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03x09 - Unreliable Witnesses

Posted: 08/07/15 21:46
by bunniefuu
Alec: I can't do this anymore. And I'm worried the longer we stay in this, whatever this is, everything we have may fall apart.


He's right.

Previously on "Mistresses"...

Lucy, your mother is talking. Put the phone away.

You don't reach.

You ask.

I had to use your apartment to get laid.

I mean, that's the basic definition of loser.

I mean, the point is, why would April ever go for a guy like me?

You're being way too hard on yourself here, mate.

Just relax. Have a beer.

We're being investigated for m*rder now.

But maybe if you just tell the truth...

Are you crazy?

You refusing to tell the truth makes me look like I'm lying.

I am not going down for this because you're too stupid to keep your mouth shut.

Calista was a part of the plan the whole time.

Part of the plan to k*ll Luca?


No. I...

What was the plan, then?

Okay, I-I-I think I-I want a lawyer present.

So, you know, I mean, it is... It's L.A., right?

You run into, I don't know, Neil Patrick Harris in line for coffee, Patricia Arquette's at Sugarfish, and then Calista freakin' Raines steals your parking spot.

God, I love Patricia Arquette.

And... and, you know what?

I thought that it was just a happy coincidence or something, especially when we became such good friends, you know?

But now, all of a sudden, I'm wondering,

"what if she was targeting me all along?"

Maybe she thought that I was an easy mark, right?

I think we should focus on what we know for sure.

Well, it sounds like we can't be too sure about anything when it comes to this Clarissa person.

It's Calista.


Calista Raines.

Oh, right, right.

And instead of speculating about her, perhaps we need to discuss what we do right now, the next steps.


Of course.

The first thing we would do is drop a contract for services.

I can talk to you about my fee schedule, which is very reasonable.

Karen: I think we'll need to discuss everything before we do anything official.

Can we get back to you?

Uh, okay.

I'll just... I'll leave this information here with you.

Thank you. We'll be in touch.

Okay. You've got my cell.




Do you believe that guy?

What? He... he wasn't so bad.

He was a mess!

And honestly, so were you.


Uh, what is that supposed to mean?

It means we need to find you a better lawyer.

But you need to be a better client, too.

No more crazy talk about Calista stalking you.

Okay, it's just one theory.

And I'm so sorry that I'm not sounding rational right now, but nothing about this is rational.

I'm being investigated for a crime that I didn't commit.

Exactly. The stakes are too high to screw anything up.

Doesn't matter anyway because, you know, I can't afford half of these attorneys. It's...

You can't afford any of them, which is why I'm going to help you.


I'm with you every step of the way.


April: So, how many more lawyers are you meeting?

Are you sure you don't need me to come over?

I can have someone cover me at the store, Karen.


Okay, but I will be there tomorrow night.

Love you, too.

What's happening here?

Hmm? What do you mean?

You look like a car ran over your face.

Oh [Clears throat] I think I'm coming down with something.

Hopefully, I can beat whatever it is before Scotty gets back from Florida.

Oh, I thought he was coming back today.

Oh, my mom's keeping him a little longer.

Doesn't he have school?

I don't think two more days of kindergarten's gonna change his life, April.

I'm guessing you're not gonna go to work tonight, then.

I was off anyway. Why?

Well, I'm supposed to see Blair later, and Lucy's sleeping over at Peyton's.

Cool. Have fun.


Oh, if you're gonna be here, can you fix the sink?

It's doing that thing still.

Ooh. [Chuckles]

Yeah. I'll take a look.


♪ so, are you hooked? ♪
♪ You didn't know I was such a dancer ♪

It tastes like vodka.

It is vodka.

I thought I'd try something a little outside the box.

It's not really a Tequila Sunrise without Tequila, though, is it?

Try again.


Thank God, someone who knows how to mix a proper drink.

Any chance you can work tonight, help out with a little on-the-job training?

Oh, I'm not feeling great, man. I'm just picking up my check.

Okay. Fair enough.

Oh, actually, I was wondering if I can get tomorrow off, too.

My mom has to drop Scotty a couple days early, and I don't have a sitter.

Oh, I can't.

We're shorthanded already without Niko, and this is not going to cut it.

See what I mean?

Disaster. I'll see you tomorrow, then.

There's no point googling "Tequila Sunrise" now, mate.

Let's get back to it.

Dude, doesn't your ex work for Calista Raines?

This you know, but you've never heard of a Sazerac.

Her husband was m*rder*d three days ago.

It's all over TMZ.

What do you mean, m*rder*d? arrests have been made.

Local law enforcement are still gathering evidence.

Like, to death.

Back to you, Donna.

Thank you. In other news...

I called a couple friends at the L.A.P.D. about your case.

You have friends at the L.A.P.D.?

Yes. I like to be prepared before I take a meeting.

There's no use in wasting your time or mine.

Bad news first... You were at the crime scene, you didn't call the police for over an hour, and you did wash the clothes you were wearing, possibly destroying evidence.

I wasn't destroying evidence. I was covered in blood.

I'm sorry. I really... But I was covered in blood.

Right. The blood is bad, too.

What about Calista? Are they looking at her?

They always suspect the wife, especially when there's infidelity.

So why exactly are they asking me to come in again tomorrow?

It doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Show them you're a friend to this investigation.

The idea is to go from a prime suspect to a star witness.

Just tell them everything.

Well, I don't... I already told them everything.

Tell them again.

Police value consistency of story.

They'll ask the same question 10 times just to see if an answer will change even once.

It's how they know you're telling the truth.

I am telling the truth.

That's good. Just keep doing that.

You're hired.

Then I guess I'd better clear my schedule for tomorrow.

Let's get you out of this mess.

[Cellphone chimes]

Libby: Eva Petov.

Yes, I knew about that one.

Jessica Parkins.

Yes, and she was married, by the way.

I'm sure her husband wasn't too thrilled.

I'm sure.

And Ms. Carver.


Look, I think we can all agree that my husband didn't exercise the best discipline when it came to his personal affairs.

But he did the same in business, and he had a lot of enemies.

I really hope you're looking into that as well.

Look, we are investigating every possible suspect.

Now, we've already spoken with a number of people who work in your home, but we still have to account for a few of your husband's mistresses.

Look, I'm sorry that I have to keep talking about this, the affairs.

It must have been very difficult for you.

I appreciate your concern.


Look, I'm married. It's hard.

Even without the infidelity.

Did you ever think about divorce?

I mean, one humiliation after another.

It had to bother you.

Is this an interview or relationship counseling?

I think we're done here.

No, I'm not done.

I know what you're trying to do, Detective.

It did bother me.

I'm a human being.

But if every woman that's ever been cheated on was also a m*rder*r, I have a feeling you'd be a hell of a lot busier here.

Now, I appreciate how low you're willing to sink in the name of justice, but unless you have one actual shred of evidence against me, then I'd like to go put my life back together.

To that end, when can my client return to her home?

We have everything we need.

We should be out of there today.

Great. Then if you'll excuse me...

Oh, God.

Oh, that was fun.

It was.

[Chuckles] You thought it wouldn't be?

No. I mean, I knew it would be.

I was just a little nervous.

Oh. I couldn't tell. [Chuckles]

It was the first time.

I was... I don't know. There was some pressure.

Not from me, I hope.

Not at all.

You've were a complete gentleman.


I totally forgot that was there.

Is that...

Lisa... my wife. Late wife.

I'm sorry.

Oh, don't apologize. I get it.

If anyone gets it, it's me.

I should have moved that picture. I didn't think of it.

No one's been here since she passed.

No one?

Now you look really nervous.

[Both chuckle]

No, I mean, I just didn't realize you hadn't been with anyone.

Oh, I have.

Right. Of course.

Jut not here.

[Camera shutters clicking]

Woman: Calista, just one question!

How did they get past the gate?

[Sighs] Don't worry.

We'll have them arrested for trespassing.

You're all here. Thank you.

It's just a crazy situation.

You need to hydrate.

Patty: We need to discuss a few things.

Will you all excuse us?

Wilson, did Joss call?

I don't think so.

Thank you, Wilson.

You can't be talking to Joss right now.

You understand that, right?

Patty, she's still my friend.

No, she is not. Not right now.

Look, she didn't do it, okay?

How do you know?

'Cause I-I know, okay? I-I know her.

For all of five minutes! Calista, I mean, come on!

Did you know she was sleeping with Luca?

What? Am I missing something?

No. No.

Not missing anything.

It's just... just because someone does something stupid doesn't mean they're a m*rder*r.

Do not engage.

You understand?

Yes. Yes.


And remember, you're supposed to be in mourning.

Wear some black, plan your dead husband's funeral.

The press is watching.


[Sea gull calls]

Karen, honey, you really don't have to come with me, okay?

David's meeting me down at the police station.

It'll be okay.

Do you not want me there?


Honey, I just... I feel bad.

I'm hijacking your entire life.

You know, you... you need to mourn your breakup properly.

Well, it's hard to mourn for something that always felt somewhat inevitable.

Not that I didn't love Alec and Vivian, but [Sighs] where was it ever gonna go, right?

I-I don't know. That may be true.

But does it really make the pain any less?

[Knock on door]

Are you expecting someone?


What are you...

I've been calling since yesterday.

Where's Joss?


Hey, what the hell is going on?

I just heard about this Luca Raines thing.

Harry, I can't do this with you right now.

You can't do what?

I just want to make sure you're okay.

Oh. No, I'm fine.


You don't seem fine. She doesn't seem fine.

She's fine.

Joss, hey.

Wow. [Chuckles]

What... What's happening?

I'm being accused of m*rder.


Yeah, and you slept with Niko, right?

[Pats back] I got to go.

[Door closes]

It was a mistake, Karen. A one-time thing.

It's not about you, Harry. She's overwhelmed.

How... how can I help? I want to help.

I know you do, but you can't right now.

You're only going to make her more upset.

Well, I can't just sit here and do nothing.

I'm taking care of her. I promise.

So, you had a key to the house.

Yes. But a lot of people did.

Who else?

Her assistant, Wilson. The housekeeper, Maritza.

Carlos, the gardener.

David: We're not contesting that my client was at the house that night.

Oh, I didn't say you were. I'm just counting keys.

Of course.

[Chuckles] Hey, speaking of Carlos, did you know that he and Luca had a physical altercation several months ago?

Oh, no. I didn't know Calista several months ago.

But Carlos and Luca, that doesn't sound good.

That might be something to look into, yeah?

[Chuckles] That is just what we are trying to do.

So, how often was Carlos in the house?

Um, what do you mean?

Well, did he spend any time in the house, or just outside?

Mostly outside, I think.

Hmm. And what about the basement?

Is that where he kept his tools?

I have no idea.

Oh, so you were never in the basement yourself?

Me? No.

These are starting to sound like questions for Carlos, not my client.

Um, moving on.


[Police radio chatter]

Excuse me.

Could I get some water, please?

Hey, are you okay? You're all sweaty.

Police stations still make me queasy.

I think I might be having a mild anxiety attack.

Oh, no, Karen.

[Chuckles] I'll be fine.

How'd it go?

Um [Sighs] good, I-I think.


It was fine.

What was that?

What was what?

You just did a funny thing with your eyebrows.

What does that mean?

To be honest, uh, there was something about some of those questions that rubbed me the wrong way.


I'm not sure yet. It was probably nothing.

[Door closes]


[Ice clinks]



Anybody home?

Then we need flowers for the coffin and flowers for the altar, but no lilies.

I understand they're a traditional funeral bloom, but I don't like them.

And I don't think my late husband's gonna care either way.

Yes, orchids are fine.

You know what?

Um, can you make it a-another bouquet, but can it be delivered same day?


Yeah, no, it's a different account, going to a different address.

♪ What's so different with the color of things? ♪ - [Bells jingle]

April: [Chuckles] What are those?

They're flowers. For you.

You didn't have to do that.

And that's why I did it.

♪ And ask me what I think ♪

And I moved that picture out of the bedroom.

You didn't have to do that, either.

I did it for me. It was time.

It's hard to let go.

I think it's just easier not to change anything.


You have reminded me that this next part of my life is whatever I want to make it.

I don't know what you can see in your next chapter, but I can see you in mine.

♪ Oh, they can see what my mother sees ♪

Hoo! I could really use a nap.

Me too. I'm exhausted.

What is that?

I have no idea.

Maybe it's from Alec.

Or Vivian.

Or both.

That's nice.

[Door closes]

"I love you.

We're gonna get through this together.

From Calista."

You're kidding.

What the hell is wrong with this woman?

Seriously, why is she doing this to me, Karen?

Why? I don't understand!

Honey, don't.

No, I-it's my fault, right?

I-I thought that she was my friend.

How could I be so stupid?

You aren't stupid.

You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And you were vulnerable. You just lost your sister.

Right, right. And then there's Savi.

How messed up is it that all of this is happening, she knows nothing about it?

I'm being investigated for m*rder, and what, she's just off in Italy figuring out her feelings?

You're not alone, Joss. April and I are here for you.

But she's not here, Karen. She just abandoned me.


I hate her.

I do. I hate her.

[Up-tempo playing]

[Indistinct conversations]


Where the hell have you been?

I'm 10 minutes late.

20 minutes late, and I've been calling you all day.

Sorry, but my phone was off.

Did you tell April about Niko?

[Laughing] Who? No. What?

Are you drunk?

I'm fine.

You're drunk.

I had one drink.

Like hell you did.

You can't work like this. Get out of my restaurant.

No problem.

I wanted tonight off in the first place, remember?


You know what, Karen?

Screw the salad. I want a burger, okay?

[Cellphone vibrates]

I've earned a freaking' burger.

Somebody's calling on the other line. Hold on.


Joss, it's David Hudson.

Yeah, I just want to make sure that you understood the strategy behind going back to the police.

All you had to do was tell the truth about what happened.

Yeah, I know.

The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.

But you didn't tell the whole truth.

Actually, you outright lied.

Whoa, what are you talking about?

You told the detective that you'd never been in the basement.

But the police found your fingerprints on the basement doorknob, the basement where the power was cut right before Luca was shot.

Oh, no.

I mean, what?

Oh, no, David, I...

See, I never actually went inside the basement, but I-I opened the basement door for the, uh, tech guy, the one who was setting up the camera in the bedroom to catch Luca, the plan.

You mean the plan that no other witness will corroborate?

Yeah, but, David, listen to me.

It was an innocent mistake, okay?

Just let's call the detective back and I can explain everything.

That is not a good idea.

David, I'm so sorry. I... what can I do?

Sit tight.

Don't say anything else to anyone else.

Just... do nothing, okay?


David, how bad is this?

I don't know yet.



[knocking on door]

Is Calista here?

No press. Private property.

I'm not press. I need to talk to Calista.

Miss Raines is not here.

What's going on? I tried to stop her.

Karen, uh... I'm glad you're here.

Did, um... Joss get the flowers?

Joss told you to stay away from her.

What part of that didn't you understand?

I-I think you misunderstood.

I-I care about Joss just as much as you do.

She's one of my best friends.

You don't even know what that means.

You don't put friends on your payroll.

And you don't sell them down the river when things aren't going your way.

That's not what...

Look, I have no idea what your involvement is in Luca's death, but I do know what you did to Joss, and that's all I care about right now.

So, do me a favor... Stay away.

Hey, you know what? You came to my house.

[Scoffs] Don't make me do it again.

[Door closes]

Sorry. The restaurant messed up the order.

I had to wait forever.

[Sighs] What are you two doing?


Googling what?

Googling Calista.


Because I accidentally messed up at my interview yesterday, and now David's mad at me.

And I'm not just gonna sit around, waiting for him to fix it.

There has to be something somewhere that looks bad on Calista.

We just haven't found it yet.

I really need this burger.

So, how was last night?

[Chuckling] We don't have to talk about that right now.


Was last night the night?

Oh, my God. Please, can we talk about it?

Please? I really need a brain break.

It was fine.

"It was fine"?

No, no. It was good. It was nice.

Stop it. It really was.

And he brought me flowers today.

Well, that is nice.

Yeah, he's different from any guy I've ever been with.

He's solid. He's honest.

He's a strong man who could take care of me and Lucy.

I know it doesn't sound very progressive of me, but given everything we've been through, I can use a break.

What does Lucy think?

She likes him, I think.

We haven't really talked about it yet.

Seriously? She raises money for the Red Cross.

You got to be kidding me, right?

That's the kind of thing you're gonna find, honey.

She has an entire team of professional publicists whose only job is keeping up her image.

Wait a second. You're right.

We're not gonna find anything on Calista, but we might find something on Carla Rizzotti.


Carla Rizzotti.

Before she was some international brand, she was just some girl from Queens who didn't have a freaking publicist to scrub anything for her.

I can't believe I forgot that.

[Door closes]

What are you doing here?

Uh... I used your spare under the paint can.

[Clears throat] Remember, you told me.

I mean, why are you here now?

Oh, that.

I came to quit.

No need, mate. You're already fired.

[Scoffs] What, seriously?

You'd fire me after one screw-up?

Man, that's messed up.

You show up to work drunk, which is bad enough.

Come on.

But the fact that you told April my business?

What business? I didn't say anything.


Oh, that. Right.

Okay, I told April about Niko, but I didn't want to.

And April said she wasn't gonna tell Joss.

And you believed her?

Those girls tell each other what they have for breakfast.

Yeah, well, I'm new in town, okay?

I don't know all the rules of their coven.

You could have warned me, at least.

I thought we were better friends than that.

Look, I screwed up, okay? And I'm sorry about that, man.

But come on!

How good of friends could we really be?

You didn't even know I was sober.


What are you talking about, "sober"?

We just had a drink the other day here.

Yeah, it was first one in three years.

Oh, my God.

[Sighs] Oh, no.

Not that it's your fault, of course.

I'm the alcoholic.

Marc, I had absolutely no idea.

I'm... I'm sorry.

Yeah, we all got our problems, right?

Look, anyway, I appreciate the opportunity and whatnot, but I'm...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa.

Easy, mate. No, no, no.

You can't go anywhere like that.

Just sleep it off on the couch.

I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.

No, you're not. You're not. You're not.

Just stay here, okay? Just sleep it off, okay?

All right. Now, let me get this for you.

I'm okay.



[Cellphone beeps, dials]

Father John: Hello?

Father John, it's Karen Kim.

Oh, hey, Karen. How are you?

Not too well, unfortunately.

[Sighs] I'm sorry for such late notice, but, um, I think I have to cancel class today.

Oh, no apology necessary.

Is everything all right?

Actually [Sighs] things aren't great right now.

My friend is going through something, and it's been stressful.


You want to come talk about it?

It's kind of what I'm here for.

Hey. Whatcha working on?


How's it going?


Hey, did you see the flowers in the kitchen?

Blair got them for me.


He's a good guy, don't you think?

I don't know.

You can't not know.

You either like someone or you don't.

All right. I don't like him.


Is there a reason?

I just don't.

Sandra: That woman is no good.

No good since the day I met her.

And w-where did your son meet Carla?

Some bar.

He just moved to New York. He didn't know anyone.

And they just started dating?

It was all very fast.

He said he met this girl, and after that, they were together all the time.

I knew he was gonna marry her.

And he did.

Did... did they have any, uh, problems in their marriage that you know of?


Even though I didn't like her, he... he loved her.

[Chuckles] He was happy.

That's the thing... the police said my son k*lled himself.

Now, why would a happy man take his own life?

It makes no sense.

No, it doesn't.

My Justin was a sweet boy.

All he ever wanted was a family and enough money to put a roof over their heads.

He wasn't ambitious, not like her.

She wanted to take over the world and trample anyone who got in her way.

Justin... He got in her way.

They said my son shot himself.

He didn't even have a g*n. It was Carla's.

For protection, she said.

Do you think that she had something to do with his death?

I don't think she did, I know she did.

I used to have nightmares about it.

I would see Elizabeth holding the g*n.

I would see Sam... lying there on the floor.

That sounds awful.

It was, and it took months of therapy and medication, but I finally felt like I closed that door.


Now it feels like the whole thing is happening all over again.

But it isn't.

This is a different situation.

I know, but Joss is living in my house, and I'm holding her hand through all of this.

I don't want her to feel what I felt... scared and alone.

Joss isn't alone.

And neither are you.

God has a plan for all of us.

We just have to learn to surrender to it.

Otherwise, we'll worry ourselves sick.

And worry is a prayer for what you don't want.

I'll try to remember that.

It's just hard when it seems to manifest physically.

Well, in those cases, it also never hurts to see a doctor.

Remember, God also created Xanax.

So, you're telling me Calista Raines is some kind of black widow?

It's not just me.

Calista's own mother-in-law thinks so, too.

Well, her former mother-in-law.

Did she contact the police?

She said nobody would listen.

She wouldn't be the first mother to cry foul play.

Suicides can be hard to accept.

Yeah, but what are the odds that one woman would have two dead husbands, both by a g*n?


Didn't I specifically tell you to sit tight, not talk to anyone?

Yeah, well, I'm not great at sitting tight or rules.

So I'm learning.

So you're telling me we can't use any of this?

I didn't say that.


Sleeping beauty awakes.

Food and coffee.


What time is it?

It's nowhere close to morning.

I certainly hope Scotty isn't waiting for you at April's.


I lied about that.

He's... he's coming home tomorrow.

Ah. Probably for the best, from the looks of you.

[Sighs] Look, man, I'm really sorry about last night.

I-I didn't mean to drag you into my whole thing.

I'll... I'll be out of your hair ASAP.

No, it's... It's all right, mate.

I'm sorry, too.

I should have bloody noticed you weren't drinking.

Although it is a bit odd you didn't mention it in your job interview.

[Exhales sharply]

I probably wouldn't have got the job if I did.


Of course, I didn't know you then.

But now that I do, I want to help.

But I know alcoholics.

My dad was an alcoholic, and I know you have to want the help, so I need to know where you are in this.

Is this the beginning of the slide or the end?

I want it to be the end. I-I need it to be the end.

I got to be there for Scotty, you know?

For me, too.

Oh, good. Then you're not fired.

Oh, that's really cool of you, Harry, but I'm not so sure I should be working behind a bar anymore.

No, I agree.

That's why I'm moving you to the back of the house...

As long as you're serious about getting back on track.

I am.


Then you're gonna call your sponsor.

Now, yeah?

I didn't really get a chance to charge up last night.

Can I borrow yours?

You bet.


Hey, Jeremy. It's Marc.

We have an issue.

What now?

The police are talking to Sandra Bowler today.

What? What? Why?

What... how would they even make a connection?

They didn't. Someone made it for them.

Sandra contacted the police?

She's so crazy.

She has been after me for years!

She didn't contact them, Calista.

Joss' lawyer did.

Joss... no... how...

Still think she's your best friend?


This does not look fresh.

[Knocking on door]

Wh... okay! I...

All right, all right, all right!


Who the hell do you think you are?

What the hell are you doing here?

You're digging through my trash?

Uh, I'm just doing what you did and looking out for myself.

No, no, no. I did nothing to you.

I was protecting myself.

You are actively looking for ways to take me down.

Oh, please. I...

Justin's death was the worst thing that ever happened to me, and now I have to relive it, and they're using it against me?

If that's what it takes to get the truth, Calista, so be it.

Do you honestly think I had anything to do with this, that I k*lled Luca?

I don't think that you did it, I know that you did it.

Karen was right.


We're not friends.

When did you see Karen?

Good luck to you, kid.

You're gonna need it.

[Door closes]

Nobody knows how to wash a dish in this house?

Oh! Pbht! [Gasps]

[Inhales, exhales deeply]




Hey, you.

What are you doing right now?

Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Detective.

Well, curiosity got the better of me.

I didn't think I'd be seeing you again.

Not of your own volition, anyway.

There's plenty of places I would rather be, believe me.

But, um... I just... I can't get the tape out of my mind.

The one of Joss and my husband.

It's, uh... it's been bothering me ever since I saw it.


I just... I couldn't believe it was true, you know?

It just... just doesn't ring true of the Joss I knew.

Why not?

'Cause she was so devoted to me.

She was, um... almost oppressive.



I mean, now that I look at it in the clear light of day, it was... it was almost like she was a little obsessed with me.

Like, "Single White Female" obsessed.

What makes you think that?

I don't know.

Just, she was always wherever I was, and some of the things she would say and... say about Luca.

What kind of things?

Like, for instance, we had a party a couple weeks ago, and Eva was there, and Luca... didn't hide his attraction to her.

And... Joss was there, and she was so upset.

And she said, "you know, I would k*ll him for you."

You know, I-I thought it was just an expression, but now...

You think she meant she would literally k*ll him?

I don't know what she meant.

I just know that she said it, and now he's dead, so... tell me.

When did the anxiety return?

Just the last few days.

I've been dealing with some external stress, which is what triggered it.

Were you thinking of going back to the benzodiazepine?

I'd like to start with the lowest dose and see how things go.

I agree.

I just need to run through the standard questions.

Of course.

Any chest pain or tightness during these episodes?

We want to make sure it's anxiety and nothing vascular.

No, nothing like that. It's more of a stomachache.

Any digestive problems? Gas or constipation?

A little, yes.

Are you taking any new medications since your last visit?

Nothing new.

Any chance of pregnancy?

I'm on the pill.

No missed doses, doubling up?

Once or twice.

Why don't we do a test to be safe?

Josslyn Carver...

You are under arrest for the m*rder of Luca Raines.

What? Wait, wait, wait.

You have the right to remain silent.

No, wait!

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

♪ I'm giving you a nightcall to tell... ♪

You have the right to an attorney.

[Handcuffs clicking]

♪ I'm gonna drive you through the night down the hills ♪

[Sighs] Okay, Denise.


♪ I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear ♪
♪ I'm gonna show you where it's dumped, but have no fear ♪ [Camera shutters clicking]

♪ There's something inside you ♪
♪ it's hard to explain ♪
♪ they're talking about you, boy ♪
♪ but you're still the same ♪
♪ eh, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ tell you how ♪
♪ t-t-tell you how ♪
♪ tell you how ♪
♪ ooh-ooh ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ I'm giving you a nightcall to tell you how I feel ♪

[Siren wails]

♪ And how I feel ♪