people.

Who's in the truck?


He wants to help.

May: Well, what the hell took you so long?

She's been missing three months.

I'm here now, and I do want to help.

Do you have any idea where she may have gone?

Well, if I knew that, I would've gone after her, wouldn't I?

Have you heard from her since then?

[Sighs] Once.

We had a big fight, and she left.

So she was staying with some older girl who left the reservation.

What do you know about the girl she was staying with?

Not much. They say she's a prost*tute.

My boyfriend?

He says that he thinks that Lilly's into that, too.

But I don't believe it.

She's only 16.

Is this a recent photo?

Where did you get that?

It was given to one of my deputies a couple weeks ago by a man who said he was helping you look for Lilly.

Oh, my God.

Grant came to see you?

I didn't realize he was doing anything.

H... he never called me back.

But you do know Mr. Parkford?

Yes, of course. He's Lilly's father.

[Sighs] He didn't tell you that.

No, ma'am.

Well, I guess he wouldn't.

He asked me to stop calling him after he got married.

Did you?

Yes... until last month.

I was so desperate. Nobody would help.

So I called Grant.

And he said he was sorry he couldn't do anything.

But I knew he would help.

[Dogs barking]

Grant's a good man.

Henry: May, you said you have a boyfriend.

He have any idea where Lilly may have gone?

Charles and Lilly don't get along.

That wouldn't happen to be Charles Burnett, would it?


Ms. Stillwater, we'll do all we can to find your girl.

Thank you.

And tell Grant... tell him thank you, too.

I will.

We pretty much swept the hookers out of Absaroka last year.

You heard of anything new about prostitution in the county or on the res?

Not my thing. Never had to pay for it.

Have I lost a step?


I just had to ask you about the state of the sex trade in my own county.

You are an optimist.

You don't like to think of the depravity of humankind.

And also, yes, you have lost a step.

Hardly an optimist.

It's not an hour ago, I thought Grant Parkford was just some guy having an affair.

Never occurred to me he was doing something heroic.


Trying to save his daughter from prostitution seems honorable.


But just because a man decides to make up for all his mistakes in one day does not mean the rest of the world is going to be so quick to forgive him.

[Door opens]

Hey, Punk.


You scared me.

Sorry. I let myself in.

I made some coffee.

[Laughs] What are you doing here, Cady?

You canceled on lunch and dinner, and I'm just seeing if everything's okay.

Hey, I never canceled dinner. We never planned that.

Oh, okay.

Now, how 'bout I make us some pancakes?

No, I got to be in court.

What happened to your hand?

I hurt it.

This job... you have got to be more careful.

Well, you may not have to worry about that much longer.

Branch Connally's decided to run against me, so I might be out of a job soon enough.

Where did you get that?

From inside.

It's amazing that I found anything in there.


The place is even more of a mess than last time.

I was looking for coffee, and I found that.

You've got mom's ashes in the kitchen.

I'm worried about you, dad.

I think you might need some help.

I don't need any help.

The house is a disaster area.

I'm fixing it up. I'm remodeling.

With beer cans?

Well, if we're not gonna have any breakfast, I have some work to do.

I heard about the accident, and I heard that you had empties all over your truck.

I wasn't drinking.

I really think you need to talk to someone.

I talk to people all day long, Cady.

What I could really use is a break from all the talking.

You need to deal with this.

People are asking me where they can visit mom.

Scatter her ashes.

Put them in an urn at a mausoleum.

Put her name on a freaking bench, but deal with it.

Because I'm not gonna watch you just wallow in this for another year.

You're gonna be late for court.



Morning, Dan.


I went back five years in my records and found some more Sharps r*fles buyers and sellers.



Is there something else?

Yeah... these sconces.

Consider selling 'em?

They're not mine to sell.

I'll give you $800 for 'em... a lot more for the bookcases.

How'd you end up with such amazing pieces in a sheriff's station?

Long time ago, this place used to be a library, so...

Vic, give me those pants.

If I had a dime for every time a man said that to me...

I remember why the belt buckle on the pants looks so familiar... it's from the old 10 Point ranch.

Never heard of it.

That's 'cause it's called the Driggs ranch now.

Used to be 10 Point.

Garrett: I told the sheriff you all would cooperate, so I expect you will.

We found something out at Pronghorn Ridge trailhead.

And we want to return them to their owner.

Anyone recognize these?



Take off your pants.

[Mid-tempo rock music plays]

Hello, Cinderella.

Colton: They're Wranglers.

They could belong to anybody in the state.

Not wearing this belt.

Colton, that is the buckle I gave to you on your 21st birthday.

What the hell is going on?!

I was out there trying to get laid.

Who were you there with?


I mean, I went out there alone.

Just you and a herd of soft, compliant sheep?

What? No. No.

My boys dared me to go out there 'cause that's where the... the girls that you pay to...

You mean hookers?

Colton, there aren't any prostitutes anywhere near Pronghorn Ridge.

Well, not now. They moved the RV.

The RV?


They move around so folks like you can't find 'em.


You were with a prost*tute in an RV?

Yeah, but we didn't do anything, all right?

I mean, we started... started to kind of get into it, and this... this big guy walked in, and I... I was like...

I was like, "Whoa, hang on, dude."

But then... but then he threw me out without my damn pants on.

Can you describe the big guy?


I didn't get a good look at him.

What about the girl?

[Cellphone beeps]

Told you, my friends wanted proof that... they dared me to go out there.

[Horse whinnies in distance]

You say they, um...

They move this RV around so folks like me can't find it.

How do folks like you go about finding it?

I don't know.

The girl in this photo, the one you paid to have sex with... she's 16 years old.

Now, that's statutory r*pe in the state of Wyoming.

Yeah, but I never had sex with her.


You answer the damn question!

If you want to know where the RV's at, go talk to the lndian at the Red Pony.

What the hell have you gotten yourself into, Henry?

Henry: Jukebox is broke. It only plays country.

That's not what I'm asking about.

Well, then I guess you better tell me what you are asking about so I can give you a better answer.

Are you running some kind of escort service out of this bar?


I'm only gonna wait so long for you to crack a smile, Walt, then I'm gonna have to assume that you're not kidding.

I asked you a very simple question.

No. You asked me a very confusing question.


'Cause I was just talking to a young man who gave me some inside info.

Said if you're looking for female company in Absaroka County and you were willing to pay for the pleasure, you should go to the Red Pony and talk to the lndian.

So... 38 years, then.

We have known each other for 37 years, so 38 years must be how long you have to be Walt Longmire's friend before he trusts you.

I'm trying to find the person that m*rder*d Grant Parkford, and I'm pretty sure whoever that is will lead me to that missing girl.

Well, you better get going, then.

[g*n cocks]

I managed to get my hands on Charles Burnett's g*n by talking to the tribal police.

They were happy to help.

I served a search warrant, got the r*fle, plus a box of old black-powder shells.

This is not the m*rder w*apon.

[Snickers] How can you tell?

We didn't even get a chance to run the ballistics tests.



We just did a ballistics test.

If you don't clean these r*fles that use black-powder shells, the black powder corrodes the metal.

This w*apon's a mess.

Unlock him, Ferg.

See him to the door.

You didn't have to do that.

You didn't have to make a big deal out of it in front of everybody.

You know, Walt, I haven't made a big deal over you not showing up for work, calling in sick, or just sitting in here reading a book while the rest of us cover for you.

Sounds like you're already writing negative campaign ads.

I saw the sign, Branch. Nice photo.

They weren't supposed to go up till I talked to you.

You really think you're the man for this job, Branch?

I'll leave that up to the people.

But given a choice between some fresh thinking and a tired, absentee sheriff driving around with empty beer cans all over the floor of his truck, I like my odds.

I heard about your little accident.

I'm sorry I embarrassed you back there, Branch.

But before you start spreading any accusations, consider this.

Every man that's ever had a beer with me will tell you the same thing.

I drink Rainier.

Always have, always will.

Those beer cans?

They weren't Rainier, none of 'em.

I picked 'em up 'cause I hate looking at litter.

Everyone knows that, too.

"Hound of the Baskervilles," Sherlock Holmes.

If you're gonna be sheriff, you need to start brushing up on your detective work, son.

[Knock on door] Ruby: Sheriff?

Susan Parkford.

Of course.

Susan: Am I interrupting?

No. No, no.

I'm sorry. You told me to...

Official I.D.

I just want to see the body.

Of course.

I... I, uh, I also need to apologize.

For what?

The other day, um...

I also know what it's like to lose someone.

This is the one-year anniversary of my own wife's passing.

The day I visited you, I tried to put that out of my mind, and you opened the door.

I smelled perfume.

Jo Malone?

That's what my wife wore.

And I only hope I didn't make the situation worse.

Was he having an affair?

I can handle it.

I mean, knowing is better than not knowing, so, please.

Your husband wasn't having an affair, but I discovered something else.

Long before he married you or even met you, your husband had a daughter.

Now, she's gone missing, and Grant was trying to help find her.

Grant had a daughter?


Your husband was just a man.

We're all idiots.

We make mistakes, and we don't like people knowing about our mistakes.

But Grant was one of the good ones.

He was trying to make things right, and he was trying to do it without hurting you.

Mrs. Parkford, I swear, I'm gonna find out who did this to your husband.

[Voice breaking] Does it ever stop hurting?

Not really.


I guess the only way it could ever stop hurting... if we could forget about 'em.

And that's the thing, 'cause...

I don't want to forget anything.

[Dogs barking]

Bob: Okay. Present. Present. Okay.

[Door opens]

Hey, Bob, a couple questions I forgot to ask you the other day.

I don't like to forget anything.

I don't know if this is really a good time.

Come on in.


[Laughing] So... so, Bob, you and your son weren't really hunting the other day, were you?


I know about the mobile brothel that was parked out there.

What are you...

Bob, there's no crime against being an idiot.

But lying about it... that can be a problem.


Well, we really intended to go hunting, and... and then we saw the RV and changed our plan.

We, uh, came back into town and hit the ATM, then we... we headed back out there to spend a little time with the ladies.

How did you know, just from looking at the RV, it was a brothel?

Oh, man, we know that RV.

The old one with the red-white-and-blue stripe on the side.

When it ain't out working, it's parked here.

Who owns it?

I don't know.


A Ch... a Cheyenne kid.

His name's Avo.

Any idea where I might find him?

He's usually working.

He's a busboy over at the Red Pony like that.

[Animal howls]

[Clears throat]


A roadblock.

This seems like overkill.

You could have just called to apologize.

Hello, Henry.

I have a name for you, plus three other matters.

Is "Avo" the name?

The other lndian at the Red Pony.

Avo's the owner of the RV these girls have been working out of.

What are the three other things?

First, while I could not find Avo myself, we spoke through a cousin.

Avo will meet you tomorrow morning, 11:00 am.

There is an old, empty cabin about three miles off the highway near the South entrance of the res.

Second... I do not think you should go.

It sounds like a setup, and there's already one dead white guy.

What's the third thing?

Since you will no doubt ignore me and go meet Avo anyway, I would like to propose an O.I.T.


Old lndian trick.


Morning, Avo.


You're early.

Old lndian trick.

Surprise is a powerful w*apon.

Speaking of which, would you mind telling me why you came three hours early to your own meeting?

And if you can tell me unarmed, I'd appreciate that.

Sheriff, I didn't k*ll that guy.

You got to help me.

Let's talk.

The dead guy... I met him a couple times.

He came into the Red Pony.

Said he was looking to get laid.

Everybody knows if you want to get laid, you talk to the lndian at the Red Pony.

What did you do?

I sent him to the girls. That was a mistake.

I heard later he was freaking out when he got to the RV, yelling and waving a g*n around.

So when he came back the other day, I said, "No way, man."

He came back after causing a scene like that?

He apologized and said he was upset the first time 'cause what he was really looking for was an lndian girl.

Guess that's his thing.

He wanted to poke a Pocahontas.

Anyway, I didn't want a problem with that crazy guy, so I told him where to go, but I called it in right away.

I told them, "Better move the RV."

I didn't know he was gonna k*ll him.

I swear.

Who is "he"?

Avo, whoever "he" is, is trying to frame you.

Now, the only way I can protect you is if you tell me who you're working for.


[Sighs] I don't know, man.

[g*nsh*t, glass breaks]


Who's out there? Who is it?

I'm sorry.

[Door hinges creak]

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


[Birds chirping]

You weren't supposed to be here.

I'm doing my job, Dan.

You got to help me, Walt.

Help me. Call an ambulance.

After you tell me about Grant Parkford.


I'm a patient man.

I was just trying to make a living.

That man was bad for business.

I warned him. I swear.

I did, all right?

Now call me an ambulance!

And Lilly, Grant's daughter?

Tell me where Lilly is.

If not, I bury you here.

[Panting] Okay. Okay.

Montana, Talmer Ridge, off route 43.

Where are you going, Walt?


Call me an ambulance!

I don't have a cellphone.

[Police radio chatter]

[Slow rock music plays]

[Bird caws]

[Staple g*n clicks twice]