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02x10 - The Cabin/Ghost in the Darkness

Posted: 10/12/12 22:21
by bunniefuu
[Creature howling]

Whatever jumped off the back of my house, landed 20 feet out in the middle of my yard.

Nothing can do that.

There was definitely something inside that house.


I know I'm not going nuts, but I'm seeing something, and what I'm seeing is there, but...

It's not.

Something was out there, stalking me.

[Dramatic music]

[Haunting music]

[Loons calling]

[Dog barking]

Diane and I were childhood sweethearts.

We grew up out in London, Ohio.

It's, like, a small rural town.

We'd been married for about six years.

We had a four-year-old daughter called Raven.

For us, it was just a normal life.

I found this little house with the woods in the back, and I was so excited about it.

During the day, I worked as a welder in a shop, and in the evening hours, I went to night school to study for an apprentice program.

About 12 hours of the day, she was alone there by herself.

[Distant rustling]

I started to hear things outside...

Little scampering noises.

I would look out to see if I could see anything, and I didn't see anything there.

I thought, well, maybe it's a dog, or maybe it's a deer.

I'm not a nervy person.

I lived out in the country all my life.

[Gravel crunching]

This is not right.

[Muffled thump]

And I see eyes.

I was like, okay, so there's a dog loose out there.

I no longer thought it was a dog, because the eyes I was seeing were at eye level.


Something was out there, stalking me.


When I came home, she was animated, very upset.

I told Keith, something's out there watching us.

I'm scared.

I took a flashlight out and shined around.

Looked for tracks or any sign that anyone could have been around.

And being satisfied that I saw no evidence of that, I tried to reassure her.

He did not believe me.

You calling me a liar?

And, of course, she became defensive of that.

Because I saw it!

I attributed it to a reflection...

Or maybe just her nerves.

But there's no way it could have been anything.

[Whispers] Good night.

Sweet dreams.

And I see 'em close. I mean, they're close to the window.

And I backed into the living room, thinking, well, you know, okay, I'm out of that window's sight.

But then it came to that window also.

And I'm thinking, well, what if I turn out the lights?

If I turn out all the lights...

Then they can't see me, but maybe I can see them.

I flipped the switch, and the living room light went out.

I was evening the score.

I was feeling scared.

I flipped the switch for the dining room.

It was someone standing there.

I was very frightened.

I thought this person could come into my home and hurt me or hurt my daughter, maybe even k*ll us.

[Touch-tones beeping]

[Line rings]

I dial the police, and I tell them...

Yes, there's someone outside my house.

I need somebody to come out.


[Gravel crunching]

It moved.

It moved from the dining room closer to the back of the house.

When are the police gonna come? They're taking forever.

I'm scared.

Someone's out there.

[Loud banging]

[Knock at door]


So then the police come.

They said, we're gonna go look around back.

Ms. Williams, you need to calm down.

I could see the police officers outside, walking around with flashlights.

But they don't see anything.

And then Keith pulls in.

They said, maybe we have a nervous wife here.

And that was my thought as well.

There's something out there, and I know there is.

He was very upset with me.

I'm sorry for this.

What do you do?

I was trying to ease her mind.

I wanted her to be happy.

But with no way to prove whether or not anyone was there, what do you do?

No. You know what? No. Just don't!

And I kept telling him and telling him, and he just acted like, it'll be all right.

You know, we just... You wanted to move here.

We moved here. We're not going to move again.

There's nothing out there! You're imagining it!

I'm not imagining it! Look, you're not here.

I'm the one who's here. You're not here.

It was just before the holiday season, late November, early December.

It had snowed for the first time.

I got up before everyone else, and it was before daylight.

And I decided, well, maybe I'll go get some doughnuts for everyone.

As I started the car...

[Engine turning over]

I was rubbing my eyes, little run-down from the week.

I'm looking in the rear view mirror, and I rub my eyes again.

And I turn on the lights.

This all happened in a matter of seconds, bang, bang, bang.

And I was looking around.

Did I see something, or did I not?

Here I am in the same position that my wife had been earlier.

I thought, you're seeing things.

I just stopped, froze.

There were tracks going over the roof, and at that point, I knew.

Yes, there was something there.

I called Dennis.

Dennis was an old friend of mine I grew up with, and we'd hunted together many times.

And I got a thirty-thirty r*fle.

He says, what are you doing with that?

You know you can't sh**t that around here.

I may have to.

He said, why?

He said, what the hell is that?

Whatever jumped off the back of my house landed 20 feet out in the middle of my yard.

Nothing can do that.

We both stood there with our mouths wide open.


We could tell whatever we were looking at wasn't human.

The tracks were about 14 inches long.

It's huge.

And it had, like, a claw mark at the end.

What do you want to do?

I said, let's go.

For someone who's always been in the woods and saw the woods as my friend, suddenly these woods became a threat to me.

Having tracked all of the animals that had ever lived in that area, I knew for sure I had never seen these kind of tracks before.

We were looking at something here walking on two feet.

The tracks were obvious with us.

It's thick brush.

And there's trees, sure, but there's thick brush.

You can't see more than three or four feet ahead of you, and this was a concern for us.

We could hear each other going through the brush, but how do we know who that is?

It could be me. It could be him.

Or it could be something else.

It's me!

And when we would stop, we would stop to listen.

It's very important to listen.

[Birds chirping]

We couldn't hear anything other than chirping birds, little rustle of leaves through the wind.

There wasn't anything that was unnatural.

We followed the tracks.

And this went on all through the morning, some two miles.

The anticipation grows, and you have a tendency to go faster, because you want to see what's there.

It's like the breath of the hunt... You can feel it.

It's pumping. It's there.

[Twig snaps]

My heart's pounding like this, pow, pow, pow.

There was a sense of fear but mainly a sense of anticipation of the finality of the event, the encounter.

What are we going to see?

Some creatures are smart. They know you're tracking them.

And what they will do, they'll lead you out so far, and they'll double back, and they end up behind you.

While you're following them, they're following you.

[Bird cawing]

[Twig snaps]

[Wings flutter]

[Rapid fluttering]

[Branches snapping]

We came out into a clearing.

And as we did, we stopped, both of us.

We could plainly see from our vantage point at the edge of the woods.

The cabin was about 15, 18 feet wide by about 20 feet, very small dwelling.

We could still see the tracks.

And the tracks led...

Straight to the back door.

The door was shut.

We were dumbfounded.

Animals don't open and shut doors on their own.

Whatever was in the woods with us was now in that house.


Come on out.

Dennis started to beat on the side of the house.

Hello! [Pounding]

Come out. We know you're in there.

Come on. Come out!

My fear was, we got g*ns.

We're at this house. We can't do this.

Finally after a few choice words, he agrees to walk away.

We walk out to the road.

I didn't want to walk down the road with the g*ns, so I gave my dad a call to come pick us up.

What are you guys doing with the g*ns?

And I told him what had happened.

And he paused a moment, and he said...

I think I know who lives up there.

I think it's the old guy, he works down at the tire store.

He's lived there for decades.

No one knows anything about him.

I thought, well, that's odd.

There was this old guy that lived there, yet there was something that wasn't human that I tracked to his back door.

And I couldn't make those two pieces fit.

[Horn honks]

The next week, Dennis showed up, and he's got an old tire.

He said, we're gonna get a look at this guy.

Hello, boys.

The manager came out and said, can I help you?

I said, yeah, we'd like to get the tire fixed.

He just rolled the tire through.

George! Tire!

So at that point, we knew his name.

We couldn't wait for the guy to come out and look at the tire to get a view of who he was.

It was shadowy.

He come out of those shadows, and he was lanky, you know?

He was about 6'5...

Very rangy, very long arms.

As soon as he grabbed the tire, he looked right at us.

We had this...

Immediate connection.

At that moment, we knew, this is the guy.

It's him.

But one of the most amazing things was his eyes.

They were a very vivid gold.

And they were intense.

Wham! He had a hold of you.

It was almost like a trance like thing. For a split second, you're like...

He knew that we were the ones who tracked him.

We're trying to see him, but he's back in the shadows.

Okay, boys, that'll be $10.

Oh, thank you.

No problem.

We heard the tire pop.

[Loud pop]

Everything got quiet.

He's not gonna let us look at him again.

It's like you've tracked an animal, he's there, but he's gonna avoid you at all costs.

The manager rolled the tire out.

There we go, boys. Good as new.


Thank you.

And he put it in the truck for us.

See you again soon.

We looked down, and we saw...

Look at this.

There were markings in chalk around the side of the tire.

There was a series of symbols that was nothing familiar to us.

It was like he was trying to tell us something, but we... Of course, we didn't know what.

The mystery was deepening ever more, because we had made contact with the guy.

He knew us. We knew him.

Now what do we do?

If I called the police...

There was no proof of anything except that I, had chosen to track somebody to their house with a g*n.

Which wouldn't make me look particularly good.

I hesitated about telling my wife about this whole thing.

I thought, my God, if I tell her this, I'm gonna have to move right away.

And I didn't really have the financial resources.

I was trying to keep her safe, so I told her I said, you know...

It might be a good idea when I'm not here, maybe call your sister over.

He was clearly getting worried that...

Now he thought someone was out there.

I was fearful of my life. I was fearful for Raven.

I was scared for Keith also.

Even though he's a big man, I was scared.

It became an issue of functioning.

Could I feel safe in leaving my family there knowing what I knew at that point?

My friend Dennis called me, and he said, hey, we're going for a ride.

We pulled up in the lane where old George's cabin was.

I know where you're going.

I said, we're not doing this.

He said, no. He said, he died.

George died.

Are you sure?

Yeah, my dad heard it on the police scanner.

There was a deputy Sheriff's car there, and it was a guy we knew.

How you doing, man?

Good, how are you?

So, uh, what's going on down there?

He said, you guys got to see this.

We couldn't wait to get in there, because we had obviously, for a while, wanted to see who or what was in there.

We looked around.

There was no personal items. There was no food.

There was no clothes, nothing.

This place told us nothing about whoever lived there.

It was a disappointment yet a source of curiosity.

But then the deputy said, look, you got to see this.

Have a look at this.

There was an immediate pungent smell that hit us in the face.

It smelled like wet dogs.

It's unmistakable.

It was a little bit dark, so my eyes had to adjust to the light.

The walls were completely covered with plate steel...

Held together by metal strips with rivets through it.

The Sheriff's deputy pointed and said, look at this.

A ten-foot strand of chain...

For whatever reason. There was something restrained back here.

But who was here?

What was here?

But then the deputy shined a light on, and everywhere, on the walls...

There were scratches.

Some had rusted over.

Others looked fresher.

But you could tell they had been made at different eras.

As we stood there, all of us. Nobody's saying nothing.

The cop was looking at us, we were looking at each other.

And everybody knew that one word that was in that room.

I didn't want to say that word.

But all of us were thinking it.


Could it be? But that's impossible.

My family has lived in this area for a couple centuries.

My son Dave and his wife, Kim, after they'd been married for a while, they decided to move back to Raleigh.

It was a great time.

We were always busy, always something going on.

We had adopted a new son, Jackson.

He was two and a half years old.

And now having a young child around this house, was really an exciting and wonderful time.

It's really great having your grandchildren grow up around you.

And it was really a happy time.

In the backyard is an old house.

My Aunt lived there until recently.

It was the first time it's been empty since it was built 200 years ago.

I decided one day that I was gonna go and clean some things, move some things around.

Do a little tidying up.

It was just dark, and it seemed like a completely different place.

It was, uh, just a different atmosphere altogether.

Went to the kitchen and started first.

Had to move some things around.

I took my sister's cane, set it over in the corner.

[Loud clatter]

I heard the sound of the cane hitting the floor.

And I couldn't understand why.

So I moved it over to another corner.

[Cane clatters]

There was another, more violent sound.

And it was almost to the center of the room...

Like it had been thrown there.

Later that week, I was doing some work in my workshop.

I was putting a magnet on the mailbox lid.

I finished part of it, and I had to leave it kind of unfinished for the next weekend when I had more time.

When I went back, I noticed that the magnet was missing.

The workshop was locked.

There's no way anyone could just, you know, go over there and open up.

Later that week...

I was out in the yard cutting grass.

[Lawn mower humming]

[Lawn mower grinding]

I bent down, and I stared.

And there, laying in the grass...

Was the little magnet.

I didn't understand how it got there.

My son Dave asked me to come back out in the yard.

Look, over there.

It was a procession of different things...

Different items out of the garage in the yard.

Always between the old farmhouse in the back and my house.

Could be a trophy.

I thought that it might have been somebody playing a prank or something.

I was scared to the point I wanted to find out what it was and who was doing it.

It was Saturday.

We were out on the front porch doing some planting.

[Music blaring]

The stereo come on.

It starts playing by itself. I mean, nobody was in there to turn it on.

Kim and I looked at each other, you know, like, what in the world is that?

Stay there.

Stay there.

Made sure the doors on the back of the house were still locked, and they were.

[Music blaring]

It was very loud.

[Music stops]

[Tv blaring]

The television set came on.

[Indistinct speech over tv]

You're missing the point, Michael. The snake is welcome here.

Isn't she a cutie, huh?

Crawled into my sleeping bag one night in the Amazon.

I could come up with no explanation for it.

[Indistinct speech over tv]

What caused it to turn on?

It was frightening.

Now something like that was going on inside of the house.

Something could potentially happen to my family.

I was downstairs.

[Wood creaking]

And I heard what I thought was somebody upstairs in the house.

[Electronic chime]

I got up out of my chair.

I walked out into the foyer...

To the front door of the house.

Looking through the pickets was a little redheaded girl.

She was just looking at me.

I go upstairs.

I couldn't see her.

There was nobody there.

It was like she faded away.

After that, I sat in Jackson's room.

I was worried about him and his family, their safety.

There was definitely something inside that house.

It was late afternoon.

[Thunder booming]

I started hearing thunder.

I could tell a storm was coming our way.

So I got up to look out of the door to see the storm.

And I saw a girl standing there staring at me.



I didn't get any response.






She disappeared around the corner of the old farmhouse.

I know I'm not going nuts, I'm not crazy.

But I'm seeing something, and what I'm seeing is there...


It's not.

The little girl seemed to be coming from out of the old farmhouse.

I do not venture back there very often.

But I went back.

I was trying to find out who she was.

[Fly buzzing]

I found a picture on the wall of my grandfather's sisters.

Lula and Petronia.


Born in 1877 at the old farmhouse.

And she died at the old farmhouse in 1920.

And she had red hair.

She had a very difficult life.

By the time she was a teenager, she was almost totally blind.

We believe that she has re-manifested herself as a child.

Because it was the happiest time of her life.

She could see. She could run and play.

She was just a normal, you know, child.

[Echoing laughter]

It was a relief, somewhat, finding out that the little redheaded child was my Aunt Petronia.

It's sort of almost a happy thing, actually, that she would want to live there and that she's happy there.