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01x16 - Ice Ice Yeti; MAD Soaker

Posted: 08/24/15 13:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Inspector - Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ (Go! Go! Gadget! Go!) ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪
♪ (Go! Go! Yeah! Gadget!) ♪
♪ Inspector - Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪
♪ (Go! Go! Yeah! Gadget!) ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Ahhhhh! ♪

Cool, the latest Mission evaluations are in...

Take it easy, Penny.

I had a blast!


Computer voice: Failure to detain suspect.


Call me!


Computer voice: Failure to detain suspect.

Nice running through mazes with you.

[frustrated sigh]


Failure to detain suspect.


Well hello, Penny.

I have a surprise lunch for you.


Wowsers, she must really hate burritos!

Talon: Guess who's back?

Seriously, Uncle Claw, they're never gonna catch me.

I'm a ghost!

I'm like the wind!



Well, sure, but...

You are unable to complete even the simplest of evil deeds!

I'm pulling you out of the field.

NO! I know I can be a great villain!

It's my destiny!

Please, Uncle Claw! You must have something for me!

An unfinished evil plot?

A half-cooked treacherous scheme!

I'll take anything!


Oh yes, please let me go to the Himalayas to manually power your giant heat machine, Uncle Claw!

Ugh, I shoulda kept my big mouth shut.



The microwave emitter is barely warm!

No way am I gonna crank this thing fast enough!

Nine thousand, seven hundred and sixty-two hours until all the snow is melted? Come on!!!



Uncle Claw... the heat machine seems to be working properly.

But it's gonna take time...

You have until this afternoon.

If sea level hasn't risen 20 feet by then, I will have to dock the new MAD yacht down at the Marina instead of at the lair's back door.

Wow, that would be a disaster!

For you to have to walk like a whole 50 extra yards...

What's that???

Nothing! Nothing!

The sea will rise, Uncle.

You can count on me!

I gotta find a better way to drive this turbine or I don't have a snowball's chance in...


What was that?

Uh, hello?

Well, what do we have here.

Mark my words, Brain... the next time I get a chance to put the collar on Talon... no offense... nothing is gonna stop me!

You're just in time!

Just in time for what?

I've managed to create a super heating focal zone by firing microwave emitters at a central nexus point!


So what's in the container?

Oh that?

My lunch.

Ooh, I'm next!

Wait! It's still wrapped in foil! NOOOOO!


Uncle Gadget! Are you alright!?!

Of course, Penny, but I think this burrito might be part of a secret MAD plot to ruin my lunch!

You can't put foil in the emitter because it uses microwaves!

So Dr. Claw used a memory eraser to make me think I could use tinfoil with microwaves???



Oh, good, Gadget. I'm glad I caught you.

I have your next mission.

MAD is attempting to melt all the snow in the Himalayas with a giant heat machine.

The melted snow will raise sea level by 20 feet.

Which would cause a worldwide flood!

Your mission: Travel to Tibet, disable the Heat Machine, and stop Dr. Claw.

This message will self destruct.

You can count on us, Chief!





Guess where I'm calling from!

A boat!


Uncle Claw, I can't talk now...

Look! MADcat is wearing a sailor's suit! It's adorable.


Talon, what was that?

Sorry, Uncle. Gotta go!

Yes, you'll do just fine.


Wowzers! It's really coming down out there!

According to these coordinates, we should reach the MAD base camp in less than 30 minutes.

I'm sure you're right, but I think I'll have a look for myself.

Go Go Gadget Neck!

I can't see anything through all this snow!

Go Go Gadget Umbrella!

Uncle Gadget, no!


Now what are we gonna do!?!

Well we can't stay here!

All kinds of mysterious beasts live at these altitudes! We'd be sitting ducks!

I didn't see anything in the report about dangerous wild animals.

Of course not, Penny!

The animals I'm talking about haven't even been discovered yet!


Well, either way, we can't stay out here!

C'mon, MAD base camp is this way!

We have to try to stick together, okay you guys?!?


3 and a half hours 'til full melt, ha!

Nice work, big fella!

You'd make a darn fine henchman if you weren't all, y'know, mythical and endangered and whatnot.


The secret to walking on snow, Penny, is to take deep breaths, making you lighter, so you don't fall through.



He must be a MAD Agent!

Go Go Gadget Yeti Repellent!

And Von Slickstein thought I'd never possibly need Yeti repellent!




Yes! A rescuer!

Nope... It's Talon.

Well surprise surprise.




Finally. Nowhere to run.

I've gotta hand it to you, Penny, you don't give up easily... even when you should have quit trying to capture me a long time ago!


Not this time.

I tell you, MADcat, she was a steal, literally.

200 feet from tip to tail.

4000 horses Got three deathrays on 'er too!


I know...

I'll probably only ever use 2, but can you ever really have enough deathrays?


Sweet! Once this baby hits zero, all the snow in the Himalayas will be melted and I can SURF out of here!


I hope Penny brought her thermal underwear on this mission.







I only want to bring you justice, and possibly hug you for body warmth!



Hah, in your indescribable face, Uncle Claw.

How's that for completing the simplest of evil deeds!

Well, you've got the simple part right!

Oh, you are so about to be captured, MAD boy.




Hey easy!

Don't disturb the talent!

What. Have. You. Done?


Thought that was kind of obvious by now.

I built a giant melting machine, caught a mythical snow beast to power it, put a collar on it so if it stops running it gets a shock, and now I'm about to flood the entire world.

And the best part is...

I'm getting away again!











Brain! Hurry! The Yeti!

You have to set him free!

When that timer hits zero, this whole place is gonna be under water and...




Decisions decisions.

Does she try to save the world from a flood, save the endangered mythical beast, or try, and fail, to capture the bad guy who has been so awesomely elusive?




I knew it.

We have to get the shock collar off him if we're going to stop that machine!

Hey there little guy.

We're not gonna hurt you.

We're your friends!

Who's a cute, terrifying, mystical creature?

It's not working! We're too late!


I've gotta find a place to thaw out quick or my gadgets are going to freeze solid.


What's this? I know what will warm me up!

A snack. Go Go Gadget Burrito.



Extra crispy, just the way I like it!

Uncle Gadget! You saved the day!

Of course I did, Penny.

The world is once again safe from...


Go Go Gadget Yeti Repellent!




Excellent work Gadget...

Well, Talon escaped again!

But I'd take saving the world and a race of mythical creatures over some stupid check mark on my report card any day.

That's great, Penny.

Who's Talon?


I'm almost about to possibly start to maybe sweat!

How come MADcat doesn't have to run in this thing.

Because she isn't a disappointing nephew who keeps being defeated by my mortal enemy!


The party of the year is finally here.

Baron Von Steeltoe's annual super villain soiree!

It has everything. Sharks with lasers.

Exploding soda fountain. Cheese plates.

Any villain who's any villain will be here!

Ahhh! My hair!

No one snubs Dr. Claw!

If I am not invited, THERE WILL BE NO PARTY!

Yeah. For sure. Just terrible.

I definitely didn't get invited either.

MADcat! What's up, buddy?

Playtime, now? Really...

QUIET! Can't you see I'm plotting?

Minor league villains prancing around in their fancy kilts by the pool, in the warm sunshine, enjoying delicious haggis...

I'm pretty sure haggis is gross and Scotland is always cold and rainy.

Oh, we will make it cold and rainy.

We will SOAK his precious party.


Ah, lovely Loch Ness.

I haven't been back since my time with the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau, when we were in search of...

The Loch Ness monster!

No. Their lost cat.

Cute little guy. Orange with brown spots.

Nessie is so cool!

I've re calibrated my Codex to record underwater heat signatures.

I'm gonna find her and post on the Nessie Nation blog!



Chief Quimby! Nice sweater!

Gadget, Penny.

Sorry to cut your trip short but we have just received some disturbing intel.

The water level of Loch Ness has been dropping steadily.

MAD plot suspected.

Your mission is to find out the cause of the disappearing water and stop MAD.

This message will self destruct.

That will destroy all the marine wildlife and Nessie's habitat.

Don't worry!

We'll nab these Loch Nabbers, before they nab, the Loch!



The water is dropping fast!

This loch will be empty in hours.


We need to get to the bottom of this, by getting to the bottom of this!

Go Go Gadget Scuba Gear!


I'll track Uncle Gadget to make sure he's okay.

You keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

Brain, I see Nessie!

Oh wait, nope it's just a log.


What? Uncle Gadget!

This landlocked body of water has an unusually strong current.


Uncle Gadget's swimming really fast!

He must have found something.


MAD drones are draining the loch!

(MUFFLED) Wowsers!

That straw isn't just sucking water, it's sucking in Uncle Gadget!

We have to follow him!

Let's go get the Gadget mobile. so all systems go and I'm heading for the target.

The drones are locked onto this control signal module, and the lead drone.


Hey! Why are you wearing a disguise?

Well, since I am about to launch an attack on all the world's major super villains...


Sorry, most of them.



They're lame, you rock! Talon out.


I know I don't have my license, but, we have to go after him!

I don't think so.

You don't even have opposable thumbs!

If I can't fly, and you can't fly, then who's gonna do it?


Ooh, let me guess, electric mannequin?

Moldy pickle? I don't know!

Brain, I don't have time for Charades!


You're a genius, Brain!

The emergency auto pilot!

Auto Gadget, auto pilot at your service. Destination please.

Let's go get Uncle Gadget.

Uncle Gadget is not a destination.

Huh? Oh, uh, follow that drone.

Sensors indicate several drones, please specify.

Any drone... all of them... Just fly. Fast!

Fly fast. Affirmative.


Gadget: Hmm. I seem to be trapped in some sort of underwater force field.

Go Go Gadget Force Field Disrupter!


Disrupter... field... force?

Brain, you go help Uncle Gadget.

His systems seem to be having some slight malfunctions.

If I can take over the lead drone, I might be able to stop all of the other drones.

Auto Gadget, slowly move closer to that drone.

Good. Lower down 2 feet.


Hold steady as we drop Brain off.

Drop Brain. Affirmative.

Sorry Brain! But nice landing!

I'll try to get over to the lead drone as fast as I can.

Get over to lead drone as fast as I can. Affirmative.

I really have to stop speaking.


Now, just gotta find a way in...

Of course I'm coming to your party, Baron.

I'll, uh, be there really soon.

I just have to do a couple... um...


Auch, errands.

Get'er done and get over 'ere.

When the Baron invites ya, ya show!


Who were you talking to?

Where is your disguise?

Oh... that... yeah... moustache was... too tight?

Gotta get back to the mission!

Destroy the Baron's party.

I hate that party!



What now?


Things are starting to look up!

Talon. Don't you guys hire henchmen anymore?

But then the kicking of your butt would be so impersonal!

Personal enough for you?

Look, this has been fun, but, I have a party to get to.

Otherwise I'd love to stay and dance.

We weren't dancing!

Almost... broken... through...


A big bat, with a dog face?

A bat dog!

I've got to warn HQ. MAD has created a Bog... or would it be called a Dat?



Wait. Stop.

We need to study you for science!

Go Go Gadget Bat Dog Catcher.


(DIZZY) Messing with my Gadgets, are you, Bat Dog?

You won't escape that easily.

Go Go Gadget.. Something to catch him with.


So, I sez, "You tell me. You're supposed" to be the 'Doctor'



Good one!

Now we're having fun!

It's not a rockin' super villain party unless someone tries to destroy it!

Alert security.

Alright lads, don't toss your caber 'til I gives the word.

It's no use, the drones are following the lead drone and this Control Signal Module!

They've locked onto it and I can't over ride...

We need to find a way to divert the lead drone!

Pardon me sir, but I think you're in my seat... ice cream?

Now, who'd send water balloons, covered in MAD symbols, to soak me party...


Talon? Who's that?

Sounds like a cool guy...

Well MADcat, let's dial in and see if the Baron is wet enough to rust his Steel Toes!


Perhaps you have a better joke?

Just as I thought.

What... is... going...


That's it, Brain!

We won't stop the drones, we'll get them following another leader.


Not the real Uncle Gadget.

Auto pilot Uncle Gadget!

If I can unhook the Control Signal Module and put it on the Gadget mobile, we can direct the drones to go where we want them to!

Got it.

Auto Gadget fly to my position.

Alright, let's fly the drones back to the Loch.

All of the drones will not fit in the Gadget mobile.

Yes... you're right.

I meant, just fly over the Loch!

Sensors indicate thousands of Lochs...



MAD drones, return to Loch Ness.

Return to Loch Ness.


Auto pilot engaged.

Now to return the water.

Good work, Penny.

Now let's ask our handsome autopilot here to drop us on shore.

Drop on shore.



The water levels are returning to normal!

All in a day's work, Penny.

I know we stopped MAD, but I'm bummed I didn't see...



Of course...

Good work team!

You returned the water back to the loch, saved the marine life, and recovered all but one drone!

That drone is flying without a guide.

It could be anywhere.

Oh, Baron Von Twinkle Toes is on to us?

Yeah, seems painting giant MAD symbols on everything isn't a good idea...

The world must know it's been defeated by MAD!

Ok, sure. Good point, whatever, just get me outta here!