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01x06 - Betrayed

Posted: 08/05/15 03:22
by bunniefuu
Audrey: Previously on Scream...

I talked to Rachel's parents and they said that Audrey intimidated Rachel.

And that she could get her to do things that she wouldn't normally do.


We're gonna figure this out, I promise.

You think the k*ller is still out there.

"The truth lies where the mask was made."

The mask Brandon James wore was actually a surgical mask.


Sheriff, this is Detective Lorraine Brock.

Am I being fired?

Just a temporary leave of absence.

We're on for tomorrow.

Jake: Time to get paid.

Will: What the hell was that? No one was supposed to get hurt.

Jake: I'm the one who took all the risk!

You should be thanking me!


I am done trying to help you!

What is going on?

Your mother's not at the ashram.

Where is she?

I checked her into rehab.

Will had a video...

Of your dad doing things he should not have been doing.

That's the day after my mom left.

Oh, my God.

My life is not a game.

k*ller: Yes, it is.

And when I say it's over, you lose.

He's not gonna win.

So, that happened.

You okay with that?

I'm more than okay with that.

Where are you going?

It's not even dawn yet.

Take me to Brandon's house.

I wanna face my fears right now.

You still sure about this?

The idea's losing its appeal, but...

We're here, so...


Emma: A fresh daisy?


He's been here.

It's okay, just keep going.

I got your back.


Oh, my God.

This is where it all started.





k*ller: Hello, Emma.

What did you do?

Don't you know?

(GASPING) Please don't hurt him.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, sweet, naive Emma.

He even made you think it was your idea to come here.






It ends with you.

Scream - 01x06

Oh. I'm sorry.


You're up early.

Good morning, Sheriff.

Emma, uh...

I was just dropping off some... Those files.

I was just... I'm leaving. (SIGHS)

See you later.


See ya.

Uh, so, um...

(CLEARS THROAT) Did you get some sleep?

Uh, yeah.

More than you, I'm betting.

Mom, it's fine.

I was the one who told you to go for it, remember?


Hey, I'm happy that you're happy.


Happy feels good.



Uh, it's Piper, right?

Will Belmont.

Are you hoping to run into Emma?


It's that obvious, huh?

I witnessed firsthand that Dangerous Liaisons video landing on your girl.

And that's gonna be a tough one to come back from.

But, not impossible?

See, the problem with being a nice guy is that screw-ups look so much worse on you because you're decent.

Li, Nia's a bitch.

Nobody expected anything better from her.

And I hear that she talked you into doing some things that were kind of out of your comfort zone.

(SIGHS) Um...

She had a way.

Maybe we can help each other.

I need to know more about Nina.

You should come on my podcast, tell me all the stuff that Nina was doing and own your part.

Take responsibility.

Everybody loves a redemption story.

Noah: He is definitely hiding something.

I did some digging into "Mr. Seth Branson."

You know what I found?

He doesn't exist?

No. Come on. Uh, it's 2015.

I found four guys, none of whom are our Mr. Branson.

That's damning, how?

This Mr. Branson didn't exist until he moved to Lakewood.

You don't change your name unless you've got a secret.

Like trolling teens through their webcams to find a victim.


Cops turn themselves inside out searching for logical suspects, but we could just be looking at your garden-variety psychopath.

Branson as Manson?

I don't buy it.

Yeah, well...

Neither did the victims of the BTK k*ller till they were staring down the business end of a boning knife.

I thought he was your favorite teacher.

He is.

Which is why the possibility is so alarming.

Maybe he was being manipulated by another psychopath. Nina.

Nina discovered his secret and blackmailed him into planting the malware.


Then anyone she trolled could have motive.

The guys she slept with...


The guys she didn't.

The girls who envied her, and the ones who despised her.

That's a long-ass list.

So, pretty much everybody's a suspect.

Including us.

Wait, where are you on that list?

Duh. I'm making the list.

Nice resting creep face.

Back at ya.

Oh, thank you.


(SIGHS) I can't focus on The Goodbye Girl when my dad is doing Gone Girl.

Hey, you need to stop obsessing on that video.

If you really think your dad put your mom on ice, let's just go check it out at lunch.

You'd really go with me?

What are friends for?

Okay, so, a three-person scene.

Or maybe Audrey should start with an apology for that "sweep the leg" as*ault you pulled on Will?


No, it's okay.

I had that one coming.

You totally did.


It was sort of a d*ck move on my part.

Noah: Aw.

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful mutual tolerance.

And then I say...

I don't know, a line of some sort about something.


Or not.

(SCOFFS) My, uh...

Dad was out when I got home last night.

Did you... (CHUCKLES)

Did you manage not to wake your mom?

Uh, yeah. (CHUCKLES)

Thanks to your dad.

I caught him doing the walk of shame out of our front door this morning.

Did you guys make, like, some weird mother-daughter sex bet?

(CHUCKLES) Yes. Yeah, that's actually exactly what we did.



I'm just glad this isn't weird.

Yeah. Me, too.

Maggie: Detective Brock?

Doctor Duval.

Oh. Could you close that for me, please?

Thank you for coming in.

Of course.

Not quite sure why I'm here.

Uh, I have a few questions about the Rachel Murray case.

I thought maybe you could shed some light.

I'll do my best.


It took a week to determine that Rachel Murray's death was suspicious.

Can you tell me why?

Well, she presented as a su1c1de, but her injuries didn't correspond with where we found her.

Well, by the time Hud opened a m*rder investigation, two more kids were dead.

That wasn't his fault.

I needed to be sure.

Doctor Duval, I know you want to defend him, but...

We both know that your opinion is biased.

(SCOFFS) Are you accusing me of something?

Evidence was missed.

Someone has to be held accountable.

What evidence?

We found hair fibers and skin cells at the hospital.

DNA test came in.

Can you confirm the results?

The markers look good for a match. Who is it?

Someone with clear motive and opportunity.

And unfortunately, it's a suspect that was right in front of you both this entire time.

Officer: Mr. Branson?

Mr. Branson: May I help you?

Yes, sir, you can.

We have some questions for one of your students.

Audrey Jensen?

Officer 2: We're gonna need you to come with us.

What the hell could the cops want with Audrey?

I don't know. Maybe they just wanted to ask her some questions about Rachel.

That's a phone call. That's not a perp walk out of class.

(SIGHS) Mr. Branson.


We found out the webcam malware came from his homework server.

And he's using a fake name.

Wait. Mr. Branson brings his soup to school in a Thermos.

Villains have to eat, too.

Kingpin eats. The Joker eats.

Bane probably doesn't because of his mask, but there's probably some sort of, like, nutrient...

Hey, Noah, can we focus for one second?

Yes. Sorry.

Well, Mr. B may have seen us on his laptop.

If he thought we could expose him, maybe he found a way to implicate Audrey as payback...

Mr. Branson! Hey! Hi!



Emma and I were just...

Talking scenes.

Well, that's actually what I wanted to discuss.

And considering your propensity for speeches, I'm thinking monologue.

Oh, I don't know. I'm kinda shy.

Let me show you some options.

Oh. Uh, sure, okay.


After you.

Thank you.

Audrey, we just have a couple of questions about Rachel Murray.

We were hoping that you could help us answer them.

So the m*rder investigation's finally happening?


You two were working on a video project together.

Yeah. Uh, we were.

What was it about?

Growing up weird.



And were you with her on the night of September 30th?

What night was that?

The night that someone uploaded a video of you and Rac kissing in a car.


That night. Um...

Then yes. Uh, I went to see Rach...

Tried to calm her down. We went for a drive.

Did you see anyone else?

Not that I recall.

So, the only person who could verify your whereabouts on the night of Nina's m*rder was Rachel.

I guess.

And now Rachel's dead.

What are you doing, Raine?

Audrey's dad just called me.

You can't question a minor without a guardian present. You know that.

And you know that you have no authority here.

You're off this case.

Okay, well, I'll just hang with Audrey until her dad gets here.

How's that?

Brooke, uh, hold up a sec.

Look, I need to talk to you about something, okay?

Like how you're blackmailing my dad?



Jake. He told me all about what you've been doing.

Oh, what I've been doing?

Look, Jake is the one who dragged me into this in the first place, like I was going to tell you.

Yeah, 'cause Jake's the one who needs money.

Brooke, listen to me.

No, you listen to me.

You better make this right, Will.

You messed with the wrong family.

(SIGHS) Audrey.

Dad. (SIGHS)

Are you okay?

Been better.

Sheriff, what's this about? Is my daughter under arrest?

No, Howard, we just...

I just need to clarify something about what Audrey and her friends found at that abandoned hospital.

We have nothing to hide.

Thank you. Audrey.

In the hospital, you and your friends found a decomposing head with a mask on it.

Did you pick it up?

God, no.

You're sure?

We were kind of busy running in terror, so yeah, I'm sure.

So then help me to understand something.

Why is your DNA on the inside of the mask?

I've never worn that mask, I swear.

You... You're sure it's Audrey's DNA?

We took fingerprints and swabs of Audrey and her friends, just in case they contaminated the scene.

But looks like Audrey had been there before.

No, I wasn't.

But you and Rachel were making a movie the night of Nina's m*rder.

And Nina's k*ller posted a GIF online of it, so someone was filming the m*rder.

Why not the two girls that Nina had just humiliated only two hours before?


I'm not comfortable with this.

What happened to Rachel, Audrey?

Did she have second thoughts?

Did she want to confess what you had done?

Did you have to stop her?

Hudson: Raine!

That's enough.

Yeah, you're right. You can go now, Sheriff.

Thank you.

We're not answering any more questions without an attorney.

That's fine.

But I would like to see the footage from Audrey's camera on the night of Nina's m*rder.

I don't have it.

Can I talk to you outside?

Of course.


Noah: (IN VOICEMAIL) Greetings, programs! I'm on the Game Grid.

Leave a device ID and I'll get back with you...


Noah? What happened?

Henry The Fifth or Napoleon Dynamite.

I gotta admit, Mr. Branson so gets my deep-seated hero conflict.

Cool. I was ready to call 911.

Maybe Audrey was right about Branson being innocent.

Maybe he's not a psychopath.

If Tyler loaded the malware for Nina while he was the student aide, Mr. B. could just be this innocent pawn.

But what about his fake name?

Oh, yeah, well... I actually got that covered.

I asked Mr. B to input his number into my phone, in case I wanted to rap about monologues.

I programmed this app to record his fingerprints.

If we can trace the past...

We can find out if our beloved Mr. White is actually Heisenberg.

Don't answer.

That has proven not to be an option.


Em, it's Audrey.

Audrey, are you okay?

Listen... I need a favor so huge.

Of course. What?

Go to my house. Get the SD card from September 30th... And destroy it. And...


Emma, please don't watch it.

Who did you call, Audrey?

Pastor Jensen: Don't answer.

If you think you have enough evidence to charge my daughter...

No, actually, Judge Seaver thinks I have enough to search your home.

She just approved a warrant.

So Audrey will stay here for a while.

I'll let you know what we find.

What do you think is on that card?

I don't know. I don't care.

But we should just go get it.

Noah, what if it's...

Emma, hey...

Audrey did not k*ll Nina.

Right. Right, okay, let's go.

(SIGHS) Well, we've got some time.

Daddy's off teaching a "Stranger Danger" seminar to a bunch of grade-schoolers.

If your dad is capable of whatever it was we saw on that video, what if he's done more?

(SCOFFS) Are you accusing my dad of multiple murders to raise his PR profile?

Well, it's like Stephen King says, "m*rder is like potato chips."

"You can't just stop with one."

I'm hoping my dad never opened that bag of chips.

No, I can't do it.

If she's in there, I lose both of my parents.

Let's rip this Band-Aid off.

Oh, my God.

I think this is a piece of the guest room bed sheets.

So it's a sheet.

Maybe your dad wrapped a deer in it or something.


There's gotta be an explanation.

I mean, right? (SIGHS)

He couldn't have done it.

There totally is.

Don't worry. We'll find it.

Damn. They used to hide their key there.

Yeah, we used to leave our back door unlocked.

And then a serial k*ller happened.

All right. On to Plan B.

Love me some Plan B. What is it?

I hope there's no alarm.



Where does she keep her SD cards?

What do I look like, her personal assistant?

Well, you look like someone who might know where would keep her SD cards.

That's clothes.

Noah: Man, she's so disorganized.


Hey, wait, hold on. Uh, that's Elvish.


Whoa, here they are.

Got it.


Oh, frak. We got the policia. We gotta get out of here.

Now, Emma. Who says she files them neatly?

All right, her room's upstairs, check the rest of the house.



I can't. You do it.


No can do. I feel like Frodo with the ring at Mount Doom.

I mean, what do you think's on there?

I don't know. I...

I don't want to break Audrey's trust, but whatever is on there must make her look really guilty.

Of what?

Murdering four people, including her girlfriend?


Do you have any idea how Japanese gameshow crazy that sounds?

There's one thing I can't shake.


That guy who's been calling me?

He should be rubbing this in my face right now.

But since Audrey was taken in, I haven't heard one thing.




No. Of course not.




Detective Brock wants to see me at the Sheriff's station.

Detective Brock: I know Audrey called you, Emma.

You want to tell me what she said?

She wanted me to call her mom before her dad overreacted and freaked her out.

Her mom is in Boston.

Cancer treatments.

I'm sorry that she's ill.

There was a break-in at Audrey's house today.

You know anything about that?


Look, I get it.

You want to protect your friend.

But what if you're wrong?

I know Audrey.

You never know.

You know, every k*ller is someone's friend.

Someone's family.

If Emma says she doesn't know, she doesn't.

Can we go now?


But if I'm right...

If Audrey goes free and someone else dies, you are just as guilty as she is.


You're free to go.


Are you sure?

I know that this looks bad.

But I can't help feeling that someone wants it to look that way.

You go on. I have to check something.

I'll see you at home.



Take it sleazy, Fitzgerald.

No other way.


Damn it!


How many times has Coach told us not to lift without a spotter?

Here, let me help you with that.


(GRUNTING) Where's the phone and the money, William?

How the hell do I know?

If you try and burn me with that video, they'll find you in pieces in a ditch.




Hey, Stretch.

Decide to take me up on my offer?

(SIGHS) Not yet.

But, I do want to make things right.

And if you help me, I'll give you a story you never saw coming.

Okay, I'm intrigued.

You care to give me a headline?

I'd rather you hear it directly from the source.

Come on.

Are you absolutely sure about this?

I'd rather know than wonder.

I gotta be honest, I still have some moral ambivalence.

Well, no one's making you watch it.

Well, I wouldn't want you to carry that burden all by yourself.

Look, Noah, I just want the truth.

Okay. Truth.

In glorious HD.

Here we go.

Stop filming me!

Rachel: No. You need to see yourself.

You don't even know if Nina did this.

Audrey: Of course she did it!

She has been torturing me my entire life.

Not anymore!

Rachel: If we do this, we are even worse than Nina.

So what, I'm supposed to just keep taking it?

Screw that!

People like Nina dump on everyone and you know what happens to them?


They marry billionaires and wear Prada in their climate-trashing yachts.

Because karma doesn't just happen!

Sometimes, you have to take it into your own hands.

Rachel: Audrey, please!

Tonight, I'm Shiva the Destroyer, and I'm coming for that sorry bitch!

When I'm done, she'll never bully anyone ever again.

I said, turn that off!

Audrey, what did you do?

Why'd you make me watch?

I can't un-see that now. I can't.

It can't be how it looks.

You mean how it looks like premeditated m*rder?

I mean it. I need, like, a Men in Black brain wipe.

She was so angry.

Noah, we both know Audrey.

Yeah, we do.

I always believed Audrey was capable of m*rder, but, like, in an "Isn't my best friend badass, I'll never lose a bar fight" way.

But, this...

Noah. You're wrong.


Just take it and go. Please.

I gotta think, and I don't want it here.

...never bully anyone ever again. I said, turn that off!

Hi. Whatcha doing?

Just thinking, about everything.

I know you're worried about Audrey.

We all care about her. We'll get to the truth.

What if the truth is that my friend is capable of m*rder?

Grab your jacket. We're going out.

Mom, where are we?

This is Nana's old house.

Before the murders.

You wanted answers about what happened that night.

This is where they are.

And why didn't you ever mention this place before?

After the killings, the press wouldn't let the story die, so my family moved away until things settled down.

So they wouldn't figure out that you were Daisy.

Come on.

That was my room.

My swing set was over there.

This is where it began.

Where what began?


Come on.

Oh, my God. That's his house.

And yes, there was a shed in the backyard.

But Bran didn't live in it.


He was so shy.

Maggie: And I was curious.

He used to leave me gifts, carvings, drawings of me.

I wrote him notes.

I think we were just happy to have someone listen.

Brandon wasn't a monster.

He was my friend.

We grew up together.

But in high school, he knew your dad and I were having problems.

Bran came to the dance that night to convince me that I deserved better.

A friend of mine overheard us talking and told your dad.

That's when the fight started.

And the bloodshed.

Mom, there's no way that you could've known that he was gonna snap.

I'm not convinced he did.

But, everybody said that that was...

I know.

I left him a note to meet me on the dock.

But my dad saw me and called the police.

I just wanted to talk to him.

Maggie: When Bran showed up, he was so scared.

(g*n FIRING)

And then, they shot him.

I've always felt that if I had stood up for him, if I had told the police that the person that I knew couldn't have done those things...

He'd still be alive.

Why are you finally telling me this?

Because I don't want you to make the same mistake.

People saw Brandon as a monster.

And I didn't defend him.

If you believe in your heart Audrey couldn't do this, you listen to that.

Or you'll always regret it.


(SIGHS) Hud, why are you still here?

Someone wanted to see you.


I'm ready to talk.

Audrey hated Nina Patterson.

She wanted to teach her a lesson.

She wanted to hurt her.

You do realize that this is going on the record?

Yeah. I hope so.

Because she didn't do it. I stopped her.

You stopped her?

She didn't mention seeing you that night.

Well, she was covering for me.

And why would she do that?

Nina and I both made that video.

I didn't do the release, but the night that it went viral, I went to Audrey to confess.

She had every reason to hate me, but she promised not to tell anyone.

She was lying to protect me.

Emma told me about her part in the video release after Rachel's death.

She felt responsible.

You willing to sign an affidavit?


All right.

I will make a call.

DA agrees with you.

With all the activity at the hospital, the DNA evidence could've been compromised.

You're enjoying this a little too much.

Nah. Just, just enough.

Emma: Hey.

Can't believe you did that.

Are we even yet?

Getting close.

Did you watch it?


Why did you keep it?

What you don't see is after I knocked the camera out of her hands, Rachel took my keys and threw them out of the window.

I was so angry.

I was searching the brush like a lunatic. But...

But she stopped me from doing something terrible that night.

I kept it to remind myself never to lose control like that again. And...

And it's one of the last videos I have of her.

I guess I couldn't let it go.

You don't have to.

Thank you.




I know who you are.

Hello, Mr. Maddox.

Hello, Will.

I don't have your money.

It's not my money.

Then why are we here?

This is all the money you've paid so far, and the last existing copy of the video.

How do I know that for sure?

I give you my word.

I don't have much else right now, but I have that.

Did you watch it?


Give it to me.

I've done a lot of things I'm sorry for in the past year.

I really don't wanna die for doing the right thing.

Not a word of this to anyone.

Remember, there's a k*ller on the loose.


Did you hear all that?

Piper: It's not the story I came for, but it's a hell of a bonus chapter.

You realize he just threatened to make you victim number five, right?


Piper: Hello?

Will: Who's there?

We should go.





It's locked.

We'll find another way out.


Will: Piper! Hey!







Piper! Help!

No... No, no...

No, no!

Audrey: Next time on Scream...

Emma: Will, are you okay?

k*ller: Hello, Emma.

Missing something?

Where is he?

k*ller: New game. Hide and seek.

Emma: What is this place?

Noah: It's not a happy place.

Brooke: I have a feeling something really bad is going on. (GASPS)


Man: Noah!