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03x10 - Lucky

Posted: 08/18/15 07:55
by bunniefuu
Stef: Previously on The Fosters...

Monte and I broke up because... well, she has feelings for somebody else.

Are you having an affair with Monte?

No. I did not kiss her. She kissed me.

Why didn't you tell me?

Judge Jeffrey Ringer continues to block my adoption.

Should she be saying those things?

I don't think you should post it.

It's too late.

What Nate said to me was horrible.

When someone calls one person the n-word, it hurts all of us.

Did you call my wife that word?

Not that I recall.

I had sex with someone else when we were still together.

You know about Carmen accusing Rita of hitting her.

I have a recording of Carmen admitting that she lied.

Carmen knows that I kissed you.

The judge will never let Lena and Stef adopt me.

It just wasn't meant to be.

♪ The river runs ♪
♪ below the Western moon ♪

I should probably go back to my room.


I'm afraid Mariana's going to wake up.

She won't.

That girl sleeps like the dead, you know that.

(Laughs softly)

(Whispering) I wish we could stay here forever.

(Laughs softly)

And ever and ever.

Do you think they know yet?

They will soon.

If not from my social worker, from Rita.

(Whispering) They're gonna be... so mad.

And hurt.

I think they're going to be most upset that they can't adopt you.

You okay?

I got you, don't I?

(Chuckles softly)

Dibs on the first shower.

(Door closes)

♪ All the losses ♪
♪ all the lessons ♪
♪ hallelujah ♪

(Voices murmuring)

Jude: I tried baseball with Connor for a while.

That was... it was fun. It was cool.


Hi, Callie. Hi, Brandon.

Brandon: Hey, Rita. Good to see you.

So we, uh, we heard from Robin.

And she spoke with everyone at Girls United.

She's, um...

She's recommending your adoption.


Rita: What about that?

(Shrieking, cheering)

Rita: Best news ever.

Isn't that great?

Lena: Finally, we did it!

Finally! Can you believe it?

No, I can't.

So happy. So happy.

(Theme song playing)

♪ It's not where you come from ♪
♪ it's where you belong ♪
♪ nothing I would trade ♪
♪ I wouldn't have it ♪
♪ any other way ♪
♪ you're surrounded by love ♪
♪ and you're wanted ♪
♪ so never feel alone ♪
♪ you will always be ♪
♪ right where you belong ♪

Oh... come into my office, will you?

So, did you, um... you didn't listen to the recording I sent you?

Oh, no, I did. I listened to the whole thing.

Thanks for sending it. You totally saved my ass.

Um, I didn't like everything that I heard on it.

But listen, it's over now, right?

What happened with Brooke and Carmen?

Well, they're back in juvie.

And, uh, Carmen is not going to be in the army any time soon.

She must've been really upset.

Yes, she was.

But I told her I believed in her, you know, and I forgave her.

And that I know she's not the kind of person who wants to just go ruin somebody's life because she can, especially yours.

You saved me. I save you.

You know why? Because everyone deserves a family.

And this one, kid...

(Pats leg) ... That's yours.

You enjoy it, all right?

I gotta go home. Call me tomorrow.


Stef: Hmm?


Do you think we should cancel the party?

I think my parents would understand.

Why? Why would we do that?

Because you're barely speaking to me, and I don't think we're in a good place right now to be hosting some big anniversary shindig.

Aren't your parents coming down tonight?

It'd be a little rude to cancel last minute.

I think they'd understand.

I just... I want to give us a little time so that we can work this out, we can make this okay.

Well, nothing is going to make things okay right now, so we might as well suck it up and have a party.

(Phone rings)

I gotta get this. Excuse me.



(Woman over phone) Stef? It's Dr. Weiss.

Yes. Hey, how are you? What's going on?

Well, I'm looking at the results of your mammogram, and they're inconclusive.


So we need you to come back in to reimage.

Uh, sure. Uh, should I be worried?

Let's not worry until we know we have something to worry about.

What happened?

I don't know.

I guess Rita talked to Carmen, and it kind of just went away, I guess.

I don't...

Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

Calm down. Calm down for a sec.

Everything's going to be all right.

What? How is it going to be all right?

Okay, we had sex.

I... I thought... I thought the adoption was completely off the table.

I would've... I would've never...

I know. Me neither.

(Callie sighs)

What are we going to do?

Well, look who I found hanging around the airport.

Oh, hello!

Hello, beautiful!

How are you? How was your trip?

Oh, good.

Yeah? Uneventful?


Good, good.

Anybody hungry? I got leftovers from dinner.

No, we just ate at the airport.

Any excuse for pizza.

Well, how about some wine?

Oh, well, we wouldn't say no to that.

I didn't think so.

Thank you both so much for doing this for us.

Well, we're happy to do it.

Stef: Absolutely.

I mean, my goodness, 40 years.

That is, uh... that is quite an accomplishment.

Stewart: It seems like 40 minutes... underwater.

Oh, hey now...

You're so awful.

So, uh, Jesus sends his love.

Oh, good.

Oh, he's not going to make it?

No. He's got his first big wrestling meet.

Stewart: Oh, well, we understand.

But it is a shame. It would be nice to have the whole family together.

Has anyone heard from Nate?


Lena: Why would you tell Jenna that you kissed me?

You know why we broke up, right?

I finally told her that the reason I'm having a hard time falling in love with her is because I've already... fallen in love with somebody else.

With you.

Yeah, I... I got that.

Hey, I know it's not okay. I know.

You don't...

I know you don't feel the same way about me.

And I promise I would never, ever want to break up a marriage.

I just, uh...

I guess I needed to say that out loud.

Did you?

(Knocking on door)

Uh, sorry for barging in, uh... have you got a sec?

You slept with him? Girl, what is wrong with you?

I... I thought the whole adoption thing wasn't...

I was 100% sure that Carmen was going to blow it for me.

So you jump into bed with him the first chance you got?

We were in a cabin, in the woods. Okay? It just happened.

So what are you going to do?

Tell your moms? Call off the adoption?

I can't. It would... it would destroy them.

I don't know what I can do, honestly.

It would be so horrible for me to betray them like that after everything they've done for me, I...

What about Brandon?

What about Brandon?

Do you love him?

I don't... know. I can't love him now...

I can't... I can't deal with this.

Listen to me. Don't go getting any big ideas about running away or taking off or something.

You figure it out.

You decide what you want and then you make it happen.

I want you to know how mortified I am by what I said, what I called your mom.

I remember.


Of course I remember.

I'll never forget the look on your mom's face after that... word came out of my mouth.

And the fact that you had to hear it, makes it a hundred times worse.

I wish I could tell you why I said it.

I think I was just so furious with Dad.

For leaving me with Mom, for missing birthdays, for missing every single play I did, for missing graduation, for... (Scoffs) basically sucking.


I know it's unforgivable.

But I'm glad I at least had the chance to tell you how sorry I am.

Mariana: Pretty. What is it?

Oh, it's, uh... a diner where we had our first date.

I had a painter friend of ours make it for Dana.

I hope she likes it.

She will. Trust.

(Chuckles) We'll see.

Your grandmother's pretty particular about her gifts.

But, in any case, it's going to be a great evening, and good food, good friends, and your brother even offered to play some music for us.

Yeah, Mr. Fancy-Pants, award-winning composer, said he and his buddy Mat are going to do it as our gift.

What's going on?

Nothing. I just...

I did something pretty awful...


And... Mat and me broke up. That's all.

Do you love him? Want him back?

You're going to have to fight for him.

Get him to forgive you.

Yeah, that's pretty unlikely.

Sweetheart, nothing you could ever do, no matter how terrible, nothing is unforgivable.


I mean, sure he apologized, but he basically blamed the whole thing on Daddy.

Dana: He did? Really?

(Sighs) Well, not the whole thing, but... he might as well have.

Lena, Nate had a right to be angry with your dad.

As good a father as he was to you, honey, he dropped the ball with his son.

(Sighs) So what? That gives him permission to insult you like that?

Of course not, honey, but, you know, ever since we confronted him, I've been thinking about why this whole thing just never bothered me the way it bothered you.

The truth of the matter is, honey, I think I've always known that Nate was never actually trying to hurt me.

He was trying to hurt his dad, by lashing out at the... the one thing he loved the most.

You. But, uh, does that make it okay, Mom?

No, it doesn't, but...

I... I understand it, and I have compassion for this... very scared, angry young man.

Don't you, baby?

(Playing rock melody)

Sorry. I didn't realize you were still rehearsing.

But, um... I have an idea.

I uh, thinking maybe I could sing a song for Grams and Grandpa?

Do you... sing?

Yes, I sing.

And I was doing some research and it just so happens that the number one song the year they got married was "Love Will Keep Us Together" by Captain and Chenille.

Or... something.

Sounds great.

Um, but it'll probably sound better with, uh... with just piano, so, um, I'll let you guys to it.

Do you still want to... do the song?

Yeah, of course.

Are you wearing any lotion or perfumes?

Uh, no, I'm not.

Okay, good.

And we're reimaging the left breast?


All right.

Drop the shoulder of your gown, step up to the yellow line.


Arm up.

It must be some pretty nasty stuff, huh?


Looking at these images all day, probably got a pretty good eye, at this point, for anything concerning, right?

Yeah. The doctor will call you with your results.

Okay. Here we go.

(Machine buzzes)

Stay as still as you can, please.

(Door opens, closes)

Hey, bubba.

Lena: Jude?

(Door closes)

What happened?

I, uh... walked into Connor's room, and I found the two of them, making out, with their shirts off.

Uh, what did you do?

I told Jude that it was time for me to take him home.

Okay. So have you, uh...

Have you had the talk with Connor yet?

(Knock on door)

We weren't really doing anything.


So... I'm not in trouble?


No, but you're probably going to wish you were.

I think it's time we had the talk.

I'm really happy that you found someone as wonderful and as kind Connor.

I really am.

And when sex is shared between two people...

Okay, okay.

Connor and I are not having sex.

Oh. Okay. Good.

(Sighs) Good, um...


When any kind of physical intimacy is shared between two people who care about each other...


... it's a beautiful thing.

(Chuckles) Okay, look, if I'm being honest, I really don't know a whole lot about the logistics of two men being together, but, uh, I definitely want you to know how to take care of yourself and how to be safe for when the time comes.

Which hopefully won't be for... quite some time.

It won't. I swear.



You know what this is, right?

A condom.


Do you know how it works?

Lena: So, I, um...

I had a little talk with Monte today.



She, uh... she told me that... she told me that she's in love with me.

What did you say?

I told her I'm in love with my wife.

Well, there's one thing you didn't keep to yourself.


You're going to hold this against me... this one thing that I didn't tell you?

Because I didn't want you to feel weird or... awkward or whatever.

After the dozens and dozens of secrets you've kept from me.

Oh, is that what we're doing, we're keeping score now?


Let me ask you this: How does someone fall in love with someone just like that?

Out of the blue, without any encouragement, Lena?

Did it just happen?

Is it something she caught, like a virus or a cold? Is it contagious?

Stef, I'm not trying to fight you here.

I'm trying to fight for us.

Are you asking me if I liked the attention?

Because, yes, yes, I did.

I liked it.

(Stef cries)

I'm not saying that I encouraged it, but I admit that I didn't do enough to stop it.

Why not?

Why not? Why didn't you?

Because of me? I... I suppose it's my fault because I didn't pay enough attention to you, is that it?


Well, you know what? It's too bad!

It's too bad! Because between the kids and my work and my... and everything else, I cannot always put you as priority number one!

Can we please just get some sleep?

Because we have a very big day tomorrow.

♪ I'm leaving it for him... ♪
♪ I know where a heart hurt goes ♪
♪ I know where a heart hurt goes ♪

(Whispers) Hey.

What are you doing?

(Whispers) I just wanted to see you.

I, um...

I should've said this at the cabin.

I love you.

I love you too.


What if I call Robert? Maybe...

(door slams)

You should probably go back to your room.

♪ I couldn't care for you, I said ♪
♪ and I turned away ♪

(Door closes)


But I had no clue, like, what she was planning.

And then she pulled out a condom.

I thought I was gonna die.

I mean, for a lesbian, she sure knows a lot about how guys have sex.

How was your dad? Did he give you the talk too?

Yeah, we had a talk.

I think I'm gonna go live with my mom.

In L.A.?



My dad's not... okay.

With us and... with me.

(Slow jazz piano music playing)

Hi. I'm really glad you're here.




Hey, Dad.

What's he doing here?

I invited him.

I can't do this tonight.



Listen. Mom and I each had a conversation with Nate, a really good conversation, and he apologized for everything.

He did?

I have tried since I fell in love with you to protect you from as much of the racism and the bigotry in this world as I possibly could.

Oh, my love.

What an impossible task you've given yourself.

It's all right.

We've forgiven him.

You can too.

I promise, it's okay.

It's okay.


I'm so sorry.

Me too.


(Glass clinking)

I want to thank you.

Thank you all for being here.

And thank you to my beloved daughter and her wonderful wife for throwing this shindig and bringing us all together.

And a special thank you to my son, and the lovely faith for making this long journey to get here and be here with us.

I'll never forget it.

It seems like only yesterday...

I am so grateful that your mother called him.

He would never have come out here if he hadn't heard from her.

But mostly, I want to thank my beautiful Dana.

I still can't believe that you agreed to go out with me, and I still can't believe that I get to wake up next to you every day.

I'm a lucky man... to be here surrounded by my friends and my entire family, because let's face it, family is everything, and love is everything.

And what more could I have asked for, in this life, than to have a moment like this?

Happy anniversary, my love.

Woman: Aw! Happy anniversary!

(Guests murmuring)


Hear! Hear! happy anniversary!

(Phone ringing)

Stef: Okay, thank you.

What's wrong?

Well, I wanted to wait until I knew something for sure, but, um, I had to get a second mammogram because I guess they saw something in the first one.

Why didn't you tell me this?

Because I didn't want to worry you, and... because I didn't want to need you, because I'm mad, I'm really mad.

I'm so... it was...

What did they say?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

I'm fine, love. I'm fine.

(Whispers) Thank god. Thank god.

Oh, thank god.

Before we go back out there, there are some things that I need to say to you, and I know... there are some things you need to say to me.

Can we do that, please?


(Piano playing bright melody)

♪ Love ♪
♪ love will keep us together ♪
♪ think of me, babe, whenever ♪
♪ some sweet-talkin' girl comes along ♪
♪ singing a song ♪
♪ don't mess around you just gotta be strong ♪
♪ just stop 'cause I really love you ♪
♪ stop, I'll be thinking of you ♪

You know, I think that this is pretty much the exact place that we tied the knot.

Yeah, I think you're right about that.

Mm-hmm. I think I am.


And I meant every single word I said that day.

You're the absolute love of my life, Lena Elizabeth Adams Foster.

And, uh, nothing will ever, ever, ever, ever change that.

♪ 'Cause I really love you ♪
♪ stop, I'll be thinking of you ♪
♪ look in my heart and let love ♪
♪ keep us together ♪

Pardon me, may I, uh, cut in?


Oh, my girl.

(Lena chuckling)

So, Faith told me that you called Nate.




You know, you never cease to amaze me.

I think that is... the very best anniversary present you could've ever given Daddy.

You remember when I said that you used to be my hero?

You still are.

♪ I'll need you now ♪
♪ and I'll need you then, just stop ♪
♪ 'cause I really love you ♪
♪ stop, I'll be thinking of you ♪
♪ look in my heart and let love ♪
♪ keep us together ♪

(Applause, cheers)

Thank you.

(Rock song playing)

We could've ruined everything.

But we didn't.

We didn't even break any rules.

Think about it. Technically, we weren't even fostering when you came to Idyllwild.

You were staying at G.U.

And the thought of adoption wasn't even a possibility.

Yes, but it...

We didn't do anything wrong.

You don't think so?

We can't... we can't ever tell anyone.

I know.

We won't.

It's going to be okay, Callie.

This is your family.

That's all that matters.


Come in.

Hey. Thanks.


Is Connor ready yet?

Yeah, he's, um, just getting his jacket.

Can I ask you a question?


Why are you sending Connor away?

I... I'm not.

I... I didn't.

Look, I'm trying here, okay?

I'm doing the best that I can.

Connor asked to go live with his mom.

Connor: Ready?


See you tomorrow, right?

Adam: See ya.

(Door closes)

Look, I know I made a mistake, a huge one, and if you can't get over it, then that's fine.

I have to live with that, but...

I'm not going to beg and grovel anymore.

I'm not going to beg you to forgive me 'cause...

I forgive me.



Does that... mean you're willing to try to get back together?


But I'm glad you stopped b*ating yourself up about it.

Good night.

Um, so, firstly, I want to say, um...

I've been really overwhelmed by all your messages.

If I've inspired you in any way, it just makes it all worth it.


So I am getting adopted tomorrow.

I... I can't even believe it's finally going to happen.

You guys have no idea what a ride it's been.

I'm just really happy.

I do want you to know that it doesn't mean that I'm... leaving you.

I'll always be a foster kid.

Yeah, thanks for listening.

Oh. Hi, you guys.

Thank you for coming.


Excuse me. I... I need to talk to you.

Oh, yeah. Uh, Lena? Lena, honey?

Oh, hi.

The judge saw some website of Callie's...

Fost and Something... and he didn't like it, at all.

Why... why wouldn't he like it?

Apparently, there's a video where you talk about him.

So, the first thing we need to do when we get into that courtroom, we have to apologize, you need to apologize.

Do you understand me?

Apologize for what?

For insulting Judge Ringer in that video you posted.

I didn't insult him. I was just telling the truth.

I'm not... I'm not going to apologize for that.

Callie, think about this, please.

This might not be the moment for you to...

What? Stand up for what I believe in?

I love you both, with all of my heart, and you know how much I want to be a part of this family, but I can't take back what I said.

I mean, there's too many people counting on me. I can't.

So, do you understand what this means?


(Murmuring voices)

Girl: She's here.

Boy: There she is.

Lena: What is going on?

They're foster kids. They're here to support Callie.

All right, everyone, thank you. That's enough.

Well, Callie, welcome back.

I wish I could say I was entirely happy to see you.

Unfortunately, I was sent a video which I found somewhat upsetting, and, quite frankly, a little insulting.

I didn't mean to offend you, sir.


You, uh, called me out by name.

You said I was making these decisions about your life without any consideration of what you wanted.

Because that's how it felt.

The system is broken, sir, badly.

And the only people who really understand just how bad are the ones without any say, without any voice.

Somebody has got to speak up.

And that someone is going to be you, is it?

Yes. I'm one of the lucky ones.

You know, I... found an amazing family, and I'm finally safe and loved, like, really, truly loved.

And one of the things I've learned from my moms, from watching the way they've lived their lives, is that when you're lucky, it is your job to give something back.

And when you see something wrong, to stand up and to say so.

So, I'm really sorry if I offended you.

It was not my intention.

I'm not going to apologize for standing up.

Somebody has to.

Well, I wish it weren't the case...

But the's a lot of truth in what you're saying.

It's no secret the system is failing a lot of kids, and that someone needs to do something about it.

I'm proud of you for being that person.


(Gavel pounds)

Ringer: Quiet, please.

Quiet, please.

Now, your social worker has done a thorough investigation of the restraining order against Brandon Foster and tells me there is no reason to believe there's anything here to prevent your adoption.

Is that correct?

There's nothing romantic going on with you and Brandon any longer?

No, Your Honor, that's over.

Well, then I see no reason not to make it official.

Congratulations, Callie.

You're officially a member of the Adams Foster family.

♪ Be protected, protect her ♪
♪ couldn't let them go out of sight ♪
♪ take me home ♪
♪ home ♪
♪ take me home ♪
♪ home ♪
♪ take back ♪
♪ keep holding on ♪
♪ as long as we're here ♪
♪ it's never gone ♪
♪ gone ♪
♪ take me home ♪
♪ home ♪

One of the happiest days of my life.

Hey, bro. I've been thinking.

Maybe... maybe you should go live with your mom.

At first, when your dad said that you asked him to let you go, I didn't get it...

At all, but...

I was watching you in there when Callie was talking about how great it is to finally be... you know, happy and safe, and to have a family that is really, truly there for her.

And I want you to have that.


I love you.

I love you too.

And, hey, L.A. isn't that far, right?

I mean, there are trains.

Hey, Moms, can you come in here for a sec?

There's someone here to see you.

What? Who's here?




Oh, my god! Look at you!

You got so tall. What is going on?

What are they feeding you over there?

I thought you were at some big wrestling thing or something.

That was just a cover so I could surprise you.

I was trying to get here in time for Callie's adoption, but my flight got delayed.

I didn't want to miss this, and our first night together as a family.

Stef: Right? We're all together!

Is there any food?

Oh, my goodness.

I'm starving.

What a surprise. Of course. Let's make some dinner for Jesus.

Okay. We need some music.

Aw, I'm so happy you're here.

I don't want you to go back.

Yeah. I, um... I can't go back.

All right, you guys. Enough of the reunion.

Let's go. Mariana, set the table, please.

Jesus, how about you grab a sharp Kn*fe and start chopping vegetables we can use for a salad?

(Pop b*at playing)

♪ It feels so right ♪
♪ you've shown me how love can drown ♪
♪ every bad day ♪
♪ and it's the best thing that ever happened to me ♪
♪ that ever happened to me ♪
♪ and I'll never let you go ♪
♪ you're best thing that ever happened to me ♪