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01x08 - Ghosts

Posted: 08/19/15 08:11
by bunniefuu
Maggie: The body of 17-year-old Will Belmont was discovered by Emma Duval. The decedent was the only son of Carl and Adeline Belmont. Though there was catastrophic physical trauma, the decedent's mother was able to identify him by the clothing he had been wearing.


Scream - S01E08

You can tell me anything.

Did you see a face? Did you see his face?

Did he say anything to you?

Please think, you gotta tell us something.

Doctor: I'm gonna prescribe something for you that will help you sleep and just take the edge off.

Have you ever been on anti-depressants?

How are you feeling?

Kevin: I can't get that image out of my head, hiding in that bowling alley.

I know I let her down.

I know I hurt her.

But how could she sleep with that monster?


But how could she sleep with that monster?


But how could she sleep with that monster?


I've never seen him with his mouth shut before.



Is he gonna be okay?

(SIGHS) Yeah.

He's just sleeping off his pain meds.

Doctors say it was some kind of miracle it missed his major organs.

That's good.

Yeah. He should be up by now.

I'm gonna go get some answers.

So, unconscious Jake.

The things I want to say to you.

It was me who tagged your 400-horsepower, check-me-out monster truck, and it was awesome.

Are you trying to give me the coma finger?



What happened?

We make it?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, we got out.

Let me guess, Emma went all Florence Nightingale on Will's ass.

And then fell in love with that dumb hayseed again.

And now they're out making sweet, sweet love...

Uh, not exactly...

Hey, there...

How's Will?





I didn't know you were up.

School starts at 8:00.

You're going to school?

Everyone's going back today.

I'm sure they'll understand if you don't feel up to it.

Mom, I feel fine.


Did the meds help you sleep?

I don't need to sleep.

I need to not be questioned by the doctors, and the police and you.

I need to go back to normal life.

Honey, what you went through was horrific.

I understand how you feel, but trust me, normal's going to take some time.

Will's dead. Time doesn't change that.

Well, let me drive you to school.

Mom, the Deputy is waiting.


Well, um, take these. Just in case.

I'm here for you.

(STUTTERS) If you need anything.

I know.



Sheriff Hudson, could I have a moment?

I'll have a press statement later today.

No, I don't want any information.

I'm here to give you some.

About what?

Hudson: Is this a joke?

Piper: No. This is time-stamped footage from the Mayor's own security system.

Hacked by two kids who are now dead.

Nina Patterson and Tyler O'Neill.

Where'd you get this?

From one of the kids who was blackmailing him with it, Will Belmont.

The other, Jake Fitzgerald, is lucky to be alive.

You think that the Mayor k*lled Will Belmont?

I don't know.

But I do know that Will went to go meet him the other night to return this video. I was there.

He handed it off, the Mayor left, and then the k*ller appeared, who gave me this and then dragged Will off.

(SIGHS) I can't believe that Quinn Maddox could have done all of this.

Maybe not. But he's definitely moving some body in that video.

Why aren't you podcasting this?

Because I don't want to tell this story until I know the truth.

And I don't want anybody else to die.

Including me.

(SIGHS) Hmm.


Emma, hey!




You're here.

I am.

We just didn't expect to see you back so soon.

I stopped by to check on you.

Yeah, thanks. My mom told me.

Emma, there are no words...

I mean, I'm sure there are, but I can't think of any to...

We know what you're going through.

And we're here if you need us.

It's okay. I'm okay. Really.

I'll see you in class.

She's so not okay.

Yeah, not even close.


What'd he say?



Are they gonna arrest my dad?

It's kinda what sheriffs do.

(SIGHS) My dad's gonna hate me.

You did the right thing.

I can't imagine anything feeling right ever again.


Intolerance. Deception. Hysteria.

These are all central themes to The Crucible.

See, hysteria causes...

Look who's talking, Mr. Not Branson.

Listen to him.

He's sending us a message, because we know his secret.

All we know is that he changed his name.

And he was conveniently not around for the bowling alley incident.

Noah, Audrey...

Would either of you like to discuss the parallels between The Crucible and McCarthyism?

Well, I'm no fan of McCarthy's blacklist, but sometimes the guy next door is worshiping the devil.

Like Richard Ramirez.

Noah is right, of course.

There are exceptions to the rule...

However, the themes of trust and tolerance still resonate.

It's not what it looks like.

Really? Because it looks like you're moving a body.

And your daughter's worried it's her mom.

(CHUCKLING) I told Brooke, Monica is fine.

She's at Pleasant Roads Rehab in Phoenix.

Give her a call.

I will.

But we still have the issue of four m*rder*d kids using that video to blackmail you, including Will Belmont.

I had nothing to do with that.

I've been trying to protect this town.

Quinn, Piper Shaw is keeping this private for now, but it's gonna come out.

So, I suggest you tell me what the hell happened before it does.

I will.

But I want to tell my daughter first.

I owe her that.

Brooke, your dad wants to talk.

Just help me out here.

No, I won't do anything until I know my mom is okay.

Here's her number.

She's expecting your call.



Mom? It's me...

I know, I miss you, too. (CRIES)

No. I'm not okay...


Thanks for not asking.

You're welcome.

I should've called you.

I've just been, uh...

Hey, you don't have to explain.

Hey. Look, I know things were a little up-in-the-air the day Will...

I just want you to know that I'm here.

Thanks. (SNIFFLES)

Um, I should go to work.



So on top of everything else, now our mayor's in my jail cell pending charges.

You really think Quinn is involved in all of this?

In something, yes.

My gut tells me it's another distraction.

Well, then, follow your gut.

Oh, I've also got a location on your ex.

He was working on an oil rig. Then he took some time off.

He's been gone three weeks.

Which is when the heart arrived at your doorstep.

We talked about this...

Look, I didn't say he was involved.

Okay? I just, I wanted you to know.

How's Emma?

The doctor said she's in shock, let her work through it.

I'm trying, but it's terrifying.

I know.

We've brought in more officers.

And I'm working with your cell provider and the social media sites that this guy was using to contact her.

Can you trace back the messages?

Not yet. But if he tries to reach out again, we're gonna be there to track him.



He'll know, and then he'll punish me, and someone else I care about will die.

I know you're scared, all right.

We've been doubling our efforts to find this guy and to keep you safe.

That's what you don't understand.

It's not me that I'm worried about.

It's all of you.

Did you see how Branson gave us that stink eye?

Yeah, all charm one second, then deadly the next.

It's just like in The Faculty.

Alien parasites turn the high school teachers into murderous body snatchers.

I hadn't actually considered that possibility.

Because you're not insane.

It's wishful thinking.

There are worse ways to go than being body-snatched by Famke Janssen.




Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you.

Uh, no, it's okay.

Whatcha working on?

Uh, just a research project.

For the psych class you don't have?

I don't know what you mean.

Emma, are you self-diagnosing on the Internet?

Bad idea.

That always either leads you to schizophrenia or something terminal.

You know what, guys, it's not a big deal. I'm just not sleeping.

And seeing things?

Emma, we're your friends. You can talk to us.

I just, um...

I just keep replaying what happened.

You know, seeing everything, seeing Will.

Honestly, I'm not surprised.

Seriously. Your brain needs time to process the shock, to try to make some sense of it.

That's not paranoia. It's survival.

I'm not paranoid.

No, I know. That's what I was saying, that you are the opposite of that.

The Internet is alarmist. You are totally normal.

I gotta go.

You seriously need an "off" switch.

I know.



(PANTING) What do you want?

I don't understand.


Emma, it's me! It's me. It's Kieran!



You might want to sit.

You're making your deputy nervous.


Should I ask what made you so scared in there?

No. You shouldn't.


You feel any better?

Other than constant fear, I don't really feel much of anything.

That's self-preservation.

Well, it feels wrong.

You know, when my mom died, I felt numb.

I knew I was supposed to cry. But I couldn't.

There's no right way to feel about this.

You just gotta do whatever works for you.

And I want to help.

No. You can't.

He's still out there, and he's looking for his next target.

I can't lose you, too.

Piper: The brutal m*rder of Will Belmont has forever changed the town of Lakewood.

I came here as an outsider.

And then Will Belmont saved my life...

So now I'm part of the story.

I can't even pretend to be objective anymore.

Now, I just want it to be over.

And for the people that I've come to know to find peace again.

Hey, stranger. Welcome back.


Did you hear the news about Quinn Maddox?

Yeah. Yeah. I heard.

You're unconvinced?


I find it hard to believe that, uh, the Mayor was the one who was chasing us around that bowling alley.


Don't... I got it.

It's okay. It's okay. I want to help.

Everyone wants to help, but no one actually can. So...

Emma, I know you're going through hell, but you're going to survive this.

You know what, maybe it's actually better if I don't.

Don't think that.

He said that it ends with me.

So let's just skip ahead to the ending.

You can't let this sadistic bastard win.

If you're the key to all of this, then you have to find a way to fight back.

I did. And he sliced Will in half, right in front of me.

(SIGHS) I don't know if I have any fight left.

Yes, you do. Because you come from a family of survivors.

Your mom, your dad, and now you.

Don't forget that.

He said that my family's a fraud.

Do you believe him?

I... I don't know what to believe anymore.

Then you have to trust your instincts.

Go and find the answers yourself.

Hey, Maggie...


Listen, I uh...

When I told you about Kevin, I wasn't, uh...

I'm not accusing him.

He's just one of the only people who knows your connection to Brandon.

Kevin wouldn't hurt Emma like this.

He wouldn't.


I put a trace on his ATM and his credit cards.

Got a hit at a gas station near Springfield a few days ago.

That's close.

You'd tell me if he contacted you or Emma, right?

Of course.

(MUSIC PLAYING) ♪ Daisy, Daisy, ♪
♪ Give me your answer, do ♪
♪ I'm half crazy ♪
♪ All for the love of you ♪




Cop: Miss Duval?


Doctor: She's exhausted. She needs some rest.

Let's make sure she's monitored overnight.

Nurse: Yes, Doctor.

You sure you don't want me to stay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm sorry that I scared you guys.

I love you.

I'll see you first thing in the morning, okay?




Kevin: Emma? Honey, it's me.


Emma: How did you know how to find me?

The Sheriff called my boss.

I came as soon as I heard what was happening.

I'm so sorry.

You're sorry?

Have you talked to Mom?

Not yet.

I wasn't sure she'd let me see you.

In your last letter, you said you were doing good.

My last letter out of the dozens that you've ignored?

I wanted to answer them, Emma. I did.

But the way your mom and I left things, it seemed better for everyone to have a clean break.

Better for everyone or better for you?

Did you even miss me?

Every day.

But after what your mom and I went through, I couldn't stay.

The person who's doing this, the person who k*lled my friends, led me to the tape of your session with Dr. Pell.

After Brandon James...

I'm sorry you had to hear that.

Look, I had to sort myself out.

And did you?

I admit it's taken me a while.

But I'm here now.

No. No, you don't get to come back after all this time and be the hero.


No. I don't want you here, okay?

Please leave.

Just go!

Piper: Knock-knock.

I heard what happened.

And you wanted to come see how Girl, Interrupted I am?


I'm not here for a story. I'm just here as a friend.

Sorry to intrude.

My dad came back last night.

After walking out eight years ago.

(STUTTERS) Oh, wow. That's...

That's huge.

What'd you say?

I told him to leave.

I, uh, know that I said that I would respect your privacy but can I offer you some advice from someone whose dad is never coming back?

Second chances are rare. Don't waste them.


So, if Branson is the k*ller, why would he take a job at a school instead of somewhere below the radar?

Hiding in plain sight.

Think about it. His classroom is one-stop victim shopping.

Pick one, slay one, console one, then repeat.

Okay, what's his criteria?


You know, 'cause Nina was the queen bee, Tyler, the rebel. Riley was the brain.

And now Will, the jock.

If he is k*lling off the members of The Breakfast Club, the only one left is the raccoon-eyed weird girl who only wears black.

Or the weird girl's girlfriend, which might make sense with Rachel.

Okay, maybe not.

But if Branson's thrill is hiding in plain sight and the classroom is his cover, then it stands to reason that he'd want his tools of the trade handy.

Well, he was awfully anxious when he found us in there alone.

Maybe it's time to dig a little deeper.



Hey, hey, sweetheart.

Oh, God, I've been so worried about you.

I spoke to Mom.

See, I told you. I told you she was okay.

Yeah, well, I'm finding it a little hard to trust you these days.

I know.

I know, but everything I have done has been to protect our family.

Even m*rder?

Absolutely not! I swear to you.

Then who was in that trunk, Dad?

Your mother started using again.

And she found herself a new friend to help her.

I found him OD'd in the guest room.

No pulse. No ID.

(STAMMERS) And I panicked.


Why not call for help?

Because our secrets...

Your mom's secrets would've gotten out and that would have destroyed her.

Her? Or you?

We are a family, Brooke.

If one of us gets hurt, we all get hurt.


And I'm left to pick up the pieces.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

But we are going to survive this.

You'll stay with the Fitzgeralds for now.

Just be strong until we can all be back together again.

Maybe we shouldn't.


Brooke, wait...

Goodbye, Daddy.

Brooke. Brooke, please!




This is a nightmare.

Maggie: You need to calm down.

Kevin: Don't tell me to calm down.

Maggie: Kevin, please, you're going to wake Emma.

Kevin: That's what you're worried about? Waking Emma?

Maggie: I don't want her to hear this.

Kevin: Maybe she should. We can't keep lying to her.

Maggie: She's just a child.

Kevin: How could you keep that from me?

Maggie: Having the baby was my decision.

You should have told me about this!

Why? Would you have wanted it?

No. It was my choice.

Kevin: You made that choice way before that.

Maggie: We both made that choice.

I can't do this. I can't.

Then go. We'll be fine on our own.


Goodbye, Maggie.

No! Dad, hey, wait!

I remember now.

The fight that you had the night you left.

It was because you didn't want me.

What? No, Emma.

No. I wasn't talking about you.

Then who? I don't understand.

Look around. You know the truth.


Think about it.


Why are we here?

Oh, my God. He wasn't real.

Oh, my God.

A baby.

What are we trying to find?

I don't know, but with the malware gone, we need something more before we can call the Sheriff.

Hey, I think there's something up there.


Holy Dexter's air conditioner...

You think that's...

The m*rder knife.


Hey, the last time we tampered with evidence, Emma's virgin video went viral.



We just got a hit on Mr. Branson's real identity.

Now we call the Sheriff.

Seth Branson used to be Seth Palmer.

Back in 2013, he was teaching in this small liberal arts college in New Hampshire, when he had this affair with this gorgeous 18-year-old girl.

Slightly ick, but not illegal.

But then she turned up dead.

Palmer was a suspect until he disappeared.

And became our Mr. Branson.

So, why were the two of you looking into him in the first place?


There's a bloody knife in a bag but you're concerned about how we found...

Wait, do you think we planted this?

I just asked a simple question.

We found evidence that he was cyber-spying on the whole town, or at least helping Nina and Tyler do it.

What evidence?

Malware, attached to his online homework site.

I think Riley found out about it and then he k*lled her to keep her quiet.

And then he went and erased every trace of it.

And he was "out of town" during the whole bowling alley thing and when Will got k*lled.


Mike, this is Hud. Put out an APB on Seth Branson.

Well, that's Seth Palmer.

I'll shut up.

Mr. Branson: Brooke.

I'm glad you called.


Oh, hey, hey, hey.

It's okay.

You always made me feel that way.

I would've texted you sooner, but I was just finishing up rehearsal with the drama club.

I heard about your dad. I'm so sorry.

I'm tired of talking.



Is your rehearsal over?

Brooke, you are not thinking straight.

I don't want to think.

I just want to forget everything for a little while.

Hey, I came as fast as I could, what is it?

Mom, whose ultrasound is this?

Where did you get that?

Whose ultrasound is this?

Somebody m*rder*d Will right in front of me.

And this might be why.

I didn't leave town because of the press, or because I was sick.

It's because you were pregnant.

I had the baby and gave it up for adoption.

I was 16. My parents made all the arrangements.

It was a closed adoption. They kept me out of it.

I didn't even know if it was a boy or a girl.

We moved back to Lakewood, into a new house.

I got back into school, and I reconnected with your dad.

And I tried really hard to make a new life.

But he wasn't the father.

Remember I told you that your dad and I were having problems?

Our group was at the bowling alley one night.

And I found out that he slept with one of my best friends.

And Brandon James worked at that bowling alley.

He heard me crying outside and he drove me home.

I was so hurt and angry. And he was so kind...

It just happened.

I didn't mean to lie to you.

(SOBS) I just had so many regrets about so many things.

Mom, come here.

I hope you can understand.

Mom, of course I can.

But the k*ller wanted me to find this.

So somebody knows.

What if the child that you gave up is back?

Are you sure about this?

This is the only thing that feels right in my life today.




Did you hear something?


Stay right here.

I'll go check it out.


This isn't funny...


Love the colors, but the spot's too much.


Oh, my God!



Oh, my God. What happened?

(SOBBING) Where were you?

I got locked out. I had to walk around.

Seth Branson! Don't move!

Let go of the girl.

No, she wa... She was att*cked!

(STUTTERS) He's gotta still be here somewhere!

Yeah. Right in front of me.

Take him in.

Seth: Brooke! Brooke!

Next time on Scream...

Hello, Emma.

Someone was watching me.

Considering that Seth is behind bars, I'm pretty sure wasn't him.


Mr. Branson has to be the k*ller, right?

But we feel very confident that we have our man.