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01x09 - The Dark Side

Posted: 08/14/15 01:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Astronaut Wives Club"...

What's going on in here?

I'm so sorry. They were just playing.

It's Ménière's. There's no cure.

I'm never going up again.

I'm really going to be able to hear the mission control talk to my husband while he's in space?

Your son is fighting for his life.

You'd rather be here than be there for him?


We'd make a great presidential ticket.

Jo: One of your best friends just died.

If we give up on the moon, then Gus will have died for nothing.

Robert F. Kennedy: 1968 is a year of unprecedented turbulence, danger, and questioning.

Uncertainty at home and a divisive w*r abroad have led to a deep crisis of confidence...

Confidence in our leadership, in each other, and our very self as a nation.

It is perhaps well to ask what kind of nation we are and what direction we want to move in.

I was involved in many of the early decisions on Vietnam.

Can you see Rene?

And I've come here today to ask for your help...

Wait. I think that was the back of Annie's head.

...not for me, but your country and for the people of Vietnam.

[Car door closes]

The w*r must be ended.

What is he talking about? We can't leave Vietnam yet.




Hey, dad.

Marty. [Sighs]

It is good to be home.


[Speaking indistinctly]

Is something wrong?

I thought you were happy with how the capsule was coming along.

The capsule's ready to go. It's everything else.

Dunk's putting TV cameras on board so we can wave from space.

And then they want these experiments that are gonna pull our focus.

And what do you want?

I wanna get up, get down, and not k*ll anyone.

[Lowered voice] Not in front of the kids.

Jo, he's 18.

Not for a few months yet, and that's beside the point.

We need to send more troops.

I mean, this w*r is still winnable.

Right, dad?


- Sure.



This flight is it.

I'm quitting.

But what about the moon?

I'm gonna finish the mission Gus started, then I'm announcing my retirement.

[Exhales] Wally...

...year, but it's also a year of choice...

A year when we choose not simply who will lead us, but where we wish to be led...

To the country we want for ourselves and our children.

Thank you.


[Crowd chanting indistinctly]


You know, the campaign's been to six cities in three days.

Rene calls him "Bobby" now.

Everyone calls him "Bobby." [Laughter]

Stop telling me I'm crazy!

I'm not crazy!

[Lowered voice] Keep it down, please.

[Utensils clink] But you're never home.

Or in your motel room.

Walt and Wally like to joke around.

Then we have to work overtime.

What about the matchbook I found from the Beverly Hilton?

You're blaming that on your crew members, too?

[Clears throat] Is everything okay here?

Yes. We're... we're good.

Donn, can I talk to you for a second?

Excuse me.


You need to deal with this before you go up next week.

You got it?


We'll be fine for the launch.

Right, sweetie?

Yeah. Of course.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Chanting] We want Bobby! We want Bobby! We want Bobby!

We want Bobby! We want Bobby! We want Bobby!

What is it with me and buttons?

It's not funny.

People getting so close and tugging at you.

I mean, everything that matters requires risk, and I promise you, this matters.

Well, I know it does.

We want Bobby!

There. All done.

Go get 'em. They love you. [Laughs]


We want Bobby! We want Bobby! We want Bobby!

Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for coming.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you so much.

[Cheers and whistles]

Mayor Yorty has just sent me a message.

We've been here too long already.


So my thanks to all of you, and on to Chicago, and let's win there.

[Cheers and applause]

[Cheering continues]

Congratulations, Senator.

California's all yours.

Well, we're on our way now.

Thank you for your support.

Woman: Way to go, Bobby!

Thank you for coming.

Well, he did it.

Good to see you, Jim.

L-let's go f-find John.

I've gotta go now. Thank you so much, everyone.

Man: Whoo!

Man: Let's go!


[Woman screams]

Hon, why are we even talking about my flight?

Wally and the guys are up first.

Well, Dunk told us that Apollo 8 will be the most dangerous mission yet.

He said the odds are 50/50.

Look, Frank, what does that even mean?

I think you know what that means.


I guess I was hoping you'd say something else.

[Exhales] Could you...

Look, you ladies are the ones who demanded to know the truth about these things.

What's also true is that I love you.

So we'll talk about everything when I get home, okay?

[Whispers] Okay.

I love you, too.


Who's your guy? Nixon or Humphrey?

Whoever can make me the first man on the moon.

Well, you might wanna settle for second.

You haven't heard? They want a civilian.

With everything going on overseas, they're worried about it looking like a military operation.

Good afternoon, Gordo.

Frank, is my husband in his office?

I believe he is, yes.


I'd check the door before you enter.

What's the temp today?



What? It's a joke.

It's not funny.

I brought you lunch.

Thought it might cheer you up.

Huh. It's gonna take more than a turkey sandwich, but thank you.

Look, I know that running things with Deke isn't enough for you.

But you have the bank.

That's going so well.

I really think it's another outlet for you.

We're finally sending men up again.

I wanna be one of them.

I wanna go to the moon.

Alan, you can't.

What if I can?

I've been reading about this new Ménière's surgery.

I'm going for tests.

Come with me.


The press is gonna be all over Harriet after the launch.

You mind giving her a little pep talk?

About what? Donn's the problem.

Look, I don't like the guy very much either, but we're so close to putting Apollo 1 behind us and getting this thing back on track.

That's what I want people talking about, not the first... astro-divorce.

The women listen to you, Red.

You're good at keeping these marriages rolling.

You sure about that?

Personally, I'm one-for-two.


You were young.

You didn't have the future of the space program riding on ya.

[Chuckles] I may have a few helpful tricks up my sleeve.

Oh. Really?


For example...

If you only want your husband to drive to the store and back...

[Unzips pants]

Never send him off with a full t*nk.


Man: 20 months and several unmanned missions after the Apollo 1 tragedy, we have liftoff.

Wally Schirra, Donn Eisele, and Walter Cunningham are headed into space.

Apollo 7 is in the air.

The Apollo 7 mission now entering hour 4 of its 10-day mission has been orbiting earth without trouble.

[Indistinct conversations]

How does it feel, seeing Gus' flight finally go up?

I had some time. I had my trip.

Deke: Apollo 7, this is Capcom. Are you ready to go live?

I'm okay.

Wally: I can tell you at this point the TV will be delayed without any further discussion until after the rendezvous.

Deke: All you have to do is flip it on.

Wally: We don't have the equipment out.

We haven't eaten.

Someone's cranky.

I refuse to foul up our timelines this way...

He has a cold.

Look, it's his last mission.

He can say whatever he wants, so long as he gets home safe.

I just can't believe Wally's leaving the program when they're so close to the moon.

Three missions are enough for us.

[Silverware clatters]

Well, we've... we've all learned you... can't be an astronaut f-forever.

Well, you can't rely on anything forever.

You know, maybe the campaign could still use your help.

Well, the campaign's over in less than a month, and Nixon will take it, just you watch.

It's not the same without Bobby.

Well, why not restart your column?

It's had to go back to writing about the world when for a minute, I was actually a part of shaping it.

Who needs a refill?

[Radio continues indistinctly]

Donn made it into space.

I've done my part.

Sweetie, you've got kids, a life with him.

Don't throw it away over cape cookies.

It's your marriage.

It's not cookies with Donn.

Trudy, don't.

There's a woman. Her name is Susie.

All cookies are named Susie.

Donn and Susie are serious. She has a son.

Oh, my God.

Are you sure about that?

We went to the house. We met her.

And he made me feel like I was going crazy.

I'm getting a divorce.

Harriet, really think about this.

Trudy gave Gordo another chance.

Now look at them.

When I caught Gordo, he didn't lie.

Well, Rene and Scott...

They're living separately, but they're still married.

Yeah, Rene and Scott treat each other with respect.

We agreed to be wives, for better or for worse...

At least until the end of the program.

The program?

Divorce that jerk.

The whole world is changing. Why can't we?


Man: It's the third day of the Apollo 7 mission, and for the first time in history, we have live footage from inside the capsule.

After 11 days, Apollo 7 touches down just 1.9 miles off its target.

Wally Schirra ends his NASA Career with another flawless mission, and the space program is back in business.

We're off to the moon.

Civilian life looks good on you.

Dad gotcha.

Every bit as boring as I imagined, and I love it.

Don't you think I'm a little old for this?

You are never too old for a good old "Gotcha."

[Chuckles] "Jolly Wally."

[Lowered voice] It's good to have him back.


So you've thought about what's next?

I've been recruited by regency investors in Denver.

Gonna fly out next week, check it out.


Relax. It's just an interview, which is why we weren't gonna tell anyone yet.

Oh, right. I forgot that part.



[Keys jingle]

It's a car. Now it's not a corvette, but it will get you to college in the fall.

Well, actually, I'm... Not thinking about college.

I'm gonna enlist.


Marty, you are not going to w*r.

It's my duty.

Dad went to Korea.

And what about grandpa?

Admiral Holloway had his own battleship.

This is a different kind of w*r, and not in a good way.

I made a cake.

Shaped like a rocket.

Good job, Betty.

For the first time, man will be traveling 239,000 miles to the moon.

Our craft will leave the earth's orbit and enter the moon's.

The plan is to get a few miles of the lunar surface, circle 10 times, then come home.

But if I understand this correctly, there's a good chance you could miss the moon completely and drift off into space?

Well, there are always gonna be risks involved in any space mission.

Mrs. Borman, how do you feel about those odds?


Well, there's... certainly...


I have complete faith in my entire crew and the thousands of people working tirelessly on this mission.

With the power of those Saturn rockets, the goodwill of the American people, and the love of this woman right here, we can't fail.

Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Borman.

And we cut.

Thank you, sir.

[Indistinct conversations]

Let me see this.

[Laughs] Excuse me.

I'm gonna get in there with Frank.

[Blows kiss] [Blows kiss]

[Indistinct conversations]


[Bottle cap squeaks]

That bad?

Frank had to step in.

[Exhales deeply] I can't sleep or eat.

Now apparently I can't talk either.

Have you told Frank how you feel?

How can I?

He shouldn't have to look after me.

It's my job to be there for him.

You know, maybe you should go see Dr. Berry.

Sometimes he helps the wives with... stress management.


What? No. I would never.

No, Frank doesn't want me taking anything.

He says if I can't sleep, I should just walk around outside until I get tired.

[Exhales deeply] And I do get tired.

So tired.

But... every time I shut my eyes, all I see is him, trapped in that capsule.

You know, drifting off into space or circling around the moon... forever.

Oh, God.

[Exhales deeply]

The surgery's been performed a handful of times with some success.

I think Mr. Shepard's a great candidate.

But I wanna be honest with you about the risks.

What are they?

Well, his symptoms could worsen.

There's also the possibility that he may permanently lose his hearing.

And of course, any time you're operating on the brain, there's a chance of stroke, infection, brain damage, even death.

Legally, a wife can't just up and leave her husband.

You will have to charge him with cruelty.

That means that you will have to convince the judge of adultery, abandonment, and/or abuse.

We can prove all three.

Emotional abuse counts, right?

You will need indisputable evidence, meaning physical documentation and testimonies that not only prove Donn's guilt but that you are not responsible for his indiscretions.

That's just the divorce.

Child support is something else entirely.

You're supposed to be her lawyer, not his.

I just want you to know what you'll be taking on.

It won't be easy.

Thank you, Mr. Tucker. I understand.

And we'll get back to you with everything you need.


I told the doctor to book the surgery.

Of course you did.

I've done everything you've asked of me.

I'm home for dinner every night.

I spend time with you and the girls.

You are a good husband and father.

I'm an astronaut who can't drive.

And you're willing to risk our life together to change...

[Tire pops]

The Leaves of Grass: ♪ the touch of your lips ♪
♪ the touch of your lips ♪
♪ and when you hold me tight ♪
♪ makes me realize ♪

You need a ride, ma'am?

We're fine. Thank you.

No, we're not.

Tie rod's messed up.

We can't drive this thing.

You mind?

Not at all.

[Sandy Szigeti's "I Couldn't Say" playing]

What's it look like in space?

Didn't have a window.

♪ Was it police brutality? ♪
♪ Or was it the academy? ♪
♪ I don't know ♪

One... more... time around the block!

Annie, I can't do it. I'm sorry.


I just can't do this.

I don't understand how we're supposed to just come back and... pretend like nothing ever happened.


Go back to laundry and cocktail parties and school bake sales.

Rene... w-w-we've all... lost Bobby.

John and I h-had to tell the children that they... that their f-father had died.

I know. I know. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm... I'm just trying to pick myself up and I-I wanna dust myself off, and I wanna find a new way to make some kind of a contribution and...

I just don't know what to do.


Come on.

Hey, how are you?

[Indistinct conversations]
[Turns off engine] You didn't have to drive me. I do have my own car.

If you're set on doing this, I'm coming with you.

If for no other reason than you have to see the look on my face when you do it.

Well, thanks, I guess?

I've been doing a lot of reading on jungle warfare.

It's a whole new game.

It's hardly a game.

You know what I mean.

Of course there's risks, but I have a chance to make a real difference, like Dad.

I know this is hard for you, but I'm gonna make you proud, I promise.

Hey, you? You wanna join? Come on in.

[Starts engine, shifts gears]

What? What are you doing?

[Tires screech]

[Tires peal]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Hangs up receiver]

We can't get a new tie rod till tomorrow.

We gotta spend the night.

I'm not comfortable sleeping here.

Now isn't there someone who can come and get us?

Not till morning.

Would you rather sleep on the side on the road?



Oh. Carrot?

Oh, thank you. [Crunches]


All right.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Keys clatter]

Why did I hear that the Eiseles are getting a divorce?

Because the Eiseles are getting a divorce.

Or at least they will if Harriet gets her way.

If she doesn't give this up, things are gonna get ugly.


Because Apollo 8 is around the corner, and an astronaut can't look like a heel in public.


Please, get her to reconsider.

It'll be better for everyone.

And by "everyone," you mean the space program.

I mean Harriet, too.

You think her life's gonna be any better as a divorcée?

And what is so terrible about being a divorcée?


You married one.

Marge, don't. Marge.

[Door slams]


Oh, I...

Matt's medical bills sure added up.

And then the funeral.

Yes, I understand.

Poor thing.

Thank you.


I just... got off the phone with the bank.

All my accounts have been closed.

Who does that to his own family?

All the more reason you should end this for good.

Well, even if I did, what then? [Sniffles]

How am I supposed to raise my kids?

[Crying] The lawyer said child support was a whole other issue.

If you back down now, Donn gets away with everything.


I need some air.


Let her go.

Just give her time to figure out what's right for her.

I'm just trying to help.

[Door opens and closes]

Why are you so hopped up on this anyway?

[Exhales deeply]

Thank you, great mother, for continuing to provide sustenance, even as your children destroy the very land that feeds them.

We ask that you bring peace to the brave souls who risk their lives in a senseless w*r.


This looks delicious.

Whatever it is.

Grace was beautiful.

Thanks, babe.

I, uh, I thought she was your girl.

Who's with who?

Oh, it's not like that. Everyone's with everyone.

Free love.


Well, technically, she was my girlfriend until he started screwing her, so...

Theo, we came here to expand our consciousness, you know, have an adventure.

That's not what I thought would happen when you said "adventure."

If you knew what would happen, it wouldn't be an adventure.

You know, it's really not any of our business.

I think when you sign up for an adventure, you take everything that comes with it.

I think there's a difference between an adventure and recklessness.

There's a difference between an average life and an extraordinary one.

So you're saying the girls and I are average.


If you'll excuse me.

Excuse me.

[Silverware clanks]

We can move to Canada or... or flatten his feet.

Do you hear yourself? I'm going.

Then join the Navy, become an officer.

Our country needs men on the ground, infantry.

There are other ways to help your country...

Less dangerous ways. Tell him, Wally.

Tell him what, Jo?

I fought in Korea. I tested jets.

I shot myself into space three times.

Exactly. I just got my husband back.

How can I risk my son?

He's his own man. It's his decision.

But it's a big one...

So don't make it lightly.

[Footsteps depart]

I don't know why you're surprised.

You know who I am.

You were the first American in space.

You made history.

Now you run the program, and you have the bank, and you're spending time with your family.

Why isn't that enough?

Because I know I can do more.

You can't be an astronaut forever.

At some point, it has to end.

And if the life we've made isn't enough for you, then I'm sorry, but you will never be happy.

[rooster crowing]

What are you doing?

These, uh, kids have the angle all wrong.

Someone could have broken their neck.

[Rooster continues crowing]

Come up here.

I don't think so.

Trust me.

It'll be fun, I promise.

How can you always be so confident about everything?

Well, it's... Just how I'm wired.

You feel safe?


No. No. Al...

No, it's...

All right. Come here.

We're very high.

You're gonna be okay. You're with me.

Your condition.

I'm gonna be okay.

And you're safe. You're with me. Come here.

Here. See where my foot is?

So put your foot where mine is.

Oh, Al, please, Al, please!

Sweetheart, I got you. I've got you.

Please, no, Alan.

Here we go.

No, Alan! No!

Aah! No!


No, no!



[Exhales deeply and laughs]


[Both laugh]

[Exhales deeply]

Get the surgery.

You mean that?

I trust you.

[Rooster crows in distance]


Dunk: Big smiles, ladies. Happy smiles.

This is charity day, okay?

We want big smiles. Maybe take a knee. Take a knee.

No, no, no, no, no! Those are work toys.

Come on, come on, come on. Okay.

Let's say, "charity!"



[Camera shutter clicking]

[Clenched teeth] Who else could use some eggnog?

Very good, very good, very good.

[Children shouting playfully]

Okay. Okay, a few more. Singles as well.

The doubles and the singles.

We need to do something big for this launch...

Splashy. Let the public see we're up with the times.

What does any of this have to do with me?

How would you like to call Apollo 8 on network television?

You got a unique perspective.

You're attractive, you're smart, and you're an astronaut wife.

People will love it.

[Chuckles] I don't think so.

Rene, uh... a w-woman c-calling a launch on... TV.

Th-think about wh-what that... means.

This was your idea, wasn't it?

I'll need some time.

♪ Santa Claus is coming around ♪

Since Jim will be in space for...

[Laughs] Okay, thank you, Brad.

Since Jim will be in space for Christmas, we've decided not to exchange gifts this year.

Instead, we are going to take our long overdue trip to Acapulco when he gets home.

Well, I've decided to be a little more... practical.

The boys and I are planning a party for Frank...

If he makes it back.

And if he can't...

You know, if they get stuck out there, well... I'm prepared for that, too.

You are?

[Imitating jet roaring]

[Children shouting playfully]

Boy: Hey! Stop!

Girl: You'll ruin their wedding!

Girl: You're always crashing into our things!

Well, then quit it!

Girls are stupid!

Get your stupid plane away from us!


And it is therefore my client's position that the grounds for the dissolution of marriage will be proven and...

Harriet, I'm just...

Direct your comments to me, sir.

Mrs. Eisele has nothing to say to you.


I'm not gonna fight you on this. You can have the divorce.

[Sighs] Thank you.

You're doing the right thing.

Yeah, I know.

Me and Susie had a big talk.

She really wants to get married, so we just figured...

[Exhales] Let's move on, right?

Right. Let's do it...

For Susie.

By planning my funeral?

I have to do something.

Please, I can't bear it.

The thought of you lost in space...

Hon, if we get lost in space, we just open the hatch, lose consciousness, and the reduction in pressure will knock us right out.

Oh, well... [laughs] Thank you very much for putting that image in my head.

Well, I don't want you to have anything in your head.



Come on, hon. I don't mean it like that.


Hey, if we don't take this chance with Apollo 8, we're never gonna land on the moon.

That's the final step.



Rene: There's no turning back now for Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and Bill Anders we've received word that mission control has given Apollo 8 the go for liftoff.

We're about to make history and go where no man...

No human has gone before.

Man: Liftoff.

Man: Roger.

Roll and pitch program.


[Speaks indistinctly]

...To Houston.

Loud and clear.

[Men speaking indistinctly]

Apollo 8, you're looking good.

[Door closes]

I told you it'd be a big scandal.

It was on page 9, below the fold.

All anybody really cares about is Apollo 8.

Funny how they still managed to lift off in spite of the divorce talk.

[Dishes clanking]

I don't understand how this became about you, but I want to.

You've never really told me about him...

Why you got married, why you got divorced, why you keep that damn trunk with his name on it.

Well, you never asked.

I never have to with you, Red.

If there's something you want me to know, you say it, and then some.

I don't know exactly.

Regular reasons, I guess.

I didn't want you to think of me with another man, be seen as... damaged goods.

That trunks reminds me to stand up for myself, even if it means causing a scandal or getting a label.

It reminds me to be strong.


You don't need a trunk for that.

Red, you're the strongest person I know.

Rene: The astronauts are just moments away from trans-lunar injection, where they'll fire all rockets to escape earth's gravity.

She... she l... She l-looks like she belongs there's-there.

[Chuckles] This is just the beginning.

Can you believe it? Rene on TV?

Harriet getting her freedom.

...happens next. This is a very tense moment.

It's also...

Wally took the damn job in damn Denver.

[Gasps] What?


This is my last launch party.

When did this happen?

He told me yesterday.

You can't go.

When would you leave?

End of the month.

I've just heard that Apollo 8 has just left the earth's gravitational pull.

This is a first in history, and it is now sh**ting for the moon.

They say tall fences make good neighbors.

But a hole in the fence makes best friends.

Gosh, I am gonna miss you so much.

I have something for ya.

Whenever you miss Houston and ole Betty... [chuckles]

Just look at your fence hole.

You'll be okay.

You don't like it?

I love it.


Come here.


[Both laugh]

Apollo 8 is about to attempt its first lunar orbit.

The spacecraft will travel to the dark side of the moon, and we will lose communication with the crew for approximately half an hour.

Now, we won't know if they've been successful until they return.

This is obviously...

[Lowered voice] How's Susan doing?

An incredibly tense moment...

[Lowered voice] Honestly, I'm not sure.

They invited us to mission control yesterday, and Susan didn't show up, and then when I stopped by the house, she just stayed in her room.

Man: Apollo 8, this is Houston.

Be prepared for signal loss.

Frank: Thanks a lot, Houston.

I guess we'll be seeing you when we...


Rene: ...To not know what's going on up there...

I can't take this.

So our thoughts and prayers for the next 30 minutes are with the astronauts who are up there with no contact with the world.

What do we do?

The usual.

We wait.

W-w-what's she doing?

She's writing Frank's eulogy.

We should be hearing from the Apollo 8 crew at any moment now.

Man: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Do you read?


Apollo 8, do you read?

Frank: Houston, this is Apollo 8.

Please be informed, there is a Santa Claus.

[Women gasp]


[Women crying]

He's okay. He's okay.

They have... We have made it back from the dark side.

Now approaching a lunar sunrise, and, uh, for all the people back on earth, the crew of Apollo 8 has a message that we would like to send to you.

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and God said, "let there be light," and there was light.

And God saw the light, and it was good.

And God divided the light from the darkness.

And God called the light "day" and the darkness, he called "night."

And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Man: ♪ when did my life ♪
♪ become a series of compounds? ♪
♪ I curse the heavens for pulling you away from me ♪
♪ at the same time ♪
♪ I pray that you'll find everything you see ♪
♪ and I'll be sorrier ♪
♪ I'll be sorrier ♪
♪ I'll be sorrier ♪
♪ for you ♪
♪ I'll be sorrier ♪
♪ for you ♪
♪ I'll be sorrier ♪
♪ for you ♪
♪ I am happy ♪
♪ I am thankful ♪
♪ and I am proud ♪
♪ say with a smile ♪

Up, up, up, up!

♪ For the cameras ♪
♪ at the countdown ♪


♪ But all these bright lights ♪
♪ run together after a while ♪
♪ in our blaze of glory ♪
♪ turns ordinary over ♪
♪ our blaze of glory ♪

Frank: And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, and merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good earth.

♪ For you ♪