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04x12 - How Does a Girl Like You Get to Be a Girl Like You

Posted: 09/01/15 02:13
by bunniefuu
Why did you get a genetic test?

You're so young.


My brother has a genetic disorder.

So when the doctor offered the test, I just thought, "yeah, I should do that."

I never actually expected...

Oh my god. Oh my god.

You have to tell Toby.

If I tell him, then it's really happening.

It's already happening.

And you shouldn't be dealing with this on your own.

But he won't even talk to me.

Just tell him the truth and he will.

Do you want me to go with you?


We need to talk.

I don't have anything to say.

You made it pretty clear you think you're too good for me.

I'm pregnant.

Are you sure?

Of course I'm sure!

Do you think I'm making this up?

Well, is it mine?

Yes. It's yours.

How is that such a terrible thing to ask?

You said you were into somebody else.

I said I was confused.

I also said that nothing happened with him.

I was faithful to you.

I was honest with you all along.

I didn't do anything wrong.


Do you know how hard that was for me to tell you?

Do you know what it's been like living with this by myself for weeks?

I've been panicked every minute of the day.

You are equally responsible for this and I thought you should know.

Thank you for making this so easy.



Hey, how's it goin'?

Great. I signed up for a Spanish course at UMKC.

I will soon habla all of the español.

Thatta girl. Embracing the native language.

Well, there's this summer course in Mexico City that is sponsored by the Frida Kahlo museum...


So I figured since I'm gonna apply I should probably learn some Spanish.

(Both laugh)

- Quieres un café?

(Laughs) I said soon.

(Laughs) You want a coffee?


I'll get it.



That seems to be going well.

Yeah. How 'bout you?

It's still really hard.

Oh, I know.

On the plus side, I have so much space in my brain now that I don't have a boy in my life.

There you go!

And I have more time.

I'm going to go out with Travis and some of the kids from the deaf program tomorrow.

I got so caught up in all of the Emmett drama I sort of forgot about my friends.

See? Being on your own has its perks.

Embrace it.


Here you go.


Already k*lling it.


Is that gonna do it?

I'll be straight with you.

Once you file an amended return, the IRS is on high alert.


Your chances of getting audited increase exponentially.

But hopefully this is the worst of it.

Well, I hope it is because there's nothing left for me to liquidate.

That pretty much taps me out.

Hey, honey! How was the new accountant?

Ah... good. (Clears throat) Think he's gonna work out.

What's goin' on around here?

Uh... I have a crazy idea.

And I want to hear it.

Well, I really don't want to wait around for someone to throw money at my musical.

So, I was thinking... what if I just produced it myself?

Sure, I guess.

There are so many amazing theaters in the Power & Light District.

I was looking at 'em all morning.

(Clears throat) What does something like that cost?

Ah... well...

You know, with the theater rental, the rehearsal space, actor stipends, about, I don't know... $30,000.

Yeah. No. (Coughs)

It's just something I'm thinking about.



What's wrong?

It's an e-mail from some of the parents in the deaf program.

They're concerned about the safety of the students at the school and they...

They want to fire Melody.


Do you think this is because of what happened to Bay?

Come on. That's ridiculous. She had nothing to do with that.

I can't believe that one "D" in chemistry cost me my entire scholarship.

Hey, you can apply again next semester if your GPA is back up.

Which it will be.

But what am I gonna do about this semester?

The scholarship covered, like, half my tuition.

Do what any other self respecting undergraduate would do.

Ask your parents for money.


No. I hate asking them for stuff.

Or you could donate plasma.

(Gasps) Yes. Like 500 times.



Hey! Hi.

Hey! Hi! Oh.

Hey m1ngo, this is my interpreter, Josh.

Josh, this is my m1ngo.

No... no, I mean this... this is m1ngo.

Nice to finally meet you.


Dude, that is a sick bow tie.

Is that a... is that a clip on or is that the real thing?

It's the real thing.

No, seriously, it's... I like it!

It's really cool.

I should get going.

I'll see you in Marillo's?

Yeah. Bye.

Did you get my text?


Hey, but the fact that you ever even had a merit-based scholarship is impressive.

Now you're totally average, like the rest of us.

(Both laugh)

How 'bout this. I am taking you out tonight.

You are?

Yeah. You gotta get your mind off of all this academia.

Where are we going?

Can't tell you. It's a surprise.

What kind of surprise?

Mm. Like I said, a surprise.


Hola. ¿Cómo estás?

Muy bien.

Necesito uh...

You'll get there.

I'll help you catch up. You only missed a few classes.


So, how goes the single life?

Lie to me, tell me that you've never been better.

It's... it's not so bad.

I've been using this new Boy Finder app.

It's kinda fun.

(Phone beeps)

Mary Beth: Oh.

What's with the tiger?

No idea.

(Both laugh)

It's just nice to see there are a lot of guys out there who aren't Travis.

Indeed there are.

Oh! In fact, I kissed one of them the other night.

Yay! Who?

It was some rando guy.

I was at Scratch trying not to think about Emmett, and the next thing I know, I just...

I grabbed this poor guy and started attacking his face.

Was he cute?

I don't even remember.

I can top that.

Try me.

Last weekend I was at a party and I was really missing Travis, so I kissed this very short freshman who plays the mandolin.

And then I started to cry.

Oh. You win.


We're living the dream!


Buenas. ¿Cómo está todo el mundo hoy?

¿Listos? Emocionados?


Hoy vamos a conjugar verbos.

Oh, quick reminder before we get started.

Everyone check their emails.

There's a mandatory sexual as*ault seminar this weekend.

I can't believe they're forcing us to do some stupid seminar at 8:00 A.M. on a Saturday.

It's 'cause of that girl who got r*ped in the deaf dorm.

Yeah, probably.

Alvarez: Oh, wait, there's a new student with us today.

A señorita Kennish?

Bay Kennish?



El verbo ayudar... to help.

Yo ayudo.

Tú ayudas.

Ellos ayudan.

Is this a bad time?

I um... I just wanted to check in.

You know about that.

John and I don't agree.

Parents are just looking to blame someone.

What happened is not your fault.

Because of what happened?

No. Don't think that.

Have you tried talking with the parents?

What if I talked to her?

I could appeal to her, mom to mom.

Defend you and the program.

Especially as the parent who should be most concerned.

Come on. It's worth a shot.

Is she hearing or deaf?

Great. I'll call her and set it up.

It can't hurt, right?

You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

I'll see you in class tomorrow.



I'm Darcie.


So do you go here now?

Um, I'm... I'm just taking a class.

Cool. I just wanted to say that I think you're awesome.

Oh... thank you?

What you did was really brave.

Standing up to your attacker like that.

I just think it's really admirable that you testified, and got that creep expelled.

It wasn't like that.

I'm so sorry. I should go.

I want to say I... I'm really proud of you for taking that chemistry class again.

I know that, you know, getting back up on that horse, that takes a lot of guts.

Um, actually about that... my chemistry grade sunk my GPA a little bit.

I lost my academic scholarship.

And my housing and tuition are due.

I'll take care of that.

Are you sure? I could talk to my mom.

No, no, no. I don't... I don't want you worrying about anything.

I want you focused on school.

Thank you.

I'm so sorry.


Come on. Not a problem.

Well, I gotta get back to class.

But thanks for lunch.

Hey, my pleasure. Yeah.



(Engine stalls)




How was the class?

Uh, it was good.

But I got to thinking, why should I spend all that money on a class when there is the school of life?


Meaning I have my very own Spanish teacher right here.

You could teach me!

I will learn so much faster through conversation.

Is this a bad idea?

No, I love it.


But is everything okay?

Totally. It's just a change of plans.

Oh, hey.

You seen Lily?

She's out today.

How are you?

You know?

Yeah. She told me.

So I'm the last to find out.

Come on. Let's go outside.

I found her in the bathroom, really upset.

She doesn't really have anyone else to talk to about it.

What are you guys gonna do?

I don't know.

She won't talk to me.

Why not?

When she told me, she totally caught me off guard and...

I may not have reacted in... in the best way, so...

Don't beat yourself up.

It's huge news for anyone to get.

I mean, first that she's pregnant and then...

And then?


There's something else?

What else?

It's not my place to say.

What's going on?

You should talk to her.

But she didn't tell me.

I need to know.

Right now.


What do you think?

Has your warranty expired?


I gotta be honest. It doesn't look good.

How not good?

Well, your engine block's cracked.

And getting a new one in from Germany... about $15,000.



Well, you can take it in if you want, that's just what I'm seeing.

Might be time to put this old friend out to pasture.


You ever thought about a Tesla?

(Laughs) Tesla.

Are you kidding? This guy in an electric car?

The extension cord jokes would never end.

Ah, you gotta test drive one, man.

Yeah, I'll... I'll think about it. Thank you.

(Clears throat)


I need to talk to you.

Well, I needed to talk to you.

And you insulted me, so...

I'm so sorry about that.

You can come and go as you please.

But this is happening inside of me.

I can't sleep, I can't stop crying, or puking, or crying while puking, that was fun...

I know about the test.


(Cheering and applauding)
All right, this time, we need a place.

Does anybody have a place?

Intergalactic space station!

All right, intergalactic space station it is!

This is gonna be great.

Or like, so terrible.

Marco: How's it looking, Lieutenant?

I can't keep our bearings. We're drifting, sir.

Marco: Good god! Get a grip, man!

Just keep us focused on that battleship.

Blake: But sir, it's been years since I've seen your wife.


Marco: What are you trying to say, man?

Are you not into this?

Improv is not for the weak of heart.

I can't read his lips.

The mustache makes it hard.

Four billion miles.

Oh. That's a long time ago.

Guess we'll have to shave him then.

It's not a big deal. I can follow a little.

(Improv scene continues)

Sorry. My brother's going through some stuff.

Just checking in with him.

Is everything okay?


Actually, no.

Come on. Let's get out of here.

I reacted badly. I'm sorry.

It's just...

It's okay.

I don't know what to do.

I don't even know how we'd afford it.

And you can barely pay your rent, as it is.

Yeah. Thanks for that.

And it's not just any baby.

My brother's needs dictated everything.

Vacations, where we lived... everything revolved around him and his care.

And it was a huge strain on my parents' marriage, too.

I bet.

But he's the reason I learned sign language.

He's the reason I taught at Carlton.

He put me on this whole path... and I love him.

But this isn't about him.

This is about us.

And I don't think we're ready for this.

I know.

As hard as this is, I think we know what we have to do.

I know.

Wow. That's so heavy.

Yeah. It's a lot.

Happened to my aunt and uncle, too.

But they um... you know.

Well, that's what most people do these days.

Yeah. It makes sense.

I don't think that's the obvious thing to do.

Is that what you're saying?

I am saying that that kid would have a really hard life.

I think we can agree on that.


You're not willing to admit that a family with a Down syndrome kid would have a tougher life than other families?

I think that it requires more adjustments, maybe even sacrifice, but I am sure that they have as much love and affection and happiness as any other family.


Do you think that my life is harder than a hearing person's?

Well... yeah.

But... but you're wrong. It isn't.

Y... you said yourself that's maybe why you got a "D" in chemistry.

I was just having a moment of weakness.

Daphne, of course it is harder.

I mean, you can't hear music.

Of course I can. In my own way.

You can't go places where it's dark because you have to read lips.

So I go where it's light.

Or go with people who can sign.

But it's harder.

No. It isn't.

You just adjust, and then it's not a big deal.

It really isn't.

No. No. If we are going to be together, I need you to get that.

Like, really get that.




I... I think those were some of t*nk's friends.

Oh, no. It's fine. Let... let's just go in.

(Indistinct conversation)

All right! Fine!

It's me, Bay Kennish, the girl from the party.

Here I am.

And please, if anyone has anything to say to me, you can say it to my face.

I was just saying I think your boots are cool.

(Scoffs) Geez, narcissist.

Leave her alone.

Dude, back off. Man...


Whoa! Oh hey! No, no, no, no, no! Stop!

Stop. Stop. Travis, stop!

What... what the hell was that?

Nothing, okay? It was nothing.

No! Travis. Travis!

Just leave it. This has nothing to do with you.

I gotta get out of here.

I really appreciate you sitting down with me.

Well, I appreciate you reaching out.

But honestly, I'm not sure what there is to talk about.

I've already withdrawn my daughter.

She'll take off the rest of the semester then go to Gallaudet in the fall.

My daughter Daphne was gonna go to Gallaudet, too.

And that's what Melody is trying to do with this program, give local students a closer option.

Yeah, it was a nice idea.

Melody is doing amazing things with this program.

It's not a safe environment for girls.

Okay. What have you heard?

A girl was r*ped in that dorm.

I know about that. But it's a very very complicated situation.

Clearly these kids are not being supervised, at all.

Look, it could happen in any dorm.

In fact, unfortunately, it's happening in dorms all over the country.

Well, I'm only responsible for my daughter.

Of course.

But if we keep hovering them and yanking them out at any sign of danger, how are they gonna learn how to stand up for themselves?

I don't think it makes me a helicopter parent to want to protect my daughter from being assaulted.

(Sighs, stammers)

Look, it was my daughter.


My other daughter, Bay.

But she's taking classes there.

She's facing it. She's not running away.

I'm very sorry for what happened to her.

Thank you.

But I won't let that sort of thing happen to Sadie.

And frankly, I think you're crazy to let your daughter go back there and wait for it to happen again.

Are you saying that I let this happen to my daughter?

For her to get so intoxicated she doesn't know what's happening?

She made a mistake.

I came here to talk about the program and Melody Bledsoe, who is a passionate, committed, highly respected leader.

And I firmly believe that she is the best person to run this program.

Now, if you want to be the kind of parent who makes snap judgments out of fear, then frankly, we don't need you.

Thank you so much for your time.


(Footsteps, knocking)



Thanks for having Eric take a look at my car.

Oh, please.

For him, it's a party. He loves that stuff.

Yeah. I could tell.


Did you need something?

I got a call from UMKC.

Daphne's tuition is past due?


I am taking care of that.


New accountant, wrote a check from the wrong account, but I'm on it.


But if it's more than just that...

Regina, I said that I'm taking care of it.



Kathryn: Hey!

How was class?

Um... I didn't go.

Why not?

People keep making assumptions about me based on what happened with t*nk, and I'm sick of it.

What happened?

I went to a UMKC game with Travis, and I thought these girls were talking about me, and Travis just lost it.

He got right up in their faces.

It was crazy. He completely freaked out and it had nothing to do with him.

I think he took what happened to you really hard.

He's a good friend.

But I don't need him to defend me.

In fact, I don't need anyone to do anything.

But now for the rest of my life... when people find out, they're gonna treat me differently.

It's gonna haunt me forever.

It doesn't have to haunt you.

It'll always be part of you, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing.

It can just be something that is.

Something that you live with.


Like I'm gonna grow stronger from it and learn from it?


Or maybe it's just something that remains awful.

But true.

Something you don't run away from.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is I don't think you should hide.

I don't think you should let this keep you from taking the class.

Let them talk. You know who you are.

I mean, you may not understand what this experience means to you right now, but it is your experience and no one else's to label.

That said, I am behind you no matter what you want to do.

I don't know if I can.

I'm too weak and vulnerable to speak for myself.

I hate it too.

But I'm dealing with it.

No, you don't.

Everyone thinks that they get it, but they don't...

What do you mean?


I'm so sorry.

How old were you?

And you never told Mary Beth?

I'm really glad that you told me.

And I don't think any differently of you.

So, how was the boy?

He's good!


He's great.

He's sweet, he listens to me, he makes me laugh...

He's not your boss or your coworker...

(Laughs) Yes! All good things.

It's just there's some things about me that I'm not sure he'll ever fully get.

About my deafness.

Well, it's hard to get at first.

It doesn't have to be.

Do you remember how John and Kathryn reacted?

They thought deaf people couldn't drive.

And what's worse, I'm a vegetarian.


The horror.

(Both laugh)

It just takes some adjusting.



You've made all of our lives richer.

I can promise you that.

It's not a final decision, but we're leaning towards not having it.


I mean, look at us.

We're not ready to deal with a kid like that.

That's why I came here.

I have to say something.

This kid isn't gonna be perfect.

But neither am I.

Daphne, being deaf and having Down syndrome is completely different.

I know, but...

And I thought you didn't see yourself as disabled.

You're right.

They are not the same.

But the world looks at both of us and thinks, "oh, how sad."

But it's not sad. It's just different.

That's what I wanted to tell you.

There are a lot of things to think about in this decision...

(Sighs loudly)

But I don't want you to think that different equals worse.

It's just different.


Okay? Just stop.

I don't need a lecture on diversity right now.

I'm not trying to lecture you.

I know that disabled people are valuable and they have the right to exist.

That doesn't mean that I'm the guy to raise one of them.

This will ruin my life.

It will change your life.

But it doesn't mean that it will ruin it.

I think it would expand it.

This is not helping.

You're my brother.

And I have to be able to tell you this.

No, you don't!

Do you think this is easy for me?

Don't you think I know how Mom and Dad would feel?

I am making a rational choice.

And I know that it's not the popular one.

But it's our decision.

What I need right now is for you to back off.

(Door closes)

I'm so sorry.

I just coun't handle her talking about Bay like that.

So you lost one student.

You still have other kids and freshmen coming in next semester.


John and I would like to cover the donation.

Our daughter loves this program, we love this program, and we need you running it.

Positive. How much?

m1ngo: Hey! Josh!

Yo dude, wait up.

Hey. I'm not with Daphne today.

No, I know that. I've actually got a business proposition for you.


Can you teach me A.L.S.?

Lou Gehrig's disease?

Ah. Got it. The other one.


I'm like, a really fast learner when I apply myself, or so said my fourth grade teacher.

And I can pay you.

I'm open to it.


So do you just give me my name sign thing, or is there, like, an elaborate ceremony involved?



I'm glad you decided to stay.

Me too.

Alvarez: Let us begin by talking about time.

To say what time it is, we use the verb ser followed by the feminine article before the hour.

For example, to say it's 2:00 would be son las dos.

And we can add minutes to the hour.

Son las dos y cinco.

It's two minutes past 5:00.

Minutes can also be subtracted from the hour.

So for example, how would we say it's five minutes to 3:00? Son las tres menos cinco.

(Door opens)




I'm going to learn A.L.S.

I keep doing that. Um... "A", "S", "L."

(Stifled laugh)

Rookie mistake.


Look at me, I'll be fluent in no time.

I really, really appreciate this.

I'm gonna keep making... and not just with sign language, but with saying really stupid hearing person stuff.

It's all right.

And I will be more patient.

I promise.


(Both laugh)

(Door opens)



How's Melody?

Good. Better.

Turns out that a donor dropped out for next semester.

So I made a donation.


Oh, I'm sorry.

I should've asked you but I figured you'd be on board.

It just feels so good putting money where it's really needed.

How much?


It's a third of what we ended up giving Buckner.

And that's what we usually donate to charity every year.

So I just figured, you know, put them together.

You gave Melody $50,000?

For the deaf program. For Daphne's education.

Honey, I thought you'd be on board.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Honey, we have it.

And part of being blessed with all that we have is being able to share it with others, right?

You worry too much.

(Clears throat)