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01x10 - Full Stop

Posted: 08/05/15 04:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stitchers...

So nice to finally meet you Kirsten You hooked up with Linus?

Is it him?



I can't risk anything like that happening again.

I can't risk you.

When I was ten years old, I had heart surgery.

Remember that scar?

I can't get married.

You're the most extraordinary woman I've ever known.

You know me, I'm already over it.

You take it... To protect your heart.

What do I tell her when she asks what our $8 billion program is really designed to do?

Whatever you want, as long as it's not the truth.

Hey, Fisher, I was right. Ed Clark didn't commit su1c1de. He was m*rder*d.

You wanted to see me?

He does.

Detective Fisher, I'm Les Turner.

Nice to put a face to the voice, Finally meet the man behind it all.

Well, let's say I...

I keep the train running on time.

Knowing Kirsten Clark, I'm sure she already asked you To investigate her guardian's m*rder.

She has.


You told her that Ed Clark was k*lled.

And we are handling the matter. Internally.

That's not how homicide investigations work.

Detective, I'm sure you appreciate the sanctity of this program And how vital it is to keep Kirsten safe.

Is she in danger?

Well, there are forces at play that we still don't understand.

Leave this one alone.

You're the boss.

Keep up the good work.

(Elevator dings)

He's not gonna let this go.

Not a chance.

Camille: So, the guy shows up... late, at least 10 years older than his picture, wearing a mesh t*nk top and flip-flops.

He is carrying... I kid you not...

His pet ferret Diego, who, by the way, is on Twitter, and has more followers than me.

And thus ended my first and last experience with online dating.

All-righty, then. Fisher, your turn. Worst date?

Well, I haven't dated in a while.

Great story. Tell it again.

So, if you're no longer with your wife, why do you still wear your wedding band?

Oh, loosen up, Fishy, we're all friends here.

Sorry, I'm late.

You didn't tell me he was coming too.

Nice hello.

Thought it was just gonna be us tonight.

They heard we were having dinner and asked if they could tag along.

Unless you don't want us here.


Bathroom break.

I don't have to go.

Yes, you do.

Big guy needs a shot. Maybe two.

Are Camille and I interrupting something?


No. No, I...

I wanted to talk to Kirsten about ed Clark.

What about him?

I wanted to talk to Kirsten.

Oh, you're in more of a mood than usual tonight.

What do you know about Les Turner?

He's an enigma wrapped in a paradox, dressed in a $2,000 suit.


What does he have to do with Ed?

Hi. What'll you have?

Uh, I'll have... Uh, what he's having.

Finally grabbing that beer together, buddy.

You want another?

I'm good.

You want to share a pasta?

Okay, we don't have to "Lady and the Tramp" it. Come on, live it up!

So, tell me what's going on?

Are you enjoying a hunk of Fisher pie?

Oh, is this girl talk? Is that what this is?

Look, I know he's Fisher-licious, but...

Liam's been gone less than a week. The body's still warm.

There is nothing going on between me and Fisher.


Okay, well, if you want my opinion on turning Liam down...

I don't.

I'm gonna give it to you anyway.


I think you made the right call, 'cause look, one, if you got married, I'd have to move, and that's such a sweet house, and two, girl, enjoy being single.

There's plenty of Fishers in the sea.


You like what I did there? I'm serious.

We're both just way too young to have to...



Oh, my god!

Call 911!

Cameron, Cameron!


(Theme music plays)

♪ Take me inside ♪
♪ take me inside ♪

Camille: Someone needs to tell us what's going on.

They will when there's something to tell.

Okay, are you sure you didn't see anything?

By the time we got back they were already...

Nurse: I need a wheelchair, please.

The wheelchair.

There was an empty wheelchair in the restaurant.

You're here for Cameron Goodkin and Quincy Fisher?

How are they?

Mr. Goodkin hit his head pretty hard.

He has a concussion, but he'll be fine.

We're gonna hold him overnight for observation.

And Fisher?

He's out of surgery and in the I.C.U.

One of the b*ll*ts nicked his aorta.

There was a lot of internal bleeding.

But he's gonna make it, right?

We'll know more tomorrow.

He's extremely critical.

We'll see how the next few hours go.

Doctor, the young woman who was shot?

We did everything we could. I'm sorry.

Maybe the waitress saw something?

I'll have her body diverted to the lab and start the protocol.

As long as Cameron is strong enough, we'll stitch into her in the morning.

We can't wait.

Someone tried to k*ll Fisher or Cameron, or both. We have to do something.

Kirsten, I know that you're upset.

I don't do upset.

Cameron is the only one who can pilot the stitch.

There's nothing that we can do right now but go home.

Come on.

Who would do this?

Kirsten: I don't know, and until we can stitch into the waitress, we won't find out.

There is so much that I don't know.

And I'm tired of waiting for somebody else to figure it out.

Ed went to a lot of trouble hiding this. It has to be important.

You think that has something to do with tonight?

It could have something to do with everything.

Where's the safe deposit box?

What? That is a key for a safe deposit box.

My parents have one just like it.

Well, it's unmarked. How many banks are there in L.A.?

Too many.

But I may know how to find the right one.

Some really cool stuff in here.

Why haven't you gone through it all?

She's not interested.

Can you guys work and talk at the same time?

Holy bank statement, Batgirl.


Oh, my god!

You should have called us.

We would have picked you up, bro, how're you feeling?

Like a dozen bucks.

How's Fisher?

Ahh, not good.

Do you remember anything from the attack?

There was sh**ting and then I woke up in a hospital.

Other than that, not a damn thing.

It all happened so fast.

None of the other witnesses could give any details either.


Good to have you back.

Listen up, everyone!

Our dead waitress, Helen Krauss. Single, no kids.

She went to work yesterday to fill in for a friend.

Has she been prepped?


Are you sure you're up for this?

I got it.

Let's find the bastard who did this to us.

Lights at 20%, please.

I need a go/no go for stitch neurosync. Life-sci? -Go.









Comm check, one, two.

I'm with you.

You okay to do this?


Come here. Back me up.


I know you've been watching me, watching how I do this. Come on, stand by just in case.

But I don't have my stitch license yet.

I can do it!

No, no, stay at your station.

Keep your hands off the controls, Camille, no backseat driving.

You should have been nicer to me.

Okay, dead or alive, you're coming with me.

- Dirty Harry?



Induce stitch neurosync on my mark. In three, two, one, mark.

Hi. What'll you have?

I'll, uh, have what he's having.

Finally grabbing that beer together, buddy. You want another?

I'm good.

What do you see?

You with Fisher in the restaurant.

You see the sh**t?

No, her back's turned. She's focused on you guys.

You wanna share a pasta?

You're ordering.

Okay, we don't have to "Lady and the Tramp" it. Come on, live it up.

She sees the sh**t.

It's a guy in a wheelchair.

Get down!


Cameron: What's happening?

g*nshots. Fisher pushed you out of the way. He saved you.

Cameron, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't know Fisher saved me is all.

That's kind of a thing.

Well make it a thing for later. Put me further back in her memory.

Linus, map the next...

I got this!

Cameron, go.

It's a few minutes earlier. I see us all at the table.


Bathroom break.

I don't have to go.

Yes, you do. Big guy needs a shot. Maybe two.

Camille and I just left.

I see the guy in the wheelchair just came in.

Do you see his face?

Hey, listen, you can't be in here.

But if you wait outside I'll bring you some food?

That's fine.

I'm bouncing.

I saw his face.

No, the bridge of the nose should be higher.

Okay, stop. There.

Okay, now bring the eyes closer together.

That's it.

You know, that's my computer. I should do it.

Let Camille.

What about eye shape?

They look pretty good, but his lips were tight, thin.


Well, this is not a handsome man.

That's it. That's him.

Okay, I'll run this through the Federal Next-Gen I.D. System.


I know who he is.

Let me.

Go ahead. Help yourself. Everyone else is.

His name is Robert Barbiero.

He was the first head of security for the Stitchers program.

He worked for you?

20 years ago. Former marine sn*per.

He was hired by, and particularly close to both your mother and father, Kirsten.

Especially your mother.

So, it's not just about knowing the science and pressing some buttons.

No, exactly. Stitching's an art as much as a science.

I mean, you're taking someone's awareness and moving it through someone else's synapses.

Why do you think Kirsten is so good at this?

At stitching in?


I don't know.

I mean, she definitely has a gift for it.

It's like she...

She was meant to do this.

When Kirsten stitches in, the digital handshake between her and the stitch system is... is perfect.

It's like the lab was tuned to her, her brain pattern.

I take it that was unexpected?

When we first put the system online, we ran months of tests on volunteers from different agencies.

Oh my god, people volunteered to be victims?

What? No! No, no, no, no, no.

The volunteers were test stitchers.

Our subjects were people who donated their bodies for research.

Of course.

And, uh, yeah.

So, some of the volunteers couldn't stitch at all, some only caught glimpses of memories, I mean, nothing usable, but...

Marta. She was the only one that could do it.

She was... She was the best of them all.

But not good enough?


But, Kirsten, if we can ever figure out why she is the way she is, why she's so good at this, we can scale this program or roll it out worldwide.

The number of crimes we can solve, the number of people we can help...

I'm really glad I'm part of this.


You ready to give it a try?


Let me run a simulation.

Okay, here. Put your hands on these bad boys.

Oh, whoa.

You feel that?


The resistance?

Yeah, but, yet there's also an attraction.

Like the combination of consciousness and memory are pulling me along.


Oh, you're good at this.

I definitely feel the pull.

Hey, Cameron, may I speak to you?

Uh, yeah. Just a sec.

Yeah. One one-thousand.

Okay, how about now?

Okay, keep working with those mice and playing with those brains.

Couldn't stop me if you tried.

What's up? Everything okay?

She's not qualified.

That thing at the restaurant made some things very clear to me, one being that I need someone to back me up in case something happens to me.

And who else is there?

Oh, yeah, um, geez, let me think about this for a second.

Um... me.

I'm your number two. I'm the second-most senior, and I have the most training.

Yeah, but not for this you don't.

Teach me. You're teaching her, so teach me.

I have PhD’s in bio-electrical engineering and neural systems.

I mean, what more do you need?

Stitching requires finesse.

A feel.

And you don't think I have that?


But Camille does?


I would like to get into a safe deposit box. Who can I speak to?

That gentleman, right there.

Thank you.

It's a good feeling, right?


Have a good day. See you.

Excuse me?

May I help you, Miss...

Clark. Kirsten Clark.

Um, how do I get into this safe deposit box?

Is it yours?


I think we can arrange that.

I'll need to see a driver's license.

I'm sorry, I don't drive.

California I.D. Okay?


For your signature.

Of course.

Ms. Clark, you are listed as a signatory on the account, but your signature doesn't match the card we have on file.

That's good, but I need you to write your new name.

Kirsten Clark.

My last name is Stinger?

Well, I'm taking care of you now, so you need to use my last name.

It'll make things easier.



Hopefully you'll never have to find out.

Try again. Kirsten. Clark.

I'm afraid I can't let you access the box unless the signatures match.

May I try again?

It was a while ago that my father had me sign.

I... suppose.

Thank you.

How's this?

Right this way, Ms. Clark.

Take all the time you need.

Thank you.

Huh. K's missing.

So, this is what ed left you in the safe deposit box that you opened with the key that he hid in your mother's tomb.

Ed sure put your through the ringer just to find this.

Ed wanted me to remember something, and Turner told me ed died protecting me.

You think the answer to what ed was protecting you from's in here?

I thought so until I skimmed through every page, and there's nothing written or hidden inside.


So you tried that?


But did you try this?

You see the space between the hard cover and the binding?

The gap's too big.


It's not the original cover.

Ready, sparky?

Just play it.

Oh, god!

Who is that?

That's my father.


I'm starting the memory recovery process by engaging the device, programmed with the stitch algorithm and attached to my two subjects.

How you feeling, Kirsten?

You ready to do this?

Yes, daddy.

All right, sweetheart.

Feel anything, honey?

Just a little buzzing.

Okay, I'm increasing the power.

You find mommy, you bring her back.

I will.

Okay, I'm inducing stitch neurosync...

(Machines beeping)

Talk to me, honey. How are you feeling?

It hurts a little.

It's gonna be okay. Do you trust me?



My head, it hurts.

Okay, I'm shutting it down.

No. I wanna do this.

(Computer beeping)

I'm inside mommy's head.

I see you, me, mommy.

She's got so many memories.

Brain activity is increasing.

This is working, Kirsten, this is working.

You're doing great, sweetheart.

Okay, it's working.

Just reach out to mommy, and hold on tight, okay? I'm gonna bring you both...

(Beeping escalates)

(Beeping flatlines)



Kirsten! Kirsten! Kirsten!

Oh, god, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.



I wasn't born with temporal dysplasia.

My father gave it to me by stitching me into my mother, and it k*lled her.


What else can I get you?

A do-over of the past hour.

You didn't know about any of this?


I was always told my mom died in a crash, but she didn't.

It must have put her in a coma, but it didn't k*ll her.

Your dad was trying to save her.

He didn't know that you can't stitch into a living person without k*lling the subject.

Maybe that explains why he left you with ed?

He couldn't live with what he did.

I remember the night he left.

I watched him walk to a taxi.

I kept asking him through the window to turn around.

You know what, I thought he would for a second.

And then he got in a taxi and left.

Did you want him to turn around and come back for you?

No, I wanted to see his face. I wanted to understand what he was feeling...

If anything.


Go, go, go!

Living room, clear!

Kitchen, clear!

Found him!

It's Barbiero.

Dead. Looks like multiple s*ab wounds.

If he was stabbed multiple times, where's the rest of the blood?

He was k*lled somewhere else.



Did you even think to tell Cameron to give me a chance?!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you talking about?

Stitching. He's training you to pilot.

Linus, calm down.

Cameron is training you to stitch. You!


I'm sorry, I guess I kinda thought you'd be happy for me.

Happy for you? Because you have "the touch" and I don't?

That's not my fault.

So, you agree with Cameron?


Listen to me, no one is trying to edge you out.

Why didn't you stick up for me?

I didn't know.

I'm sorry.

I thought we had each other's backs.

Wait... what?

We got lucky-ish on the protocol with Barbiero.


The amount of time between his death and when we got a hold of him?

Barbiero's long-term memories are mostly degraded.

What about short-term?

Seemed to be in fairly good shape.

Then let's find out why he went after Fisher.

Lights at 20%

I need a go/no go for stitch neurosync.

Call it.

For reals?





Engineering and medical?

A twofer, engineering and medical?

The lady asked a question!



Last, but in no way least, communications?

You're good to go... Cameron.

Comm check, one, two...

I'll take it from here.

Sorry. That's you.

Comm check, one two, one two.

Loud and clear.

Initiate stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one, mark.

I see Barbiero.

He's in an alley.

He's waiting for someone.

(Phone ringing)

Where are you?

(Woman's voice, distorted) I can't make it over there, so the phone will have to do.

He's on a call with a woman.

I have something to say to you.

Me first.

You showing up like you did outside the restaurant really threw me off, so don't blame me for not putting your detective issue to rest.

Whoever she is, I think she hired Barbiero to k*ll Fisher.

I'm outside the restaurant. Barbiero's in the wheelchair.

He left the chair at the scene.

This is before the sh**ting, Kirsten, tell me everything you see.

Because she's in there you wanna pull the plug?

No way. I can do this.

He's yelling at someone in a car.

I can't make out who.

Make and model? A license plate number?

We're past the point of no return.

Um, black sedan.

Can't make out the plates.

But maybe you did, Cameron.


Yeah, you walked right past Barbiero and the car on your way to meet us.

Cameron: I don't remember seeing them.

I don't. Kirsten, did I notice anything?

I'm gonna do what you asked me to do, tonight, and nothing's gonna happen to the girl.

I didn't save her at the Santa Monica pier to k*ll her now.

The carousel.


The carousel.

Jewels, now!

(Music starts)

The carousel at Santa Monica pier.


We thought it went off by itself.

It was Barbiero.

Now's the time. Let me do my job.

Cameron: Kirsten, what do you see?

I see Barbiero.

And he's young.



It's my mother.

Barbiero's with her and me.

I thought his long-term memories were degraded?

This one stuck for some reason.

Get her back to Barbiero.

No, I want to stay.

For you, mom.

It's beautiful, honey.

Cameron: 49 seconds!

Take me back to my mother.

Heart rate's elevating.

I want to see my mother again.

Try to calm down, Kirsten.

No! I need to see her.

45 seconds!

Come on, cupcake, stay on point. What's going on?

Listen closely now, this is important.

You can't repeat any of what I'm gonna say.

Lock and key, like always.

Whoever is on the phone with Barbiero is telling him something important.

Les Turner knows about Ed Clark's m*rder, yet he won't give you details about it.

Why not?

What the hell are you talking about?

Because everyone you think you can trust is lying to you.

30 seconds!

Times up, Kirsten, time to bounce!

There's no way to prove this to you yet, so keep doing what you're doing.

Keep working with the Stitchers program.

You know I don't work with them anymore.

Keep working for Stitchers, and when I think you're ready to hear the truth, I'll find you, Kirsten.


You're using me to send a message to the girl?


What did you see?

What did you hear?


How's Fisher?

No change. He's still on life support.

He better pull through.

We gotta finish that beer.

You know, you're still in the doghouse with Maggie, don't you?

She wants to know what you saw in that stitch.

So she sent you to find out?

Totally, but I told her I wouldn't.

So, you're in the doghouse with me.

Pretty much, so shove over, make room, huh?

Whoever k*lled Barbiero knew he would be brought in for stitching.

They wanted to send me a private message through Barbiero.

Wait. What?

He was told things that I was meant to hear, and then he was k*lled.

Barbiero was a message machine.

Damn, that's... Evil.

Yeah, I was gonna go with "ingenious," but let's go with evil.

So, that must have been one hell of a message.

It was.

Barbiero clocked you looking at him at the restaurant.

Who was he talking to?

I don't remember seeing him.


I had a concussion.

Just... just try.

I can't remember.

You didn't try very hard.

Don't you think I want to catch who did this to Fisher?

And you don't seriously believe anything that woman told Barbiero, do you?

I don't know.

When will you learn to trust me?

Like, really trust me?

I want to.

But after everything that's happened, how can I?

I know a way.


Did you get what I asked for?

Why did you order Ayo to prepare a syringe of potassium methochloride?

You ratted me out.

As medical officer I had to.

Remind me to fire you.

Uh, what's going on?

You said I clocked the car outside the restaurant?

That means it's possible I saw the license plates, maybe even the guy in the car Barbiero was talking to.

That memory is inside my head, likely in the central executive part of the pre-frontal cortex.

You're gonna go in and find it.

Go in?

Stitch in.

There's one problem, you're not dead.

I can fix that.

My god, Cameron!

Potassium methochloride. Five cc's will stop my heart.

I can stay dead for up to four minutes while you stitch in, Camille will pilot.

She is not ready.

Yes, she is.

After four minutes, Kirsten will bounce out, Ayo will jumpstart my heart, we'll find out who the big bad is, and we'll all go home happy.

Want to know how you can believe me? This is how.

Cameron, if you think I'm going to allow you to be flatlined...

Seriously, dude, no way.

One zap, I'll be good as new.

Are you insane? Who says your heart can take that?

This is the worst idea you've ever had, and I've seen some bad ones.

Kirsten, Fisher may be dying.

Yeah, but you dying won't stop that.

And who will they come after next?

If we don't find out right now who's behind this, none of us will be safe.

He's right.

There's a continuing threat to the program.

Stitching into Cameron's memory is the key to finding out how deep it goes.

Les, this is not happening. It is barbaric and unethical.

He's volunteering.

What the hell is wrong with you?

I won't allow it.

Ultimately, this program is under my control.

It's not your call.

Doesn't matter, I won't do it.

Me neither.

You can fire me if you want.

I'll have nothing to do with this.

Me neither.


I need to keep you safe.

Do not not do this.

You got four minutes.

Cameron! Cameron!

No pulse.

Defib him now!

No, start the protocol.

What do we do?

What Cameron wanted, we stitch. Move it!


We're wasting time.

Holy crap, holy crap.

You son of a bitch.

He did this to himself.

If anything happens to that boy...

Something already has.

Ayo, I want that defibrillator charged and standing by.

Lights at 20%

I need a go/no go for stitch neurosync.











Comm check?

Go, go, go!

I want the mission clock set to three minutes.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

Three, two, one, dead or alive, Cameron, you're coming with me, mark!

You put me into Cameron's loft. I need you to stitch me onto the street before the sh**ting.

I'm working on it.

Oh, you're up. How you feeling?

Like I got hit by a bus.

Fantastic. You hungry? I made us some kale-tarragon breakfast smoothies?

Whose bed did I just wake up in?


Kirsten, are you okay?

Blue door. Sepulveda.

I'm so sorry, Julie.

Is this what love is?

Intense connection, and then heartbreaking loss?

Being vulnerable... Vulnerable, real. It's intoxicating.

Thank you for not being a nobody.

You take it...

To protect your heart.

I need to keep you safe.

I didn't know.

I didn't know.

Know what, Kirsten? Talk to me.

I'm everywhere.

Less than two minutes!

Okay, okay, I got it! I think I got it, hang on!

I'm there. I'm outside the restaurant.

I see Barbiero, he's in the wheelchair, but it's all blurry. Everything is blurry. It's distorted, it's useless.

That's because Cameron's not really dead.

He's only clinically dead.

His brain is pushing back.

But in 90 seconds, he will be dead, dead!

Kirsten, make the bounce, so we can revive Cameron!

Okay, on it, on it. Wait, wait, I'm being pulled to another memory.

Kirsten, talk to me! What do you see?

Making the rounds, Dr. Goodkin?

My scar is itching. I can't sleep.

Just thought I'd walk a little.

Well, you know it's against the rules.

Just stay in the hall.

Okay. Thanks, nurse.

You're welcome, doctor.

Oh, my god!

What is it?

Kirsten, what is it?

What are you doing?

I'm painting my mother's nails.

This way, when she wakes up, she'll be happy.

What's wrong with her?

We got in a car crash, but it's gonna be okay.

Why are you here?

I had heart surgery.

I'm better now, but...

I'm not supposed to get too excited.

I'm sorry about your heart.

I'm sorry about your mom.

It's okay.

My dad has an idea to help her.

He's really smart.



It's going to be fine.

Your dad's really smart, remember?

What's your name?


I'm Cameron.

Your mom's going to be okay, Kirsten.

Trust me.

Camille: Kirsten, times up! Make the bounce!

(Alarms blaring)

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Chelsea, start the epinephrine.



All right.


No pulse.


Don't do this.


He's not breathing!

Cameron. Cameron, wake up.









