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03x06 - Batter Up

Posted: 08/23/15 08:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cedar Cove...

Olivia: Is that really what you want?

Take me to court and fight over a piece of property?


Should I tell Olivia?

Let me.

Luke: Matt?

Justine: He's running away from his life.

I'm starting to get worried about Olivia.

I don't know where she is.

Alex: I do.

[ambient chatter]


Nice to see you again.

You too.

Olivia: Seattle?

Jack: You knew that.

Alex needed someone to be a good friend.

And you were the only one available?

Who do you think they're talking about, you or me?

Oh, my guess is neither.

Or my hope.

Look. Alex is a friend.

We're in the program together.

I support that.

I don't support day trips to the city together.


You know what? Why don't you join me?

Oh, no, thanks.

I don't... anymore.

Oh! So... Jack and you?

Yeah. Well, that, and we share a love of the Phillies and old Westerns.


You have friends, too.

We're not talking about Paul.

Pretty sure they're talking about me now.

I'm sorry about before...

With Jeri, in Seattle, and the bars...

But, Olivia, you have to trust me, Alex is a friend.

That's all she's ever gonna be.

I love you, I want to be with you.

That's why I called you six times today.

I called you back.

Yeah. We just, uh, didn't connect.

We need to change that.

Yeah. We do.

Are we going to change it?

[laughing] Yes.



It was really compassionate of you to help Alex.

To be honest, it felt good... to help.

I think, I'd like to have dinner alone with you tonight, which is what I had planned.

I hope Alex and Paul don't mind.

I think they'll be okay.

[she laughs]

Okay, that's not exactly what I had planned... but at least we are alone now.



Hello, Olivia.


Listen, I think we need to talk about your mother's house.

Oh! You mean talk about how you tried to manipulate my brother into destroying our childhood home?

Come on, Olivia.

We're partners now.

Don't you think we should at least get along?



Didn't Will tell you?

Tell me what?

Oh, right! I forgot. My apologies.

I told him I wanted to share the good news with you in person.

So here it is. Um...

Will sold me his stake in the house.

I-I told him that I would buy him out.

And I gave him a very generous, above-market, all-cash, no contingency offer that he couldn't refuse.

Come on, Olivia. Don't feel so bad.

I mean, even if Will would've told you, you wouldn't have survived a bidding w*r with me, and you know it, so you have two choices...

You can sell me your half of the house, or you can go into business with me.

Either way, I win.

[chuckles] And I love that.

I want to see the contracts you got Will to sign.

Right here.

Oh, by the way, they're iron-clad.

I'm very thorough.

Have a good day!

[door opening]

There you are!

Hey, Mom.

I didn't hear you come in last night.

I was out late with Cliff.


I'm engaged! Again! For real!




And I want you to be my maid of honor.

What about Olivia?

Olivia's my best friend, you are my daughter, and I want us to be doing this wedding together...

Planning, everything!

Well, I-I thought, since you were kind of down-playing the engagement, you and Cliff might just elope.

Or have Olivia marry you at the court.

No! No, now that I'm really engaged, I am all in, and I want you all in, right beside me.

We need champagne!

It's a little early for champagne.

No! I'll put some orange juice in it.

We have to celebrate.

I'm worried about you.

You didn't need to come here.

I think I did.

Since Kristen, you've been living like a monk.

It's not healthy. You need to move on.

Yeah? What else do I need to do?

I only say this because I love you.

Could you love me a little less?




Good morning.

Olivia Lockhart, this is Liz.


I'm his sister.

Oh! Sister?

Surprised me, too.

So you're Olivia?

I am.

Paul talks about you a lot.

He does?

I don't.

He does.



He's quite impressed by you.

I'm impressive?

You know that you are.

Are you here on vacation?

The family sent me to do reconnaissance.

You took a job 3,000 miles away.

The family misses him.

We barely hear from him...

A few random e-mails and texts.

He got divorced and took the first plane out of New York.

Well, we're lucky to have him.

You two, enjoy your breakfasts.

It was nice to meet you, Liz, and to meet someone from Paul's family.

It's not just the beautiful vistas of this town that have captured your heart.

She's in a long-term relationship, and we work together.


I don't like complications.

You used to love them.

Which is why I'm divorced and now happily single.

So, come on... why are you really here?

You heard about Kristen?

"Divorce" means I don't care if she remarries.

Again... why are you here?

I took a leave of absence from my job.

Not loving it.

Don't think I ever really did.

Sorry your job's not doing it for you anymore.

Work's the only thing that holds me together.

We need to change that.


[forced chuckle]


Hey. Matt never showed up this morning.


Yeah. He didn't call either.

I'll be back.

Whoa, whoa, hey. Where are you going?

Well, I gotta find him. Something's up.

No, what you gotta do is cover for Matt, plus do your work.

No, Derek...

Look, I feel for you, Luke, I do, but I need you. I mean, you take off, I can't go out, I lose the whole day.

Something's wrong if he didn't show or call.

Go. I'll find someone to cover.

Thanks, man.

I am going to be my mother's maid of honor.

My mother's.

"Maid of honor."

Not "matron," "maid."

I am a "maid" because I am unmarried, and my mother is a bride... for the second time.

I'm happy for her... I'm just unhappy for me.

I don't understand.

It's not easy to say.

Well, spill it.

I thought... when John and I moved back here, that he was going to ask me to marry him, and then when he didn't ask me, I knew what I wanted.

You wanted him to ask you.


And now?

We decided to take a break.

As relationships go, we are at an impasse.

You guys will work this out.

Although 41% of marriages end in divorce.

But maybe you'll catch the bouquet?

So what happened to you last night?

Well, Paul and I thought you guys wanted to be alone.

Well, we did, but you didn't have to...

Look, Olivia has been so cool with you... well, helping me.

I just want to make sure...

No, look. Listen.

Olivia and I are working through some things that have nothing to do with you.

But I did drag you to that stupid birthday party.

[laughs] You didn't drag me anywhere!

Well, dragged or not, thanks for going.

You were there when I needed you, even though I didn't think I needed you.

Which is why I wanted to ask you something.

Okay. sh**t.

Will you be my sponsor?

I haven't had one, or needed one, since I lived back east, and, well, now I think I need one.

What do you think?

I mean, you've basically been doing it, I just thought we could make it official.



You and I have to talk about your bridesmaid duties.

I thought you would do something small.

No! I want to celebrate.

Like "the whole town" kind of celebrate.

What's this?

Your duties.


It's three pages!

Well, there's been a lot of changes since my first go-around.

Look! There's all these rules and parties and gifts, and, I have to say, I'm loving it.

Come on, it'll be so much fun.

I'll pick you up in a few, we'll go for lunch, and then we can do some dress shopping.


Yeah! I'm excited.

I can't go today. I'm slammed.

Oh. Okay.

Another day. Soon.

Yeah, right. Well, then, you'll have to excuse me.

I need to go and finalize my plans for this year's charity softball game.

Is it that time already?

It is!

And you need to pick a team.

Moon's, or Thyme and Tide.

You know I never play.

Never say "never."

I'm gonna stick with "never."

But I'll be there to cheer everyone on.

I want in.

I want the lead in the Ford case.

I can do it. I'm ready.

I am more than ready. Okay?

Good morning, Miss Jennings.

"How are you?" How am I?

I'm fine. Thank you for asking.

Oh, yeah. "Morning." So?

It's a felony case.

Yes. That's why I want in.

You seem a little too happy about diving into this one.

This guy needs to go down.

It's his first offense.

But he has a record.

But that record's not admissible.

Can't be used.

Let's find a way to use it.


You can second chair. With me.

So... what?

I get to hand you Gatorade and towels while you score touchdowns and pose for pictures?


[dejected sigh]

Heads up!

You played ball back in Philly?


Me and a bunch of seriously overweight sportswriters, yeah.

Well, the town's annual charity softball game is in a few days and I want you to captain the Thyme and Tide team.

We're playing Moon's Cafe again.

Same as last year.

Oh! So we're gonna lose?

Not with you playing.

[scoffing] I don't know, Bob.

No, the game raises a lot of money for the local animal shelter. It's a really good cause.


Moon recruited Paul for his captain.

Now, there's losing, and there's utter humiliation.

Rumor has it he went to college on a baseball scholarship.

Was even scouted by some pros.

Well, I guess I'm putting my money on Moon's.


Come on, Jack.

We need you.

I just don't think I can.

I mean, I've got so much going on right now, Bob.

Mm. Is everything okay?

Well, Alex has asked me to be her sponsor.


And you said no, right?

I told her I'd think about it.

Let me help her find someone more appropriate.

Big responsibility, being a sponsor.

Your have enough on your plate.

Well, I don't know if I'm going to do it, but, uh, whether I can handle it or not, that's not an issue.

It is the issue.

Thanks for the support, Bob.

I am being supportive.

Doesn't exactly feel like it.

[door opens, then shuts]

Oh. Hey, you.

Hey. So, uh...

I wanted to apologize for my sister.


Yeah, from this morning.

I like Liz.

Oh, I love her, yeah, but she's... she's chatty, and she likes to chat about me.

Oh! You're afraid she's gonna tell me your deep, dark secrets?



I mean, I m... No.

She friendly. It's nice.

Yeah. I haven't been talking a lot about you.

You know, Liz was born without a filter, so if she knows it, she says it.

Hey. I was gonna grab some lunch.

Can I buy you something?

Oh, I've got a date.

Oh! Well, say hi to Jack.

No. With Liz, not Jack.

I'm going to lunch with your sister.

She wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

Well, arguing runs in the family.

I get that.

Yeah, actually, it's good that you're having lunch with her, 'cause I love her, but she's driving me crazy.

And I'm really glad she asked.

Gives me a chance to find out more about you.



Are you crazy?

Jack: Hello, Jeri.

You can't be serious with that article on John Comlin.

Look. That article is a piece of art.

That article will never see the light of day.

What? No. Jeri, no!

John Comlin is a close and personal friend of the owner of the paper.


Don't act all innocent.


That is a vetted, true story, and it needs to be told.

I told it. You need to run it.

It's a great story.

Maybe the best you've written for me.

[exhaling] Well, you know what? I'm an editor and I say run it.

My editorial control supersedes yours.


Jeri... this is wrong.

It's not right or wrong, it's business.

Come on. Do the right thing here.

I'm going to run Peter's story on the local shipping company instead.

I'm not willing to die on this hill for you, Jack.

The story's dead.



Thank you.

So? You ready?


For the game! The big game!

[laughing] Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure."

Those are inspiring words of leadership.

I'd follow you anywhere.

You picking your team?

I have to do that?

I thought... I thought I could just show up.

Yes, that's all you have to do.


If you want to be a loser.

[women laughing]



[Olivia sighs]


Aw, g... Liz!

Till he was 10!

Nine and a half! Superheroes are important for the emotional development of-of young children.

There are studies!

There are?

There could be, someday.

It was a Halloween costume you refused to take off and wore for an entire month.

Mom had to throw it out when he was at a sleep-over.

Winston Churchill... big Batman fan.

I think.

Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me, Batman.



Hey, Grace!

Oh, Liz, this is Grace Sherman and her daughter...




It's nice to meet you.

We should go.

[pointedly]: Dress shopping.

Very nice to meet you.

I thought you said Olivia didn't have time to go dress shopping at lunch?

I did.

This was really nice.

Let's do it again!


Let's not.

You crashed, you were not invited.

I have a meeting in court. Thanks for lunch.

This was... very... informative.


We're just friends.

Oh, yes, you two are very friendly.

She's seeing someone else.


Yeah, I've checked the motel and most of the town.

I have no idea where he is.

I shouldn't have talked to him about his marriage.

I don't know where to look.

I know someone who could have some insight into what made Matt run... what makes him keep running.

Have you talked to his wife?

I wouldn't even know how to find her.

I would.

Daughter of a judge, friend of a private investigator.

I could call Roy.

Or... maybe I already did.

Maybe I already got an address.

Matt's wife?

She's in Port Orchard.

A ferry ride away.

Not North Carolina. Like he said.


You want to come?

I think this is something you want to do on your own.


Hi, Jack.

Hi. Uh, listen. Is this a bad time?

I've got court.

Oh, right.

Oh, come on. I can talk to you.

Sit down.

All right.

What's up?

[sighs] Jeri.

My favorite subject.

She wants to k*ll a story of mine.

Not the John Comlin piece?


Why doesn't she want to run it?

She thinks it'll upset the owner of the paper, who's friends with Comlin.

What do you think?

I think, as journalists, we're supposed to tell the story...

Unbiased and true are the only things that are supposed to be in play, and she just won't budge.

Well, I think, when you follow your convictions, you never regret it.


Get her to budge!

You can.

You are very persuasive when you want to be.

Thank you.

I also came by to tell you something else.

What is it?

Alex has asked me to be her sponsor.

And I wanted you to know that I'm considering it.



Well, I, um... I'm late for court.

Right, right.

[door shuts]
Thank you.

So, I'm thinking, tomorrow, why don't we go into Seattle, look at invitations, and maybe do some taste-testing of cakes from those fabulous Italian bakeries?

I might not be able to go to Seattle tomorrow.

Olivia can go.

No, honey, I want you to go.

But I don't want to hog all the wedding fun.

You're not having a good time.

No. I am.

And you look amazing, Mom.

Thank you.

You're going to look amazing, too, some day.


Why don't you...

I like this one. Why don't you try this on?

This is about you.

No. This is about us.

Please? For me.

[taking a deep breath] Actually, I promised John I'd Skype with him, and he's on nights this week.

I gotta go.

Sorry, Mom.

So, if I understand correctly, your client is being charged with Vehicular as*ault?



My client has no priors, is a good student, and made a non-fatal error in judgment.

If he is tried as an adult, he will go to adult prison.

I respectfully request my client is tried as a juvenile.

[chair scrapes floor]

[Paul sighs]

Though technically not an adult, I think we're all aware that Mr. Ford is not a child.

Try him as an adult, it's a class "B" felony, a violent offense...

10 years in prison, $20,000 fine.

The facts of the case support the charge.

Mr. Ford became intoxicated via the use of an illegal substance and then drove his car into another car.

A parked car.

Which could've been filled with people.

But was empty.

He was driving under the influence.

And my client is willing to pay the fines, go to rehab, pay restitution, and lose his license for the next year.

Your client doesn't get to pick what punishment he will or will not do.

He's a kid.

Who was wasted when he got behind the wheel of two-ton automobile.

With all due respect, the criminal court system can only keep control of the defendant until 21 years of age.

And while it's true the reckless actions of Mr. Ford did not result in bodily harm to another person, it could well have.

The defendant could easily have k*lled someone.

For the greater good of the community, he should be tried as an adult.

It's one mistake.

He has a prior record.


My esteemed colleague knows that record is sealed and inadmissible.

Gentlemen. Sit. Both of you.

I have read both your briefs and both the defense and the prosecution make compelling arguments, though I am inclined to rule in favor of the defense.


Your honor.

I will see counsel in my chambers.

You have to run that article.

[scoffs] We've been through this.

You'll regret it.

I'm management now.

I have to keep my eye on the bigger picture.

Who are you?

I am someone who answers to an owner.

I am someone who is not having the easiest time working with that owner.

And I'm someone who doesn't want to lose her job just so you can feel like the hero reporter.

No, no. No. This isn't about me.

Well, it's not about me.

Yes, it is.

My standards aren't in question here.

My standards are?

Oh, please... enlighten me.

As journalists, we all start out with this... This wall of integrity.

A wall, huh?

Yeah, and if you don't run this story just because you're worried about upsetting your boss, that is a chip to that wall, and every chip that you allow to happen brings you that much closer to seeing that wall fall down entirely.


What a bunch of garbage.

This is the real world, Jack, with real decisions that affect real people.

This isn't some final essay in a Journalistic Ethics class, so you can save your breath and head back home.

My decision stands.

The old Jeri would run the story.

The old Jeri wouldn't have my job.

Grow up, Jack. We all have to.

Mr. Ford's record are sealed because he's a minor.

Just because it can't be admitted into evidence doesn't make it irrelevant.

If it can't be admitted into evidence in my court, it's not evidence, and therefore, it's irrelevant.

A technicality.

Due process.

He's abusing the system.

He has rights.

So do the people of this town.

He hit a parked car.

It could've been filled with children.

It could've been filled with cream cheese.

It's court!

We deal in facts, not what the facts "might" be.

He is a risk.

He's remorseful.

Because he got caught!

Mr. Watson...

Mr. Pope.

I will render my decision in the morning.

Thank you, gentlemen, that will be all.

[sternly]: That will be all.

So Maryellen just walked out?

Yep. And Olivia blew me off.

I just don't understand.

Maryellen just doesn't seem interested in this wedding, and I really want her to be.

All in all, not a very scrapbook-worthy pre-wedding entry.

Well, I'll go dress shopping with you.

It's bad luck.


But, you know, the most important thing about this wedding is you and me, right?

This may not be my first wedding, but it's my last, and I just want it to be special.

And it will be.

No. Not if Maryellen and Olivia aren't there with me.

I mean, if I can't share all of this with them...

Hey, hey, hey. Come here.




Got it.



And that leaves me with water.

I gotta go.

Hot date?

No. Better.

Hot case.

You really need to get out of that courtroom more often.

I'm exactly where I want to be...

In the courtroom.

Big case?

Yeah. I can't wait. It's a felony case.

You so need a date.

I will take a career instead, thank you.

Well, well!

Rebecca. Justine.

I'm Linnette.

Perk down.

Keep walking.

I was, actually, I was walking right over there, to the county assessor's office to register my latest purchase...

It's a lovely property you might know it more as your grandmother's house.


Yeah, your uncle sold me his stake in the house.

Now I'm partners with your mother.

[laughs] Oh, she's thrilled.


Yeah. Bye-bye.

I can't believe I dated him.

I can't believe I almost married him.


He is cute!

He is.

He's Lucifer.

Does the devil wear pocket squares?

Yes. And he lives in Cedar Cove.

I don't think I've seen you since basic training.


Well, I was surprised to see Matt in Cedar Cove.

[sighing] He left a while back.

Yeah, he seems a bit lost.

To be honest, he's been lost since he got back from his last tour.

Since he left the Navy, he's been too proud to ask for help so he can rebuild his life, find a new career.

Not the easiest transition...

Active m*llitary to normal, everyday life.

So you aren't divorced?


No. He just left.

He said he'd come back when he got things sorted out.

Even before the Navy, he had this problem.

He doesn't want anyone to see him struggle.

He was raised to believe that asking for help was a sign of weakness.

Well, he needs to come home and deal with this.

I can't make him, I've tried.

I'll find him. I'll get him back.

You don't have to do this, Luke.

You don't have to get involved.

I do.


Because he'd do the same thing for me.

[takes a shaky breath]

White flag?

I saw that you withdrew your motion to try Mr. Ford as an adult.

I did!

Someone made a more compelling argument than I did.

It's rare, but it happens.

It's the right call.

I was out of line.

Not at all.

You're a worthy opponent.

And you're a worthy sparring partner.

So... where's your sister?

She's at the Thyme and Tide.

I'm meeting her there for dinner.

By the way... Bob loves her!


Yeah. So.

We cannot talk about the Ford case.

We cannot.

Can we get coffee, and not talk about the case?

If you insist.

Speaking of insisting...

This, uh, charity softball game?

Oh, Bob's passion!

Yeah. I didn't know that when I agreed to captain Moon's team.


Yeah. I'm sure this game will further solidify the tight-knit emotional bond that Bob and I have already made.

Well, let's go get that coffee.


[door opens]


You look deep in thought.

I am.

Is it the sponsor thing?

No. No. It's, um, it's a work thing.

Let me guess.


Mm. She surprised me.

This is the preview to tomorrow's Seattle Courier online.


She, uh... ran a story of mine she said she wouldn't.

You know, it's one of those things, where you, uh, you think you have somebody figured out, and then...

So, this is a good thing?

It's the right thing.

Well, that's always a good thing.

Speaking of good things or good people...

I've been doing some thinking, I think I'm going to find someone else to be my sponsor.

It's too much.

Look, it was wrong for me to ask you, and you're too loyal to say no.

Really, Jack, thanks for everything.

I don't know how I would have gotten through this time without your help.

You're my rock.


I will see you at the softball game?

I wouldn't miss it.



[cell ringing]


Jeri: Jack...

I was just about to call you.

I'm glad you came around.

Running the story was the right choice.

David called me in for an "emergency meeting" to talk about digital media and how I'm running the paper.

I think you and I both know that this meeting has nothing to do with either.

But, hey, at least my integrity's still intact, right?

Listen, why don't I come with you as back-up?

I want to be there for you.

You did a good thing here.

[chuckles dryly]

I think you've done enough already.

You know what? I made this decision on my own.

I can handle it.


What's going on with you and my wedding?

The bridal shop... you don't want to talk about cakes or invitations.

It's just so hard.

What is?

This. You.

Helping you get married.

I thought John would propose.

He didn't.

Oh, honey, I had no idea.


Well, we're taking a break.

Since when?

Since the day you got engaged.


So, uh...

I don't think I can do it.

Dress shopping?

No! Don't even worry about it.


I don't think I can be in the wedding.

I'm sorry.


You know, I'm surprised.

At what?

Well, just the fact that the great Judge Olivia Lockhart sent her daughter to do her bidding.

She doesn't know I'm here.


Just sell the part you got from Will back to my mom.

Do the right thing and stay out of our lives.

Save your breath, Justine. Come on.

You know I'm not gonna sell my part of the property, but you know what I will do?

If your mother wants to sell me her half, I'm sure I can strike a fair deal with her.

By the way, I'm looking forward to seeing you at the softball game tomorrow.

Maybe then your mother will be in a better mood to haggle.

Why are you even going to that game?

It's my community.

Only because we haven't run you out of town yet.

It's lovely to see you again, Justine.

You know your way out.




What's wrong?

Nobody wants to help me with my wedding.

Oh, honey, where is this coming from?

You blew me off to have lunch with Paul's sister.

I got pushed into that lunch.

You didn't look pushed.

You were laughing.

You went from almost engaged, to broken up, to engaged, to this.

What's "this"?


Is it possible, just possible, that you are overcompensating just a bit because you're feeling a little insecure about your choice?



You... are going to have a wonderful wedding.

And I am gonna plan it with you.

I promise.

So I'll have a beautiful wedding and my daughter won't be in it.


Maryellen doesn't want to be at my wedding.

So, Olivia couldn't join us?

Paul: I didn't ask.

Liz: But you wanted to.

I didn't.


Your ears are red.

That means you're definitely lying.

I told you, she's in a relationship.

But if she wasn't?

Oh, Liz...

You both are in complete denial.

I've seen you together all day.


She's a woman who can hold her own.

She's smart, she's sexy, she's funny...

Just... just tell me, if there wasn't this other guy, that you wouldn't make a move.


Jack, um...

I don't think you've met my sister, Liz.



Liz, this is Jack...

Olivia's boyfriend.




Where's Liz?

I don't know. Something to do with her old job.

Said she'd join later, if she can.

But did I hear correctly?

Are you not playing today?

I don't take sides.

How very judge-y of you.

There's still room on my team.

Jack's captain of the other team.

I need to maintain my neutrality.

Oh! There's no such thing as neutrality, it's a myth.

Not when you're the judge.

Not a courtroom.

I'm always the judge.

You are, aren't you?

You okay?

Yeah, I will be when I find Matt.

You will.

I think I need some help.

Roy's great.

I thought maybe you could help me.





No hugging in baseball.


That's yours!

I got it, I got it.

It's mine! I got it!



[bat clatters]


You missed it.

[grumbling groan]

Hey, you okay?

You all right?

My ankle.

All right. Come on. Let's get her up.

We're short a player.


Oh, I think I'll pass.

If you don't play... we're going to forfeit.

Did I hear someone say "forfeit"?

What? You'd win by default?


No forfeit!

You don't have enough players!

Think of the kids.

You're playing to benefit the animal shelter.

Think of the puppies.

Come on, get in the game!

Do it for the puppies!

[frustrated groan]

[Bob grumbles, the others chuckle]

All right! Ump! We got a substitute!

It's nice to, uh, see that we're on the same side for a change.

But remember, Olivia, there's no "I" in "team."

No. But there is one in "insufferable."

Moon: All right, everybody! Listen up here!

I want a good game.

I want a clean game.

Not hitting below the belt. No eye-gouging.


Not a prizefight.

Oh, of course. [chuckles]

Okay, just one last question then, before we get started...

Are any of you taking steroids?

[players mumbling and chuckling]

All right, then!

Let's play some ball!

All right!

All right, let's go.

Batter up!


Let's go!

Come on, Jack!

Moon: Let's play some ball!


[all cheering]




You got this!

Easy out.

Come on, Jack!

Cliff, I've been thinking.

It's about Maryellen.

Our wedding has got her really upset.

[distracted]: Yeah.

I'm thinking we should elope.







What're you doing?



Come on! Hustle it out there!

Hey... I just wanted to say thanks.

What for?

For letting Jack be my sponsor.

Come on, Jack!


[overlapping]: Whoa!

Time out.

Moon: You're not really supposed to call "time out" in-in...


That was at my head.

Ball got away from me.

Take your base. That's a walk.

Oh! I don't want a walk, I want a decent pitch that's not at my head.

Well, then let's play ball!


Come on, Paul!

Moon: Batter up!

Get ready!





[oohing and booing]




[all cheering]

[celebration continues]

Come on, Jack!

Easy out.

Easy out.

Guaranteed strike-out.

[crowd groans]

Moon: Strike three! You're out.

I had to buy a scoreboard, uniforms, and give the coach two weeks at my lake house, just so he could warm the bench.


[team cheering]

Let's go, Luke! Go!

Hey. What's the matter?

You're gonna be Alex's sponsor?

I wish we could've talked about it before you decided.

Anything else you want Alex to tell me?


[crowd cheering]

[Paul groaning]


Oh... Ouch.


Hey. Sorry about that.

No, you're not.

Hey, we got a problem here?

Uh, yeah. You.

Oh, no, no, no, no. No, no.

Paul, just back off, man.

Whoa, now, boys.

Paul: My problem is that you can't pitch and almost knee-capped me on that last play.

Come on, guys. It's a game.

Hey, you were between me and the base.

Why don't you just relax, all right?

Don't tell me what to do.

Yeah? Or what?

You want to take this outside?

Well, you know what? We are outside.

Oh, good.
