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01x05 - The Dangerous Game/Trumbull County UFO

Posted: 10/07/11 06:00
by bunniefuu
We said, "is there a friendly spirit here?"

It said "no".


Something odd was happening in the house.

What have we done? What have we done?

It's like a long streak and it had fire coming out of its back.

This woman thinks she is seeing a UFO.

I could hear her nervousness.

But it's not moving.

All of a sudden everything electronic in my vehicle dies.

998, do you read me?

Any unit who doesn't answer, that's a crisis.

Do you read me?

I really knew that I was not alone in that house anymore.

I was scared it was going to hurt one of us.

My hand was right on my p*stol.

It was weird, wait a minute oh my God, I ain't ready for this.

It was unbelievable.

Do you want to head over to that area?

I remember that night vividly.

It was a December night.

And it was unusually warm because I remember not wearing a jacket.

My first call was a domestic, between a male and a female.

Usually when it's warmer, we seem to be busy.

I had to fill out a report.

And so I had made plans with the other officers to meet up and have a coffee.

I loved being a cop. I believed this was a calling for me.

This is what I was meant to do.

I have been a police officer for fifteen years.

When I worked at 911, we dispatched for the greater portion of Trumbull County.

It's a pretty vast area.

We would receive calls for emergency service, and we would also dispatch police units.

I was expecting what we have every other night.

A little bit of traffic related calls, we were going to have a few bar fights.

The calls that began that night, initially, caught me off guard.

Dispatch, can I help you?

He was calm, but at the same time you could hear the nervousness.

He wasn't familiar with what he was seeing.

Knowing that our jurisdiction is quite in line with an Air Base, my first reaction was...

Oh my gosh what if there's something wrong with one of the aircraft's, or something in the area.

But the tone in his voice doesn't reflect he's watching a plane crash.

It's quite different.

And I tell the other people... okay guy's everyone grab your pens, you know we're gonna have to get to work here now.

Something odd's going on, because this guy's seen fire coming out from the back of a plane.

Are we going to prepare for an airplane crash?

There's a buzz now. This isn't something you normally hear.

So while I am taking the first call, I'm alerted that there's another call.

Liberty dispatch, can I help you?

It was a mother and daughter, very excited about these lights they were seeing.

She, more or less, just tells me the same thing the first guy says.

I'm seeing lights in the sky.

Right behind our backyard.

They're not hearing any noise, and it just hovers.

That seems to be what really troubled her.

It's just hovering there.

They were very certain they were not looking at a plane.

Thank you so much, bye-bye.

Now you think okay, this is kinda crazy.

But it's caught the attention of all the other dispatchers, and we're all kind of listening to everything.

Roy Anne, I have a reporter from 33.

Oh God!

The next call we received was from the media.

Liberty dispatch, can I help you?

They were scanning all the police traffic. What the heck am I going to tell the media?

It was clear to me. This woman thinks she's seeing a UFO.

I don't want to acknowledge this.

So I kinda gaff it off, and make a joke.

I'm confirming, ya we've heard about the lights too.

But there's no need make this a panic, we're not having w*r of the worlds here.

Right after that somebody says... "Liberty you have another UFO call".

Oh gosh here we go again.

Liberty dispatch. This is getting kooky.

Okay, so lights in the sky.

We're checking on it, thank you.

The thing that's remarkable is all going on in a small, quiet street.

Sampson Drive's a nice residential area. It's not a ton of crackpots.

At this point, there's too many calls just to sit on this and, and make it my problem because I don't pass it along.

That night, officer Meloro was working with me... Toby.

What's that, two or three times? In the last year...

Toby and the other officers had kinda assembled for an informal shift briefing.

What are those two doing this? Every three months just like clock work.

They normally stop for coffee. Doughnut shop, very cliche.

I know it's a cliche, however it was one of the only place's that's open at night.


Toby and I had known each other for years.

And I think he's going to be one out of the group working.

That will handle this the best.

I chose to use the cell phone and not the radio, because this is something not recorded.

If it makes me sound nutty, it's just between Toby and I.

I remember I had just picked up my coffee, was putting it to my lips, when I received the call from the 911 center.


I've known Roy Anne a long time.

Hi, Roy Anne, what's up?

I can tell usually by the voice...

Whether I need to jump up and run...

This is going to sound really crazy.

On this call I didn't jump right away I took my time I tell Toby over the phone...

Toby, these people are calling about a UFO. He said, "are you kidding me?"

And he just kind of chuckled about it.

We get calls all the time from people that are drunk and intoxicated.

People that don't have anything better to do.

I said it's on Sampson Drive. It's all 5th Avenue extension.

It's just that little area.

Tell me you went there, tell me you saw nothing. We'll be great.

I swear to you it's not a prank.

I felt like I had to assure him.

You know, this isn't a prank you need to go and check this out.


It wasn't anything that I was in a rush to do.

I'm going to go take care of this. And I proceeded to tell the guys...

I was saying look let me go get this over with.

Keep an eye on my coffee? And I'll back in a few minutes.

I took my time getting there.

I obeyed all the traffic, no lights, no sirens, nothing like that.

I was thinking of two things, either...

People had been drinking, or they were actually seeing some type of aircraft.

It was not a priority call.

I contacted the Sergeant of the turn he's the one who's going to answer for all this later.

I said... "Bob, calls are coming in you have to hear this".

Bob even made a crack...

It probably took me 3 or 4 minutes to get in the area.

As I was approaching, I called in to get a little bit more information.

998 to dispatch.


As I turned on to Sampson Drive...

A gentleman ran over to my car, saying please stop! Please stop!

He seemed frightened, he seemed upset.

A big white light.

I'm thinking that there's something major going on.

The gentleman came over and flagged me down and he seemed frightened.

I proceeded to roll down the window and asked him...

Sir, what's going on? What's wrong?

He hesitated. He was like catching his breath.

He then proceeded to point up in the sky and say...

"This huge light was just over my house".

This light... I don't know what it was.

I looked at him kind of out the corner of my eye and said, "uh, okay".

And then I leaned over to smell his breath to see if maybe he had been drinking.

Because he wasn't making a lot of sense.

Vroom! Down the street.

He was very insistent on what he saw.

And he wanted me to go check it out right away.

He believed it was something that was serious.

All right.

I'm thinking if Toby just goes and sees a helicopter this will be put to bed.

That is not what happened.

I couldn't have been more than a couple hundred feet away from, where I had stopped the individual.

I could see a light in the distance.

It was a little bit away from me and was large.

So I proceeded to let Roy Anne know.

You know, what there is some type of light.

998 to dispatch.

Oh no. You see a light now too.

Oh you're kidding me. Great.

Great, now you're in with the whole hysteria of the thing.

Okay. Now this is Toby. This is somebody we know.

And he's now seeing it. And he's adding to it.

So it kinda kicks it up a notch.

At that point, it comes out of his mouth "flying saucer".

And this is over the radio. So I thought...

Oh this is going to be where everybody joins in.

And he goes on to tell me... "Look, I'm trying get closer to it".

What do you mean you're trying to get closer to it? What's going on?

I thought maybe it's some type of aircraft.

So I called the Air Base.

The gentleman was very cordial, very nonchalant.

I, on the other hand, was sort of embarrassed.

I wanted an answer.

And he was very kind about it, but he was very nonchalant and "no". And just kinda brushed it off.

I was going try to get to the light, as quickly as possible.

Just wanted to get this over with.

I wanted to say that this is the aircraft that this gentleman saw, and go finish my coffee.

I went down the street.

Probably another quarter of a mile.

All of a sudden...

Everything electronic in my vehicle dies.

I'm going, what is going on here?

Then I start turning my ignition to try and start the car back up.

I've never encountered anything like this before, where a car just stops.

It was a mechanical failure and an electronic failure.

The whole car failed.

I remember bending over and checking my portable radio.

Trying to click it to see if it was working.

That wasn't working either.

When you have no ability to contact the 911 center.

You're out there by yourself.

I called for him over the radio.

998, come in, 998.

Toby typically would always pick right up.

998, come in, 998.

He did not right away, so you call his number again.

998, come in, 998.

No response. 998, you read me? Come in.

My Sergeant at that point he's listening and okay, why isn't he answering? And...

Toby, do you read me?

He didn't respond again.

Any unit that doesn't answer, that's a crisis.

So we started directing units towards his location.

We have an officer not responding.

This went from playful and fun, ha ha ha, lights over Liberty, oh yeah little green men.

And now it's getting more concerning.

I'm holding on to the steering wheel, after I tried to restart the car.

A huge light hit's my vehicle.

Huge light.

It's like it encompassed this tree.

I'm going what, what is going on here?

I'm thinking to myself I need to exit the vehicle.

I opened the car door.

My hand goes right on my p*stol.

There's a double lot that's wooded, and the object was hovering, directly over that wooded lot.

It was huge.

It was unbelievable.

The light was so intense I had to shield my eyes so I could look towards it.

It's almost like you're looking up at the sun on a sunny bright day.

And you get those spots in your eyes.

There was a structure there, but it was so bright, so intense, there was no way of saying exactly what it was.

I would say it was the size of a football field.

100 yards.

It was huge. It was unbelievable.

And I'm saying could this be a helicopter with huge lights on it?

However there was no sound.

Alright it can't be a helicopter.

It's not any type of aircraft because it's hovering over the tree line.

What can this be?

As I'm standing there, the object begins to move off.

And I began to see somewhat of a shape of the object.

Then I look, and my car is running again.

998, 998 come in.

I could hear my radio kick back on.

998, do you read me? Come in.

I could hear my call sign 998, being called by Roy Anne.

And you could hear concern in her voice as she's you know, trying to get a hold of me.

There was radio feedback.

And all of a sudden Toby comes back on.

What do you mean you have to "collect your thoughts?"

You had us worried about you, you "have to collect your thoughts?"

We're the ones worried about you.

So, even thought I'm happy to hear from him, I'm a little annoyed.

We don't need any added drama what is this, are you playing around with me?

I just needed a few minutes to collect my thoughts.

I was overwhelmed.

What happened to me didn't make a lot of sense.

I'm saying to myself, what the hell I don't want to put that I saw a freaking UFO, over the air and they think I'm crazy or something.

What I wanted to do was call Roy Anne, let her know what exactly I saw.

I chose to use the phone.

I didn't want to put information out on the radio, so people think I'm nuts.


Toby, go ahead.

I'm okay, I'm back in service.

He calls in and we have a conversation over the phone.

And I said you know, "What's going on?" He says..

"A UFO! I saw it".

Did you really?

I'm like okay, Toby. Don't!

I used the word UFO, unidentified flying object because I had no idea what this was.

This is pretty far fetched.

I really wanted to feel better when I told you to go check this, I don't feel any better.

I was not joking one minute about what I saw.

I told her, "Roy, I'm being honest with you".

"That is was what I saw. I know it's unbelievable".

You could hear her voice come down.

Are you sure it wasn't an an airplane?

So, she kept on asking me questions.

What the object looked like?

What colors I saw, what it was doing?

What direction it was heading in?

And I understand that he's had had a huge experience.

But while he's processing that, the radio started buzzing.

Liberty dispatch, go ahead.

Different officers were listening over the open channels, started commenting on they're seeing lights in the sky.

5 miles away they're seeing it.

And then, 5 miles in another direction.

All the way up in to the northern areas of our County.
I jumped in my car...

Activated my lights and sirens.

I was going like it was a priority call.

The object was heading south and looked like it was going extremely fast.

I'm trying to catch up and cut through side streets.

However I'm in a residential area.

I was trying to find a direct line.

I was cutting through every street I could come across.

I shouldn't say, how fast he was going.

I was exceeding the speed limit.

I could hear other police trying to catch up too.

You could hear everybody talking about it.

Where did you see it, where is it now, where it's going?

The 911 center was holding calls because everybody was consumed chasing this object.

These are sergeants and seasoned veterans. They were all excited about this.

The room was buzzing.

Brookfield had an officer.

He'd climbed up an old radio tower.

He was getting really vivid, vivid accounts of the colors, of the shapes.

He was really emphatic.

I told Roy Anne you call the Air Base...

And you let them know that we want to know what the hell is going on.

I called back to the Air Base.

Yes ma'am.

And I say...

Now we have people that are miles, and miles and, miles and, and miles apart.

They can see it, surely you see something, right?

And I'm thinking I don't understand this.

I don't understand why they are denying seeing that. Doesn't make sense.

There's multiple jurisdictions.

Multiple police departments.

Multiple citizens seeing this.

And I feel like they are giving us a lot of "bull".

Alright, I want to know what's going on.

We were in a basement. I'm...

All I'm getting is all the excitement of everyone else who can experience this.

I want to see it too.

I got on the phone with another officer and he said... "I'll come get you".

I wasn't supposed to be there, he wasn't supposed to take me, but I'm so wanting to see what everyone else is seeing.

We get on 82, and we could see the lights.

I could see it off in the distance, but there was no way I could get underneath it and get a clear look at what it was.

We stopped the car.

We get out on the side of the road...

And he takes a pair of binoculars, and he takes the first look.

I see something hanging from the bottom, like it's suspended and a red light on it.

This is really weird.

What sticks with me even now is, that it was just still.

Can you see that?

Why am I not hearing it? Why is it not moving?

And then all of a sudden...

It just sh**t off.

No noise, just phew!

I'm just thinking to myself what the heck just happened?

We just kind of looked at each other like, you did see that right?

It was intense! Just that oh wow!

I've never seen anything move like that.

I was angry, I wanted to catch it.

I wanted to see what it was.

I just took a minute.

I just wanted to separate myself for a moment, from everything and just reflect on what just happened.

I have no idea what it was.

It's nothing that I've seen or experienced.

Hi ya, Randal.


I get teased endlessly.

The other officers in this got teased endlessly.

Everybody denied seeing anything, or knowing anything about anything going on that night.

But I felt there was nothing wrong with what happened.

This was something that was inexplicable.

This was something that happened in the town that I live in.

It's the truth.

And I can't tell you what it was.

I know what it wasn't.

I know planes, I know helicopters, I know weather balloons, I know planets.

God, if this thing was a planet I would have got a suntan from it.

How close I was to it.

It's one of those things that just baffles you.

In my mind I want to think that it was something related to that Air Base.

There's no resolution with anything else.

I like resolution.

I never believed in any type of UFO's and that sort of thing.

I still don't.

But I see myself, saying to myself, it's possible now.

That's where I'm at with it.

I am originally from Australia.

I moved to The States in June of 2000.

I have a son, Zack, from a previous marriage, and I met Mike through a friend.

I think you can say it was love at first sight. Yep!

We've now been together for almost seven or eight years.

Well, it was early 2008 that a friend brought up about the Ouija Board.

She told me, you know, she contacted different spirits, and basically it works.

I was definitely curious, and also skeptical.

So we decided to purchase our own board.

I think part of the motivation of getting on the board was, being able to get in contact with family.

And we were just like amazed when it started to work for us.

Sometimes maybe going to the board maybe two or three times a day.

It kind of sucks you in.

I didn't care for it much, because they kind of really got in to like believing it.

You guys aren't really messing with that thing?

They would ask it questions like, "oh when will I get pregnant?"

They really took everything it said seriously.

I heard that it could be dangerous, you don't know what you're calling for, that sort of thing.

But I think that once you find that, you're getting these questions answered correctly time and time again, your skepticism's gone.

You truly do believe.

So for about a month we'd been using the board and having a good time with it...

You ready?


Then one day um...

We said is there any friendly spirit here, who would like to come forth and communicate with us?

And, it said "no".

The room felt different.

Something weird going on.

We both noticed it like right away.

And we said, "who is this?"

It spell's out... "V".




What are we dealing with?

And then all of a sudden, things got really weird.

It was out of control. Like, chew, chew, chew, chew.

It was scary. We're barely touching it and it's just moving everywhere.

It kept on saying the same stuff over, and over and over, again it was all directed to me.

He loved me.

That Mike was lucky to be able to sleep with me.

I was a porn star.

It was weird. Sickening. Nerve wracking.

It was out of my hands, out of my control, and it was frightening.

We said "goodbye". And then it spelled out "you never be rid of me".

There's nothing you can do about it.

All of a sudden it started counting down.







All of a sudden it started counting down.







Stop it!

That really freaked me out.

I'm like, what have we done?

What have we done?

We put the board in the closet.

We put it up high, and we're not touching it ever again.

Basically, we'd forgotten the board.

So for Christmas I found out I was pregnant.

And then in July of 2009 um, I had Brodie.

It was spring 2010 when odd things started happening.

I was home alone.

I heard footsteps.

And not only footsteps, but there's a loose board sort of up there.


Did Zac come home, and I didn't notice?

Not even just one footstep.

I'm calling, "Zac, if you're up here, just let me know".

I just want to know if you're home.

It doesn't feel good there. It feels heavy.

I had the feeling that if I turn my head quick enough, I'd see someone standing there.

There's somebody here.

Things started really picking up...

From that November onwards.

It's quiet.

It was just me and her in the house.

The baby was sleeping.

And all of a sudden...

Right between our heads.

I got goosebumps.

Something odd was happening in the house.

It started to become more physical.

I was in the kitchen by myself.

And I felt a tug on the back of my shirt.

There was nobody there.

It was scary.

We almost felt like it was starting to take over the house.

A couple of weeks later, Mike was making himself something to eat.

And as he walked out of the kitchen, I looked over and I said "oh, what have you got?"

And as he said pizza...

I'm thinking it's starting to escalate.

What's it going to do next?

Just before Christmas, things started to take a turn for the worse.

It was Thanksgiving, so we had a group of friends over.

Everybody was relaxed, having a good time.

We were sitting around talking and then, on the other side of the room, Brodie's toys started going off.

And, more toys started going off.

So, by this stage we've got toys, spontaneously going off, going off, going on, going off, going on.

Lighting up, making noise, singing, music.

And as rapid as it started, it stopped again. It was done.

It's kind of like it was toying with us.

No one really knew what to say, apart from that's really weird.

They could wait to leave.

That was just the turning point right there.

I really knew that I wasn't alone in that house anymore.

I was scared it was going to hurt one of us.

But we can't just up and leave, we can't break the lease, we can't find somewhere to rent.

So we figured that just try to deal with this stuff as best we could.

When it turned to night. You didn't want to be in the house at all.

You'll always feel a cold chill coming down the stairs.

The sense of something standing there, watching you from above.

I wouldn't walk with my back against Brodie's door.

I would just turn my body toward it.

It was just like a sense if it was outside of his room just kind of challenging you.

That whole hallway was just terrible at night.

When I tried to go to sleep, I could hear a whispering in my ears.

I could feel tugging on the sheets.

I'm just trying to ignore it.

Suddenly I woke up.

My leg felt it was on fire.

I looked down, on my leg was a scratch.

Six inches long.

We hear blood curdling screams.

I was scared of what I was going to see, it was that horrible.

And he's pointing, to the closet.

It was shut when he went to bed.

A couple of days later, it happened again.

The closet doors are open again.

I said that's it, I'm shutting them.

I'm tying them shut.

As I shut the door, I hear in his room, the closet doors are just shaking.

I was like, "there's something in there, it was rattling those doors".

No wonder this kid is so scared.

That is what Brodie was dealing with.

I was scared it was going to do something much, much, worse.

You can feel it around you, but how do you fight that?

You can't see it.

It was just an average day, Mike was at work.

And Brodie was waking up from his afternoon nap.

And I went up the stairs to get him.

Hello, little man.

He was babbling to himself when I went in to pick him up.

I was just turning out of the doorway.

I realized, oh my God, this is it!

It's showing itself to me.

It was this black figure.

I moved back out and it was still there.

And, glanced back...

And it was gone.

I just knew I had to get out.

I couldn't stand being there a second longer.

I'm pretty much freaking out now like, who was this house, you know?

It just felt like you were about to get att*cked or something.

I just knew then and there, that we had to take a stand.

We had to take our house back.

We were a little bit skeptical about going to a church, and saying this is what is going on in our house.

Grey Wolf?

Yes, I am.

We were put in contact with Grey Wolf.

She was very frightened, with things that had been happening.

My attention was drawn to the stairs.

You can feel every hair stand up on your body.

All of the hair on your arms.

And that's when I asked her, what else is up here that you haven't told me about?

And she started explaining about the Ouija Board.

This cupboard?

It was in a closet, that was directly connected, to the closet in the baby's room.

He told me, "it is attached to you".

It's attached to you through the Ouija Board.

That's when I realized it was "Vox".

I felt sick. Tears welled up.

I felt ashamed, I felt mad at myself.

He said, we need to get rid of the Ouija Board.

Water is the one element that doesn't allow spirits travel.

We had a kiddie pool for Brodie, so we decided to use that.

We wrapped the board and a personal item of mine, seeing as it was attached to me.

And he said before we put it in there, you need to be firm and tell it...

"It's got to go. It's no longer welcome".

We put in to the water, weighed it down, and to help keep it submerged, we had a gallon jug to place on the top.

As soon as Grey Wolf finished, the house felt lighter.

It looked lighter.

Like the storm just passed, and everything just lit up.

We had our house back.

We made a mistake of messing with Ouija Board's.

Now I know that the other side is real.

I wish I could say it was just a bad dream, but it was my life.