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03x10 - Master of Weak Ties

Posted: 08/28/15 14:14
by bunniefuu
Mike: Previously on Graceland...

You all right?

I need your help.

This is going to be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life, Mike.




God damn it!

Charlie: I want Germaine.

He tries to bolt, don't be afraid to kick his ass through a door.

Copy that.

Somebody want to tell me what the hell happened?

He's an informant.

Jakes: He's an informant for whom?

Charlie: A*F.

If we bring Ari in now, we can't touch Martun.

I want Martun.

I need you two to stay tied to Toros.

Johnny, Briggs didn't want us here to watch Toros.

He wanted us here so we wouldn't watch him.

Who else are you hiding in our organization?

No one.


Spit it out.

The DEA. Paige Arkin. That's her name.

You need to go.

It's less than an hour to the ceremony.

Tevan Adamian knows you're DEA. Soon, Toros is going to know.

You gonna let me in, or you want to play more mind games?

You've got to trust me.

Don't talk to me about trust.

You're bullshitting me.

[Paige screams]

[classical music playing]

♪ ♪

[choir singing]

♪ ♪

You know, you're so full of shit, and everybody here knows it.

Is that right?

Is that what you know, Johnny, that I'm full of shit?

Chill, okay, look, I don't want to be in the middle of this.

We're all in the middle of this.

What Paige did was self-defense, but instead we cleaned it up to keep your cover intact.

Okay. Well, what would you like to do, Mike?

Do you want to report it?

You want to burn Paige and the house?

This isn't about the house, okay?

And if you're so concerned about Paige, maybe you shouldn't have let Logan burn her.

Logan was being tortured, Mike.

And Paige, who happens to be my friend, was putting herself in harms' way to...

Even right now, he's playing an angle. Do you not see this?

Paige: He's right. He's right.

The moment my name left Logan's lips, Briggs called me.

And the only reason why I was in danger is because you two weren't there.

They're not wrong, Mike.

If we would have just done what he said...

I'm done listening to anything he says.

If he's playing an angle, what angle is that?

I don't know.

I know something, Mike.

I know that when you wanted to leave a canister of sarin gas in the back of a Pontiac GTO, the whole house trusted you, didn't we?

Now you don't have to trust me. You don't have to respect me.

I really could give a shit.

But before you start pointing fingers at me, you might want to take a look at yourself.

[electronic music]

Friend of mine recommended a place over on Washington.

I wasn't sure what you like so I got some powdered, jelly-filled, some crullers...

Is this an apology?

When we met, I wasn't at my best.

Sent over the files on Germaine Marsden.

If you read them, you'll understand why...

I know what he did to you, Agent DeMarco.

I've seen the reports.

I've seen the medical.

As a woman, I'd love to see him fry.

And as an agent?

When we captured Germaine, it was a big win for A*F.

Not because we're interested in money launderers. We're not.

But because one of his clients is way up on our wish list.

A big fish g*n runner.

Germaine was happy to sell his client down the river.

So we made him a deal.

But before we made our bust, our big fish here introduced Germaine to a couple smaller guppies.

Word of mouth spreads, his new clients drew newer clients.

A year later, I'm looking at a network of 41 g*n runners in 22 countries and growing.

Like flies to honey.

Like flies to shit.

Either way, their money flows through Germaine.

I see where it comes from, I see where it goes to, I see which Mideast charities these assholes support.

So, to answer your question, as an agent, I don't give a damn about you.

Think I like you better as a woman.

Listen, I know how this case is important to you.

Just promise me you'll get me Germaine when you're done.

Respectfully, Agent DeMarco, I don't have to promise you a g*dd*mn thing.

Charlie: Yeah, I brought this bitch a box of doughnuts, she tells me to go to hell.

I swear to God, people think their shit is the only shit that matters.

Yeah, imagine that.

So Stanwood don't play ball. What's going on now?

No, but I got something.

Germaine's got a master of weak ties.

What's that?

It's a model for representing social connections.

You learn all types of shit at Quantico.

So these guys here, they don't know each other.

They're linked together by weak ties, 'cause they each have a relationship with the guy in the middle.

The master of weak ties.

You steal his ass from Germaine, the rest of A*F's targets come tumbling down.

But look, what I need you to do is I need you to convince Germaine to set up a meet and greet with his top clients.

A meet and greet.


Might be tough, Charlie.

I've only been under with the guy a few days.

He has me half-naked busting down drywall, making delivery runs.

I think a meet and greet with his top clients might be a little premature.

Well, then you're gonna have to speed up the timeline.

Listen, we've been doing this for a minute now.

We can't slow down.

I'll try.

No, don't try. Do your job, Dale.

Listen, even if Germaine goes for it, it's going to take at least a few days to set up.

That's fine. I can...

You can go home.

You can go home, Charlie.

You're tired. And you look like ass.

Wow. And you're still single.

And I'm going to tell you as a friend, you got to talk to Briggs.

He deserves to know... Don't give me that face.

And this baby and this case, you can't carry it on your own.

Ceremony was nice.

Uncle Tev and Martun were there.

Lot of weeping old ladies.

Huge platter of goat matagh.

Was beautiful.

You should have come.

Somebody had to take care of that body.

Ah, yes. FBI bigwig Logan.

Where you dump that trash?

Long drop off a tall pier.

Then I guess today is housecleaning day.

My manager found Toros out there this morning.

What are you talking about, he came here to hide?

He came her to die, the idiot.

Write a long su1c1de note like he thinks he's some kind of poet.

Slit his own throat and bled out on my couch.


Well, where do we celebrate?

No time for parties, man.

Martun is anxious for me to get the tattooing done because Uncle Tev is dying.

I'm sorry to hear that.

This kidney we got him saved his life and now it's k*lling him.

It's ironic and very sad.

But it means now we got to start meeting with all of these idiots.

Here we got every wannabe gangster for three counties.

We got to do a little handshake tour.


I want you to learn the name of every g*ng and the name of every player.

You want me to memorize all of that.

The higher you get, the more you've got to start using your brain.

You're not going to see the king out there plowing the fields, are you?

[upbeat guitar music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Hey yourself.

Let me ask you a question, man, and please just be real with me.

Yeah, man, always. What's up?

What the hell's going on?

I didn't want to say anything in front of everybody else, but I don't blame Mike for cracking up over all of this.

All this shit with the Sarkissians is just...

It feels wrong.

Yeah, Johnny, it's all kinds of wrong, you know?

I feel like I'm walking on tar.

Every time I try to pull out a leg, I just sink in deeper.


Well, man, you know if you got something in the works you could just tell me, right?

I always got your back.

I know that, and I appreciate it, but there's nothing in the works, okay?

Nothing but work.

If there was, I'd tell you.

Just a bad situation then, huh?

Yeah, it's a grip of bad situations, but you know what?

Now's the endgame.

Tevan Adamian's on his last legs, I'm set up as Ari's right hand.

You know, it's been a bitch but if this is what it takes to get Martun after everything he's done, I'll walk through the fire.

You need some help?

No. No, I'm good.

But if I do, you'll be the first one I call.

All right.

Just... just be good, all right?

Yeah, I'll try.


[rock music]

♪ ♪

[children playing]

♪ ♪

[rock music]

♪ ♪

You disappear.

Madison thought you were gone for good.

She was upset.

Hey, you were right, man.

I had to get cleaned up.

So you're clean? That's it?


How you feeling?

I'm feeling like I got shot with a b*llet.

Maybe she's awake, I don't know.

I didn't come to see Madison.

I took a look in an atlas.

Bali's 9,000 miles away from Los Angeles.

That's 1/3 of the way around the world.

Did you really come all this way just to go home with nothing?

I don't have nothing but I have dignity.


It's not Vin. It's Gusti.

Why don't you go visit the mess you leave behind, huh?

[door closes]

Oh, my God.

Hey, Madison.


Look at you.

You shaved.

I miss the scruff, but...

Come in here, close the door.

I have something to show you.

It's amazing.

I can't.

It's not heroin or dr*gs or anything. It's morphine.

No, I'm saying I can't.

I'm clean.


You must be real proud of yourself.

Just get out.

It was hard.

It was the hardest thing I've ever done.

But it was worth it.

I feel like myself again.

You know, you're like a role model, Mike.

You're like that guy, what's-his-name.

Smokey the Bear.

Only you can prevent forest fires.

All I'm saying is, you can do this too if you want.

Spare me the condescension, Mike.

You're better than this.

You know, you don't even know me.

You're not my friend.

Just get out. Just go, all right?

Just get out!

Stupid p*ssy.

You assh*le junkie loser!

I just thought I could keep running and running, you know?

I'd come home, I'd have it all figured out.

You and the baby.

But instead, I...

I never should have lied to you, Paul.

But I just felt cornered by you, by all of it.

Please say something.

Why are you telling me this?


Why, after all this time... are you telling me any of this?

I... I already mourned our baby.

I thought you'd want to know.

I'm barely above water.

This isn't about us.


I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I should have been there for you.

I didn't know.

I didn't come in here to hurt you.

I came in here because you're my best friend, and I...

I'm tired of lying.

So tired.

[door closes]

[man speaking Spanish on television]


[woman moans]

[knock on door]


Somebody's at the door.

Oh, don't worry. He'll go away.

[loud, forceful bangs on door]

[banging on door]

Doesn't sound like he's going away.

Give me a sec.

Maybe I should go, huh?

No. You stay.

Hey. What the hell took so long?

What took so long? It's 3:00 A.M.

No shit, it's 3:00 A.M.

No, you don't just roll up in here like you own the place.

I pay your rent, Eva.

I don't need your stupid rent money.

I don't need it. I don't need you.

[squeaky window opening]

Who's in there?

No one. It's just me. Go home, Javi.

Tell me the truth.

Get out out of here!

Javi! g*dd*mn it.

Stop, stop!



[Latin music]

♪ ♪

Germaine: While I'm gone you give us a call on the sat phone.

Anything else, you're sacked.

My clients call you if they need you.

You call them, you're sacked. And if one dollar goes missing...

I'm sacked.


No, you're dead. You clear?

Sure, Germaine. Listen, man.

You can't leave town yet.


Wasn't it you making all that noise about getting me clear on U.S. soil?

That was your whole pitch.

How you telling me now I can't go, son?

You saw how Swiggy looked at me.

Like I was the frickin' help and his name is Swiggy.

I can't imagine he's your highest-end client.

All I'm saying is that if these guys are going to respect me, they need to meet me standing next to you.

They meet me in some cash house all sweaty in cover-alls, they're going to look at me like I'm a pack animal.

Your whole job is to move money from one place to another place.

You are a pack animal. You're a donkey.

All right. Throw me to the wolves, it's your prerogative.


But don't you think your clients want to know that they're in good hands?

That when their money gets dropped off in some split-level in Coconut Grove, Germaine Marsden's approval is all over the project, 'cause I know I would.

I'm beginning to remember why I work alone.

What exactly are you suggesting?

I'm telling you, guy, this is the worst.

You spend years trying to get to the top, then you got to lower yourself down and plant a fat kiss on some guy's ass.

Aw, come on man, it's not like you're going door to door, man.

These guys are coming to you.

Men with power.

What power? What these guys got is shit for brains.

The blacks in blue buying g*ns to k*ll the blacks in red, the Koreans hate the Chinese, Mexicans, Salvadorians.

What's even the difference between a Mexican and a Salvadorian?

I don't know. Who cares, who cares?

You know, let them sh**t themselves.

Let them sh**t each other, you know?

As long as they're using Sarkissian steel, right?

Ah, look. More asses to kiss.

Pucker up.
Soto Street Vatos, you must be Javier.

My uncle says very nice things about your mother.

What the hell is this fool doing here?


Hey, brother, man, that was just a misunderstanding last night.

Shut your face, fool.

What's this about?

What, are you acting like she even want your fronting punk-ass wannabe g*ng-banger bullshit?

What, do you want to step to me or something, little man?

Little man.

Bring it, puto.

Lick my balls, mayate.

See? Now you done messed up real good.

Come on, you want to die today?

You're going to disrespect me, huh, just like that?

Is that right?

Ari, I'm telling you, you were lucky we're in your hood.

Lucky? I'm not lucky.

I gotta blow your burrito all over my brand-new rug.

Javi. Why don't we just put the g*ns away?

It's just puss, right? Plus, you're outnumbered.

Shit. You better watch your ass.

From here on out, Adamian.

I don't forget shit.

You better not forget, assh*le.

[speaking Spanish]

Let's roll.

[door closes]

What in the Sam Hell was that about, huh?

I, uh, I may have gone home with the wrong girl last night.


You pork his girlfriend?

Ari, I'm really happy that you're amused, but did you see that?

That guy is gonna come back for me, no joke.

Buddy, you're with us now.

If that clown so much as look at you funny, I bury him and his whole family.

[blues music playing]

♪ ♪

Hey, trouble.


Hey man, you said you wanted to help out.

Do you know the Soto Street Vatos?

Yeah. Yeah, the Sureño set, right?


Out of East L.A.?


What's up?

Well, uh, as of today they are at w*r with the Sarkissians and it's my fault.

One of the top dogs in Soto Street is Javi Arrebuena.

I thought if I got close to his girl, maybe I could siphon some Intel, pass Ari a dime, you know, help him get a leg up on these guys.

Wait, wait, get close to his girl?

What's that mean?


So you sleep with some girl and start a g*dd*mn g*ng w*r, man, really?

Yeah, well now the beef's a lot bigger than me.

Ari's talking about pre-emptive strikes and shit, man, it's crazy.

Shit, well, man, at least that means he likes you, right?


You know, Johnny, I'm so close to getting Martun.

I just can't afford to have Ari get got out on the street by some bangers over a petty rivalry, you know?

This dude Javi, the file says he's a boxer.

Yeah. You know, you're a well-known pugilist in these parts...

Hey. Yeah. Shit, I could definitely do this, man.

Yeah, I'll get in it with them.

See if they're looking to make a move on you.

I appreciate you, Johnny. You know, I can't do it all myself.

Sure. Hey, yo, Briggs.


Thanks for being up front with me, man.


Soto Street, they're kind of a rough crew, huh?

Yeah. They're Mafioso crazy.

Cutting off heads and shit.

Still run by that old lady? Going under with her?

No, no, her son.

Dude thinks he's a fighter.

You think you're going to be able to hold your own?

Can I hold my own? Is that... Did you really just ask me that?


You think this just happens?

I mean, by chance? By accident?


Yeah? d*ck.

Get your ass in here, man. You up.

So how you doing? With everything?

I'm just... I'm just saying, put somebody down like that, I know how it is.

Wasn't tactical.

It's not like I double-tapped him center mass.

One minute he's breathing, the next minute he's not.

You have no idea what it's like.


Let me tell you about Sid Markham.

I k*lled him.

This is wrong, Johnny.

This is so wrong.

We are not supposed to be executioners.

I know.

You know, man, we... we go under with the worst of the worst, right?

We gotta laugh with them and make friends with them and meet their g*dd*mn families and then we just tear them apart.

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether they're the bad guys or we are.


You know, the idea of Graceland is great.

You come home to good people, they keep you on the straight path, but what if you're not coming home to good people?

You think Mike's right?

I mean, I know Briggs would move mountains to get Martun, but I just... I don't understand why he would lie to us.

And the shit Briggs does, half the time, I don't even know what he's talking about.

Vin. What are you doing out here?


Waiting for what?

Take a big guess, Einstein.

She locked me out.

You here to score too?

What, she's in there with a dealer?

Jesus Christ. Hey, Madison.

It's Mike. Open up.

How long she been in there?

15 minutes. Forever. Who cares?

Hey, hey.

What the hell is that?


What the hell are you doing, huh?

What do you think?

Hey, what is your problem?

Hey, hey, be calm. He's trying to help.

You can't come in here and tell me who my friends are.

That's not your friend, sweetheart.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Charlie and I'm gonna take you somewhere, so get ready.

Charlie, what are you, pre-op or post-op, Charlie?

Aw, we got a real charmer here. Get ready.

Yeah, up yours bitch, I don't know you.

No, you don't know me bitch, so don't act like you do.

Get off me.

This isn't up for discussion.

Get dressed.

I'm going to file charges against you, I hope you know.

Unlawful entry, as*ault and battery...

Just shut up and watch.

Hayley was born with a vascular disorder.

They amputated six months ago.

She wakes up every night crying, clutching something that's not there.

It's funny how the brain wants to hold onto something that's gone.

You think you're the first person to spit this psychobabble at me?

I've had doctors, nurses, shrinks, all saying to get over it.

I would never say that.

None of you know what it's like to lose something, all right?

So how bout you save me the...

Don't talk about what you don't know.

I lost a child.

Maybe it's not the same as you, but it was a part of me just the same.

And I'll tell you, when it happened, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and disappear and go wherever it was my baby went.

It's just not fair.

No, it's not fair.

Life's not fair. None of it's fair.

But if Hayley can stand up, and learn to walk, and still have a smile on her face, then you gotta be a real assh*le if you think you've got it worse.

[overlapping chatter, shouting]

That's right.

Come in here knowing nothing, that's how you get hurt, fool.

Hey, yo.

You wanna go a couple?

[spits] I don't know you, man.

Oh, it's all good, man, don't matter.

I'm Johnny. I'm from Long Beach...

I said I don't know you, homes.

What's up man, I know you ain't scared, right?

I mean, you got all your punk-ass boys right here.

What you say?

Couple rounds, what's up?

What you need, a hearing aid?

Look, I mean no disrespect, bro.

I just heard you were someone I should talk to.

I'm looking for work. What's up?

Look, I know you don't know me and all, I just did a dime.

In Chino. Armed robbery.

Before that I ran with Oscar Muñoz and Chico Moncado.

[speaking Spanish]

That's two dead men, homie.

I did my time, man. Now all I know is dead men.

It's a sad story, dog.

I'll take whatever you got, man.

First one in, last man out.

I ain't got shit to lose, man, what's up?

You want to do something for me?

Why don't you get lost, homes.


You win, I'll walk.

You lose, we got business.


Come on.

All right.


man: There we go.

Hit 'em.

Whoa, whoa.


I just need a shot, man, come on.

Better get out of here before I k*ll you.

Get off me.


[relaxed music]

♪ ♪

[door closes]

Jakes: It's me. Who's home?


Hey, lady.


Christmas coming early this year or what?

Yeah, well they get expensive in October so in the summer you can get them cheaper.

I learned that from my mama.

Well, chocolate Santa may have a little gift for you.

Oh, yeah?

I sold Germaine on the meet and greet.



We're gonna set something up at the horse track in a couple days.

Jakes, thank you.

Hold on, hold on.

I still got to sweet talk the, um, what did you call him again?

Master of weak ties.

Master of weak ties, yeah.

But it's a start.

Wow. Tell me.

Yeah, what the hell happened here?

I just talked to Charlie.

She told me about the m*rder that occurred in our living room.

What the hell do you have Paige going on, man?

She asked on the case.

Briggs, this is on you.

She would not be on that case if you did not have her on that case.

This blood is on you.

I need help.

You serious?

Listen to me.

Even if I wanted to help you, which I do not, I'm so busy with this case with Charlie, man.

I'm flying back and forth...

I'm not asking you...

So then what are you asking me?

This, um, money laundering bit.

You could have millions roll in if it goes right.

What's your point?

I need you to peel me off some.

You need me to peel you off some?

You need me to peel you off some money from the federal investigation that I'm working?

Do you hear yourself?

Yes, I do.

You boggle my mind, man.

You boggle my mind, Briggs.

This thing that I'm building is a house of cards.

If it falls, Dale, I'm not going to prison, man.

You been in my shoes before, remember?

I feel like I paid that debt.

I will never call on this favor again.


How much are we talking?

Enough to run away and stay gone.

Yeah. Might be a good idea.

[door slams]

Remember going to summer camp.

It was only two weeks, but I cried like a baby.

Yeah, maybe 30 days feel like forever, but it's not so long.

Hey, I'll throw these away.

No, I got it.

I gotta do it myself.

Hey, maybe you want a ride to the place.

I'm happy to do it.

No, to be honest, I'm just going to call a cab.

I just need to be alone.

I'll see you in a month, Gusti.

It's Vin.


She's gonna be all right.

No, man, not all people are good with change.

Especially Madison.

That's why we should always stay with her, you know?

Just help her settle in.


Hey, you still have the phone?

Yeah. Yeah. I got it.

Then maybe you want to sell that thing in the box with me?

You know I do.

All right, so when it rings we answer.

Why'd you change your mind?

Madison doesn't give up on her life, why should I?

Hey, thank you.

No, I...

No, no, it was you, man.

She would not make it without you, okay?

She'd be lost in her own head, but you drag her out, you knew what she needed to hear, and you put it in front of her.

What? What did I say?

Son of a bitch.

You made this for me?

Put these all over Gusti's building.

You knew I'd see the birds. You knew I'd call the number.

You treated me like a mark.

Come on, man.

You preyed on my weakness.

I did not prey on anything, Mike.

Those little pills? Those were your weakness.

The birds were your strength. I was trying to help you, man.

I don't want to hear it, man.

Every time, Paul.

Every time I come at you, you've got the right answer.

No matter what it is, you're always doing it for some noble cause.

I got to tell you, I don't buy it anymore.

'Cause underneath the bullshit, everything you do, you do it for yourself.


Boss told you to leave, eh?

Oh, I thought he just meant the ring, homie.

Everything around here belongs to me.

And no one gets to come in here and punk me.

You think I'm some kind of chump?

No, brah, I don't think you're a chump, man.

I mean, a bitch for sure, but not a chump.

Hey, come on, fellas, just chill, all right, man?

[intense music]

♪ ♪

[door knocks]

What do you want, man?

I do everything you say.

I even smile at your junkie friend until he sh**t me.

When is it done? When is it all finished?
