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01x06 - The Rain Main

Posted: 10/14/11 13:21
by bunniefuu
Nothing like this ever happened to me before.

What I saw was a darkness.

It was something that was unexplainable.

Just felt like something evil, some kind of spirit was upstairs in our house.


There was no doubt in my mind that it was something demonic.

I had the power.

I could make it rain.

Kids, kids. Come on.

There was panic in the room.

Let me out!


I didn't know why this was happening to me.

I exorcise thee.


Whatever was there was still inside of me.

The first time that I saw Don Decker, he was an inmate at the Monroe County jail.

Back in 1983, I went to prison.

I got sentenced to one to two years for receiving stolen property.

I wanted to do my time and get my life back together.


You ready?

Don wasn't like other inmates.

He was quiet, introverted.

He was not a social bee at all.

But then my grandfather died, and they gave me a weekend pass to go out to the funeral.

Donald was released on a furlough.

He wasn't thought to be a threat to society.

I went to my grandfather's funeral.

But I didn't want to be there.

My grandfather was a very bad person.

He was very, very abusive.

He hurt me when I was growing up, and I was glad he was dead.

I originally met Don...

My wife and his mother worked together.

I got a call from him one day telling me that his grandfather had passed away, but his mom wouldn't allow him to come home.

I told him it didn't matter. He could stay with us however long he wanted to.

I was very, very grateful.

There was not a lot of people that would do that for somebody that just came out of jail.


He realized he made a mistake.

He was hanging out with the wrong people but wanted to straighten his life out.

I wanted to try to help him.

I was a little worried about him, because I knew he was upset about his grandfather's funeral.

I didn't know all the details at the time, but I knew there was some kind of problem between Donnie and his grandfather.

Dinner's ready.

I went upstairs to the restroom to wash my hands up and get ready for supper...

And got this weird feeling.

The atmosphere was totally different.

Here we are.

We sat down at the table.

Donnie was taking a little longer than we thought normal.

I turned to get the towel to wipe my hands...

And then...

All the air went out of the room.

It was like being in a vacuum.

It was very, very cold.

[Dramatic music]


I felt like something was attacking me.

Trying to hurt me.

I looked toward the window.

It was a face.

It looked like an old man wearing a crown.



[Dramatic music subsides]

I looked down.

And I saw three scratches going down my arm.

There was blood at the end, big droplets of blood.

I was confused and scared.

You know, I didn't know...

I didn't know why this was happening.

Larry, can you go and see...

My son Larry went to tell him, Donnie, come on.

We're waiting for you.

Donnie, dinner's ready.

I didn't want to tell them what happened.

It was a hard story to believe.

I was very nervous.

When Donnie came down...

He had a strange look on his face.

Very, very white.

It looked like he was in pain.

Let's eat.

The next thing I know, he was reaching to grab something on the table.

I took hold of his hand.

And I saw blood marks on his wrist.

I said, Donnie, what did you do to yourself?

He just looked at me. He says, Bob, he says...

I didn't do it.

He said, I didn't do it.


There's something up there.

He said, I swear to God there was a face in the window, staring at me.

He said, it looked like the devil.

After dinner, we all moved into the living room.

I was worried about Donnie.

There's no way he did that himself, but I couldn't understand what happened.

It started getting cold in the room.

The temperature changed.

It felt like the same cold that was upstairs in the bathroom, but I didn't say anything about it.


Jeannie, she looks up.

Bob, I think we've got a problem.

I just didn't understand why it was so cold in that room.


Bob, I think we've got a problem.

Jeannie, I said, "there's something weird going on here".

We see water running down the wall.

We thought there had to be some kind of leak, but there's no water in that end of the house.

There's no water lines in anyplace but the kitchen and the bathroom, which were in the back of the house.

I just didn't know where it was coming from.

It wasn't water as you know water.

You'd rub your fingers on it, and it was a sticky, tacky feeling.

It wasn't water.

All of a sudden...

We heard this noise.

What is that?

And then...

We saw water drops falling out of nowhere.

It was like it was raining in the house.

Kids, kids.

Come on.

They were strange drops, and they were moving very fast.

Got heavier and heavier.

Get in the other room.

Kids were all shook up.

We were all frightened. Everybody was frightened.

It felt very eerie.

Jeannie and I were trying to figure out what was going on.

I was scared to go upstairs, because that's where Donnie said he was att*cked.

I'm going to call Ron.

So, I decided to call my landlord.

[Phone ringing]


I picked up the phone, and it was Bob Kieffer, and he said, Ron, you've got to come down.


I've got a problem down here.

He asked me what it was, and I did not want to tell him on the phone, because I knew he'd think I was crazy.

Bob, are you sure that I have to come down?

Yes, just please come over.

I told him, I says, Ron, you just have to come in here and see for yourself.

My wife and I, we got in the car.

We had no idea what was happening.

We couldn't figure out where in the world all this water was coming from.

I looked around the room.

It can't be... you know, it can't be.

There has to be a leak someplace.

We thought maybe the rain had gotten in through the roof, but it hadn't been raining outside for days.

So I said to Bob, let's go upstairs and check things out.

I just dreaded going upstairs.

I was scared.

Something was definitely going on.

I didn't think it was coming out of the pipes.

I thought it could be the spirit of my grandfather trying to hurt me.

It just did not feel good to be upstairs.

I had a creepy feeling.

It was cold and damp.

Just didn't feel natural.

It's dry.

It's good.

[Door slams]

What was that?

[Door slams]

What was that?

It just felt like something evil...

Some kind of spirit...

Was upstairs in our house at that time.

[Ominous music crescendos]

There was something up there.

I could feel it, couldn't see it.

Something was up there.

[Water splattering]

We came back downstairs.

It was still raining.

Drops everywhere.

Don was sitting on the couch.

I looked over at him.

It looked like he was a thousand miles away in his head.

No response to TV.

No response to calling his name.

Donnie. Donnie.

He was there, but he wasn't there.

I got a strange feeling from him.

I didn't know what was going on.

The feeling like I was falling into a trance.

And all at once, the strangest thing happened.

I saw water come from the floor, and it come up.

It wasn't condensation.

It wasn't a leak.

It would just materialize.

It was just extraordinary, just...


Donnie was still in a trance.

I don't really know what was happening.


Things were a little blurry.

I just can't remember.

I told Ron, I said, "Ron, I think I really want to call the cops".

I'd feel better if I knew the cops were involved in this.

That particular evening, I happened to be working a 4:00 to 12:00 shift.

Stroudsburg police station, officer Baujan.

The individual on the other end of the phone said, it's Bob, and I immediately knew it was Bob Kieffer.

Stroudsburg is a small, quiet area, kind of uneventful.

Bob was a guy I knew from around town, a genuinely nice individual.

I didn't know him as a type that would exaggerate, so when Bob said that he had a problem, I listened.

I said, John, I need you to come to my house.

There's some kind of a problem with the water.

This is the police station, Bob, not the water department.

I just need you to trust me. I need you to come to my house right away.

You could just hear it in his voice that he was serious and that he needed me to come to that house because he had a situation at his house that he just couldn't handle on his own.

As soon as we heard officer Baujan's patrol car pull up outside, we were at the door.

When they came in the house, John...

His partner, and I moved into the living room.

Within seconds of entering that room.

I had this cold feeling.

Bob says, this is what I'm talking about.

And I got it immediately.

Droplets would come from the floor, absolutely defying gravity.

It was truly amazing.

And we're literally standing several feet apart, face-to-face...

When, all of a sudden...

This drop materializes between us.

The drop looked big.

It looked like it was meant for us to see it.

It flies through the living room, through the dining room, and into the darkness of the kitchen and out of sight.

I was the cop at the scene, and they were looking to me for some help and a sense of direction of what to do.

I had no answers for them.

Something's wrong, and it wasn't the house.

I knew that...

When I looked at him.

I felt suspicious about Donnie.

Don had come in that day, and all of a sudden, it's raining in our house.

I felt very uncomfortable.

They were talking about me like somehow I was involved in doing something.

My wife and Jeannie cornered him out in the kitchen.

Donnie, why are you doing this?

They wanted to know what was going on, and they wanted him to tell them.

Do you hear us?

The women, they were really scared.

They were desperate for Donnie to stop this.

You are frightening everyone here!

They started screaming at him, shouting at him, Donnie, stop it.

We know you are doing this.

Donnie, will you please just tell us what's going on?

Stop it, Donnie!

We really wanted an answer.

Right now!

They just kept plugging away at him.

We know you are doing this.

We know you're doing this.

Why are you doing this?

Listen to us!

Donnie didn't say a word.

You are frightening everyone!

[Distant muffled yelling]

Donnie was just very blank.

Stop it, Donnie!

Stop it, Donnie!

You stop it!

Right now!

All at once, this clattering started.

The pots and the pans and the dishes...

Were just shaking.



And he just quickly raised up in the air.


It was just beyond belief.

I was scared to death.

And it threw him in the corner.

It just flung him back.

He went five, six feet.

Bam, down on the floor.

Bob! Bob!

When I hit the floor, that's when I got my feeling back.

Before that happened, I didn't know I was up in the air.

I didn't know what... what... what it was, you know.

I was scared, you know.

Then I felt the pain in my arm.

And I realized that I'd been att*cked again.


And I saw a King's crown...

On my arm.

I don't know who it was or what it was.

I didn't know what was going on.

I didn't know what was doing this.

There was no shadow of doubt in my mind.

I was in the presence of evil.

Whether it was in him.

Or around him.

I don't know.

But it was definitely a demonic force at work here.

Quick, let's get him something to clean him up with.

I thought there was some kind of spirit controlling him.

Some kind of demon in him.

I knew now this was my grandfather.

He wanted to hurt me, keep on hurting me.

We were definitely running out of options.

The only thing we could think of was getting the Bible out.

I felt like I'd left the Kieffers kind of hanging there.

I had to go back.

I wanted to make sure that they were okay.

I've never experienced anything that I haven't been able to explain.

In my opinion, it was nothing to play around with.

I couldn't help but be frightened about this.

Valley of the shadow of death, I will fear...

And as soon as I walked into the living room, I sensed a total different atmosphere.

Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.

There was panic in the room.

The Lord is my Shepherd! I shall not want!

She was reading 23rd psalms.

She thought that might help calm what was controlling him.

In the presence of mine enemies.

The droplets of water, instead of going randomly about the room, would all concentrate on her.

Beside the still waters...

And she would be pelted.

It absolutely intensified when she read from that Bible.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life!

It just heightened my belief.

Thy rod and thy staff, they will comfort me.

That has to be the devil.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!


Don's furlough was over.

He had to go back to Stroudsburg jail to finish his sentence.

Good luck to you.

Thank you.

I liked Donnie. He was a really good kid.

But I felt a sense of relief when he was gone.

After what happened that weekend, I left, and I never went back.

I never saw him again.

I still felt scared when I left.

I knew, you know, it wasn't gone yet.

Whatever was there was still inside of me.

When Donald came back to the jail.

There was a lot of talk with different shifts, different officers.

There was a lot of fright.

All the inmates heard what was going on at the house.

They were all scared.

The guards, they were scared too.

The whole atmosphere about him was just...

Just eerie.

You knew that something was not normal.

I knew now.

I had the power.

I could control it.

I could make it rain.

There was an evil presence around him.

This was so abnormal that we felt that the supernatural was present.

Water was all over his cell.

Water was going horizontal...


Climbing up the walls...

Defying the laws of gravity.

What's going on here, Donnie?


Help! Help!

Guards, help, please!

The inmate was scared.

Guard, get me out of here!

He wanted to get out of there.

Somebody, let me out!

He screamed.

Hey, guard!

He yelled.

Help, please!

He didn't want to be near me.

Let me out!

Open up! Let me out!


After that, we had to move him, put him in a different cell in the main cell block.

House him alone.

Two guards, they came to my cell.

Hey, Decker.

They didn't believe what happened.

I will bet you...

They asked me, see if I could hit the Warden out in his office.

So I told them...

I'll try.

[Laughs] He'll try. He'll try.

We just finished with the evening meal, and I had a lot of paperwork to do.

And I started to write some reports.

It was, like, almost like meditation.

It felt like I had a certain power.

Snap! And I went like that.

I looked down, and right here on the center of my chest, it was all wet.

I knew that it was Donald Decker.

I couldn't believe it, because I was never anywhere near him.

I was in a total different area of the jail.

He was behind numerous locked doors.

It's just... it's humanly impossible.

But you could just sense it, and you could feel it.

Don was possessed.

Everybody was frightened.


It's time.

You just felt sick to your stomach being around him.

I did not want to look at him.

I really did not want to look in his eyes, truthfully.

I did not want to be near him.

I knew that...

That something evil...

Was possessing him.

And I knew that nobody could fix it...

Except maybe a minister.

The only solution...

Was to do an exorcism.

We brought Donald Decker to the closet, a common area that was outside the cell block.

Reverend Blackburn was the jail Chaplain.

I met the priest.

He told me he was going to perform an exorcism.

And get rid of whatever was around me, you know?

What was causing all these bad things.

I basically sat down and sat in a chair and just waited.

Waiting to see...

What was gonna happen when the reverend came out of those doors.

He grabbed my hand, and then he started reading from the Bible.

In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we cast you out, every unclean spirit, every devilish power.

And then...

This real strong odor came into the room.

The more and more the priest talked, the stronger the odor got.

Like rotting flesh.


Cunning serpent, to deceive the human race...

Persecute the church of God...

[Dramatic music]

All of a sudden...

It started raining.

Depart from this mortal being.

Depart, and leave the soul intact.

Stay far away from the church of God.

There was an anticipation...

Those made in the image of God.

Of what is happening.

And redeemed by the precious blood of the divine lamb.

I never saw the liquid...

as*ault by the infernal adversary.

As intense as it was in that room.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the...

The water wasn't hitting me. It was just attacking him.

To persecute the church of God, or to strike the chosen of God or sift them like wheat.

Be gone!

But it would never hit the Bible.

Depart and leave the soul intact.

The priest was talking very, very loudly.

God the Holy Ghost commands you.

Screaming at whatever was inside of me.

Go now, spirits, back to the gates of hell, where you belong.

For I exorcise thee.

The odor was becoming intense.

I smelled death.

[Music intensifies]



Let me out of here.

Open the door! Let me out of here!

What I saw back then was evil, and it was a darkness.

It was something that was unexplainable.

I opened up my eyes.

I was hoping it was all over.

It never happened again.

It was all over.

I think I survived something that was life-threatening.

I think my grandfather caused all this, so, um...

He hurt me when I was growing up, tried to hurt me after his death.

So now it's over.

He can't touch me anymore.