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01x03 - The Poltergeist/Watch in the Wilderness

Posted: 09/23/11 13:10
by bunniefuu
I never realized how hard it would be to deal with something like this.

I was in the middle of nowhere and nobody knew I was there.

Something was going on in the house.

That I couldn't explain.

I looked the thing in the eye.

It was clearly not a human being.

What was tearing the inside of my house apart?

Oh my God!

It was hunting me.

Run now!


If you don't run..

It's gonna k*ll you.

I loved it, all my heart I loved that house.

It was a wonderful place to live.

The house was my sanctuary.

It was the perfect little house that everybody dreams about.

My mom's new boyfriend, Matt, moved into the house with his daughter, Marie.

What are you doing?

Matt was an intelligent, smart..

Funny, happy guy.

I was happy to have Marie there.

It felt like I had a little sister that I had never had.

We basically had a lot of fun together.

Marie and my daughter became good friends quickly.

Which really helped our relationship because we thought we had a good start.

The very first strange thing that happened..

I went to the kitchen and there was a jar of peanut butter, laying on it's side on the counter.


I looked at it thinking that the kids had made a mess.

Or the cats had knocked it over.

But the strange thing about the jar was that the peanut butter, looked as if it had been melted.

I kinda thought it was a joke. I thought..

"Why are you asking me about peanut butter?"

I didn't think anything of this.

Oh my God!

But then we started finding things stacked or..

Arranged in certain ways.

I thought that Marie was doing it..

At first.

At this point, we started taking pictures of everything, because we wanted proof of what was happening.

Oh my God!

I did suspect the kids of some of the things that happened.

I still wasn't convinced that it was still something supernatural.

One day, everything changed.

I have so much math homework. Can you help me?

I put my coffee down to go let the dog in.


I didn't do that.

You're the only one in here.

Jamie, it wasn't me.

I knew that we hadn't had an earthquake.

I didn't bump anything.

I didn't know what to think.

I was angry, I was frustrated..

And annoyed.

I decided to clean my room.



I heard Jamie me call me, I immediately came in to the house. What happened?

I closed the drawers and I turned around, and the drawers were open..

I couldn't believe what I just saw.


I was freaking out.

I was scared out of my mind.

I saw with my own eyes.

I saw it happen.

That shook me up.

Jamie said to me, "mom".

"We have a poltergeist in the house."

We knew that day that something was really really wrong.

But, that was..

Nothing compared with what happened in the following months.

Oh my God!

Everything was twisted..

And pulled out, or on the floor.

And it didn't stop.

Doors would bang..

All night long, all day long.

It would just be constantly..

Over, and over, and over, and over again.

At night, all the lights would go off.

Everything, every light in the house would go off.

And you could flip the switch and the lights won't come back on.

There was something in our house that was uninvited.

Matt didn't believe anything that was happening.

He thought that it was..


Doing it.

He thought that I was doing it for attention.

One evening, I saw..

Long drawn out arrows.

Pointing in all different places.

They went up the wall, across the ceiling.

They would point towards the central heating vents up on the walls.

We thought maybe it might be trying to communicate with us.

I told Matt the vents lead up to the attic.

Maybe there's something up there we need to look for.

Matt was very skeptical.

He wanted to rationalize it.

I don't care what you think.

I wouldn't give him time.

I told him, "you have to believe me."

I don't care what you feel, I don't care what you think.

Something's in our house.

Something's playing with us.

Okay. I'll go up and I'll take a look, all right?

It's dirty, and messy and full of loose double insulation.

I wanted to watch.

Just in case, I don't know.

But, just in case something bad happened.

The tension and energy inside the house was..

So heavy.

And active.

He couldn't get all the way across the ceiling because it was dark.

I don't know where I'm putting my feet I can't..

I can't see anything up here.

When he said that to me, a warning flag came up.

And I said, "okay, that's it we can't do this anymore, you can get hurt up here."

You happy now?

He did not fully accept it that day.

But I still had some idea..

We could communicate with it and maybe stop it.

My mom had talked to somebody who, suggested that she offer it something.

A peace offering.

I made a small place on the mantle, you might say even like an altar.

I love cats.

So I had found a little cat figurine.

And I put it on the mantle.

And I spoke to it and I said..

"This gift is for you."

"I would like to give this small place on the mantle as your place."

" To let you know that we want no harm."

"We don't want you to be afraid of us."

"And we don't want to be afraid of you."

What's going on?

Matt wasn't happy about it.

Matt was very much against the figurine.

He was very much against communicating with it.

He was very much against giving it a gift any kind.

And he called it..

Talking to the devil.

Honestly, I do not want this here.

I was making an effort, to change things.

I was doing something.

But in doing that..

I risked our relationship.

Matt just got really angry.


Daddy, don't do that!


Don't you dare!

That's enough of that.


It was one of those times where you..

Just can't believe what you see before your eyes.

I know it landed in the field. I saw it.

I told him you better not to smash that cat.

It was just going to make things 10 times worse.

I don't know what that is.

He did not listen to me.

Matt, no.



I felt like I was doomed.

The first thing I thought was, we're going to go through hell for this.

It's gonna retaliate.

That night we found..

The word "cat" written..

All over the house.

It had gone on a rampage.

As we were cleaning it up..

We noticed what looked like..


They did not look human.

They just did not look human at all.

I saw those footprints down there..

And I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

They were huge round toes.

And wide.

Whatever it or they were..

Was in the house with us.

The first thing that came to my mind was..

"What was in my house?"

What was tearing the inside of my house apart?

Having all of this happening at the house while I was..

Trying to hold down a job was just tremendous stress.

I wanted to leave really bad.

I wanted to get away from.. Everybody wanted to get away from it.

But I was already struggling to make house payments.

It wasn't feasible.

At the same time that it was attacking the house.

It started on the animals.

We had two cats that each had a litter.

And they were very sweet dispositioned.

Very loving kittens.

Soon, one by one..

Each one got really, really sick.

There was nothing I could do, to..


We thought perhaps maybe they just didn't have enough energy to fight off this thing.

We thought perhaps it used them up.

They all died.

Just right after.. One after another. They didn't have a chance.

I was scared.

I was scared that it was attacking my pets, to..

Get at me.

Maybe this isn't going to stop with the animals.

It might have the capability of..

Taking life.

Not just our animals, but possibly..

One of us.

I was at work.

Jamie had gone out to run an errand.

Marie was at home, alone.

This thing turned the TV on and off in rapid succession.


Marie called.



She told me she the furniture.

It's moving across the room.

I came home and as soon as I got one lock, unlocked.

It would be locked it again.



Help me!

I can't open the door!

She grabbed her digital camera and she took a succession of flashes, just to light up the room.

Marie, you have to help me open the door!

Oh thank God.

These pictures appeared on her camera that were just really..




Photos of this light energy.

Appeared on her camera.

What was foremost in my mind was, if it could move heavy furniture.

What else could I do?

How far would it go?

The level of fear at that time was..

Indescribable, really there's no way to describe..


It made me feel.

That was the day that Matt realized that this thing, in our house could attack his daughter while she was alone.

And he got worried.

He got out the phone book and he started calling churches.

The first couple of churches that he called didn't offer any help.

No, Sir.

Okay, thanks.

No, Sir.

It's difficult to speak to someone about it.

That takes a lot guts.

Because you put yourself up for accusations..

Disbelief and skepticism.

He finally got a hold of a pastor, that was willing to come out to our house immediately.

There was a little bit of hope.

That things would get better.

By them coming to our house.

We finally found someone that believed us and that would come help us..

Figure out what was going on in our house.

The house was just..

A total mess.

It was embarrassing to even have anybody in the house.

He looked all around the house and saw all the stuff on the walls.

He said.. "This is bad."

"There's a spiritual warfare going on here."

They just prayed with us and that was it.

Is there anymore you can do?

We can't help you.

That was the last I ever heard of them or saw them.

We felt completely abandoned.

And left out to dry.

We were on our own.

As time went on, my feeling was that..

The only way to get rid of this thing out of our lives.

Was to just move out.

I didn't have to money to move out.

And I didn't have friends that I could go stay with.

I felt trapped.

I felt my family breaking down.

Matt and I were constantly loosing our tempers.

Because we couldn't communicate, we couldn't talk about it.

Our relationship was falling apart.

I remember the stress that I was in, that I was feeling.

How alone I felt.

It's hard to relive all of this.

Jamie was afraid to leave the room.

Her room seemed to be the one place where she felt she had a barrier.

She was wrong.

This pounding started on my bedroom door.

It was so loud, I was actually frozen in fear.

It just eventually got to the point where I had to go look in the hallway.

Right before I opened the door..

It would stop.

It's like it knew that I was coming to open the door.

And I would close the door..

It would start again.

It went on for approximately 3 hours.


That pounding was horrific.


Eventually, the pounding stopped.

When I opened the door, there was just a giant hole.

It looked like a battering ram hit the door.

And the doorknob was bent.

Everything was utilized by this thing to pound on that door.

The light in the bathroom started going on and off.

I figured something must be in there.

And whatever it was, it was trying to get into my room.

There was no way to lock the door.

The bathroom door didn't have the door knob on it.

I decided to take this kite string that we had..

And wrapped it through the hole in the door.

I figured if I have the other end of this string..

This thing can not open the door.

I started feeling it pulling on the string.

As soon as she tightened up on the rope, it tugged at the door.

Stop it!

I was freaking out because I figured that, once that door opened, I was gonna see something from my nightmares.



And it was gonna come at me.

I just held on to the string and figured that if it couldn't break this string.

That it couldn't open the door.

It cut the rope.

It figured it out, it cut the rope.

She was scared out of her wits.

I knew it was coming, I knew it was coming into the room.

I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I knew it was coming, I knew it was coming into the room.

I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop it.

And there was nothing there.

I really had to get out of that house.

It closed the door and locked it.

I immediately smelled smoke.

I looked down and there was a pan..

That had a paper towel burning inside of it.

Made to be like a wick.

It had moved..

Beyond anything that it had done before.

I stepped out in to the hallway.

I found toilet paper and paper towels strewn through out the house.

Wrapped around everything that could catch fire.

It actually was setting up..

Something to carry a flame through out the house.

It was going to burn us alive in the house.

I just knew that I had to put out the fire.

I started gathering all the paper towel and toilet paper up.

I had to make sure that there was nothing that could catch fire.

That was..

The most frighting..

Horrific thing..

I've ever been through in my whole life.

This thing..

Attempted to..

Burn my house down.

With my daughter in it.

That was..

The last straw.

We finally moved out.

It was a huge relief.

That I wasn't going to have to deal with it anymore.

That I was going to be able to have a normal life again.

The situation succeeded in finally driving this wedge between Matt and I.

We were separating.

After we moved out..

In the next 3 or 4 months the next door neighbors also left.

And there's 4 or 5 houses that are vacant on that block.

And it makes me wonder that maybe perhaps it wasn't just us.

I saw something I can't explain.

I don't like the idea of not being able to explain it.

Back in 1997 I got call from, a friend of mine who was also the elected Sheriff in a rural Oregon County.

He knew that I had been a certificated police officer.

And I had been in the Marine Core.

So he asked me if I wanted to be a deputy Sheriff.

I jumped at the chance.

At the time I was fit, and at the present I certainly am not.

Hey, man. Everything good?

Charlie. You alright?

Yeah, it's great I kept the seat warm for you.

On this particular day, I was early getting off shift.

It was one of the prettiest days I can ever remember seeing in the Cascade Mountains.

It made me want to take a hike.

You can walk across country where there are no trails.

And probably be places in eastern Oregon where nobody's ever even walked before.

I loved that idea.

I had been walking up hill for 2 hours at least.

It was taking a long time because of the terrain.

I decided to find a route that would get me in to a more open area.

When I looked through my compass to take that measurement..

I was totally shocked.

I saw a person standing there, but it was clearly was not human being.

This thing had human like shape to it.

And a clear place for the eyes, and the nose, and the mouth.

But it wasn't a person.

He had his eyes directly on me.

The weirdest thing happened.

I just involuntarily cocked my head to one side.

He mimicked me. Exactly.

He was smart.

I instinctively reached around to get my w*apon.

He ran away so fast it seemed impossible.

Certainly physically impossible for a human.

I was so curious that I had to check it out.

I could see most of the wide open area and was looking everywhere.

There was nothing there.

I decided to look for tracks.

I couldn't find a track anywhere.

I carried on walking for a while but I was feeling a little nervous.

It was darker than it should be for me to back to the car before dark.

And I didn't have a flashlight.

I realized I wasn't going to make it unless I turned around right then.

So I did.

I decided to take different route.

So that I'd put some space between myself and whatever that was.

I was looking to my left because that's the area that he had gone.

And that's when I heard it.

It was as loud as some g*ns when they go off.

It was a big tree.

The snap came from my right.

It was impossible.

He'd circled me.

The idea that I couldn't see him, but he could see me, made me very uncomfortable.

That's just a prescription for an ambush.

That's when I heard a second snap.

It wasn't just watching me, or running away from me.

He was tracking me.

It flashed through my mind that what I had seen was big enough, to snap me the same way it was snapping those trees.

I had been in the Marine Core. I have police service.

I don't scare easily.

I am scared to death.

Back off now!

He started to get closer as the sun went down.

I knew because the snaps started getting closer.

It was hunting me.

Getting closer and closer like a hunter, but staying invisible to the prey.

If you can't see what's out there you can't fight it, you can't even run from it.

You don't know which direction to run now because he's circled you.

Maybe you'll run right in to to his arms. You don't know.

I was rushing down the hill and all of a sudden..

There is a deer standing in front of me.

It didn't have any fear of humans at all.

She snapped her head over in the direction that I had been watching.

Where the snaps had been coming from.

I scanned the whole tree line.

Didn't see anything.

No sound, nothing.

She smelled the air with her head up.

And then she bolted in the opposite direction.

As fast as I've ever seen a deer move.

I felt the hair on the back of my neck go up.

I knew I was being watched.

It was just so close, and it was so obvious..

That it didn't want me there.

I was only about 2 minutes away from the car, if I ran real fast..

So I did.

I heard snaps again.

And this time they were really close.

I was convinced that I was going to die and I was going to die in a very bad way.

When I finally saw my car, I was hearing snaps, very close but they weren't frequent.

And as I got real close to the car, they stopped entirely.

I remember now thinking..

"Those snaps have stopped because he's right behind me."

"And he's gonna grab me."

I remember now thinking..

"He's right behind me and he's gonna grab me."

I stared hitting the button for the a*t*matic release of the locks.

Come on!

It's not going to open in time.

My heart was starting to beat faster.

I want to get steel between me and whatever that thing is.

I felt fear that I wasn't going to get that far.

Come on! Come on!

I put the key in the ignition.

It wouldn't start.

It was like, what else could go wrong?

Come on!

Come on! Start!

The sense of relief that I felt was real good.

The first thing I wanted to do was have a cigarette.

I didn't tell anybody but the Sheriff that I served for.

I didn't think he would believe me.

He did believe me.

He said there get reports of..

Big, hairy, unknown animals up there all the time.

Don't talk to anyone!

He told me don't write a report, don't talk about it.

So I didn't.

What I saw was physical.

It was some kind of living being.

And, in my experience, living beings have to multiply in some way.

That means there's more of them, I don't know how many.

But I do know that I'm not going back there.