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03x11 - Guilt by Association

Posted: 08/21/15 08:29
by bunniefuu
The fact that Joss didn't get bail and can't have any visitors is unacceptable.

Previously on "Mistresses"...

Is Lucy home?


[Exhales heavily]

I will always love you, Daniel, but this is goodbye.

Give this to Joss' lawyer.

I think it might help.

You're gonna like this.

Karen: I have something I want to tell you both.

Come on in.

So, everything, uh, good with you?

Uh... Yeah.

I've been keeping busy.

Uh... And your, uh... Your friend, uh...


That hasn't been going too well, unfortunately.

I'm sorry to hear that.

So... What did I miss?

There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna say it.

[Liquid pours]

I'm pregnant.


Alec: I, uh...

Are you sure?


I went to the doctor about something else.

We did a blood test.

I was as shocked as you are, obviously.

And you're...

Sure that it's, um...

Yes. It's yours.

Ours. Ours.

Um, I thought you were...

Aren't you on the pill?

I was, but as it turns out, one in 11 women get pregnant while on the pill every year.

Who knew?

I certainly did not.

Me neither.

Me neither.

You're telling us, so you're...

Obviously keeping it.

Are you happy?

Yes. I am... now.

As I said, it wasn't my first reaction.

I needed time to come to this decision, which is why I'm telling you right away...

To give you both enough time to decide if you want to be involved.

Or not.

It's okay either way.

Thank you for... For telling us, and we'll... We'll talk about it, obviously.

I think I'm in shock.

Alec and I haven't talked about kids for so long, and...

Well, maybe you and I should... can I finish a thought, please?

I'm gonna go.

You say that we're gonna discuss this later, but I have a feeling that the second she leaves, the conversation's over.

Now, that is not true.

You've never wanted kids.

Oh, God. Don't start this again.

I didn't "start" that again.

Now all of a sudden, you're happy about this?


Oh, Blair!

It's beautiful!

I thought you'd like it.


I love it.

Ohhh. Thank you.

So, your trip was good?

It was fine. I missed you, though.

Aww. [Giggles]

Uh, so, how was your week?

Anything exciting happen while I was gone?

Oh, well, you know, all the stuff with Joss happened.

Oh, my God. That's right. Uh, how is she?

Holding up as best she can.

I think we finally get to see her tomorrow.

So, you liked Seattle, huh?

Oh, I loved it. You know, and you would, too.

You know...

Midterm break's coming up.

Maybe we can take a little vacation.

That sounds like fun.

I mean, I'd have to figure out what to do about Lucy, but...

Or we could bring her.

The three of us could use a little bonding trip.

Plus, I think she'd really enjoy it.

[Laughs] I'm sure she would, but the simple fact that I'm the one bringing it up...

Oh, you know she's just gonna make that face, right?

Then why don't you just make us one of your fantastic dinners and I'll pitch it to Lucy?

Sounds great.

How lucky am I?

Calista: [Slurred] Maritza.

My fans are so worried about me.

Maritza, really, it's just so many tweets of love.

Look... @sharktooth75.
[Doorbell rings]

"Our hearts... Go out to the brave and beautiful Calista Raines. Keep the faith, girl. We're praying for you in Ohio."

They're praying for me in Ohio.

I know, miss. I know.


"Thinking of you"... Zac Posen.

Maritza, Zac Posen loves me.

That's awesome.

[Cellphone rings]

[Clears throat]

Patty, my long-lost friend, where are you?

As a matter of fact, I'm on my way to the police station right now.

There's a new piece of evidence that's been entered into discovery.

W-what is it?

I have no idea.

I was hoping you might be able to enlighten me.

No, I know nothing.

You sure? There isn't anything you haven't told me?



I-I don't know anything, Patty. It...

You sound stressed. Should I be worried?

I don't know.

I'll call you back as soon as I know what they have.

David: That's Calista's car backing out of her driveway the night of the m*rder.



That's her ring! That's... That's Calista.

Placing her at the scene of the crime at the time of the m*rder.

Oh, my...

Thank you, time stamp.

So you see? I told you I knew that she did it, David. I knew it!

To be clear, this doesn't prove that Calista k*lled Luca, but it does call her alibi into question.

It's the first step to taking her down, Joss.

Oh, my God. Finally! Thank God.

Where... Where did you get this tape?

Uh, it's from the neighbor's security camera across the street.

Are you kidding me?

Why the hell didn't the cops look at those cameras before?

They weren't looking for someone leaving the house.

They believed the m*rder*r was already in the house.

You mean me.

[Sighs shakily]

Okay, so... When do I get out of here?

It's a process, but in the meantime, I've negotiated for you to have visitors, starting today.

Oh, my God. Really?

[Voice breaking] Thank you.

Of course.

Now, um, Harry Davis wasn't initially on the list, but he came to me...

Wait. Harry... Harry came to you?

He did. But it's only if you want to see him.

No, no, I-I-I want to see him.

I definitely want to see him.



Great. Leaving now.

And where are you going in such a hurry?


Excuse me?

[Chuckles] I'm visiting my friend.

Yikes. What'd he do?

She didn't do anything, but she's currently being held without bail, and I haven't been able to see her...

Till today.

That's crazy. Who's her lawyer?

David Hubbard.

Never heard of him.

Yeah, I'm not surprised. So far, I am not that impressed.

Well, I know great lawyers.

Say the word, and I will hook you up.

A full-service agent. How can I thank you?

Actually, I stopped by to thank you...

For doing the benefit.


Is that what I think it is?

No way.


A Tsukasa Hinoura knife?

I had it specially flown over from Japan.

I'd like to say "you shouldn't have," but I'm afraid you might take it back.

[Chuckles] Don't worry. It's yours to keep.


Bring it in.

Oh, I [Laughs] enough with the affection.

I'm still shvitzing from my workout.

Thank you.

I'll see your five and raise you five more.

Hey! We got a high-stakes game going on here.

Where you at?

Mm. Sorry.


Straight flush! Read 'em and weep!

You didn't even look at my cards!

[Laughs] 'Cause I knew...

Guard: Carver.

Got a visitor.

[Lock cell door opens]

Wait. I need a red one. Just give me this one.


Ohh. Now I get it.

Mm? Mm?

[Smacks lips]

[Both laugh]


Shut it, Roz!

109... Carver, J.

Come on. Let's go.

Take a seat.





No touching.

Bloody hell.

I can't believe you're here.

Of course I'm here.

I even bumped the girls so I could see you first.


[Chuckling] Yeah.


Well, don't tell them I said this, but I'm really happy that you did.

[Breathes shakily] God, I've missed you, Harry.

I know. I miss you, too.

I can't imagine what you've been going through.

I'm going out of my mind with you in here, not being able to see you, talk to you.

I, um...

[Inhales deeply]

I know you're probably still furious at me over the whole Niko thing, and I'm so sorry...

Don't... Don't...

It meant nothing. I swear.

Harry, stop. It's...

It doesn't mean anything. I know. None of that matters.

It's... It doesn't matter.

All that matters is that...

Is that you're here, okay?



I still don't understand why you're here.

I mean, how the hell did this happen?

I-I heard you were...

In bed with a guy or something?

No, no, no, it was...

It was absolutely nothing like that.

It was a really stupid plan.

I was just trying to help Calista with her divorce, and... Ugh... It's been a nightmare, Harry, that I really don't want to relive.



But you know what... The good news is, it looks like it's gonna be over soon.

That's... Well, great. What does that mean exactly?

There's been, you know, a break in the case.

David said that he found out that Calista's whole alibi was a lie, so I should be getting out of here soon.

[Sighs] When?

Well, it's... It's a whole process.

You wouldn't believe how long some of these women wait to go to trial.

It's just...

Yeah, but you're not like the other women in here.

Joss, are you sure this David guy's the best lawyer?

Uh, well... He's been good so far.

He found the security tape, a-and I think he's doing everything he can.

If he was doing everything he could, he would have gotten the tape before you were incarcerated, right?

I mean, where did you even find him? What's his record like?

Uh, his record? I don't...

Because if it's about the money, you know...


No, if we can find you a better lawyer, you know I'll pay for it.

I'd do anything for you, you know.

I know you would. And I love you for that.

I love you.

Guard: Time's up.

So, I'll pick you up tomorrow, and we can go together.

Waze is saying it may take over an hour.

I can't wait to see her.

Feels like she's been in there forever.

I know. [Sighs]

I wish we could bring her something, but there's so many rules.


What are you doing?

Deboning a duck.

[Sighs] Make that "trying to debone a duck."

I'm attempting a Julia child recipe.

I am on my second duck.


Blair's coming over for dinner tomorrow night.

Feels like the least I can do after... Having sex with someone else.

So you didn't tell him?

I swear I was going to, but then he came back all happy to see me, with presents.

I j... I just couldn't.

So this is a guilt duck?

Oh, it's a mother-ducking nightmare, is what it is.

I practically lost a finger already.

I've never cheated before.

It just... It just feels awful.

Don't be so hard on yourself, sweetie.

People make mistakes, and you're still very early in your relationship.

He may understand.

[Microwave beeps]

After I saw him, I thought, "maybe it would be better if I don't tell him," you know?

But isn't that what all cheaters say to avoid doing the hard thing?


On what?

On whether you're in it with this guy for the long haul or not.

[Doorbell rings]

Ooh. Someone's at my door.

Can I call you back?


[Groans angrily]

I need to get another duck.

I'll see you tomorrow.

I'm a jerk, starting a stupid fight with Alec and acting all weird.

You didn't act weird.

I didn't act nice.

Pregnancy's supposed to be a happy thing.

Under the circumstances...

I am happy for you, Karen.

[Both sigh]

Obviously, your news completely threw us.

I know. It threw me, too.

[Sighs] But it also...

Brought up a lot of emotional stuff for me.

The truth is, we did kind of try.

A few years ago, I went off birth control, but then I got sick.

I'm so sorry.

It is what it is, but I have always wanted to be a mother, and I think I'd be a pretty damn good one, too.

So do I.

But I'm not an idiot, Karen.

I know there's none of me in there.

I've got no genetic material in the mix.

That's not what I think, and you know it.

This baby was conceived out of love by all of us.

It's as much yours as it is mine... if you want to be a part of its life.

I do.

And I know that Alec does, too.

It's just hard for him to process all of this.

It's gonna take him a little longer, I think.

Well, that's where the "nine months" thing comes in handy.

[Both chuckle]



If he does come around...

What would say to us all raising the baby together, under one roof?

I thought...

You were thinking about separating.

That was just a blip...

Fallout from our breakup, because, honestly, Karen, we were our happiest when we were with you.

I feel like this baby is the universe showing us that we're supposed to all be together.

But I would never pressure you.

Maybe we can all talk about it tomorrow night over dinner?

Our place?




Julia child?

That's hardcore.


Did you debone a duck?

Not successfully.

I am now on my fourth freakin' duck.

This is why I don't normally do recipes that involve a day's worth of prep.

Well, you want a little help?

From you?

Hey, ever since Harry bumped me up to sous-chef, I've picked up all kinds of mad skills.

Here. Move over.



I assume all this is for Blair?


Well, he's one lucky guy.


Eww. Smells gross in here.

Oh, that's the balsamic reduction sauce...


What's all this for?

[Smoke alarm beeping]

Oh, this is all for our dinner with Blair tomorrow night.

[Beeping stops]

I'm making his favorite meal.

Yeah, I'll be going out with Marc and Scotty.

[Marc laughs]

No, you'll be dining with us.

Whatever. Dinner probably won't even be ready by tomorrow.

Oh, my... Why does there always have to be attitude with you?

Just get upstairs and do your homework.


[Sighs deeply]

Are you okay?

I'm just tense, Marc.

Very tense.

[Telephone ringing]

[Telephone beeps]


Man: Calista Raines?

Who is this? How did you get this number?

Yeah, I'm a reporter from the Times.

Do you have any comment on the newly released videotape?

What... What tape?

No... No, do not call here again.

[Telephone beeps]

[Cellphone rings]


W-w-why do I have some people calling me about... Some tape or something?

I've been trying to call you, but your cellphone's been off.

I've been... Working.

Well, stop working and pull up any website.

It's all over the place.

I'm on my way over there now.

You know, I'm not surprised Calista Raines did this.

She is a hateful and vindictive woman who tried to rip me apart from my sweet Luca, only to k*ll him.

[Mouse clicks]

[Keyboard clacks]

Patty, for the last time, that is not me.

That is not my car.

It is your car.

Patty, it is a silver Range Rover.

I understand that.

But it's not my silver Range Rover.

You do understand they made more than one?

But it's driving down your driveway a-and through your gate.

And that is your ring.

Yes, yes, that's my ring, and someone's in my clothes, and someone's driving down my driveway, but that's not me, Patty.

It's not me.

Because you were at the Ace Hotel with Denise that night?

Oh, damn it, Calista.

Patty. Listen.

Listen to me, please.

I was at the ace hotel. I was there.

I just wasn't with Denise, I was alone.

You have got to tell me everything.

Right now.


Let's start with what the hell you were doing at a bar alone downtown at 1:00 in the morning.

Everything that Joss said was true.

We just wanted to trap him.

She was supposed to seduce him.

We were gonna get it on video, and then I could divorce him.

Believe me, I know how that sounds.

I don't think you do.

I d... Uh... Patty. I understand.

Why do you think I haven't said anything to anybody?

I was at Joss'. I started to get antsy.

I went down to the ace, I had a drink, and by the time I got back, there were cops everywhere...

And Luca was dead.

So you think Joss did it?

I-I-I think...

I think whoever did it is on that tape and they're pretending to be me and they're trying to trap me.

I think that's who did it, and I think it's Eva Petrov.

Patty, you got to do something about this.


I will investigate Eva's alibi, but look...

In the meantime, the court of public opinion is turning against you... Right?

Whoever leaked this tape to the press knew exactly what they were doing.

I've been fielding calls from nervous vendors all day.

Are you kidding?

No, it's all right. It's okay. I-I-I-I'm fixing it.

I've reached out to Diane Sawyer's people.

You grieving, Diane, America.

If you cry hard enough for your dear, departed husband, America might just forget this video of you driving down your driveway.

[Crying] That's not me driving down the driveway.

Patty, you know I didn't do this.



'Course I know that.

I'm 10 minutes away, April.

Yeah, bring the cupcakes just in case.

[Horn blaring]

[Horns blaring]

[Horn blares]

[Buzzer, gate clanks]

Okay, so, you're pregnant, you slept with Daniel, you're keeping the baby, and you didn't tell Blair.


Seriously, how long have I been in the hole?

Okay, we have given you all of our gossip, and, uh, that guard is about to kick us out in five minutes.

So quick... Tell us about you.

How are you?

Oh, I'm horrible.

I mean, look at me, right?

Normally, I rock a jumpsuit.

I don't think I'll ever look at a romper the same way again, you guys.

Aww. At least you've still got your sense of humor.

Yeah. Not really. I'm dead inside.

[Scoffs] Don't say that.

David thinks you're getting out of here soon.

What the hell does he know, right?

I thought you liked David.

I do.

I mean... I think I do.

I just... I... I don't know.

Harry got in my head, and I just realized I know absolutely nothing about this guy.

Does he ever actually win in court?

Does he ever actually get to court?

He has a solid record.

And I don't know if it matters, but as soon as Daniel got him that security tape, he was all over it.

Wait, wait, wait.

I thought that David got the tape from the police.

No, the police never requested it, so Daniel used his FBI connections and pulled a few strings.

So Daniel got the tape?

Well, yeah. Does that matter?

Well, I don't know, but it...

Ugggh. Anyway. It's... I don't...

Can we just go back to the good stuff?

How about you... Beautiful, pregnant lady.

[Laughing] What? Come on.

So, what... Are you gonna raise the baby alone, or...

Are Alec and Vivian involved?

Vivian wants to be, and maybe Alec would, too, but...

But... ?

It's just so complicated.

Our relationship already fell apart once before, and we all know having a kid doesn't make things easier.


That's very true.

Plus, Vivian might be having an affair.

I saw her with a man.


No. It was just a lunch.

But it seemed emotional.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Just... Can't you just ask her?

I don't want to ask her. That's the point.

I don't want to be in the middle of their marriage anymore.

Three people... it's just too much.

[Sighs] I almost wish I'd never told them about the baby at all.

Well, you know I think about...

Guard: Time's up, Carver.



Stupid prison.

I love you guys.

Love you.



It's okay. I adjusted the oven 20 minutes ago. You're good.

Oh, my God. [Laughing] Thank you.

I also whipped up some sweet potato fries just in case Lucy doesn't like the duck.

Oh, she'll be eating the duck.

Well, sometimes, kids don't love fancy food.

Remember... It's an acquired taste, like coffee or investing for retirement.


Uh, listen, uh..

Oh. You might want to consider going a little easy on Lucy tonight.

I don't know if I should be the one to tell you this, but...

She doesn't really like Blair.

Oh. [Laughs]

I am well aware of that fact.

She already told me.

Oh, really?

Would've thought that would've been kind of a deal-breaker.

Well, it would be if she had a valid reason.

But I know exactly why Lucy doesn't like Blair.

It's because he is the first man who has been an authoritative figure in her life since Paul's death.

Blair sets rules. Lucy hates rules.

Every kid does.

Yeah, I don't think that's it, April.

I think Lucy has some...

[Cabinet door slams]

I... Like Blair.

He is kind, he's thoughtful, he's smart.

Quite a list you got going.

I like lists, too. You got a problem with that?

David: So, if you left Karen's at 9:30, Calista most likely followed you back to the house...

I mean, obviously, without your knowledge.


A-and the reason she didn't answer your texts when you were in the bathroom was because either she was too smart...

She knew that a response would ping the cell towers, placing her at the scene of the crime, or...

I doubt that Calista knows anything about cell towers, or...

It doesn't matter what Calista knows.

The jury just needs to believe it's possible.


Is something wrong?

How did you get the tape?

It came from April's friend.

Oh. Uh, well, why didn't you tell me that?

I didn't think it mattered.

Well, it wouldn't have mattered if you told me, but the fact that you didn't, it's... It's weird.

It's like you were keeping it from me or something so that you could take the credit.

Yeah, t-t-that's not...

And why am I still in here, David?

There's tape of Calista leaving the scene of the crime a-at the time of the crime, and she had an actual motive to m*rder him, whereas...

What, my spotty lesbionic past is a stretch, at best.


And she's still out there, and I'm still in here, so I'm just... Are you doing everything that you can do?

W-what's happening right now?

I'm just asking some basic questions, you know?

Because Harry and I were talking and I just...

Harry. Now that makes sense.

Wait. No, I'm sorry. David, don't go.

I gave you fair warning that the system is slow.

Yesterday, I spent half my day on the phone getting that tape to the right people at TMZ, 'cause, apparently, there are wrong people to leak tapes to at TMZ.

Wait, I...


You're the one that leaked the tape to the press?

Who do you think did it?

Joss, I've been eating, sleeping, breathing you and your case since the day we met.

But if that's not enough for you, you should find yourself another lawyer.


[Doorbell rings]

Alec: Hey.

You're early.

I haven't even started cooking yet.

It's okay. I'm not staying.

Karen. Hi.

Is everything okay?

[Inhales deeply] No.

The whole purpose of this dinner was to talk about the possibility of raising the baby together, but after thinking about it, I don't think we need a whole dinner to discuss it.

I don't think it's gonna work out.

Karen, please, just come in.

Like I said, I've given this a lot of thought, and I just don't feel comfortable with it now.

Why now? W-what's changed?

I'm sorry.

We'll have the French fries, the jumbo shrimp cocktail, and... ?

Um, do they have Mac and cheese?

[Laughs] Well, the Mac and cheese is truffle Mac and cheese, buddy.

You might not like it.

I will.

This is all free, right?

Yeah. You're good.

Do you have a problem with me?

[Sighs] Uh, no, not personally.

Because I'm doing a good job.

Whether you understand it or not, I am helping Joss.

You messing with Joss's head... That's hurting her.

I'm not messing with her head.

No, no, you're trying to control a situation in which you have no control... Except you do.

Because everything you say affects her.

And right now, Joss is scared because you put doubts in her mind whereas before, there were none.

Okay, if you're trying to piss me off, it's working.

Not at all.

Harry, we're on the same team.

Remember that.

And we can go to the top of the Space Needle and visit Pike Place Market.

And I was thinking we'd stay right downtown.

We can walk to a Ferris wheel right on the waterfront.

And I hear Capitol Hill has some of the best shopping ever.

And this is where I thought we'd stay.

It's a bed-and-breakfast.

You hate bed-and-breakfasts.

That is not true, Lucy.


You're being so fake right now. It's weird.

Uh, well, there are plenty of hotels in Seattle, if you guys would like that better.

If this is about midterm break, it doesn't matter.

I've already got plans.

Oh. Since when?

Since Peyton invited me to go skiing with her family.

I don't know anything about this.

Because she just asked me.


All right, well, we'll talk about it later.

[Scoffs] No, we won't.

Blair: I'll clean up.

Uh, dinner was delicious, by the way.

Thank you, April.


Yeah, I'm going to my room.

No, you are not.

You are gonna sit here and eat dessert, and you're not to embarrass me any further.

You are being so rude.

And you're being such a bitch!


It's okay.

[Door slams]

She's okay.

Man: Okay, quiet, please, folks.

[Indistinct talking]

Keep it on the emotional side of things.

Talk about how you met Luca, when you fell in love, about how closely the two of you worked together.

If she brings up his infidelities, dodge the question, but don't make it too obvious.

Keep it general.

"Marriage is difficult"... I know.


[Doorbell rings]

Oh, my.

You ready for Diane?


[Inhales sharply]

Thank you.

[Police radio chatter]

We're here to see Calista Raines.


Calista Raines, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Luca Raines.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.


I-I-I-I really need to talk to Lucy now.

I'll wait here, but don't apologize, April.

That's not what she needs right now.

Well, what do you...

She was disrespectful to you.

She needs time to think about that.

For what it's worth, I-I don't think your reaction was so terrible.

How can you say that? I was out of control.

Y-you weren't. It was a reflex.

No. I have never hit Lucy before.

That is not who I am.

I know. It's okay.

Stop saying it's okay.

I don't need you to make me feel better about this.

Look, I know that you raised your daughter a certain way, and that worked for you, but...

Wait. What does that mean?

Nothing. I just...

Hey, I never hit my daughter.

I didn't say you did.

That's what it sounded like.

No, I just meant that...

[inhales deeply]

You and I... We do things differently when it comes to parenting, okay?

That's all.

Let's not turn this into an argument between us.

You're upset.

I am, actually, and...

I really feel like it would just be better if you left.


Calista: That's Denise.

Detective Libby: Ah. Have a seat, ladies.

What are we doing here, Detective?

Somebody's already in jail for this crime, so unless you're gonna formally charge my client, we have nothing further to say.

Well, that will happen in due time, but we're also charging your client with obstruction of justice.

Did you pay your employee Denise Kornick for your alibi?

Of course not.

Well, Denise said that you harassed her until she agreed.

I harassed her?

Denise is my friend.

Well, a friend that you paid to lie for you.

I gave her that bonus.

It had nothing to do with any of the...

Stop talking, Calista.

I think we're done here.


Let's get your client booked and off to prison.




You're back.

Of course I'm back.

Now, we don't have much time, so listen.

I was discussing your situation with my agent...

Wait... Your agent?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. I've got an agent now.

What? That's awesome!

Who is... What, when, how? I want details.

Her name is Ari Greenburg.

She's this tough-as-nails Israeli, and she knows absolutely everyone, and she put me in contact with this great lawyer who could meet with you today.

No... O-oh.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Harry.

I'm... I'm not starting over with a new person.

Joss, you need...

Harry, no.

I have to stay positive, okay?

Or else I'm gonna completely unravel until there's nothing left of me.

I'm... I'm barely holding on here as it is.

If I could just grab you and run, I would do it.

Let them throw me in here with you.

Right, well, that's a really good plan, except I'm pretty sure you'd end up somewhere else.

Good point.

[Both chuckle]

I just... I just hate the fact that you're in here, and I hate how helpless I am to do anything for you.

You're not helpless. You're helping.

You're helping a lot just by being here.

Please just...


Can we talk about something else?

Anything else.

I just saw online that Calista Raines was arrested.

Does that mean Joss is getting out?

I don't know.

I've been trying to find out.

I went up to your... Your bedroom last night, but your door was locked.

I fell asleep.

I didn't mean to leave it locked all night.



No, I'm sorry.

No child deserves to be hit.

There is no excuse for that.

I don't know what happened, but that was not me.

I know it wasn't.

And I'm sorry, too, for calling you that.

I didn't mean it.

I know you didn't.

Things have just been so hard.

Half the time, I'm mad at you, and half the time, I'm just... Sad.

I don't want you to be sad anymore.

I don't think you can make it go away just by wishing it.

Believe me, I've tried.

I mean, is there anything I can do?

Anything at all?

Just be you.

[Chuckles lightly]

Um, I can do that.

I love you, mom.


I love you more.

[Sighs deeply]

[Knock on door] ♪ and when the ride gets rough ♪
♪ and when the ride gets rough ♪

[Music stops]

Hey. [Chuckles]

Did we have plans?

'Cause I, uh, I might be a tad underdressed.

I was just coming back from lunch, and I remembered you live close by.

Okay. Good enough. Come on in.

Um... Okay.

Yeah, just make yourself... [Clears throat] Comfortable.

Can I get you a drink or something?


So, I was at the Soho House, and after a couple glasses of Champagne, I found myself pitching you to Tom Colicchio, making you sound like the best chef in L.A., when suddenly I stopped and I thought, "why am I pitching Harry so hard?

I have at least seven other star chefs who would be perfect for the food channel."

Uh... Thank you?

And then it hit me.

It's because I have Harry on the brain.

Good. Well, that's, uh, that's a good thing, right?


So here's what I'm thinking.

So, what are you thinking?


[Chuckles nervously]



So you're not thinking that.

Got it. Good to know.


I will call you later this week...

Sooner if Colicchio responds.

[Door opens]

Looking f-forward to it.


[Door closes]

[Bells jingle]

[Clears throat]

Hey. Hey.

I was hoping I'd see you at drop-off this morning.

[Sighs] Yeah, I had to open up early.

That's not true.

I, um...

I thought we needed more time to talk than drop-off allowed.

I'm sorry I snapped last night.

I'm sorry if you felt like I was trying to force my parenting style on you.

I never meant to do that.

I know.

I do think it's important for Lucy that we appear like a united front.

Moving forward, we just need to figure that out.

Uh, I'm not sure we're going to be moving forward, Blair.

Because of last night?

April, I-I don't accept that.

We can work through this.

I slept with my ex-boyfriend...

While you were away.

[Breathes deeply]

W-why would you do that?

I don't know.

Are you getting back together with him?

No. I'm not.

I'm so sorry.

I don't understand.

I don't understand, either.

I mean, I've never done anything like this before, and you're such a great man.

No... No.

Don't do that.

Goodbye, April.

[Doorbell rings]

Why are you ignoring my calls?

I'm just leaving for work...

What happened?

You were open, we were talking, and then you slammed the door shut with no explanation.

What changed?

Nothing's changed.

I just had more time to think about it, and the more I did, the more I realized how complicated it would be.

Which is why I was suggesting a conversation.

Yes, but there's no point in having a conversation if we aren't all going to be honest with each other.

I saw you yesterday with a very good-looking man who was...

Holding you.



Oh, my God. You think I'm having an affair.

It's none of my business.

His name's Greg.

He's a friend.

It seemed like more.

I really don't want to get involved, Vivian.

It's your life.

It was an intense conversation with an old, dear friend.

And you're right... Alec has no idea that I was with Greg yesterday.

[Inhales deeply]

Because if I told him that I saw him, I'd have to tell him why I saw him.

I'm sick again, Karen.

♪ I cannot begin ♪

[Door opens]

♪ to even understand ♪

[Door closes]

♪ to even understand ♪
♪ Those tears there in your eyes took you by surprise ♪

How was your day?

[Sighs deeply]

Pretty awful, actually.

Blair broke up with me.


Why would any man in his right mind break up with you?

Because I slept with my ex-boyfriend.

Okay, yeah, that'll do it.


I am a terrible person, aren't I?


You can do a terrible thing, but that doesn't mean you're a terrible person.

You've got one of the best hearts of anyone I know.

[Chuckles lightly]

You're just saying that so I'll help you finish Scotty's project.

I'm no fool.

So, does this mean you're getting back with your ex?

Daniel? No.

No, Daniel is definitely off the table.

And if was being completely honest with myself, deep down, I knew that Blair wasn't exactly the right fit, either.

He was just so damn good on paper, you know?

Yeah, I never really understood what that meant.

Probably 'cause I'm lousy on paper.


It's just... I've been so worried.

Between Paul and Daniel, I didn't want Lucy growing up thinking that all men were lying, cheating jerks.

I wanted her to know that there were some... Some good ones out there.

[Clears throat] Here.

This glue's easier to get out.

♪ It's okay to cry ♪



♪ Oooooooooooh, ooh ♪
♪ I'm here to let you know ♪
♪ I got love, I got you, love ♪
♪ I'll never go away, I'll never go away ♪

Roz: Why is it so hard to get a decent potato in this place?!

I mean, really... How hard can it be?!

I'll take it fried, baked... Mashed, even!

Hash browns are so gross!

Oh, my God.

What? I can't complain?

No. It's her.


Roz, it's her!

Oh, my God. They got you.


Guard: Josslyn Carver?

Your lawyer's here to see you.

[Cell door opens]

Oh, my God, Roz. This is it.

Thank you for everything.


You can have my soap.

Go. Go.

[Joss laughs]


♪ Even when it's dark ♪
♪ We're gonna shine, we're gonna shine ♪

She's in. I-I saw her, which means I'm out, right?

It's happening?

Joss, I-I'm sorry.

What do you mean, sorry? What? Why?

You're, uh...

Being charged with co-conspiracy in the m*rder of Luca Raines.


They think you did it together.

♪ Even when it's dark ♪
♪ I'll never go away ♪
♪ Never go away ♪