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03x08 - m*rder She Wrote

Posted: 07/31/15 07:31
by bunniefuu
I don't know what we're supposed to do when Vivian's not in town either.

We probably should've talked about it before she left.


Previously on "Mistresses"...

Maybe we shouldn't tell Vivian about this.

Can it be my decision?


I'm... I'm three years sober.

I know what I must look like, but once I owned up to it, I was free.

What if you knew exactly when and where Luca was gonna cheat next?

What if I got Luca in bed long enough for us to catch it on camera?

Calista: Right. Right. Right.

Joss: Right.

Yeah, yeah. Perfect!

The texts aren't sending.

There's bad reception in the lobby.

There. You're all set. We're gonna nail him.

Come on. Come on.

[Electricity powers down]

Joss: Aah!


[Gasps] Oh, my god!

[Breathing heavily] Luca?

[Whispers] Luca. Oh!

[Cell phone thuds]

Luca? Can you hear me? Oh, my god.


Oh, my god. O... oh, my god.


[Speed dials]

You've reached Calista.

Leave a message, and I'll call you back.

[Beep] Where are you? You need to call me.

Please. Something happened. Please.

[Speed dials]

[Exhales sharply]

[Line rings]

Harry, please pick up. Please, please, please.


Hi. It's Harry. Leave a message,

and I'll call you back...



[Keys clatter] Calista!

[Door locks, switch clicks]

[Switch clicks]

[Switch clicks]

[Switch clicks]

Karen! Karen? [Switch clicks]



Fancy meetin' you here.

You can't sleep either, huh?

[Chuckles] I bet you miss Scotty.

I do, actually.

I've grown used to his tiny-man snores.

[Liquid pours]

But I always have a hard time sleeping.

Insomnia's kind of my thing.

Lucky you.

Oh, it's not so bad.

Gives me some time to ponder the meaning of life and come up with iPhone apps that haven't been invented yet.

Frankly, I'm closer to solving the meaning of life.

You still upset about your mom?

[Inhales deeply] A little.

I'm also dreading telling Blair.

He's gonna be so disappointed.

Well, no offense, but I'm not sure Blair's disappointment is worth keeping you up at night.

I mean, are you guys even really that serious?

I don't know.

Hey, how's Harry?

Harry? He... he's great. Why?

How can he be great?

He and Joss just broke up, and she's devastated.

I thought we were talking about you and Blair.

Now we're talking about Harry and Joss.

Why is he great?

Uh, he's not. He's just...

You know, he's fine.

No, you didn't say "fine." You said "great."

Uh... look, April, uh... men and women tend to... deal with breakups differently.

I'm... sure you know this.

Differently how?

Oh, in the way we express... sadness.

You know, women tend to be sadder... longer.

So you're saying Harry's not sad?

I'm not saying that at all. I'm sure he's sad.

That's probably why he's acting out.

Acting out how?

Is Harry already dating another woman?

Dating? No. Definitely not.

But he had sex with another woman.


Uh, I really, really can't say.

Ow! Ow! Ow, ow, ow!

Niko. Niko.

He slept with Niko.

Who the hell is Niko?

[Exhales deeply]

What is wrong with men?!

April, you cannot say anything. This is serious bro code stuff.

[Scoffs] I'm not gonna break your stupid-ass code.

You think I wanna hurt Joss?

But damn! I am really disappointed in him.

I thought Harry was better than that.

I know. Me, too.

Y'all are pathetic. Predictable and pathetic.

Why you mad at me? I didn't do anything.


[Gasps softly]

[Sighs deeply]

What the hell? [Keys clatter]

Why are all the lights on?

Oh, my god.

Joss, what happened?

Did he hurt you?

I need to know what happened.

I don't know. He...

What did Luca do?

[Inhales deeply] He died.

[Whispers] What?

Someone k*lled him while I was in the house.

I was upstairs. The lights went out. He was...

[Inhales sharply] He was lying on the stairs. I...

There was so much blood, Karen.

Okay. Breathe.

[Cries] I want you to breathe.

[Exhales loudly, sniffles]

Where is Calista?

I don't know. I... I... I...

Her phone keeps going to voicemail.

I don't know if she's hurt. I don't know. [Sniffles]

Did you call the police?

I was too afraid.

That's okay. [Sniffles]

But we're gonna call them now. Together, okay?

[Whispers] Okay.

Okay? I'm here.

[Sighs] Don't worry. I'm here.

[Siren whoops]

[Police radio chatter]

[Camera shutter clicks]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Chatter continues]

[Siren wailing]

[Radio chatter, camera shutter clicking]

Who's... who's in charge? Who's in charge here?

Hi. I am Detective Libby Whitehead.

You the owner of this house?

Yes, I am.

What happened? Tell me what happened.

That would make you... Calista Raines?

Wife of Luca Raines?

Yes. What happened?

Would you come with me, please, so that we can speak privately?

Why do we need to speak privately? What's going on?

Just please, tell me what happened.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Raines, but your husband was shot tonight.

He was... shot?


Is... is he dead?

He was pronounced dead when we arrived on the scene.

[Camera shutter clicks]


How did... who called...

We are still gathering information, Mrs. Raines.

Whoa. Okay. You need some air?

You know what? Let get you outside. Okay?


[Radio chatter continues]

Okay, and this is your direct number or your assistant's?

That's my cell phone.

Okay, look, I'm gonna get Officer Krebbs to take you where you need to go.

Is there someplace that you can stay tonight?

A friend or family that you can go to?

The Château is fine.

[Door closes]


Joss: Where are you? You need to call me.

Please. Something happened.

So you had a sexual relationship with Mr. Raines?

No, I was pretending to make out with him so we could catch him cheating.


Yes. Me and Calista.

You're saying Mrs. Raines was aware of the fact that you were in bed with her husband this evening.

That was the plan.

Look, I know it sounds crazy, but it...

I'm just making sure I'm getting down the facts correctly.

Can we finish this in the morning, when we all have clearer heads?

Unless you need anything else from us right now?

This is enough for my initial report.

Thank you, Detective.

In the meantime, I'll need the clothes you were wearing tonight.

My clothes?

Yeah. Sure.

You two are roommates?

This is my place.

Joss has just been staying with me for a while.

And your last name again?

Kim. Karen Kim.

I, uh, I took a shower.

In your clothes.

I wasn't thinking clearly.

We'll be in touch.

[Door opens]

[Locks door]

[Sighs] You did great.

I... I don't even know what I just said. I...

What the hell was that? Why did they need my clothes?

They're probably going to test for g*nsh*t residue.

g*nsh*t residue?

Oh, my god. They think I did it.

So I missed a call from Joss.

Oh, yeah? What'd she say?

She didn't leave a message.

I don't know if I should call her back or what.

You know, I wouldn't.

What's there to talk about, really?

You guys are supposed to be broken up, right?

Oh, that's true. I just...

I don't know. Women are confusing.

Yeah, try living with one.

I did. I was married, remember?

Oh, yeah. Well, I never have, and, uh, I'm finding it, uh, very enlightening.

Oh, yeah?


Enlightening how?

Well, like how April's this total mess of contradictions.

I mean, for someone who's got it together so tight, man, you should see how she fawns over this blowhard Blair.

Dude is unbelievably arrogant and also crazy boring at the same time.

It makes no sense why she's into him.

Sounds like you might be into her.



Oh, that's good 'cause, uh... she might be a bit out of your league, mate. No offense.

Okay, okay, I'll have you know I've enjoyed my fair share of beautiful women.

But it never ceases to amaze me how easily they fall for the classic douche with the $100 haircut and tricked out cars.

Scott bought Joss a Tesla.

My point exactly.

You know, maybe you shouldn't focus so much on, uh, understanding women as, you know... [clicks tongue] having sex with one of them.

Okay, dude.

No, I'm saying this as a friend, mate.

How long has it actually been?

I don't know. Not that long.

Really? How long have you been living in another woman's home and sharing your bunk bed with your 6-year-old nephew?

Well, Scotty's with my mom for the week, so I've got the bunk bed all to myself.

Okay, yeah.

Some sex would be good.


Soccer practice after school?

Yep. See you later, Mom.


[Door closes]


You look happy.

Blair, hi!

Must've gone well with your mom.

Um, actually, it was a disaster.

My mom and I got into a huge fight, and she left early.

But I still think her visit was a good thing.

Lucy and I are in a much better place.

And for that, I am eternally grateful.

Well, I'm sorry about you and your mom.

Uh, maybe I can make up for that error in judgment.

Guess who got floor seats to the Lakers game tonight.

Floor seats?


Hello, Mr. Fancy.


Perks of being a headmaster at a private school.

Laker kids.


Any chance I can interest you and Lucy in joining me?

Me and Lucy?

Unless you think it's too soon to include her.

I don't want to rush that step. I know it's important.

I don't think we're rushing.

I... I think it feels right on time.


[Cell phone rings]

That's weird.

It's a little early for Karen to be calling me.


Answer it. I'll text you later.




Hey, Karen.

The body of Luca Raines was discovered early this morning.

At this point, no arrests have been made.

Local law enforcement are still gathering evidence.

Back to you, Donna.

[Changing channels]


You'd think that more news outlets would be covering this.

Here. Drink this. It'll calm your nerves.

[Exhales sharply]

Have you heard from Calista yet?

No, which is weird.

[Sets down mug]

But I'm just... I'm glad she's okay.

I honestly thought she might be dead.

[Cell phone rings]


The fact the police haven't called me yet... that's good, right?

It means they probably found the real k*ller.

If they really thought it was me, wouldn't they have called me by now?

Try to stop spinning, Joss.

I know how you're feeling. Believe me, I've been there.

Yeah, but Elizabeth confessed to k*lling Sam right away.

You were never really a suspect, were you?

The police made me feel like I was, even with her confession.

There's so much red tape.

[Turns off TV]

It takes a lot longer than you think.

[Remote clatters]

I still can't believe this is happening.

I mean, it just doesn't... doesn't feel real, you know?

It's gonna be okay.

Is it bad that I wanna call Harry?

I mean, I... I called him. He didn't call me back.

And I know we're broken up.

I just feel like this is special circumstances.

If that will make you feel better.

Or maybe you shouldn't.

Why shouldn't I?

Just... because, you know?

No, I don't know. What's going on?

In... in the grand scheme of things, I don't even think it really matters.

Tell me, April. What?


Harry slept with some girl.


What girl?

I think her name is... Niko?

[Sighs] Unbelievable.

I'm so sorry. Should I not have told you?

I just didn't want you calling him and feeling worse about everything.

[Cell phone ringing]

No, no, I'm just... I'm I'm glad you told me.

I'm just literally in a state of shock right now.




Karen. Come on. Answer your phone.


It's okay. It's just Vivian.

No, go and deal with your life, okay?

I'm just gonna be sitting here, watching TMZ.

It's not like you can do anything for me right now anyway.

Man on TV: The singer has so many girlfriend admirers...

I'll watch TMZ with you.

Just last night, two of them...

Hey, Vivian.


So you were having a drink at the Ace Hotel at 1:30 in the morning.

You usually out that late on a weeknight?

I... I work seven days a week. Every night is a weeknight.

Okay. And you were alone?

I was with my friend Denise. I already told you that.

Right. Denise. Hairstylist. Sorry.

Just... notes are all kind of mixed up here.

Okay, so let's move on to your publicist, Josslyn Carver.

Joss is my party planner.

My publicist is Lauren Sweeney.

I will make a note.

So... about this plan that you and Joss hatched...

What plan?

Detective Cannon took a statement from Josslyn last night where she mentioned a plan that you and she made to catch your husband cheating.

I'm sorry. I have no idea what you're talking about.

You had no idea that Josslyn Carver was in bed with your husband last night?

I don't believe that to be true.

You don't believe?

What if I showed you a tape that could prove it were true?

I'd have to see it to believe it.

Joss would never do something like that to me.

Sit tight, Mrs. Raines. I'll be right back.

Seriously, how gorgeous is she?

8 pounds. That's big, isn't it?

I think it's pretty average.

Oh, I bet it doesn't feel average when you're pushing it out of your hoo-ha.

Vivid, honey. Thank you for that image.


[Sighs] Are you okay?

Did I drive you crazy leaving you so many messages?

Not at all. I'm sorry I couldn't answer, but I've just been so preoccupied.

But I do wanna hear about your trip.

Ah, it's pretty much all baby stuff.

What about you guys? What'd you do while I was gone?

Not much. Was on call. Poker game.

Karen and I had lunch.

That's nice.

Hey, talk to me about your friend.

Is there anything I can do?

Ali knows a few good lawyers.

I can't tell if we're there yet.

And I don't wanna make Joss any more anxious than she already is.

But I am worried that she's in over her head.

She's got you, which means she's already at an advantage.

I missed you.

I missed you more.

[TV playing indistinctly]

[Sighs deeply] [Changes channel]

Oh, April, you really don't have to clean up after me.

I'll do it later. [Changes channel]

[Dishes clatter] I don't mind.

[Cell phone rings]

[Turns off TV]



Uh... This is Josslyn.

Right now?

Uh, sure. Bye.


They want me to come down to the station.

I'm going with you.

No, no, no. I...

I don't know how long that's gonna take.

And I don't want you to miss your Lakers game.

Don't be crazy.

It's not like you can go in the room with me.

I promise you, I'll call you when I'm done, okay?


Hey. You're not allowed to be more scared than me.

[Voice breaking] I can't help it.

You're my family, Joss. I love you.

Oh, honey.

I love you, too.

Yeah, that's, uh, nice. Very smooth.

Isn't it? It's distilled from a combination of organic potatoes and the finest grains.

Potatoes, huh? That's, uh...

That's very, uh, interesting.

But you know what?

Marc is actually the best man to make this decision.

He's my top bartender. Hey, Marc?

Yo! You got a sec?

Mm. Have you guys met? Marc, this is Ever.

We have definitely never met. I would remember you.

You just stole my line.


So what are we selling today... Ever?

Only the finest vodka money can buy.

But, uh, you don't have to pay me.

One of my favorite sentences right there.

Talk to me about this vodka.


Uh... Oh, look. The tap is on.

[Clears throat] Excuse me.

Why don't you try it?

And then you tell me what you think.

Mm, that's too easy.

Get me drunk, and I'll buy anything.

I prefer to be drawn in. Seduced, if you will.

Describe how it tastes, how it makes you feel.

Well, I would be happy to seduce you.

Why don't we start with the fact that we use the oldest legal distillery in the country?

The oldest?


[Telephone ringing, indistinct conversations]

Josslyn Carver?


Follow me, please.

[Sighs] Thanks, April. I'm on my way home now, so I'll be there when she gets back.

Sounds good. Okay.

Viv's on the phone with her sister.

I gotta get back to the hospital, so...

See you there?

Uh, actually, I need to be home for Joss tonight, so...

Right. Well... maybe tomorrow, then.


I hope you didn't keep anything from Vivian because of me.

[Sighs] Like I said, I'm happy to follow your lead.

I didn't lie for you.

I lied 'cause I don't want to hurt my wife.

I don't wanna hurt her either.

I know you don't. I... I'm not mad at you, Karen.

It's just... [sighs] this whole situation...

I know.

[Speaks inaudibly]

[Both speaking inaudibly]

Good luck with your friend.

Hmm. Okay. And how much time would you say took place between the power being cut and you finding Luca?

Okay, just to be clear, I didn't realize that the power was cut. I thought it was a blackout.

So between the blackout and you getting downstairs, was it one minute, two minutes?

I... I don't know. Maybe... two minutes?

I was looking for my shoes, and it was dark.

Why'd you need your shoes?

Because they're my shoes.

They're a little on the pricey side.

Were you afraid that Calista might find them?

Of course not.

No, because Calista knew that you were there the whole time.

Yes. Right.

[Sighs] Is this frustrating for you?

No. I... I just...

I... I feel like I'm saying the same exact thing over and over again, that's all.

Well, your story is mostly consistent, but... see, when we showed the video of you and Mr. Raines in the bedroom, Mrs. Raines appeared so shocked.

She... what?

And deeply hurt, I might add.

That's crazy. Calista was a part of the plan the whole time.

Part of the plan to k*ll Luca?


No. I...

What was the plan, then?

Okay, I... I... I think I... I want a lawyer present.

That's okay. We're done for the time being.

You're free to leave. But I wouldn't go too far.
[Laughs] Do you guys think we have a chance of seeing Ashton Kutcher?

Well, I've seen him at games before.

I've also seen Justin Timberlake.

I will die.

I remember the first basketball game I ever went to.

I was 7 or 8, and my dad warned me that we were gonna be sitting in the nosebleed section.

[Cell phone buttons clicking]

But I had no idea what that meant, so the whole ride over, I was terrified that my nose was gonna start bleeding when we got to the game.

[Both laugh]

Lucy, your mother is talking.

Oh, that's okay.

Don't you think you should listen when your mom's telling a story?

I am listening.

Put the phone away.



You were saying?

Oh. I was finished, actually.

Why would Calista lie like that?

It makes no sense.

Maybe she didn't lie.

Maybe the police are just saying that.

They could be using you to get to her, or vice versa.


You don't know.

You should've seen the way she looked at me.

It was so weird, and the fact that she didn't call me back, Karen?


What? Maybe what?

Well, look at it from her perspective.

You were the last person to be seen with her husband.

Maybe she thought things got rough?

What? Do you...

Do you think that she thinks that I k*lled Luca?

I don't know. I'm just trying to put myself in her position.

[Cell phone rings]


Oh, finally.

Wilson, hi.

[Whispers] Calista's assistant.

[Normal voice] Yes! Yeah, I'd...

I'd be happy to meet her.

No, I... I would love to meet her. Where?

[Scribbles] Okay. I'm on my way.

Do you need me to come with you?

[Paper rips]

No. This I can handle.

Oh. Hi.

Hi. Who... are you?

I'm Vivian.

You must be Joss.

Oh, my god! You're Vivian! It's...

It's so nice to meet you.

Mm. I wish that I could stay, but I...

You've got things. I know.


Have a good night.

Totally get it, by the way.

I like her.

Everyone does.

I'm sorry to barge in on you like this.

It's just... [inhales deeply] can we talk?

(Imperial Mammoth):
♪ I can't let you go ♪
♪ I wanna love you, wanna love you ♪

♪ feels like 80 years ago ♪

[Cell phone alert chimes]

♪ But I'm still coming for you, coming for you ♪

Yo. [Pats bar top]


Send a good bubbly over to table 3, would you?

Dude, Ever wants to come over after work.




[Laughs] Yes! [Clears throat]

[Whispers] I mean, excellent.

No, it's not excellent.

I can't exactly bring her back to April's house.

And something tells me L.A. ladies aren't too keen on hooking up in a motor home.

Yes, they're a snobby breed. It's true.

[Inhales deeply] All right, know what?

You can use my place.

That's... I can't do that.

There's a spare key under the paint can by the garage.

Knock yourself out.


You're the best, eh?

[Strained voice] That's awkward.

I promise to make it fast, man.

Okay. [Chuckles]


Is everything okay? I wasn't expecting you.

Did something happen with you and Alec while I was away?

You always cut right to the chase.

Byproduct of thinking I was gonna die.

No time to waste.

So... did you two have sex?

Did Alec say that?

No, but he's been acting strange ever since I got home, and you've been acting strange.

But I know you've got so much happening with Joss, so I wasn't sure if maybe I was being paranoid.

You're not being paranoid.

[Exhales deeply]


I guess I was kinda hoping I was wrong.

I'm sorry.

I should've said something earlier, but I thought it was Alec's place.

And honestly, I wasn't even sure if it mattered.

Of course it matters.

Are you angry?




I just feel gross. I don't know why, but I do.

Vivian, please don't go.

I wish you weren't so beautiful, Karen.

Sometimes I think I'm jealous of that.

We should all talk this out together.


But not right now.

Right now I just wanna go home.


I'm telling you, he is an incredibly famous actor.

That old guy? I've never seen him.

"A Few Good Men." "The Shining."

No idea what you're talking about.

[April laughs]

But thanks again for the seats.

You're welcome, Lucy.

Yes, thank you. It was amazing.

Well, I'm glad you had fun.

Is something wrong?


Well, yes. I feel like I should just say it so it doesn't become a thing.

Although now it already feels like a thing, which is silly, because it is so not.

Tell me what's on your mind.

I want you to always be honest with me.

I feel like you were a little hard on Lucy about the texting thing.

Disciplining her should be my job.

Well, I agree.

[Dog barking in distance]

I was surprised when you didn't say anything.

Didn't it bother you what she was doing?

I mean, yeah, a little, but it's such a minor offense.

Considering everything we've been through lately, why upset her?

Well, I apologize if I crossed a line.

I... I raised my daughter before texting was invented, so I may have overreacted.

But I don't think you should worry about Lucy being upset with you.

She's about to be a teenager.


Being upset with you is gonna be her full-time job.

I know.

Boundaries are critical at this age.

You must do this for a living or something.

Or something.


Don't worry. I'm not sleeping over.

I wish you could.

It's just that...

No, it's cool.

I have a dog who will pee everywhere if I don't get home soon.

Why do you have a picture of Harry Davis on your shelf?

Hmm? Oh, that's, uh...

[Gasps] This is Harry Davis' apartment, isn't it?

Uh, this is gonna seem strange, but, uh, my place is being fumigated.

[Gasps] Is this Harry Davis' bed?

I wish you wouldn't keep saying his whole name like that.

You don't understand.

I've had a crush on him since I pitched him Jagermeister at Savannah's kitchen.

He was married then.

Is he...

He's not.

So he's single?

Look, I'm still naked here, so maybe...

Right. No, I... I'm sorry.

I'm just so excited.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Um, well, that was fun!

You were fun!


You're his bartender, right?


That is so cool.

Good for you.

Well, um, maybe, uh... put in a good word to him for me?

If you want.

No pressure. [Giggles]

Okay, bye.


[Cell phone rings, remote control clicks]



Hi, Alec.

Yep. Be right there.



[Sets down glass]

[Siren wailing in distance]

[Sighs] Hey.


Close the door.

You all right?

No, I am not all right.

[Scoffs] I'm not all right.


And neither are you.

We're being investigated for m*rder now.

I know.

Mm. What did you tell the cops?

I told them the truth.

Why would you do that?

What do you mean?

I didn't know where you were. I was worried about you.

I was at the Ace Hotel getting drunk, what any normal person would do when they allow their best friend to go and make out with their husband.

Okay, but you didn't tell me that you were gonna do that, so I was...

And you didn't tell me that he was gonna end up k*lled.

I didn't k*ll him.


I know.

[Exhales] Okay, good, because I just wanna make sure that you don't think that.

All right, well, now we have a situation.

Yeah. I know. But maybe if you just tell the truth...

Are you crazy?

I'm gonna tell them that I was part of a... a scam to trick my cheating husband so I don't have to pay him alimony?

I'm practically giving them a motive, plus I will be crucified in the press.

Yeah, but it...

But... but nothing.

I already gave them my story. I can't change it now.

Okay, so where exactly does that leave me?

Why did you tell them the truth?

I'm sorry! I've never been in a situation like this before!

We need to get you a lawyer.

We need to get you a good lawyer.

I will pay for everything.

I don't want you to pay for a lawyer for me, Calista.

I want you to be my friend.

Look, they have nothing on you.

You have no motive.

You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Yeah, but they think that I'm lying. Do you understand?

And you refusing to tell the truth makes me look like I'm lying.

I understand that, but do you understand that I have no choice?

No, you do have a choice. You absolutely have a choice.

I know it makes things harder for you, but...

I am not going down for this because you're too stupid to keep your mouth shut.

Oh, don't. I didn't mean it like that.

I can help you.

I don't want your help.


[Door closes]

[Engine starts]

Alec: Stop. Stop.

God, you're the one that got us into this mess.

Vivian: Got you into this mess?


That... that's what we're going with?


I didn't know you were an unwilling participant in this relationship.


I cannot believe you went to her without me.


Don't you do that to her.

This is not Karen's fault.

I went to her because I knew that she and I could have a measured conversation, whereas I knew you would immediately become defensive.

I'm not defensive. I'm angry.

I understand why you're upset.

And for the record, I wouldn't be angry if you'd at least come to me first.

Aren't I at least owed that?

But you were the one who made the decision to lie to me.

Stop! Everyone, stop!

[Sighs] It doesn't matter how this all came out.

What matters is how we deal with things moving forward.


We need to establish some rules so no one ever gets hurt like this again.

Good idea. Honestly, I think I was more upset about the fact that you both felt the need to keep this from me.

That makes perfect sense.

I'm sorry. What in the hell are you two talking about?

I had sex with another woman when you were out of town, and the only thing you're mad about is I didn't tell you?

Do you know how insane that sounds?

You've been having sex with another woman for weeks, Ali.

That's obviously not the issue.

Well, I think it is. It is for me.

I can't do this anymore.


No, I'm done.

It's too much.

I'm scared.

Karen, you know how much I care about you, and obviously I'm very attracted to you.

But, Vivian, you are my wife.

I chose you to spend the rest of my life with.

And I'm worried the longer we stay in this, whatever this is, everything we have may fall apart.

I think we've been falling apart for a while, Ali.

That's not true.

Before Karen came into our lives, you and I were practically roommates.

We both know a marriage can't survive the way we were.

Without Karen, I'm not sure it won't go back to being the same.

Oh, I'm betting on us.

I think we can find our way back.

At least... I wanna try.

Don't you?


No, Vivian.

[Voice breaking] It's okay.

He's right.


[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Knock on door]


I come bearing breakfast.

Hmm. You wouldn't have any chocolate chips lying around, would you?

Yeah, in the cupboard.

Sit, sit, sit. I got it.


[Cabinet door opens, chocolate chips rustling]

Lucy: You're back.

Oh, you were doubting my waffle skills last night, so I came to prove you wrong... unless you don't like chocolate chips.

No, I like 'em.

[April chuckles]

Mm, I thought you might.

[Cell phone rings]


It's Joss. Give me two minutes.

Take your time. [Whispers] Sit.

[Dish clatters]

[Smacks lips]

[Dish clatters]

Here you go, Lucy.

Thank you.

[Sighs deeply]

You know, I'm proud of you.

For what?

Keeping up your end of the bargain.

A happy home is a 2-way street.

The more you treat your mom with respect, the easier it'll be for your mom to do the same.

Yeah, that makes sense.

[Fork clatters]

[Plates and utensils rattle]

Mnh-mnh. You don't reach.

[Sets down bottle]

You ask.

"May I please have the syrup?"

May I please have the syrup?

Of course.

[Utensils clattering]

Hey. You're bloody late.

I had a night.

Did ya? [Laughs]

All right, let's hear it.

Unfortunately, it wasn't exactly the night I was hoping for, but, uh, she did... [inhales deeply] ask me to give you her number.



Oh, mate. Sorry.

Oh, these things happen.

You know I would never go there, right?

Oh, it doesn't matter. It's not so much about her.

It's... it's more the fact that you were right.

Really? What was I right about?

The other day, when you called me a loser.

What are you talking about? I never called you a loser.

I had to use your apartment to get laid.

I mean, that's the basic definition of loser.

[Magazine thuds]

[Sighs] I mean, the point is, why would April ever go for a guy like me?

I got nothing.

Come on, mate. You got plenty...

What? Wait a minute.

[Tools clink]

Pretty sure you said you didn't have feelings for April.

Even if I did, it doesn't matter.

She's all about that Blair guy.

And why shouldn't she be? He's got everything figured out.

He takes her to nice dinners and whatever.

He's much more her speed.

Not if he's a douche.

Yeah, well, maybe he's not.

Maybe I'm just jealous, you know? Who knows?


You're being way too hard on yourself here, mate.

Come on. Just relax.

Have a beer.

[Cap clicks]

[Cap clatters]

And the way she turned it all around, it was literally genius.

I was up all night long, thinking that I did the wrong thing, that maybe me telling the truth was a mistake.

That's crazy.

It... it is crazy.

But that's what crazy people are good at... making you feel like you're the crazy one.

Well, we knew about the plan. We can corroborate your story.

Yeah, oh, my best friends corroborating my story.

I don't think that's gonna fly.

Was there anyone else who knew?

No, I only told you guys.

I can't imagine she told anyone.

Although there... there was the guy who installed the camera.

We were both there when he did it.

He could at least verify that much.

Well, maybe that's enough to cast some doubt on Calista's version of things. What company did you use?

Oh! I... I don't know. It was one of her guys.

Do you remember anything?

A business card? A logo on his shirt?

No, I... I... nothing. I don't even remember what he looked like.

A credit card would show the transaction.

You could subpoena those records.

She always pays in cash. I'm so screwed!

What kind of a person does something like this?

People with Cluster B personality disorder.

Please don't shrink out on me right now, Karen. In English.

It's a form of narcissism.

People who are excessively preoccupied with power, prestige, and vanity can become mentally unable to see the destructive damage they're causing to themselves or others.

So, what? She's some kind of sociopath?

Technically, no.

Oh, my god! She's totally a sociopath.

Well, you know what else sociopaths do? k*ll people.

Wait. I did not say...

No, I'm saying that.

What if Calista is the k*ller?

No, you guys, it totally makes sense.

I mean, it makes absolute sense.

She hated Luca. She eally hated him.

He was gonna take everything from her in the divorce.

If that's not a motive, I don't know what is.


And then that night?

Guys, I was texting her and texting her to see if we got everything that we needed on the camera, and she just never responded.

What? What do you mean?

I texted her a few times, and she didn't write back. And then... [slaps palm] .. the lights went out.

Oh, my god.

What if she was in the house the whole time?

What if the reason that she didn't write me back was because she was too busy cutting the power, getting ready to k*ll Luca?

Do you really think she's capable of that?

I don't know. I really don't know.

[Nia's "Made For You" playing]

♪ And for so long I've waited ♪
♪ heard your lonely call ♪
♪ heard it across the ocean ♪
♪ through a hundred-million walls ♪
♪ and I was made ♪
♪ for you ♪
♪ and I was made ♪
♪ for you ♪