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03x17 - The Visitors

Posted: 11/07/13 22:47
by bunniefuu
I've been living in a house with something there...


And I don't know what's coming next.

[Loud clattering, glass shattering]

This thing was evil.

This thing was out to do some damage to somebody.

Oh, my God.

See it?

Holy [Bleep]!


All I could think to myself was, we got it, guys.

What is that?

It may well be the best paranormal video I've ever seen.

[Static crackling, indistinct voices]

We can prove something's in Bill's house.

Something happened.


It was abject fear.

[Alarm trilling]


I've just always had a curiosity about things.

All my jobs as an adult have been technical.

Engineering on a nuclear submarine.

Aerospace program for 15 to 20 years.

As a pilot, and even as a robotics engineer for a few years.

Back in 2002, went through a divorce.

Felt like it was time for a change, so I moved a few hundred miles back to Texas.

Had family here. I thought that would be a good place to settle down.

We still on for golf this weekend?

Why, you think you actually stand a chance of finally beating your big brother for once?

Bill and I grew up in Southwest Missouri, a little town called Joplin.

And he was the big brother.

I may be bad, but you're not that good.

With the new home, getting settled in, having my brother close by...

I finally felt like I was home again and getting a new start.

So, Bill, I have to go explain to my next client why they don't need a reverse osmosis system.

Bill and I end up working at the same water treatment system in home sales.

Which required us to go in and demonstrate the product...

To customers on how it cleaned their water.

Okay, that's all for today.

Hey, guys, guys!

I have one more appointment for you. Just came in.

Can you do it for me?


Okay, sure. I'll do it.


I'd only been on the job a couple of months...

And I got an appointment one Saturday afternoon to go to a home.

She's a real stickler for timekeeping.

She needs a demo at 5:00 P.M.

Don't be late.

I'm always on time for a sale.

I showed up at exactly the right time.

[Woman shrieks]

I thought I heard some screaming.

[Voices wailing]

The screaming became louder and louder.

[People yelling and moaning]

Well, I'm there to do a job.

So I knocked on the door.

[Door creaks]


[Speaking foreign language]

She was hovering over them, walking around, screaming these words.

Get out of these people!

Leave these people...


At that time, the weird factor got too high, and I left.

[Cell phone beeping]

[Line trilling]

I called the office...

Hey, it's me.

And I said, I don't know what's going on, but that woman's crazy.

And don't reschedule me for this, because I will not come back.

One last time, I have to see this ground...

Later that evening, I was relaxing, watching TV.

As if nothing had happened here...

There was nothing else in the house. I live alone.

Soon they will tear down the main house. Then nothing will be left.


Except what I remember.

I saw something, out of the corner of my eye. It moved.

All I saw was a dark shape.

I thought maybe a bird, a bat.

Something had gotten into the house, maybe through the fireplace.

I couldn't find anything.

But I couldn't get the feeling out of my mind that I saw something.

Later that evening, I went to bed.

[Footsteps pattering rapidly]


And all of a sudden, I felt something running across the end of my bed.

I thought, well, whatever it was must have gotten off the bed.

If there's some animal running around in my house, I got to find it.

Well, the bedroom door was closed, so I knew it had to be in there.

I looked through the clothes and the shoes, thinking maybe a rat.

There was nothing there.

I had just seen something fly off earlier...

And now I've got something right at the end of my bed.

And now I'm starting to wonder what's going on.

Later off, I drifted to sleep.

[Crickets chirping]

[Loud clattering]

I was woken by the bed shaking violently.

I was being taken from one side to the other, just tossed back and forth.



Dead silence. Nothing.

I thought maybe we was having a little earthquake or something.

But there was nothing there to indicate what caused that.


I tried to move the bed, and the bed's not gonna move.

I mean, it's huge. It's heavy.

Trying to find a logical explanation for what happened.

I couldn't find any.

For the rest of the evening, I sat trying to make sense out of what happened, then going back through my mind of what might have caused it.

We're not far from adjoining Army Air Base.

I thought maybe it was a sonic boom.

[Jet engine screeching]

There was drilling for gas wells in my neighborhood.

Maybe some drilling operation might have created some earthquake activity.

I was looking at every possible aspect of what it could be.

I was on the computer trying to figure out what was going on.

[Computer chirps]

And the Internet went dead.

What the hell's going on?

I tried to figure out how to get it back on.

[Computer chirps]

I could not get it to come back on.

[Phone beeping]

[Line trilling]

So I called the phone company technician.

[Line trilling]

Cisco Internet. How may I help you?

Yeah, hi there. I'm calling because my Internet has just gone down.

Very well Sir, let me take some details for security, and we'll fix that right away.


One moment, Sir.

Uh huh.

[Static hissing]

[Distorted voices growling]

A voice came in over the phone...

[Distorted voices growling]

Deep, rasping, breathy.

[Growling continues]

I couldn't understand or tell you what it was.

[Growling continues]

And it was so threatening-sounding.

[Indistinct growling and shouting]

[Phone beeps]

I hung up.

[Phone ringing]


Mr. Vaile?

He called me back because he had my phone number.

Did you hear what I heard?


And I said, have you ever heard that before?

He said, no.

And he said the phone line's either connected or not connected.

And if we can hear it, we should be able to hear each other.

So I cannot explain that.

[Phone beeps]

I literally couldn't sleep.

I heard a noise coming out from under the bed.

[Wet popping sound]


What felt like a hand grabbed my ankle.



I am not dreaming.

It's actually happening to me.

Later, I had just sat down to eat.

Turned the TV on.

Someone keeps calling with a message for my father.

She says that she's waiting at your house.

Mm, too bad.

It's about the only place to see around here.

Oh, I forgot.

[Glass shatters]

The bottle of water it came flying off like somebody had thrown it at me full-force.

And the lights went out.

So I went into the closet to find a flashlight.


This box lifted...

Off of the shelf...

And slammed back down on the shelf right in front of my face.

I had no answers for how that could happen.

And now I don't know what to think.

I called my brother and told him about what was going on, and he came over.

Come on.

My initial reaction to Bill's stories about the closet and the bed shaking were...

Maybe he's dreaming.

Just get in there and tell me what happens.

So I decided to walk into the closet.

Okay, now turn off the light, Bob.

It's pitch-dark. You can't see your hand in front of your face.

So I'm kind of reaching out with my hands.

Something fell against my leg.


And suddenly it feels like something hits me in the face.

Well, what happened?

Part of our family makeup is that we're very calm people.

We don't get spooked real easily.

You need to tidy up that closet. That's what happened.

There was nothing that I saw that happened in that closet to warrant me run out, screaming like a little girl.

And say, Bill, your house is haunted, or, you've got something happening here.

It just wasn't enough.

[Soft sucking and growling noises]

I was now out of my element.

I needed help.

[Line ringing]

I contacted an old friend of mine... Michael.

Hey, Bill.

Oh, hey, Mike.

I would call him and update him on what was going on in the house.

How's it going out there in the wilderness?

I've been a sound engineer for about eight years.

I produce Internet radio and video broadcasts.

It's been better.

You don't say.

I've known Bill for several years. He's a very rational person.

If you want a straight story, you can go to Bill.

How's it with you?

Uh, I'm okay...

[Static hissing]

Bill? Bill, are you there?

It was like the phone line went dead.



I'm sitting there going, Bill, are you there, Bill, can you hear me?

[Static hissing]

[Distorted voice growling]

And then all of a sudden, we hear a third voice, something I've never heard before.

[Staticky voice speaking indistinctly]

My stomach turned.

[Staticky voice continues]

That same voice came back.

The voice that was immediately recognizable as threatening...

[Staticky voice speaking foreign language]

In a language I've never heard.

[Staticky voice continues]

It's something you think you would hear back maybe in biblical times.

[Staticky voice continues]

First thing I did, I said, I'm gonna fire up my equipment. I want to get this.

[Soft tapping]

[Staticky voice speaking indistinctly]

I can see the voice recording.

So I'm waiting. I'm listening. I'm watching.

I get probably about a minute or two worth of audio.

[Staticky voice speaking indistinctly]

I've got something captured on here.

This is gonna be great, because I've got this.

[Staticky voice speaking indistinctly]

The threatening nature of it...

You don't know what it's really doing or saying or trying to do.

Mike, can you hear me?

[Staticky voice speaking indistinctly]

Michael, hang up the phone. Don't listen to it.

And I said, get off the phone.

[Staticky voice speaking indistinctly]

[Voice fades]

It was over with, and Bill was back there...

On the line.


It's me. It's me.

I've been screaming for you to get off the phone.

I said, here's the great thing about it. I recorded it, Bill. I got it.

Hang on. I'm gonna play it back to you.

I hit play.

There's nothing. There is no audio.

Michael, hang up the phone! Don't listen to it!

What the...

Okay, this shouldn't be happening. Uh...

Now, this is physically impossible to happen.

I have recorded over 1,000 shows by then.

I know how the software works. I know what it does when it records.

This shouldn't have happened. This can't happen the way it happened.

Here, I'm gonna do it again. Hang on.

Ready? Here.

It was gone.

This is a dead file. There's nothing on it till you start talking.

It's impossible.

There's no explanation for that.

There's no reason in the world that shouldn't have played back.

I've been living in a house with...

Something there that can do whatever it damn well wants.

And I can't stop it.

And I don't know what's coming next.


Bill calls Cyndie and I over one evening to have dinner.

Bill's a very good cook.

If he ever invites you for steaks, take him up on it.


After dinner, we went into the den to watch a movie.

I think Bill invited us over so that he wouldn't be alone.

I think he was afraid, you know, maybe it was his imagination at times.

[Sirens wailing on television]

I saw a small figure.

What? What's happened?

My brother asked me, what happened?

Just come sit over here.

Bill's convinced me to sit down in his chair.

He was adamant that I keep my head looking at the TV.

[TV playing indistinctly]

[Footsteps pattering]

I saw these things.

You saw it, didn't you?

I don't want to believe this is happening.


What? What's happened?

You saw it, didn't you?

I saw something.

Then Bob got up, and he said, Cyndie, you come sit down.

Keep looking at the TV.

And he told me the same thing, just look at the TV...

But watch out of the corner of your eye.
[TV playing indistinctly]

[Footsteps pattering]

Oh, my gosh!

You see it?

I had never seen anything like that before.

What was that? What is it?

You saw it, didn't you?

Where did they come from?

Where do they go?

We couldn't find anything.

What did you guys see?

We all described it essentially the same.

I mean, describe it to me.

It just looked like a small human figure.

I saw these 18 to 24 inch things.

I could see its arms and legs. I could see its movements, and they were fast.

And we all three saw the same hunchbacked little things.

When I saw these things, I believed...

That they were the cause...

Of everything that happened to me up to that point.

Now, finally, somebody had witnessed something with me.

Now I had validation.

There's definitely something going on in this house.

It's scary. They're in your house, but you have no clue who they are, what they are, what they want, or why they're there.

Bill, why don't you come back with Cyndie and me, you can't stay here.

My brother offered to let me go home with him to sleep for the night.

And I almost accepted.

But I thought if I did, two things are gonna happen.

One is, I'm gonna let these things have the run of my house.

And the other thing is, if I leave, then I'm gonna show weakness, and I have to fight this.

All right, well, thanks for coming, guys.

Good night.

As I left, I hated the idea of leaving him alone in that house.

But that's who he is, and he's not gonna leave.

He's gonna take it on, and he's gonna fight it to the end.

That is the night that I decided...

That I was finally gonna have to look at the paranormal.

I spent all night on the computer.

I was looking for normal explanations as to why these things were happening, and after that night, normal didn't fit anymore.

Normal's out the door.

I didn't know where to go next.

I found a paranormal team of investigators...

That would actually come into your home and do an investigation.

Seemed to be very scientific, which I liked.

[Line trilling]


Hi there. Is this Brian Hall?

We hear people all the time saying they have paranormal activity in the house.

We'll find out exactly what's going on.

One of the things that impressed me about Brian and his team the most, was they didn't come in looking for ghosts.

Mr. Vaile.

They came in looking for answers.

I've seen them in here.

We would check to see if there was natural possibilities for things that he's saying is happening.

When's the last time you got your A.C. checked?

A couple of months ago.

I'm a facilities engineer.

I take care of big high-rises, things like that.

Cold spots... are they always in the same places?

Oh, no. They always move around.

I want to make sure that this is real.

It's happening. It's not air pressure.

It's not creaking of doors or, you know, loose boards in the floor.

If they say there's banging, we'll check, see if something's outside banging on the side of the house.

We would look for branches, wires hanging outside, animals.

[Indistinct conversation]

They went through and eliminated as much as they could.

We flooded the house with equipment.

We focused on Bill's bedroom, because that's where a lot of the activity was occurring.

I went and set up three infrared cameras.

Brian brought in the audio equipment.

Shaun, windows... secured?


Bill, air-conditioning's off?


All right, gentlemen, let's roll our gear.

We both set up laser grids in precise areas.

It's a device that emits laser beams all over the room.

That way, if anything moves, it'll break the beams.

You'll see the green dots move with the shape.

Tell me when.

We use that because maybe we won't be able to see it with just the naked eye.

We closed the door, isolated the bedroom.

So that whatever might be in there might show itself.




We need to stir things up, man.

After probably an hour or so, we decided to send Shaun, our investigator, into the room.

To do an E.V.P. Session and ask some questions.

They was looking for E.V.P.s, or Electronic Voice Phenomena.

Which is, they can ask a question and try to get recordings of something.

You in here?

Just gonna...

Take off my shoes.

Get a little more comfortable.


Shaun went into the room, laid down by himself with the door shut.

If you're in here...

[Wet squelching sounds]

Nothing was happening. I was about to get up and leave.

Oh, my God!


This laser just moved out of nowhere.


Something happened!


I was frightened.

It moved. I definitely got something.


Grab the cameras. Grab the cameras.

Come on!

What's going on?

I'm not sure. I...

This camera's dead.

This one's dead too.

The batteries were completely drained. Doesn't make any sense.

Okay, okay. I got some juice. I got some juice.

One camera actually filmed it.

We had no idea what we was gonna see.

And when we played that tape back, even the most experienced people there were shocked.



A mist started forming across the laser.

What the...

And it started almost swirling like in a vortex.

I was shocked.

I didn't see that. I had saw nothing.


Holy [Bleep], guys!

The laser beam actually moved.

What is that? Did you see that?

Out of nowhere, it just completely moved.

Just gonna rewind it one more time.


Holy [Bleep], guys!

There's sound.

Turn it up. Turn it up.

I was reviewing the audio...

[Speaker hissing]

It said put it back. He's coming.


Then there was the sound of the laser actually hitting the floor.

Holy [Bleep], guys!

All I could think to myself was, we got it, guys.

We can prove something is in Bill's house.

We probably played it six times because we couldn't believe what we were seeing.

I felt shock and disbelief but also excitement.

That we'd actually captured that on tape.

Holy [Bleep], guys!

At the end of the night, they pack up, and they leave.

Can't believe you're actually gonna stay.

Good luck, Bill.

My personality is, I address my problems.

If it's my fight, I'll fight it.

So I have to go in the bedroom and figure out how it is I'm gonna shut the lights off and go to sleep.

What happened next would change my life.

[Soft classical music on radio]

[Static crackling]

[Shouting indistinctly]

The lake is the second death!

[Loud banging]


[Loud banging]

Something slammed into the side of the house.

And it was so devastatingly loud.

I ran immediately outside.

[Crickets chirping]

I'm actually looking on the roof...

And checking the side of the wall for what surely must be damage.

After I'd searched the backyard and didn't find anything, I came back in the house.

[Loud clattering, glass shattering]

I hear this loud crash that sounds like it's coming from my dining room.

There's no damage.

[Banging and clattering]

There's another crash.

[Loud clattering, glass shattering]

The kitchen...


I check for damage. There's no damage.

And the second I get there...

[Alarm trilling]

My car alarm goes off.

I lost it.

You don't scare me!

Enough is enough.

You have run me around the last time.

And we're gonna have a final battle here.

Show yourself! I'll send you to hell!

Either I'm gonna send you to hell, or you're gonna send me to hell.

But it's over tonight.

[Yelling] Where are you?

[Loud banging]

My bedroom... there's a crash.

It was like hell...

[Loud crashing]

Crashing, howling...

And screaming.

[Distorted voices whispering]

[Loud crashing and banging]

It just went dead silent.

I remember thinking, it's unusually quiet.

[Wet squelching noise]

I heard a noise coming out from under the bed.

[Door creaks softly]

[Ominous snarling]

At the foot of my bed stood a 6-foot-tall creature.

That was completely black.

[Rasps ominously]

It was abject fear...

A fear like into your soul.


Is this the end?


It was gone.

I wondered why, at this particular time...

Did this dark, evil figure show up?

The conclusion that I've come to is that...

This dark figure was the main power over all the other entities in the house.

And they did that dark figure's bidding.

The end of the battle's close.

He's the General, and he's going to be present for the final battle.

I had to ask myself, why has it started happening to me?

And I started reading, and there were words like...

Leave these people in the name of Jesus Christ.

Leave these people in the name of Jesus Christ.

And it hit me that what I had apparently walked up on...

Was an exorcism.

[Speaking foreign language]

And seeing this woman...

And that look she gave me...

Get out of these people!

She planned that.

I have one more appointment for you. Just came in.

Okay, sure. I'll do it.

And she called to make the appointment.

To get somebody else there.

She's a real stickler for timekeeping.

She needs a demo at 5:00 P.M.

And she timed my arrival to the end of her exorcism.

In the name of Jesus Christ, get out!

Leave these people!



In the name of Jesus Christ, leave these people!


She slammed the door, and I walked away.

But I didn't leave alone.

It's the only thing that I can think of that caused it.

And I paid for that...

For years.

I'm still looking for answers.

My choices are actually pretty limited...

I can sell the house...

Or I can deal with it.

I am not gonna live with the burden...

That I sold that house to a family with kids.

Knowing full well what could happen to them.

[Wet squelching sound]