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03x13 - Destined

Posted: 09/01/15 02:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

Holy crap. What? What is it?

Liam's not Helen Ellingsworth's brother.

He's her ancestor. Look.

That's who Rebecca was engaged to before Alistair.

Liam is the beast from 1854.

I can sense revenge.

It certainly drives the guy.

Because Rebecca rejected him all those decades ago?

You should know we're opening a formal review of your record going back over the last three to four years.

Which is exactly what Liam wants.

I'm sorry?

He's still the bad guy here.

He is playing everybody.

I.A. and now this?

He is doing everything he can to destroy everything that we've worked so hard to get.

We just got to figure out what he wants.

He wants you, Vincent. That's what he wants.

For whatever reason, he wants you.

(Catherine muttering)

Heather: Wait, wait.

Okay, slow down. Was that from last year or the year before?

No, I'm still on the ones from when Vincent and I first met.

Uh, there were the first Muirfield thugs, Agent Cole, the bike messenger...

Who was really a hit man.

Yeah, and then Hollingsworth, the guy who tried to k*ll Evan in the subway.

And Sheckman's thug, who tried to k*ll me in the alleyway.

I still think I'm missing a few from Vincent's vigilante days.

Still, that's a lot.

They were bad people, Heather.

They tried to k*ll us.

No, I know.

I'm just saying. It's a lot of people.

We're not even on year two yet.

I had no idea.

Well, Liam clearly has an idea. Otherwise why would he try to expose Vincent by tipping off the police?

Wait, so you think that Liam's trying to expose Vincent as a beast?

It is the worst thing that could happen to us, right?

I really think that Liam's trying to get revenge on us because we wouldn't let him get revenge on the Ellingsworths.

Guess he's not confusing you two for Rebecca and Alistair anymore?

No, but he would love nothing more than to have history repeat itself.

What, by trying to k*ll you like he k*lled Rebecca?

I don't think so.

First of all... I have pepper spray. And secondly, Rebecca did not have a little sister to help save her, and you do.



Any idea what Liam's next move is?

We were just working on it. Why?

Well... I just got a call from one of the nurses at the hospital, saying detectives have been there asking questions about me, about whether anyone there knew me from before.

Before what?

Before I lied about all the killings and got reinstated.

O... Kay.

We'll be right back.


Damn it! (sighs)

I'm sorry, but I have to go after him.

We have got to do this together. If we haven't learned anything else this year...

He's backing me into a corner, okay? He's gonna expose us.

Because he is trying to distract us from figuring out how to stop him, which we will.

JT is trying to extract the superhuman properties from Liam's blood.

If we can inject that into you...

It's too late.

Those vigilante cases, he is pointing the police directly at me, okay?

It's just a matter of time before they connect the dots.

This is exactly what he wants.

He wants you to panic and pick a fight, because he knows that we don't know how to stop him.

Vincent, he is just trying to bait you.

I know.

But I cannot let him expose us.

You know, I-I can lose my job, my freedom, even my life, but if the world finds out exactly what it is that I am, you're the one who's gonna suffer.

Not me.

And I won't let that happen.

Wait. Just...


Go to JT first. See if he can help you with Liam, and I'll try and buy us some more time, talk to Tess, see if we can figure out which bodies Liam's planning to dredge up next.




(shovel scraping)


Who goes there?

What the hell are you doing?

k*lling you.



(man shouts)


Look, if you ask me, Chief, it's like pulling a fire alarm when there is no fire.

It... Yeah.

I'm aware Detective Chandler was the lead on some of the open homicides, but if she was trying to cover something up, I would've known about it.

I was her partner.

Don't implicate yourself.

Yeah, well, I'm gonna need more time with the files, all right?

Yeah, I'll keep you posted.

Now, even the Commissioner's Office is looking into the cases.

God forbid the Feds ever get involved.

But so far, Liam's only tipping the higher-ups to cases that happened before you knew about Vincent, so you can't be exposed.

Yes, I can. Cat. Come on.

From what I've seen, Liam's going chronological with all these beast-related cases, so, sooner or later, it's gonna catch up to me, too.

I know. So let's figure out which case Liam's planning to expose next, see if we can divert it so it doesn't come back to you or anybody else.

Yeah, especially JT.

Look, worst case scenario, I could lose my job for covering this up. But JT?

He's the one who kept Vincent hidden all these years, covered his tracks.

He lied to police, hacked files, stole cadavers.

If anybody looks at the big picture, JT's screwed-- he'll go to prison.

I don't want to lose him.

I just got him back.

Okay, we're not gonna let that happen.

Honestly, Cat, next to Vincent, if this thing blows up, you're the one with the most to lose.

Aiding and abetting a frickin' beast?

You'd be lucky if all you got was prison.

Yeah, well, it hasn't blown up yet, and I'm not going down without a fight.

Oh, yeah?

How are you gonna stop him?

I don't know.

But I don't think that the answer is necessarily force.

I keep thinking that there's got to be a way to appeal to who Liam was before he crossed the primal line.

Yeah, but I thought you said once beasts cross the primal line...

There's no turning back, I know.

But what if there is a way?

I mean, Liam, he keeps talking about his suffering, about wanting his victims to suffer, too.

What if we could remind him of who he was before the suffering... before he lost love?

Oh, so just remind him of the human he used to be, instead of the beast he became?

Something like that. Yes.

What, does that sound crazy?

No, not at all.

JT: That's the craziest thing I've ever heard.

You can't go up against Liam by yourself.

Not yet, anyway. Otherwise, what am I trying to do here?

Okay, all I'm saying is that the last two times that we fought, right, it ended in a draw.

Because... both fights got cut short.

Right. Right, so maybe, maybe I can defeat him.

Or maybe you could die. Vincent, listen to me. I think I'm close.

I'm already healed, right?

Thanks to Liam's blood, I'm not dying anymore, which means if I can get you the same enhanced power Julianna gave him...

No, dude. We are running out of time, okay? He is this close to exposing me, which means he's that close to exposing you, too.

Which mean this isn't just about you, is it?

So don't think you can go all rogue cowboy and do it by yourself, because you can't.

Okay. Way to boost my confidence.

Sorry. Somebody had to give it to you straight.

I know. I know.

But you don't have him constantly whispering in your ear, you know?

From nowhere, all day.

He's close, man.

He's close and he's watching and he's-he's goading me.


Maybe you should just inject me with the self-healing stuff, you know?

At least that way I'll have an edge if I get injured.

But not if you get dead.

(grunting with effort)


Vincent, this whole exposure thing, it's not your fault.

You didn't ask to become a beast, and you haven't done anything wrong-- in fact, you've done nothing but good ever since, and that's why I've been there for you, why we've all been there for you.

This isn't just your problem.

So don't go doing anything stupid, okay?





(pounding on door)

Man: Police!

Open the door!

No, no, no, no.

I got this. Hide.



JT Forbes?


Detective O'Hara, 95th Precinct. You're under arrest.

For what?

Accessory after the fact, conspiracy.

Cuff him.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right for an attorney.

If you can't afford one, one will be appointed for you.

Do you understand these rights I've explained to you?


Tess: All right, Eddie Long, Zachary Hayes.

Zachary Hayes-- Vincent's beast buddy who ruined my reunion and almost exposed us.

Yeah, add him to the "maybe" stack.

Along with Curt Windsor.

High-profile case, unsolved.

He tried to k*ll Vincent.

Didn't Vincent rip his heart out?

(phone ringing)

Vincent: Catherine.

Any luck with JT?

Yeah, uh, JT just got arrested.


JT? When? Why?

Why? Why-why does she think?

Because of me, obviously.


Nobody told me. What precinct?

95th, Detective O'Hara. Come on.

95th, O'Hara.

I-I don't know what to say right now, but obviously I can't just sit back and let this happen.

Okay, Vincent, listen to me...

Catherine, I got to stop him, and I got to stop him now, okay?

Vincent, please don't.

Hey, I love you.




Liam! Come on!

Let's settle this!

You called me, remember?!

I know you're here!

Come on!

Let's get this over with!

Oh, no.

Man (over loudspeaker): This is Homeland Security!

(siren wailing)

Don't move!

Man 2: Move, move, move!

Man: We've got you surrounded!

Put your hands where we can see them!

Man 2: Move, move, move!

Man 3: Don't move!

Put your hands up! Put 'em up!

Okay. All right.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 3x13 ♪
Original Air Date on September 3, 2015

Director Hernandez, Agent Russo, Homeland Security.

Two things are gonna be clear before we leave this room, Dr. Keller.

One: we're gonna know how you're involved with these unsolved homicides.

And two, we're gonna know who the hell you really are.

All right, Russo, go through the cases.

Russo: Very well.

Have a seat.

All right, let's start with Curt Windsor.

Okay, look, I'm being framed.

I didn't dig that body up.

Do you see dirt on me? No.

I didn't k*ll that other guy, either.

Then what were you doing there?


It was stupid.

I was trying to handle something on my own.

Handle what?

Whoever's supposedly trying to frame you?


You seem to get framed a lot, Keller.

Didn't an ADA Lowan try to frame you last year, too?


Who your fiancée then k*lled.

It was self-defense.

He was trying to k*ll her.

For framing you.

And now, here you are, being framed again.


So this is one big misunderstanding?

You got nothing to do with any of these cases.

Is that what you're trying to say?

All-all right, look...


May I call you Vincent?

I know your fiancée, Detective Chandler.

She returned a case to us that she was never supposed to get in the first place.

But you knew that already, right?

This is a Federal domestic terrorism case now, do you understand?

Our job is to protect the homeland, and so far you look like you may very well be a thr*at to it.

Which means... either you explain your involvement in these suspicious deaths, these maulings, or we'll bring your fiancée and anybody else who might be connected in.

Is that what you want?

Is it?

Look, all I'm saying is that if you're gonna send detectives in to my jurisdiction, to arrest somebody, at lea...

What do you mean the Commissioner's Office told you not to tell me?

What the hell does that...

Detective Chandler on line five.


Look, never mind, now, just tell me, are you charging JT--

Professor Forbes-- with anything or are you just squeezing him for information?

(hangs up)


Captain? Crap.



I hope you're having better luck with Vincent than I'm having with JT.

No. All I got was one damn courtesy call from DHS saying he's been arrested.

I'm heading there now.

Liam totally set him up, using Windsor just like we thought.

Making him look even more guilty.


Vincent. I'll call you back.

Thank God.

Are you all right?

Yeah. For another 24 hours, maybe.

Look, DHS don't have enough to charge me with yet, but they will, okay?

They've given me the day to figure out if we want to come clean or not.

And if we don't?


Well, full investigation, grand jury indictment, prison at best, exposure at worst.

It's not just me they're looking at.

They want to connect all of us.

I'm so sorry.

Come on. What's-what's going on with JT?

He's still at the 95th.

Tess can't even get to him.

(sighs) Look, you're not gonna like this, okay?

But please just hear me out.

The one thing that Liam is banking on-- the one piece of leverage he think's he's got-- is thinking that we would never tell the truth, right?

Right, but...

Right, okay, so what if we tell Russo what Liam's thinking we would never tell?

That you're a beast?


Yes. Okay? Why not?

Why not?

Are you, are you kidding me?

What do you think they're gonna do-- forgive you? Us?

Pretend like none of those cases ever happened?

No, they're gonna crucify you.

Well, they're gonna do that anyway.

You know? Whether we like it or not.

At least, this way, we're in control, not Liam.

Okay, we've already talked about this.

How can we trust anybody-- especially the feds-- considering what they did to you?

Okay, well, what-what's the alternative?

Let Liam keep digging up these bodies to expose me to the world?

Then it won't just be me who's crucified, it'll be you, your sister, Tess, JT.

You know?

All of us, we will be screwed, and I-I just...

I cannot let that happen.

Okay, so even if we do tell Russo and even if he doesn't turn on us, our lives will never be the same.

Somebody's gonna know our secret, and who knows what he's gonna do with that.

Okay, yes, I know, but if Russo knows who I am, then he's gonna find out who Liam is, as well.

Okay? And then maybe he's willing to team up with us to stop him.

But what about after?

How do you know that our lives aren't gonna go back to where they started three years ago, with you on the run and us nowhere near our happily ever after?

I know, I know, it is a huge risk either way.

Look, if the one thing you keep telling me is that... if we just have faith in us, if we stick together, then everything will be okay.

No matter what.

Oh, God.


I don't like it.

Why didn't Keller want to meet us at DHS?

Neutral territory?

Maybe he doesn't trust us.

Trust us?

He's the one who should be worrying about us trusting him.

There's no good explanation for any of this.

Still, it's a good sign that he wants to meet.

Let's just hear him out.

Fine. Just in case, I called backup.

SWAT's on the way.

What are you doing here?

Who's he?

Director Hernandez, my section chief.


We're here.

This better be good.

Okay, just don't freak out.

Freak out about what?




Yes, gentlemen, human beasts do, if fact, exist.

Some of them are born that way, and others, like Vincent, became that way because of the very government that you work for.

Vincent: Look, for the record, I could've k*lled you both right then, but the very fact I didn't...

And the fact that he risked everything...


We risked everything.

...should engender your trust, at the very least, as well as amnesty for those cases that you can't explain.

Amnesty-- are you actually admitting that you're responsible?

Yes, I was responsible for most of those cases.

If you stop looking at what happened, and start looking at who was actually k*lled, you'd see that Vincent got the bad guy, including beasts, every time.

Wait, there are others out there like him?

Yes, one in particular.

Someone who is trying to expose Vincent by feeding you these cases.

VINCENT; Look, the reason we just risked it all is in the hope that you would stop chasing me and start chasing the real thr*at, who is Liam.


Liam Cullen, the t*rror1st that you said k*lled Julianna Keaton?

Yes, he also tried to k*ll our friend, JT Forbes, who, by the way, we want released immediately, otherwise we walk.

Walk? You mean out of here?

You kidding?

You really think you can stop me?

If we don't help each other, if we don't work together, more innocent people are going to die.

All right, let's-let's say we agree to this-- what's the plan?

Okay, we make Liam think that he's succeeded.

Okay, make him think that you're gonna expose me completely to the world, and then k*ll me. And what's that gonna accomplish?

He'll drop his guard, he'll have no idea I'm coming after him.

The only time that apex predators are the most vulnerable is right after their prey has been k*lled.

What the hell are you talking about, apex predators?

How do we know you're not just making all this crap up to trick us into exonerating you from all the monstrous things you've done?

It was all for the greater good.

Oh, says who, you?

Every one of these cases were handled outside the law, which makes them against the law.

Liam doesn't give a damn about the law.

But I do!

We need to talk.

There's no time, okay?

Once he realizes that we're turning the tables, we're done.

Do not leave.

Yeah, that went well.


(door opens)


I was so worried.


I'm still worried.

They weren't messing around in there.

Did you know they were gonna arrest me?

What, are you kidding? No.

I've been a wreck ever since, trying to get you released.

Yeah, well, they were pressing me pretty hard for information about Vincent, so thank God you got me out when you did.

I didn't get you out.

What do you mean?

Who did?

Did you tell them anything?

Implicate yourself in any way?

No, I-I don't think so.

Why, what's going on?

Cat and Vincent made a deal with DHS.

Or they're trying to, anyway.

They got you out.

Wait, what?

What kind of deal?

What're Cat and Vincent doing with DHS?

Telling them the truth.

The truth about what?

About Vincent?

Are they out of their minds?

They can't do that!

That's crazy.

JT, they didn't have a choice.

Liam was gonna expose them anyway.

Why do you think you were arrested?

Still, they can't trust the Feds, they know that.

(phone buzzes)

It's Vincent.

It's for you.

I'm telling you, they're not lying about Liam.

Everyone is after him, even Interpol.

That doesn't mean he's, like... whatever the hell Keller is.

I mean, you saw it, what was that?

I-I don't know what the hell that was, okay?

But if Liam is like that, too, it explains all the brutal crimes that he's done.

And I don't know how we're supposed to stop him without Keller's help.

They both should be in jail, but right now, all we got is Keller and I am not letting him go until I know exactly what's going on.

No... What if you're wrong?

What if you lock up Keller and-and Liam just keeps on k*lling, like they said he would?

Isn't that exactly the kind of thr*at that we're supposed to be stopping?


No, Keller, don't.



Woman (over pa): Code silver, attention all hospital personnel.

What do you think that means?

It means they didn't buy it.

(alarm wailing)

I got to get out of here.


They are gonna k*ll me.

(door opens)

Don't move.


FBI! Get on the ground!


(all shouting)



What if something goes wrong?

It's already gone wrong.


I love you so much.


Through here!

He's inside!

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa!

(people shouting)


Are you okay?

Up the stairs!

Go, go, go, go!

Out of the way!

Move, move!

Move, move, move!



Oh, Vincent.


(sirens wailing)

Medic! We need a medic!

Just give me...


(heartbeat slowing)

(heartbeat stops)

Medic: Get the bag, get the bag. Got it.

Woman: Let's keep this area clear.

g*nsh*t to the right upper ...

Take him to DSA-- get him started on Lidocaine.

Continue CPR.

Sorry, you can't go in.

No, I...

Let us do our jobs, we'll do everything we can, I promise.

How is he?

How is he? He's fighting for his life, damn it.

Why'd they have to sh**t him?

They weren't supposed to, but I didn't have time to stop them.

Where's Vincent's friend?

JT? I don't know.

He should be here.

All right, listen to me, you have to leave, do you understand?


You said for this to work, you can't be here.
JT: Look out.


Oh, Tess.

Where's Vincent?

He's in Trauma Three.

Get her out of here now.

Come on, let's get you home.

No, I can't leave him.

Cat, you don't have a choice, you know that.

This was your plan, remember?


Come on.

Come on, now.

Come on.

Man (over P.A.): Dr. Chalscom, please report to Emergency.

No broken bones?

That's impossible.

He fell five stories.

360 joules.



Whoa, whoa, whoa. Step aside.

I got this. I got this.

Who the hell are you?

Homeland Security. He's with me.

Syringe. Hurry!

As far as you're concerned, this never happened.

Doctor: What the hell is going on?

What's that?

All right. Paddle him.

I can't heal the dead.

(flatline tone sounding)

(monitor beeping steadily)

(flatline tone sounding)

Heather: Finally.

I have no idea what's going on. Why can't you just tell me?

Why can't we find out if Vincent's alive?

Because I can't know.


Then Liam would know that she knows, and our only chance of stopping him would be gone.

What have we done?

You didn't have a choice.

Yeah, but he wasn't supposed to get sh*t.

That wasn't part of the plan.

You didn't have time to come up with a real plan, Cat.

Liam kills the director, tries to pin it on Vincent?

You're just lucky that Agent Russo believed you.

Right. We had to think fast.

SWAT was already there, Vincent had to run.

While being chased by the modern-day mob.

So that Liam thinks that he succeeded, that history is repeating itself.

Okay, but wait, can't Liam sense stuff?

Like-Like lying and heartbeats?

I mean, how was Vincent even able to convince him that he's actually dead?

He can stop his heart.

He's done it before to avoid detection.

That fall was just to make it look real.

But he wasn't supposed to get sh*t.

What if I've really lost him?

Hey, come on.

Vincent wanted JT there for a reason, right?

Just in case?

He knew something like this could happen.

Have a little faith.

So that's why you can't know-- you have to truly believe that you lost Vincent, so that when Liam comes for you, like he came for Rebecca...

He'll feel my suffering; he'll know it's real.

And then he'll let his guard down.



(beeping resumes, then flatline tone)

Shouldn't it be working by now?



Damn it, Vincent, wake up!


Okay, okay.

Easy, big guy, easy.


Slowly-- take it easy, take it easy, take it easy.

What's going on?

Where's Catherine?


Where's Catherine?!

She's okay, it's all good, it's all good.

What the hell is going on?

All right, everyone-- get out, now.

And remember, this is classified.

Violators will be prosecuted, so keep your mouths shut.


(moans weakly)

Do you want to tell me what was in that vial?

Rapid leukocyte reproduction.

Healing power.

It's what's in Liam's blood.

That's why it didn't faze him when you sh*t him.

Yeah, you believe me now? Yeah.

Liam's not just a beast, he's enhanced, superhuman.

That's why those DHS agents put us on the case months ago.

I'm glad they trusted you.

I'm glad I did, too.

Now, what do we do?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?

Now... I gotta track Liam.

Find Catherine before he realizes I'm still alive.


He's gone forever.

It sucks, doesn't it?


That won't take away the suffering, trust me.




Don't touch her!

You came here for me, right?

Not her.


Well for godsakes, Cat, Cat is gone. You can tell me if Vincent's alive or not, can't you?

Never mind.

Oh, my God, Vincent!

I am so happy to see you!

He took her, didn't he?


Oh. Sorry, are you all right?

Did they get the b*llet out?

What took so long?

How long have they been gone?

Heather: Uh, 30 minutes.

Did he hurt her?

Well, yeah, he knocked her down.

But, of course, that's after she tried to kick his ass, but...

You guys were right--

Liam is following in his own footsteps.

He kidnapped Cat, just like he took Rebecca.

But unlike Rebecca, you have to save my sister.

Problem is, he knows how to cover his tracks.

Yes, that's what Cat said.

That's why I sprayed him.

Right in the face, too.

(sighs): Oh, that-a-girl.


(siren wailing in distance)

(passing horn honks)

(gate creaking)

Wh-What are you doing?

Where am I?

160 stories below the city... in tunnels built long ago.

And long forgotten.

You'd never find your way out, even if I let you.

Which I won't.


(Catherine panting)

What is this place?

Home... ever since I k*lled Rebecca for betraying me.

Rebecca never betrayed you.

She chose Alistair over you.

You had him exposed and k*lled for it, just like you did with Vincent.

They were threats, mm, and then they weren't.

They were not threats.

You were the thr*at; they were innocents.

The only thing Alistair was ever guilty of was loving Rebecca.

Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.

So that's what all of this... is about.

Rebecca dumped you all those years ago, and now you're making the world pay, you're making me pay?

No, you more than anybody, should know the power of love and the pain of life without it.

You k*lled your love.

You m*rder*d Rebecca.

She made her choice.

Imagine what it's like to suffer years, decades, and never have the chance at love again because you're a beast, unsightly... unworthy...

So then you just... you start k*lling innocent people?

Getting revenge on everyone who hurt you-- how does that even help you?

What does it do for you?

It makes me feel better.

Not for long, unfortunately, which is why I keep doing it.

But since I'm destined to suffer until the day I die, denying others what I can no longer enjoy is the only relief I get.

And I'm next.

You're gonna k*ll me like you did her.

(laughs softly)

What are you waiting for?

I want you to suffer more... to know that it's never-ending.

It's like toying with a mouse.

Is that what you did with her?

Mm, beasts get bored, too.

You should know that.

Vincent never toyed with anybody.

That's because you saved him.

That's why I was worried that you could stop me.

Because you're stronger together than you are apart.

Is that how you felt with Rebecca?

That you were stronger together?

It doesn't matter.

I crossed the primal line a long time ago.

Who says you can't cross back?


(metallic squeaking)


It's a one-way door.

You know that.

Maybe it isn't.

For all I know, Vincent crossed the line and came back several times.

Again, 'cause of you.

No. Because of Vincent.

He knew that if he ever gave up, if he lost his humanity, he would be lost, and that... nobody could save him, not even me.

Rebecca didn't take that away from you, Liam.

You took it away from yourself.

Either way, it's still too late.

Is it? Just because you buried your humanity, your... ability to love and to be loved, it doesn't mean that it's not still a part of you.

Vincent wasn't sure that it was still a part of him until we met, either, and now...


What do you mean now?


I meant then. I just...

I'm still getting used to all this.

Are you trying to save me now?

Is that what you're doing, Catherine?

Or are you trying to save yourself?

I'm trying to save both of us.

My life and your humanity.

Liam, I...

I don't think that it's too late... despite everything you've done.

You can sense if I'm telling the truth.

Am I?

(growling nearby)

(snarling, grunting)

(low growling)

(soft exhale)

(Liam panting)






(trembling breaths)




(horns honking in distance)

(footsteps approaching)

Sorry, I had to get a few things cleared by the deputy secretary.

The deputy secretary knows about this?

International t*rrorists, Director Hernandez-- it's kind of hard to keep it from him.

Okay... so where are we?

Well, the good news is, since you were able to help us take down Liam-- and believe me, everyone is grateful for that-- and since, technically, we were the ones that originally gave you the case, I was able to get the deputy secretary to cover for you.

Cover for us? How?

Mostly with the truth.

Liam was, in fact, trying to frame Vincent, so we're just gonna say that Liam was looking for a scapegoat, someone to blame all of his crimes on.

Okay. That's great.

Uh... but, um, what about the...

Things that you did?


Also good news. Since all your past cases were... shall we say, similar to Liam's-- beasts...

Yeah, I-I know.

You know. I should be able to cover for you by blaming most of them on Liam, too.

Most of them?

Well, I can't cover for them all.

There's just too many.

I am gonna tell NYPD that we're gonna be taking over the cases, so that should at least get them off of yours and your friends' backs, okay?



Now, as far as the hospital incident, again, my apologies for sh**ting you.

Oh, please.

Officially, you were helping us sting Liam as part of an undercover operation, which, fortunately, is mostly true.


Uh, so... we really have nothing to worry about, then.

I didn't say that.

Frankly... everything that's happened till now, I can control, but what happens next-- depends who knows what.

And, of course... we know.


Genie's out of the bottle.

(horns honk in distance)

(ship's horn blows)

(horn honking)

Tess: Can we have more wings, please?

And mac and cheese?

Mac and cheese?

Do not pick on my little sister.

What is she, eight?

Excuse me!

Did you pepper- spray Liam in the face?

No, you did not.

I did. Thank you.



Yes, agreed.

To pepper spray!

Several: To pepper spray!

Pepper spray!

I still can't believe that the Wicked Witch is finally dead.

Ding dong!


He was a Ding Dong.

I can't believe that ridiculous plan actually worked.

Except for Vincent getting sh*t.

JT: Hey, at least you didn't sh**t him this time.

(chatter, laughter)

Vincent: Yeah, okay, in all seriousness, though, we did it.

We b*at him.

Yes, and we did it together.

JT: Yeah, and we lived to tell about it.

To healing powers!

Shh! Have you lost your mind?

What? They don't know what I meant.


He-he knows.

And he definitely knows.

You know, I think we got enough exposure issues to tempt fate.


Speaking of which, how about a toast to Rebecca and Alistair?

And to, most importantly, finishing their fight.


Hear, hear.

A fight that never would've happened if it wasn't for this one, who was on the whole Greater Purpose buzz the whole time.

Despite a few minor objections from pretty much everybody at this table.

This one.

Shut up.

Guilty. Sorry.

All right, well, looks to me like the only thing left to do is to get you two hitched.

Yeah, right.

Hey, why not?

Why not what?

Why not get married?

We're going to.

No, I mean now. Tonight.

Heather: Hm? What?

Don't get crazy-- you have to plan weddings, JT.

Oh, do you?


The last one was planned, and that didn't turn out so well.

That was not my fault.

Tess: No, but wait, he has a point, though-- why wait?

I mean, God knows what could happen, especially with you two.

I-I-I guess.

Who's gonna marry us?

She's a police captain.

Tess: That doesn't count.

You could get her ordained online-- my best friend's dad did it.




(chatter, laughing)

Okay, okay, okay.



You look amazing.

Tess: Okay, guys, so, we are gathered here to witness the coming together between two people You look beautiful. whose hearts and spirits are absolutely entwined as one.


I love you for everything that you are and everything that you make me when I am with you.

You are my partner in life and my one true love.

You are my partner in life and you are my one true love, and I will cherish this marriage always, and I will love you more and more every day.


Tess: Do you, Vincent Keller, take Catherine Chandler to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love, honor, cherish and protect?

I do.

Tess: Do you, Catherine Chandler, take Vincent Keller to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love, honor, cherish and protect?

I do.


(whispers): Ring.



JT: Ladies first.


For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, sickness and in health, till death do us part.

I promise to be your constant friend, your faithful partner, and your love from this day forward.

Okay, by the power just now vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Kiss her. You're married.


♪ The warmth of your love's ♪
♪ Like the warmth from the sun, and this ♪

(whooping, shouting)

♪ Will be our year ♪

It's done!

♪ Took a long time to come ♪

Come here.

♪ Don't let go ♪


♪ Of my hand, now darkness has gone ♪
♪ This will be our year ♪


♪ Took a long time to come ♪
♪ And I won't forget the way you helped me up ♪

Come on, come on, come on.

♪ When I was down ♪

(all whooping, cheering)

♪ And I won't forget the way you said ♪

Vincent: Okay, I'm gonna pop this champagne. Here we go.

♪ Now we're there, and we've only just begun ♪

(champagne cork pops)
