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01x02 - A Fresh Start

Posted: 08/20/15 13:47
by bunniefuu
Okay Mom, we have to go.

Why don't you and Jeff show Mariah and Cameron around before homeroom?

Yeah sure.

We'll be fine, it's not the first time we've switched schools suddenly.

Not that we'll broadcast that.

Mom, we're gonna get a late slip, so...

Yeah, okay great.

Hey guys: love you!

Love you too.

Better run guys.

If Cameron and Mariah like the school, then our lives get a little easier, don't they?

We just doubled the number of teenagers in our life.

I don't even know the word "easy" anymore.

I'm gonna get a late slip, I gotta go.

Okay... oh no don't go.

We could get detention.

Let's make it worth it.

We're gonna need a bigger car now that we have six people.

I know.

How about six Lamborghinis, duct-taped together?

♪ Twangy guitar music ♪

Devin: Ever been here?

Their salmon en croûte is supposed to be amazing.

I've never been, but I recommended a kid for a job.

I thought this was run and staffed by ex-cons.

Yeah, I met him in the system.

He's not our Vic.

Morning officer.

Officer Hamilton, first on scene?

Yes, ma'am.

These individuals are kitchen staff who arrived this morning for their prep shift.

The young woman right here discovered the deceased, and they called it in immediately.

Anybody give you trouble?

We're not idiots.

Everyone here has done time, so they all know the process.

Thank you officer, all we need now is the medical examiner and the body.

Right inside.

Hey Leslie.

Allison, Devin.

Sorry, I should've told them to warn you you'd need a coat.

So this is Marco Mazetti?

Yeah, the head chef.

Talented guy, it's a shame.

Isn't it always?

Preliminary indications, COD is blunt force trauma.

Side and back of the head.

So the lighter frost between the body and the door...

k*lled outside and dragged in?

That's what I'm thinking.


The refrigeration complicates that, but I'm estimating between midnight and 2:00 AM.

I'll try again when he warms up.

What are you thinking for a w*apon?

Broad and heavy.

Boom, boom.

We're sorry for your loss, and we thank you for your help, especially your preliminary statements.

We're going to need to talk to each of you in more depth.

About your boss, how everyone got along, that sort of thing.

Thank you Miss Detective, but we've done all the talking we're gonna.

Everyone here knows nothing good ever came from talking to the police.

And since we ain't working today, I got plenty better places to be.

Oscar, tell them you know how to cooperate.

Let them do their jobs.

You think Marco left you in charge, Ella?

You think you can boss me?

Hey! Show some respect, Oscar.

For Ella and Detective McLean.

Get off it Jordan, don't play that shining armor stuff with me.

Okay. That's enough.

Detective McLean has always been good to me.

Oh yeah?

How good?

Hey enough!

We have all the trouble we need already, right?

Settle down.

♪ Upbeat pop music ♪

Are you kidding me?

Mariah, how has your shirt shrunk since we got out of the car?

Nice, you lost a couple of buttons, too.

I didn't notice.

Well, notice.

I don't see a problem.

Unroll your skirt and button your blouse.

Then buy a neon sign that says, "Notice me."

It's just as subtle, but you won't get busted for dress code violations.


Excuse me?

If I have to start over, I'm gonna do it the way I want.

Don't get in my way.

Leslie says we're looking for an 8-9 inch cast iron pan.

We've requested an inventory list to compare against what the Unis counted.

There's very little blood splatter, all under the lip of the counter of the center island.

Trace fibers, probably from the cloths similar to the ones found in the kitchen.

Nothing recovered in any of the trash bins in the parking lot or the immediate vicinity.


So, the kid who was demanding respect on your behalf, is he the one you helped get the job?

Yeah. Yeah, Jordan.

I busted him when he was a juvenile.

He made some stupid choices, but I always thought there was more to him.

You know the type?

Why'd he do real time?

as*ault, first degree.

But after he got out, he came to me and I wrote him a letter of recommendation for Prison Food.

Last I heard, Marco thought he had a lot of promise.

Hard to lose a mentor.

The website says Marco is never without his orange chef's cap.

I don't remember seeing one at the crime scene.

No, we didn't.

Maybe the cap, the pan, and the cloth are all together somewhere.

Who can tell us where?

Did you upload that file of everybody working at the restaurant this morning?

I did, name and jacket.

Let's winnow them down by what we know so far.

Based on the angle of impact, Leslie says our k*ller is at least 5'9.

Down to seven.


No lefties, still seven.

Violent offenders?

Down to four!

Anger management issues?

Survey says... ?

Oscar... and Jordan.

This doesn't make sense.

Jordan told me he was happy at Prison Food.

Would he tell you if he wasn't?

He would.

I don't see how he's our k*ller.

I think we should focus on Oscar.

Excuse me.

Are you the detectives investigating Mario Mazetti?

His umm...

I'm Detective Stewart, this is my partner, Detective McLean.

We're working the Mazetti homicide.

You are... ?

Mitchell Perkins.

I do the accounting for Prison Food.

I come in later - they called. I just can't believe that...

I was told you needed a kitchen inventory.

I printed it out, I can go over it with you if you like.

Thank you.

We're very sorry for your loss, Mitchell.

How long have you been working at Prison Food?

Two years.

I studied accounting in prison.

I wanted some options when I got out.

Marco gave me a second chance in the truest sense.

We understand this is a difficult time, so we appreciate the quick response.

Was anything missing?

Yes, I was disappointed to see a couple of cookware items were gone.

Like an eight-inch cast iron skillet?

No, nine-inch. Why?

Thank you very much for coming in, we'll be in touch.

Unless there's something else?

Maybe someone already told you.

Earlier this week, Marco caught Jordan taking money out of the register.

We're a cash only restaurant, so there's always a lot in there.

He told me to cut Jordan a severance check, but then he changed his mind.

He said he wanted to talk to him and give him one last chance to explain.

When were they going to talk?

Last night.

Thank you.

Whoever told you that story is crazy.

Tell us about your relationship with Marco, Jordan.

I liked him, he taught me a lot.

Did you fight?

Course we did.

Cause we both wanted things to be right, y'know?

"Cook the way you live. With passion."

That's what Marco says.

So you didn't get along?

No, we got along great, like family.

We'd fight and make up, and then fight again.

Like brothers.

Brothers who steal from each other?

That story is crap.

I was never in the drawer and Marco was never gonna fire me.

And last night, I left with everyone else when we closed up.

Where'd you go after that?


To bed, alone.

Doesn't help, but it's the truth.

Who was it?

I know you've thought about it, tell me.

You want somebody with a grudge against Marco, you talk to Oscar.

The guy you threw down with this morning?

That hothead always thinks he's right and everybody else is wrong.

He's always running his mouth about how he can run the restaurant better than Marco.

Even about how he's gonna get out of Prison Food and start his own place.

Yeah, right.

Wonder what Oscar would say about that?

The kitchen is full of fools.

And Jordan, he's the biggest one of all.

Where were you last night after closing?

Home, in bed.

We hustle in that kitchen, it wears you down.

How bad were the problems between you and Marco?

They didn't exist.

He was very supportive, and I appreciated that.

He liked the idea of you having your own place?

He admired ambition.

And I've got that.

But I still have a lot to learn before I can stand on my own, and I was happy learning from Marco.

So now you maybe you can become head chef?

Run Prison Food your way.

No one else can wear Marco's cap.

You willing to try?

We'll be lucky to stay open without him.

But we better.

Us guys in the kitchen, we're not exactly the type of people that get snapped up off job market, y'know?

So you and Marco were close.

But there's always somebody.

Who in the kitchen had problems with Marco?

Jordan. They fought all the time.

Jordan thinks he's some great chef, and Marco's protégé, but he's not.

And you are?

Better than Jordan.

He's not fast enough, sharp enough, or inventive enough, and he made Marco crazy.

Guess now he made Marco dead.

Hey g*ng!

Mariah, Cameron, how'd your day go?


I made some friends, Uncle Matt.

Mom-Aunt Allison and I have to do something tonight.

You guys want to cook or do you want to order pizza?



Seems your boy Jordan has a temper.

He also has an alibi.

One we can't confirm.

And he fits the profile.

And he's been accused of theft.

Everything points to Jordan, and all he can offer in defense is that he hates Oscar.

Who also fits the profile.

I'm not saying we don't look.

I'm just saying, it might not be that simple.

We need to go through Jordan's stuff.

Search for money, the w*apon, the cap...

The bloody cloths, yes, I know.

I'm getting a warrant.

We'll have it in hand first thing tomorrow.

I'm glad that Cameron and Mariah are with you.

I can't think of a better place for them to be while I'm...

Thank you for looking out for your niece and nephew.

Yeah. I'm glad you think so since Tim didn't like the idea.

Of course Tim's not going to want you to have the kids.

Come on... his own sister put him to prison.

He's gonna be pissed at you for the rest of the century.

Tim might want to take responsibility for what he's done in his own life.

One of the things that I'm learning in rehab, is that I need to let people help me.

So that's what I'm doing, I'm letting you help me.

Us, all of us... of course.

Think maybe you could mention that when you talk to Tim?

Sure, yeah.

How often do you guys get to talking?




No! I didn't even see that!

I had it all wrapped when I got here.

They go through everything here.

It's like if a guy tried to bring his girlfriend cocaine in a toothpaste tube or something.

Do you Te could bring Mariah and Cameron the next time we come?

Oh, no, no.

I need to focus on my program.

That is what's best, for me and for them.

I'm working really hard.

And I'm gonna get out of here soon, I promise.

I really feel it.

So the money that the county's been giving you for the kids, is that in a bank account, what're you doing with it?

We're feeding them.


But you're supposed to be saving that for me.

For when I get out, so I can take care of the kids, right?


That was surprising, even for Jackie.

I know I'm not perfect.

Don't shatter my illusions.

But I try.

I can't remember the last time Jackie put effort into anything.

Want me to drive around the block one more time?

No, I won't let the kids see I'm upset.

I just want Cameron and Mariah to see their parents.

And I want their parents to want to see them.

At least Jackie understands that Cameron and Mariah are better off with us.

If Tim sees that she's on our side, then maybe he'll stop fighting us and we can move forward from here.

You're right.

You know if I drive two blocks, there's that Baskin Robbins.

You're a good man, Matt McLean.

It's not like I had a huge room to begin, now I have to squeeze into half the space.

And she uses this shampoo with such a strong coconut smell that my bathroom ends up smelling like sunscreen.

I guess I feel bad for her and all, but I wish I felt bad for her by myself, in my own room.

Jeff, what's going on?

I need to talk to you.

Okay, we'll talk on the way home.

I need to talk to you now.

I'll catch up with you guys later.

See you, Rachel.

What's wrong?

Where's Cameron and Mariah?

I don't know, why?

Mom said we need to keep an eye on them.

Yeah, but we still need to go to our own classes.

We should arrange to meet up with them.

To check in.

You'll have English with her.

And I'll see him in P.E., but that's later and I...

Listen, If you're really worried, we can check...

They need to like it here.

They will, eventually.

It's important to Mom.

We can't disappoint her.

You're right.

Ellie's in her history class, so I'll get an update from her.

And we can find them at lunch and all sit together.

Hey, don't get crazy.

Thank you for meeting us.

Of course, anything I can do to help.

So you do think it was Jordan?

We're still investigating, Mr. Perkins.

We need to be thorough.

This is his here.

I'm sorry I don't have a key.

No problem, we have a warrant and we have these.

[Lock breaking]


If you didn't take the money, how did it get in your locker?

Cheap locks? I don't know.

And do I look stupid enough to put money from the restaurant in my locker in the restaurant?

No, but you look smart enough to put it there so you can act hurt and innocent when we find it.

Who would want to frame you?


You and Oscar keep pointing at each other like kids on a playground.

What is going on between you two?

I don't want to be any man's enemy.

But this guy is always in my face, challenging me, provoking me.

I have no fight with him.

I am happy where I am and I would never do anything to screw that up.

Even though Marco thought you were second rate.

He did not.

Even though he liked Oscar more than you.

He did not.

Even though he accused you of stealing this money, which you did, because we found it in your locker.

He did not and I did not.

Why won't you let us help you?

Because I didn't k*ll Marco.

I swear to God.

Jordan, once we send the money to Forensics and you to holding, your chance at a plea bargain goes out the window.

I didn't do it!

[Repeating himself] I didn't do it!

You need to think through that approach a little bit more carefully.

Put him in holding.

Detective McLean, you said you believed in me.

Nice showing out there, Cameron.

Glad to have you at Crestview High.

Thank you, coach.

Did you run track at your old school?


I hope you'll come out for the team here.

We could really use you, especially in the hundred meter.

Think about it.

Okay, thank you.

All right gentlemen, get a move on.

You're going to be late for sixth period.


Who do you think you are, trying to steal my spot?

Dude, I am not after you.

I don't even know who you are.

Well, Newbie, my name is Jake and I run the hundred meter.

Not fast enough, I hear.

We need to book him.

I believe him, the money's a plant.

Allison, stop making excuses for him.

The rest is hearsay or circumstantial.

Let's just wait until Forensics tells us if anything ties Jordan to the money.

Other than finding it in his locker?

We need to re-canvass the neighborhood around the restaurant.

You're choosing facts that fit your theory and ignoring everything else.

No, I'm I having an open mind!
[Phone ringing]


Sorry to bother you at work, but I just got a call from the school.

Are the kids all right?

I don't know, there's been a fight.

You're lucky the principal sent you home for the day.

She could've suspended you.

I know.

I'm sure she's counting on the fact it's a one-time thing.

I know!

Jeff, help us understand what happened?

Mrs. Dayton already told you everything.

But it doesn't track, you're a good kid.

You punched Jake because he's mouthing off in the locker room?

Because he was hassling Cameron, okay?

I was sticking up for my cousin, I was being loyal to my family.

I was doing what a McLean is supposed to do.

Didn't that work out great?

Slow down.

We appreciate you defending your cousin, but there's better ways to handle it. You know that.

Yes Dad, I know.

Mrs. Dayton already gave me the "We need to make better choices" lecture.

I just want to go home.

Oh wait, things aren't any better there!

Everybody okay?

Jeff got into a fight protecting Cameron.

A fight? During school?

In P.E. class.

He gets detention and not suspension, thankfully.

In a way, it shows progress.

That he cares enough about Cameron to stick up for him.

That silver lining is so full of holes, my friend.

I offer it to you anyways.

They don't even talk to each other at home.

Unless you count the grunts they make when playing Xbox.

Do you want some good news?


The money's back from Forensics.

It's clean.

Too clean, actually. No trace fibers or prints.



Which supports Jordan's claim that it was planted.

So who do you think framed him?

Are we back to Oscar?

I just got the surveillance photos from the restaurant, let's see what they say.

We used Leslie's time frame, so we shouldn't expect too much traffic.

I was hoping that we'd see...


So he's right across from the restaurant.

Within the time frame.

What about the other picture?

Where did Jordan go?

And why is he running away?

I have wanted to help you since the day I match you.

I think I've proven that more than once.

I lied.

It was stupid, I'm sorry.

So tell us the truth now.

That is me, outside the restaurant.

I didn't go straight home.

But I didn't go in and I didn't take the money and I didn't k*ll Marco.

Why didn't you tell us you were at the restaurant?

Because I was following Ella.

Ella? The cook, Ella?

Are you two together?

No, I just love her.

And she doesn't know?


Marco has this rule about staff dating, cause it gets messy when people break up and still have to work together.

So I haven't said anything.

But I can't stop thinking about her and...

So you're stalking her?

No! No... no.

I finally got up the nerve to tell her, so I go over and I'm outside her apartment, and she comes out and she's with Oscar.

Are they together?

Better not be.

What happened after you saw them?

I followed them.

I thought I could figure out if they were more than friends if I saw where they went.

And they went back to the restaurant?


I waited across the street so they wouldn't see me.

Where did they park?

Over here.

And then they went to the back door.

After a while, I started to wonder what was going on, so I thought I'd go check it out, and then they came back out.

I ran so they wouldn't see me.

What time was this?

12:30, 1:00.

So how long were they in the restaurant?

I didn't say anything because I know Ella is a good person, and I don't wanna make her look bad.

Jordan, how long were they in the restaurant?

Long enough to k*ll Marco.

Did I look like I needed help?

Yes, you did.

You're an idiot.

I should've let them beat you up.

Rachel, tell them to stop fighting.

I'm staying out of this one.

You should, too.

And what's going on in here?


The only time you guys are quiet is when you're asleep, or when you're trying to put something over on me.

More homework, less... whatever was going on here.

I'll be in my office, okay?

In their interviews, both Oscar and Ella said they were home alone at the time of the m*rder.

Who do you want to start with?

Oscar, He's the one who has a problem with Jordan.

[Phone ringing]

You talk to Rachel.

I'll arrange to have Oscar brought back in.

She'll be flattered you know her ring tone.

I like her taste in music.

Well maybe I picked it out?

I know better.

Hey Rachel.

Everything okay?

Everything's fine.

It's hard to speak to you privately, and I wanted to say this now, if you have a minute.

I do.

So, Mariah.


I was thinking you might want to take her clothes-shopping soon.

Any particular reason?

Her clothes... they just make her stand out in all the wrong ways at school.

I think she'd have an easier time making friends if she dressed a little more... appropriately.

I appreciate you looking out for your cousin like this.

Yeah, of course.

Why don't you come with us? You can help us.

I live in jeans and a blazer.

I don't even know what's in, what's appropriate.

I'd love to. I mean if it helps.

Whatever works best for everyone.

Okay, great. We'll have a girl's day.

Okay gotta go. Talk to you later.

I love you, Mom.

Love you, too.

Thank you for coming back in to see us, Oscar.

How could I refuse?

You sent a nice car, a cute little chauffeur.

How long have you been romantically involved with Ella?

A bit.

Is that why you went back to the restaurant, to help her k*ll Marco?

That lying...

I didn't help her k*ll Marco.

I stayed in the parking lot.

She went in by herself.

Why didn't you go in with her?

She said Marco would listen to her better, one on one.

Listen to her about what?

We want to open up a second location.

With her and me as the managers.

So she went in alone?

And I waited.

What did she say when she came out?

That she'd looked for him, looked everywhere, but she couldn't find him.

So there was no point hanging out and we should leave.

What was she carrying?

Nothing, I don't remember.

So you've been framing Jordan to protect Ella?

I didn't frame Jordan.

I just kept quiet because I didn't want to believe Ella could do that.

Has she said anything since it happened?

That we're never gonna see each other again.


Because I asked her if she k*lled him.

So she slugged me and kicked me out.

You think you know a woman... feel me?


And I'll tell you one more thing.

I'm not taking the fall for her!


Detectives McLean and Stewart, remember us?

Sure do.

So are you guys going to start cooking again?

Without Marco?

Can you believe it?

Mitchell talked somebody into it, says Marco would've wanted it.

Now we're booked solid for the next week.

Morbid curiosity as a marketing tool.

We gonna need a minute of your time.

I really can't.

You're really going to have to.

Especially because of that.

We were wondering where that was.

I looked for Marco everywhere.

And yeah I spent a couple of seconds poking around on his desk, but I never saw him.

And I sure as heck didn't k*ll him.

What about Oscar?

That worthless piece of dirt stayed outside, just like he told you.

Did you see any sign of anybody else being there?

No, no one at all.

The lights were on, but it was so quiet.

Which was kinda creepy, because Marco usually had the radio...

Was he already dead?

Was he in the walk-in when I was there?

I'm gonna throw up.

Not on the evidence, please.

How is that evidence?

Why was it in your car?

Because Marco paid me extra to drive him.

Sorta his personal taxi.

Drive him where?


Marco went away for vehicular manslaughter, and he said he'd never get behind the wheel again.

And I was happy to have the extra cash.

Why wouldn't you ask him about the second restaurant when you were in the car?

Because I thought Oscar and I should talk to him together, since we were gonna run it together.

But that was before I knew Oscar would wuss out.

So you went back after closing?

Yeah, everybody knew he was there super late, doing paperwork, trying new recipes.

That's why it was so creepy I didn't see him.

Did you drive him anywhere regularly?

Yeah... his gym... the market.

The intersection of Lakeview and 24th.

The intersection? Not a specific address?

Yeah, he told me to just drop him off.

I never watched where he went.

There's a church, I figured he's going to an AA meeting and that's none of my business.

Dad, I need to say something.

You don't need to apologize, Jeff.

I wasn't going to.

I was going to say that this whole thing with Mariah and Cameron sucks.

You are entitled to that opinion.

But you are not entitled to break the rules while holding that opinion.

It's going to take some time, buddy.

Just hang in there with us while we figure it out.

I can't believe you like having them here either.

I like family doing the right thing.

So please, get on board this crazy train.

Okay, but instead of cramming new beds into our bedrooms, why don't you build an apartment for Mariah and Cameron in the attic?

Give me a break, would you?

Leave worrying about your cousins to your mom and me.

Since the church at 24th and Lakeview doesn't have AA meetings, is he getting his nails done?

That's a long way to go for frozen yogurt.

Pacific Crest Community College?

Could Marco have had business there?

It broke my heart when I heard the news.

Marco was a wonderful student.

Very focused.

What class was he taking from you?

The Basic Principles of Business Management.

Tell you the truth, I think he was a little embarrassed.

A successful man still learning how to run things?


But he was very eager to learn.

He would bring me these complex questions and we'd talk them through, he'd be scribbling notes the entire time.

Was there a particular problem that stands out?

Sure, he had a theoretical question about cash management.

He'd even constructed a very realistic model so we could discuss cash flow, credit and discounts, the whole thing.

And there was a problem?

I told him he had created a model that showed someone was skimming from the business.

He became upset, angry.

When did you have this conversation?

Three days ago.

Listen up!

Tonight we set the record for the most dinners served in one night.

So a toast to Marco.

To Marco!


We just closed the restaurant, but we can pull something together if you'd like.

That's not why we're here, Oscar.

Do you have news?

We do.

But it looks like you're headed out.

I need to go to the bank.

All this cash, it makes me nervous, especially since...

You should stay.

We've got news you're going to want to hear.

Okay, let me take care of this and I'll come right back.

Oscar, why don't you make profiteroles, and then we can talk when I get back.

Why don't I take your jacket, Mitchell?

And Devin can take your backpack.


Why isn't that money in the bank bag?


You're stealing from us? From Marco?

You k*lled Marco didn't you? You miserable...

No, I can explain.

You have the right to remain silent.

Or do you want me to just leave you with them?

You don't understand!

Which part, Mitchell?

That you were stealing from a man that gave you a future?

That you k*lled him when he caught you?

Or that you tried to frame a kid who was trying to start again?

I keep telling you, that's not what happened.

You decided you were so much smarter than your boss.

But you showed him, didn't you?

You walked out of his restaurant, with his money, right under his nose.

I believe in the restaurant.

Of course you do.

Because you do all the hard work, don't you?

You keep everything running, pay all the bills, and you get none of the glory.

You weren't skimming, you were just paying yourself a little bonus.


And then Marco started taking classes, and he got smart, and he figured it out.

And then all your hard work and all of your smarts, none of it mattered.


I tried to explain! He wouldn't listen.

I told him I'd make it right, but he kept screaming at me.

And I yelled back and...

It was just a mess.

He was always so proud of his spotless kitchen.

So I made sure I cleaned up.

What did you do with the pan? And the cloths?

I threw them in the river.

I learned that in prison, too.

[Phone vibrating]

Who is that?

"Unknown Caller."

Wrong number?

Hi you've reached Mariah, please leave a message...

[Phone vibrating]


You too? That's weird.

Probably some robo sales call.

If it's anyone important, they'll leave a message.

This is Cameron, Tell me what I need to know.

We should go shopping this weekend, just us girls.

Yeah sounds great, Mom.

Thank you... Aunt Allison.

This is cedar-plank salmon, a specialty at Prison Food.

We make our marinade with brown sugar and garlic.

And there's braised asparagus, fingerling potatoes, and a kale salad with a champagne vinaigrette.


Don't worry Jeff, I don't bite.

I don't mean...

I dot know.

Better get used to eating with ex-cons.


Your aunt told me about your dad, and I'm sorry.

That's a deep pain.

But what makes the difference in getting out and staying out is knowing there will be people who will stand with you when you do.

All of you are lucky to have someone like Detective...

Allison, to do that for you.

Thanks, Jordan.

This meal looks tremendous, Jordan.

Thank you so much.

It's my pleasure.

The best way I could think of to say thank you to your wife.

I told him it wasn't necessary, but then he started describing this salmon.

And that was that.

I don't decide what I liked better.

The salmon, or the fact that Jordan insisted on doing the dishes.

Think they can keep the restaurant going?

Yeah, I think Ella, Jordan, and Oscar are going to try to run it together.

I think they'll do a good job.

Hope they get a better accountant.

We'll make sure to go by and check on them.

And monitor the quality of the crème brûlée.

I think the blowtorch was Jeff's favorite part of the meal.

How's he doing?

He had his first detention today, didn't want to discuss it.

You know, he's angry about a lot of stuff.

So is Cameron.

I think it's going to take a lot of work and time to settle us all in together.

At least the girls are doing better.

Oh, you sweet, sweet optimistic man.



It's impressive, you know?

That you never give up on anybody.

I just want everyone to be happy and feel safe.

All four of them.

They will.

As soon as we buy a new car.

And build some beds and...

Enough of that...