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03x09 - Plan B

Posted: 08/14/15 02:01
by bunniefuu
Big Jim: Three weeks ago, an invisible dome crashed down on Chester's Mill, cutting us off from the rest of the world. The dome has tested our limits, forcing each of us to confront our own personal demons... rage... grief... fear.

My God.

(people exclaiming)

Now, in order to survive, we must battle our most dangerous adversary... the enemy within.

Why do we need these amethysts?

They power the dome.

If we bring the amethysts above ground, I'm hoping we can recharge.

Julia: Christine has some sort of a schematic in her office.

I don't know what it's for, but those amethysts
are definitely a part of it.

You think you can plant the expl*sives and get out in time?

Yeah, not a problem.

Guys, go!

My mom sacrificed herself so that her child could live.

You set off those bombs, didn't you?

Christine: The actions of this resistance have threatened our very survival.

We need to k*ll them all.

Julia: Really open to suggestions here.

Joe: These seven geometric shapes on the schematic could be the amethysts that were in the tunnels.

Julia: This is serious.

We hit the kinship hard.

They're gonna come at us with everything they've got.

(g*n cocks)


Carolyn said that the amethysts were important to the kinship's survival.

That's why Christine wanted them dug up.

I'm not feeling great. Do you mind?

Of course. We got this.

She's taking Carolyn's death pretty hard.

We all are.


(whispering): All right, one... two... three.

All right, muzzles down. Anything?

Man: All clear.


Man #2: All clear.


Man #3: Nah, upstairs clear.


Where the hell are they?

Norrie's not the only one creeped out we're in a funeral home.

This could mean anything.

The only person who can tell us what this design means is Christine.

Torch the place.

Julia: Hunter, focus on cracking the password on Christine's recorder.

Maybe we'll find an answer there.

(static hisses over radio)

John to Yoko.


George and Ringo just torched the Aktaion house.

Looks like Christine's out for blood.

We can figure out our next move when you get back.

Yeah, copy that.

What do you mean they weren't there?

Well, they knew we were coming.

My bet is they're no longer on the island.

They could be anywhere.

Barbie: We'll find 'em.

Julia and Jim will pay for what they did.

Tell Eva I'll be home soon.

(yells angrily)

Oh... (gasping)

Oh, no. Oh, no, I'm not ready yet.



Christine, what is it? What's wrong?

It's nothing.

Oh, here, let me help.

Here. Here.

Oh. (groans)

Let me see. Let me...


Christine, what is this?


Christine: Remarkable.

It's happened.

What are you doing?

(pulsating tone)

You're pregnant.



I'm sorry about this place.

Jim thought no one would ever look for us here.

I get it. It's just... a lot.

Norrie, if I'd known that you and Joe, or Carolyn, were down in those tunnels, I never...

It's not your fault.

It's Christine's.

And she's to blame for all of this.

I promise you, your mother's death won't be in vain.

(crying): I didn't want to leave her.

She was in so much pain.

But at least she didn't die as one of those things.

Because, even if it was just for a few minutes...

...I had my mom back.

If you need anything, I'm here, okay?



If there's any chance to get Barbie back, the real Barbie... have to take it.

How is this possible?

We only slept together yesterday.

You're carrying the new queen.

This isn't any ordinary pregnancy.

Barbie: Hey.

What's with the guards? Everything okay?

I'll leave you two alone.

What's happening?

Remember right before we woke up from the cocoon world?


We were in the hospital.


You're pregnant?

It's a girl.


I mean...

Okay, okay.

Christine's certain, but I don't...

All right, sit down.

But what's with the guards?

It's a precaution.

Big Jim and Julia... they could be anywhere, and she might...

Listen to me.

Nothing is going to happen to you or this baby.

Understand me?

You leave Julia to me.

I still can't figure it out.

Happy to report all the bees are back in Christine's bonnet.

Just don't get too comfy. Eventually, we're gonna have to move again.

We're at w*r.

You said we'd be safe here.

Yeah, I did.

I'm also student of history, and, at w*r, always have an exit strategy.

Hunter: Guys... you got to hear this.

You cracked the password?

So, I rewound to the beginning.

(recording rewinds)

This is Christine's first entry.

Christine: It's a shame we'll never meet, but these recordings are meant to guide you, to help you and your parents, Barbie and Eva, usher in a new generation... the next kinship... with you as its queen.

Barbie and Eva, they're supposed to...

Have a baby?

That's been Christine's plan from the start?

Junior: It was my idea to bring the amethyst here.

It'll be guarded at all times.

Good work, James.

We can't afford to let anything happen to it.

I just wish I could have stopped Big Jim.

I'll keep searching, I'll find the Resistance and k*ll them.

Spare Joe.

But he's just as guilty as the rest of them.

With only one amethyst remaining, adjustments will have to be made, and I need Joe's help.

What about Sam?

I went back to the b*mb shelter. He wasn't there.

I gave Sam a choice: He can either live among us, or... die with the Resistance.




I thought the cocoon healed you.

It did.

Where are you going?

The dome wall. I need to see it.

You don't have to be here, if you don't want to be.

No. Keeping my mind busy helps.

What the hell is this thing supposed to be anyway?

I think these oscillating lines are sound waves?

In that cocoon world, I learned how sound can be used as energy.

I just don't remember how.

Ever hear of a library?

They're filled with these things called books.

You read 'em once in a while, and they tend to answer your questions.

You want us to go to the library on a mission?

Well, if it keeps us one step ahead of Christine, you're damn straight.

She said she had a way to bring the dome down.

I didn't, didn't, I didn't believe her.

Seeing that thing, I think maybe she was telling the truth.

We'll get our stuff and go.

Hey, listen, guys... none of those bastards can know we're here, you understand?




I'm writing everything down... about halfway through.

Safe to say, she's not your biggest fan.

Yeah, well, feeling's mutual.



Me... I'm in a wheelchair listening to a diary while people are trying to k*ll us.

Not exactly pulling one's weight.

Look... that recorder and then those Aktaion files were coded, so that means they're important.

I couldn't hack that.

I'm pretty sure Julia, Norrie and string bean couldn't have, either.

So, without you, we don't know what Christine knows.

That's pulling your weight.

Thanks, man.

I don't get why everyone thinks you're such a giant tool.

Shut the hell up and feed my dog.

Not too close to the window.

I know.

Every time I think this can't get any worse, it does.


You know there's still time to stop Christine.

No mommy, no daddy, no baby.

You want to k*ll Eva and Barbie?

What part of "usher in a new generation" did you not understand?


Not while there's still a way to save Barbie.

You mean the same Barbie who just burned down a house trying to find us? That Barbie?

There's no way to reach Barbie.

Or my son.

They're just gone.

Hunter, Carolyn... they were taken over by the Life Force, but fought their way back.

Yeah, I tried that emotion stuff with Junior.

It didn't work.

Maybe that's because we were only half right.

Norrie just told me that after the expl*si*n hurt Carolyn, she became human again.

What if physical pain suppresses the Life Force, allowing emotion to overcome it?

What if you're wrong?

We do it your way.

I'll drink to that.

(radio static hisses)

Barbie: Julia, you copy?


I'm here.

God, it is so good to hear your voice.

What do you want?

I just want to see you.

You have been right all along.

There is something wrong with me.

Eva's really messing with my head.

Meet me out by the Soderquist farm.

Just you and me.

I'll be there in an hour.

Your g*n!

Toss it in the woods.

Hey, I'm just here to talk.

Do it, or I'm gone.

All right.

I'm here.

Yesterday, when you asked me... if I loved Eva, I didn't know what to say.

I have not been able to get that question out of my head.

And that's when everything... when you, me, Eva... that all became clear.

I realized that whatever I felt for her... it isn't real.


Christine and Eva were using me, and I am so, so sorry that I couldn't see that.

For not believing you.

Oh, it's really you. You're back.

I missed you so much.

We have got to stop them.

Christine is crazy.

But I think I can get close enough to her to end this.

Oh, I wish you hadn't have done that.



What did you do?

It's for your own good.

(Barbie pants, groans)


Nice work, Dexter.

Help me get him back to the cabin.

Christine: Oh, no. It's begun.

The dome's surface is calcifying.

Soon every living thing won't be able to breathe unless I can bring down the dome with Joe's help.

I don't understand. How is what's happening to the dome making you weaker?

Because I'm connected to it.

And with the egg destroyed and one remaining amethyst, the dome has no power source.

It's shutting down. (gasps)





You recognize this place, don't you?

Julia, what the hell?

It's where you m*rder*d my husband.

Oh, come on. You got this all wrong.

I'm not like Christine and Eva anymore.

Whatever was in me... it's gone, I swear.

Well, that almost sounded convincing.


Except for the knife hidden in your boot.

What the hell is he doing here?

He's gonna help me fight whatever's inside of you.


It's probably gonna hurt.

Okay, Julia.

Come on. Think about what you're doing.

Please don't do this!


(Barbie groaning, electrical buzzing)

(Barbie groans, gasps)

(Christine groans)

It's okay. Let me see. Let me see.

Junior... No, don't.

What can I do?


(electrical buzzing, yelling)

(groaning) No.


No more.


Barbie, focus on my voice.

Think about everything that we've been through.

I know you can fight this.


That's it. That's it. I'm right here.


(continues laughing)

I knew it.


Oh, I'm sorry.


But the two of you, working together...


...that is priceless.


There's just one problem... with your whole plan here.

You've lost.


I'm part of the kinship now.


And I'm with Eva.


And nothing you do... is gonna change that.


She's having my baby.


Oh, you two didn't know?




Though, in all fairness...

I just found out this morning.

So, hey, go ahead, use your new pal here to t*rture me all you want, because every time you do, all it does is remind me how much I don't want you in my life anymore.

What are you doing?

He's right. It's over.

It's too late.


There is still time.

Hey, Jim, you wouldn't happen to have any parenting tips?

Would you? 'Cause you did such a great job with Junior.

Shut up.

Why do you think he was the first one to fall in line with the kinship anyway?



Junior's weak.

Or... he saw you... for what Julia is now so willing to look past.

(panting): That you are a sad... pathetic... cold-blooded k*ller.


Jim, that's enough.


What the hell are you doing?

The plan was to suppress the Life Force in Barbie, not k*ll him.

We've been doing this for hours. He's toying with us.

You think I don't see that?

He's trying to pit us against each other.

You really think he and Eva got a cosmic bun in the oven?

Who knows anything anymore?

Well, this pain thing's not working.

Time to do things my way.

No, I am not giving up on Barbie.

Hey, I know that I can do this, all right?

I just need to do it alone.

And you're willing to do whatever it takes?

Just give me more time.


What's this?

Back up.

Indy wouldn't let Christine anywhere near him.

If you can't change Barbie back, he'll know.

What are you gonna do?

Plan B.

All right, it should be down here.

What about The Truth Hertz, A Fun Guide to Sound?

Even books with lame-ass titles could probably tell us something about that sketch.

So you think Big Jim is right... that this is the way to take down the dome?

The military has devices that can immobilize armies using sonar technology.

So, yeah, I guess sound could be used as a w*apon.

But what if it's not a w*apon?

What if it's, like, a beacon?

Kinship phone home.


Miller: What are you doing here, Joe?

Get off me!

Get off me! Come on! Come on!



Hurry, Joe!

Got it! Come on.

Hey. Hey! Keep the door open!

I've been looking for you two.

Open the door!

Your wound.

It's almost healed.

These human bodies and their oxytocin are a marvel.

I'm glad you're feeling better.


James... this is temporary.

Everyone, everything has a cycle, and mine is coming to an end.

No, but...

I thought you were my mate.

What you and I have is beyond mating.

But Barbie and Eva, they're together.

I figured that you and I...

Eva and Barbie are special.

And so are you, but in a different way.

While they're meant to be with each other, I've always seen you... with many mates.

(door rattling)

Sam, get out of our way now.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm on your side.

Then where have you been?

I got captured.

Christine experimented on me, but I'm fine.

If you go out that door, three Millers are waiting for you.

Yeah, he's right.

The back stairs are your only chance.

What's it gonna be?

Let's go.


Where's your better half?

Oh, I'm not sure.

Maybe he went to take a nap, a stroll.

Maybe he went to k*ll Eva.

I didn't ask him.


You better stop him, Julia.

Big Jim is Big Jim.

A k*ller.

But come to think of it, so are you.

How many people have you k*lled?

No one that didn't have it coming.

Like your fellow soldiers?

'Cause seeing you like this, the reporter in me really has to ask, was it really friendly fire that k*lled them, or were you just having a really bad day?

That's low, Julia...


...even for you.

You... have no idea what I am capable of.

(buzzing, Barbie groaning)

What about after the army?

Most guys go back to their lives, go back to their families.

You became a debt collector... k*lling anyone who didn't pay up.

So is that what the kinship wants you to be?

A k*ller?

What were my husband's last words?

Did he beg for his life before you shot him?

You know he wanted me to k*ll him.

Or maybe you forced him to sign over those life insurance papers.

Was that the plan this whole time?

k*ll him, sleep with me, then rob me blind?

And that would've worked, too, but then the dome came down.

Do you even hear yourself?

(buzzing, groaning)

I know that you are in there, Barbie.

The real one.

The man who doesn't let his dark past define the man he wants to be!


(buzzing, crackling)

Eva, the kinship, they want you to be the man that you were.

Not the man who owns his mistakes so that he can move past them and be a better man.

That's the man I fell in love with!

It's simple, Barbie: Eva is your past, and I'm your future.

So you fight for that future.

You fight for me, and you fight for yourself!

(sobbing quietly)


Can I please... have some water?

When Dale returns from k*lling Julia, send him to my room.

Slowly, slowly...


Thank you.

I need you to know, I never wanted it to come to this.


I know.

You always want to see the best in other people.

And that's just... so... incredibly... massively... annoying.

Who hooks up with the guy that kills her husband, anyway?

And you think that there's something wrong with me?

I know this isn't you.

No, see, that's where you're wrong.

The real me is the person that you refused to see the day that we met.

And just like a good soldier, I knew exactly where to attack my enemy at her weakest.

I'm not the enemy.

Caroline would disagree with you.

That was an accident.

On second thought, maybe you're right.

Because a good enemy actually puts up a fight.

You were such easy pickings.

You were naive, vulnerable, so desperate for a man, for any man that would pay more attention to you than the racetrack.

And what did you think was gonna happen if we ever did get out of the dome?

That you and I, two people who couldn't be any more different, were what?

Were gonna live happily ever after?

That was never going to happen.

Just face it, Julia.

You were nothing more than comfort food until I got out of here.

You're wrong.

You mourned me in the Matrix.


I lied.

(wry chuckle)

Go ahead, do your worst.

The restraints, the pain, you... none of that matters.

Nothing that you do is gonna get me to leave Eva's side.

Do you think that baby is gonna have her beautiful eyes?

This isn't the kinship, Julia.

This is me.

This is the real me.

Whatever it was, that you thought was between us, it's over.

I... don't... love you.

(gasps, grunts)

What about her?

Your mate needs to be in the prime of her fertility... healthy, strong... maternal.

She's perfect.

Charlotte Chastain.

She was a junior when I was a senior.

The younger ones I need.

No, I want her.

Fine, but you need to find me a suitable replacement.

I need at least 12 girls.

Have them waiting for me when I get back.

Where are you going?

To say hello.




Oh, my goodness.

Such a beautiful baby.

Isn't she?


Where's Big Jim and Julia?

They left a while ago.


No, Hunter, it's okay.

Sam's on our side.

You finished with Christine's recorder?


I seriously needed a break from her voice, so I moved on to the Aktaion files Lily sent.

Who's Lily?

Long story.

Hektor Martin?

Longer story. Apparently, he's the real head of Aktaion.

I thought Barbie's father was.

Yeah, so did I.

Turns out, this dude's been secretly running it the whole time.

Why would he hide his involvement?

Maybe because, from what I can tell, the government has their hand so far up him, he's a Muppet.

A rich, powerful and very bad Muppet.

Come on, Sam.

I want to show you something.

(Indy barking)

(angry shout, Indy continues barking)








Have you heard from Dale?

He's been gone for hours.

Christine: Eva, stop worrying.

It's not good for the baby.

Who's she?

This is Harriet, your midwife.

Why would I need a midwife?

I only found out I was pregnant today.

Eva, I told you, this isn't any ordinary pregnancy.

Your baby will be here before you know it.

Now I need you to pack some things.

We're going somewhere your baby will receive the special care she deserves.

I'm not going anywhere until Dale's back.

But don't you want what's best for your baby?

Of course I do.

I can promise you, this'll only be for a short while.

And when we return, Barbie will be here and you can be with him for as long as you wish.

Go to the barn.

I'll let Eva shower and then bring her to you.

Sam: I'm sorry, Joe, I have no idea what this is.

Christine never talked about building something that could bring down the dome?

This can bring down the dome?

I'm not sure yet, but if these lines are sound waves, see how they're all directed to this focal point where they're expanding?

I would think that that focal point would have to be some sort of amplifier.

Why would Christine need to amplify sound inside the dome?

I was wondering that too.

Until I realized that every single attempt to destroy the dome has come from the outside.

So what if the only way to bring it down comes from the inside?

Let me just find the page...

Sam, with the right frequency and amplitude, it's possible that the dome could shatter, like an opera singer breaking a glass with her voice.

Let me just find it here...

Does Christine know you have this?

I hope not.




You know this is the part where I tell you it gets better with time.

When Alice died, I was... angry.

But with Carolyn...

I'm just sad.

Then be sad.

Just allow yourself to feel something.


God, with everything that's happened, I haven't even asked how you're doing.

Sponge baths suck.

I am sorry.

If I hadn't been on that roof when you came to find me, I just...

No, you never have to apologize to me, Norrie Calvert-Hill.

Besides, being paralyzed isn't my long-term plan.

I'm getting out of here.

There's a girl in Zenith I'm gonna ask for a dance.

Mmm. Just a dance?

For your information, everything down there still works, thank you very much.

I didn't need to know that, okay?


Come on.

Let's see if Joe and Sam have figured out that schematic.

Where's Joe?

Yeah. Where's Sam?

What happened?



Joe, where are you?!

(shower running)

(Eva screams)


How did you get inside Town Hall?

This is my town!

How the hell did you know I was coming?

I could smell you from a mile away.

Guess I'm not the only one who needed a shower, huh?

You made a mistake coming here alone, old man.

I'm fighting for two.



That's for calling me old.


Are you hurt?

I'm fine, I'm fine.

It was Big Jim. I stopped him.

Whatever is happening to me, I am stronger. I'm faster.

It's the baby.

Come on, let Big Jim think he's getting away.

We can't wait another minute to get you and your baby to safety.


Barbie: Julia!


We've been waiting.

Go ahead.

They'll take care of you.


What are they all here for?

Christine: Your child.

The future queen.

I told you I wanted Charlotte.

She came to me.

Wanted to be a part of this.

Don't worry.

I promise she won't feel a thing.

No one comes in or out.



I can't find them anywhere.

The schematic and the recorder are missing, too.

Indy and Julia are missing.

What happened there?

Sam's a part of the kinship and I think he took Joe.

Well, how the hell did he find us here?

We met him at the school and we thought he was still human.

Grab everything you can.

We need to get out of here. Now.

Sam: Kyle.

The rest are at Coggins' Funeral Home.

Gather everyone you can and go there.

Where are you taking him?


Uh, I'll go get the car.


All right, I'm gonna start loading.

Son of a bitch! They're already here.

We're surrounded.


Then this is where we make our stand.


You're going to sh**t me?

I will.

Well, then, do it, Julia.

Come on, pull that trigger. Go on.

Go on.

Right here, pull that trigger.

Julia... do it!

You should've let me go.

I love you.

All I've ever done is love you, since the moment we met.

If there is anything left of the real Barbie in there...

I'm taking him with me to the grave.



I'm right here. Come back to me.