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02x02 - Brooklyn Haunting

Posted: 08/16/12 20:03
by bunniefuu
There was something about those doors that I did not like.

[Eerie shrieking wind]

I was conscious of this feeling of being watched.

[Door unlatches]

Who's there?

I remember feeling kind of sick.. Sick with, like, a fear.

Mom, is that you?

I started to say to myself, there might be something otherworldly going on in my own home.



It sounded like it was moving across the ceiling.

It's back.

There was, like, this angry woman just pushing in on me.


You're not leaving, right?


We were absolutely terrified.


What in the world was that?

[Breathing heavily]

[Metallic rumbling]

We looked for quite a while for some sort of house that would fit our budget.

We had two daughters, so it was about time for us to expand.

We were thinking, this has to be the one.

This is our last resort. This is the one that we can make our own.

It doesn't matter what the inside is like.

We're gonna.. We're gonna do this.

We were exceedingly happy moving in here.

It was just wonderful, because we got to leave our little apartment and the kids had their own rooms.

So it was with a lot of hope that we moved in here.

What do I tell my sister?

She's already put a down payment on the house.

She's really excited.

The price is right.

There's room enough for her family.

But I felt something odd or disturbing in that house.

[Breathing heavily]

So I had a hard time saying, you know, I wouldn't if I were you.

But that.. That was my intense feeling about it, that I wouldn't if I were you.

[Haunting music]



Girls, do you really have to do that in here?

Please, take it upstairs, okay?

When we first got there, Karen and Christine were just absolutely overjoyed.

Seriously, girls!

They were running around chasing each other.

They were going up and down the stairs.

And it was just a very happy time.

My daughters were ecstatic to be there.

In the basement, we had Karen's room.

Hi, honey.

Hi, Mom.

Don't forget, Joanna's coming to pick you up at 4:00 for rehearsal.

I know. Don't worry.

And my husband and I decided to put our washer and dryer down there.


And as I'm doing the laundry, I really started paying attention to these doors.

They were about five feet above the ground.

And I wondered why they were in such an odd position on the wall.

I knew that part of the..

Unfinished, undug-up basement was behind them.

But I did not want to explore them.

I didn't open them..


It just seemed like a strange area to me.

Like, what were the doors for?

I mean, you know, you're not going in there.

The feeling near those doors and around those doors was uneasy.

I was conscious of this feeling of being watched.

It was if something was right by my back..

Just right by my back.

[Haunting music]

[Hangers rattling]

The basement was a creepy place to be.

Are you ready?

Uh, yeah.

It was kind of uneasy. I remember not wanting to be there alone.

You have to go open those doors.

The dirt room was at the far wall of the laundry room.

Go on.

And I remember my Mother telling us not to go into the dirt room.

Just go.

It was a completely unsafe room. Nobody really knew why it was there.

But I remember my Mom telling me distinctly to not go in.

And I remember completely ignoring her.

See? Those are the doors I told you about.

I dare you to go in.

No. You go in.

I'm not going. I dared you first.

You have to do it.

Go in.

Just go!

It's no big deal.

It was very dark, and it felt very peculiar.

It.. You know, it felt wrong, and we just..

We kind of spooked ourselves out.

You're not leaving, right?

No. I'm right here.



We would jump onto the cupboard.

And then you had to crawl inside.

It wasn't a large room, so you could not stand.

You could only crawl.

It was a soil floor.

There was nothing in that room but dirt.

It smelled earthy.

It was a little decay smell.

It was damp.

It smelled old.

I was too nervous to go all the way into the dirt room.

I never made it to the back wall.


Mom, Mom, come here!

I was in my kitchen, and the children were just playing.

They were.. They were full of dirt.

And then they told me that they had been exploring.

I told you I didn't want you playing in there.

I was very upset. I did not want them in there.

How many times do I have to tell you?

There was something about those doors that I did not like.

I didn't want to be near them. I didn't want my children near them.

It felt like those doors were supposed to be shut.

I said, close the doors, and don't go in there again.

Get upstairs, both of you. Let's go.

I think she thought opening the dirt room might somehow be inviting something.

[Suspenseful music]

It was an amazing house.

It was old, and it was charming, and it had so many good things about it that the last thing I wanted to think was that there was anything..

Untoward or negative in this house.

[Loud thumping]

I was in the kitchen.

I'm the only one in the house.

And I heard footsteps going down.. Down the stairs.


I had left the kitchen, and I went around to look.


[Creaking continues]

There's no one there. I'm saying, okay, I heard footsteps.

[Door creaking]


Who's there?

[Suspenseful music]

When I heard the steps going down the basement, I left the kitchen, and I went to look.

And there was just absolutely nothing there.

Nothing. And I heard them distinctly.

Maybe seven or eight steps going down the stairs, and there was nothing..

Absolutely nothing there.

It feels like when I was in..

When I was in the house alone, I was never alone.

It felt like there was something else there, something else with me.

Something always right here.

Right behind me, looking.

It's.. It's really uncomfortable to experience that.

[Dog barking]

I remember being in my living room and just hearing..


[Clock ticking]


And I'd go, did you call me? And Christine said, no, you called me.

No, I didn't call you.


Can you hear that?

Out of nowhere, coming from what sounded like it came from the basement door.

I heard my name shouted.

Um, and then this kind of maniacal..

Laughter came after it.

[Eerie laughing]

I think it's coming from down there.

The laughter was very scary.

It's okay, Sweetie.

[Eerie laughing continues]

Me and my Mother instantly froze.

I asked her if she heard it. She asked me if I heard it.

I said, yes.


Don't go there.

Mommy, don't go.



Mommy, what is that?

I don't know, Sweetie.

It sounded evil.

Chris.. Christine.

It sounded scary.

It sounded mocking. It sounded um..


[Suspenseful music]



I remember my heart beating. I remember a sinking feeling in my stomach.

I remember feeling kind of sick..

Sick with, like, a fear.

And I was frozen, which was.. I was just frozen.

Christine. [Eerie laughing]

We had both heard my name. We both heard the laughter.

We were extremely frightened.

Who's there?

[Eerie laughing]

I think.. I don't know what I thought it was.

The house started becoming seriously uncomfortable.

Not all the time. For periods of time, it would become..

It started getting increasingly uncomfortable.

[Breathing heavily]

[Heavy breathing continues]

[Bed springs creak]

[Heavy breathing continues]

[Bed springs creak]

[Heavy breathing continues]

[Bed springs creak]

[Heavy breathing continues]


One night, I felt something push me.

A weight..

Pushed my chest, pushed my whole body into the bed.

And I remember feeling this sense of..



I could feel the springs in the bed go down so that I was actually being pushed like this.


I couldn't scream for help.

I absolutely was rendered..

Completely helpless.



[Breathing shallowly]

I had absolutely no idea what was happening.

What's going on?

I had a nightmare.

[Shuddering breaths]

Turn the light off.

[Shuddering and whimpering]

Now I started having suffocating dreams. I mean, I..

I really started to question if I was okay.

I would have some nights where they happened all night long.

And I would have to get up and just walk around the house.

And not know what to do, because if I lie down..

This was gonna happen to me again.

There were times when I had to go to work at 7:00 in the morning.

As an emergency room nurse. And I hadn't slept at all.

[Clock ticking]

And if someone said to me, what's wrong?

How could I possibly say to anyone at work..

You know, I think something is pushing me into the bed at night, and I can't see it.

She would never know when it would happen.

She certainly didn't know why it would happen.

It would just happen.

I can only imagine, you know, that that's a really awful feeling.

I know it affected her.


I didn't really understand why.. You know, why was I..

Experiencing something that would indicate..

Some sort of emotional issue on my part?

So I kept trying to understand what was wrong with me.

And I didn't have an answer.

[Haunting music]

[Breathing heavily]

[Blanket rustling]

I was in the kitchen, and I hear Karen saying very loudly..

Mom? Mom!


And as I open the door to her room, she's sitting in her bed.

And she's just going, ma..


And I'm looking..

Mom, look!

And I can see the quilt was being pulled off the bed.

Come here! You're all right. Come on.

I remember running down to the basement, and her blanket was laid out in a perfect square.

I stood in the door in disbelief.

You're all right?

I don't know. It just started moving.

I was like, what in the world was that?

It still is one of the strangest things I've ever witnessed in my life.

The basement of that house..

Started feeling more and more..


It was disconcerting to just go down there.

The feeling was that it was inhabited by something.

Many nights, I would find Karen sleeping on the couch in the living room.

I didn't what her.. I didn't want anyone down in that basement any more.

You okay, Sweetie?

Oh, yeah, I just didn't want to sleep downstairs any more.

That's okay.

The phenomena were kind of building up. And uh..

I think it got to the point where we couldn't ignore it.

And I think we were starting to pay more and more attention to..

To connecting the different phenomena that were occurring.

It became patently obvious that something that was beyond normal explanation was going on.

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

I started to say to myself, I have to open up my mind to think that there might be something..

Otherworldly going on in my own home.

And this was a really difficult thought for me.

Things were happening and increasing incrementally.



I was awakened by a loud bang.


So I go look. I'm looking around to see what fell.

Did anything fall?

Karen had also gotten up. So had Christine.

Mom? Is that you?

[Banging continues]


It sounded like someone went from the back of the house to the front of the house stomping.

No, it's not me.

[Banging continues]

And it went boom, boom, boom, and stopped.

Boom! Boom! Stop.


I remember being on the bed.

Very frightened.

It was scary for me to see my Mom so frightened.

Mommy, someone's upstairs.

It sounded like it was moving across the ceiling.

But no one's upstairs. We know no one is upstairs.

My husband had left for work. What was this?

It's okay.

There's someone there.

I'm gonna call your Father right now, okay?

We were absolutely, absolutely terrified.

We left the house and sat on the stoop.

My husband drove up.

What now?

I didn't want to call you, but there's something in the house making this really loud noise upstairs.

We tried to describe these bangs that we heard, and he said something like..

Something more like, more of this nonsense? And he was gonna leave.

And we said, no, no, no, really, you have to see.

It could be the plumbing.

All: It's not plumbing.

Let's go check it out.

There's nothing here, Elaine.


Okay? You know what this is? This is ridiculous.


This is nonsense.

This is more of your nonsense.

Girls, look after your Mother.

Seriously, something..

And as we came down, and he was about to go to work..

I checked everywhere, Elaine.

It happened again. Boom, boom, boom!

He heard it, and he said..

I got to go to work. [Sighs]

Really nice.

I think her husband dismissed things because he didn't see them.

And I feel he is just the kind of person, that doesn't notice those kinds of things.

To see it would mean that we were right and he was wrong.

I.. You know, I don't know.

But he.. He just couldn't.. He couldn't or wouldn't..

See it.

At a certain point, the marriage did..

You know, did dissolve.

[Breathing heavily]

My husband still refused to, see that this was maybe more than meets the eye, that it..

To let room in that this could be something..

Um, of an unknown origin.


I changed things around, repainted.

Watch out, Mom.

And I just noticed without those arguments, without the negativity, it seemed like the place was full of light again.

[Humming continues]

Things felt completely settled, completely normal.

My sister was in the process of moving into the attic.

And we were cleaning out the back room.

Have you ever been in there?

Um, no, I don't think we're supposed to go in there.

There was a door in the wall.

And you could kind of walk into the other room kind of behind the wall.

[Haunting music]

It kind of felt like a cubby hole or, like, under the stairs.

Something very small and enclosed.

Hey, there's a bunch of cool stuff in here.

Oh, really?

Yeah, I think I found something.

Why? What's there?

What is that?

And all the way buried in the back..

I think it's a package.

We came across this kind of older, looking cardboard box that was taped shut.

Come look what we found!

Mom, come here!

And we opened it up.

Look what we found!

What do you have there?

Open it.

And when they brought it downstairs, it was wrapped in newspaper.

Dated from the 1950s.. It was 1952.

What's in here?

And I take out a little wedding dress.

It was for someone quite short.

And very, very thin.

Isn't it beautiful?

The waist was really, really small.

Why would someone take a wedding dress, roll it up in newspaper, and stick it behind a wall?

So to me, that seemed like..

A negative. That seemed not a good thing.

Where did you get this?

The attic.

I want you to leave the stuff in the attic alone.

She just wanted nothing to do with it.

She wanted to get rid of it.

She threw it away.

About a year after I was divorced, I met a very nice man named Matthew.

We were dating a very short time when one night, Karen, Christine, and I..

We were just enjoying an evening.

And it just started.

[Eerie hissing]


[Eerie hissing]

It's like the house just started to shudder.

Mom, what is that?


It's probably just something outside.

[Eerie whispering]

The noises came.


[Eerie whooshing]

The feeling of being watched was there.

[Eerie laughing]

Mom. Mom, it's back.

The sense of dread, the sense that..

That.. That something bad was gonna happen.

[Eerie laughing grows louder]

[Echoing] Christine. Christine.

[Whispers] Stay there.

[Eerie laughter]


Mom, don't go there.

Mom, be careful.

It's as if the house became more alive.

[Echoing] Christine.

Mommy, don't go there!

[Eerie hissing]

And I'm like, oh, God, okay.

I'm gonna call Matthew.

Could you.. Would you mind coming over?

Okay. Thanks.

She talked about her and girls were there by themselves, and she was..

Yeah, I was very concerned, so I rushed on over.

Hi. Thanks so much for coming.

Sure, sure. What's going on?

I'm sorry, I didn't want to call you so late.

Then that's when they told me..

Really why they called me.

She was a little apprehensive in telling me the truth.

This is gonna sound really weird.



I don't want you to think I'm crazy, but..

And I just blurted everything out about the house.

And I said, really?

I said, are you kidding me?

I thought he was gonna get up and walk.

Are you serious?



But he.. He didn't do that.


I'm gonna head up now.



Good night.

As I started to watch TV, I started to doze off.

I went into this very vivid dream.

I'm trying to open the door..

Of the room that I'm in.

And I was having trouble opening the door.

It was very hard to move.

It's like I was in this half-sleep, half-awake state.

And I was trying to turn, and I realized I felt there was, like, this weight on me.

[Chair creaking]

It was kind of like a simultaneous thing that was happening between the dream and me physically moving.

And as I'm able to.. I finally open the door..

It was kind of a..

A flash of a picture.

And I saw a skeletal man.

Lying on a dirt floor.

I'll never forget the weight.

I'll never forget how I felt that I couldn't move.

It was quite shocking.

I wasn't happy that he had some sort of suffocating dream.

But again, it was another piece of validation.

[Door creaking]

I was in my bedroom when I heard something.

I came around the corner of the bend of the staircase.

And I saw my Mother.


I called out to her. I wanted her to turn around.

I didn't understand why she was sitting on the stairs.

Mom, is that you?

[Breathing heavily]


I started to realize it was not my Mother.


I was frozen. I was shocked.

Mom! Mom!

I realized what I had just seen was not a person.

It was not my Mother.

She was like, I can't believe I saw that. I cannot believe I saw that.

I saw it. I saw it. I saw it.

It's okay, Sweetie. It's okay.

I got very frightened that she'd actually seen something.

It did make me wonder at that point, you know, is something gonna get really ugly?



Okay, put that on top of it.

Halloween and Christmas in my house..

Was and still is huge.

Yeah, that's my favorite.

Halloween punch?

All of it mixed all together, right?

Hey! Here we go!

Anything in the kitchen.

Uh, yeah. Down the stairs.

Went into the punch, yeah.

The house was soon full of people.

And a friend of mine from work came in.

Hi, Lisa!

How are you?

Come on in. Would you like a drink?

And I offered her a drink.

Cheers. Have fun.

You know, I said, okay, have a really good time.

And I went over talking to some people, and I saw her talking to some people.

[People talking and laughing]

And then I noticed first that she went across the room.

And then she looked toward the stairs, and I just noticed her looking..

I.. I interpreted it as her looking ill.

And then suddenly, I see her just standing there staring..

Underneath the stairs.

So I went over to her, and I said, what's wrong?

Are you.. Is something wrong? Are you sick?

Are you okay, Lisa?

And she said, your house is haunted.

What do you mean?

That little lady, didn't you see her?


I said, what little lady? What are talking about?

And all I could think about was the little dress. The little dress.

The little dress. She said, she's very short, really thin.

Elaine, you need to do something about this.

She said, you know, you really should get your house cleaned.

So I said, what do you mean, cleaned?

And she said, get someone in here and get 'em out.

She said.. You can, you know, you can do that.

[Breathing heavily]

[Clock ticking]

After the party had died down and everyone had gone home, Karen and I decided that we were going to sleep in the same bed together.

[Suspenseful music]

[Breathing heavily]

[Suspenseful music]

I just remember waking.

And looking over at my sister, who was right next to me.

[Breathing heavily]

And I saw a..

Shadowy, long figure..

Kind of hovering over her.

It looked like a cloud, a dark cloud.

The middle of it was kind of thick and opaque, and I couldn't see through that portion.

It ran the length of her body. It felt like..

It felt like a fig.. A figure.

I rolled over and tried to ignore that that was there. I.. I..

Forced myself to kind of go back to sleep.

[Breathing heavily]

[Eerie music]

There was something wrong.

I felt there was a presence in the room.

[Bed springs creaking]


I could feel my head push down, my shoulders pushed down a little harder.


It got so intense.

I felt it was, for the first time..

The gender, and it was a female presence.

It was a female energy..

Pushing down on me and pushing down on me heavier, than any of the energies that I felt at any time.

This felt, angry, big and angry. It just freaked me out.

There was, like, this angry woman.

Just pushing in on me.


It.. It.. It just scared the hell out of me.


I roamed around the house looking for a place to sleep.


And I was just crying and holding my pillow and saying, this is ridiculous.

This is.. I'm living a ridiculous life. This is not normal.

And I.. I.. Just had no where to go.

I'm holding my pillow, and I said, I can't sleep upstairs.

I can't sleep in the back bedroom.

I can't sleep on the couch.

I'm out of my mind.

[Number pad beeping]

There was a point, my sister called me up.

Hi, it's me.

And she said, look, I've got to do something.

This is getting to be too much.

And that she was honestly thinking of selling the house.

She said, I can't live like this.

I was throwing out the trash, and I saw my next-door neighbor.

I'm good, thank you. Yourself?

And I said, you know..

Could I talk to you for a moment? And he said, sure, you know, what's up?

And I said, have you ever had any..

Hear anything strange ever happening in this house?

Why? Have you had some stuff happening?

Well, actually, we have.

Well, I'll tell you..

Well, my neighbor said that he used to babysit the children of the couple from whom I'd purchased the house.

Heard some pretty strange stuff.

He said he remembered that the old man had a son.

And that the son married.

You know, they were very young, so they moved in upstairs into the attic.

You.. You know she died up there?

She died in the house?


No, I didn't know that.

Right up there.

And he pointed up at the room in the attic where Karen was living.

[Film reel rattling]

[Speaking indistinctly]

Well the house was so large that they would try to communicate to each other by banging on the heaters.

And that would be like a signal that someone should come upstairs, or that they needed some help.

[Metal banging]

And the guy was knocking on the pipes trying to get attention.

And apparently she slipped and hit her head and uh..

Died right there on the floor.

My neighbor said that he will never forget because when they got married, she stood on the steps.

And what he said after that..

Really astounded me.

And she was a tiny little thing.

But beautiful.

He said she was wearing a pretty little white wedding press.

And I'm like, oh, my God, what a conflagration of..

Of facts here.



So I had the white dress wrapped in newspaper..

My colleague talking to the little lady in white.

And my neighbor now telling me about an actual person..

Who was little who was wearing white..



And who passed away in the house.

And that was just..

Way too coincidental to brush off in any, in any way.

The story he told affected me greatly.

I think his story was absolutely the strongest validation of anything ever that I got.

All these anomalous things that were happening in the house suddenly started to come together.

It changed the way I felt about what was going on.

You know, it's like having a bad flu and you're finally..

You know, you finally broke a sweat.

The house has been sick, and now..

You know the final symptom has occurred.

We got some information. And now something's actually gonna happen.

I had absolutely no idea what to expect.

As if something was guiding her, she went directly down there.

She was saying, this is the area.

This is the location that a lot of things are going on.

You couldn't have paid me any amount of money to hoist myself up and sit in that dirt room, but she did.

She put her whole head in there, and she said, you have a big problem in this room.

[Eerie whispering]

The medium was continuously saying, you are dead.

You must go. You must go to the light.

This is not your house. You don't belong here any more.

So that was repeated many, many, many times over.

Once the whole day was done.

It's hard to describe the state we were in. We were tired.

Very drained from the whole day. And we went to bed.

[Eerie whispering]

It was when we got up in the morning..

That, I mean, I just rolled over on my bed and opened the..

My eyes and said..

"Something's different".

The atmosphere was lighter.

The air was not as thick.

It was appreciably better.

It's like when you open up a window and, all of a sudden, sunshine comes in, and..

And light comes in, and the air is fresher.

Okay, girls! You ready to go?

Hey, girls, come on! Beach time! Let's go!

Looking back at what happened, I feel that we experienced a piece..

Of the unknown.

We shared our space with something..

That is not yet known to us.

There's so much in life that we don't understand.

But there may be something else.

Okay, guys, we're off.

Perfect day.

Perfect weather.