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05x10 - Faith

Posted: 08/26/15 23:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Suits"...

You hung me out to dry.

How exactly did I do that?

By making it seem like I'm the one that's taking away your dream wedding.

You are the one taking away my dream wedding!

We're getting married, and it can be as small as possible with just our close friends, okay?

I think we should consider promoting Jack Soloff to name partner.

Are you crazy?

Hardman's got something on him.

If Hardman has something on him, then we need to have it on him, too.

You want me gone, call for a vote, 'cause we know what's going on with Daniel's investor, and Harvey's about to put a stop to it right now.

Why should I believe you would even live up to your end of the bargain?

Because I don't give a shit about your w*r with Daniel Hardman.

All I want to do is see you get down on your knees and say, "I quit."

You're breaking the law every day.

Oh, so now I shouldn't get married?

I'm saying you should quit.

The longer you go, the less the money matters.

You almost got caught, didn't you?

I went to talk to someone.


You know who.



Grammy, what are you doing here?

Where's mom? I want to give her a hug.

Dad, too.


You told me not to be mad at them last night, remember?

You said once they got home I should tell them I was sorry and give them a hug.

But they didn't wake me up, so I didn't get to, and I want to.

Michael, I have to tell you something.

What is it?

Your--your parents, last night they were in a car accident.

But they're gonna be okay, right?

Michael, they passed away.



No, they can't be.

You're wrong!


I wish I were, baby.

I wish I...

Why didn't you wake me up?

I could have gone to the hospital.

I could have seen them!

They didn't make it to the hospital, sweetheart, and--and I didn't want to tell you until I had to.

How could you do this to me?

How could you not wake me up?

[soul music]

♪ ♪



[clears throat]

What are you doing up so early?

Oh, nothing, just going through this old box of stuff.

Does that have something to do with you seeing Trevor last night?

Yeah. Yeah, it does.

Is he still a mess?

No. No, he's actually doing really well.

So what do you mean?

I mean, I need to take the day.

You need to take the day?


Is there something wrong?

No, nothing's wrong.

Just got something I need to do.


[elevator bell dings]



Did you reconsider my offer?

About resigning?

Yeah, no, not a chance.

But the bylaws require you to be given formal notice so...

You're calling for an emergency vote of no confidence today?


Well, you're shitty at math, Jack, because even if we lost McKernon, one client is not enough to turn the partners against me.

Check your calculator, Jessica, because you only had half the partners, and every single one of them is about to lose the biggest client to a hostile takeover because of your poor leadership.

We both know the only hostile takeover you care about is the one in here.

Take a picture, because tomorrow morning, those letters are coming down.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Where the hell is he?

I don't know.

Gretchen, I swear, if you want to have a job tomorrow, you better tell me where Harvey is.

Ms. Pearson, every Sunday I lay out all my outfits for the coming week, and I have no intention of not wearing one of those babies tomorrow.

So with all due respect, I don't know.

Well, if you want to pick out your clothes for next week, you better find the hell out.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪

♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ All right ♪

♪ Suits 5x10 ♪
Original Air Date on August 26, 2015

♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪
♪ The greenback boogie ♪

Harvey. Harvey, wait.

Wait. I-I made a mistake.

Don't you touch me.

You don't understand.

I understand you made a fool out of Dad for the last time.

Lily, let me try.


You get the hell out of my father's house.

Bobby, get--get out.

Get out!

Listen, Harvey to me.

No, you don't know what you're doing.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

Harvey, think about what it would do to your father.

To Marcus. It'll k*ll them.

You said that once before and you'd never do this again.

I know what I said.

And I said if you did I'd tell him everything, and I'm going to.

Harvey, I am begging you.

Don't tear us all to pieces.

Don't destroy your family.

Don't you dare put this shit on me.

[door slams]


Where did you just go?

I'm sorry.

I was just thinking about the time I had to decide whether or not I should tell my father that my mother was cheating on him.

And maybe we should talk about that.

I didn't come here to talk about that.

I came here to figure out whether or not I should resign.

And then you started thinking about your mother.

And if your brain went to the one, then it's connecting it to the other, and the best thing we can do right now is to try and figure out why.

I don't have time for that.

Harvey, you asked me to block out the day for an emergency session, and I did.

We have time.

The white ones are best.

You're just here to make me go in.

I am.

Because sometimes we make choices we're not old enough to make, and then we regret them.

I don't want that to happen to you.

Why would I regret not going into that place?

'Cause it's a chance to say good-bye to your parents.

I already missed that.


[rock lands]


Sometimes when people lose someone they love, they get mad at them.

I'm not mad at them.

I'm mad at God.

I understand you're mad at God.

Maybe you're even mad at me, too.

But I came out here to give you something.

St. William, patron saint of orphans.

You know who this is.

I know who all the saints are, and I don't want it.

I don't want to be an orphan.

Then don't take it.

[poignant music]

Because the truth is, orphans are alone, and you're not.

But not going in there isn't gonna change what happened.

And right now, your grandmother needs you.

But if you stay out here, she's gonna have to face today alone.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Well, it's official, Harvey.

My fingers are way too old.

Like hell.

You can still outplay anyone.


You're a terrible liar.

But I got to admit, I do love seeing my boy in the crowd.

Actually, Dad, there's something I wanted to talk to you about.

I got something for you, too. It's important.

The band's splitting up.


Lenny says he wants to spend his golden years with Marge, and Dave's wrist isn't getting any better, so--

Well, what about Harry?

Harry's already got an offer from another group.

Well, if they'll take him, they'll take you.


You're not listening, Harvey.

I don't want them to take me.

I want to come home.

Dad, music is your life.

Look, Harvey, I'm the same age your grandfather was when he died, and I've already spent way too much of my life away from my family.

Don't start that. You've been a great father.

Maybe the cool father, but...not a great one.

And now, I know it's too late to make that up to you.

I'm just hoping it's not too late to make it up to Marcus.

Anyway, that's my news.

What--what did you want to talk about?

Nothing. I met a girl.

Great. What's her name?


I'm just trying to figure out the long distance thing.

All I can tell you there is, if she's the one, you'll know, just like with me and your mother.

So you didn't tell him?

No, I didn't.

But you said that was the night you decided to tell him.

That was the night I decided.

No, you said it as though it was all one night.

I told you it was all one night because I'm so used to lying whenever I tell this story.

My age--

Why do you lie?

Because I was a grown man when it happened, and grown men keep their words when they say they're gonna do something, not give in to weakness.

But it wasn't weakness that made you break your word.

It was love for your father.

Then aren't I an assh*le?

Because I ended up ruining everything two weeks later.

Louis, I need to talk to you for a minute.

About what?

Jack Soloff is calling for a vote to remove me as managing partner today.


Why the hell would he do that after you offered to make him name partner?

Because I didn't offer to make him name partner.

I told him to resign.

What happened to our plan?

It wasn't our plan, Louis.

It was your insane idea, and I was never going to do it.


No, you listen to me.

The matter at hand is making sure that we have more people on our side than he and Daniel have on theirs.

What am I supposed to do now?

You are going to do exactly what I told you to do in the first place.

You're gonna find out what Daniel has on that weaselly son of a bitch, and do it before 7:00 tonight.

Because if I can't get enough votes before then, the only way we win is to make this whole thing go away.

[dramatic music]

Cancel my day.

We have to talk.

I'm studying, Grammy.

I don't care what you say you're doing.

What I say I'm doing?

Father Walker called me.

He said you've been acting out.

Father Walker's a priest.

He thinks you're acting out if you're chewing gum.

Well, I agree with him.

Yeah, and you're not at school and all I do is get As.

I don't care what you're getting.

I found these in the trash.

So what.

So what?

"The Little Prince," "James and the Giant Peach,"

Michael, you love these books.

Yeah, when I was a kid.

Those books were your connection to your mother and father.

Yeah, well, I don't want them anymore.

You don't want this one either?

Your mother and I didn't always get along, but I know that she read this to you every night when you were little because she told me.

And I also know that you'd never let me read it to you because you said it was so special.

Like I said, I'm not a kid anymore.

Michael, I'm worried about you.

Father Walker is worried.

I don't care what Father Walker thinks, and I don't care about these stupid books.

Well, I do care, and I think you'd better go talk to Father Walker tomorrow because you're not getting all As.

He's giving you an F on your history paper.

Louis, what are you doing here?

How did you get past Stacy?

I walked right by her.

Well, in that case, what can I do for you?

I want to know what the hell you have on Jack Soloff.

I have nothing on Jack other than his trust and confidence that I'm a better attorney than Jessica.

Shut your mouth.

You're not fit to lick her boots.

Good, because that's your job, Louis, not mine.

Listen to me.

Remember when I told you I'd k*ll you if you so much as tell me the incorrect time?

Tell me what you have on Jack right now or you're dead in 15 seconds.

I remember when you did that, Louis.

And right after that, I went straight to my attorneys and told them you had threatened my life.

And now, you've come into my office and done it again in front of a witness.

What witness?

Stacy, did you get that?

I got it.

So as I see it, security will be here in about 60 seconds.

So if you want to k*ll me, now is your chance.

I swear to God, I will find out what you're holding over Jack's head.

I doubt that, and I certainly doubt that you'll find it by 7:00.

So instead of me telling you what I have on Jack, let me tell you what I have on you.

You vote with me today and your sister's company lives.


Oh, it turns out my client is looking to get into the muffin business.

You leave my sister out of this.

Sure thing.

As long as you vote to remove Jessica.

I can't do that.

Then I'm not only gonna buy it, I'm gonna rip that company of hers apart.

You son of a bitch! She never did anything to you.


But you did.

And Jessica did.

And Harvey did.

So you have a choice, your firm or your family.


It's been a long time.

People have been calling me that a lot lately.

Maybe it's a sign.

How can I help you?

I need to talk to someone.

I was hoping to do it under the confessional.

How long has it been since your last confession?

Aren't you supposed to ask me that after we started?

We have started.

Have a seat.


Why not?

Confession's meant to be good for the soul and no one's ever said anything about it having to be done in a little dark box.


You gave that paper an F?

It deserves an A.

What about the fact that you cut the entire afternoon last Tuesday? I had a doctor's appointment.

You even had a note from your grandmother.

That's right, I did.

The problem is, Michael, your grandmother wrote me a note yesterday thanking me for letting her book club use the library.

And those two signatures, they don't look the same at all.

Okay, well, if you're so sure I did this, then why are you only giving me an F and not suspending me?

Because I don't think it's a coincidence that you chose to cut class on parent-teacher conference day.

That had nothing to do with it.

Mike, your grandmother told me about the books you threw out.

Every parent in the world is obsessed with their kid cleaning their room.

I actually do it, and the two of you make a federal case out of it.

You didn't throw out those books to clean.

You did it because you saw those kids out there with their parents and you just couldn't deal with that pain.

So you cut class, you went home, and you threw away the books.

You don't know what I did.

What I do know is that your parents came here every Sunday and donated money to pay for that uniform because they wanted you to be here getting an education and not cutting class.

I've gotten a perfect grade on every assignment I've ever gotten, all right?

And I don't need to go to your stupid class to do it.

I could have suspended you, and that would have been much worse than an F.

But you're getting one or you're getting the other.

So why don't you take one night off from blaming me, and you decided what it is that you're gonna do?

Harvey, what are you doing here?

I wanted to ask you something.

I was wondering if I could stay with you while I do my clerkship.

You want to stay with me for the summer?

I promise you won't even know I'm there.

Are you crazy?

Do you have any idea what the people around here would think if they found out?

Who says they're gonna find out?

I mean, no one knows anything about your personal life anyway.

Harvey, what's going on?

Things aren't good at home.

Your brother?

It's my parents.

Listen, Harvey, I know what it's like to be living in a home that's not right, and I also know that you might be tempted to fix things.

But it's not up to the children to fix things.

What if it was?

Then there's something wrong with those two people.

No, there isn't.

There's something wrong with one of them, and I don't know whether to tell the other one or not.

Look, Harvey, I can't tell you what you should do.

But I can tell you if you come work for me, you're gonna have to have some difficult conversations.

That's work, this is family.

There are no more difficult conversations than that.

But for the record, if you do come work here, we're gonna be family, too.

Hey there.

Your father and Marcus will be here any minute, and, oh, I made your favorite, chicken parm.

I'm glad they're not here.

It'll give me a chance to tell you that I'll pretend when they're here, but I am not gonna pretend when we're alone.

Harvey, please, I'm still your mother.

No, you're not.

Hey, hey, hey, look who's here.

I thought you were working late tonight.

What's up, douche nozzle?

You remember Bobby from down at the shop, don't you, Harvey?

He's helping us get the old Mustang up and running.

That's right, Harvey, I'm getting the Mustang.

And if you think you're ever getting behind the wheel of that car--

I'm never gonna get behind the wheel of that car.

Because you're jealous.

Because that car's a piece of shit.

Harvey, watch your mouth.

Lil, do we have enough for an extra plate?

Sure. How you doing, Bobby?

I'll be good as soon as I get this grease off my hands.

Where's the bathroom again?

It's down the hall, Bobby.

You know what?

We don't need an extra plate 'cause I'm not eating.

What are you talking about? You're home early.

Your mother made chicken parm.

Well, why don't you eat it?

Because I can't stand chicken parm anymore.

Where you going? Harvey!

This is still my house, you know.

Is it?

So other people know about you?

Not everyone knows everything, but... people know that I don't have a law degree.

You say that as though it were just a technicality.

And you say that as if you're judging me.

Isn't that what you came here for?

I came here for advice.

You said you came here to confess.

But it doesn't matter, because if-- well, if you're looking for absolution, I can't give it to you.

Why not?

Because absolution requires contrition, and I'm not hearing that you even think you've done anything wrong.

Because using my brain to help people isn't doing anything wrong.

You're not using your brain to help people.

You're using it to fool people, and you want me to tell you that you're a good person for it.

I am a good person.

You're a person that wants to have their cake and eat it, too.

And I'm afraid that I'm all out of cake with you.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means that I've often wondered whether or not I did the right thing by not having you arrested that day.

That would have completely screwed up my life.

Oh, and look at how not screwed up it is right now.

You want to know what kind of man I am?

[stirring music]

♪ ♪

You wanted to see me, Father?

Yes, I did.

I was hoping you could explain why we're missing $936 from the collection box.

I can't.

Well, that's odd, because this box was in my desk, and I also found this on my desk.

Michael, the next time you want to send a message, just leave me a note.

The uniform's not a message. I'm just returning it.

You said I had two options, get an F or get suspended.

But I thought of a third.

So you're dropping out?

No, I'm going to public school.

And I'm not saying that I took that cash, but if I did, I'd be smart enough to do the math.

My parents put $3 in the collection plate every week.

$3 a week for 52 weeks for six years--


And I would have thought that belonged to my parents and I would have just been taking it back.

You know, I could have you arrested.

Then do it.

Michael, we both know how smart you are, but there's a difference between intelligence and wisdom.

And if you don't figure that out eventually, you're gonna have a lot bigger problems than an F, because you can't outsmart--


I know.

I know you don't believe in God, so let's just call them... consequences.

Good-bye, Father.

You want to call the police, you know where to find me.

Wouldn't be the first time they came to give Grammy some bad news.

You never spent it.

Not a penny.

Get out.

Hey, get out!

Harvey, you and me are going.

Right now.

No, we're not.

Yes, we are.

And it's happening whether you like it or not.

Now, you wanna tell me what was going on with that bullshit back at the house?

What bullshit?

I wasn't hungry so I just left.

I'm not buying it.

I know something's up with you.

Nothing's up.


[both grunting]

Your little brother was excited to see you and you didn't give him the time of day.

Marcus was excited to get Bobby's car.

Since when you got something against Bobby?

He never did anything to you.

Just let it go, Dad.

Since when do I do that?

Since when were you around not to?

Excuse me?

I said let it go.

I'm not letting it go!

You disrespected me, and you disrespected your brother and your mother and our guest.

Now, I know something's up with you.

I want to know what it is.

It's nothing.

It's not nothing!

Why are you doing this?

'Cause there's something wrong with my boy.


Something's wrong with me?

What about you?

How can you not see what is going on under your nose in your own g*dd*mn house?

All right. Son, stop!

I told her to stop, but I shouldn't have had to.

It's shouldn't have been me!


[dark music]

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

You told her to stop what?

What was your mother doing?


♪ ♪

So your parents' marriage ended?

It should have ended sooner.

Harvey, I'm not defending your mother, but what if you'd kept that promise and then she broke it off with Bobby?

What difference does it make?

Well, the difference is you didn't have to tell your father like that.

Yeah, I told him like that because I had no choice.

No, no, no, no, telling him like that was your choice.

He was attacking me.

Well, you could have dropped your guard.

I wasn't gonna do that.

He was your father.

I don't care!


Because I don't lay down!

And instead of telling him gently and making a decision calmly, you hurt your father even more.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that maybe you're remembering this story to tell yourself that your decision with Forstman isn't about laying down.

It's about something more.

Hey, baby.

You're never going to believe this.

Harvey asked if he could live with me today.

I'm surprised you didn't say yes.


You already live at the office.

Why not just bring it home with you?

Quentin, I told you, you mean more to me than work.

Well, actions speak louder than words.

I married you.

You did.


But does Harvey or anyone else at the office know that?

Or even know that I exist?

You know I'm a private person.

I like to keep those parts of my life separate.

What I know is, separate but equal didn't work out there, and it's not working in here.

Where are you going with this?

You know where this is going, Jessica, where it's been going for a long time.

I want a divorce.


This isn't working anymore.

Does this have anything to do with Lisa?

No. This has to do with us.

Oh, you mean me.

I do.

Now you can focus on what really matters to you... your career.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

Jessica, can I talk to you?

I take it you haven't found out what Hardman has on Jack.

I haven't, but there's something else.

Doesn't matter.

I got us the votes.

You did?

I went to Paul Porter and I turned him and the three votes that he comes with.

So we're up by three?

No, including Harvey, we're up by one.

No, we're not.

Hardman's going after Esther's company.

And he's not going to back off unless you vote against me.


I know what you're gonna say. We can stop it.

But I went to Jeffrey to get him to not sell his shares, and he told me that Hardman's offering 40% over asking.

Jeffrey agreed not to sell, but everyone else will.

If Hardman can't get the stocks, he's gonna buy the distributor, and if he can't buy the distributor, he's gonna go after the contracts.


Forstman is his backer!

I know.

Well then, you know that he has unlimited resources, and I can't fight a w*r on multiple fronts.

And I could tell you that if you side with me, we'll figure out a way to save Esther's company.

But I have a sister, too.

I'm sorry.


[stirring music]

Whatever happens, I want you to know...

Pearson will always consider Litt her partner.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


If it had been anybody other than his sister, he would never even consider--

I know, Donna.

And you don't have to apologize for him because I know what a bastard Daniel Hardman is.

Is there anything I can do?


We still have some time before the vote.

I asked Gretchen to find Harvey this morning.

I asked the wrong person.

I'll find him.

♪ ♪

I knew this was a mistake.

I never should have come here.

Michael, you didn't actually have to come here.

I already knew your story.

Trevor came to see me six months ago.

Yeah, I know that.

Yeah, but you didn't know he spent most of that time talking about you or the fact that he blames himself for everything that happened to you.

Well, maybe he should.

Maybe you should blame yourself.

Right, and maybe I should blame myself for every earthquake or every w*r.

That's enough of the vanity, okay, Michael.


Yeah, vanity, self-indulgence, whatever you want to call feeling sorry for yourself ever since that night...

How dare you.

Because that's exactly why you're in this position right now.


I'm in this position because Trevor put me in this position.

No, Michael, no.

That's the difference between you and Trevor.

He's actually accepted that his choices were his own, which means he actually wants to change his life.

You think I don't want to change?

Why the hell do you think I'm here?

I don't know. Why are you here?

I told you, I want advice.

No, no, people do not need the protection of the confessional to get advice.

I did that to protect you.

No, you did that to protect you.

So you tell me right now, why are you here?

It's not that simple.

It is that simple.

I can't.

Why are you here?

Because I'm afraid!

[poignant music]

♪ ♪

What are you afraid of, Michael?

They left me all alone.

And now you've found someone who loves you... and if you stop being who you are, you're afraid she'll abandon you, too.

What am I gonna do, Father?

Come with me, Michael.

I want to show you something.

♪ ♪

Why'd you tell him?

He needed to know.

What he needed was for us to be a family.

Families aren't built on lies.

Well, now all we are is built on shit because nobody's happy about what you did except for you.

I didn't do this for me.

You couldn't stand that I was about to have them all to myself.

You think I did this to take something away from you?

You did take something away from me.

You don't get it.

You get to go back to law school, and you're gonna pass the bar, and you're gonna go live your big hotshot life, and I'm gonna be stuck here on my own.

You're not on your own.


I don't know if you noticed, but Mom just left and Dad's not coming out of his room, so who's here for me?


So two weeks later I got a place in the city, I moved out, and I never went back.

You left your brother and your father alone after all that?

I didn't want to.

Then why did you?

Because I couldn't take knowing that I was the one that tore everything to pieces.

And you think you'll be doing that again if you resign?

I will be doing that again if I resign.

Well, I think stepping down isn't tearing everything to pieces.

I think it's a chance to keep everything together.

She gave me my start.

Harvey, I once commented that Jessica sounds like a hell of a woman, and you said, "What does it matter?"

Well, you're the one who led me to believe she's a hell of a woman.

Maybe you did it for a reason.

What reason?

For me to suggest that maybe she'll understand that you leaving doesn't mean that you don't care about her.

It means that you do.

And what if that's not why I told you all this?

What if you're wrong?

Then I'll be wrong.

And you'll be able to handle that.

I spent a lot of time here.

You remember this place?

I remember everything.

I know you do, Michael.

I was always aware of what a special child you were.

Hasn't changed a bit.

Hasn't it?

What are you talking about?

Michael, I think you came to see me because when people are in crisis they're searching for something more, usually something they've lost.

I lost my parents, and I'm not getting them back.

No, Michael, you lost your faith.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪


The day after you left school she gave me the money back.

Her only request was that we use some of it to buy this bookcase to keep these books together.

They're my father's books.

And your mother's.

[melancholy music]

♪ ♪

I never knew why she did it.

And now I do.


Michael, if you're worried about Rachel leaving you, if you stop doing what you're doing, I don't think she will.

How do you know?

♪ ♪


'Cause I have faith.

♪ ♪

[door opens]

Can I help you?

I was just--

Where is he?

Where is who?


Please, it's an emergency.

Well, I'm sorry, he's not here, and I'm afraid I don't know where he went.

I'm sorry, I just--

Do you mind if I just sit here for a minute?

Of course.


You probably know more about what's going on that I do, don't you?

I'm sorry, I can't respond to that.

As long as I'm here... thank you.

For what?

A few weeks ago Harvey finally forgave me for going to Louis.

And I know he never would have done that if he hadn't come to see you.

I'm sorry, I can't respond to that either.

You just did.

And thank you again for what you're thinking.

And what is that?

That he never would have come to see you if it hadn't been for me.

You really can do that.

Yeah, I can.

In fact, I can tell you what you're thinking right now.

What is that?

You're thinking two things, actually.

One, this woman would make an excellent therapist.

And two...

Harvey has no idea what he's missing.

[poignant music]

♪ ♪

Well, it seems Harvey won't be joining us, so we may as well get started.

We're here because there's a concern that I no longer have the best interests of the firm at heart but am instead focused on the selfish interests of certain individuals.

For those of you who feel that way, there's not much I could do at this point to change your minds.

So...I'll say...

I hope it remains my pleasure to serve this firm.

I think it's time we vote.

Well, if you're not gonna say anything to change their mind, then I will.

You made it.

Wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Okay, fine, you're here, but there's nothing that says you can plead her case.

And there's nothing that says he can't, so why don't you sit your ass down?

Go ahead, then, get your speech over with so we can get to the vote.

No speech, just this.

A termination letter.

As of now, the company that's been targeting our clients is no longer represented by Daniel Hardman.

Bullshit. Go ahead, call him.

Of course, it might take a while since you've got to go through the prison switchboard to get ahold of him.

Yep, that's right.

That's the kind of man Jack Soloff and Daniel Hardman do business with, one who's already behind bars.

Look, let me be clear.

The attack on this firm was an attack on me.

Daniel blamed me for having to leave this firm, so he was trying to hit me where it hurt the most, namely this firm and my partners and my friends.

But that's over.

He has no more money, no more power, no more friends.

All of you, you're about to vote on whether Jessica should continue running this firm.

Now, I know some of you think that she's turned a blind eye to my behavior and--and the risks I've taken, but for you to remove her would be the greatest risk of all.

Because if there's one thing I know, it's that Jessica Pearson cares about this firm and everyone in it.

Because to her, we're not just colleagues or even friends, we're family.

[tense music]

Thank you, Harvey.

Let's vote.

Jessica, I don't think we're gonna be needing the ballots.

I think everybody knows where they stand.

All in favor of Jessica staying.

♪ ♪

Then I guess everyone here is happy keeping things the way they are, except for one.

♪ ♪

I'm glad you're here. I need to tell you something.

Whatever it is, it might not matter after I give you this.

What is it?

Harvey, you didn't just give me my dream.

You gave me a family.

But I'm gonna have a family of my own someday, and I can't have all of this hanging over their heads.

You're resigning.

I am.

You know, you once asked me why I hired you, and I told you it was because life is like this and I like this.

Harvey, please, you can't convince me--

Let me finish.

It was like this not because of the risk we're taking.

It's because of who you are.

So you're not disappointed?

Are you kidding me?

After that speech, if you hadn't done this, I'd be kicking you out.

And for the record, you're not the only one who got more family out of this deal.

[poignant music]

♪ ♪

You really are so beautiful.

No one's beautiful in fluorescent light.

You are.

So how did your mysterious adventure go?

Did you get what you needed?

I did.

What's this?

Early wedding present.

Oh, yeah?

Mike, this is--

A copy of my letter of resignation.

If this is about the thing with Claire or the fight that I got into with my mom--

It's not.

This is about us starting our life right, with a clean slate.

You don't have to do this for me.

I'm not.

I'm doing it for us.

Because as long as you're with me--

I'm with you.

Well then, let me go say good-bye to my office, and let's go home.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

You walked out before we got a chance to celebrate.

I'm sorry. It's just been a long day.

Harvey, how exactly did you get that termination letter from Forstman?

Let's talk about it in the morning.


I agreed to step down.

Absolutely not.

You are not going to step down.

It's done.

Nothing's done.

Jessica, please, you've given up everything for this firm.

It's time someone gave up something for you.

What if I don't want you to be the one to do that?

Then forgive me, because I am.

Good news is, Mike Ross is leaving.

I never thought I'd say this, but at this moment, that doesn't feel like good news.

♪ ♪

Michael James Ross.


You're under arrest for conspiracy to commit fraud.

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