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03x15 - The Innocent

Posted: 09/27/13 04:51
by bunniefuu
It was really strange. There was a person staring at me.

I felt like someone was there.

[Loud pounding]

There was definitely the spirit of a little boy in our house.

I still didn't know how he died.

Children don't just die.

I felt my whole body move.

I wanted it to leave my children alone.

I needed to know more because somebody got away with m*rder.

[Distorted screeching]

I think it's, like, 25 bucks.

My fiance Kyle and I were moving in for the first time with each other.

The very day that we moved into our home was...

Really exciting for us.

We loved the home. It was cozy, and for being 135 years old, it was very nice.

We both were looking forward to getting married.

She's a little bit older than I am. She already had kids.

So it was a big step in our relationship to get married, you know, and to be together.


Noah, Josh, pizza's here.

Hey, guys. You hungry?

As the older son, I was very excited to see Kyle come into the picture.

Did you wash your hands?

I liked him from the start. He was a cool guy.



Makela, pizza's here.


It was beautiful, being able to be in a house and not have to worry about neighbors being a wall away.

It was a new life, pretty much, for me.

Your teacher will understand if you can get all your homework done tonight.

Get the new house.

I'm trying to make memories.

All the children were very excited about moving in and getting out of our small apartment.

I have a good feeling about this place.

A toast.

To a new family and a new house.

Happy days.

All: Happy days.

[Glasses clink]

After a couple of hours of unpacking, I decided to go have a cigarette.

[Faint thump]

I heard a noise.


And I heard another noise, which was much louder.

I was positive I heard it come from the basement door.

[Door creaks open]

There was nobody there.

Kyle was upstairs.

I knew nobody was down in the basement because we were just down there prior.

[Faint breathing]

[Raspy breathing]

I felt a strange feeling.

I could feel somebody behind me.

[Tense music]


I could feel, you know, breathing come down on me.


What's wrong?

I don't know.


We didn't know what it was, but it did sound like something fell and made a crash noise.

Okay, stay here.

[Suspenseful music]

There's nothing moving around down there.

No animals, no mice, no nothing.

There's nothing down there.

He didn't believe anything was there, and he didn't believe me.

There's nothing going on.

You sure?


I knew that somebody was standing real close behind me looking over, breathing on me.

[Chimes tinkling]

By this afternoon. Clear skies tonight with a low...

The next day at 6:30 in the morning, I went into the kitchen.

[Radio announcer speaking indistinctly]

Our loaf of bread was sitting on the middle of the kitchen floor.

There was something strange about where it was placed.

I knew it didn't just fall off of the counter.

Windy and cold this morning, warming up a bit this afternoon with a few sunny breaks and diminishing winds.

Today's high here is 33 degrees.

Clear tonight with the temperature dropping.

More cold, at 19.

Sunshine tomorrow and a high of 31.

With the wind out of the northwest...

Why is the loaf of bread on the floor again?


Did you do this?

Now, it didn't really mean nothing to me at least.

It wasn't a big deal.

Manson skateboarded across Canada in 11 months, raising over $14 million to fight heart disease.

He covered over 5,000 miles, averaging about 100 miles per day.

I was really starting to wonder what was going on.

There was no explanation for it to be on the floor.

I knew something wasn't right.

That afternoon, it was me alone in the house.

I decided I was gonna take a shower.

[Water running]

[Shower spurting sporadically]

[Door creaking open]

[Eerie music]

[Distant screeching]

It sounded like a little boy crying.

It sounded more or less like a four-or five-year-old.

I expected to see somebody in that hallway.

Seeing nobody out there, I was... I was, you know...

What's going on here?

Is anybody there?

[Child whimpering]

I called out.


[Phone beeps]


I got a phone call from my son, Josh and he asked me...

Is Noah home?

No, he's at his Dad's.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure. Why?

I was in the shower and...

I heard a child.

I said, there's nobody there. It's just you.

And he said, no, mom. I hard a child on the steps.

You okay?

Yeah, I think I'm gonna be all right. Bye.

I am positive it wasn't my imagination.

Okay, bye.

It was very distinctive.

I mean, that's how I, that's how I could tell, it seemed like a very young child.

This was the first time somebody else in the house had told me about something strange happening.

I wasn't the only one experiencing something.

My parents kind of just told us what rooms everyone was gonna have, which I was fine, because the room that I had was the one that I wanted.

It was quiet.

And I was home alone, and...

[Knocking at door]


I heard a knock on my door.

It was very soft-sounding.

[Door creaks open]

And it was nothing.

[Loud pounding]

[Breathing heavily]

[Tense music]

I was very scared to open the door.


[Door creaking]

[Loud pounding]


I was positive that someone was at my door.

There was no doubt about it.


[Distorted squeaking]

I just looked at the window.

It was a very clear...

Very small...


Hey, what's wrong?

When we came home, she was very upset about something.

We took my little brother Noah upstairs with us to test it out and see if it was him.

Come here, Bud.

I want you to put your hand up on the window for me, okay?

His handprint was way too big to be the one that was on the window.

I don't understand where this handprint came from.

I knew there was something going on.

[Chimes tinkling]

One afternoon...

I noticed that there was a vehicle parked across the street from our house.

The person was staring at me.

I was starting to feel very worried for my kids.

I was the only one home.

I decided to lay on the couch just to close my eyes and have a peaceful moment.

[Deep eerie music]

I felt fingertips touch me.


[Light footsteps]

I could hear walking around.

[Loud thud]

[Suspenseful music]

[Dramatic music]


Why was this little boy in our house?

This must have been the little boy that had put the handprint in the window.

[Child screaming]


Right then, I knew our house was haunted.

I knew for sure.

[Dog barking]

[Chimes tinkling]

It happened again.

This red truck was parked across the street from our house.

I was very worried.



It's that car again.

It was very strange because we live in a residential neighborhood.

People just do not sit out in their vehicle.

I'm going out there.

Be careful.

I knew something was up. I wasn't sure what.

I was wondering what they were there for.

So I started to approach the truck.

I knocked on the window.


I went to go see what was going on.

There's a woman in there all on her own.

Are you okay?


My name's Kari.

I lived in your house when I was a little girl.


She was crying trying to tell me her story about...

Her living in my house.

Would it be possible for me to come inside?

I couldn't believe this woman was showing up.

But there was a reason she was there...

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

And I wanted to find out why.

Everything was exactly the way I remembered it.

And, you know, my heart just kind of sunk.

It's okay. Come on through.

Don't be scared.

This is your home now.

You know, you're...

You're living in a house where my brother died 45 years ago.

I was shocked. My heart dropped.

His name was Kris.

He was a beautiful boy with gorgeous blond hair.

I still didn't know how he died.

I was just begging for an answer.

I just had to know.

And I thought maybe if I came out here, something would come to me, you know?

Some memory.

Kari was searching for answers.

I did not know how to go and tell her in a respectful way...

That I had been seeing her little brother in my house.

Back in 1967...

My parents were having a hard time with their relationship, and raising five kids, so...

We were placed in foster homes...

At their request.

My older sister and brother...

They went into one foster home, and me and Kris went into a different one.

Kris, it's okay. Everything's going to be fine.

I was really close to Kris while I was living here because...

Well, me and him were the only thing we knew.

My brother and I, we slept in the same bed.

And we were really close to each other.

I remember one day, Kris wasn't with me.

I went to look for him...

Can I look at the hallway?

Yeah, of course.

As I walked through the house...

I saw the spot...


Where I found Kris on the floor.

His eyes were open, and he wasn't moving.

I was saying, come on, Kris.

Wake up. Let's go play.

But I didn't know what happened to him.

I looked at him...

And I didn't know.


They told me it was all my fault.

It was just so sad...


Because she thought she was responsible for her brother's death.

There you go.

Thank you.

I wanted to tell Kari what I was experiencing.

And she said...

You would not believe some of the things...

That have happened in this house.

I've seen a little boy running through the hallway.

[Whispers] Oh, my God.

My son...

Heard a child upstairs.

And she said...

I think I may have seen your little brother.

Are you serious?

I was trying to look at her to see, is she telling me the truth?

I know I saw a little blond boy in the hallway.

I couldn't believe it.

And you think it's him.

My mind was just...

Blown away at the things that she was telling me.

It was just so bizarre how our stories were just so entwined, you know...

Without even knowing each other.

Why would he be here?

I couldn't put it together in my mind.

It was hard saying good-bye to Kari...

Seeing her leave so emotional.

It was really nice meeting you.

You too.

I wanted to know how he died and why he died.

Because children don't just die.

After being in the foster home, when I was 16, I had gotten into an argument with my mom.

In the heat of the moment, she said, you k*lled your brother.

Just like that.

And that was the end of the conversation.

And I was devastated.

Wondering if I was the cause of his death.

I needed to know more.

I thought, maybe I had something to do with it.

It said in the article that...

That he died from strenuous child's play.

And that just freaked me out, because I thought, oh, my God.

Maybe I hurt him somehow on accident.

I started looking at the autopsy reports and police report.

To try to piece it together.

And there were a lot of things that didn't connect.

The foster father told the police and the doctors that he found Kris upstairs in the bedrooms with us, and he wasn't breathing.

And I knew that was a lie because I remember where I found him.



I was on my own.

I was grabbing a bite to eat before I went upstairs.

[Eerie music]

[Faint breathing]

[Raspy breathing]

I stopped dead in my tracks.

There was a man.

A tall...

Slender old man.

He was gone.

I was scared.

I was petrified.

I had came home with Kyle.

Is that Josh? What's he doing out on the lawn?

I don't know.

Josh was very upset and shook up.

Josh, what happened, Sweetie?

What's going on?

There's somebody in the house.

He told me that there was a man, he said. He just disappeared.

What do you mean?

Okay, both of you stay here.

[Escalating tense music]

It's all clear.

There's nobody there.

This is the spirit of a man trying to touch my children.

It's not the little boy.

It's terrifying when you're not alone...

That you can feel that somebody is there with you.

I was totally coming to my wit's end.

I knew something had to be done.

So I had talked to Kyle about having a paranormal team come in.


When the team came to take a walk through the house, around 9:00 at night...

He heard it from upstairs, or he was upstairs when he heard it?

He was upstairs.

We showed them all the hot spots.


He had been standing right here and then I followed him into here...

And they set up all their equipment.

Jenny had to explain to us that, you know, the basement basically terrified her.

That room, it was a different atmosphere.

It felt very heavy. It felt dark.

[Equipment beeping]

No, I didn't want the paranormal team to come because I didn't believe in it.

So what do we do now?

Now we wait.


I'd heard footsteps like a boot.

They were very loud.


What we saw blocked out that camera.

The shape of a man.


I saw this black mass...

Did you see that?

Run out of the basement.

Play back the tape.

It was just there. There's no visual of it.

I just saw it.

I was convinced that I had seen the silhouette of a man.

I was shocked it didn't record it.

It was gone.

I have audio. Flick the speaker on.

Play it back.

[Hollow static]

[Distorted voice]

Play it half speed.

[Distorted voice]

I hear something.

Play it slower, one more time.

[Distorted] m*rder.

I heard m*rder.

m*rder was pretty clear to me.

The voice sounded like a man whispering.

I had to have them replay it over and over, because I could not believe what I was hearing.

[Distorted] m*rder.

That really freaked me out.

[Distorted] m*rder.

Was there a m*rder in this basement?

What may have happened to this little boy, and was there foul play?


I went over to Tim's.

And he played the recordings for me.

Are you ready?


The recordings were faint.

You had to really listen.

[Distorted] My name...

Is Kris.

I couldn't believe it. I just wanted to cry.

My heart just stopped, and I was like, this is unbelievable that this is happening.

[Cries] Oh, Kris.

[Distorted] My name is Kris.

It was hard, you know?

I felt pain for Kari.

It's like I could feel the pain.

I felt bad for her.

[Distorted] m*rder.

The man says, "m*rder".

To me, that was my answer.

That was my answer straight.

And here he had it...

On tape.

[Clock ticking]

It was late at night.

I was laying in bed.

Everything was quiet.

[Light buzzing]

[Tense music]

I felt my whole body started to move.

It was something around my ankle.

[Metallic creaking]

The hell was that?

It sounded like metal or machinery grinding.

[Clattering and crashing]

As I looked up, I see the tall, slender man.


I was petrified.



What's going on?

What's up?

Hey, what's going on, buddy?

What's wrong? What happened?


Both of you stay here.

[Stairs creaking]

I went down to the basement.

I walked down the stairs, turned the light on...

The washer, it got picked up and turned.

You know, I was pretty shocked because, you know, there's nothing down there to move it.

Jenny was right all along.

There was something paranormal going on in the house.

If this man can take a washer and push it across a basement floor...

Or he can physically touch my children, what else can he do?

I asked to have the case reopened.

I believe that he was m*rder*d.

When I read the results from the new autopsy report...

I couldn't believe it.


[Knock on door]

Come in.

Have a seat.

Thank you.

It was always a thought that maybe I had something to do with it.

I got this this morning.

I had waited so long...

To find out the truth about how my brother died.

It was 45 years.


It proved that he didn't just die from rough child's play.


It proved that I was innocent, that I didn't have anything to do with it.

Let's go play.

If I didn't have anything to do with it, well, then somebody got away with m*rder.

Kris' injuries were not caused by a child.

They were caused by an adult.

He was being abused by the foster father.

He was m*rder*d.

Probable homicide.

I didn't do it.

Just knowing what that little boy went through...

It's really hard.

And knowing that he was in my home for 45 years...

Being tormented by that man...

Is even harder.