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04x10 - Fifth Dynasty

Posted: 08/11/15 11:21
by bunniefuu
[ Police radio chatter ]

Provenza: James, where are we?

That way.

I need more S.I.D personnel back here post haste, okay?

Have you noticed that, in addition to barbecues and children's birthday parties, backyards seem to attract murders?

Like moths to a flame.

Our victim, Chandler Ethan Ryan, bought this house about two months ago.

Looks like he was chased out of the house...


He was pulled down off this fence before he could get away.

With a name like "Chandler Ethan Ryan,"

I'm assuming that he's not a mob boss.

Chandler is the son of Superior Court Judge Virginia Ryan.

You mean "Fry-'em Ryan"?

Judge Ryan's had a security detail for the last four weeks.

Uh, they're taking her downtown right now so the captain can notify her in person, as a professional courtesy.

As a professional courtesy, we are informing you of your son's death.

You're welcome. Kendall?

One really hard blow with a shovel to the neck.

I'm glad his mother didn't have to see him like this.

Well, I'm not so thrilled to see him like this myself.

[ Tarp rustling ] When did this happen?

Not very long ago. Oh.

Paint on his clothes is still wet.

Okay, Mike. [ Sighs ] This is one of those times where we need to collect every drop of blood and make sure that it all belongs to master Chandler here.


Neighbors called 9-1-1 after they heard breaking glass and shouting.

Shouting? Well, do we know what the argument was about?

No, but Judge Ryan only lives three blocks from here, and she had her bedroom window shot out last month.

Do we have any idea who did it?

Uh, main suspects were members of the Fifth Dynasty, a white supremacist motorcycle g*ng.

A bunch of drug and arms trafficking scumbags, sir.

Judge Ryan was handling a case against two Fifth Dynasty higher-ups, and the shot through her window was likely an attempt at intimidation.

Knowing Fry-'em Ryan, it failed.

She got court-ordered protection the next day.

Uh, it didn't extend to her family.

From what I've shot so far, sir, it seems like someone's taken this patio chair and thrown it through the sliding glass door while Chandler was still on the ladder.

Now I think if you follow the paint, it details how the fight played out.

Well, with these two Fifth Dynasty higher-ups in the judge's court, I'm guessing that they're out on bail?

Yes, sir, they are. I put a want out on them.

Chandler bought this house a couple of months ago and has been camping out in the bedroom, renovating before his wife-to-be shows up.

Here's their wedding web site. Cute couple.

Oh, well. Where's the fiancée?

Iowa. Moving here after the wedding.



So I found one brush and one roller.

Odds are our victim was alone.

Well, since we haven't found another body, I'm inclined to agree with you.

But painting this house himself? Uh...

I thought that the judge's son was a lawyer.

Yeah, yeah, but more like the community organizing type, helping immigrant families get back with their kids.

So it sounds like he was gearing up for a political career.

Well... hmm. He was definitely running from something.

Do you want me to bring the rest of Fry-'em Ryan's family downtown?

I do.

If this is w*r, and the bikers knew about this house, who knows what else they'd be willing to do?

Woman: Katherine, get down! Get down!

Katherine, get down! Get down on the floor! Get down!

[ Woman shouting ]

[ Girl screams ]

Man: Katherine! Katherine, stay down!

Aah! Uhh! Uhh! [ Grunting ]

[ Taps key ]

The guy on the right is Kenny Swills.

The other guy is Walter Redmond.

They've both been members of the Fifth Dynasty M.C. since they were teens.

Currently on trial for felony as*ault, Judge Ryan presiding.

And tonight, neither of them are home.

And conviction would be a third strike for both these assholes, but they got a deal out of the D.A. for seven years.

Sharon: Which I see Judge Ryan rejected.

So when the jury returns a guilty verdict, our young friends Kenny and Wally will go away for life.

Which is what the law intended.

Judge Ryan.


I had a feeling that being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night had something to do with these two maniacs.

Is this about another threat?

Um, if you'll go into my office, uh, I'll explain why you're here in one minute.

Take your time. Once I'm up, I'm up.

I have it from here. Thanks.

Okay, tell Lieutenant Provenza and Julio I want every known member of Fifth Dynasty down here to explain their whereabouts tonight.

And, Lieutenant Cooper and Amy, I want you two to find our missing defendants, Wally and Kenny.

We'll do our best, captain.

You got it.

[ Whispers ] Thank you.

They fired through my kitchen window.

Only one shot. But I won't lie.

It scared the crap out of me.

I got the protection detail the next day.

Did we tie the b*llet to a Fifth Dynasty w*apon?

No, which was this really stupid mistake on their part.

If the 5Ds had used a g*n that we knew they owned...

You'd be conflicted out.

Guess they thought I'd recuse myself.

I won't.

[ Inhales deeply ]

Ginny, to your knowledge, has the Fifth Dynasty contacted any of your family members?


Just me. Why are you asking that?

Could they have found out about Chandler's new house?

Was your son's address made public at all?

Sh-Sharon... [ chuckles ] Sharon, hold on.

Did something happen to my son?

Oh, my God.

Ginny, I'm sorry to tell you that tonight, someone broke through the glass door in the back of Chandler's house.

And after a struggle...

He was m*rder*d.


A fight escalated into the backyard, but that's all I can say for now. Oh, Ginny.

Oh, I'm so sorry, but I have to ask you not to call anyone.

I'm not calling just anyone. I am calling my son.

You have made a mistake.

No, this is not a mistake.

I just talked to him four hours ago.

I understand, but during that time...

I asked Chandler to come to dinner.

He was painting his dining room. He is about to be married.

You have made a mistake.

[ Sighs deeply ]

He's not picking up. It's probably on vibrate.

[ Sighs ]

Chandler. Chandler, it's me.

Would you call me back as soon as you get this, please?

The police are telling me that...


[ Voice breaks ] The police are telling me that y...

[ Crying ]

[ Soft knock on window ]

[ Mouths word ]

[ Whispers ] Okay. [ Exhales slowly ]

[ Sniffles ]

We've taken extra precaution, and patrol is bringing your brother's family down here.

Do you have any other family members in town?

Chandler is my only...


I h...

I-I-I can't talk right now.


Stay here.

I'll be back in a minute.

[ Crying ]

Captain, Lieutenant Tao wants me to tell you that Judge Ryan's family is on the elevator right now.

[ Whispers ] Okay. Thank you.

Why did you need us to come downtown?

Does this have something to do with my sister?

Is Chandler here?

David, please. You're not their boss.

Mike Tao. Welcome, ma'am.

Andy Flynn. Hi. Wait a minute.

Don't you have three children? Two sons?

Yes. This is my oldest, Sean, and my daughter Sophie.


But my 13-year-old, Henry, I assume he's coming down with Chandler if you're gathering the whole family.

With Chandler?

Are you saying Henry is with...

Chandler, helping him paint his new house.

David: Why? Is something wrong?

Flynn: Come with me. Like I said, I'll explain in a second. Please, this way.

Lieutenant Provenza, we're no longer looking at just a m*rder.

There was a 13-year-old boy at Chandler Ryan's house tonight.

We've arrived very late to a critical missing.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

If they know where my sister is, why can't they just say so?

Okay, don't freak out, Gus.

The police don't like to tell people anything until they absolutely have to. Hey, lieutenant, lieutenant.

What... what's going on? Is there news?

Oh, well, we're still hoping to find the kid alive.

Paloma could be dead?

Oh, no. Sorry. Sorry. No, I'm sure Paloma is fine.

I-I'm looking for a missing 13-year-old boy, and I've been questioning Aryan g*ng members all night long.

Uh, your... your former probation officer, uh...



Your probation officer? What did...

That... that's... that's what they call social workers from the Department of Children Services.

She used to monitor me when I was a foster child.

Yeah, well, she's waiting for you in the conference room.

If I run into Flynn, I'll tell him to stick his head in there for a minute.

Look, you're gonna have to excuse me, guys.

I got m*rder, kidnapping, Neo-Nazis.

Uh, so just... [ Chuckles] Good luck with...

[ Police radio chatter ] Good luck.

[ Door closes ] Flynn: Found a girl named Paloma on a crime report from about a year ago.

Different last name, but maybe your sister.

I'm gonna show you this picture in a minute, but first, I need to explain a few things.

Paloma was arrested? Well, why? I...

It's not as serious as it sounds.

No charges were filed.

She was with a woman and a couple of older kids.

They were spotted shoplifting. They ran off, got away in a van with stolen plates.

But Paloma was left behind.

Found her a foster home, where she's been for over a year without incident.

She seems very happy.

And how do you know there's been no incidents?

I've done four home visits.

Things look really good for Paloma.

Yeah, well, I've been on the other end of a home visit several times, and I was coached and threatened about what I could say.

Look, look, look, I... I'm no foster anything, okay?

I'm Paloma's real brother, and she'd be better off with me.

And that's what your mother would think, that Paloma would be better off with her.

Because if you I.D. your sister, we have to locate your mom.

I thought...

You said that the search was unofficial.


Until you look at this picture and say, "this is my sister."

After that, we have to notify your mother.

I gotta go.

It's your move, kid.

[ Sighs ] So...

If you positively I.D. Paloma, we have to swab her D.N.A. to see if it matches yours.

Then we have to locate your mom and your stepfather.

If you don't recognize her, she stays where she is, and you have no right to involve yourself.

So do you wanna look?



It looks like Paloma.

But I need to see her in person.

I wanna see her, and then I'll tell you.

I have to take that up with her foster family.

I'll talk to them and see what they say.

Tao: And the last time you were with your missing son was?

I haven't seen Henry since I dropped him off at Chandler's new house with some hamburgers.

That was around 6:00 last night, and the plan was for me to pick him up this morning on my way home from golf.

So he had a change of clothes with him?

Uh, yes, of course.

Another pair of blue jeans and a back sweatshirt.

Dark blue, mom. I-I let him borrow one of mine so he wouldn't get paint on his new T-shirt.

What T-shirt?

Uh, red with white letters. "Earth is our only planet."

David: Instead of taking my wife's D.N.A., shouldn't you be finding these two bikers from my sister's trial?

We've been rolling up the Fifth Dynasty all night, Mr. Farrell, serving warrants, impounding motorcycles.

We have all of L.A.P.D. patrol on the lookout, sheriff's deputies, FBI agents.

We have an entire floor that is overflowing with Fifth Dynasty g*ng members.

Eventually, we will find someone who understands it's to their advantage to help us.

What more could they be doing?

I'll tell you what more they could be doing.

They could be tracing Henry's cell phone, except that you took it away from him.

Because he talked back to me!

Hey! Could you try and act better than the bikers?

Why aren't we all out there looking for him instead of sitting here doing D.N.A. tests and talking about Henry's wardrobe?!

It's for the body, David.


They're taking D.N.A. and asking questions about his clothes so if they find Henry's body, the police can identify him.

Mr. Farrell, it's in no one's best interest to k*ll Henry.

If the Fifth Dynasty was interested in doing that, they would have done it...

When they m*rder*d my son.

[ Sighs ]


Please. Please, don't.

We can deal with all of that once Henry is found.

And the best way for us to help them do that is to stay calm and to stay here.

Captain, may I speak to you, please?

[ Exhales ] If there is more going on here than you can say in front of my family, I would like to know.

Ginny, there's a huge conflict of interest between this investigation and your trial.

And if you won't recuse yourself...

If you can prove that these monsters m*rder*d my son and kidnapped my nephew, I will be removed from this case.

But until that happens, I see no...

You should take your own advice.

Let me do my job.

Your family needs you.

And right now Chandler needs me.

[ Opens door ]

Oh, no, Ginny, please.

Okay, okay.

Please, please, please.

[ Door closes ]

Okay, it is hard, but... okay.

Thank God...


That you are handling this.

Thank God.

[ Exhales ]


I'll talk to this guy, but no one's giving up our missing 5D defendants or even admitting to having seen the kid.

I mean, we're running out of Nazis to interrogate, ma'am, so I recommend moving on to their back warmers.

Yeah, and what are those?

"Back warmers."

It's what they call their girlfriends.

Charming. Yeah.

Looking through criminal history for our missing defendants, I found a restraining order against Walter Redmond, filed in 2013 by his girlfriend, Louise Rogers.

Detective, do you think that he is hanging out with the woman who filed a restraining order against him?

I don't know, ma'am, but six months ago...


She paid Walter and Kenny's bail.

Thank you.

Yes, Amy, I need you at a new address.

Cooper: We should call for some thermo imaging, just to see if anybody's home.

We've only been here three hours.

For us, babe, that's quality time.

Well, you know, we could spend even more quality time together if you transfer back to S.I.S.

I love where I am.

And working together might not be our best option.

What are you talking about? Your own captain is dating in her division and...

And they are both very careful about how they manage themselves at work.

Uh, hey.

Here we go.

[ Car door closes ]

[ Door squeaks ]

Well, either that's one extremely thirsty young lady...

Or she's a party planner.

I think our first guests have already arrived.

I saw a shade move in the window by the door.

They may have seen us.

All right. Let's go.
[ Crickets chirping ]




Hi. I'm Detective Sykes.

This is Lieutenant Cooper of the L.A.P.D.

And we are wondering if you've seen either of these two men in the last 24 hours.

Uh, no. Why? Are they in trouble again?

Okay, how about this boy? Have you seen him around? Has...

[ Door slams in distance ]

Ma'am, is someone else here?

No. No. Just me.

Really? Because it sounds like there's definitely...

[ Motorcycle engine starts ]

Oh, shit.

Hey, yo!

L.A.P.D.! Stop! Police!

[ Engine revving ]

Chuck, watch out!


[ Whispers ] Shit!

[ Engine idling ] Stay back!

Okay, you have the right to remain silent.

[ Grunting ] Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you by the State.

Cooper: Sorry, mein fuhrer...

Aah! Aah!

But before you ride off to your next hate rally, we need to talk to you about a missing 13-year-old boy.

[ Continues grunting ]

[ Car alarms blaring ]

[ Blaring continues ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Blaring continues ]

[ Laughter continues ]

Paloma's foster family seems to be doing all the right things.

They've made an application to adopt. They want her.

And would all of that stop if Gus identifies Paloma as his sister?



But... but he wants to visit her.

Doesn't Gus have rights, too?

If Paloma recognizes Gus, that is a bell that can't be unrung.

And D.C.F.S. will have to act.

And if her mother's still in Vegas, Paloma's off to Nevada.

And she couldn't come back?


Look, even if Gus wanted to take Paloma, he doesn't have a place of his own yet.

He doesn't have a job.

Okay, then, um, he should back off for now.

But how do we get him to do that?

Maybe Mariana could help us out.

If she were here.

Mariana is still very present in Gus' mind, and he feels guilty about her.

At least we know where Paloma is.

There's another child I still have to find.

And Kenny's not gonna help. He's demanding a lawyer.

Too bad. We have exigent circumstances.

Don't worry. Gus wants to do right by both his sisters.

Sanchez: When a boy under the age of 14 is missing and presumed kidnapped, we call that exigent circumstances, and that means that your right to an attorney and your right to remain silent do not exist.

Sharon: There's a very good chance, Kenny, that in court, we won't be able to use anything you say tonight against you.

But we can use it to find the boy.

Sykes: If the kid dies, however, before you talk to us, you're looking at something worse than a third strike.

You'll be eligible for the death penalty and prosecution by the U.S. attorney's office for kidnapping.

No, no. No, no, no, Your Honor, you can't come...

Are you really going to throw me out, Lieutenant?

For over 20 years, I have never questioned a single word that you've said on the stand.

Your Honor, we're interviewing a defendant in a trial over which you're presiding.

Who may be about to confess to the m*rder of my son.

It is becoming increasingly clear that I will not be finishing this case.

Please, I am asking you as a mother, not as a judge.

Your Honor. Thank you.

Please, stand here.

Don't speak and don't interfere.

[ Switch clicks ]

Sanchez: ...On the other hand, if you help us find Henry Farrell, and he's alive, then that little resisting arrest stunt that you just pulled, maybe we can just make that go away.

Along with all the meth in the house where you were staying, and the road flare your friend dumped in the gas t*nk of our car.

Sanchez: Tell us where Henry is, or you've ridden your bike for the very last time.


Henry who?

Right, I'm just askin'.

Henry Farrell, the 13-year-old nephew of Judge Ryan, who you and your Fifth Dynasty friends abducted last night after murdering her son Chandler.

[ Laughs ]

Judge Ryan's boy's dead?

That's just real sad.

Sharon: Where were you last night?

With Walter and his girlfriend, and we didn't get no good news about judge Ryan's boy being knocked off, I can promise you that.

How did it happen?

Come on, share the details.

Besides, what use would I have with a kid?

Where would I put him? Why would I take him?

To intimidate Judge Ryan into recusing herself from your trial for felony as*ault.

It's a big g*ng. I can't control people's reaction to the bitch.

This country has gone to the dogs.

Black president.

w*tback cops.

You people... You wanna declare w*r.

The Aryan race will fight back.

All right, come on. How much more of this crap do we have to listen to?

[ Cell phone alert chimes ]

But not by kidnapping little kids.

Yeah, I'm a badass, man.

That's what the white race needs... badasses.

But I'm not a degenerate.

Chandler Ryan was a race traitor.

Did you know that?

He was working immigration, trying to fill the great state of California with people like you.

[ Clicks switch ]

Sorry to interrupt, Captain, but, uh, Chief Taylor would like to see you in his office right now.

White people made this country the most powerful on earth!

[ Door opens and closes ]

You expect us to just give that up? Without bloodshed?

As long as it's your blood, buddy.

What's going on? Chief Taylor's in New York.

Sorry. Uh, Judge Ryan was standing right next to me.

As you know, per standard procedure, we've been monitoring the Farrell house phone in case there was a ransom demand.

When suddenly, we get an outgoing call from that phone to Sean Farrell.


Officers went to the house to check it out, and guess who they found sitting in the den, watching TV?

Ah, Captain. This is the lady I was telling you about.

Captain Raydor, meet Henry Farrell.

Apparently, he was dropped off at his house a little while ago by some men on motorcycles.

Lucky break for our case, huh?

Oh, it certainly is.

Henry, I'm so happy to see you're safe.

Now... Maybe you could tell me where on earth have you been?

So when the bikers dropped you at your house, what did they say?

To tell my Aunt Ginny to back off.

Aunt Ginny's a judge.

Mm, with one less case to try.

So you got home, Henry, and you found that your house was empty.


Is that when you called your brother?

Sean told us you called him. Is he wrong?

No. Sean...

I wanted him to know I was home safe.

Sharon: That was the right thing to do, Henry.

How many bikers were there?

I don't know. Maybe six?

Can you describe them?

They... they... they blindfolded me.

Provenza: Is that right?


With a bandana.

Mike, while we continue to talk to Henry, could you do a LexisNexis search of Chandler's legal work and dump his phones, without bothering Judge Ryan about it?

And make sure Henry's brother Sean is comfortable as well.

Yes, ma'am.

Henry, this... this blindfold, um, was it over your helmet or under your helmet?


Well, yeah. I mean, they weren't riding around town with a blindfolded kid on the back of a bike without a helmet, were they? [ Chuckles ]

Yeah. I did. I was wearing a helmet.

Over the blindfold.

[ Clears throat ]

Henry, why don't we start at the beginning, when they grabbed you and k*lled your cousin?

Did you see Chandler die?

Henry, can you tell us how that happened?

I...I don't think I can talk about it.

Flynn: Why didn't you tell us that Henry called you?

I mean, don't you think your parents and your aunt would like to have known that your little brother was safe?

I-I didn't wanna get Henry in trouble.

Sanchez: Trouble for what?

You talked to your brother for four minutes.

What did he tell you?

Did he tell you that he k*lled Chandler?

What? No!

No! He... those bikers k*lled Chandler.

Henry's only 13.

Flynn: If Henry didn't do anything to Chandler, why were you so worried that he would get in trouble?

H-he ran away last night, and everybody's freaking out about it.


I found something on the LexisNexis search of Chandler's legal work that may have a bearing on this case.

Is there a connection to the Fifth Dynasty?


There's a link between Chandler and his mother.

Henry saw some guys drag Chandler into his backyard, and he ran.

I-I... he's ashamed.

Oh, my God.

Don't make him feel like a coward.

Lieutenant, will you let Andy know about this?

[ Folder thuds ] Before I continue the investigation into the Fifth Dynasty, I need to discuss what may be some... relevant legal work... in which Chandler was involved.

What the...

This has nothing at all to do with the Fifth Dynasty.

No, it doesn't.

It is one of three nondisclosure agreements involving Chandler, approved in your court.

See? Here's your signature.

And nondisclosure agreements...

Can no longer be enforced since Chandler's death.

[ Scoffs ]

Oh, good lord.

Do you wanna hear about this? Fine.

The Suarez family... they were trying to extort Chandler by accusing him of all these horrible things because they were having trouble staying in San Diego.

That is the price we sometimes pay for trying to help these people.

And, you know, if they can prove that they're victims of crimes...



The allegations made by Eva Suarez regarding her son...

Were vile and untrue.

Chandler never touched that boy.

It was malicious blackmail.

What in the name of God made you dig up all these lies?

It's an ongoing interview with your nephew, Your Honor.

Sanchez: You claim that Henry had nothing to do with Chandler's death. What about you?

Is there something that you're not telling us?

No. No, I-I don't know anything.

You suspect Sean of murdering Chandler?

Just watch.

Okay, Sean, let me ask you another question.

Maybe off-topic.

When did Chandler first start molesting you?

M-molesting me?

Stop this line of questioning at once!

You have no authority here. This is not your courtroom.

I am offering you a chance to listen to something you have refused to hear before.

Molesting? [ Scoffs ]

Do you wanna stay or do you wanna go?

I don't even know what you're talking about.

Molesting? I... Where did you get that?

From Henry.

You haven't even found Henry yet.

Sanchez: Henry told us what Chandler did to him.

And we know he did it to at least three other kids, and so we wonder if he did it to you, too.

And you can... [ Lowers volume ]

This is ridiculous and unprofessional.

If you are suspecting Sean of murdering Chandler, you are handing him a defense!

Unless it's the truth.

Chandler was a success. Sean was...

I hate to say this... But the boy is a loser.

He flunked out of college. He's still living at home!

And what Chandler did to Henry last night?

And the Suarez boy and God knows who else...

Are all those kids losers, too?

Did you just look the other way as your son was molesting minors, or did you actively protect him against the consequences of his actions?

Because that is either an extreme form of denial or it is concealment of evidence.

Which is it, Ginny?

I have never concealed evidence in my life.

Then this would be a very bad time to start doing that, because then I would think that you are actively involved in covering up Chandler's sexual assaults, and I will act accordingly.


[ Raises volume ] Look, I, um...

[ Sighs ] I can't talk about it.

[ Clears throat ]

All right, Sean, we understand that this is hard, but if you tell us the truth now, that will give us mitigating circumstances to discuss with the D.A., and that...

I don't wanna talk about it! Can you not understand?

I don't wanna talk about it!

Do you want Henry growing up, feeling that he's responsible for what you did to Chandler?

Do you think that that's going to make it better for him?

It won't! And if you don't talk to us, Sean, this goes to a courtroom.

[ Voice breaking ] I don't have to take the stand.

No, no, but Henry will.

And they will ask him all about him and Chandler.

How much do you want your little brother to relive this in public?

[ Sniffles ]

[ Sniffles ]

I used to love Chandler.

I mean, he was...

He was everything anyone wanted to be. And then...

[ Breathes unevenly ]

It started happening, and I couldn't avoid him.

I mean, our family is so close.

And I didn't think Aunt Ginny would believe me.

So I just kinda...

[ Whispers ] Shut down and tried not to rock the boat.

And my... my senior year of high school... I don't know.

Maybe he found somebody else.

And I went away to college for a little while, but...

I had a hard time holding it together.

And when I came back, Henry had changed.

He was different.

[ Voice breaking ] He had changed.

Turn it off. I've heard enough.

Sorry, Your Honor, but you wanted a briefing.

Flynn: Changed how?

And unless we handle this now, you're going to have to listen to this for weeks on end in open court.

Sanchez: How had he changed, Sean?

He didn't wanna play games anymore.

He didn't talk.

[ Sniffles ] And when he went over to Chandler's to...

To help him paint, he tried to back out of it.

But my parents made him go, just like they always made me go.

And later, after Chandler...

After Chandler molested Henry last night...

Henry had called me from Chandler's house phone, crying.

[ Whispers ] He was hurt. And my parents were asleep, so I went over there to pick him up.

And on the way over, I just...

[ Inhales sharply ] I got angrier.

And angrier...

Thinking about it.

I wanted to scare Chandler.

What the hell are you doing, Sean?!

I wanted him to know that he couldn't do... to Henry what he did to me.

What I did to you?

I didn't do anything you didn't want me to do!

I wanted to warn him.

I wanted him to know that he had to leave Henry alone.

You liked it!

What did you say?!

Hey! Sean! [ Grunts ]

I think what happened... [ Sniffles ]

Was that he said that I liked it.

You think I liked it?

You think I liked it?!


[ Body thuds ] But I didn't like it.

Chandler: Sean, stop, please.

[ Heartbeat thumping ]

Please! [ Loud clank ]


[ Gurgles ]

I really didn't like it.

[ Breathes unevenly ]

Your Honor...

We are well aware that you do not like the deal-making process.

But with this interview and the examination of Henry...

No. N-no, no.

[ Whispers ] No, no.

There may be...

There may have been...

May I...

May I at least have the opportunity to talk to my family before you call a lawyer for Sean?

[ Whispers ] Yeah, of course.

Thank you.

[ Birds chirping ]

Just, uh, making a few notes in the m*rder book.

Judge Ryan spoke up for her nephew in court.

She pleaded for every consideration.

But it's still going to be manslaughter.

Well, it's better than m*rder.

We can be pretty sure that Sean did not go to that house intending to k*ll anyone.

Man: Detail, left!

One good thing...

Ballistics matched the g*n Chuck and I found on Kenny Swills to the attack on Judge Ryan's home.


And his friend Walter Redmond blew up a car.

Once we find him, he and Kenny both go away forever.

Judge Ryan does get something out of all this.

I don't think she'll see it like that.

There's no good way to bury a child.

Man: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Mariana Wallace, rest in peace.


Man: Detail, right turn!


You okay, Gus?

[ Whispers ] I, uh...

[ Voice breaking ] I-I appreciate very much being able to lay Mariana to rest like this.

But I just feel it's unfair, making me agree not to meet with Paloma till she's 18.

Do you want Paloma to lose everything that she has, Gus?

No. No, I don't. But I just want...

Gus, we made a deal, and we've kept our end of it.

Mariana has been properly laid to rest, and you know Paloma is all right.

Do you know how many people would give anything to hear those words?

"Your loved one is all right."

It doesn't always work out that way.

Leaving Paloma with this family...

Is that really what the State wants, or what all of you want?

I-I think it's what Mariana would've wanted, because she loved Paloma so much.

And Paloma has a chance now at a normal life.

Gustavo... [ clears throat ] I know it seems unfair, but...

Sometimes older brothers...

Sometimes older brothers have to make sacrifices for their younger siblings.

How are you feeling?

Well, I did everything I set out to do. I... I found Alice's real name. [ Sniffles ]

Thanks to you, she's had a proper burial.

Thanks to us.

[ Sighs deeply ]

And yet?

I can't tell Mariana that I found Paloma.

[ Sniffles ] Or that Paloma's all right.

Or that... that Gus is here with her.

I can't even tell Alice...

Because I'll always think of her as Alice...

You know, I...

I can't even tell Alice how much she meant to me.

But you can tell other people.

And someday, you can stand here with Paloma and you can share the whole story with her.

[ Breathes unevenly ]

[ Sniffles ]

Yeah, I just...

I just wish I would've been able to help her.

[ Exhales sharply ]

I wish I could've helped her.

I think you did.

You did.

[ Exhales ]