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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 08/15/15 12:37
by bunniefuu
This solemn court is now open and sitting for the dispatch of its business.

God save the State and this honorable court.

Docket #861525: the State of Washington vs. Timothy Olsen.

Timothy Olson, for the crime of aggravated as*ault with special circumstances, I hereby sentence you to two years in state prison.

I love you, okay?

No, Dad!

Stay together.

Dad, Dad, wait! No! Dad, wait!

This is all your fault!

Hey, no, Cameron!

Quiet in the gallery!

Take care of your sister, Cameron.

Stop him!

Stop him!

Cameron! Cameron! Dad, please!


Crestview PD. My badge.

Come on, do something please!


Stop... now.

I understand that you're upset, but you cannot behave that way in court.

Sorry I can't be happy like you.

Do not speak to your aunt that way.

No one is happy, Cameron.

Then fix it!

I can't.



Sorry I'm running late and for the sentence.

Thank you.

Their mother didn't complete the program?

Okay, well I've got beds.

I can take them now.

We need a little more time.

Oh? Has some family come forward?


Well, this isn't like planning a trip to Epcot.

You can't just make reservations in advance.

I understand that, and that Child Protective Services is brutally understaffed and unfairly overworked.

In fact, given your enormous case load, if you were to put the kids' file at the bottom of the stack, you might not be able to get to it for a day or two.

I mean, no one could blame you.

One or two more days of that?

I take full responsibility.

I always do what's right for the children.

And we're so grateful.

Good luck.

Okay, let's go home.

Why should we go with you?

Because we're your family.

Like it or not.

How about the girls ride with Mom and the boys can go with Dad?

That's good by me.




Sorry to intrude, but we're up.

Armed robbery, one victim down.

All right, everybody in my car!

Love you.

Love you, too.

Sorry, Matt.

Wow, that's so cute.

Yeah because what if we never see her again, jerk?

Are you okay we put your brother in prison for two years?

He put himself there.

Wish that were a more popular opinion.

Spend a few minutes with his kids, you'll get a taste of just how great it feels to have done the right thing.

Let's go, Cam.


Your sister went in.

Mariah's an idiot.

I was paying attention at the courthouse.

You think I don't know a Child Services zombie when I see one?

You're just gonna ship us off.

I'll wait here, save myself the steps.


Now get out of the car.

Why should I do what you tell me?

It would be a shame to waste all this righteous anger on an empty car.

Now you're making fun of me?


Just pointing out... you're a man of limited options.

No one else was in the store?

Who pulled a w*apon first?

Him, of course.

The stupid punk.

So you shot him?

I was sh**ting at him, but...

She stepped in, she tried to stop him.

You shot her?

I didn't mean to.

I was just protecting my store, my life!

Thanks, you can take him now.

Unis are pulling the surveillance footage.

Manager estimates they got eighty dollars and change.

Not exactly fresh start money with a baby on the way.

I'd go to ground, hide with a buddy, regroup.

And we need to watch the pharmacies.

They didn't take enough to keep a doctor quiet.

That better not be my save file.

It's not, I made my own.

Yeah, that's what you said about Assassin's Creed 2, and then you completely destroyed my multi-player reputation.

May I help you?

Is Cameron here?

Sorry, I don't think we've met. You are...

Here for Cameron.

Nice to meet you, "Here for Cameron."

I'm his uncle, "I Don't Think So."

Hey, Chris.

Cameron, let's go.


I don't think you heard my name.

Listen this time, I Don't Think So.

Thanks for stopping by, no need to do it again.

Hey, hey!

You can't keep me!

I absolutely can.

He's my friend.

Aim higher.

And put the bags down.

You don't want me here, I don't wanna be here, why not let me go?

You are my responsibility and I think that you leaving the house with that guy, as angry as you are, is a lousy decision.

Wallet and cell phone too.

No way.

He'll shake you down.

It's better just to hand them over.

This tells me when any window or door in this house opens.

And Rachel will tell you I'm faster than I look.

This is completely messed up.

Whose mess is it?

You've always hated my dad.

Yeah, sure, that's... that's why I hired him.

Look, if you need some time to calm down, you can use Jeff's room for a bit.

When do I get my stuff back?

We'll talk about it when your aunt gets home.

Welcome to being grounded, McLean style.

So you're all good at it, huh?

Good at what, Cameron?

Throwing people in jail.

The security footage corroborates the manager's testimony.

Self-defense for him, stupid move for the kid.

Tech just printed these.

Do we have anything on either of the youngsters?

Nothing yet.

The car was parked out of range of the outdoor cameras, so no plates to run.

You think that was a coincidence, or have they done this before?


No usable prints at the scene.

We'll run their pictures through the database.

We'll have the g*ng task force look at those, too.

See if they know them.

And you're good, McLean?

Excuse me?

You've had a difficult morning.

Thank you ma'am, I'm fine.

As you always are.

Keep me posted.

Is everyone talking about the sentencing?


Wilkes is just checking in that warm, loving way of hers.

Allison, Devin. You wanted to know about pharmacy hits?

Call just came in from Good Friends Pharmacy on Pine.

Armed robbery, young man with a g*n.

Thank you, Victoria.

Wait, I was just sharing intel. That's our case.

No it's ours, I'm sure.

And then you'd just have to come back here, do a lot of paperwork, then brief us and turn it over.

You're welcome.

... and then he dragged me out right here, and he had the g*n still...

He took my car keys!

Was this the man?

Did he do anything else before he drove away?

Took a jacket from that car.

And he stole painkillers and antibiotics?

For a g*nsh*t wound, he claimed.

Did he say anything about how she's doing?

The girl who was shot?

I thought he was just a junkie, lying.

I know this has been difficult, thank you.

You can wait inside while we take a look at the car.

No that's perfect, great...

Yeah text it to me, please, thanks.

Hey, this wreck was reported stolen two hours ago.

No wonder they took the pharmacist's Lexus.

There's blood on the front seat.


He didn't wipe it down.

We'll be able to lift prints.

Let's visit the owner.

You think our guy stole this beauty from a friend or a stranger?

Hey, what's the point of having friends if you can't rip them off?

Get out, Mariah.


This is the only private place to talk.

Who says I want to talk?

Then listen: stop screwing this up.

You're getting us in trouble.

What's all this us crap?

Since when are we a buy one, get one free?

They're gonna keep us together.

Aren't they?

Child Services?

Uncle Matt and Aunt Allison.

Like they care.

They do!

Then why is Dad in prison?

She could've kept him out.

Maybe she tried.

Not big on the truth, are you?

Just like Mom.

She leave you any of her pills before she went to rehab?

Don't talk about Mom like that.


If she was clean, we could be home and wouldn't have to be taking charity from the backstabber!

Shut up!

They'll hear you!

You think I care?

They'll throw us out.


We've got nowhere else to go!

I don't care!


Are you okay, Mariah?

Of course you're not okay.

Do you want to chill in a brother-free space?

It always helps me.

You're here about my car?

Yes, ma'am.

We're following up on your report that it was stolen.

When did you notice your car was missing?

This morning.

Did your son take the car without asking, or did he take it after you said no, and now you're teaching him a lesson?

I'm done talking with you.

Your son is in trouble and it's just gonna get worse.

He's gonna get hurt.

Doesn't that worry you?

I can't worry about him anymore.

He's worn me out.

Don't you wish sometimes you could just turn off that worry?

But you can't.

Where's he headed?

I didn't ask.

I said I didn't care.

I threw him out and that tramp, Olivia.

And you know what? I don't care.

He's broken my heart too many times.

He drove his father away.

I told him not to come back, and I won't take him back.

I'm sorry for your pain, I truly am.

But what's more important?

Defending your pride or protecting your grandbaby?

Doesn't that baby deserve a fighting chance?

Well, call Julie County and tell her to make it right.

We need to get those plans through.

Now or we'll be building these houses in the snow.

Hang on one sec.


Yeah, all right. Well, I will be in the office tomorrow. bye.


Wow, tacos?

You like my tacos.

Sure, but, I mean... you really only make the tacos for special occ...


I'll get Cameron...

No, no, no, it's all right.


Come on buddy.

My tacos are a dish best served warm.



God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food.

And please watch over Mom in the field and over Uncle Tim in...

And Uncle Tim... amen.




That's the word you're looking for.

The place your mom put my dad.


I feel sick.

I feel sick, too.

No you don't, sit down.

Your life stinks right now, but my tacos are awesome.



Mr. Nelson, I'm Detective Stewart, Crestview PD.

This is my partner, Detective McLean.

Look, I paid those tickets and docked my delivery guy for them.


Is this your daughter Olivia?


What happened?

We're still trying to piece that together.


Was there an accident?

She's been hurt.

We want to find her and Trey Harkness right away so we can help her.

You don't know where she is, but you know she's been hurt?

Your daughter and Trey Harkness were involved in a robbery this morning.

I'm gonna k*ll that boy.

Olivia has been injured.

We want to find her and get her the help she needs.

We don't know where she is.

Because she told us she was pregnant.

And somebody said she was a disappointment.

Somebody said she'd have to choose between us and that boy.

Well she chose, didn't she?

You wouldn't turn her out with nothing.

You're not that kind of father, that kind of man, are you?

I gave her my debit card.

I'm glad to hear it.

That's going to help us get them home.

Olivia and the baby.

Hey guys!

I'm going next door to help Mrs. Williams for a second.

Her garage door is stuck.

We won't burn the house down while you're gone.

Appreciate that.


Thank you very much.

No hits on the pharmacist's car or the dad's debit card.

Looks like they're playing smart.

You checking your dating profile?

Come look.

It's one of Olivia's accounts.

She left it wide open.

There's a lot of photos of Olivia and Trey with this guy.

He's tagged as Trey's cousin, Scott Jackson.


No, his profile just says Seattle.

No contact info.

They've got some horses.

Looks like a farm to me.

So not downtown.

That would be a zoning problem.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, I know that bridge.

No, that's the, uh, uh, on the... the Sammamish River Trail.

Yeah. And, w... and that bridge is further down the river.

So they like bridges.

Yeah, but in that one it's summer.

Look at this one, it's winter.

So they go there a lot.

Maybe because the farm is near the river.

All right, we gotta make sure the departments out that way got the alert and know to be on the lookout.

I'll call around and if they don't know Scott, I'll check with the city clerks.

I'll take the DMV. What's it? Scott Jackson?



I didn't see him get up.

Detective McLean?

Cameron, what are you doing here?

Where's my father?

Cameron... hi, again.

I'm your aunt's partner, Devin Stewart.

Where's my father?

Detective Stewart is offering you his hand.

Show some manners, please.

Stop telling me what to do!

Come on...

Don't touch me... Dad!


Get in there.

Dev, call Matt?

You're gonna lecture me about respect, after what you did to your own brother?

How messed up is that?

Sit down.

Sit down.

Where's my father?

Cameron, you know me better than that. Do not test me.

First, you will not disrespect this station or the people in it, clear?

Let me see my father and I'll go away, far away.

That's not possible.

Haven't you punished me enough?

You've got what you wanted, why can't I have a little, tiny break?

You think this is what I wanted?

For my brother?

You could've looked the other way.

Cops do it all the time.

What did I say about respect?

You can't see him because he's already been transferred to the prison.

We hoped it would be different, Cameron.

I want to go home...

But I don't know where that is.

So why are we getting lectures, when Cameron is the one who split?

Because you're supposed to be looking out for each other.

For how much longer?


Excuse me?

What Dad means is family always looks out for each other.

But how much longer are we gonna be here?

We're still figuring that out.

I want to go back to school tomorrow.

Are you sure?

It's fine.

We're not the only kids at our school with dads in prison.

We still don't have to tweet that to the world.

Okay, I can drop you off on my way to work.

Actually why don't you take Jeff and Rachel to their school, and I'll take Cam and Mariah to theirs.


I'd like to talk to your principal.

So you can tell him I'm a flight risk?

Is that necessary?

Wait, so are we all grounded, or just Cameron?

No, you're not grounded, you're all on notice.

Just, in this house, we all watch out for each other.

Remember that.

Then are we done?

'Cause I have a test in AP Calc tomorrow and I need to study.

Yeah, and I have a history paper.

I have Spanish.

Yeah, yeah, you're excused.

I'm gonna heat up some dinner for Mom and Cam.

You guys go ahead.

I'm gonna start digging my escape tunnel after I eat.

Can I have a little space, please?

I'm trying to study.

No, you're not.

What do we do now?

We study.

I mean about Cameron and Mariah.

He's in my room because he wanted a private place to practice his oral book report.

And she's in the shower, singing.

Or screaming, I can't really tell. I don't know.

So what do we do?

We don't do anything.

I mean, Mom and Dad will figure out the best place for them to go.

But, in the meantime?

It won't be long.

We should be patient okay? And nice.

Look, it's pretty awful.

Can you imagine?

No, not at all.


I went next door to help Tara.

What was I supposed to do?

I didn't know he was gonna bolt.

You want us to just sit in here, hunker down with the doors locked because this kid's acting out?

Of course not.

I'm doing the best I can, Allison.

I can't do it myself.

I know, but I just caught a case.

And I'm in the middle of a house.

These kids need help, but so do we.

I just can't stop thinking about what's gonna happen to them in foster care.

Well, that's a discussion you should've had with your brother when he said he didn't want us to take them.

He was angry.

Tim has been angry for about 20 years.

Can we not go there right now?

Fine, where can go?

I don't know.

Do you really think that we can look out after all four?

And do it well?

I feel like we just got back on an even keel since this...

It wouldn't be easy, but it would be right.

What about money?

What about space? What about how our kids feel about it?

I don't know.

I don't know. And I just... I hate not having the answers.

And I don't like being the bad guy.

And I don't want to be anybody's enemy, especially yours.

We're not enemies, baby.


But, hey, if we don't do right by these kids, they'll be lost.


Just leave it.

No, it's Devin, I gotta get it.


Hey, I know it's been a dark day, but I might have a little light.

What are you doing at work?

I thought you would be with Arielle?

No, she's with her mom tonight. Listen, Scott Jackson has no criminal record.

He no longer lives at the address on his driver's license.

But I did a bit of digging, and I found a property in Woodinville zoned as farmland, registered to the names listed with DMV as Scott's emergency contacts.

He moved back in with Mom and Dad.

That's great. We should...

First thing in the morning.

Banging on his door in the middle of the night might not be the best way to persuade Scott to cooperate.

Right, see you bright and early.

Get some sleep.

Okay. You too. Night.

Did you find the collectible?

On this level?

Go over to the ordinance.

Trust me.


Man, I can't even think of the last time I saw Trey.

Couple of months ago, maybe?

All got together to sing "Happy Birthday" to Nana, y'know?

That's funny because this picture was three weeks ago.

Or is this your other cousin Trey?

Maybe I just lost track, y'know?

You ever do that, you get all busy and it seems like it's been forever, but it wasn't?


How long have these tire tracks been here, Scott?

They look like they belong to a Lexus 2012 RX 350.

A red one, but I'm no expert.

We need a crime scene team.


This... this isn't a crime scene.

Well, if these tracks match the ones from the stolen car we're looking for, that's gonna be hard to prove.

Trey was here yesterday.

He showed up before dinner, he sold me a g*n.

He needed some quick cash.

I'd rather have the car, but I don't have that kind of money.

We're gonna need that g*n, Scott.

And a full statement.

What kind of statement?

One that helps us figure out whether or not you're an accessory before or after the fact.

I'm... I'm not an accessory to nothing.

All he said was he needed some cash.

Him and his girlfriend were getting outta town because her parents hate him.

Was she with him?

Yeah, but she's not feeling too good, so they have to lay low for a little bit. So I gave him some money 'cause she's, you know, pregnant.

Where'd you send them, Scott?


Judge Walker, please.

No! Wait!

Just a minute.

Come on Scott, you're going for a ride either way.

To jail or to Trey?

Eeny, meeny, miney, moe.

Your call.

Alright. We're right behind you.

But my hand to heaven, Scott, if you lose your mind and this goes poorly, you're gonna have to answer to me.

Trust me, you do not want to cross this woman.

Yo! Trey!

It's me, Scott.

Stop right there man!

You better be alone, you worthless sack of scum.

Screw you, man!

Whaddya want, Scott?

I came to check on you and Olivia, to make sure you were okay. But, now forget that.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Don't go, come on in.

Lord have mercy, man.

Drop the g*n! Drop it!


Everyone I know is a liar.

I'm Detective Allison McLean. Where are you hit?

What happened here?

Where's Olivia?

In Hell, I hope.


Last night you loved her.

Yeah, well, tonight she shot me.

You look so surprised...

She had me fooled too.

But it's the princess who's been calling the sh*ts this whole time.

Tell us what happened, Trey, now.

She said I was a disappointment.

My plan was a disappointment.

She, uh... she took the g*n and said she was leaving.

When I tried to stop her, she shot me.

She said she was gonna erase all her disappointments and start a family from scratch.

Hey Scott, help me get him up. Let's get him to the car.

We can't wait for the ambulance.

Lieutenant, this is Stewart.

We need a detail assembled right away.

You think I'm gonna die?

No, we think Olivia's gonna k*ll someone.

You need to say you're sorry!

We are, sweetheart.

We are.

Him! I want him!

She asked you to go away!

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson.

It's Allison McLean and Devin Stewart.

The detectives you spoke to earlier.

I'll sh**t you through the door!

Olivia, I know you're a good shot.

I saw what you did to Trey.

But you need to understand.

My entire department is in the parking lot.

You sh**t, they're gonna crash in here, open up, and none of us walk away.


So I'm gonna come in here and we're gonna talk.

And I've got my partner with me and he's got a g*n, okay, because that's how we do things.

Don't panic, okay?

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, are you all right?

They're fine.

Olivia, how are you?

That leg doesn't look so good.

Is Trey alive?

He is.

How's the baby?

Must be fine.

I'm still sick as all get out.

That'll get better.

No it won't.

Nothing will.

Honey it will be, I promise.

Mrs. Nelson... Mothers shouldn't make promises they can't keep.

Olivia knows there will be consequences.

It was Trey's plan.

No, no.

sh**ting your father is your plan, and your plan alone.

A bad one.

Olivia, look at me.

Think past this moment.

sh**ting him is forever.

For you, your mom.

And it's not gonna make anything better.

You're just gonna have to live with the damage you've done in one moment of anger.

You can't do this, you're not gonna do this.

I can't...

You can... you can!

For the sake of your baby, you have to.

Be strong.

Put the g*n down and forgive your father.

I'm so sorry, Olivia.

So sorry.

You did the right thing.

But you're still under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney... if you can't afford one...

Anything I say is just gonna sound stupid and hollow.

Try me.

I'm sorry it came to this.

Right again, stupid, and hollow.

You know, I might have waited a little longer, to give us both a chance to cool off...

I don't plan on cooling off.

But I need to talk to you... about Mariah and Cameron.

Did Child Services find a good place for them?


Another string you refused to pull?

I want them to live with us.


It's the best place.

I'd rather have them in an orphanage.

Go ahead and hate me.

But do not hurt your children any more than you already have, just to get back at me.

They'll only be in the system until Jackie gets home.

Because Jackie's able to able to care for them?

House them and hold them together?

Shut up.

I love Mariah and Cameron.

They don't believe it and neither do you, but all I want, all I want is what's best for them.

Well, I'd say you're off to a great start.

I'll fight you for them.


If I have to I'll go to court, and I'll have you and Jackie declared unfit parents, and Matt and I will become their legal guardians.

Stop... stop.

Stop what?

Stop all of it.

You take a b*llet for your partner.

You think you're gonna pick who raises my kids?

Who told you to save the world?

Who told you to give up, Dad?

We're done here!

You try this, I will fight you every step of the way.

Thanks for picking up dinner, baby.

Sorry I was late, long day.

Did you close your case?

We did.

Want to talk about it?

Not yet.

So how was everybody else's day?

I think I did pretty good on my AP Calc test.

Hey, Mike wants to know if I can take my keyboard over to his house tomorrow night so we can jam a little.

Yeah, just don't drop it, rock star.

Mariah, how was your day?


I got a B on my Spanish presentation.




When's Child Services coming?

They're not.

You're staying here with us.

Your uncle Matt and I talked about it, and we think it would be best if you stayed here with us.

But Dad said that...

I know and there's still lot of stuff we need to work out with your dad, I mean, legal stuff mostly.

For how long?

Just until Mom gets back, right?


You girls can buddy up in Rachel's room, and the boys in Jeff's.

Maybe Dad can you know, build something to make more space.

Yeah, you know, like we can build out those window seats.

You guys can help with that.

I know this is sudden and it's been a really tough couple of days.

But, can you just... we'll figure it out.

I need to be excused.

Well, maybe we can get you guys moved over to Jeff and Rachel's school in time for Monday.

Why do we have to change schools?

If you're gonna be living here, it makes sense that you go to the neighborhood school.

And it's a good one.

And we'll fit right in.

May I be excused?

I'll go check on her.

Because, y'know, that's what family does for each other.

I mean, we didn't even get a vote?

Can you work with me here, please?


Because I'm asking you to.


Like we're the ones you need to worry about.