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03x10 - When Twilight Dims the Sky Above

Posted: 08/08/15 03:00
by bunniefuu
female narrator: Previously, on Defiance...

Why would Amanda Rosewater honor my husband?

Your husband Datak d*ed a hero.

He walked into Rahm Tak's camp with a device implanted in his forearm.

Oh, sh*t.

You're going to help me hunt.

What is that?

A control stem. It keeps you shapetakers docile.



You are forbidden to feed.

Why? Indogene were created for that very purpose.

Good-bye, Kindzi.

You will sleep with your family until you learn your place.

I made a mistake.




People d*ed.


Take a couple of hours, get your head on straight.

You saying I can't do the job?

He was weak. You need to be strong, soldier.

You hear me?

[helicopter blades whirring and sirens blaring]

We're trapped.

All right, let's do this. Butch and Sundance.


[whistle blows]

Please don't sh**t! It wasn't his fault.

Live or die together!


Come on!

[mellow music playing]

♪ ♪
♪ Hey, yeah, oh ♪
♪ ♪

The grieving Widow Tarr. Look at her.

What does she want with the Omec?

What's she after?

Good question.

The woman's a traitor. She deserves to die.

Yeah, but we did that deal with her husband.

Don't care.

[imitates sh**ting]


Thank you for convincing me to leave my house.

It was a kindness.

I had business in town. I wanted to see how you were.

There was nothing left of my husband to bury.

That is how I am.

I am sorry. I am not good company right now.

It is understandable.

Have you seen your son?

A sore subject.

[glass breaking]

[people murmuring]

Blood lilies.

The lady is with me.

To brighten your home during a time of grief.


Surely you didn't come all this way just to buy me flowers.

No, I did not.

The Tsuroz is almost refueled.

It is time for me to consider what will happen next.

You will wake your people.

Of course.

And then what exactly?

I cannot risk releasing them among the people of Earth, not at first.

The rash actions of Kindzi has made that abundantly clear.

Where is exactly is Kindzi?

I do not wish to discuss it.

Oh. Tell me this at least. Am I in any danger?

Kindzi is in no position to hurt you or anyone else.

Irisa, where's Nolan?

He didn't come home last night.

We have a situation.

There is a large island that is called Australia.

It is remote and uninhabited.

A place where the Omec would be isolated.

Earth is a complicated planet. When my children awake, their first steps will be unstable.

I cannot allow them to stumble as Kindzi did.

They will need time, as all children do.

They will need guidance as all children do.

Fortunately, they have a noble and wise father.

Yet no mother.

Come with us.

Prove to my people that the Omec can at long last live side-by-side with Votans, as equals.

The past need not define the present.

You do me great honor... but my home is here.

Here? Among people that call you traitor?

Your husband, it is dead.

You must at long last stop grieving and move forward.

But my son and grandchild are here and very much alive.

Bring them along.

I promise you, we will treat them as equals, as family.

Tell me you will consider it.

I will.


[rock music]



Where have you been?


You didn't answer your hailer.

What's with the getup?

The Votanis Collective is here.


They radioed from Bissel Pass about 30 minutes ago, requesting permission to enter.

And you said yes?

Yeah, with the stasis nets destroyed, it's not like we had much choice.

Keep smiling. Hands off the g*n.

They say they just want to talk.

Mayor Rosewater I take it?

Vice Chancellor Voske.

Please, I get enough of the Vice Chancellor bit in Brazil. Call me Silora.

Very well, Silora. You can call me Amanda.

And this is my lawkeeper.

Ah, Joshua Nolan, yes, I know by reputation only.

This is Sturuje, my Chief of Staff.

Madam Mayor.

And I trust our traveling companion requires no introduction.

My dear friends, I imagine you're surprised to see me.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

So, here we all are, me, the Votanis Collective, and Datak Tarr.

The big question is why?

I have been authorized to negotiate a strategic alliance with Defiance.

Oh, wow.

I-I'm sorry, Silora, I'm a little bit confused.

Your army has been murdering our citizens the last few weeks.

Your spies sabotaged us.

They brought down the St. Louis Arch.

Under duress.

You have blood on your hands.

My God, you don't know, do you? Rahm Tak was rogue.

You were never at w*r with the Collective, but with a madman on a genocidal crusade to cleanse the Earth of her rightful inhabitants.

My dear human, we have come to apologize.


The Collective would like to help us usher in a new era of friendship.

12 guards total. 2 in the room, 3 on the doors downstairs, leaves 7 at the trucks.

So, let us all drink to peace.

I'm sorry, why is he here?

We found him in the ruins of General Rahm Tak's encampment, grievously injured. We provided medical care and gifted him with a biomechanical arm.

He gave us the impression you would be pleased to see him.

Well, I had every reason to expect a warm reception, given that I almost d*ed saving this town.


The fact you didn't makes me wonder what game you're playing... what game they're playing.

Nolan, dial it down.

My lawkeeper is suspicious by nature.

Damn right I'm suspicious.

Datak Tarr comes waltzing in here all fat and sassy with his haint friends, expecting...

Watch your mouth, Butcher. Watch your mouth.

Nolan! Leave, now.


I say good riddance.

You too, Datak. Grown-ups need to talk.

You're dismissing me? Like some handmaiden?

Go home and relax. Pleasure your wife.

Give some thought as to how you intend to pay me back for that extremely expensive arm you have acquired under false pretenses.

Of course, Vice Chancellor. Thank you for your time.

Right now, I'm looking for someone upon whom I can vent my rage. Are you volunteering?

Are you?

No, Favi Tarr.

Well, I best keep up the search then.

Silora: Rahm Tak was originally sent out on a scouting mission with a dozen other divisions after Belize and New York fell.

His orders were to collect data and to provide aid and comfort to survivors.

And you expect me to believe that you had no idea what he was capable of?

They said he was above reproach.

He was married to Vizier Quando's niece.

I, uh...

I sent her in to talk sense to him.

Do you know what that vekihabolo did?


He sent us back her head mounted on the front of her motorcycle.

We were planning to take him out by force, but you people b*at us to the punch.

You solved our embarrassing problem, and the V.C. owes you one.


Oh, I thought the Datak thing would go over better, honestly, I did.

That conniving little haint.


It's okay when I say it.

Anyway, that brings us to the present.

Vizier Quando has authorized me to offer you the works... gulanite trade agreement, mutual defense pact, ambassador exchange, you know, blah, blah, blah.

And what do you want in return?

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

There are those among my people who celebrate Rahm Tak and his atrocities.

Unfortunately, he's become somewhat of a folk hero, and fighting that perception is an uphill battle.

All right. What do you need?

A big win, something to get everyone back on the same side of the aisle.

Like what?

My government is terrified of your Omec friends.

We're hardly friends, and just so you know, there's only two of them.

Doesn't matter. They have a harvester in orbit.

Ask any Votan... bad things happen when an Omec harvester arrives in orbit.

My people are scared, and when my people get scared, they have a history of doing stupid things.

Like sabotaging an ark and slaughtering an entire race?

I can't confirm that, but I won't...

I won't insult you by denying it.

I want you to broker a sit-down between me and their leader.

Give me a chance to convince him we mean his people no harm.

T'evgin hates the V.C. He'll never agree to this.

You want peace with the Votanis Collective?

Help me make peace with the Omec.

That's my price.

What are you gonna do?

What do you think?

The Votanis Collective doesn't hand out fancy Indogene limbs for nothing.

You're right, they don't. Wonder how Datak earned his.

Hey, Datak. Answer time.

Looking for a fight?

Nolan, stop.

How did you avoid getting blown up?

Don't do this!

Listen to your child.

[grunts] What did you do?

Make a deal with Rahm Tak?

Is he gonna come waddling down the Hollows next?

Rahm is dead and deservedly so.

Yeah? Why aren't you? Ah!

Because a tiger is unable to change his stripes.


But remains a tiger nonetheless.

How about I tear off that robot arm and b*at you with it?

I don't think so.


I've endured many hardships, and I will now make love to my beautiful wife.


You're coming home.

I'm not done with him yet.

Nolan, stop! You're scaring me.

[knocking at the door]

Go away!

Sell your Girl Scout Cookies somewhere else... I'm busy.

I'm worried about Nolan. He's drinking a lot.

I think he might be hallucinating.

Well, that could be a side effect of the surgery.

The arktech that I couldn't remove from his brain, there's a chance that it inflamed the tissue in his temporal lobe.

That kind of swelling could cause emotional outbursts and that... and... and that...


Doc, can you come take a look at him?

Not today... I have a project that demands my full attention.

Please. I'm really scared.


This should curb his aggression.

One notch only.

Any more, and you'll knock him flat on his ass, so just... so...

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I'm fine. Bring him by tomorrow.

In the meantime, I really need you to leave.

Are you sure?

Get out!

Okay. [clears throat]

Deep breath.

Come on, gorgeous, you can do this.

Just calmly... Just calmly pull it out.


[growls and gasps]

Frickin' Omec bitch!


The afterlife suits you, my love.


May I haunt you forevermore?

[both giggle]


I heard Dr. Yewll put a b*mb in your arm.

How did you escape?


You don't have to pull away.

You know I find pragmatism alluring.


Did you get to see Rahm Tak's face as he d*ed?

At the time, I was rather focused on running for my life.

In my imagination though, it was glorious.

both: What?

You have visitors.

[footsteps approaching]

Hello, Amanda. You're looking well.

Vice Chancellor, this is a great honor.

How may we help you?

You're close with T'evgin.

He helped hide you when you were a fugitive.

I understand he enchanted you.

Dirty girl.

This meeting is over. Out.

Where is this going, Amanda?

I'm having a reception tonight and I need T'evgin there. You're going to use your influence to make that happen.

Why should my wife do anything for you? You b*at her, turned her into a pariah.

Your wife caused a lot of damage to this town.

Your wife is a m*rder*r.

Her crimes were all pardoned, by you, if I remember correctly.

I'm asking because T'evgin's presence tonight will help bring us peace with the V.C.

Pardon or no pardon, you owe us.

That's justice. I dare you to deny it.

True enough. However, my relationship with T'evgin has recently grown complicated.

Well, you're smart. You can figure it out.

Sweet-talk him.

Wiggle your fanny. I don't give a crap.

Just get it done.

I cannot.

Okay. Well, we could do this a different way then.

Stahma, you will bring the Omec to me tonight.

In return, I will cancel my plan to have Silora's soldiers put a b*llet through the back of your husband's head.

I cannot go to T'evgin!

You're not listening.

Amanda Rosewater is itching for a reason to see me dead.

The Enchanter wants to spirit me away to Australia.

Do you have any idea where Australia is?

Why would I know something like that?

It's far. You would never see me again.

Here's a novel idea.

Tell the Enchanter, "No, thank you."

Tell him that you love your husband!

You do not understand the Omec.

And you do?

If I refuse him, he will take me by force.

You don't know that.

It is in his nature.

You're under my protection.

I wish that were enough.

Come closer.

I am afraid.

Why is that?

Because I must decline your offer.


You still fear me. Do you?


Do you well to fear me, Stahma Tarr of Shanje Liro.

Back home, I enchanted score upon score of little Castithan boys and girls, and every one as pretty and clever as you.

I loved them, k*lled them, and devoured them, because I am a predator.

And you, Favi, are my historic prey.

At this moment, I don't think you understand your place on the food chain.



[speaking native language]

This is...

It will never conform to your traditions.

The old ways are dead.

Your daughter, I think, could not accept this and was punished.

You punished her because you, T'evgin, know better.

You are wise.

That is empty flattery.

It is empty only if you fail to act in accordance with your wise heart.

There is a dinner reception tonight to honor the Votanis Collective... your ancient enemy, I know, but the Vice Chancellor has requested your presence to discuss peace.

I will never break bread with those animals that m*rder*d my people.

As you m*rder*d theirs.

Each side has ample reason to despise the other for atrocities committed long ago and far away.

But here and now, there is no reason for hatred and every reason to seek peace.

Your family sleeps in orbit above us, Eksu Tsuroz T'evgin.

What sort of home will you build for them?


Oh, the humanity.

I told Amanda I'd cover the reception tonight with Poole.

You can stay here and rest.

[cocks g*n]

I saw Doc Yewll. She thinks the arktech in your head is hurting you.

Doc Yewll's a liar.

She saved our lives.


She gave me this medicine to help calm you down.

I need my edge.

The Butcher: I don't buy these bullshtak peace talks, not for one second.

No. What's their angle?

If it were me running the Votanis Collective, I'd lure the purple out in the open, blow him away, and take his ship.

Yeah, it makes sense.

Control the skies, control the world.

Wait, where are you going?

To stop an assassin.

No, don't go.

Are you working against me?


Do not follow me.

Oh, sweet Jesus, do I smell coffee?


We always bring a few sacks of beans when we travel.

It goes over so well with you Northerners.



How long has it been?

Mmm. Since I was a teenager, before Arkfall.


You know, these coffee plants grow in Peru?

There's a little area miraculously untouched by Arkfall.

My father used to take me camping there.

He wanted me to appreciate the world that was.

He sounds so progressive.

He was.

Unfortunately, it's what got him sh*t in the head.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, don't be.

Onulu Toruku had enemies to spare.

Onulu Toruku?

The man whose death started the Pale Wars, yes.

His k*ller was never caught, so I changed my name and went into hiding for the duration.

Do you think it was a human that pulled the trigger?

I'd hate to think the entire world went to w*r for nothing.

Is that supposed to be a joke?

No, a poor one, a poor one.

Both sides wanted w*r, both sides fanned the flames of bigotry to get it, and in the end, we almost destroyed the only habitable planet that we've got.

Well, your father was a hero, and you're following in his footsteps.

Just trying to get the world back on track, for his sake and for ours.

Well, if T'evgin shows up tonight, I will do whatever I can to help.

I know you will.

[pop music playing briefly]

The Butcher: What do you think that goon's carrying, something to k*ll the Omec? Maybe chemical weapons?

Don't know. Let's find out.

♪ ♪


Madam Mayor.

Ah, Datak, welcome. Is this your servant girl?

My wife, as you may have guessed, is otherwise occupied.

I'm Andina.

Let's mingle, dear. And do stop fidgeting.

The guest of honor is here, and this is good.

You'll never guess who's with him.

Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea.

Hello, everyone. Can I have your attention?

Citizens of Defiance, honored guests of the Votanis Collective, we gather here tonight to not only begin the process of putting the past behind us, but to blaze a new trail into a peaceful future for everyone under the sun.

A toast, to peace on Earth.

all: To peace on Earth.


all: Cheers.

I'm so glad you could make it.

Both of you.

Yes. Such a pleasure.

Our Favi looks radiant, like a princess.

And the Omec's so handsome.

Try not to stand like a scullery maid.

[fighting commotion]

man: [grunts]

I know you people are planning on k*lling the Omec.

What I want to know is how.

[laughs] Wrong answer.

The Butcher: Do it.

No, it'll make too much noise.

The Butcher: It's just coffee.

All right.

All right, let's have a look around.

[indistinct chatter]

It pleases me so very much you have found it in your heart to attend.

The heart is a complicated thing.

Apologies for our tardiness.

Amanda: Yeah.

Don't worry, I've heard nothing but good things while we waited.

The Mayor is too kind.

Oh, well, I'm just happy we're all here together.

Uh, you didn't tell me Kindzi would be joining us.

Father, so sorry I'm late.

I'm happy I didn't miss dinner.

And Stahma, I promise you I have brought my appetite.

Listen to me, Stahma. Go home.

Secure your doors and windows and allow no one to enter until I come for you later.

But my husband...

I am trying to save your life.

Leave, now!

[people murmuring]

The Butcher: By the bed.


Remote switch.

Blasting caps.

That's the plan.

Build a b*mb, set it off at the reception, k*ll the Omec, take their spaceship.

And they have a perfect excuse for declaring w*r on Defiance.

♪ ♪

Eksu, now that you have served yourself, perhaps we might sit together and discuss the future.

Gladly. A brief word with my daughter first.

No rush. We have all night.

To feed.

All these lesser races you're so eager to make friends with, how eager will they be once they learn of the slaughter that took place this night?

I will not permit it.

Why do you struggle so against your true nature?

Let's feast together like we've always dreamed, starting here, right now.


Hey! Hey! Everybody, hold still.

Hands where I can see 'em!

I have reason to believe there's a b*mb on the premises.

Are you sure?

I got the proof in here. Okay, folks, all right.

Keep your hands where I can see 'em.

Deputies, help facilitate. Take a look around.

Nolan, what are you talking...

I said hands where I can see 'em!

There is nothing in that bag.


[all screaming]


No! What did you do?

She had a g*n.

What did you do?

Nolan: She had a g*n.

No she didn't!

Nolan: She had a g*n!

We need to leave now.

They were gonna k*ll us.

Nolan, we need to leave.

Don't! No!

After them!

Get 'em!

[speaking native language]

[overlapping yelling]

[men yelling in native language]

It's time you and I put aside our differences.

Nolan will be caught.

You don't know that.

I do. I also know you'll be tempted to help him evade justice.

You have no idea what's inside my mind.

Silora was a moderate surrounded by radicals.

They will use her death as an excuse to bring the power of their army to bear on North America and to this town.

They will do it in her name and in the name of her father, who was also assassinated by a hum...

This was not political.

Nolan was delusional. He has arktech in his brain...

Votan arktech.

You can't argue logic with these people.

You think Rahm Tak's death squad was a thr*at?

Wait until the strato-carriers arrive with 100,000 foot soldiers!

What's your point?

Our only hope... Defiance's only hope is to hand them the Butcher of Yosemite on a silver platter.

Disavow his actions, and pray to your human god that it's enough.

You do anything to betray Nolan, and I will end you.

Lose something?

My daughter.

You must return home.

Must I?

Stay close to your wife.

Keep a w*apon close at hand and guard her.

From who, your daughter?

I am searching for her.

I will come and tell you when Stahma is safe.

The two of you sheltered Stahma.

Why would Kindzi suddenly decide to k*ll her?

The only possible way for Kindzi to hurt me is to hurt someone I love.

Yeah, well, thanks for the warning.

You must protect Stahma.

To the death.

[men speaking native language]

I screwed up. I screwed up bad.

Let's go. We'll fix it. Just keep moving.


[whistle blowing and sirens blaring]

We're trapped.

The Butcher: Only one thing left to do.

Better to go out in a blaze of glory.

Live together.

Die together.

Let's do it.


Butch and Sundance.

[whistle blowing]

Don't sh**t. It wasn't his fault.

[men speaking native language]

Cover me!



[speaking native language]


Please don't sh**t. We're unarmed.







I know you were hallucinating last night.


Irisa told you?

Yeah, she did.

Oh. [groans]


You gonna let 'em take me to South America?

Don't want to.

You have to.

I know.

I'm gonna travel with you down to Brazil, argue your case.

You go sticking your neck out for me, they'll hang you from it.

You stay here. You too.

I have to go.

They know that if you're separated, you both die.

Well, then you have to keep me alive, so they can k*ll me.


It's time.


[groans] Okay.



Here, take this.

What's this?

I took up a collection. There's a lot of people in this town who believe in Nolan.

And when you get to Brazil, you use it to bribe a guard and free him.

All right? He'll fight you, but do whatever it takes.

Hit him on the head if you have to.

Then buy a boat and head to Antarctica.

You two can never stop running.

I'll make it happen.



[duet of The Band's It Makes No Difference]

♪ It makes no difference where I turn ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I can't get over you when the flame still burns ♪
♪ ♪
♪ It makes no difference night or day ♪
♪ ♪
♪ The shadow never seems to fade away ♪

Ready to see the world, kiddo?

One last adventure.

both: ♪ And the sun don't shine ♪
♪ Anymore ♪


♪ And the rains fall down ♪
♪ On my door ♪
