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03x07 - Ejecta

Posted: 07/31/15 04:27
by bunniefuu
Big Jim: Three weeks ago, an invisible dome crashed down on Chester's Mill, cutting us off from the rest of the world. The dome has tested our limits, forcing each of us to confront our own personal demons... rage... grief... fear.

My God.

(people exclaiming)

Now, in order to survive, we must battle our most dangerous adversary... the enemy within.

Do you remember what we talked about?

What you need to do for Barbie?

I'll do whatever it takes.

Christine and Eva are using you.

They want you to become like them.

Barbie's not the same.

And Aktaion's all dead.

We're on our own.




I'm sorry, but I'll never be able to be who you want.

Norrie: What happened?

I was supposed to meet Sam.

Why should you forgive him?

He k*lled Angie!

You should've told him to go screw himself.

This is you.

You're back.

Your fourth cervical vertebra is fractured.

You'll never walk again.

If it's what's best, then I want to do it.


Let's get him the hell out of here!

What happened?

Get me to the caves.

Bring me Sam.

(high-pitched pulsing)

Hey, what are you...


Eva: Dale! Dale, help!



I'm on my way!

Dale, don't do this. Dale!


Audrey, no!

What the hell are you doing?

There's no one to guide us.

I need to jump.

Stop! You don't want to do this.



(pulsing continues)

It's a sh**ting star.

Those can't all be sh**ting stars.

Julia: Here, boy, Indy.

That all you got?

You got to put your gut into it.


He's a dog; he can hear us.

I'm trying not to scare him away.

Indy's not a liberal.

He doesn't get scared of everything.



Indy! (gasps)

Pink stars?

Oh, don't start with that crap again.

Jim, look.

What the hell?

sh**ting stars burn out.

Did that star just hit us?

Oh, my God.

Looks like a meteor!

Barbie: Well, at least, the pink stars seem to calm everyone down.

Audrey said, "There's no one to guide us."

She must have meant Christine.

Well, where is she?

I don't know, but until she shows up, we have to make sure the town stays safe.

(distant rumbling)

Was that the dome?

Tell me it'll protect us from the meteors.

It held against the largest non-nuclear ordnance the military has.

A meteor impact is thousands of times stronger.

Yes, it is.

There must be something we can do.

You're not one to sit around and do nothing.

I'll go to the fire tower.

I mean, that's got a view of the whole town.

So I can survey the damage, see if the dome held everywhere.

When do we leave?

Whoa, we?

If it's safe enough for you, it's safe enough for me.


So we go to the fire marshal's office.

We get the key.

Key gets us access into the tower.

"Rusty loves Linda."

Barbie: Yeah, Linda was our sheriff.

She died when the dome was magnetized.

The dome held.

And what if this has happened everywhere?

You saw how many meteors there were.

Some will survive.

Yes, some will survive the initial impact, but then the debris that was kicked up into orbit, that'll rain down.

And then the sun will disappear behind a dust cloud, and then comes the firestorm.

How do you know all this?

I'm an anthropologist.

We study extinction level events.

Yeah, well, you could be wrong.

I could be, but I'm not.

The debris is falling now.

I always thought the end would be caused by us.

Nuclear w*r, global warming.

The brick wall seen coming but slammed into anyway.

All those people.

Billions of them.

You know, we spent so much time trying to figure out how to get out of this thing, and now, if only we could figure out a way to get someone inside.

The red door.


It's a way in. We can get word out.

We got to get to Bird Island.

Why do you want to go to Bird Island?

Aktaion's there.

They have to be communicating with the outside world.

There is a way in, okay?

I know. I've been through it before.

That's a long shot that it's still standing, but for anyone that's alive out there, it's the only shot that they have.

That might not be a good idea.

Eva, where's the key?

What key?

The key for the hatch.

I thought you had it.

No, I stuck it right here.

Did it fall?

Start looking. We got to find the key.

(metal snapping)

Damn it!

Maybe it's a good thing we're stuck.

How is that a good thing?

If you were able to get a message to the outside world, you and I both know what would happen.

It'd be chaos.

People would do horrific things to one another to get through that door.

And those are the people who would make it in.

People like Big Jim or Julia.

People only interested in themselves.

We-we can deal with those people.

The real problem is: How do you feed them?

The thousand, 10,000 that would come through.

Our-our resources are already stretched thin.

You're a good man, Dale.

You want to do what's right, but look out there.

This is no longer about right or wrong.

This is about survival.

The survival of this town.

Yeah, but you can't let everybody on the outside just die without trying to do something.

So many burdens.

So much weight on your shoulders.

It can all go away.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about... no more worry.

No more fear.

No more doubt.

You can be free, like me.

In the process, join something greater.

You can evolve.

Do you feel it, Dale?

The pull?

I know you can, just as I do.

That's the kinship.

There's harmony there.

There's peace.


You'll still be you.

With all your thoughts and desires.

You still have desires, don't you?


Did you hide this?


Dale, where are you going?

To Bird Island.


Norrie: Was that...?

A meteor impact.

Yeah, like the one that k*lled all the dinosaurs.

(dome creaking)

Is the dome cracking?

Hunter: What the hell's going on?

We don't know.

But it's like an apocalypse out there.

No. I meant, why did you bring me here?

Eva was gonna k*ll you.

But I wanted her to.

How can you even say that?

It's best for the kinship.

I'm using up all the pain medication.

What if others get sick?

The group's survival comes first.

Your medication must be wearing off.

The pain's making you say this.

I'm not in pain, and I know exactly what I'm saying.

If you weren't so selfish, you'd understand.

Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hunter, you can't leave.


Help! In the Sweetbriar!

I need help!

Just shut up!

You want to die?



Get off...

Help! Help!


Let's lock him in the freezer.

(muffled shouting)

Norrie: Shut up.

I can't believe he's pissed about us trying to save his life.

Julia said there's something inside of us... and it must be that that's making him act like this.

We're infected.


More giant-ass meteors?

Secondary impacts.

When debris from the first impact comes raining back down.

It's called "ejecta."

Or, you know, maybe it's... you know, not that.

So you're telling me that those seizures that we had when we said "the pink stars are falling..." meant that we were prophesying the end of the world?


I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.

Even if we survive whatever's infecting us, the whole world is gone.

There's no future for us.

We have nothing to look forward to.

Maybe we should just join them.

The kinship?

No way.

What's the point, Joe?

This entire town was infected in those cocoons.

The kinship has won.

No, it hasn't.

We resisted.

(door opens, bell chimes)

Stay down. Be quiet.

Just stay here.


Joe, stop!

I'm not gonna hurt you.

What are you two doing here?

Hunter (muffled): Help!


Is someone in there?

You're not taking him.

Taking who?

What's going on?

Did Junior and Eva send you?

Are you a part of the kinship?

No. Not after what they did to Abby.

And I take it from the fact that you have someone in the freezer you're not part of the kinship, either.

Joe: After everything you've done, why should we listen to anything you say?

Because I k*lled Christine.

If Christine's dead, does that mean the infection's gone?

I don't know.

What infection?

No way, Norrie.

I still don't trust him. He k*lled Angie, and now he's k*lled again.


What Sam did to Angie is unforgivable.

But we're all fugitives from the kinship.

And there's not many of us.

(Hunter moans)

Why is he gagged?

Joe: Because he wouldn't stop yelling.

Norrie: We took him from Eva because she was trying to k*ll him, which he said he wanted.

(grunts, gasps)

I won't yell.

I don't want them to find me.

Thank you for saving my life.

Looks like you broke a couple ribs during the fall, as well.

You'll heal, but it's gonna take a while.

We didn't bring any pain medication.


This will get you through a few hours.

Do you remember what happened?

Eva told me I was using up too many resources.

That it would be best if I died.

I said, "Okay."

What made you change your mind?

I don't know, it's weird.

I... I remember thinking that all I cared about was the kinship.

That it felt more important than my own life.

But it doesn't now?

I don't want to die.

It's good to have you back, Hunter.


Sam: Get in the freezer.

They won't look for you if they find me.

Go. Go, go, go, go.

(Hunter groaning)

Hey. Hey.

Why are you doing this?

I can never make up for what I did to you, but I can protect you.

Give you a chance to fight back against whatever's happening to us.

Whatever you hear, don't come out.

(bell on door chiming)


(freezer door closes)

All clear.

(freezer door opens)

Told you they'd be gone.

I heard the door chime again.

Who do you think was here?

I don't know, but Sam saved our asses.

The sun rose.

At least there's that.


How you feeling?

Any better?



Drink this, it'll help.

(Norrie shrieks, Joe grunts)

You're keeping me from doing my duty for the kinship.

Take me back to Town Hall or I'll scream.

Yeah, and we'll put you back in the freezer and gag you.

Why is he acting like this again?

Uh... I don't know.

Hunter, no!

Hey, man, s...

Get back!

Stay back.

Calm down, Hunter.

I swear, if you come any closer...


You want me to calm down?!

Norrie: Stop!

You are keeping me from doing my duty.



Where are they going?

I don't know.

But look at them.

They look like ants marching in a line, doing whatever Queen Christine ordered them to.

Just a bunch of mindless drones, only caring about her kinship.


Don't let me get like that.

We're in this together.

All the way to the bitter, apocalyptic end.

(chuckles softly)

I was thinking about Hunter.

He got all Freaky Friday again right after Sam gave him another one of those pain pills.

When he's in pain, he's as normal as Hunter will ever be.

When he's on the meds, he's like one of those drones outside.

Hunter: Joe.


Oh, God.

Should we take bets on which Hunter we're gonna get?

I don't know, but if it's drone boy, we're screwed.


Norrie, please, help me.

The pain is back. I'm scared.

What the hell is going on with you?

I think it's fear.

What do you mean?

When I was eight, I... was in a car accident with my mom.

I was right there watching her die.

(shuddering breaths)

I had no idea.

I'm so sorry.

Ever since, my greatest fear is dying young.

But... my point is, after my fall, I should have been scared out of my mind.

But I didn't feel anything because of the pain meds.

And then... when the pills wear off, I remember how afraid I am. (sniffles)

(shuddering breaths)

And I'm me again.

It's not the pain.

It's the emotion.

Wh-What do you mean?

Do you remember when Sam stood you up and I lost it?


That's when you said the real me was back.

I was angry.

Christine is trying to keep us from having emotions.

Because when our feelings surface, so does our humanity.

For me, it's anger.

And for Hunter, it's fear.

What about me?


Your sister.

It was why Christine wanted you to forgive Sam.

So you could move on and join the kinship.

Don't you know what this means?

Do you?

We have a way to fight back.

A way to fight the kinship.

Pack your stuff.

As soon as the coast is clear, we're leaving.

Where are we going?

To find Julia.

That damn meteor probably took out half the country.

(dome creaks and rumbles)

We don't know if what happened outside happened everywhere.

We need to contact the outside world.

Oh, do we?

What's knowing gonna do for you?

You know, Jim, if you're just gonna stand there being useless, why don't you do it outside where you don't distract me?

You know, you're always Miss Can Do, huh?


I'll go look for my dog.


Indy, where you at, boy?



Change your mind? You care to help?

(computer beeps)

Forget it.

It's no use.

There's, um... there's nothing left out there.

How do you know that?

Go see for yourself.


You need to be doing this now?

Yeah, I knew the guy that owned this house.

Ferguson Faulkner.

Don't think ol' Ferg would want his house turned into a t*rture chamber.

He was a, you know, bleeding-heart type... rich as he was.

And... he was a lush, too.

Which means... we get to watch the world end while we drink the good stuff.


Obviously, he was a bird lover, too.

Yeah, he loved them so much he had them k*lled and stuffed.



Something funny?

I was just thinking how good I'd look stuffed up there.

They'd have a hard time with your hair, though.

And no trouble at all with yours.

Uh-huh, it's true.

Remember that time everything froze?

Yeah, that was the night Barbie...

Barbie what?

Nothing. Never mind.

Go on... with your fascinating story.

Well, when I fished Lyle Chumley out of the lake and, um... sidebar... I should never do that again.

(laughs) He started talking about the end of days.

And how the world would be on fire in some, you know, wall of flame a thousand feet high. (scoffs)

Like a lot of things, he got the apocalypse wrong, too.

The sixth extinction.


Dinosaurs were the fifth extinction.

Big old asteroid came.

Bye-bye, triceratops; bye-bye, brontosaurus.

We... humans will be the sixth.

Well, we may be an endangered species, but we're not going the way of the dodo anytime soon.


Say this fishbowl doesn't crack.

How long you think it's gonna be before Christine comes looking to wipe us out?

She said, you know, we stay out of her way, she'll stay out of ours.

Was that before or after you sold her out and I tried to k*ll her?

I say...

(grunts) instead of getting wiped out... that we should do the wiping.

There's no point.

What, are you afraid of getting your hands dirty?


It's not about that.

There's too many of them!

Look, you and I... are not much of a resistance; not without a way to turn people back.

Listen, I say we take these.

We take out as many of those, uh, those body snatchers as we can.

Just, you know, we make a last stand like, uh, Butch and Sundance.

Including the part where they die?

See, that's what you never understood.

Since the dome came down, that was the only outcome there was ever gonna be.

You're right.

(laughs): I can't believe I'm gonna say it, but... you're right.

(smacks lips)

Well... it finally happened, huh?

You finally, uh, giving up on all that... sunny-side-up, Pollyanna routine, huh?

Talking all that crap about how the dome's here to save us.

Oh, no.

I wasn't wrong.

(laughs) Oh, the dome's here to protect.

It's just not here to protect us.

Guess this means I'll never get to go to Paris.

Paris? (sniffs)

Plenty of stuff to regret more than... not getting to that dirty ciudad.

That's Spanish.

You know, I'm surprised that, uh, you never made it there, being, uh... all cosmopolitan like you are.

Surprised someone like you ended up here in Chester's Mill, to be honest.

How'd that happen?

Peter Shumway.

(chuckles): Right.

You know, I got to tell you, never made sense to me, the two of you.

Now you tell me.

(sighs): I don't know.

He was a doctor... maybe I was looking for security.

You find it?

(laughs softly)

You know he was a mess.

Couldn't even take care of himself.

I never knew what it felt like to be safe or in love until I met Barbie.

And look how that worked out.

(laughs softly, sniffles)

Such a cliché, right?

Falling for the dark, mysterious guy and...

(clears throat) then get all bent out of shape when he turns out to be dark and mysterious.

Look at us... two former enemies drinking at the end of the world. (laughs)


Oh, come on, Jim. (sighs)

You must have regrets.

Yeah, course I do.

With Junior.

Pushed him too hard, I suppose.

Talk about a cliché.

Treat your son like a second chance to overcome your own shortcomings instead of treating him like his own person.

You named him after yourself, for God's sake.

You're wrong.

Nice try.

You know, you and me, we might have some stuff in common, Julia, but do not try to dissect me with your cheapjack psychobabble.

There's only one thing in this life that I regret, and that's letting everything that I earned, everything I ever cared about... get taken away from me.

And I'll be damned if I let anything get taken away again.

(dog barking in distance)


(barking continues)

There you are, boy! There you are, boy!

Oh, good boy! There you are!

Good boy!

Good boy. (kisses)

Where were you, huh? Oh, yeah.

Where were you? Where were you?

Is that the sun?

No, it's coming from the wrong direction.

It's getting closer. What is it?

(whispers): It's a wall of flame.

(high-pitched pulsing)

I'm gonna bring back Sam.

Just like you asked.

(deep whirring)

(indistinct chatter)

(bell chimes)

No, no! Stop!

Joe, I'm not gonna hurt you.

What are you two doing here?

(low, indistinct chatter)


Have you seen Sam?

We have.


The Sweetbriar.

Whatever you hear, don't come out.

(bell chimes)


You in here?



It's good to see you.

What are you doing in here?

When those pink stars hit, I took cover.


Have they stopped?

For now.

Junior, why is there blood on your hands?

It's Christine.

She's been stabbed.

She's alive, but... you're the only one I can trust.

Do you know who did this?


But I took her body to the caves.

The caves?

I stopped the bleeding the best that I could.

But you have to help her.

Christine needs you, Sam.

Lead the way.

Sam: Oh, my God, the dust is so thick.

You can't even see the sun.

It's like it was before.

You don't remember?


Remember what?

The Great Destruction.

It's happening all over again.

Like it did on our home world.

It was so long ago, so many lives lost.

Which is why we traveled so far.

For safety.

Is it coming back to you now?

Of course.

All these people... aren't you worried anyone out here could be the one who stabbed Christine?

They won't follow us in the caves... they aren't special like you and I and Eva.


Each of us has a unique purpose.

That's what separates us from the drones.

And right now our purpose is to save our queen.

Watch your step.


You're no good to us if you fall and break your neck.

You never said why you brought Christine down here.

That's what she asked me to do.

You spoke to Christine? She's conscious?

You'll see.

We're almost there.

Come on. Keep up.

Junior, slow down.

We can't keep Christine waiting.

Junior. Junior?


What are you doing?

I'm hurting you, like you hurt Christine.

I had no choice. She's evil.

You're still not one of us.

Not part of the group.

You know what happens to those that aren't part of the group?

You don't understand... she put something in us.

I know.

We have to stop her.

The only one who needs to be stopped is you.

(both grunting)


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


No. No!

Hey, stop!

I can help you. There's a way in!

There's a way in here!

Dale, you can't help them.

The world outside... it's the past.

Humanity, with all its terrible flaws, with all the mistakes it's made... it's gone.

If we're gonna survive, you have to let it go.

I don't think I can.


When are you gonna admit to what you already know?

You're one of us.

You and I... we're part of something greater.

Julia gave this back to me.

They're part of a world that you used to be a part of.

But you can't save that world.

You can save the one you're part of now.

The one right here.

Please, Dale.

Join us.

Save us.

Christine's in there.

'Cause of you.

When she comes out, you're gonna answer for what you did.

Safe to say your Eiffel Tower's a... puddle of molten iron.

We're all that's left.

You and me, Jim.

We're the last living humans on Earth.

We're the last living humans on Earth.



Norrie, Joe! They're okay.

What are you doing here?

We came to find you.

Hunter? But he's...

He's one of us.

Just recently converted.

There's a way to save the town.



No, no, no, no, no, you're not going anywhere.

Are you ready to face judgment?

You're all sure you want to do this?

Like you even need to ask, Red.

Hell yeah, I do.


Then the resistance starts here.


Woman: Is anyone there? Please confirm.

I repeat: Is anyone there? Please confirm.