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01x02 - Haunted Highway/Kentucky UFO Chase

Posted: 09/16/11 00:29
by bunniefuu
There was something was pulling me...

Up the mountain.

Chris would come back from the grave, just to protect him.

I really don't know what it was.

I can't explain it.

And I said, nobody's gonna believe, what's happening.

She'd had premonitions before.

But this was so real.


She died on impact.

It's behind us!

We'd been visiting family in Sacramento.

I just sat up in bed and had this thing inside me that I needed to go home.

And I needed to go home then.

I just felt like there was something...

Pulling me up mountain.

We jumped in the car, we drove...

It was late.

We're on Highway 50.

I don't like traveling the mountain at night time.

It's uh..

Really a windy and twisty road.

You can go off the road.

I was looking out the window.

And as we were going around Bullion Bend...

On the side of the road I see this blackish white thing.

And I didn't know what it was.

And when I was right up on it, I could tell it was a woman.

She was naked, totally naked, and really white.

I know that I saw her on that road.

I have two kids, Christine was the oldest.

Christine was very bubbly, very outgoing, very independent.

Chris a little boy, Nick.

She a mother that every boy would love to have.

One, two three... Woo!

Chris was really ambitious.

She worked a couple of jobs to put herself through college.

And when she finally graduated, she um, got a job as a paralegal.

600 miles away, down in Southern California.

You guys have fun, huh?

Alright I really gotta go.

Finally the time came when she had to leave.

Okay, have fun.

It was kind of sad, to see them going...

But was a happy time, because she had what she worked for, for so hard.

I'll see you guys later.

Okay. Bye.

See ya.

Chris said she would call us in a couple days, and...

We said, okay, no problem.

Wednesday morning, we got a call from a friend of Chris.


She said, hey, Chris isn't here.

She was supposed to be here, don't you guy's care.

I said, "what are you talking about?"

She supposed to be on her way down to Southern California.

And she goes, well, she was supposed be here Monday.

And here it's Wednesday morning.

Yes, yes, I'm trying to track down my daughter.

Then you know we started uh, getting a little worried.

They could be anywhere.

I'm wondering if you have a record...

We called the hospitals.

We called the Police Department.

Yeah, I'd like to report a missing person...

Uh, the response was...

Well, that's only 48 hours, and we get 200 calls like that a week.

They um, more or less said well she'll show up, don't worry about it.

The first time I heard about this case, I was working for the Eldorado County Sheriff's Department.

And my assignment at the time was working patrol.

Graveyard patrol shift.

We've got a missing person.

We got a adult female, traveling with a young boy.

Unknown direction of travel.

The case with Christine initially was just...

A mother and her son who were moving to Southern California.

Family has no idea where they went.

There's people reported missing all the time.

You know every day, through out this country.

Also got an as*ault with a knife.

There was nothing out of the ordinary.

I thought it was just another...

I hate to say it, but a routine missing persons report.

It was like, okay, what do we do now?

We were handing out fliers.

And we went to everyplace.

Where there was a restaurant, a home, gas station, shopping markets.

We told people that our daughter's been missing for 3 days.

And if they had seen her...

Please call us.

We were at home when the phone rang, and it was my Sister-in-law 600 miles away.

Hi, Karen.

Dave, I just had an awful dream...

She called, was kinda, frantic.

And said he had a dream.

It was dark, there was lights...

She could see Nicki.

Some lights, she said.

No, Christine wasn't in it, it was just Nicki.

And the number 16 kept popping up over and over.

It was like 2 or 3 times I kept seeing number this number 16.

She kept seeing the number 16 popping up.

At the time I didn't know what 16 meant.

Just try and stay calm.

The dream was vivid enough that she believed in it.

Yeah, but I have to come down to see you.

She had premonitions before, but this was so real, she knew that she was going to find them.

On Friday I was approached by the Detective that had been assigned to this case.

And he suspected that perhaps she has stopped at one of the...

The all night 24 hour gas stations in Placerville to fill up her car.

There was I believe 4 gas stations in this immediate area we were looking for.

And I began asking them if they had any recollection, um, of seeing this girl, this vehicle.

If anything sounded familiar or similar to them.

I remember going to the gas station station in Placerville.

And I specifically recall going in, and the clerk...

Um, he was a younger guy that worked there.

They were in this area 2 or3 days ago.

Yeah, yeah, I remember of seeing them.

You saw them?


He remembered her.


Um, 3 days ago.

He recalled the car, he remembered a little boy was with her.

The son just waited in the car.

He didn't know the license plate he didn't know if it matched.

But the girl, the picture that was on the flier.

Seemed to resemble the girl that he remembered having a conversation with.

They were in this area 2 or3 days ago.

Yeah, yeah, I remember of seeing them.

You saw them?


He remembered her, he recalled the car, he remembered a little boy was with her.

Hello, how are you tonight?

He said that she bought a couple sodas, and they had some small talk...

Where you off to?

I'm going to California. For a new job.

And he remembers her saying she's really tired, but she's got to make the drive, she's going to go up and see a friend.

You know, and having to make that drive up Highway 50.

He remembered specifically two things in particular...

Her being tired.

And her having to drive through these winding mountain roads, to go up there to go see a friend.


All kinds of things entered my mind...

She could have been involved in a accident, she could have driven off the road, she could have had car trouble and...

And somebody else could have you know stopped to help her, and ended up taking her and the car.

We were concerned that maybe did she get in to an accident?

Did she meet with some foul play?

I mean any number of things could have happened.

We'd been visiting family in Sacramento.

And uh, around 2am I woke my husband up and told him...

I needed to go home.

I eventually started shaking him awake.

We have to go.


We need to go home.

We can't just go tomorrow?

And he was saying, can't we wait until tomorrow?

I said no. I want to go now.

What's the matter?

I don't know.

I needed to leave right now.

Normally I would have just went back to sleep, but...

I just kept bothering him until he finally said "okay".

Okay, we'll go.

I just felt like there was something...

Pulling me up the mountain.

When you drive from Sacramento to Lake Tahoe, it turns in to the mountains.

We're on Highway 50.

It was odd because...

I don't like traveling the mountain at night time.

It's uh, really windy and twisty road.

You can go off the road.

I was looking out the window.

And as we were going around Bullion Bend...

On the side of the road I see this blackish white thing.

And I didn't know what it was.

And when I was right up on it I could tell it was a woman.

She was naked, totally naked and really white I could see her body, and could see that it was a woman...

But I could not see her shadow.

I just saw a dead woman on the side of the road.

What? What?

Do you want me to stop?

No. No.

My husband wanted to stop.

Are you sure, we can go back.

And he said he was going to go back because he could probably help her.

What if she wasn't dead, and I told him no.

I didn't want to go back.

She may be a ploy...

You know what if somebody was in the woods waiting...

To come out and then take our car, or take us with the car.

Or k*ll us.

I asked him to please, find the nearest phone.

There's a phone right there.

We drove on about another quarter mile.

There's a ranger station up on the mountain.

And I called 911.

Hi I'd like to uh...

Report a body on the side of the road.

They told me somebody would there and to get in the truck and lock the door.

We sat in the car and we waited, which seemed like hours.

Which was probably just minutes.

The cop car pulled up.

And I jumped out of the car and I told him, that I had seen a naked lady on the side of the road.

And she was really white and I thought she was dead.

Get in the car, I'll follow you.

The officer told me...

Take us there, but stay back 200 yards.

We pulled out of the parking lot and we drove.

And then I said Nicki this is it there's Bullion Bend up ahead.

He had a big spotlight and he was looking.

And then he came back down and told me that uh, they hadn't found anything, and that we should go home.

I then told my husband that I didn't think that they believed me.

And that they thought I was crazy.

And they probably just stopped the search.

But I know that I saw her on that road.

Hey, guys.

Hi. How's it going?

Not bad.

Later in the shift that night I met up with the officers, that had gone up to the call that Deborah Hoyt made.

What's going on with Bullion Bend?

We were speculating, I mean maybe she's imagining it.

Uh, maybe it's a practical joke.

Okay so was she... Was she nuts? I mean...

No, no, no. She was very convincing, like she saw something.

They believed her it wasn't like they dismissed her as being a whack-job but...

They believed her.

We got in the house, and I just laid on my bed and kept crying.

I kept trying to go to sleep, but...

She kept popping in my head.

The vision of her just kept popping in my head and when it did...

I would wake up and cry.

I got a call to go back to the Sheriff's Department.

I met with the aunt and uncle of Christine Skubish.

Who just spent all night driving up to Placerville to from Southern California.

Okay well we want to help, where can we go?

They were concerned obviously for Christine, and for Nicki because nobody had seen or heard from them.

And they indicated to me that they wanted start their own search.

Highway 50, okay we're gonna go there now.

I recommended that they get some rest. They were both very tired.

Get some sleep and start fresh when the sun is up.

As I was talking to them I was becoming more suspicious, that there could be some connection between this naked woman...

And Christine Skubish.

I just had a sixth sense.

I thought I'm going to go up in to that area and search myself.

I was desperate to find her, along with my wife.

As the time was ticking on we started getting more and more worried.

We knew that something had happened.

But we didn't know what.

As I drove up there, obviously the sun is rising it's getting brighter.

I approached the Bullion Bend area.

This is the area that Deborah Hoyt had told the officers, where she'd seen this naked woman.

I was looking for anything that was out of the ordinary.

It could have been debris on the roadway that ordinarily wouldn't be there.

It could be skid marks off the side of the road.

Anything that isn't ordinarily on the Highway.

I was going to stop and investigate.

Once I got in to the Bullion Bend area I slowed my car down.

I saw a small tennis shoe, like a child's tennis shoe on the road.

I'm thinking what are the odds that this is Nicki's shoe.

I mean this is exactly the location that I had been told, Deborah Hoyt said she saw a naked woman on the shoulder.

I could look down and actually see that this was a very steep drop off.

And there was you know big pine trees all intermingled there.

And as I'm looking down I started to see um, debris.

That's when I saw the red car.

The whole roof had been peeled back on this car.

And so the entire top part of the car was missing, it was gone.

I came around to see if there was anybody in there.

I realized at that point that this in fact was Christine Skubish.

I reached and I tried to feel for a pulse.

At that point I knew the she...

She had died. She was deceased.

What bothered me the most about this um, not seeing Christine like that.

But looking across the car.

That's what really got me.

He had basically the look of death. He didn't have any life, looking at him.

I took my light, and I shined my light in his eyes to see if there was any reaction.

And I saw no reaction, no pupil change...

I didn't feel a pulse.

I believed that Niki too, was dead.

And then I noticed that his chest, as he's laying his chest rose a little bit.

Like he took a breath.

And I thought my mind was playing tricks on me.

I thought I was seeing things.

And then I got down close and I could actually feel shallow breaths.

I said... "My God, he's alive."

Nicki, stay with me.

Immediately got on the radio.

I need an EMT down here as soon as possible!

I tried to hold his hand, I said, Nicki, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand.

Stay with me.

I tried to get him to interact with me.

Um, I just continued to repeat his name.

Stay with me. I told him you're gonna be okay.

Then other deputy's showed up and I called them down to where I was.

I told them who Nicki was and I said you've gotta stay here with him.

Um, you know I'm afraid the family's coming.

I didn't want them to see the condition of Christine or Nicki.

And sure enough Karen arrived.

Stay back please. Nicki's okay.

And I had to put up my hands and say, stop.

Stay back! Stay back!


I kinda held Karen, and I looked her in the face and I told her, car's down here, I found both Christine and Nicki...

Watch your step. Watch your step. Careful.
Then I had to tell her, I said Christine didn't make it Christine died...


It's okay. It's okay.

Oh my God, Christine!

It's okay, it's going to be alright!

But Nicki is alive.

Let's get you home buddy.

Alright everybody ready?


It's okay, Nicki!

Let's get you home safe. Come on buddy.

The firefighters, the paramedics, they did all the treatments, the neck support everything, and put him on a flat backboard, to get him out of there and load him in to an ambulance.

We got the phone call.

They found Chris and Nick.

And my wife kept saying... Well how are they, are they okay?

And I had to tell her.


Chris is dead.

Earlier today, police responded to a fatal accident car.

My mother came to tell me I needed see something on TV.

23 year old Christine Skubish and his son Nicki went missing 5 days ago.

Their car was found in a ravine, Christine was pronounced dead at the scene.

I looked up, and saw the woman that I had saw on the side of the road.

Remarkably, Nicki survived for five days without food or water.

She had the same soft face.

And if you could imagine her eyes closed...

That would have been her.

The woman that Deborah Hoyt saw, could not be seen Christine Skubish.

Because the night that Deborah Hoyt saw this woman, Christine Skubish had already been dead for 5 days.

The Coroner's report indicated that death was immediate.

And that she died on impact.

Christine Skubish never took off her clothes.

Never climbed up the hill, never laid on the side of the road.

Never went back down and got re-dressed and put herself back in the the car.

None of that happened.

She was laying dead in that car for 5 days.

Before Deborah Hoyt ever saw anybody on the side of the road.

When I walked in to the room, um, I could see him there and, he was trying to hold his hands out. Hi Papa.


Nicki, look at you!

Man, he was pale.

Uh, skinny.

Uh, but he had a smile on his face.

I walked over there and not grabbed him hard or tight.

But just held him as gently, like a baby.

And it's like we were happy.

Although we lost our daughter we were happy that Nicki was still there.

Roughly about seventeen years have passed, since the accident happened.

Uh, most things I do remember, there's lots of flashes, mostly pictures.

They are very vivid.

The earliest ones I do remember being in my grandparents' house with my mother.

I remember them having a conversation, I don't exactly know what it was about.

That's about the earliest memory I have.

Um, the closest memory that occurs after that is of the accident its self.

I remember tumbling down the hill.

It was just tree, after tree, we were just hitting them head on.

I just remember waking up and being in the passenger seat next to my mother.

I remember not knowing what to think.

Looking at my mom and just kind of thinking she was asleep.

I didn't think anything more than that.

At least not that I remember.

I remember seeing lights.

But I just remember that something there, there was something right next to the car the entire time next to my mom I have a very distinct and vivid picture of it in my head.

I mean, it was just a light, it was a big light.

And then through the back window of the car itself, I could also see the same thing next to the road.

And it had a silhouette.

There was no specific features but I saw a lighted outline of a body.

It was never something that scared me.

And I didn't feel afraid when I saw it.

Two weeks later, Brenda and I decided to the crash site to see...

If there was anything else that was left down there behind that were Chris's.

We wanted to make sure that we got everything out of there.

And as I got out of the car there was a little mile marker.

That said uh, 16 miles pointing to Placerville.

Then I knew that my sister didn't have a dream, it was premonition.

The number 16 kept popping up.

And it all started making sense, as I started adding the pieces.

When you put all the pieces of the puzzle together, you take the dream that my aunt had.

The apparition sighting that Deborah Hoyt did see.

I just saw a dead woman on the side of the road.

And the lights that I did see around the car...

It had to have been an Angel.

Whether it was God's hand or just...

A mother looking after her son I honestly don't know.

But it was something, it was something greater than me.

And greater than anything that I've ever believed.

I absolutely think something special happened here.

People have asked before... " Is this some kind of miracle?"

Yeah, I think it is a miracle.

It's a whole number of a series of events that I can't explain and...

I don't know I've often thought about it, I just don't have the answers.

I would come in to the heliport.

And pre-flight the helicopter...

The we would settle in and try to gauge.

Listening to the police radio...

Of how the day was going.

I Was working with a new crew member, Kenny Downs.

He did not have any flight experience and my job was...

To kind of guide him, and show him the ropes.

I'd only been in the unit a couple of weeks.

So it was like having a brand new job.

We noticed very quickly it was a very quiet night.

Around 10:30 or 11:00 that night.

We decided that we should take the helicopter up.

And do our routine patrol.

Make our presence known.

Air one this is north-tower you are cleared for take off.


Copy that.

Kenny and I were flying.

Kenny was shining the light.

Checking for anything that may be unusual.

Checking roof tops of businesses.

School grounds, and the express ways and road ways.

The radio was quiet.

There wasn't a lot of activity on the streets.

There was virtually nothing in the sky.

It was just a slow night all the way around.

So you wouldn't think that that night, would be a night that you'd remember for the rest of your life.

We had been flying for 45 minutes to an hour.

Air one we have a burglary in progress on Penile Road.

Copy that.

A call came out that there was a burglary in progress.

That's about 3 miles up north I believe.

Then as we got nearer which was only about...

Um, a couple minutes, 3 minutes away...

I saw a light flickering.

The officer was shining his flashlight turning it off and on.

And I could tell where we were going.

We were almost there.

Be advised all personnel that is a false alarm, that is a false alarm. Over.

And they told us that it was a false alarm.

Copy that.

False alarm, Kenny.

Air one, bring us around. We'll head back to base if that's the case.

We decided that we would just head back to the heliport and take a break.

T.C. This is air one...

Uh, we are 4 miles southwest of your current location.

Roger that. Air one you are clear to land on helipad 3.

In route back to the heliport, we went over a group of trees.

We cleared this clump of trees, and I saw something very unusual.

What's that?

What's what?

Look over to your left.

I recall Kenny saying to me, Kenny when did that tower get out there?

And said tower, what tower? "That tower with the light on it."

There is no tower there.

He said, "What are you talking about"? I said that there.

So I shined the light on it.

And I looked over and saw a glowing object.

And I said, what is that?

That's definitely not a light on a tower.

I got lower and a little closer.

It was very bright.

It had a pear shape.

It just set there so we were kind of facing off with each other.

It was looking at us and we were looking at it.

I kept asking Kenny... What is this thing?

Look at this!

We just couldn't believe what we were seeing.

It started gaining altitude.

Coming up to about our altitude.

It stopped for a second, it kinda looked at us.

We kinda faced off and then it started going to the right.

And then to the left.

It kinda hovered, like we were doing.

So we kinda faced off with each other.

And then all of a sudden it just takes off a warp speed.

And just goes like a mile and a half in a second.

As it disappeared from our sight it had to be going 600 miles an hour.

We just couldn't believe it. What is this thing?

It would leave and it would be right back.

I saw a helicopter hovering over the GE property.

I could tell that it was the police helicopter.

What have you got going on over at GE? I'm across the street in the park.

I said guys, you all need to come over here, we've got something chasing us we're in GE parking lot.

You know I moved on to the property to get a better look.

And you know I see the helicopter and then, off to one side I see kind of a faint glowing light.

We're seeing this orange glow up in the sky here do you see what were seeing Joe?

I see it all around you.

You know I'm talking to Kenny on the radio.

And uh, you know we're basically asking him...

Hey what is it guys, you know what, what are you seeing?

It's right behind us!

I hear," Kenny, it's chasing us! It's chasing us!"

Air one, I have no idea what that is.

I'm thinking, this thing is going hit our tail rotor.

It's coming from behind.

I turned in to it.

We're chasing after it...

I was looking out my windshield. I want to know what it is.

The whole time you know I'm chasing this object and everything.

Things are flashing through my mind...

Is it a plane, a balloon? Some kind of aircraft?

I can't keep my eye on it because their moving...

And I'm having to move to try to keep up and get a closer look at it.

I'm driving pretty fast.

As I'm zigzagging through the buildings.

It started getting farther and farther away from me where I couldn't keep up with it.

At the last moment... It was unbelievable.

It's over... Right in front of us.

What is this?

Whoa! What the hell was that?

Oh my God. All of a sudden there come the fireballs.


That was the size of a baseball! What the hell was that? Where did it go?

As they fired out they stayed equal distance to each other.

Look at that!

It's another one.

When they shot these fireballs out, one never passed the other one.

It was just... Right in line.

At that same time, I'm banking the helicopter hard to the left.

And turning, because I didn't want these objects to hit us.

I see these faint fireballs just kind of spurt out.

By then I'm coming back up and around to see where it went.

And it was gone.

Okay. Kenny where did it go?

I do not know.

And we were saying where is?

Kenny you see anything?

I don't see anything.

There was nothing. It just vanished.

We circled the area, and could not find any trace of anything.

Just as it appeared in the beginning, it was gone in an instant.

Once the unidentified flying object disappeared, we decided to head in.

There wasn't a lot of conversation.

At that point, I'm just kind of baffled you know what was it?

We're trying to say that this was not a UFO.

And we couldn't do it.

Do I believe in UFO's?


I really don't know what it was, and I can't explain it.

But I did see a unidentified flying object.